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Interview With Senators Bulnos, Carmona, by SI"JIvis Pinto, 7 -op. GOVEFUNDIENT USE ONLY" SPANISH, np, EIL Mercurio, Santiago, 23 Jul 72, P 31. ,EIRSAI 4254 Se-v 72 Elianih Boaca I s Statement on Lan-Chile Arms Smuggling, by Silvia Pinto, 6 -or). USF~, Oj~,TTy SPA1,113121, IV, El Mercurio, Santias-o, 30 J)I-I 72, p 31. ins/1.1 Oct 72 Goviblviment chonges in l."Cluention outlillod, 6 rp. C;OiA-",RNME!IT USE ONLY SPANISH, npp El Mercurio, Santiago, 7 Aug 72, P 20. 4267 Sep tr2 Toxt Of PDO-PIR Sill to TrIslu" lilreadarn of the '*Vvoss, 5 Pp. GCIVERNINJ-E'1111~' USE OUY SPANISH, np, El Mercurio, Sazitial-o, 9 lku~z 72, T) 19. - .TPRS/L 1~2"V'3 Oct 72 Porol,LAn Rio.IM;Ions Minister Clurrorq-1; Isooos, by SilviLl ONLY !3?AN:1:"l'-H, rip, -z"A J~Jereurjo, pp 2T-42L9. Ci).vmnents on Pint-.,:), -10 ~,m. Sq;-itia~;o, 20 Au~-- 72, Oct 72 Government Controls Political TV Programs, 6 pp. GOVERjjj,j:F,jn, USF,, O~My SPAXJSE~, TIP, E1.11101'-Curio, Santiago, 310 Aug "(2, T) 8. JP'.RS/:[', ?1~287 oct 72 flat-kotual Front of Frofusalomla 5 w). GOVERIOENT USE ONLY SPAIJIMi, r,~p, El Hercurio, Santiago, 28 Sept 1Q,72, p ao JIMW/L 4319 Nov 72 l-AninE, Ijidustry Affocto-O by Lack of tliginoorn, Tochnical Personnol, 5 pp. GuVk.RArx.6T Wi~ U14LY ,S~PAUSH, np, El klercurio, Santiago, 18 Jan 1973, p 24. JM~/L "13 Feb 73 Pre,sident Donies Rationing, lActatorial Ton- ciom, I w;, by ~-)'n1vador Allondo, l-'ornanclu lAjrx!Lz G., 6 pp. GUVEFLNI-NT USE ULY SPANISH, np, hl iiiercur-lo, Santiago, 18 Jan 1973, p 25. ,IIA(5/L 441) Feb 73 ,-,Ax U Confidential Report on PoptiLar Unity, 29 pp. GUILiti.1-ILT USE U,~LY SFAI~lSH, np, ka korcurio, Santiago, 1 !,,ar 1973, pp 1, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28. ii-RS/.L 4458 Apr 73 Mipasurement: of the effect of additives in reAcing V-no oorrevion in KOH. AWJZXjVt Vr-IPV PRMD N44 SHIZENI 11D.RM" Z.I,','KU 11, KOII E57.Tj.S.'~ pp. ~MVSA I'T" F 14,693 fe 1) 7.1 -50a"r 0 ation R4gulatioris for ClAissification of Ships bnto Various ice Classes, 14 pp. FINNISH, rptv WrenkulkuhallitWieen Mmrmyk-%&t Alusten Lukend;;sfg 'Irx 1111"Nuttwalklin Annettu. Fla M-. Wp-t of In;FjI6SRIps--Tr No 951 - May 66 300,n0 11cm Pvoc~;Otr, of tho lFr4-av:Lan Imi-imtry,p 5 ppo by (1,; L:Izol;l. 11AILIMIAN, per, lligr& Ss kitom-tika. No 69 1965 p pp i6-lbi.- jvfiz~; 31571 44-bleariw, A 65 286.789 Develop",ontal Trends in Analog Control Flerients, by C. 13oroinisza. 