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Polygraphic Study of SlOcp in the Pigg by Y. Ruck-ebusch. FIRUNCII, per, C R Soc Biol, Vol 162, No 7, 1968, pp 1346-13S4.- JIMV NIJI 10-7-69 sci/B&M Jan 70 400.113 Ciroadian Oyole of General Activity and af the Intemal Temperature in the Male Qaa:Ll, tor J. Bolsson. GRENCH., per., Societe de BLologie et de ses F11-Inles. Compbes Readas des semce.s Vol 162, 1968, PP 1580-1583- NTC 71-14614-06C 7-/ F /-21 6 )-~6 Feb 72 131111livocal BuLlicel Lhe UIL'ticturi T11rer,1101kis of FJ.Ct~ pul.,e Substmices and Some of Their Njolecular Properties, by F. Laffort. FRENCH, per, Societe dc Biolo~;ie et scs Filiales. Conipter, I~cndus des Sewices, 'Vol pp rp P . 14TC 'T2-14136-07C Jan '73 p f. c- 4(ORNL-tr-2454) $CHANGE IN THE HYPOTHALAMO- HYPOPHYSE'Al, NEUROSECRETION OF ANIMALS SUBJECTED TO CONFINEMENT. g1toudier, R.; Roussel, A. yaoTranalated by It. Gregg Mansfield (OLLk Ridge Nat.ional Lab., Tenn.), from 1&mpt. Rend. Soo, Biol.-, 162: 2073-6(1968). 205p. 34Dep. NTIS. llblomod; tranabit.lons ,TOG I&MN-48 UP NSA 0 Adjesuicia of an Acellular System of Oviduct of Laying Hen, by P. Gerlinger. FRUNCII, per, C R Soc Biol, Vol 162, No 12, 1968, pp 2295-2298.- IJEW NIII 10-34-69 sci/D&m Jan 70 400,140 VariatIms of alucoms6-DdWdro~~nw* Oon- Oentrattans maryms of pasteuralls, pestis In Dirflerent Media, by Jacquies Rieband- Zdauard. lamll Drma, 5 rp. rimmurnmer UU Cm 321=* Wo O=Wt" Rsn&3s Des seances do I& Boei&to do Kolostie I& 3-6-wrilisles. Vd-lI63, No 4s, Oct 1969p " 1005-1009. AWViWC/ft-23-&7-70 Scl/*MK July 70 Movemonta of the Fntua During the Mothoriki Sloop, by M. Jeannerod. FRENCH, per, Societe de Biologie et de sea Filiales. Comptes Rendus des Seances, Vol 163, 19691 PP 1843- 1847. HTC-71-11343-06P Nov 71 Bactericidal Activity of Antibiotic Associations Based on Lincomycing by Re C-luzel FRENCH, per, Societe de Blologie et de ses Filiales. Comptes Rendus de.Seancesl Vol 1639 19699 pp 2332-2336 NT'C 71-16786-o6m Feb 72 Preventive Effects of Nil N-Dimethylbiguanide on Atherosclerosis Induce-d i-n Rabbit by a r-at Diet, by G. Marquio. FRETICH, per, Societe de Biologftq et de ! ses FIliales. Comptes Rendus des Seances, Vol 164, 1970, PP 1128- 1131. ItTG-71-16038-060 Jan 72 on-"70iocke on In 1 e -I. of th .pLi.,Apup I(rrat-humis (Inflaalme don Uea kerathurus~ Comptes Pal.dus des S6nncea de la 1275-12~)- . -n Prench. tho ino~Alt of the hrii.qv ch,jus ther-niquee sur la mue 3oclk6 de '-fologie. 1(4(61- Prallwliar~ trnivsI. !,, I . 