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Stiantiation of the incorpoatim of tite ivaino Ac4ds Into Protoins of JWbbit 1U)ticulocytos by S,6-Diuathyl Benzimidazolyl Cobamide Coenzyme, by F. Meyer, et. al, FRENal, per, C R Acad Sci-, Vol CCLX, N-o 1, 1965, pp 291-293. HEW-MM-1-24-67 sci-04" Fab 67 319,004 stti,ly of the l7lon-gation of Horns of the Ventis Crescent in June 1964, by A. Pollf-us, E, Maurice. FITINCII, pOr&Coi 3! t Iland, Vol CCIA, No 2, 1965, I'l, 427-433o NASA TT F-968S U,S, GOVEluirs USE ONLY Sci-L.. Sci Jan 66 294,214 Investigation of the Stability of Cylindrical Strictions in the Vlasov Model, by G. Laval. FRENCH, per, Academie des Sciences. Paris. Comptes Rendus Vol 260, 1965,pp 837-840 NTC-71-15499-20K Feb 72 contribution to tile Study of tho Solubility of Calcium Carbonate, by 0. Grezes. M. Basset. FRENCH per Gomptes Rendus Acad. So. Paris, Vol. 260 no. 3. pp 869-072, 1965 CSIIIQ,'No. 7797 Sol - Sep 6'T 339-737 Deponition of Calcium Carbonate by CoNolation and the 111carlion4to CoritonL of the Hotsiduu) Wator. by C. IQ(, A Pissart. FRENCH, per Comptes Rendus Acad. So. Paris, Vol. 260, No. 3, 1965, pp 929 CSIRO/No. 7791 Sol - Sep 67 339-735 Use of an Electron Probe Micro-Atialyzer for the Study of the DLfftaLon of Mn and Fe Ln SolLd So&utL*na of FeO-MW, by M. LLbaizati. FROM, parg CMRtox Randus Acad SeLp Vol 260, 1963, pp 1156-1159. *Nat Bur Stand Tr 70-57741 SCL-Cbmw Jul 70 oxidative Dehydrogenation of Butene in the Presence of Carbon Dioxidej, by C. Blejean, P. Boutry. FFdMCH, per, Comptes Rendua, Vol 260, 1965, PP 1174-1177- &A TT-66-lo3641 Scl-Chem Sept 66 308,T77 gtt*ct *' Ads"Pt'on of U23 on the Surtace Self- diffusion of Ag, by 0. Rbead. 3 pp, FRSWRp par# CMLtes Rendus Acad ftL# Vol 2609 1965. pp 1229-MM, /;Z,5 / *NBS TT 70-576W sci-cheft JUI 70 CheaLcal DiCtusion Ln the Pu-U System, by M. Dupuy. 4 pp. FRM=v per, C. R, Acad ScL, Vol 260, 19650 pp 1412-141S. *NW TT 70-57659 ScL-Cham Jul 70 Ilydrolysia of Tetravalmt Protactinium, IZr R. QuMaumont FRENCH, per, Acadende das Sciences. Paris. Oomptes Rendus Vol 26o., 1965, pp 1416-14 NTC 71-14404-07B Fab 72 Incerpret4dow of Certalln Pher4wom of div INftnew- upwre by Plearva butabWdes6 by R. vian, G, V &amour, I. i4RIK.If Per IMEM 449ats vot ct-j- -;' 1wi, Vp 146--14671* NASA Tr F-9660 Z,d-M LSIA ju') 0.5 u, zi, WVVtiN'ML-NT ONLY 2810"2 The Tolluridon LTo3 of tho Paro rarth Elomonto, by 1-1. -11. Pardo. FIRENCII, por, Academie des Sciences, Paris, Comptes Rendus, Vol 260, 1965, pp 1666-166~). -a NTC-71-11239-0?B Nov 71 Harloo" frope&Kbn of Velftty Oodlumom 0640MOd 06 the bolOr 1*00 by P, M*W. VkhNON-wo " alabb VW CICL>, 196.~, ff lm-.' "SA TT PW SdALRIA may a U.