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Claude M. Bruneau On the Interpretation of the Infinite Value of the Degree of Polymerisation According to Classical Theory. FRENCH, per, Comptes Rendus Hebdomada:Lres des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Vol. 264, 27 February 196: pp 758761. NASA Tr F 14,486 Oct 72 Quasi-Periodic Distribution of! Defects in Netron Irradiated 8*09 by B. Belbsoch. 4 pp- nocut per, C. R. Aca4 Sei, Vol 264, 1967, pp 883-886. *NW TT 70-57657 Sci-Cben Jul 70 DiftUSLOU 0t 9 in Ago by N. BarboUtb. FRMMv pwp Compt" &k2ftt_ASSg_jcL, Vol 264, Sw C, 19670 pp 102"31. *ftt. Buc St&W Tr 70-57922 ScL-Chm jai 70 d(MLM-1995(Tlt)) SCOMPARISON OF THE INFRARED REFLECTION SPECTRA OF COMPRESSED MINERAL POWDER WITH THOSE OF THE CORRESPONDING MONOCRYSTALS. gVergnoux, Anne-Marie; Brunel, Rene. jeTranslated for Mound JAb,, Miamisburg, Ohio, from jjCompt, Rend.,_Ser. 4, B; 265: 1097- 9(1967). .06p. 3IDep. NTIS, 2,physics (solid-state); translations 2y20L nMN-34 21P NSA Kinetics of the Cellular Proliferation of 'Iwo Emma of Man, Studied bV Means of the Injection of I~rltlu=-Treated TbWnldlm, bly E 0 14RIA180 9 bROCH, per, C R A29d Sci (D p= Val 264, i96?s pp U64--HO7. HEV NDI 5-4--68 Sci/l)&.i Ju3 68 Cluudc M. Bruneau On a Formal Inconsistency Deduced from the Concept of Gelification of Multifunctional Macromolecular Compounds According to Classical Theory. FRENCH, per, Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Vol 267773 April 1967, pp 1178-1171 NASA TT F 14,W '/97 Oct 72 Preparation of Fe-Cr Alloy Single Crystals, by M. Laasus. Fl=CH,, per, Compt Rend..L Vol 264, 1967, PP 1256-1258. *BTIS/NBS TT 71-55210 Available NBS Only July 71 Optics - Dynamic Holography, by J. Munnoret, 5 pp.6 GOVURNMUNT USE ONLY FRENG1. per# CmV~es Randus do LAcad. des Sciences, No 2640 PP-136&.~~* libido-.. - - ia-IC ~~-7il WE 342,511 Sci/physics May 68 Stud,v of the MentiostAtle Doj*At In a Thin IAM Ot Imep-Makel AllMsq bor J. Guittan and JO vaugmts FWMCHp pwa 20d" as-do Vol 2640 awl" cs 17 Apr 3C967&- pp 3J*5-3351a *Msl 3993 S4d,*MlLt DOO 67 Existcjici.~ and Properties of Triatmic Duoterium Molocular Jots, by F, Wacol Devienne. FlUM:11, por, Comptes. Itendus 9 Acad Sci Paris, Vol 264, 17 May 1967, I)p 1400-1403. P91IZ02268-V AF-C-NP-tr-1637 N 4 4, Ccl- : 'le W Ij F (f C 7-6)1,1..S-jy Sci-phys Aug 63 357,447 ~ -LW- A-' ~ ~ -- - ~ . -, , - - -' - ' - - -- - - - - - '- - ' " ' Apparanst ActLvatLon Snergy for the Crmp of V Between, $00 and 8000C$ by WoncmuLll do Ferran, FRM4M, per, CMEtas Ren&is Aend gait Vol 264, 1967. pp 1455-1457, *Nat Bur Stand Tr 70-37697 ScL--Chsm Jul 70 at*mdum CapWapiddime tV Jo Fo A*,,Ipzmcme FMCHO part gogem andu voi 264, No i?, 3$67,p yp 1475--Wm. NLL