1 . Soohaal fur FR"W 1 iol,,glaal Station, Ot . Andreus T". 1 '0"' Ian "raiml. Z;eries 1". 1696 7p. typeucript. Wash. C, 1). OrIgInat Antcie C6etkec!. Ifew Cold Variety of Coxsackie Virus B3. Part III Protoctive Effect and Intorferon-Induction Capacity, by P. Gevaudan FRP14CH, per, Societe de Biologie et de ses FIliales. Compter. Rendus des Seances, Vol 164, 1970, pp 1805-1808 NTC 71-16726-06M Fab 72 rnhibitoiny effecta of exogenoua gZuoooo on the bicaynthoola of protoh=o by the yeast aaccharanWcae cerevia-lae. 9 pp. FJWNCR, CgMtes Rend. Soo. Riot Vol 165, No 4, 2972, pp NASA TT F 14, 330 sept 72 -- -1 ~ --- - : ~.-- - 7 :, - - - - . - . - - - ~ -- - -- - ~ - -- ~-- I . -- - - I Aooomt: of the WA Vivit to the CSG# 1-2 Ootober 1070, by J. 0. AforIn. 12 pp. FJNNCY, rpt, Ompte Rendu do Za Vivite NASA au CSG Zoo GOVERNMY OF ONLY wv 71 Comm- and Comu- filed together 1 61 " tA K ~--q / Lu' i-araguayan Bishops Seek to Aid Development#6 ppe SPIANIShe per# gpmuni Asuncim. Apr 1969. pp 8.9. jpRs 48126 LAI-Paregumw Pal -h=e 69 381693 Bramll Cb&ned mith Fftlad an GirAdva Frontier. bw Isidro Famdres, 6 pp. 4, Asmalm, 13 SPAMH, npq QMWAA& -19 Apr 1969. pp a. 9. JPRS 48112 IA-11aragmy POI ivne 69 383.636 Exodus Of PAVUgUSYM ZntAa2JOntSU Dismaseds tv FlWas COICUbIDO Ambest 6 ipp. SPAN30M Ve -C-asgailodW. jAmmincdm, Jm 19690 pp 80 9. JM 48417 IA-ftmagmW Pal ja 69 386043 I=Ddup-t of Intallectvals Gravio fiatianal Problem, bar Andres Flores Colawbinag 5 ppe SPAMR, np, gWnM4Skdj, Aamcion, Jma 1969, pp a. 9. JPRS 48395 lAmParaguay PCkl JW~v 69 3M.'055 k~dgration of liRMuayan ProfegBalcmals A-zardried, b7 Andres Flores coloaftno, 22 pp. SPANDII. per. vrom s Asuncion, 3rd imak June 190, pp So 1 8 4th week June 1969, pp 8, 9; Ut week July 1969. pp 8. 9. JPRS 48380 IA-Paraguay Pol Ang 69 390.4W Now Role of Clergy in Politics Armaysed, by Juan Maria Carrone 7 pp* SiWUSIi,j per, Qmmaj~jd# Aumcione 4th week of July 1969. pp ir-~9,1 7 JI'BS 48673 L&Ltuador kal Aug 69 3909725 *Vag nw~jftm MOM Ito Vqtjl At so Rpot4a *wipe 1b 0* paumb adomma x3as me For the Vlat=7 Of lmdu"m GVd=t TrotsiWite Provocationes, 5 VV. limakIN, per# Q 99MELISSO Val Zl,, No 1-2. inn-ftb IWv vt 3v JPM.B 35923 USISR Pol ;Lm 66 302*818 PSNP COqPVSB R&COnfirrA OubaMimt1on to PC-to by Fmwo gftaam,, 5 pp, rLUJANp per.0 .11 Cemwmqm+Ak- Val US so Ie* Jim-ftb 1.966, P. ~." J13M 35W3 merrt&4 POI am 66 30e.8ig Italian League or Marxist-Leninist Communists Issues Draft Program, StatutAis, 8 ppo XTALXAN# per, 11 c - voi ir, No. 3-4, -4 115P Mar-Apr 1966, ppT 6-70 