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POLISH -. Prze,glad Morski X9 (Sept.) 1971. pp 17-22, 55-59. 87-94, Table of Contents. DIA LN 153-73 November 1972 POLISH: Przeglad MQrski xlO (Oct.) 1971 Table of Contents. .1-0. 9-45. 73-75. 87-92. DIA LN 155-73; December 1972 POLISH: llrzf!qlkd_ Morski , No. 5 (May 72). pp 3-12, 13-26, T2-74, 83-85. 1"able of Contents D]A LN 1021-i72 (35 pp) I I AUG 1972 Deterr&wtion of the tbl cu3Ar HYdroaan CaUgIM WawboUa in Oast:LWp by Z. IaleCdd- POLUU, part mmyd- Odlaindatim Vol 15P NO 1., 1965., pp 0-9. 3B1 532.9 Sci - Meabanical., Lndustrl3lp CIvU,p and D-kirine En.-AncerIA7, inn (;,( cutivoyini, In tho romid"Y' by Z. ViEltiCiCWiC Z - -I POLISH, Per, PrZer'l OdIewn. Vol 1-~' 140 1, 1"U"", !)P 11-111 CIM/T. Sci - " 0, L * ~-' SeP 67 - , Haelmnizatian of Polish liftwdries, by StazUs- law pelesoxvId, I? ppe PQLMI,, per,, PrzaelEd MLevnictwa No 5, 11,50Y 1965P pp. 1~9--Iu- JPRS 30683 EF.-Palmnd Sam Jul 65 2B3,044 ProspoaW for thD Ekweloptant of the FoUsh Famdtv Indairtnvo tV Flw"ciszek streki, 6 pp. POLISH, per* PM wl~mlotva , .10 8, ]a AA AlLig 19659 pp 230-232. JM 32412 k.,:~ - ]Pblant I ~~Cxl oot 63 290.477 Fo -.n(?v .; Roamrah Jn Poland, Iv Cabriol 4RIAGIAlaAll, 11 pp, WL'-'SH9 per$ PrwidaO (,kamUetwa . .'i'o 8,j A.,,,g 1965, pp 237-242o MIS 3zaa !Z - Fo3juid Econ Oct 65 290*-haft wv,U Nim Feglorsal Faindrica in Vw USSR, by V. i;q llmrlw,, OT If Chotv=4,44n, V* V, Knarre and G. U. '.3akbsrw,. 11 pp? P6LWH,o per., iTteGlad Odlevnictwa., go 4, A~)r 1),66,, pp. n6-32is .nlns 36o)) UMB Pcon Jull 66 -313 Optilm= Pouring Teoperaturo or Casting Dies and Forging Dies, KUL$11, per, Prz unew, Vol 16. pp 21-22. BISI 5997 sci-Illat I-Ar 68 cast st"i for by Z. DUrMflaft. lio 11-12. 1966. Y+9.)44 Economic Reaults of the 83,Wrinental Method of Operation in Foundries, by Ryazard Jarsmonowaki, 9 pp. POLISH, per, Przeglad OciLevnictwa, No. 1, Jan 1967, pp. 2-4. JPRS 40243 EE -Pol and Z sat o n Apr 67 324193 i*uct of ca,;t lmi i'mi.,ortaL L-s ai t-42t lAfe of POLI.',J~f L-0174 !,nz. Vul 17, Ao 3, 1-067, ij) 222-243, INUISI 7783 bec 69 Devolapont of ChiM Costing af Iron In Po2and aud Othw SoclaUst Countri",, by Tadows OlosovaIdj, ZULVIIL4w PlkljkLevlm and Zan 22 ppe POLEMN PW* Od3A_vmjst!p RM&jW .0 No. 6., jum 1967 pp. U*-2M- iris Gifi ="Polaad 6oi4GBch flept 67 339052 Founduy Production Shows improveanent, py Franciszek Streke 11 PP- POLISH, per, Przeglad Odlewnictwa, No. 12, Warsav.,, Dec 67, pp. 365-369. JPRS 44,577 Sci-Mech.,Ind- #Civil and lLarlne r-nglneerlng -h U mrcl 68 351,945 J. Szreniam'ski Effect; of thermal radiation on the expansion and contraction of molding sands. 