Raf: 9091*9F (DmmmoV MMM 303) SIA-Chm Avg 68 362s,039 The Ta"rLuS of Nickel in a Hydrogen Atmmpbers, by S. Scharrare 4 ppj NUMB, p"p Cmptes Readum Acad ScL, Vol 2649 1967, pp 1499-4502. *us TT 70-37359 Sci-]Phya Jul 70 1 . Potential of Cellulose Fibers, by J. F. Lafayo. FRENCH, por, Acadomlo dos Sciancou. Paris, Comptay Rendus, Series C. Vol 264, 1967, PP 1513-1516. NTC-71-10056-IIE Nov 71 Diffusion In tho Iron-Hichol Syntam, by M. BAC11A. FMCH, per, Academia des Sciences Paris, Comptes Rendus, Series C, Vol 264, 1967, pp 1528-1531, WC-71-10127-11F ,-; F S 7 7 -TT ?0 -S 'Y.--j 1 11 Nov 71 Contribution to the Study of Diffusion of Sulphus in High Purity Copper, by F. Noy&, 3 pp. FRENCH, per, C.R. Acad. Sci. 264, 1967 pp. 1543-15450 *NBS TT 70-57625 Sci/mater Jul 70 Study of the Transition Area of a Reaction Electrode With 4L Linear Diffusion Zone, by 0. Dupre La, Touro FPJCKCH, per, 0. R. Acad Sci., Bar C, Vol 264, 1967, PP 1569-1572. *NW TT 71-53039 Available M Only June 73- 'a V%' "W MOU Ot Btcdddowtry lad MIN *001U ftmftrleop by J. Y. MWIn. ~w :99 lls:~39 as = ~ Amm as* 2614 IL967a *=~ If 70-5&L94 AvaUdae M *ay Sel/fts 849t 70 English Title Q*nowm, by J. Chouteau. GOVER02M USE CNLY FIMXB, rpt, Canptes Rendus Acad Sci Paris, Vol 264, 29 Mar 1967, pp 1731-1734. *Dept of Navy NavShips Trans No 1132 See Chexyl Sept 68 Asnociation of a Eubacterium to the IAfe Cycle of a Z~Tyoxbacterlum: Chondromyces apiculatus Thaxter, by M. Abadle. FMCHI per, Academie doe Sciences, Paris. Comptes Randus, Series DP Vol 264, 1967, PP 1808- 1810. 71=16034-06M Jan 72 A Technique to Make Nearly Perfect Single Crystals of Alpha-U by High Ta"rature PlantLe Deformation, by F. Jean-UmLs. FRKWH, part CMetes Rendus Acad Sci Vol 264, Sor C, 1967, pp 1818-1821. *Nat Bur Stand TT 70-57943 ScL-ftyu Jul 70 Crystal log raphic Study of the Erbium-selenium System, by I'licholine Guittard. Jean Flauhaut, ra pp. FRENCII, rpt, C.R. Acad Sci, No 264, Ser C, 19S1- 1954. AECAIU,~-Tr- 1704-69 sci/phy Mar 70 400,212 Measure of the Activation Energy at the Start of Sintering of U02 by Dorn's Mothod, by J. J. Bacmann. FMCH, liter, Comptes Rendus, Vol 264, Ser c, 1967, pp 2077-2080. *CFSTI TT 70-58236 Sci-Chem June 70 at"t Of 44tooft an tho Viml FarUass or *xd" 14*od"g bCr aq I)*-The. FFMMO po_rt so 190 Iwo pp 4~ a Vol 200 RVAQM 21-29-67 sal-B aw 'm &a 68 346q955 Ps 7 R. Ardaillou 40 A, The effect of thyrocaloitonine on the renal secretion of sodiwn and ohlor~ne in nomaZ man FRENCH, per, Comptes Rendus acader7de do sciences-, Paris, Vol 284, 1967~, pp 3037-3040 *NASA TT F 14.,356 juZy 72 AM= f XPA, Inc. P.O. Not ZACRO DA" 80 809-69 Vitlot Propagation Atmoup1wrique Lointbixw ae 819neUX AC4*U*ti4r"8 fti*&Ont&- Autlums Mo. Charles