JPRO 388T9 wz-ltaiy Pal D" 66 -315'.T08 Purpose of International CP Conference Seen As Attack on Chins, by Plarlo QuArants, 5 pp. ITALIAN, per, U Cormigista, vOls 3, Noe 1-2, jan-reb 1967, p. 2. JPW 40072 FffmChina Pol Apr 67 321,093 lt&uan MarxLet-jangnist View of ReUtionship betvaen MULtants and ftrtirp bY U90 D-wes, 9 PP* MLVJ, per, a g2mumstm.9 Vol. 3* NO- 1-2p Jan-ftb 1967, pp. 4-5- JPM 40072 WE-Italy poi Apr 67 321,094 French Pr*-ChIDUM MOuta3,T Placusmg -ftLIure- or ibowt and "ftwo Comma"t progmm, b7 UWI ftSWat and MM 61 D&baUa7, 5 pp. MINUMUNIP IWO 700 RegWous, lb U5, Jan 1966,, Vp- 2j,3- JPW 3 361 WIC-Franm Pal YAw 66 296p745 PAY"autAomry Fromb commmlou can ftr UAIWN 6 pp, FMCH part - - 9 Val 149 So 1339 oet 1;h9 10 pp 1 30- am 43324 intemi P*l Do* 67 346.708 Plichele Mestre Reports on Preparation for RevolutionAry War in Europe, by Michele Mestre, 5 pp. FRENCH, per, 14 22~19te, No. 140, Paris, March 68, pp. 3,6. JPRS 45s255 International Political ~~y 68 357,573 Fvenah CP --- wing Aoto In Qrijdm, 6 pp. FRiWCH# PW* LOP -COM*UdJlt&-o )io 143, june 1968, P 3e JPRS 46v104 is FNWM POI Aug 68 362t801 qft~- pw --- ou for CP Pavvlutlwwy wing stuaw, 6 pp* IIWCHO pme A COMMMISUR No 1430 June 1w. 4 = 46,104 WE Frmm pa Avg 68 364W2 Militant Marxist Criticizes French CP,CGT, by Christian (,arcia, 5 pp. FRENCE, per, Le Communiste, Paris, ITO 178, Mar 72, -o 2. JPRS 5572~4 Apr 72 -U vi~y~ K'Oto -d -by Jisin Allomand, 7 PP oc PR -CH, per. Le C -Nov -72 s- at-e_,,_ _Paris, Jan 73 Agencyt FAA - R-13269.D P.O. N=ber 'GAC-45024 U 3 Feb- 70 Tithes Commnications Air-Sal at charge do travail DOun operateur-visualioation. (General Introductiong pages 4.6) Authro: iperwdiov J. C. & Bonnet, M. Language: French' 39P Special Instructions%- Translate into English. 1 copys, Sovea Principles for coopexation-va-th-ma-ek- Al:rios and Madaamear, by 14t3mmd Triboulet, 7 VP* Fmca' r, 92samet-0 et cmtizmtat Vol 57, No 2r Apr-Jun 1965, VP& 3-do j, JPM 31999 Africs-Intro-Al~rIcs Fol Sept 65 w9"462 'rtiwe Relations Between the EEC and the Assoalated African and Ma2agaay ~Dt;ates, ty Henri Rochereau, 14 pp. IWZJOH* per, Gqm2n&;&ps et Contirmpts, Vol LVII, No 26, Apr-Jiu-m 1965, pp 9-2B. JPRS 32173 AfrIcs &con Oct 65 2879905 The Waching and Future Plospects of the French Language In the CcxntrJLos of Black Africa, tV Jem-Pierre Daromidp 11 pp. r C11,, perj, Commumoutes at Continents,, Vol 5-7, No 26, ;An---Ju-n-1qW,-VF. 19-27. JPfG 32288 AfrIcs-Intra4WrIes. Pal Oct 65 2900&L3 Lated Coopamt:Lan tetvem the XSC