17 PP. POLISH, per, prze lad odlewnictva~ Vol 18, No 2, 1968, pp 41-4-6 AIR/FTD-HC-23-1530-71 july 72 Pipes of Spheroidal Cast Iron Clast by a Centrifugal Method, by Tadeusz Jachimezyk, 13 pp. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY POILISH, per, Przeglad Odlevnictwa, Dec 1970. Arm/FSTC/HT-23-494-72 Dec 72 11, - - R. ChudzWewicz I Technological Properties of' Loose Self- Sanlaning Massee. POLISH, per, Przeglad Odlewnictwa, No 1, 1971, pp 14-18 NM 72-60348-11F sept 72 Production of Bleachod Sulfate PUIPS ,' ~b~s From Pinewoodp Birchwood, and Birob- wood Blends., by W. Surewics. 13 pp. p POLISH, per, P&DIernlogyp Vol 26, No 3, 1970p pp 85-89 AIR/FTD-RC-23-1531-71 Fab 72 J4 'Kedmia A~Zymarimation of callutofie usod for meaouring daterioration of eZectricaZ insulating paper. 20 pp. POLISR, PrzegZad Papiarniczy, VcZ 27, No 5, 1971, p,R 162-165 Afl?IFTD-RC-23-680-72 U.S. GOVtT USE ONLY. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION nov 72 loqwegrurtion of corrugated roof4ng board made J)rom Paper pulp. 21 pp. POUSH. Prj3e-qW papiernimV., Vol 27, No 5, 2971, pp 274-179 ATRIFTD-IIC-23-683-72 U.-S. COVAT USE ONLY. COPYRIGHT INFORMTXON nov 72 Reviow of Modwn naval Wealons. MATUN. bk. PI-malawi -Qgk apm Mcrnariek-OR I ~ml p 67 -- h PP* NAV/bIICIPRU'A*N' 11-M W" Jan 69 372.550 Prollvitnary Oporationn Boforo the Curln';-, of Now 111idoc, by 1411. Pictrzy1towald. POLISIT, per, Shor'.I.IuiX, Vol 21j, No U', IgGg, pp 166-169. J'TTC- ? I - 106 ) 8 7-11 G Nov 71 I. i.rt 1 11,,-, or 111. d (Y 1; 1.11 -'III I 10 1 Ld A -Frflo Id (I 11ol.r. , by L. l[c)c-'Ul*. POLISH, per, Przeglad Skorzany, Vol 24, .1170 6, 1969, PP 170-171. !FrC-71-106006-110 Nov ~'l Suxive~ of Parachutes, 9 pp .It POLISH, Przeglad Spadochronc)w, A (. *,*.":, I - 1%' - 0 T~ b ~9 FSTC-HT-23-1599-71 May 72 Som Lxperiments on Cold Fricitional Binding Of Alwdm= and Copper Sheets, by A. SlUZOL100, 10 U-0. P01,1~11, per* Prse&lad Slawalriletwu lio 2,, Z= --- 9 1966, pp 4J-44. P100264968-V FrD-' Iff-23-Mg-67 scljl~at Nov 68 366,993 Stress corrosion of Metal, its Causes, Manifestations and Hffects, by Michal Smialowski. 111h!,, POLISII, per, Przegl_ad Spawalnictwa, Vol 19, No 1, 1967, pp 1-6. ACSI J-2592 FSTC-IIT-23-232-68 ~~ " C/ N A)4,L /!L[' Sci-Materials Mar 68 375,426 Weilding vith an ZImtron Been, 4 pp. PC)L3=,, per,, Prz!glad Optiva3mletva Vol 19, 2====o No 3. 