14 pp. JILINCARIAN, per. Me"s os Automaltika, Vol 13, No 7, 196jr, pp 212-21S. P100289167 FTD-4iT-66-467 Sci/Clactranics Nov 67 343,313 !!idi Senadtiwity --,-'Iuorl t0 # bY I-- COM117, 4 pp- IIUIJ:IAI!IAII,, per, broo R.0 AutomtLka Vol 13,p Ko 00 2-,X-60 pp Flocect W5.~ l-'rD*41T-2l-.IW2 1 --07 SCIAlect e.. Eljwt Fmg Ocrt 68 363o371 On 8omn 'robloras Involvod irt tho Incroitaing of Sign.,,l Capt,.city rlaid Sir~mrl Density In Cnse of Zotvtin Mngnotic ?Into Nomorics, by G-. Grial-mr, 15 pp. por, Moros L's Auton,!,ti):,,-,, Jo 2, 1c)66, p1, 37-7F-- sci/1-Jectro-Eloc tri 353,212 in n 6 9 boquential 5torage Syuterri, by I* Voto, 1. (;*imVi, 10 pp. UNGAMAN, per, rArea es Autom ka. I'lo 2, 1966, pp 51-55. AIR/Fm/j,r-23-u88-67 AD 61.5 364 Scd-Bohav and bw Sci rob 69 372,981 The Autccodc of tiie Mins-k-2, by T. Bakos. HUNGARIAN, per, 11-leres es Aul:(xnatika, Vill 14, No 9, 1966, pp 263-265. AIR/r--.VL)/IIT-23-1367-67 Sci-L'Icc Feb 69 372,950 The Development of a New Peripheral Sys- tem for the I,iinsk-2 Ilectrortic Computer, by Z. Zson~bok. HUNGARIAN, per, Meres es Automatika, Vol 14, No 9. 1966, pp 265-272. AIR/FTD/lIT-23-1367-67 Sci-Elec reb 69 372,951 jjealjzat~j(xj of Prithifetic t1mraticais ~.;ith .amorals i-xprcssud in thu Der-ima.1 SYstcl,l idth the ALA of Operaticat Tables, by J. Denes, G. Ivauiyi., et al. 7 pp. JILNGARIANI, per, :Ieres es Automatika, Vol 14, No 9, 1966, p1) 279-281. Al R/FTD/I IT-23- 1192-6 7 sci/electronics mar 69 376.636 NWWntoalVictlon of Pb3yaryatal]Lne Hb.Zn Forritess by B. fttWW. MNUWMr, Pwv NOX" Autcmtp Vol 15, No 3, 196T.. pp i04-166.- ATO-M-596T Sal-riturs Mptr 70 403,21-5 M"suresent and Automation (Seldicted Articles). 20 pp. 1WHUMAII, per, Mares on Autcantika, No 10, 1967, pp 411-421. AIR/PMAIT-23-587-69 Sci-Mach juae 70 Status of the Hungarian Instrument IrKlustry on tl-ic Verge of the New 'cortomic Guidance Systao, by Pal Tokodi, 9 pp. 11UNGULL)II. per, ;.~--res es Automatika. Budapest. tio. 1, 1968, pp. 1-4. JPRS 45,058 ES(Thingaryi iDcorx)mLc April. 68 355,595 1.0 1, 19UJ, t, 24-2 7. 3-33,072 The Dwrelopo"t of the MLtra Autmeade, by T, Bakos. 6 pp. HUSUARIAN, par, Wereg as Automatike, Vol 16, No 2, 1968, pp 31-58. AIR/MDAIT-23-231-70 ScL-Slac Sep 70 ", IL; '4330-13J , AJUllldX-,',Y~-,tt-l! , UA JiLrLi-br, I)y .-i. Julalz, i;. - ~ L" 1,L;* b i, ;, ;x-,r, , ots .utLt Adk.i. lo 2, 1968, L~,~ 0~~7D, , U, y;-, i-j--' 3- 18 3--19 .,ci/c!l.uL:t.Lu Li a-; jai 73 399,847 Marita of Astrologloal Research Jimt1tied, b(y 4iandor Kolmax, 7 pp. RM"LTAN,, per, 4!M gg Autom&!A)m. Vol 16, NO 4. 