Barthel: et Yves Rocard, presentee par U. ALfred ]Kaat]Ar Source2 C.R. Acad. Sao Paris, to 265 (17 Juillot 1967). Languages Vvench Special rastructiones PLRASR Return to us special delivery please. Virology. The Revea3-trkg of a Vexiant of the Virus of Vesicular Stomatitis (Indiana Strain) that Confer* a Slow Sensitivity to CO~.) in DrotjoplLilrx Mclanogaster, by P. 1"Antz. FTMCH, per, Comptes Rendus,- Acadenie des Sciences,Paris, Series D, vol. 265, 1967, pp. 169-172. NTC 71-12977-o6m Effbats of Ultraviolet Irradiation on Lymplux-jteso Inhibition of the Incorporation of Urldir4 by J9 Dinote Misuclig pwo C R Acad Sci (P) Vol 263, 1967v pp 17~--TZ7 JILIf NIR 4-27-M Sci/B & M Hypezscnics - M=e-diuemicnal Flow 7hrough Supersauc Axial Cmpnmors, by P. Papcn. 5 pp. FMCH, per, 2~mtes Pmdus. Acadmde dEts Sciences. Vol 265, No 9, .1967, pp 231-284. AIR-FTD-HT-23-610-69 for official use cnly EVR INMMAL USE WITM THE rEPARDEV OF LEEMSE. %MS DOCXZEM IS NOr ICLEASABLE TO EEFJENSE DOCXV4EtRATICN CEMR. july 70 IrAawnc* of Ta"rature on tlml Pyrolygis of C91431M C"bonate in &n Isatheml Container in a Stroam of Bitragen or Uader ConeAnt Vacum, IV J. P, Auffredlo & P. Va~aet, MKCHp per# C*mtex Alpft Val 263, ser G. 196?, pi) 329-332o *IaSA TT F-110433 sci/chem mar 68 Uide-Band Amplifier for Rapid Impulses, by Go Laoroix. FRENCHp per, Ag&damis doe SciengAl, ?&rig. Comptes Rendul, Vol 263, 19679 PP 346-3,48 NTC 72-11633-09A nw, vi 7 y 4 June 72 SC-1IEU~t Application of an Electric Field to Diffusion in U02 at 900-11000CI by W- Dornsla&' FRXNCH, par, Compton Roadus Acad Scif Vol 263p Ser C, 1967, pp 3S9-362. *Mat Bar Stand TT 70-57942 sci-Cben Jul 70 Pi iriati.- pikierick, Dle]AwtAc Bobavlor of Lead Ziresuate. by LOViS GOUIP*&%k. FMCH, Par* Awdod-o d2m SgAmagAlk &4!. c I 06 FAWAW, goB Val 265w No 6. 7 Avg 1967o pp 370- 3"o *AFCRL, set-pa" Oft 68 Larras. Joan 1967 Physical oceanography - Now research on the probability of appearanoo of waves with amplitude surpassing a given value (Oasanogrophle physique - Nouvollem reoheroh*s stir Is I probab 11tv d partition des houles dont l1amplituds ( I k une talepur donn**) Cor,ptes RenduB. Acad. Soi. Paris, g6j, series B. 16 Aug.: 434-436. In French. Tranal. by D.C. Bidde for Wave Res. Project. Hydraulic EngIneering Lab., U. of Calif., Perk;]*YA may 1970, as Tech. Report 11FL 1-15, pp. 6-10 in 5 p. Tremal. of Four French Papers on Ocean Wave Climate Distribution Functions," processed. Avail. XTIS as AD 7o9634, prioe $3.00. Avail. on Loan - NKPS, Wash., D.C. I Original Article Chocked. X (:'- A(SC-T-71:3086) 5MEASURENIENT OF THE LIFE- TRAFS OF THE FIRST LEVELS OF Li 1. gBttchut, Juan-Paul; Denis, Main; Dususcluelles, Jean; Dufay. Maurice. IcTranslated for Sandia