1967v pp 78-79. AIR/MAT-23-123"7 Bel-Materials Nov 66 366,,322 ,:~~Ilw,iiluric C~Orrudal 'lesistailm Of Sav-o La-p- .,110" J".1s. F. ~,aluva, J. L ~jlaU ;~)c'FLJZLhli PLdtL~A, p0r, Vlrw~ ctwa, VOI 19, 11, 1967, 261-267. .At.il 7341 clct G9 394,49 394,298 Premmure WOMIng of Ba.U Bmring Casesp by H. ftykau. per, POLMSHO Val 20p no is 1968~ pp-10;;M. Scd/Moch Mar 69 376pgoT Invostit7ationa of Diffusion Partuneters in Welded Altuninium-Steel Joints, by 19. R. Rjabow. POLISIT, per, Przes-,lad Spawalnictwa, Vol 21, 11"o 10, 1969, m, Z37-239. NTC-7 I - 10247-1311 NOV 71 On -Uic) Adheoion af I~poxidcr-Glass Lnminato to Steel Duraluminum and Copper., idth Synthetic Resins, by W. Szlw;~mgier. POLI,qf, per., Przefy,:Lad ~Rawab-dctwa~ Vol 21, No 10, 1969., pp 254-256. NTC 71-14495-11A Feb 72 Problems Relative to the 11wory of the Cold Fric- tion Welding of Metals, by A, Sluzalec. 8 pp. POLISH, per, Przeglad Spawalnietwa., Vol 21, No 11, 1969, pp 274-276. AIR/FTD-liC-23-957-71 Feb 72 Cooperation among the BqXLM*riAg Industries of CIM comtriesp I)y xaml POIROOkp 5 pp- PCLM, Pero PLi!!Zled Te:hutcM No 34, 22 Avg 3.965,, pp- I and 3- JPJ;S 32231 LN-Poland Bcon oct 65 20908W Tlie Prob3mus end Tll~i of the Chemical Industries of CEPA CoFuintr,,Leo,, ITy Co Wynch- ofo]W* 7 PP - POLMI., per, EL-Rlaa!Ld TledmIS!.pX Ilo 35, 29 Aug 3965.. PP* 1 and. 7& JPRS 32235 M-Polmd FAM Oct 65 23-9,774 Plans fbr the Torwbrzel; Sulfur Azea, by Fo Pipals, 5 Vp. POLM, yer, Prseglad TwmixalcM No 3, rr Oct 1965, W. 1, 4. JPMB 32950 Im-pol -w1 Ilow mc 65 292,300 Dovelopmnt of the Fuel and Power B"O in Polmad, by Jan Mitregap d pp- POLMJ,, per, Lrw&Lad TOchaimny No 3, 17 ftt 19650 pp. 5p U. MRS 32950 Mt-Pol and Econ Doe 65 292OD1 The Future of SanU(bnductors in Pbland, by Jorgy Motom. 5 pp. POLISH, per. Pre!Z10 -Tachniamw. No 13, 26 liar, 1967, pp. 1.7. JPRS 40'589 bE.Poland Econ may 67 325,355 Long lianfo Plan for the i'OltLsh ..ining Industry, by inz. it. L-lielcaregyk, 5 Pi)- PUL)14. por, Prv.94ai~d tog c-=Y, 110 39, 24 6ap .11?67. p 6 jpl-6 4.309~ 'ioi . -larth ici pid (,coan iiov 67 343.673 Achlovev.onts of tho l,oreiGn Trado Enterprise, by iionrk Aaslkowski, 10 ppm P~J-15i`, par, I'mar lad TochnJ.czmv, No 40. 1 (.,ct IL.-,67, D-11 4-5- h~v,i'olancl h~on Nov 67 343.669 Development of Polish Mining Zaduwtx7, by Jan Mtroffia, 3 pp. POUSH, part bM2gW, jeabnA,owwo No 49# 3 Doc 1967o pp 11,6o JM 44060 ':kd-bA4-th Sol F4b 68 3490-56 Autamtim of PoUsh Coal Msm * br Edw&W Mikul& t 5 pp. POIJBIl. per# Znw2M In -am. No 49. 