and tba kswycer_ Afrlc&M M& "LUWW &Atesj, by Jacques rona, a pp- MMANDAUS Olt OMtindsts-,L Vol FIEML, per,, Com 57, 10 28, 00 ipm 34,19 AfriC& Pal 2951,791 yeb 66 I~wrwl~ tO the b7 ADjort . fmialft oir Arrtaft Cd., "am "~W~Avm .9 pp. ~p 5 ?. p ft 0 a r,.Pi Wd OM A411i p Mo%%.MLOP Arrics Pal rob 66 gz,07W -the-- Ible of Bm*is In Afriam Development. by Pierre Roque*, 5 pp, FROM par# a 91 smamenta. Vol 39, go -% Jan-ftr 19679 PP* 15-10v JM 40313 AFRICA Sam MAY 67 323,471 Problems of African Journalism Discussed. by I" Wa Lobe. 17 PP. FMCH, per, ZO Vol 59, ,Mmaton at agnS NO 6. Apr-.Jun 1967, ppe 1.45.26o JM 4198 5 Africa a" Avg 67 3?7*735 fr4nah AssioUnoo to African Information Me&&. tiy lbbert GineoW. 9 pp. FBEW26 par* Comwmmteo ot Cb . Vol 39. ft 6. Apr-jun-IW?7.- -pp.- 35-40, j?" 41985 Afrloa Soo Avg 67 377.734 ffm Information Media Aid Afrioan Dovelopmontp br Joan Chwmto 12 ppe FRUCH, par* 2gM%!U_tut*j! et gont 0 jp~p�m Ptris, Jarl-Nar 1969P PP 7-14v JM 417913 lUtAr-Atrlmn Aff zocm Aw 69 38lo864 - I.- I . ", :~ A A I - RI, . ~ n ~ '.. .7-10W~ 4M4WAL -4110pollsomt Ippe; at JM pr 9o]2*--- Afribmax.Agriem AftwL= am" A~s son&* of &~ 24an.0 W~~ 6 OW Im ""el a%" sm 948"m wmpl~*lftft as asswite 9044" am uo me do 36 = raw" low ~ # XLSM* SometMe S SW *U a mmis plvgnm4ng and RallAbility of MACtrOnic Sultablug lbraboaDs"., by J, DLIWASM* MRIMR, per, *t jmec!E2ql2jLep NO 3Lo. 2,965, pp 5-W. x= ftf : go=. (2550) "I-33AM nov 69 395,658 2he AT goo a.-I -1 mau Cqaa'V 71m JXVISIGM Auto- a ftObMAPt by M. Agwa. FXEM mr, commutI.. t M. No 10, 390, J" Befl ;~6% ( -) Scd-Xlec Noy 69 395,665 T~c Observation In the Lyon-sevism Four Wire Trunk Trmsit ftahwqp,, by L. Qlllon FIOWN ,, per, at Mactronigue, 92m5ml:-Lon w0 -IIF, 1966P pp 04-90. ML Set: 9022.81 (2401) Sal-machanima Aug 68 362,258 BoLle PftnGIPUW Of tb* FW102.. xyto.., by L. J. zaals. symom pwi, am rbatlon et iasmw~6 No 290 1,967j. pp >.RL. im see; 9m.al (m~u) 8014kv awk 69 39KvO72 FJ*3d TrUl for an Intosmtod Elo*trado Bidtabim S"tom In the IA"nim ROgiam-P"JOct putafte tv Le 4-1 UboUib A-4-41a Fjmkze pw, at --- It so 20s 1968a pp 7-16. MU Rofs 9022,81 (2462) sciAlAot .Tft" An The Switching Network of the Pericles- Michelet Automatic Exchange, by J. Duquesne. FRENCH, per, Commutation et Electronique, No 20, 1968. pp 17-3S. NLL Ref: 9022.81 (2490) Sci-Elec. May 69 380,753 k3t=at1C Switching Systea Using Micro-Sel .ectors and Stared Program In Connection vith the Pericles System, by J. Duquesne. FMCM, per, Connutation at Electivnique, Vol 20, 