-St GOVr-AIMIWT ONLY 3910032 ComtrVmtlon to the Sbidy of the Mplet State of Dyess Absorption Spectra la the FOam of Long Wave-Lengthso Red and Xear Wrared, by R. L"bwtj, G. NouabIj, M=W, pers 2MI MM, Vol CCL16 2,965., PP 189T-1900- ATS 1298-1V Bleat .V"6T 334672 Diffusion of Atomic Hydrogen in Fe, by M. Dadian. FRHWH, per, Comptse Rendus Acad Sci, Vol 260, 1965, pp 1940-1942. *Nat Bur Stand IT 70-57727 Sci-Chem Jul 70 Bioclicudstry. Identity of* the Fibrinoglycopeptides Isolatod with "Pronase", by L. Muster, et al. FRENCIi, per, Coniptes I-',cndus, No 260, 1965, pp 2342-2343. NIII 7-50-65 (Lki Loan) Sci/B&M Aug 65 287,370 Lxvarivanal Cancerology, Organ-T/po Culturv of '11,;0 Hutum E'Pitholicnaas in the i%:umicc of Iivinj. Substratwa, by H. Ifolff, ut al, I:IUAQi, por, C P. Acad Sci., Vol CCLX, 19165, pp 2359-2363, IWW-NIII-7-27-66 sci-uq,~i Jan 67 316,960 -~i4mbx Ulqww FMW cc a Liqmd-Gme 4%mre In 8 1 wm mwamreftm ct " film f",*w or a L*dd mm a " van, by I. tomyow, mob rn" it 'k Vct4 Vd CC", r4o 9, ta El"Nour 1%6, am N,Z,GAT~ P-Ml icl-Pos A " UT. GOVEMOSIMT OMY U6,316 Structure of Matter: Functions of Molecular Distribution at Various Temperatures in a Monocrystal Liquid Oriented with Para- Aso)Wpbenetolp by M.P.Delord and M.J.Falgueirettes. FRENCHp per.0 C2svL&s Rendue,* V619200p pp.24Q-2471..1965. AN=,-T-1845-66;AD-632j,673 (CPW3:) Se.pt 66 309.,270 Localization of the Glucidic Chains of the Fibrinogen Molecule, by Laszlo Mester, ct al. FROM, per, Comptes Rendus, No 260, 196S, pp 2617-2618. NIII 7-48-65 (On Loan) Sci/B&M Aug 65 287,368 V') I C.- 4(01(Nl-tr-2449) IFACTOR WHICH IS PRODUCED BY ENDOVIRUS 12 IN A CULTURE OF CELLS AND WHICH STIMU- LATES MULTIPLICATION OF RAT VIRUS K. 613railovsky, Carlos; Chany, Charles. yCLOTranslated by R. Gregg Mansfield (Oak Ridge National LA%b., Tenn.), from 16Compt. Rend.; 260: 2634-7(1965). jo5p, 14DOp. NTIS. 2sbiomed; translations 2106 18MN-48 up NSA 0 Larras, Joan 1. 1965 PhYsteal oceanography - prob:6 lityx apPoaranoo of waves with amplitude Sreater than a 1von v ltie (Oceanographle physique - probabillte' diapparltion dev houles dont .18&Mplltudo d4;passe une valour donnie) Comptes Rondus, Aced. Sci. Parts, 26o, group 10. 15 Xar.: 3125-3128. in French. Tranal. by D.D. Bidde for Wave Rea. Project, Hydraulic Rrmineering IAb.. U. of Calif Berkeln, M&Y 1970, as Teah. Report HEL 1-15. PP- 1-i"n 59p. Transl. of Four F~renoh Papers on Ocean Wave Climto Distribution Functions," processed. Avail. NTIS an AD 7o9634. pria* $3.00. Avail. on Loan - NMFS, Wash., D.C. Original Article Chscked.16 AnaLysis of a Few Sonograms Obbained with the Ald of SatellItes Almette 1 and Injur, 3, by R. Gendrin, J. Vigneron FRENCH., per., Acadamie cles