3 Doc 196?. 7. JPRS 4WO Sol-bArth Sa Feb 68 349,057 OOM*"B dW th* ftVtJWj, by We %dwhald. PCIMM6 0 -PMfijmd %WmLnmr. No a6s, Aws W~p pp I & be ACSI J-700D 84d-NW Sol ftt 69 Vls, 293 some ftobims or Ummaning Uw Rate of Cathode SpAtcrIM ln SmIconftatons by WsIslaw MajevWd. POI=, W, P"og;!!!d Tech, vol q# Jul 1968j, pp 320-325. NASA TT F-12*053 Sol-Pkgrs Oct 69 392#942 Pros. C(ma of Ave I' 'ay Work 1%*ek Enumamted, by Br,cmioUw lAa*dcld. 5 pp. PLIISIJ, np, ftgo&l 1968, pp 1, 10. Ad T*clWdcjjSX. Warsaw. 29 sept JP-CIS 46918 Ei~-Poland Faan Doo 68 353,987 Goals of Polish limforrmw 1-blustry Cutlinod, IW 14 SItasikwxId , 5 ppo .jtj ~~q a X. tiarsaw. 12 Jan PULTSHO np. L"e . h iSig% g1 1969, p 2. JM 47716 Q ka-mat Apr 69 379,073. Assult Bridges Mounted on TrucktKI Velliclos, by 11. Bajl)or. 8 pp. POLISH, per, Przcglad Techniczny. No 3, 1969, PP 1-5. ACSI-J-7452 vsm-m-23-300-70 Sci-l-lech Dec 69 397.381 Recent Reorganization of'Ursua Flant Discussed. by Jalcub mopeo, 6 pp. i,(;LISIJ* rpt, Prppr]Ad Tqchnicgkl~. Warsaw. 9 Mar 1969, pp 19 5. JP&S 47V4 Sol-Mech Aw 69 381.395 Qv4wtw of AgriAmIU" QrgWo TV Slanis Jawomomko 5 pp, Pulmillp Mo -Pklmwdo-4 10ohnigialb Warjmw,, U~1~0 -tt~ pp 0 im 484M Sci-Agri Aug 69 388t928 Fastt Future Goals of Fulavy P2=t ftesentede by Tadmaz Poftrwookit 3 pp. FMMH~ npe &-"" bqbn-Imyj, warsawe 15 Jtm 19690 p .5o JPHS 48488 BE-Poland Kom Aug 69 338027 Cybornotles In CL-14A Motallurgy Describod. by Greegorm borowinski, 5 pp. j C=111, per* Lrqt!g:Lad Teelmicimy, Warsaw# 6 July 1969. no is, 30 J;- HS 4m1? Sci-Lyber Aug 69 39093W TKI trio Power, 14cLahim Lidustrimal Tanks Given. bor Soloslaw Adamoldo 7 pp. POLXSH,, perl, FrmxW Techni 1M:o Warsav# 5 Oct 1969p pp lp 10. JFRS 49M S*i-hberv Conv (Nan-Ptop) Nov 69 -396v246 IMfective Use of Research Man]xxor Urgedp by Grzogars Borcuinolds 5 pp- iujsHl, port PmrIA-d TooWdcM Warsaw, ra Dbo 19699 pp 1p 8-9% ins 49726 Sol-ScientloU & Sci Organs Fab 70 399t614 $4-&d md Bid Qwn ;FAIr ?o 403o" - -- -- - - - -- - --- - at~wjjm. Ivodmum of SyntbAlm MGM asevamodo bW lWouss J,'*dwv*cJd* I npo 1:;cmmjj~ %V: 4OW4d T M, skraw. I I*Lr SOM"C 39?Dtk pp 3. ** afts ~cm ,t*Wkt Apr 70 ".324 Mftusmd. bty Czomlxw I%Jroo ell Too Ipp 14 "I.Pas X"4 Mi6iNaabd Ifem oucky 70 tw Xvp gaBb now 0 Pat IPC js~Mtituto of Low Tamporatums 11,01*MADt'llral Itasoaroh" by Donat ":'atonsi"J, ~!arsauy, aTIRS 5,3105 I'Day 71 Olorok Meats With Toohnii3al Orgarrimtion 0115.0.1rAln, 9 pp. )POTASIG np, Prmeglad lloolmioz , Warso-VIA 9'Dlay 71, XPFIS 53341,0~5 ;hat T.L ftato2%.0 Afreeting Economic Growth in 14"elm.