1-068, 36-60. pp NLL Ref 9022.81 (2481) MCC July 69 38S-370 Svitabing Netwvk ConUvl of tbi P*rlales- ulabolot axabows by M. Romlor. JWXMM4 P", co-tatim ot -- - v So 21j, - p 3pe 3D-430 WA. Bef : 9022- U (253T) Sol-jaso Nov,6,q 395*66T 3htro&wUon of a P*rloUs Zlectronla Mmoben In the PWds 30%wk, by U. Zaaout. mumm pwi, Ion -at MMMME-12LW. No 22a IW;0;2z -2U. NM Ref: V (25~) "I-imea nov 69 39.5o662 11c Multi-Registers of the Pericles-Michelet Autcmitatic Excliange, Part I General Structure, by 11. Lucas. FRMCII, per, Commutation et Electronique, No 22, July 1968, pj~ 23-41. NLL Ref: 9022.81 (255S) Sci/Elect Dec 69 398,294 me -zesistus or the awe - - smid*lwb kAOMMUS SMArbme ambmwo mart 2.j, by J. vAtuftm. MIMM pwo I M at v Jb 23, ANDOM IM 5-1m. I" man 9M.81 (9530) 8414kw sqo 69 394079 The Time-410"lon 12ftatrmlc amabon of the PUton- Proje".. by A. PS=t. JUMS6 per., at zl*atronion, SO g3, 1968. Vp 22-42. JML Bef : 9M. 81 (25M) a"_Xlec Nw 69 395s666 Problem of the Co=nat1w 5stbark In Tlm- dLvIsim MdUhIng, by 4. TaLUMas. .- 1 6 et atzvnlwn. 22v*;I-M No 913P -5TO p a& jIRf3 9M. 25-53) & 5 ) Sa-ZLOC Nov 69 395,668 Fc~ P2anU fw Bqp2ylng Automfte galopbme and ft2ftv~~b Umbmqps AUoulng ibc Orawthv by J. 01nodg, -S. Platou. JMX26 pww Me!=Um ot mmetmt " -P so 2% -*47%PWR Im T4- -94- XLL ftft 9=-al (2535) sol"Use ftpt 69 39QP32T Llectric Powor Plant: Present State and Purthor Prospects, by A. Dolbouys, J. Favrier. FJU:NQI, per, Commutation et Electronique, No 23, 1968, pp. 73-8. NLL Rcf-. 9022.81 (2534) Sci-Blect July 69 388,347 XUatra-mcbmical Tzuffic Ansayser Ln Pont&- conlke Exabon a. by A. DelbotWo-p 0. Tallem. a==.. pe on *t sloctronique, Val 24, Jan 13M.-PP 99-103- NLLB*f: 9022.81 (2557) Sol-juc Oct 0 395,099 The Programming of the Pericles-Michelet Exchangep Tho Monitor Program, by C. Abraham. FRENCH, per, Commutatloxx at Electronlque, No 24, 1969, pp 7-13. NTC-71-10151-09B Nov 71 The Programming of the Pericles-Micholet Exchange, Switching Programs, by 0. Abraham. FRENCH, per, Commutation et Eleetronique, No 25, 1969, pp 7-15. NTC-71-10150-09B Installation of a Perleles Electronle Exchange at Michelet, by A. Sautel. FRENCH, rpt, Commutation et Electrgniquo, No 27, 1969s pp 5-18. NTC-71-10543-17B Nov 71 G, Andre Defence and Maintenance Program for the Pericles Michelet Exchange. FRENCH, per, Commutation et EleatEpALques_No 32, 1 W1 0 pp 10-19 NTO 72-12825-17B sept 72 Programing the Fericles-Michelet ExchanV. Operating Programs. Part 11. For Subscribers and Circuits. FREMH, per, Q2MtatLQn