Scienge. Paris. Conptes Rendus Val 26o, 1965, PP 3129-3131- NTC 71-14233-04A v cx, ~~ c, -[ T F` 'I (, (, w Feb 72 A lkqb" or z1googgly1ft WNpalmn of ghMmdn4w of V=W OMU MMOONAMB fm =nab JIMwdmtfm of NbUU Au Vw ZINCOM MICOMmoom, IW P. A. Jacqwt. jmmt vwi. OR =ON Hwd, 260j. 29 Xkr 1965, VP 3650-3653. B= 4893 323,3D7 Sol - wwborj&u Rm 66 Kinetics of dw TYaWormaillon In Pure Plutonium, by MM. Roger CAlorw, Bernard .Vrieto FlUENCH, R'"s CpMgMg Rmlw Acadende de Qevo& V "a pp 3964 1 OM56 Al~tj AM.--12~197 Scl-Pbys Nov 65 291,705 Attituda uAstoration of a RLsssilo With the Aid of 7hree Magnato-t-bters and an Emitting Electric Dipole, by Fo Rortin, Jo P"t-Lopinee FRUNOI, per, Compt landip Vol CCLX, 196s, pp 4147-41SO. NASA IT P-9699 U, So GOVORMEW USE ONLY sci-Elect Mar 66 2960 191 I m9sition of the Privelectric PrOperties "I o a Crystals anti ttwJ.r Appliewtion for the Detoctiou of Ra"ationo, by A, Hadmi ot FMOis porp Compto Reqdq Vol 260,, No 15,, Lq6S* pp 4186-4189. NASA IT F-9877 Uo S. GOVEMIW.NT USE ONLY Sci-Elec Apr 66 298,743 Contribution to the Work ca Oxygen Ib- duction in Alkalino Modiuw With Oxidos of Cobalt Lbped 4ith Lithium Ions, I)y Mourice DameW., Guy 11ronool, et al. FMM, per cowtes wadw No 260, 12 Apr IV65: pp 4212-4215. 9232409 AhC WM-Tr-64 Sci/Chemistyy May 66 299,504 Study of the Production of Ran Virus in Culture by Contact between the Cells of Rat XC Sarcoma and Chick Embryo Cells, by P. Vigier, at al. PRENCH, per, 2Mtes Randus j pp 4278-4281* 1965, HEN N111 No 4-8-66 Sci - B'/M May 66 301,346 C. Cam L D. k'eigcl lid stato phycics. Va2--lations of t7 lattice o0 Ize i.,al,wnctcr of the throe varieties of solid z.)zu,tzite in t! heir respective regions, by C. Caret, D. i,,'cigel. 6 pp. 1;WE;jCh', per, Comptes Rendus_, Vol 260, j1o 16, 21 Apr. 1965, pp 4325-4328 ASA IT F 1.1,146 inay 72 Rough Skotch of a New Theory of Continonts Formation, by J. Lagrula FRENCH, per, Academie des Sciences* Paris* Comptes Rendus, Val 26o, 1965, pp 4365-4367 NTC 71-16799-08E r;r F C~ 1'7- ~/- 0 Feb 72 On the ftioralization of Uce Formulas md the:Lr Application for the Determinatim of Spectral Desities., by G. Cbupry. FRENCH, per, Aeademle des Scdences. Parls. Compte,s Rendua. Vol 260, 1965, pp 4801-4803. NTO 71-14232--04A A- -'L S a- T T F 9?19e) 7 Fab 7 2 IonosVheric Disturbances Ath Sudden Co=mcorwnt and the Type-IV ChromosphOric Emissionsm by F, Carbenny. FRIIN01, perv RLII%t Rend,. Vol CCLX. 1965. lyp 48OS-48M. NASA TT F-9910 Ua S, GUVERNMENT USE CULY sai-E, SCL Mar 66 29602X6 Bringing to Light a Diurnal Variation o;C the Oborgy Spactrum of Auvoral X,Iiays, by A, Bwargdorff, ot al. FRENW, perg compt Rendp Vol CCLXV 196S, pp 480 810e NMA TT P-9908 U, S, GOVERMUW USE ONLY