1966. pp 138-140. ipits 4,6o3.a; s0i I -Atv" SCA Alin 68 363.851 ~znager liWAMM Aoldovemmts of 35 pp. .LNGAI"4,1 per. adores on Autom L-A, Vol 16, ilo 4. ig&l, pp -141-155. jiw J4603,-, ISCI-Ams L~ci Agg 68 363.852 Mgital Carralator Dwroloped bor Listrumont Fsatery, by T. Ha&ypcLiv 1, Szwlyolght 5 pp. ILUAWdki, part 42M go Au&omatilm, lio 5, kisY 1966, PP 205-207. JPM 46oO6.) Sai/6100t & raect Aug 68 362,756 u~;o (,-' Lk~ I !I - to ., to k AfArii - a ;-()r Uv-, ':Ui.;k 22 -:Loctnxtic C'" jAitr~r, -01, A.I-,Ltr-i(,11, 1.3 1,,,. :0 ," L!:-; %")l 16, ." 6, D68, 23J-237. .. ~l ~,E-;/Le-/!!"23-26~69 .,;ci/ ~~")t tij 393,101 Development and Testing of the gliactronic System of a Magnetic Disc Storage Device, by A. Sze9i. 12 pp. HUNGARIAN, per, Hares an Automattita, Vol 16, No 7-8, 19680 pp 2,0U-293. AIR/FTO/LrT.-23-498-69 ScL-Slac Jul 70 -nonitors, (~)erating Systems, Supervisors, by 1. Nometh. 13 pp. HUNGARIAN, Fier, Meres os Automatika, Vol 17, No 2, 1969, pp 41-44. AIR/FTD-UT-23-306-70 may 71 Gomipu'~ox Dovitgi of Logic Circuits, by L=z.lo Keglevlch. 14 PP. HUNGARIM, per, Meras es Automati-ka, Vol 17, No 2, 1969, pp 45-70-o AWFTD-W-23-305-70 A:ag 71 AC-02 aepetitive Transistorized A,nalog Computer, by Andras Gorganyi. 7 pp. MNUARIAN,, per, Mares es Automatika, Vol 17, No 4, 1969, pp 154-156. AIR/FID/HILI-23-265-70 Sci-alec Dec 70 The Application Possibilities of Pepetitive Analog Computer System, by L. Ivanyos, 12 PP. 1AAGARIAN, iq)t, I'leres es Automatlka,_ Vol. 17, No. 4, 1969, pp. 157-16-1. AWM/11-23-307-70 FEB 71 MOasuxmuit and Application of the Biax, by L. Hamat,, 12 pp. IfUNGAILIMp P(3r, Meres es Autoriati&, Vol 17, No 7, V?69, I)p 268-272. AIfVFTDtIFj'-23-~20-70 APril. 71 Small Rotating Magnetic Disk Memory, by Endre Polya, Janos Ilaivamin. 11 pp. HUNGARIAN, pur, Meres es Automatika, Vol 17, No 7, 1969, pp 278-282. AlR/1--rD-IfT-2---;-543-70 june 71 WmAtur Progri,va "'Tatum for tho DLIlisk-22 Computer, by I. Nerieth. 24 PP - HUNGARIMI, per, Xeres es Automatika, Vol 17, No 11, 1,,z)69., pp 412-718. AIIVE,TD/I [C-23-88o-7o Doc 71 Adviao Ix) fluxior Usara, by (hbor 12 pp. HUNGMUAN, por, Maroo us AutoniatiLl, Vol 17, No 11, 1969, pp 719-T22. ADVETDAIC-23-734-70 SePt 71 The Tagh,,'v Pen - An Effective Tocl of the Man- Hadbine ]~Aerface, tor 1. RarqrL, F. Tom and F. Vajda,, 14 PP - IIMIGIJUMI~ per., Meres es hitoinatik Vol 18, No 2, 1970, FP 47-72-. AI&A-VD/110-23-61-71 I i- d Y---- v a - 6 / - -// Sept 71 A Study of Static and Dynamic Itzards in Logic Notworks of A:~-yncluvnouzq Oporatian, Ibr M. B(flius'. 17 PP- HOGAIUAN., per., Mares es Autoraatlka, Vol 18, No 4., 5, 1970., Pp 121-M7* AIR/1-TD,4.[C-23-289-71 Sept 71 L. Varga Tht, pmgram cutsembZy tanguage of thi; EMIG 830 computer. 