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Chrl*ti" DMOCrAt StAlrA94 POlItICS1 VIOVOO 15 pp, GOVERIUM 959 OILY IWWI, Buems Afresq SPAIUSH* parg Ptimerg F 28 Nww-4 Dee 67, pp. 34-39. JPRS QUO 2672 LA(Axgmtina) politi"i Jan 68 347s791 Fonor fre*Went Frandial IntorvIeved, 17 pp. QDVERMUxr USE ORLY WARM=, per, Prinva PI , Bumms Alres, i 3-11 Doe 67. pp. 30-42, JPRS 00 2672 LA(AraentIM) Political Jan 68 347,792 f4mdlor Dismsfies Argentina Political Situationp 11.1 pp* COVERNOW USE ONLY STANISH. per, ZE&gM Pj%MO No. 239, Buems Air**, 12-18 Doe 67, pp. 40.". JPRS GUO 2672 LA(Argentina) Political Jan 68 347t?93 ushop Replaced *a Apositolle Administrator$ 11 PP! 9OVERNUM USE ONLY spAnSE6 per* Wo r m, Buenos Alregi, &A M Igo, 2-"* 12-18 Doe 67D pp. 53-57. JPIS GOO 2671 LA(Argentirla) Political Jan 68 347,790 Interviow With Gen Carlais J. Rosso, 8 pp. GOVMN?IENT USE ONLY SPAXISH, per, Primera 2P~Ilana* Buenos Aires, 16 Jan 68, p. 34. JIMS GUO 2707 LA(ArgentIna) military Feb 68 350,315 T cafievo Inteniew Covor, a Variety of Subjects, 10 ?P- GoViWooff USE ONLY SpANISH9 per, rrlinergt Plano 9. Buenos Airess, 23 Jan 68, PP- 34-37- JFRS GM 2707 LA(ArgentinS) Political Feb 68 350v316 National Revolutionary Principles 3Disputed, 7 pp. GOVMWMWT USE ONLY SPANISH.- per, Prim:a Plana, Buenos Aires, 20-26 Feb 68, -p-p=.-14. JPRS GUO 2738 LMArgentina) Political March 68 352,781 Interview With Madlio Olms, 16 pp. GOVERNNENT USE GNLY SPANISH, per, Aires, 20-26 JPRS GUO 2738 Wi (Argentina) Political March 68 Primera Plana, Buenos Feb 68, pp. 34-37. 352,782 Argm.itine Judiciary (Ulshea Wl LULY ~U'AN16U, npp t7l-lgom ~16-4-ws pp 13-15. ji-w1l, 2837 IA-Arsentina Pal AVZ, 68 idth Goverturmnt, 8 pp. ;t5 June-I JU3,3r 1968, 364,oo4 SurwW o'hows Argentines Lukeimrm on Governmento 7 pp. Gt)VLl-'UIA'U, IT USE WLY SPANISH, np, k-,rljuem -!--2&m. 2-5 June-I July 1968, pp 2()-21, 22. J;Pjisll. 2837 LA-Argantdma Ilbi Aug 68 364.003 fooniblo Jeamdt ConapdLracry Uscussed, 5 pp. G(jVhfuAlW#iT I)Sk, ONLY SPANINEE, np, 4ftnem kJaM, !~-13 July 3.968. pp 22-23. JIWIL 2M IA-Argmutina 1101 sop 68 365.420 GmApoquancus of Alsogarsyle Regsigmtion Weigied, 13 pp. Si'APISE, np, Sylpers Plaw. Buenos Aires, 13 to 19 Aus 1968, p 13. jz~m. 463z2 LA-A i-gontina ~- *1 uat 153 367.473 Az,gontinn Ftiooo Industrifil Clinllongo, b:7 Julinn Dolgado, 59 PP. GOVERMENT USE ONLY SPAMISH, per, Primera. Plana, Buenos Aires, 3-9 so tg;Mer 190-opp 35-80. JP113/1. GIJO 299.5 LA/Argentinn 369,28.5 Econ uov 68 Coot Olr-44/T2 V If n Feb. 1M BF History of Permian; The IM94 sses. of Jorse Antonio. W-Mr-A EFI-M-R-A IT Seyt. 1903., Mo. 299p Vp 51-52 and 54.