Labs., Albuquorquo, N. Mox., from jjj6F40,.',,jj6 11tend-, Ser. B; 265: No. 8, 471-4(19t;-g)- 2()51)- 24Dop. N,*I'ls. 26physics; translations 2y20 28MN-34 Igl' NSA Measurment of tha Volume, and Grain-Boundary Diffusion CosfftcLents of Radioactive Cr and Apha-Fas by As M, Hunts. FRENCH, per, CMEtes Randus Acad SSi, Vol 26S, 1967, pp 553-557. *Not Bur Stand TT 70-S7738 ScL"Chmw Jul 70 ItamunochomintLy on tho Polyam-inao, by G. Quanh ELJIIOP=I, per, Academie des Sciences. Paris. ComDtes Rendus. Series D. Vol 265, 1967, PP 934-936 !-"TC 71-164 6A .53-0 ~ mar 72 Moschetto, Y. Antigenic Properties of Keratins. ACADEME DES SIENCES, PARIS, COMPTES RENDUS, - TO Vol 265, pp 64706, 1967 CSIRO-Trans-10997 NTC-72-14713-06A Jan 73 Specificity of Antipolyamine Antibodies, by J. Jonaxd SUROFEAN, per, Academie des Sciences, Paxis. Comptes Rendus, Series D, Voi 265, 1967, 1099-1102 NTC 71-16452-o6o mar 72 -to":') RFACTION SCHEMES OF A PRE'PARATION OVIIERYLLIUM HYDRIDE'. sMulotiol', Joun. 101'ratislated for Univ. of California Luwrence Radiation Lab., LivermOrL, from 15CO!~npt. Rend., Ser. C;. 265: 1261-3 (1967). 11205P- 2ADLI). N I 1b. 26chemistry (inorganic); translationS 2707B ,,MN-4 ,P NSA 0 Electronic Conductivity, Ionic Conductivity, and Thamal DLtftsion in MaD at High Tmparatures (900-11500c), by J. P. Bocquet. FRRNCH, par# Comptes Randus Ac4d SEL, Vol 265, Ser C, 1967, pp 1318-1321. *Nat Bur Stand TT 70-57944 ScL-Chew Jul 70 /I / 0 4(OHNI,-U-2338) IDIWAY OF 611:u AND FXCITED LEVELS OF IgCo. Beraud, Robert; Berkes, Istvan; Daniere, Joannes; Levy, Michele; Marest, Gilbert; Rougny, Robert. 10Translated by Martha Gerrard and J. J. Pinajian (Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn.) from 15Compt. Rend., Stir. B. 265: 1354- 6(1967). 11205p. ,,D;p. CFST-r.- IgphysJos (nuclear); translations ZT20H IgWIN-34 19P NSA 0 IMProva"Ont of the Corrosion Resistance of Special Stools with Ili('Ili Meahanical Properties, by G. P. Legry, -T. Montuelle. rowc1l, per, Comptes Rand. Ser. C, 1967 Vol 265, Due 18, pp. 2410-1415 DISI 6555 Sci/ mat 396,080 Nov 69 Parametric Amplification of flypersounds by the Brillouin Effect Stimulated in Quartz, by G. Caohier. FRENCH, per, Agademis des �giengAL. plea RendIM, Vol 265, 1967, pp 1442-1444 NTG 72-11632-209 NH,~I~ -FT I t June 72 More Xvidence for Spinodal DecorWonition in the System B20-A-PbO-A120,, From X-Roy Diffraction Studies, by J. Zarzycki. 4 FPJMM, per, C. R. Aced Sci., Ser B, Vol 265, 1967, pp A56-1459. *NBS TT 71-53037 Available IMS Only June 71 Intrycytoplanmic Formationa of thq 11119nosome" Type kmong Chondromycou crocattiv Dorkolay and Curtis, by M. Abadie. FRENCH, per, Academie des Sciences, Paris, Comptes Rendus, Series D, Vol 2659 19671 pp 2132- 2134. 