Sci-Eggr Far 66 2960192 erifi ion of a ilypothesis Concorning the lype-3 C 273 radio Sources. by M. Kalinkov, L, Sadowsky, PRUNW, per, S~mt iWnd, Vol CCLX. 1965, pp 4917-4920, NASA TT r-9912 sci-Elect Mar 66 297,444 Alteration of LuraLr Soll'st Polarizing Pro- perties by the Action of Solax Protons, by A. Dollfuss FRENCH, per# Academie des Sciencese PAriss Comptes Rendus, Vol 260, 1965, pp 4921-4923 NTC 71-167913-03B 7La_S-& 77 1-- Feb 72 Effect of a Pressure Gradient on the Velocity Profile in the Boundary Layer of a Rough Plate, by D, Bettermann. FMCH, per, Academie des Sciences, Paris. Comptes Rendus, Vol 261, 1965, PP 4987-4989. NTC-71-12541-01A Nov 71 Oxidation of (Urionted zircceiiwi Mirs, by i J. Donoux, Flzuilcl, perv coeytes- Rendus 19*5, 13P S003- 5005. AEC NP-tr-1409 Sci-Matorials Nov 66 313,717 lnflu&we of Xntorgranular DifftsLon KinstLes of DoxLncLfLcstLon of 70/30 Batman 450-9000C, by GZ Fra*da. 4 pp. FROM, per, Couptes Randas Acad Sci 196S, pp 5022-502S. *MBS Tr 70-57642 an the Brass Vol 260, ScL-ftt ikii 70 &ioij)hous and Umstoichimatric Zirconia. by J. Livage, C. Maziores. nuaial" Liar C2!Xtes Rondus, Vol CCLX. RIG 19, 1965: pp 5047-5043* *Ar.C Tr 2333 /.' .- ~ - -t I? - 6 1 - ~ sci-Cohm Fe b66 Change in Magnetic Properties After Electron irradiation at 220K9 by J. Verclone- 4 pp. rRMICH, per. C. R. Aca4 Sci, Vol 260, 196S, pp 3209-5212. *NBS TT 70-S7678 Sci-Chem Jul 70 Study of the Servo MagUatic Transition After Electron Irradiation at 220 K, by J. Vardone. FRMICH, part Comptes Rendus, Vol 260, 1965, pp 5209-S212. *NAt Bur Stand TT 70-57755 Sci-phys Jul 70 141ation Betwoon tho Modifications Ubsorvad in Zirconia Druing Eloctro- Transport Tests and During Oaddation of Zicconium, by G. Beranger, P. Lacombe. FRENCII, per, Rmtes RandusL Vol CCLX, No 20,, 1965, pp 5278-5281. c Tr-23n N P tA,1.110-7 Pqll6q6A4& Sti-Elect Fob 66 Action of org&noc&dmium Comg)unda on Ketones and on Acid Chlorides., by E. Henry,-Baschp J. Michel. l! H,, per, Comptes Rendus. Vol 26o, 1965, pp 5&)9-58U. m TT-66-lo38o Sci-Chem Aug 66 308,778 On the Intensity and Polarization of FoiLbidden Lines of the Ion Fo X111 in the Solar Corma, by Jo -C., Perches FRU-101, per, Eomt lWado Vol CCLX. 1965P pp 6037-6U4U* XMA Tr F-9909 Us So GMRWENT USE ONLY 298,573 sci-Owm firp 66 Study of Geometric Aberrations of Images Re- constituted by Holography, by M. Marquet, If. Roycr. 