&D, by Tnnuam Rie,ionoit, 6 pp. POLISH, np, Przoglad 7achrilezny, ~,'arsww, A ag '11, 7. .11215 .5 Oct; 73. Irriventorloo to no .50 Bil:L101-1 ,;~,;Ijatyrmo by Tvdauar, poclij- ,yjjocj~j, r' -,2ad 'Nool iz. -Y '111,mr 71 Oonstruction of DOOP-Mater -port 00 by Taclousz Podwysoeki, 5 pp. 'Porason, np, Przoglad Tochniemnyp l..'arsavr, 3.7 Oat 111, PP 1., 4. JPRS 54551 Doe 71 ... II)w Vaco of Computer Devolopment Deplored, ty marok SmnotyJp 5 pp., POJ~J'M, x,~pp Przejalad Tochniomy, "Vaassavy, 17 OM; '11, p=p, ?;*.---- xpi-ts 54551 I)OC 71 Problems of P-)lyctiiylene Plantic Prod~iction in Piland, by Witold Dmillovicz and Miroslaw Kawalewski, 9 pp. POLISH, per' Prze-fled Techniki., No 31, 31 juiy 1966, PP. -5- JPYS 37-6h4 EE-P:)lanEl Ecou Sept 66 310,297 klor"OUVO rt"]APment Of Scientific Romoarch Im ltmdio-~aootronlox In PoUndo bor Aixbrzoj WOmrp a pp- POWSR pert Frm2LlLd 'r9lekommdJ=yjW,, Vol 37 til), Apr lo 4, pp 97--=. JOLS 31262 S3i - Bleatronics Jul 65 I'he Elootrcnica and TelecomoTmimtions Indis.- t~ at the yft Ftww Intwmtional Fairp bty Ins* Jacak Dsekowlak and Inse L-,dwik FWTorartains, 51 ppe JM&qHj, per, tsm ", zo 140 50 Aw 1965a pp 229-IM5. JWS 323M YZ - Pbland Ikoll A 65 2869593 Cnntrol DeVices, for an Automatic Telephone 1;xchange Uaisig the Crossbar System, by T. Plisek. POLISH, per, Prze2lad Telekomunikacyjny, No 8, 1965, pp-235-243. AIR/EVD/Hm--23-723-67 SCi-NaV Feb 69 374,410 bm-ldre Telephone Ropeater with Poriodically- Owmacted Amplifying Ciroult. by T. habseik. 21 pp,, P4AXsfl# per,, Prsejzlad TelskomunIkeenimy, No 32,, 1963. PP 327-334- A:ER/nD/-HT-23-?V"? AD 845 453 Scl-Navi Fab 69 -T?29919 jwwrs-iblebdcades Built with Fast DTL L-fiects, by A. Sawicki, 17 p1). POLISH, per, Przelled Telekowun, Vol 38(4). 1966, pp 104-IUU. AUCINII-Tr- 1736-os Sci/Llec Jim 69 385,511 Tcal Yonra of the Activitles of the Tole - and Radlop tV No Clallasuik. POL31K**pOrj, Prre&lad Te3,AkmEqiRv-G[ 30 "t MW 3M 14.5-1-52- ACSI J-05L-0 ID 2.V4041766 Sici-Haviap C=amicatlon,, Detect C11, 1~ - ,-~ C, Nov (;6 313, ~, iwcomr-iondationti conccrninj.