13 pp. HOCARIAN, par, Alaras as automatikap VOL 18., No 6, 1970, pp 193.-28?. AIBIFTr-IfC-23-2790-72 ~ aug ?2 Xntwgratod Oinntit Farrito Mamorli fat, Ro&lrculatory Purpooes, by G. Voroo, 9 pp. SUAYMUM., per., Moms es Automti~.a Vol 18, No 7, 2970, pp 205-SOD AXR1FT2D-HC-23-J90-7J deo 72 REQ TR CHECK. 1, *0f-0L'-T3 T100 FROGIMMMING CHARACTIME-STICS OF PROCESS COMPMEM RAKCSI, MIKLOS HU: MERES ES AUTOMATIKAs VOL 19, 4 1971, Pi). K. Da The "MC-20101, Small 0onputar. 6 pp, IWAVARXAVO Merea as Automatika, Vol 19, No 7, 1972, pp Col-2163 U.S. GOVtT USE ONLY. COPYRIGUT INFOMATION nov ?2 iionulLn. 1'z*onttlcct,~ for GompL~tcrizcd ;i'l'ocass Control Outlined, by Tibor Vamos, 9 pp. HUNGARIA-,-, z)er, IMeres es Automatilca, Eudarest, 'To 1, 19',72, nr 1--17. jp;~,~; I-lay 72 .............. . ............... .. ...... S-307 DC 11741 Meters and 9tabilizers for Magnetia FielclB,, by Jo Hkilhamak and F. Dobias,, PP 144 1-17 preques- 1965' Czech,, vm&r RE/sOl/Ruclear Zuergy TD 5 November 1965 Specl.al Type B-Trauslator's Draft l7lus 1 DO NOT MUTILATE DOC Playing with Ore in the Botlet'Area, by Mion. CERM, por, Peridiazin. Vol 2. October, 196S. *IUST 7387 sci/Mat July 69 C9D., 0.-gw/Tl 11 30 jone 1971 -SF Sftr(vt Imnagm Docummta$ by Dm Cmrdlo. Camemaj, No. 502, 25 ime 1971,, yp 3. Spmalml toTe S - dD wt publish - Tranalatorlm 4mrt, plus we copy. T. D. 6 jaxy ign. Frouch C- (2:1 VC 'j 3Lp%w7o lorob 70 9w &)Vl*tamia Amoag Us-ftwalus the ;Uwlo~ or the Iftert by Febeft Oboadorff, b) statmout or smaym Nape lby I~y HiLs. a 10 F"AW* S)4 J&u?O &b)27 lee 70 oppew 7~rp'WsTrswd. avert PLIM OLM saw ofta"(40-do wt mutuatop Weldia;& of Uot Dip Galvanized Steels, G&WAjUi, per, klorkblatt -367, 1968, pp 1-19. BISI 6209 sc-1-Hat June 70 OuldcAinca for Traval in v na Ilaxim .0, 1 Couutrleu Iludc r taie Coamunist Wluence, FM OMCIAL USR ONLY GERMUM, r ,pt, Merkblatt fuer Reiscin in und Dwmh Lavmlar des Komumisteischem ftachiUerichs April 1 '>, 7 PP - ACSI j-14439 10 270103,5366 Mr/Wrain. Pal Lvats. by Lr*cJi Tornor, 1u pii. FOR O.H-1CIAL U~i; WU GUI.Q1, per, morova Tudmika. Vol IV, No 6. 1-965, pp 61-64, 9699792 PSTC 381-T65-630 5ci - Ucc I-iar L-() 297,817 : the u-,~eratinj, ior tlic jdaas Into ~ratotl Coiipzitcr,itu.ilki,~, t)), -'.A'tljvr' G. zipf. rpt, j-Fk-371, Uct I '!X59 mos,',ro-64 das bet riot) s sys tcii.-, fur dic i;M -I~jril 1, 1966 Sci.-Digr Mar 66 Correnpcindent Jouri PiCtIlLikofi- Rupoi-Ls, ori 111c VI'Dit W NOrtll Vietntu,,, 36 Pl),, GOVERNKM USE ONLY rbU,IAN, np, n MeaRnMe,,ro 6, 7, 1.1, 12, 13, 17, 26 and 30 Nov l P., JPRS UJO 2-273 FE-Vie-trar, Pol Jan 67 316,lo4 Sorrawi~ul Tale of' a Iojaan Mio I.zis a N;icti,,;i of 6talin's Torror, by Alfonso Sterpellonc. ITALIA,", np, 11 I.Ic.