- Ad Boc specua type B Do wt pAbllsb arlmsnO plus one To D. 25 F*b. 1972 Argentina Proposos Interamorican Militnry '~~Ystom, 5 pp- G0VHAU241,,'.Trl USE ONLY SPAITIM, por., Primern Plann, Buenos Airosj, 1-7 October 1960, PP 13-W.- JPt-?.,:VL GUO 2893 LII/Inter-fin 353,062 Hil Nov 68 Paruvlan Preeidontial Cmididates Discussed, 5 pp. GOVDITIMENT USE ONLY SPANISH, per, Primera Pltma, Buenos Aires, 1-7 October 1965, pp 26--2F7-. JFRS/L GUO 2898 LAIPeru 353,o66 Pol Ilov 66 Once Again a MUtary Govermint In Pewup bor RobW,,,* Garedso 5 ppo GovmIxua USE OINLY SPANnS, part &&Mm PjAm Daermn Aires, 8-14 Cut 1968, pp 25~-27. JPRS GUO 2922 IA-Peru POI Do* 68 370,?28 The "Christme RebeMan" in the CathoUc Cbuvho 6 pp. GOVFMICNT USS ONU SPANISH# per# Dd~ml Mom, Basnas Aixes,, 31 Doe 1968-6 Jan 1969. pp V-14. JPRS GUO 2955 IA-Argentim fti Feb 69 373,8& Hishop Center of Confl-tat In Catholic Church, 8 pp. GvVimilluiT USE (MIA SPANISII, rpt, LAm"m 4asm, Buenos Aires, 4-10 Feb 1969v pp 24-269 JilliS/L 2987 IA-ArgeaAlm POI 378.983 Problems of National UnivemIties in Interior. 14 pp. GUVhkWl,'l MT USE QNJA SPANISH. rpt, Pjdjftt& &M, Buenos Alreaq 18-24 Feb 1969. pp 22-n. JM/L 2M LA-Argesitino POI. .-- 'e~m -%Mt. Ote" A;ft,'air &Klangers Goverment Stabilitaro 5 PP4, GOVEANWIT USE ONLY -~PAJIMA4 part bc&m Pump Eusnos Aims# Z2-28 Apr 1969# pp 8, go HAS GUO .3042 LL-Argentim POI Jun 69 -Attadk on WrIters Reflects Lliter~ Crisis$, 7 ppe GOVERNMNT USE ONLI SPANISHO Ivarg Primem Pl=mp Wenos Aires, 20-26 May 1969# pp 53-55. JFRS GUO 31087 LA,Cilba POI Aug 69 :3889850 Students Lead Movemnt to a Raw opposition, by Re A.p 10 pp. UOVMQ#ZNT USE ONLY SPANIS14 p%rp Primera Plamalp Lbmos Ai"% 3-9 Jun 1969, pp JPRS GUO 3D87 IA-Argentim Pol Aug 69 3889849 Armed Forixte Reaot to Cabine-L Appointments# 10 pp* GOVFMM14T USE OnT SPANIS14 parp I I; I Plana. Basnos Aires@ 1?-23 Jun 190,- -PP 10-140 JPRS GUO 3087 IA-Argentim Pal Aug 69 3889848 Conspiracy Alleged aelAnd LaLlancals Retirement, 6 pp. GOVEMUM USE uULY 3"ANISH, per-, i3ftMera ilan 41: Ang 1969, pp-10-3-11 g&, Wenos Aires, 29 July- Jllii~7L 31W LA-Argen ~ 01 Diviadon Hetweon Church and (MUNML-NT USL CANLY SI-AlaSlit part Primera I-lam, 4 Auff 1969V ~P-1-6:1-9- Jj:'ii7L 3123 IA-Argan pol s4k~ 69 State 9 pp. Buenos Aires, 29 July- 391.962 -W ---w .0 r .b I -.1i10 1-40 k4VA4 4W4 a 1070 Ipp 0. 