~, orld Clivitito llogion3 for Uso in Tuchnical Pq)l)li- cations, by Jim Zurnowsky, POLISH, per, Przoglad Tclekoutaiikacyjn~~. Nu 8, Sppt 1966, Ip 242-245. Acsi J-1236 11) 2204056066 Sci-Ear Sci Ilab 67 319,088 6 sept 67 hatollits Kadl 0-com*U01 gait 1 4m# 0 by Prof. tw. U44tiolow 5lawlaskle PlOW44, Frouglad TolulawailacyJay, 'Wol SO No is may 1967, p-P 151-15%10 sa"Awo KU tiv ipardol, TwT4m 9t OrIg plus I ER P166946 T*ZMjn !-cl-okilato cimim, The Expansion in Commuications in Bulgaria. POWSH, per, Przeg~ad-Telel&o=unikacyijmP 1968, PP 1-3- DIA LN 135-TO Sci-Nav Oct 69 395,059 The Satellite Lines of Telecommunications, by Stan1s1w rWzko. POLISH, per, Przeglad Talek3munikacyijpy, 1968, pp 4-iu. DIA LN 135-70 sci-Nav oat 69 395,060 Elect--onic6 -wo Tel, -CommunicaLions in the Light of Lbe Requiramento of the National Economy nnd Culture and Uso of the Untional by U. JkYzko, 3 PP POLIMI, per, Przeglad Telekowunikacyj Vol 41 No 2, 1969, PP 38-39 AIRJTD/ HT-L3-G49-69 sci/mixterials upr 70 ~,o6,550 ---- - --------- j*"uvA"s 2romft in the Piltdactim of Nob&le UHF Sartace ArAto CommmloWUm Btaidpwot., by T# NijpdcolcVv)d* 15 pip'. Imallo, xyto ftd -T a Vol h2,t No I 197DIX pp I AWMAIT-23-795-70 4wil 71 New Trends in the Development of TV projection , Equipment, by J. Walczyk, POLISH, per. Przaglad Telekomunikacyjny, Poland. Vol 42, No 12 1970, pp 9-14. APL/JHU-J-1715 I May 72 a.... oittion ?Zivw otvousso4 4 pp. 1. - Mo Z, w rq=jr, per, mm4dLaUhxmdnikao..y~jvi~ 70 , p 36446C p mIL,-M-23-;Pq9-n Dn/ i~ Da" Txmnwd ad C03 :112 poloodi, W I%*** Qqrlko 15 spe, . ",0 '&km= . imolli: 10%,1139WILPIA16 AlAIPTRAO-23-182-11 SiPt 71 MOP" ft" udoldca UU* to oporAe Ba- twom tho rte*WmdLe Ccmpdar fttaTrUs at Wrotaim amd the Inamstriga Eqmip- mot p3mvb at Njmzrp %W Jo H=UWMUD 12 ppe F= 99, Transmission, ~by W,~ MJOWMIal 20 PP. Vol 42, POLISS, per, EEezj&IjA t2MM&IWLCY.=I no 21 19700 PP .55-59 AXIOTD-HO-23-Z21-71 Sept 71 Vjtft md ftXvl Tolopboo ibmudusUmaj. bv Tel NF% 1970 9-14. Telephone Instrument P-roduotion in Poland., by Jan Druzynskii. 10 P13. POLISH, per, Przeglad Telekomunikjjc-vjn-v, Vol 43, No 4, 1970, pp 127-129 AJ:R/FTD-HT-23-281-71 Max 72 Fob 7 2 Polish-Produoed Television Transmission Vanp by K. Tyminskuq 5 pp. POLI*5Hp perv Prgeg.ad Telekomunikac7jnZ,, Vol 43P Noe 8-91, 1970j, pp 309-311 AIR/FTD-HT-23-708-ei'l Feb 72 -ti w 13 loov '(0 LT ladlo direction flnding iuml cljort distanea air radio navidption, by K. Kunuehov.*'L-,cz- Nmrisav.p J?rze&Lad teleko=mJkaUJM., Ro 10, 1970., P.p :P.3-32D. UpeclAl type B - do n!pt publinh - translator's draft Plus Olm copy, J. O'ieiczrcu,17-, 4eotov Switches of Zzout proa:ltction. 15 mo. Prpcz,;au7to 17 1971, p'. 