-;sajj,,cro, 19 Fel) o7. JITJ (1-JO: Dc 15031 J-1060/0 USSR 1101 Nar 67 SIS,135 (a) Lilla 1111 ':; ""i fe 1."u. at tile Head ot the (b) 1,cpci-cussion-,; in Cyprus and (irccce; (c) Clerk Vrested in Vienna in Connection with the Rinaldi Casc;(d) The Soviets Hired Rinaldi as a Spy After Receiving Proof o I his "Loyalty", ITAUAN, ap, 11 Nessaggero, La-c) 25 Mar. (d-c) 26 March 1967, pp (a)1,2 (b-c) 2 (d-c) 26 ,Iar 67. J111"s CSO. Dc 15133 J-1938/67 USSR PO I May 67 326,070 1-nree Spies Unmasked in Turin Still Fear Reprisals, by Paolo Amcrio. ITALIN4, np, I I Mcssag~cro, 11~) ,,arch ii)o7. AIRS CSO: DC-15135 J-1939/67 WEur - Italy 1,01 Jwi 07 ,326,130 J- 1931,167 The (;tcck Government Illvestigate" ill Crctc Ole lispionage Against NATO, by Cesare Rizzoli. ITALIAN, np, 11 Messaggero, 29 Mar 1967. -JPRS/DC-15135 FE - Italy 1101 Ap r 6 7 --- - -... .... .. J - 19 2-9/6 7 The Three Spaxics Unriasked ill TUrin Continue to Fear Reprisals, Paolo Aricrio. ITALIAN, ill), 11 Messaggero, 2~ Mar 1967. *JI'MOC-15131; FI- - Italy Pol Apr 07 J- 1939/67 Rinaldi Was About to Extend the Espionage Network oil Behalf of the Russians, 1)), Paolo Anicrio. ITALIAN, np, 11 Messaggero, 30 Mar 67. *JPRS/DC-15135 iRUSSR Pol Apr 07 Greece Investigates Anti-Nato Spying in Crete, by Gosarc Rizzoli. ITALMN, np, 11 -~kissaV,&ero, 31.) %larch 19o/. JITS CSU: DC-1513T- J-193~/67 lql-'ur - Italy 1101 Aul 0 326,131 kinaldi 'kas jM)out to Stretch His Pro-Russian Spy Network, by Ilaolo Amerio. ITALIAN, np, 11 Messakgero, .30 II-larch 1907. MIRS C,3,(.): DC- 15 1.3!) J - 1939,167 IVEur - Italy Pol Jwi 67 326,132 go havt 67 Com*wv~ AbM& tAW 40YOMS MUP Um" pb&WMP 1%&Ume mv 14 Waseepwoo ftmo 11 ksom* 1967o 4K U C110:1v f1&"*WLa type fl~ am "We ---lm "Room IMI. 2 VP 16503 10 Sept 07 One of' the "Superspies" in the Service of flic Soviet. Union is in Rome, by I'llarco Cesarini Sforza, 14 Italian, np, I'lessaggero , Rome 14 Sept 1967, Italian -Pol Special type ; Original plans one Copy . T.D. 28 September 1967 4 pp c4o"Ou air luaLon cultwal am. ftLiticaL itamm es Us torMuo at Wo *wow Courts ItuUmn, JHP IX Vsaw4MPkmo POW, 13 ;zwory IA~-3w 1W.&I" opml At& spowaa Im" At comm 3"#Y wry JAW am copy. lu.2 L --' L 19258 7 Apr 69 Italian Newswomen Suffers Disilusionment in Hanoi . ITALIAN, np, 11 Messaggero, 25 Mar 1969, pp 1-2. (,- ~ ') ;."