0 J*MOiV Alroso 33 Ji wil i;-;4 -LbAm"Otift JldL 00t 70 aw np F*.IA X9 lK Alrem,- 6 cat 4UAVI 3362 'A"fteotum Aa now, 70 0 ll:~~ 0 6 PP* biw*40 tir WirEogialf WE QW1 al~oamp ap, UJMM6_~ Sambmis Area* 20 (xt 19vol P.P 14-18. lprws/L .3590 L"290"kam 14A Mw ?0 Cowltry Awaits flovolution, Not a Coup D'Atato by Raul lltatera, il -,,)p. CIVIERIFROXT USE ONLY SPAN13H. per,Primcm Plarta, Buenos Aires, 10 Feb ?I, PP =1-r3--- JTRIS/L 37,2.5 LA/Arg,e-ntina 1101 Apr 73. -7-7T-7-7-77777-7-7- - - - - I%wAaS of H*Uaml Agroommt. Disoussed, tV WICS E4 Agtdnaaa, 0 PP, SOMISJR& nt:p, Wenom Aires, 30 ,,far 1971. VP I I . J"M/L w68 IUW 71 ALutow Politlaa Counteraf-ftnaive Disclosed. 6 ipp* tivavuwliiar un any Baanos Ums. 11 n1p, jAp!em hy OD JUDUCIAaJAa N*V4tjV Ccmtlnuoat 5 pp. C"il-4411WIT WE WLY UVANISRo per, FrImam. . Bamos Aires, 13 Ju3,y 29710 pp 10-12. -irwIL :~866 Aur. ?3. ! .. Q*WAOA IntWTIOWd On MM41 Of RDVaUtA*no OV Cm-los VAXUr Arqdcw. Pld3V CMV Mbt*t 7 YP& OANIS199 up, lUenos Airea, 13 July :19710 pp 14-a6. JJW/Z, ~878 I I - ~ - .. - - I ~ I ~ "rIw of Argentina ;%Ameralan Given, 17 pp, 0 MmOIT WE CHLY UOU410 npe am nans, Uuenom Alrou. 20 July IWI. pp 34. 36, 38. 39. 40. PlMi/L 3691 .5 qt 71 - -1. 1 ~ I- -i tlOfton F-2ans and StMtookols lIffouBsed. 6 pp. GOVIMMINT USH MY SMISHo Mi, _PE&EW fiMo bmmDs Airov, A Aw,, 1911 it :pp 8-10. JkZISIL ~- 920 oat 71 ~- _t I'lang Inteirviews Jorgo Antonio, 14 pp. Prklmer *,CPVkRWU:NT WE C44LY SPANISR, per, Frimera Flana, Buenos Aires, 23 Nov 19111. pi) 30-38. JAiIS/L 4-102 Mar 72 AOk*mp)Aea of Possible Praddential candidatc-a. 22 pp, GOVU10,111,011T MiL, MILY -',T,maSIL, np, L'usnos Aires. 30 VIOv L 4014 Jon ?2 29 Arma 71 w cc a Tmmlm ftwe am" Alms mms "Ala Dim. la, TJL tqpwrxgbt3 pum - *MSA is ***U& *no P - AD wt lablIah - tmmUtowlto om eam. Argentina's Salvation Said to ,'est With kleron, by Jorge Antonio, 5 PP. GQVI!Mil-,N~T LISS 014LY Si-AVIISii, per, 1:aAmera Plana, Buenos Aires, 4 Apr 1972, pp 14-15- - JI-RS/L 4162 LaY 72 formoncint Housing Construction Plan in Troublo, -5 m) - GUV1!~U~v"'~`T WE ONLY SiIANISH, per, irimera illana, Buenos Aires, 4 Apr 1972, pp 22-247--- JfRS/L 4162 1,;aY 72 i:eronist Leaders Interviewod in l-Adrid. by Carlos Frank, 11 pl). GUV&ZEi.~j~T WL UNM SPANIS~ti, per, Pri-mera Plana, lsuenos Aires, 18 Apr 1972, pp U-14. J11"ii/L 4162 hay '?2 Coloncil Guevara Outlines History of Anti- I-eroni sra, by Juan Francisco Guevara, 5 PP- GQVL~!Q-11!