et F ,aactroniquep No 32,, 1971# pp 20-29 NTC 72-12822-17B aept 72 M. Rouxier Maintenance of the Platon TDM Switching System. MICH., per, Conutation et Elsexonigo, No 32, 1971, pp 30-39 NTC 72-12826-17B sept 72 Coutwil Eagulation No. 79/65/Ll'.C of June IS, 1965 Estublishing in tho LXC zut. Lnf(mlation Service on t-arm Incomes and Conduct of Business, 13 pp. FFZ240i, pcrg, CoLazunautes I;uro tones, No, 109, ._IK Incl to Ddiiji L ILO A-46, LZL--C/ 23 Jwt 1965, r d Brussols, Dept of State 47340076-65 WE - DeLgium 290,929 F.Con Noy 65 Laubler, L. 1969 World squeoulture. Present state and potential. The Mwo program and its realization (Llaq"aulture dans is monde, *tat ftatuol *t PoUntialltea. Lo progrinke du CXM et *a roallmation) Conw=loatlon fulte aux JouzTmes do l1explaration at Ilexplaitatlon do& caeans, Nantes, 12, 13 and 14 Nov., 18p. rn Fmnch. Trunal. by TPH for HmPS, oct. 1970, 440p. , typescript. Avail. on Loan - NMFS, Wash., D.C. wri,5 -r7- 70 -,5e0-5-,3 Original Article Chedtedjh'~ The Fimb Agreement an Outer Space# bV 411MA&LA ~~* ITALTANO per, In. CcMxdtfiL Inteross3onales PArvists, ;a S;amvti lta2Um I- -coo , Sn TT 7-MMO -1 110 Za 1-90712 IPP J-Q)o SOL Doe 68 37:LsO94 ; Std/AW ; Now" 10 Aft 67 tw mftuwdo catta ftg*&Us ft comalcooms mu"Ses (13# 1966p pp jj-16, Faftwom IA- breaU Musarr amw: TZOUWAtd~s draft pjmm~ om Study of the Accuracy of Gas Flow Measure- ments Using the Sonic Throat Method, by Bernard Masure. FRENCH,rpt, Communication Presentee a 1"Assoc- iation Technique Maritime sic Aeronautique,, Paris, 6-10 May 1968. CIA X-6870 Also Available CFST1 by NASA Sci & Tech Ifo Facility Jan 69 373,472 English Title Unknmn, by Rapnmd Vaissiere. WUCOENr USE CNLY HUNM, rpt, Caminucation Presentee au norn des Auteurs par J Bourde aux VII Journees Naticnales de Dietetique - Marseillep IS My 1966, pp 1-5. *Dept of Navy NavShips Trans No 11-19 see Cheryl Sept 68 Agency; NASA R-11318-D ?-O-No- W-12,904-34 16 Feb. 70 Tit'Le: DIZ ACCIMUUaIONS EN VOL A BASSE AUUTUDE SUR AVIONS RA22*DES W LEUR IIICIDE14CE SUR LE PILOTE. Athor: J-Perrochon, 11, Scris, R.Auffret Source; Communication a la Societe Fren. de Physiologie et Medecine Aeronautiques et 11banionautiques, 18 Jun 65 Languai;e: French 3Pp, 4- S &,-,I s ct- s Special Information: Please translate & type 1 copy f4a.u r.,, Four Cases of Precocious Neurological I'llost Abortud' Accidont Dw Probably to an Air LiZoUum Treated by Hyperbaric Oxygen, by Ate i4i:Ui unf Goulon, at al, 1--."qCll, zlit, Commmication Presnetee a la 6o- ciota