/~_- ". Italian 1,761/70 4 Ma r 7 0 Soviet Official Expelled: He Was a Spy, 11 Messaggero, 13 Feb 70 Italian 1,761/70 4 Mar 70 Three Soviet Diplomats Personae Non Gratae in Switzerland, Il Piessag2ero, 13 Feb 70 J*aA Pischar Gives UUrvlaws In Rome* bw 4:64=100 Ca"ta"t-bAo 16 lip, ItALIA19, vqp,t IIJ, Loaq * Miluts '.2G j':R.:r Iwo* p 3. . AK-rl~v F .1).Ts, 5r%41~ WSPAmotrla .pa Ifty ?(I 13 IWY IM OF owut lak-aar aawn an in the staun mm; IV Rmw Mwous IWWo~ X1 MWOSOM, RMO# 20 A3WIL MVM lbo" %wo "B" Oman ftedw ovy plue m0 as* lkam, - do zwk =*Ilmft 10 Alas 72 By tUnnns,qo pAxdtlAp Irr SoTiet dissidenj by A3wr=mo Sturlpenam. jum" j%5fTl?,v p ftw,s RAILMHav Ad spolo 1"o 10 Mo not PONLIllib ft*(WUbo:r'liu draft plua twin copy t-nped xdq~gle spAced. T. D.1 IR-2, Ai;pavt 1972. ltpp I JJD ;Wg TP 9W ioppWltim WLqRj '07 Jj6 2. 'Ad 6*1C t,-Mo ID w not IRKMI-ligh azart glu-s one cMr t,~"od sbl&le spiced. T. D,.* Rl Aupost 1972. C80t 01=tT3 v L* Nov T2 9w lo 2tw iwiftr Gs'loo-Wr fts diedl In prisft. 2. The IAM Is nWerdovelqpd sompt faw a raw "Leaps of alviUsation"p by iowrodo PlazincLU. 1. lowo. 10 Nowe"r IgTe--. 2* PAN&$ a XR-0 M wmaber 'I=- #A Roe "*a tMI ft "t pi h dnft VIM am am,. T&oo ~Vo n 11 - r IM. Ak-'A 1-7655 ID -4-,-.10,1029ujs ~ici - Lilac ~,Ct 65 and AMP)l llca[JC n. liabd In Magn*Uc Swrage TocIW4w, by K. IVIIbwdmk. 22 pp. FOR OFFICLAL USEMONLY GEIMIAN, per, bqe4mqn-~wgrn-Bcg0ln. No 3, IM, pp95-97; VD-AU2. vovw5vu F.SlIC 38%4T65-502 A CSI 1-8 ID 2204045365 6C4 .. Eacc Jan 66 294,452 10 Oantributian to the AmalydA and tho &nthsais of Uaw Rx&aUr 009owpled ftltlple RqMlatiM AmVm, by, J* Spmw, 29 pp. GENW. p4w. Ham, 21mm PAW" No 6.:L965. isp IM-W6 1%00373567 FTD6W.236641,-67 seumoe Boa ,Jan 68 348.886 Cmic,vi,libil: tho t-'xXii,itius i-k3imurin.i Froyponcy tjf J(K)ol lei '.bdulated Transiducars (II). by liascluji, 9 1y. FOR OFFICIAL WE ONLY %,L;,, Sit; 4mr "losson cuorn Regoln, 9 st No 6a 1965, pp 2 00624 Vol V111, FSTC JIT-23-63-66 ACSI 1-9295 11-1 2204011066 Sci - Illoc Jun U5 302,361 DAt*-Tbm"uoa com"rison of Asulog wA Digital Moavnvmnto bir go G* Wooohnit 9 ppe GERWO part &Men .9190was " 0 No 11, 1965# pp W-YX. F100072168-V FTJ).-HT-23-?07-67 sol/yaoctir & mootir mw 0 yar 68 ~136v768 LULI OLr~lia .~Val;I11*0- es, Fcrs tc 1'. .2 517,731 %%c "URSAMA.T" System, the CERA-Hocommnded Sys- tarn or Atitoratic T-nap&ction, I;Wgulatlon, and Control of TechnoloGical Processes, by H. Fuchs, 7 YPq GEMM, per, measen-ateuern-re&Min No o 9, Sept 19~~j, Pp- 135-137. JPW 3655) EE-Ge Y Ecom Dk--C (-A':) 314,149 01-1 tbo Si:mlntion of Diffarontinl- ~'nnlyzer '~'Ircuits on tho 'Ira I Comuter, by V. Oriapontrog, 10 pp. GERAM.I.:!, per, Messen, Steuern, Regeln., Vol 9, No 9, Soptembor 1965* PF, 311-315- AI 11/1--TT)PIT-23-1 170-67 SCI/Eloc 351.2L~2 Jan 69 ijur, .'U"J.'Jum, AL.WDI# obtl2lxi, .'