~vT USE OPLY Si'ANISH, por, illnjora I-layla. Buenos Aires, 18 Apr 1972, pp 14-15. JilRb/L 4162 r,ay 7z Si~*ziltlaimad to be Vying fcr Control of Bolivia, 5jPP. GOVERJUMT USE ONLY SPANISH, r-Y.3. ZZAMera_-F.1ana, Eusnos A-Ires. 27 June 1972, I)P 54-55- J FRS/L 42.1a AU9 72 APPUIMUCA Of SLOATMAC COMPUbOM (340OW ArMAM4 22 pp. SM CHDATM, pers & IFIR I .A#=" Im'R pp 13-RM39-460 Dv;HO-23-725-70 Avg 71 Photo-.1'adionlet2~ic u'lits anZ all( .tit'-27eo. 859 7- 71 L[~![T 1) -TO U.S. (70V'l" ilu~~'.,'ICEYS 0147LY 71"1 L/ q 3 q4 Coo& 0990/73 v 14 Sm 72 alp PP - PsIncipa *Vwatl~ commatad vIth tim resturtIft at tb* NwmU d'Arm wmIew p~r plant,, by r. 9"SQ6 D. KtOW4 et. al. 3"810 lbwfvwA~I~ loans-MI, 53 nfmmtnmm 'AL-1 MUM AWI/41 Ads M Xbon offsebor Im. ro"Isk in MN6 on - a" plaw smiat aw Vith a cW *f Ow yAMImbed F"Wrt Md ntM Us Z*M fimm"am, (~Txpig 7by 0 r for 000i OrAft2 V 3L8 Ama. 19?l sp PrInelples and emeewts Of IL NOUGMI CArtOVa;f*AZ .%-ognm ftwed on Eccnxmdc Himeop IW Ch. Fozzwd. - .bud Prlucl oil P-C .f mal 311ha Fpbwahtcl Ion ro-a besoins flatit =w cw* lb Dal*, - trans2itte amwip obarbd *r erq*o. ...... ...... -irffi-ci-plws wid NathodsDor Establishing Thornal Procussos for Cmined Foods, by Henri Otoftol, Gourgos 'lliowis. ITEAll, rpt, Principos ol: Method-os Pour Vestablissament des Haremies do Sterillsatimi des CoiLsorves Alitnentaire's,.Bullotin No 14v 1965. Cl;6Tl Tr 65-50070 Sci/ABri Vej 66 294,709 Analysis of Vic! 13th PCCh Con&ress, by Mario Zemorano, 7 i.,Yp - SPANISH, per, Principiop No 113, May/June 1966, pp, 10-19. JPRS 36716 LA-Cuba Pol Sept 66 309.,835 The P3rd Congrans of tho CPSLU., by Jone Gonzalez, 11 pp, SPAKSH, per., Princij2ios, No 113.- May/June 1966j. ppt 20-34, JPRS 36716 LA-Cuba POI Sept 66 309.,836 Tho 10th Cungreas of the Curimmist Party of Colombia., by Julio Pando, 16 pp. SPANISH, per, Principios No 113, may/june 1966Y PPt 35-55w JPRS 36716 Idi-Colombin Pol sept 66 309,837 AC,-,rarian Raform and the 8tnigGle for Water, by Manuel Vargmis, 6 pp! GOVERNMEO USE ONLY SPANISH,, per, FrincipioiL, No 113, blaY/Jane 1966, pp, 1o2-1o9,. JPRS GUO 2098 LA-Chile Ful Sept 66 308,345 Cbne&n Cp Exp3AJrLs SUM manU, by Jorge Teader, 7 SPANISH. per. kdMIBUI. 330 ipm 42468 LAO-Chile P*3,.ILU Sep 6? on Guerrilla ~Wveo- ppo Jra-Aug 1967. pp. 47- 340,559 The lion-CapitaUstic Course in Chile., by,xose cademartori, 16 pp. SPAR105 per, Prlnc:&14os,, Mar-Apr 1968, pp L,4- - ippa 45674 LA-Chlle Pol JW,y 68 350j903 The Camuniats Praise the Armid Forces, by ibmuel Cantoro. 