liedicale dos Hopitaux do p ce du 26 v~ars 1965 Narch 1966, 30 pp. SuOO7-l!)66 Dol.1 ol: IllavyrBuPof Ships I~L No 979 5ci-B&i-l We 66 315g5-17 ow ovitchIm or Delta metwrk to suit Particular Tower"Ple lKstrIbutIon. fte ftu43r or a Tim- VIvIsIm Omedstrator, by 1. Cqppetti, A. Artm4 14 pp. VATM* rpts I& comwat4mani DI Isti Ad Alberp Pw BoULmore Purtloolorl TO DO - croftcbe- DI Menza, Btudio un a Divildow Ifth alim m2miagod Belle ft 9 19&T - 3m 3-15. A J-M6 FOW4W.23-1133-70 Sol/imect Avg 70 1"Quotion of fttlama CawvM.Itlon la Cubap 9 M. WAZMm, qpt cm It powaa cin Alto, Mv 1965.9 pp. 1--7. JM 34"7 LR*CUMS pa mw 66 296pgUr Instruction 9700/DCE/1/RD/RD/30 Relating to the Operation of Aircraft Fuel Depots and the Accomplishment of Air- Craft Serv-1cing, 42 pp. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY FIMCH, rpt, Instruction No. 9700LDCE/l/RD/PJ)/30 Concernant 1'Exploitation des Depots Essence-Air et des Armees. PP JL-23. AIR/PTD/M!-23-898-71 JUlY 72 J-595/66 Conclusions of the First Seminar for Leaders of Workers' Education. SPAXIM, rpt, Conclusiones del I Curso-Seminario do Blesponsables do Efteacion do lon Trabajadores, Caracas, Venezuela, 1 5-24 JulY 1965.. pp 1-41. ~~`C_11773/SPecial L Awr - Venezuela Soc oat 65 600d 3100d COUldn*t UO, Or Roflactions oi a lAyj;uin on blood Grm4js wid Triuisfusims, by Andme RUJOI, per, Concours lNed, Vol 87, No 5, 1965. pp 644-rS-4. kW59 NIII 12-18-65 WE-Franco sci/64m Mar 66 29 7. 12 7 Adaptation Through Tropical GountrieB. by A.-C. Benitte. RUROPFINp per, ConoRurs Iledioal, Vol 87, 1965v pp 7025-7035 NTO 72-11940-06P Nvi-~A -i'T ;,-~w-,34 June 72 Z,~j Isi m 3GE The Hospital, the Chronic Diseases and the Aged, by Henri Poquignot. 22p. FRBNCH, per* Ocogcours f4edoo, Vol 88, 1966, PP 6S-78. Mpg of navy 5054/NNS 1164 SCI-84M ,. Doe 66 315,58S ,. - I,, - : ,, - - ---- - :- -, ,i / " a -11~~L - - -., 0 in Intermittent Heating of Promises, by 0. Ercole. ITALIAN, per, Condizionamento dell'Arla, Vol 10, May 1966, pp 239-244. 0. A. trans 580 sci/mechan engr Nov 71 x-oisa of Frequency i-Wullttiou in a Coutrolled i, '" Carcinotrui, by 'I., Leclorc, 15 pp, FULU01j, plit, Cmuftranco Cougrus IWAjurf!2!juwico IL)o4 FGI# 19bs. Bi~Z'of Navy Tr No 4167/BmSUps Tr No 901 Sci - lilac Au,g 65 2840528 ;Iiatura aud Utaracturistics of viv Parasitic Oscillations in the i-s-I)rjoe Curcinotrosis, by, fl, Maruclial,, 19 lip, rpt,, Confarencc Coug~ms Ilyperfrequoucc 1964 Apr WiT of Havy Tr No 4166/BuSiLips Tr No 900 Sci - Eloc Aul; Wli 284l327 BareW Pzvblam ln