71-16033-06Y, Jan 72 Potential Distribution in B&TIO3 Cerasics in a Humid Atmosphere. by G. Ornancey. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY FRENCIIS P'M comptes Rendus, Vol 299 B, 1967, pp 72 -719. Dept of Navy NRL Tr No 1137 Sci-Chem July 69 385,286 qLi&14'rUtj uU-(--Tjz0NlCS. Stud), of tio W-IN, Laser: SCIUCtion Of Itays, EValUUtioll of tho Aftylifi- cation and Vibrational Populations. by 1. Legay, N. Legay et al., 7 pp. FRENQ1, per, Coti4ites IWndus do I'Acudeme des Sci., Vol 20b. 1'768 AM,I/ISIC/Tr-858-68 GUVEM~IENT USE ONLY Sci/phy Doe 68 3S4.940 Study of the Ralationship Between Latent Heat of Fusion and Surface Tension, by M. C. Mascre. FRENCH, per, Comptes Rendum Acad Sci, Vol 266 B, 1968, pp 34-37. NLL Ref: 9022.27 (1036) Sci-Phys May 69 380,689 An Optical Method for the Study of Spinodal Deeauposition, by J. Zarzycki. FEWCH, per, 0. R. Acad Sci. Ser B., Vol 266, 1968, pp 145-148. *MS TT 71-53036 Available MIS OmLy June 71 Effects of Dissolved Oxygen on the Electrochem- ical Behaviour of an 18/ 10/2.5 Stainless Steel in a Sulpharic Acid Medium, by D. Mansuy, FRENCH, per. C.R. Hebd. Seances Acid. Sci., Series C, Vol 266, 15 Jan., 1968, pp 179-192. BISI 9175 Use of a Partition Method in the Solution of Certain Partial Differential Equations Whose Domain Has an Infinite Strip. by M. Poloujadoff, J. C. Sabonnadiere. FRENCII. per, C. R. Acad. SC., Vol 266, Ser B, 1968, pp 230-233. Dept of Navy APL/JIIU T-2384 Sci/Math Mar 70 404,249 Development of Mechanical Properties During the Recovery and Recrystallisation of an Extra-Soft St~iel, by R.-M. Obuzinet. FRENCH, per, Comptes Rend.,, Ser. cp Vol 266, 22 Januaxy 1968, pp 262-265. DISI 6557 c_~,Lff. ~wv_-A Q^i _hI_-%4- Study of the Currents Induced in the Secondary of a Linear Motor With u Short stutor Fed by a Systen of Balanced Currents, by M. Poloujadoff. FIR0401, per, C. It. Acad. Sc., Vol 266, 1968, pp 272-2754b Dept of Navy APL/J111) T-2383 SciPlech Mar 70 404,248 Ma DLosolutLen of GrapbLts Pairticies by DLtttwLan IStO AMUMUse by A. ftMbdWranik. rumm, p", cr--m W 19tift AS" A&L. Vol 266o got C. 1068, pp 310-312. *not Bur sta" TT 70-3M7 ScL-Phys Jul 70 Oxydation Compared Under Very Weak Oxygen Pressure of Tungsten, by J. Simon. FrOM, per, C. R. Acad Sci., No 5, 1968, PP 344-347. *JRTIS TT 72-5 U Aug 72 Influence of Hydrogen on the Breaking Differences of Martensitic Fe-Ni Alloys an a Function of Heat and Mecbmica.3 Treatments, by L. Hyspecka,. YRENCHO per, C. R. Acad Sci., Vol 266, 1968, IPP 348-353. MM TT 71-552W- Available NBS Only June 71 On OvItimising the Piloting of an Aircraft in Turbulence, by Jacqueline Boujot. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY FRENCHO per. C2=tes Ikendus Vol 266, No 6. S Fab 1968, pp 360-362. NASA IT P-11,963 Sci-Aero Sept 69 391,668 On the PurLf ication of Zr in Oxygen by UstillatLonv by IP- AL11=44 _-:,i e.,(- ns;1~4 per. comtes Reams Aced sci Vol i.,%, gar Cp 19681p pp 366-368. *CFM 7T 70-SBU6 sci-cben ims 70 Electrical Conduction in Aluainum Oxide, by Co BarrLse. FUUM, per* Coulates Rondus Acad Ec-i- Vol 266, 1968, pp 423b426. *Not Bur Stand Tr 70-S7945 Sci-Materials Jul 70 Effect of Deformation on the CrystaLUogmphic Structure of MhO at IKw Temperatures, by D. Bloch. FRUM, per, C. R. Acad Sci., Ser B, Vol 266, 1968, pp 43o-433. *MS TT 71-53o6o Available NBS Only June Concerning Thermoluminescence of Lunar Soil, by J. U. Bitunont, 14. L. Maidn. FRENCU, per, Comptes I(ondus Ser. B, Astronomy-,-Tq-6t-;,pp GOVERWENT USE ONLY AIU4/R.SlC/Tr-840-68 b pp. Acad. Sci, Vol 266. si4-si6. Sci/Ast Doe 68 367,313 On the Phase ions in the M. F. Fay, FRENCH, per. 1968, Series BISI 8830 Changes in Alloys with Composit- PeSi2 Region, by J. P. Piton and Comptes Rend., Vol 266, Feb., C, pp 514-516. Replacement of Zinc by Cadmium in the Spinel ZuasnoV Cation Distribution in the Solid Solution Zn 2-2x SnOVby J. Choisnet. FRENCH, per, Academie des Sciences, Paris, Comptes Rendus, Series C, Vol 266, 1968, PP 543- 545. NTC-71-12990-07B Nov 71 tituay of a CU-142Laser by a i4oLLulation i-lethod, by F. Legay. Pp- FRENOI, per, Comptes Rondus Acad. Se., Paris, Vol 266, 19t)S. PI) M-597. "!/ILSIC/Tr-833-63 GOVERNI-ENT USE 114LY Sci/Phy Doc 68 3541-02-9 ContrLtutLon to the Study of the Dielectric Properties of Single Grystala of NaCl Dopod with Cap by R. Dan*&&. PRENCH, parg Coetea Rendus Amd ECL, Vol 266, 1968, pp 568-570, *Nat Bur Stand IT 70-57696 ScL-Chem Jul 70 Reaction of Cr with OD at Blevated Temperatures, by L. CadLou. FROM, par, Comptes Rendus Acad ScLs Vol 266, 1968, pp 576-579., *Nat Bar Stand TT 70-57698 ScL-.Chan Jul 70 Hechanisn of the 71termolumine sconce of the Retarded Fluorescence of dio-Phenanthrene in Various Solidified Solvents. by A. I'lartinoz, D. Dorignac, 7 ppe FRED401, perg, coll!etes Rendus Adad des Sci, Scries B. 266, 1968, pp GUS-OU.- AHC/ UCIZL/Tr- 1026S-08 sti/phy Feb 69 5750313 Unfluence of Purity on Selt-Diffusion of Na in Single Crystals of Na Cl, by IN Seniom. FRENCH, per, comptes RggM$ Aead Sci, Vol 266, Set Cp 1968, pp 660-663. *Mat Bur Stane- Tr 70-57946 ScL-Chem Jul 70 Mmterlor BoundaI7 Problem for the T-4nes ftItxmnn BqMtIona by J. P. Guirsud. I j, Vwx Cowtom Pan&wp Tal 266j. 1968p vp 671-673. DWt of Navy API,/JRU T-233T Sed4kth D" 69 39T.,423 Tha Changes in Phase During SpLnodal Decomposition in the SY8tGm 8203-PbO-AI203, by F. NaudLn. FRMCII, per, Comptes Randus Acad Sci, Vol 266, gar C, 1968, pp 729-731. *Nat Bur Stand