9 pp. SPAMli, rpts PrInciplos, SwilAago, Chile, sept- Oct 1968 91 pl) 43-50- JIRS 4?384 LA-Chile ~pa Nar 69 375,020 -%Utl"l Intatim awnwed kcr papa)" adve 6 : ft!tp sp I Wo Am swuavp No 1330 ,;;o Weal 1, pp 4-8. ORS P"L "HMdlo PA aw 70 4WIF0311 I- PopMW IbILIW VRqVvMq MAGUou Peqpoa4 by km" OPNOOP 5 SPAUMP Iwo -4-- S=tlazos, 'go 133-6 mob4ftr IL97op pp -P-337~ AN 5D"1 Lk-Odla Pot *Y 70 4Wp3l2 Wok Alen ,m:kfmw]iv W U*ul Avw~vo Howl* U japo- -W, LWA~# -part 4Ap4-,,U V# SWAI& 4ta C-tU4 la 13~3. L AWWOW LMUM ftUs SOW Xamdalst AM=ab;t b$ J!LV'hcdw4, 12 pp. aMUAWO ~PW:b der-,.o Butlagoo AP-mw 197op blakub r w tv-5pb- JM X"D um:bum m Ad 70 t C*UW"OW ~ Mraw No" so Main pw uvvumm~wsl IV;GwAlwo NLI3400 Is pp.. SPAWN, JW* JaLSITAfto SanUagoo (2dlof Jone- s*]* 3.970s pp 1.0-13. jpjt$ 5170 LA42dlib Fox Nov ?o i%ilmm~ 13Ltmuft Shms CtLlt=ml DGP~rddmwv : Jose I&XIrigual mWaft, 9 pp. s?JWSMo par& "Iot!A, Santlatave Chilet no 136o Oot,.~~a L97,Dv 114* SOSO TAI~4~ 2~ 'L MI. IN* 71 X"k*"*4kM" AMMUM" Of VlVt4W7 Ms~mdo kw,A**bLwA moat .5 yp. SKM3,14. par& 0 SmAdagot C2dloo No 1:)6# Woo M 004-roo . pp 9e JPAS 5*55 u4blul ha F* n I .. -1 . II C006=dot bn*tiw " a "a on TAmsuage HisVee, by Adafo Ollvarm A. v 9 pp. SPAIIIESIto, Parp tEAgggles, SontILW, Chile, No 136, Oct-Dw 1970. " 92-99., JFR$ 5,1377 Wodu: pal mar 71 Appoal mado for poo-plets Activo Participa- Jon i%nd T'nity, by Volodia Toitelbolm, v! 0 l." A'-Tl per, :ilrinci]2ios, '311,31tifit-'03. JILI'l-rOb 7.1-t IT 25-33. YvItth IroUtntoor Vorlc Roviourad, by lunn ccxrloi; Arriagada, 8 ")P. -not-, Principios, Smitiaf-~ ,,C)7= Mi:v,-F-ab 7 3 'j': L 7tjiqlxw UcUcs for cldlem Revolutim Distuased. b3l jorgre x"Ouniza, 13 ppe SlIANISH, part L'rApapd, '-%r-Apr 19n. pp jims !;3469 July 171 AnUcomwdsm In I*tkoff I a Joj,ge Toder. 13 pp- SPAR.9iHol per* Waq~LAqv, pp jal.i., 53456 Thoses Ana3yzed, by SanlIngo. Har-Apr 1971, 10. ly -F I i Oc~O*Fbuxl ApPmah of MtralolUsto Critleized, by: Join flodriV3*s 1-2ismido, 23L Fp, SPAU511p por, BsntUgo, lio 139. 11*7-J,uno 1M, Vp 7-23. J'P.[W M56 Sept IM jpmwAwo Auft Vwim" ALA* Zawmaol- 5 pp. SPAWN per* samago. ,Nmyw4wt~ 19719 pp jm.,w38 fJxSodp by culms, No 139f S"* 71 ------------ P41AUO EdlucatOn of Caumn4sts Dlsowned# by OrOcilov amuca# 5 FPO SRWISHA, por# t, cIdled 140 139, ftr-Qm,o 1971,IPM199,30-31.0 4M *838 U4,667-72 ~;243 Title: AUthorg .4kkm:es 44nwwp, zVot com satIrce '300~41 Lo4tbn~...--4p rftuanx: rrftolate late Only jamd type in .1 ('N~" .I hftfti; (in tablelso Cy. The Kremikovtoi Metallurgical Ccmbi,.qe to Assured of Raw MotteriWLe, by ErZirear Goorgi Mikolov Kotev, 8 pp. lAr"GkRTAII, per, EEtroda-, , Ho 3., M&Y-June 1965, pp 13-17- JPM 3ZM la? - Buis= La Ecoll oe-c 65 293,050 The Unth Congress of tho Oulgarian Commist Party And the Development of Natural Sciences in Wlgarla, by