the De*Ua of Very Fast smactwo PlutGalm F"Lo, by A. 1. LowgumoklY.0 TMEMO rpts .1" okw I& &W a NowtouM A XfttrMe MaIdM IMP *be ft- Ipp 1-3-3. " )6w-ek-361-68 S"-Pz*qu2SlQn & FumU ompt 68 gmrpwy douditlaw In opgmtift the DOR Psactors by I. A. MXS=ft6(w Coufer4U~* UUMMUODSIS Bur I& TAKMJI rpt, su"ta RmBoacteurS A NGUtrjo~i-deqv 296T* pp 2m2be ).Iff-24-363-W Bel-propulsion & ruou sept 68 lb" saw 2--Ct'W-, IW A- A. FAMCN, Zvt~, Camf fl~~ 3utflowtiamme log 6M 68 ~~ & soft rrobl~ of oafww la jaw awro2a~ Of the W-5m by Vo Vo Qr3AW. P30=0 :rojp UWMj%.l="e Our I& surou RM MMMEgM A Xpatnas am-mz": Iwo Im 2-300 of 6JW-"-365-0 9"-P"lcs Get 68 P4P"CW: ft-SnWAM R-9m-D P.O.No. 9-1-011#0 17 Deember 1968 Tltle: Marluawn ducamparte~t 6m struatures d/uzi Vddftle opAr son ocavants on eas do colUsLan Autboat M. Jlem Ran= Scurm: Coar4wence Prommmme a I& S,I.A .12 Feb. 1968 SPudal 1"bruaUcn: PIOMM trana2A*.e end %lpe 1 cmpy E.Iastom(irs And Spaco Vchicles., by S11111U01 COhn, FRENM, rpt, Conference - Revue General du Cautchouc et des Plastiques, Vol XLIII, No 7-8, 1966, pp 957-967. *NASA TT 1-10,951 Sci-Space TOCIUA May 67 IAgency: Transp/M R-9993.-D P.O.Noe 5~.1-0140 1T December 1968 Title: LZ SIRUE IN CHDC PMURDT A AEBMtFTMDN WROMM Autbor: J. Nomon. et G. Minuran .Source% Conference our la SeauIte RourUere, Bruxelles Lsn&w4P: French apawdal MutrcUonst Plean tromaate wd type 1 avy NEW TNVESTIGATIONS OF SHORT WINGS WITH LATERAL aTS CARAFOLI Bj,.0AMARASZ8CU N RU: CONFERINTA NATIONALA DIP, blECANICA APLICATA., BUCHAREST, 23-27 JUNE 1969, STUD11 Sl CERCETARI DE MECAITICA APLICATA VOL 29, nr 4, pp 947-962 Tho orowdsfftim of tb* COMMaiNt Party of Vmo"la# 6 pp- amm a No 19.0 5 ow WANM, "r.- 1965, It PPT JPW 33V* TA-VOODSM" pol 293,786 jan 66 of the Seventh PIMU of the Coutrul Candttee of the Commist Pftrt;y of vanuawi&, 8 pp* WAR=, per* C-0-3ft-AMIAlp no 24, 30 Jun 1965, 4 ]Poem* JPRB 3" IA-Venesu*U Pal ika 66 293v787 WtIlm for the Toport of the Resolutime of the BnMth PIOMM of the Cantzvl Can- uduse of the VenexuelAm Commist, Party.. 23 vp. SEUM, per, Confidemlals, 36 26,, 29 Jul 1965P PVT 3-IT- MRS 3" IA-VenommIm pol im 66 2930788 The Leaders of the Armed Forces of National Liberation Denounce Their own Movement, 9 pp. SPANISHO per, Confidencial. 1.:o 29. 3 Oct 1965. pp - 1-7. JPRS 30002 L16Vonezuela Pol oat 66 313.515 lboments of the Venezuelm CP and thO Venmmelan Revolutionary Leftist ~Iovemsnte 41 pp. SPANISH, per, Cqnftdeno:L&jj, 4 Jul 1966, No 31. pp. I-ff.- JPRs 313192 LA-Venesuela Pbl %v 66 313,787