TT 70-57758 Sci-Chen Jul 70 Now Operation RxIe for a Hollow-Cathode Arc Discliargo. by Joan-Lotq) Delcroix, 5 pp. MULNUI, per, Acad dog Sciencus. Cos!to l(andu, Series a. 266TI-24r. M;;3 1968 pp 762-764. XIMC-T-70-401 SCi/Ejec Feb 71 Existence of Two Types of Intergranular Creep in Al, by M. Biscondi. FFMM, per, C. R. Acad Sci., Ser C, Vca 266, 1968, PIP 766-769. *IIBS TT 71-53059 Ave.ilable IIBS Only June 71 "JucrOwoloculeS Electronic Microscjbpy of the itudio- C1101nical Polymerization of, Tetruoxana wonocrystals, by Christian Caunavo, Jacqueline besclimaps, et al. 7 1)11. IMU-QI, rpt, Coupt Rend,_Ser C, Vol 266, 1968, pp 777-780 AEC/UNL/Tr-256-69 scilchem 382,688 "Ay 69 I- _____APPrd)_dTF4te Analytic Study of tic Behavior of the Entropy ing Around a Blunt Cone, by Jean-Pierre Gilly. FRENCH, per, !~emtes Rendus, A, 1968, pp 843-845. Dept of Navy AI?L/JHU T-2279 Sci-Phys July 69 the Asympto- Layer Develop- Pabien Sananes, Vol 266, Ser 385,280 investigations concerning the Structural Form of Water Shich Had B*come Absorbed in Montmorillonite, J. Many. FRENCH, per Comptos Rendus, Ser D, Vol 266, No 9, i968' pp 851-853. NTC 69-10803-OBG Sci-Ear Sci May 69 382,537 Physics of Solids --- Anomalous Diffusion of X-Rays by Bari= Titanate, by Bernard Morlon. FREXII, per, Comp. Rendus, Acad. E Paris, ci-, Vol 266B, No 13, 1968, pp 863-866. (l02)-69-l84-FRLL--MIT/Lin Available from WC may 69 380,409 J. Lenfant Analysis of the Spontaneous Electric Activity., Observed at the Center of the Cardiac Automatism of a Rabbit, and Caused by the Inhibitors of Membranous Permeabilities. FRENCH, per,, Acad2mie 4es S2ignoes. Paris. CoMptes Rendus, Vol 266, 1968, pp 901-904 NTC 72-12853-4D6F sept 72 On the ~~'volution of the Nature of the Flaws of the Oxides MnO and CoO as a Function of the Partial Pressure of Oxygen at Iligh Temperature, by If. LeBrusq. FR~&NCHP per, Academie das Sciences.,,4,,,,,c Paris. Comntes Rendus, Vol 266, 10/68,)(--e)/J pp 965-968. NTC 72-11004-07B P ~ -)- r-A,',,4 - - May 72 Capture Coefficient and Desorption Rate of an Atom on a Metal Lattice. Effect of Very Low Temperatures. by G. Armand. GOVERNMUNT USE ONLY FRENCH, per" Cometes Rondus, Vol 266, Apr 1968, pp 1042-1045. NASA TT F-12,256 Sci-Nucl Sci Aug 69 388#727 A Study of the Non-Linear Diffusion Problem, by T. Andre-Talamon. FROM, per., C. R. Acad Sci., Bar B,, Vol 24%, 1!91%, pp 1093-1095. *IWS TT 71-53055 Available NBS Only June 71 The Xnfrstred Photodissociation of Ethyl Chloride, by H, Brunet. FREITCH, per, Academie des Sciences, Paris. . Cgmptes Rendua, Series C, Vol P-66, 1968, pp 1206-1208. NTC-71-12294-07E Nov 71 - -*&am ~ - A awkwom wn vim or lbbl" ftvo~ T.) ad aw ft~ ac SAPUM 24*mmo ODRI-IL bw C. Clam* TOO I mom=* Iwo . lb ON, 30% so 230-~ am 31= 3pay-O Amm~ 4~ jw (0 31%68T On the Incidence of Absorption T*k- in the Measurement of the Decline Rate of Phos- phorescence T - S, by A. Martinez. FRONCH'I P r, Comptes Rendus, Ser B, Vol 266, No 2;, 1968, pp 1394-1396. NTC 69-10802-07D Sci-Chex May 69 382,S229 i,v 1;oux, A. 19(,a 151-sovipt-lon (if 11,-W mai,dll~tilfti, or*wAlls 111 T-11- d-OaPod C1-,1sr_AC-a (D,soriprAm d1or,-,un,.o rmr-.d1b-.ala1r,s nouv,mix uh,-z lea crust.ae,o d~~oapodes) C(:mptes 1~--ndaa PUdomaAairt, d,3 36atio-s d, I'Aoad,'mie _, SwrIve D: 1414-14i7. 1~ dco Sotoni,:,-o. Pai-13, JE6 Sta'lon, St. Andrews, 1972. ao 'ransl. 3-ries N:). 2015, 4p., ~ypesorllpt. A-ail. oti Loan - ;:-?S, WQoh., D.G. Original Article Checked4J..' A Now Experimental Method for the of Precipitation of C in Solution G. Letourneau. FBIENCH, per, C. R. Aced Sci., Ser pp 1423-1426. *RBS TT 71-53035 Available NBS Only Stuctr of the Kinetics in Fe, by C, Vol 266, 1968, June 71 Kinetic Study of Sulfurization of Ni. by Hydrogen Sulfide, by J. P. Crousier. PRIM, perp C. R. Acad Sci., Vol 266s 1968, pp 1442-1445. *WBS TT 71-53o26 Avai.lable NBS Only June 71 Syrrbhae&z3 of Boron FIbars, by J. Oaad I'l eron and Y. Roux. FRENCH3 per., Acadeimie des 50imoese Pax:Lse g2gptes Eqaclasep Series C., Vol 2663 19663 pp 1536-1541. NTC 71-14622-07B 21'a-sei- Feb 72 Low-Temperature UuAnescence of Crystalline Benzophenotie. by Y. Housset, 7 pp. RWNW, per, Cowtes ItWendus Ser A, B, Vol 26b, June 1968, pp 1600-1603. ABC/UCWTr-10332-69 Sci/Phy June 69 377,465 Coloration Processes in LiF by 2S KeV electrons, by J. C. Monpagans. FRENCH, pars Comiptas Randus Acad Ssi, Vol 266, Ser B, 1968, pp 1607-1610. *Nat Bur Stand Tr 70-S7947 ScL..,Cbeu Jut 70 A Tissue Factor Antagonistic to the Action of Interferon, by F. Fournier. FRENCH, per, Academie des Sciences. Paris. E=tes Rendus Series D, Vol 266, 1968, pp 2306- 2308, NTC-70-13165-06F Feb 72 Contribution to the Study of Arpa Contained in Mineralas Hatkod of K-A Dating. by J. IN Leutwein. FRSHM, per, Comptes Rendus July 1968, pp 22-24s ABC/kICRL/Trans-10468-70 tba Liberation of Application to the .. Zimmumenn, Sort" Dv Vol 267, sci-mat Sep 70 KiTerimental Studies by Thermal L%raporation of Brovian Motion on Different Cleavage Faces, by A. Planson. FRENCH, per, C. R. Acad Sci., Ser B, Vol 26T., 1968., P.P 64-67. *ABS TT 71-53065 Available NBS Only June 71 SolubMty and Diffusion Coefficient of C in Co, by H. IAfitau. MOM, per, C. R. Acad Sci, No 267, 1968, P.P 132-134. *NBS TT 71-53030 Available =8 On2,y June 71 Theory of the Mlgration of Adsorbed Atoms on Crystal Surfaces, by R. Kern. FMCK, per, C. R. AcaA Sci.$ Ser B. Vol 267, 1968, pp 142-145. *IqBS TT 71-53o66 Available NBS Only June 71