~u 12,, 1-966, 1~1-) 4:2-,~-430. i-L IVITD/i LL%-2 3-96-6 8 sci/t!laf--tnxdcs rar 69 376 625 A New Method for Calculating the Fro- quency RiDsponso Curve from the Measured Transient Response, by U. Renner. GIMIAN, per, Messen Stevern Regeln, Vol 10, No 3, 1967, pp 101-10S. - (229)-63-397-GELL - MITILin Lab Available from NTC June 69 383,242 j. J( )67, JC7- lo 4554-0,31y ~lCiAwlto-rial.", juix. 69 384,1G9 Problems of Measuring Techniqws of Autamtion in Xxon and Stotalmking, by 0. Wi*tWff,, GWfANp per. Mopq" Stauezm. Boman., Vol 10, No M?, 196'r, pp W11-445. BISI 6550 SciAdut Apr TO 406,660 ursadyn. - A Components System for hasembling Singl*-Purpose Congmters, by 11. wai*owski. 14 pp. GERMAN, pory Masan, Stiquorn, Re A&alap Vol Ill, No 11, 1968, pp 17.3-177. AIR,~MAU-23-666-69 Sci-alec Jul 70 Aiyaratus in tLe kobotroa-.300 Electroidc Data Proccssin.~,, F-mipi.ent (II.,.rt IV). koll,lort 8 iy. -ler, Nessoki. Stcuern, j~c,cln, vol 11v 0 11, 1968, p1, 177-171). AIR/1-70/ii'r-23-1.3-7o Sci/Elect ,-4my 70 405,727 U rob 69 Ec I*abliah, Ant 1~;!, Rd W. folpsigg 112M!cns f:t4awrr.2 zrelnj, Oexrwn# Jamri-j 19698, pp 26-V "CALVI JbOw- LMl)sg table Rww Synthesis of Sequential Switching Circuits With Temrorary StorFkf.,e by Means of Time Operators, by A. T',liederlinski, .5 pp. (!ERMAN, per, Messen-Steuern-liegeln, Vol 12, No 7, 1969, pF 2b4~2b5- ATH/FTD-Hr-23-737-70 Jun 71 On Tho Uiiem-ttdrity In TooLing Countax-s cui Test Benches W:Lth Measuxd-ng (Part II), by W. Poschel. 8 pp. GERMAN, Fery Messen, Steuern, Rageln No 12, 1969, pp 181&183- - , /J,/- AM/FTD/liT-23-814-70 ~-Iy Mnoi.-Z.d OLL Tanks Vol 12, /k ~ Sept 71 Ifto of fttlaaUy lAM-U12aMblm lbronare FIltdo In HydrarAUc DmIaRop t7 He N Ilw;aJ,,ge 7 pp. GEMW,, por, - W SWUM619mikilp va 7-v Bo Z, 19700 PP 316-37. ALWID-IC-23-110-71 Ang 71 Tke Ursaaft &aadao lath "" FOW The Ikolm FaA ml surialls, V Ho Qovtmj*mlk* 7 ;pa amwi, Ipwo Alum A 2MAMM., Va 7, g* 7 19'r0# mp 127-129 - U4TDXa*23-=.71 Sept 71 RZaboration of a conventional analog computer to a program convlroZled computor, by H. Adler, G. NciDioZd 15 pp. GERW, per, Messen-, Steuern,, Regeln .,, Vol 13, No 2, 1970, pp 66-.70. AIRIFTD-HT-23-672-71 cq) r 7x4 Digitallanalcg &mverter with step motor for process conqniter aystaine (Part II), by W. Kr~escl, W. Jablonski 9 Pp. GEMAN, per, Afigesen,, Stauern, Re_qeZn,, Vol 13, No 5, 1970, pp 87-90 AIRIFTO-ET-23-420-?l apr 72