A. I. KhadmdAolovs 10 pp. BUWARIAN. per, Priroda No, 5. Sept-Oct 1966. pp. 3-7. JPIIS 39319 EE/Mlgaria Soc Fab 67 315.294 11othods or Coulbating MmIloactive Pollutionp by Ster= Pob&w, 8 pp. VJLWLTAX,v per,, UL=U# No 5.. Sept/oat JL965o PP- 14-1.7-' MRS 34927 =-Bulgaria sci-B Apr 299p195 Types of Iron Oren in bxlqLaria and 'llicir Economic Significance, by V. Pankotov, 'I pp. BULGARIAN, per, Priroda No. 6, NavlDec 1966, pp. 29-33. jpRs WOL35 FS-Bulgaria Scl-Materials Apr 6T 321.,101 Ilevelopmmst of the Productim of Polymro In Ekil(pring by Ste Kuyumd*W*wp 10 ppe IVUlARMp per$, ZCLjgft ifol 16,p no* 20 nw- Aor X967,p vp. 26-00 - - Jvw 4ILT92 M-Dulearla lkwa Aug 67 333o3% 3h DoCeme or Our Fish flosawowp -by ---- -- - ~ - I - C. vl"lev. 13TEWTAN per# &jLodu No 5., 19670 pp 85-91. AGS I J-4ibi vs-,r-, irr-23-io7.68 scl/bm Sep 68 363#287 'rho Biological Seoreto of tho Sax*CauDo Sea# by M lovalmv. EUMARIATT per, Priroda, 11o 5s, 2,967.9 pp 111-3-16. AGSI J-W49 FSrC IIT 2.-~-107-60B SOMB&N Oct 68 368024 OXI Biological Secrets Of the Sargasso Beep by H. lovebev. roll OOVXRMNnT USE Offlz BtUAABTANp p".. Airoda, No 5# sept-Oct 196T.. pp IU-3,i 6. Am4/mvc/m-23-ioT-68A Sal/gar Sed j)ee 68 354.,T8T in L'bl'anse of uur Ash -Resoinves, by G. Vtabchov. 13Uik,AldkJ, por, t2jroda, No, 5, 6ep-oct 1967, pp 111-116. *Awi j-4364 iL22(Y#oo656e, I -!~ and 1 , lici mr 68 . . - ~ - --.- - - - I-.- -1 Pifth Congress of the Yugoslav PITysiologints Union, by Dr. Vasil P. Georgiev, 6 pp. BULGARM, per, Sofia, Nov-Dec JPRS 44,628 Priroda, No. 6, 67, pp. 87-89. Sai-Bio.and Med.sci. I-larch 68 3S2,603 ~ --- pL.1 I ~ 1 ~, ao-ap, Sft & comamg Avg Vo . -1 - - -7 1 w rivst.-Bok4 of~svvlft t Al 1, lllskarovskly# ho No ratmin. 24 pp tqlL,CIARlAN,, por, Priroa-m Qlatllm~b No S, 1970, pp 2-11-0 AWM.,IIT-24-292-70 rhaT 71 Rooaarob, Participation Organization Viewed, by 10 pp. FULGAPCCAN., per, Priroda, Mo 3, Dg&Y-,Mn 737, pp 21 ,rpr . ~s 5)96o In Intercosmos TK. Seraflmiov, Sofia, Vol 12, -25. Sep V. is 2he" of -- .; In 2b" cmvftry? tor a. se2ndwi, 5 vv* - - COW16 per# Mags a UNMM-1-10 no x6 196T. ox cageba"~ rze" sur"W No 1937 (AS)v (1.50)- 3 MY 296T - I . 025 31v S U-Camdoolavakla xm ja 67 If.indbot)k 1:-,i- AvLrit-Wit EiigLno Mochanics LL - TurbLtle Dig., by 11. Vrsitisky, J. Blatny. CZEGII, bk, Prirucka Leteckeno Motorare LI; Turbinove, Motory, 1966, pp 12, 22-32, 36, 57-58, 119-121, 409- 426, 442-481, 4S4-485, 488, 494, 496-497, 503. *FTD lUr SpecLal 525-69 May 70 Handbook for Regimental Sergoant Majors (Senior Officars). CZEal, rpt, PA~Cku pro Vykonne Praporclky OtarmipXO, rot) - 1967.