3- ------- 7A Electronic Industry DeveloTment Pro.-Tam in 1971-1975 Discussod, by Jacok Kijaic, 18 nn. POLISH, ner, Przeglad Telekomunilcacyjny, '-!arsaw, ',-,o 2, PeU 72, pp 49-55. JPRS 55712 Apr 72 F.1octronics Industry DeNrelonments Outlined, by Alina Muszynslkra, 7 pr). POLISTz, nor, P Irzoglad TcleIf.o1-aunik.-cyjny, I..'arsaw, i.'0 3, T~a-r--77-, z)-o 102---101~-.- TPRS 55839 MU 72 c,orutimilcialorin oovolotmonts Stuiiviari~;cd, 15 n 1) POIII~I-T, per, Pr--cf-,lad lele!coraunij -ra c y jny, I.-larsall, '' 10 '), Mnr-77Tr~I-) 106-107. X'i,S '~')831? MaY 72 probloms in Electronics and Tolecommunications Development outlined, by Jozef Knysz, 14 pp. POLISH, per, Przeglad Telekomunikacyjny, Warsaw, Apr 72, -pp J-13-1-10. JPRS 56202 Jun 72 q4p*06 t Computerit0d TelecommWcation System 8 by ;erzy Artmmia, pp. PbLjltjti~~ p~arg Przoglad Tolokomunlkaeyjny,-- --'Wjkr'iAw-;!:-No 101-0-0-t~, pp 321-3M. nfl~g - 57560 Nov 72 Coefficient of Yarn Shrinkage, by W. Zurek. POLISH, per, Pmeg~~ad Wlc!~eEd z , no. 11, .1969, m). 52j7~25- LI, vol. 23 im (on lc~an only) August 19'(l Trends and Tendencies in the Develop- ment of Inert Finishes, by J. Mleissner. POLISH, per, ZrzeF:lqa_11jokien.Acz- v, 1970, pp 267-270. ATC 72-11112-11E Hay 72 Exorciso for the Tank Platoon, by p-arian Socala, 93 lip, POUSIf, per Przo la I iiojsk Ladowych. No 1, 1965, CIA IN 29S E (1) j~i) 2'SM~0/5ZGS-v E'Eur/Mil/Poland Apr 66 2970440 Carrying Uut Ubsorvation Vurinj, the Attack and Cn the March, by Wszok Janicki, 93 lip. POLISH, por PrZoglad Voisk Ladowych, NO 1, 1965 AIA M 295 B (1) T-1) - d 3,~6 -- ~/ t:Eur/Plil/Poland AI)r 66 297,463 141adarsilip and Cojajw,j in t1le C I'Izitl)cnlo iuld ~;Cjuad' '01,Y)MIY# 93 Ply. bY' Jail Krajewski, P(AISlis 110r, Prze d ". '40 1 1 O'sk kwowycli- 1965 a DIA L-14 295 i~) r 66 297,457 The Cojitrol Exercise for tho (~bsorvatiai of un Ixtillary liuittery, hy I'lljor Ly.'~'Uwt czarnota, 10 p1). PULI.Al, por, Przq~glad ilo-isk Laclow.veli. No 1, 1965. iJA Ui 29S U.' ('2) 6 6 297,3D7 J~o Conn a'ss allcc of i3airriers iLt Water Ubstacies & I)Y Ztlzislatr 11rdluwaski, 10 per, P1.z c1, No J. 1gos. IJA iL U,' I-L, 24;7 295 il C21 8019565 EL-ur/,'~Iil/ POland A'!ar 66 297,376 Tying in of tho Combat Foruation Ulei=ts and the Directicn of th* Firing of an Artillery Rattery Using the Data Vran the Zeroed-In Arti'llory Tar_rot, by diuslaw Szwodowski, SIS pp. POLISH, per, Przedad i"ciisk Ladowych, Ra 1, 1965, pp 153-4-165. DIA M 295 E (1~, Apr 66 297,462