-- pp 29S-326. ACSI J-3169 ID 2824034767 mil Nov 67 345,332 Price List, Becker Alt 360 380-Channel VIIF Transceiver. SWEDISH, rpt, Prislista. Becker AR 380 380 Kanalors VIIF Kommunlkationera-dTo-, 'T June 1968. *ACSI J-6S37 *FSTC-liT-23-192-69 Sci-Elec Apr 69 Progress In Education in Aisgola, by Dr. Jose Pinheiro, da S11va,, 7 ])P- Pordumm* pen, PrI MY 1960v PP 31-35- JPR3 45822 Africa-Angola scom Sept 613 362o462 ~ - Interview with Commander in Cbief of the Armed forces I: of Angola on the Rebellion in Angola, 16 pp. A-25 State Luanda 14 May 1971 PORTUGUESE, per, Prisma, April 1971 The Mottiod of Study and Into xTiretation of Some Problems of the 19,15-1948 Period, by J. Opat, 33 pp. CZECH, per, Prisl)evky K Dejinim KSC, No 1, 1965. It FE Czechoslovak Press Survey No 1620 (79) , 26 klar 1965 EEur - Czechoslovakia Econ Nov 65 292,968 Characteristic Features of LoninIs Organizational Principles at the Time of Vioir Origin, by V. Kurs, S I)p - CZUQI, per, Pri3epevky k Dejinwa KSC, Doc. 1967. RFE Czedi Press Survey No 2033, (39, 40) 14 Mar 68 342,522 12 Tho Int r1ockin.; *I' the Lwactom in the - ovIet ;kip-joaltual - ystm-1 , ~Awter., S.Pp llu-267 (partial) bw KjxrI"d-u;cn W4;ob"Ans j,,,;~,'Wkr4#books PrLvatprodun-~.uton 1.n der -,4:puj,:tUzickwm wrididnecho.-ts %;oI*,.nopI967# I;qjQCjmj !yM"D"s TrWsUtorls dr*tt 1AUD (I* Tau, U ion 6-0 i-or adv. oopy .)r -.,pwAsL comulatGd c) V,61 ~ . ver)Ag YllsoowWmr~ ,. FoUtLIC., (0109nop booko, 41o Aot muttlatov Proposals for Improving the Wage System in Son Fishing, by Noven Dobrovic. SERRO-CROATlAN, per, Privreda Dalmaciie, Vol 4, No 10, 1967, pp-SU-31. Dept of Interior Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Office of Foreign Fisheries No A-28/May 69J185 On LOan Only EEur scon July 69 388,662 1~ Construction of a Road Network. 2 Construction and Modernization of Highway Networks. 3 YUgoalavials First Containerization Terminal to be %lilt at Zagreb. 4) The Nondevelopnent of Higbva;y- Networks and the Shortage of Funds. 5) Work Safety in the KraguJavac Factory. 6) Before the Start of Construction on the Final Section of the Adriatic Highway. CROATIAN, per, Privredni Pregled, DIA LN M-71 Oct 71 I Nxtucoe 1~0~toul in I tv T444-voio 'awqLaeAc, 6 op. 11'rilwo W. ~21 n!n part Fm ]a- ~ p V IA50 1) U ills", ~ ~, t.,-;-Qsuvu ~ ~Icc A, C AS 256otm The -Elements of tho Madimn,-Tenu Plan am Zlear CompLetion, 5 ppe SEIMLAlq, np, Pxlvxednl Pregl!dt 21 Au6 1965, pp. 1-2. jJ?IZ 32M-16 MR-Y,-,jpolav:La Econ Oct (~i 239,63o