4 lip. FOR OFFICIAL USE MLY FOR INTERNAL USE WITHIN UM DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ONLY FRENai, per, Comptes Rendus de L'Academie des Sciences (Reports of the Academy of SciencesL Vol 260, No 23, Jun 9, 1965, pp 6051-6053. P100087S68-V FTD-ifr-23-693-67 _S' J_ '4 -'7 7-- 6 6 - / 0 74-;7 Sci/Math May 68 354,055 (h an Instability Linked Ath the typearanco of t1w Equatorial Sporadic E-Luycr, by Us Storey, P, Waldtaufol, MM, per., Cor:pt IWnd, Vol CCLX, 1965, PP 6165-6168. NASA TT F-9903 Us So WVERNMW USE ONLY sci-Phys Mar 66 296v207 A-easmmwnt by - Spectromtry of tho Radioactivity of ths Granas Meteorito Pallen an 13 November 1964, by ID. Nordsmwm, at &I. FMN01j,per, gmt Rond, Vol CCLX, 1965, pp "6"6". NASA TT F-9902 Uo So GOVEIINW3NT USE ONLY sci-NO sci. Mr 66 2960202 Demonstration of Temper Brittleness by Stress Corrosion Tests in the Presence of Hydrogen, by U. 0. Cabral. FRENCH, per, Ce!~gtes Rend, Vol 260, 28 June 1965, pp 6887-6890. BISI 5717 7 Sci-blaterials Mar 69 376,202 Sul-furization Study of Va Between 850 and 100 Degreen C., by J. P. CrouBier. Flg=, per, C. R. Aead Sci., Vol 260, 1965, pp 6903-6906. *M TT 71-53027 Available NBS Only June 71 G. Mi lhaud Exintance of active thyrooaloitonin in man. FRENCY, per, Comp. Rend. Agad. Sci. Par-is., Vol 261, 2965 *NASA TT F -14,341 july 72 Directional Variation of the lansinous solar Energy Roflected by the Sea, by Pierre 1.1isme, 7 pp. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FRUNQI, per, CAWt 3 zendus IAcn mic Des Science Vol 0 NO 1, 19650 pp OT-702. AFCRL T-F-7S sel. & ' ,, AU& 66 30900sa Captain Nium - US i4aval Support Force Antarotloalo by ftU-Ick Al-DAud. kuliell, Per, go 8. &aAd ASL_Par vol 261, 3 Jul 1963, pp 265-266. 1& Dept of Navy NIC tr 2588 ScrilYjach, Indust Civ & Mar Engr June 68 358.207 Dio Lab T-434-e 11-799" a Atle 66 30mftum do 34 mobwo hmobwe 46" 2A soon& pw tndSoMM &w amwows o o *Lvww a WSmwo lot C. JL ACM. ft. PWPU 390 afte W 2904193 ( 4 M . dwk ftw Vail M 04" 4od too I r L roW cqw. Doommoft aw Im 0*0 LOOLUNIMASM w uUmm Dkx4ft.pum Or DiltVADd WM bm= G&ftsp by M. Ben CKkL FRENCH. Ift i VOI CCLX, No 2, %Ipp4czaqm.mjmm DW ofWavy Tr 4401/APL No 7-15M SO - ph p "Ob 66ys 293A= Amnaafteft at Allvk%- shm - , - Ivy to the mmmnn,*. amb of 1)j=WlQn C*&fnQ'"ft' UW ftft Ot U029 by J. F. warla. III - I Put - a a Be 2&9 jL%50 lip 03;6w., WM8 Vr W6" AvaLUbU M only Sft/i%" ftPt 70 Electrochomistry,,A Method for Studying Difftnion CuMnts Using an Analogous Electrictircuit,, by P, brouillet.et al. FRENCH* per 11 5Mt Read Acad Se P.aris, Vol CCLxIj, 1905, pp 716-70. Chen Trans Sv No 2709 Sci-Chew Mar 67 320,883 Crystalline Optics-Facparimental Study or Plane Electromagnetic 'Waves Which Propagate ThrouSh a Relicoid. Nematic Platej, by M.J. Billard. FFaMHj, perp Comptes Rendu sVok.261.,PP-939.. 1965. AERM-T-1844-66;AD-632y676 (CPSTI) Sept 66 a09.1272 On the Binary System Uranium - Uranium Monocarbide, by P. Cuinct, FRrM[-I, per, C. r. Seanc Ifabd Acad Sci,Paris, Vol 261, 1965. pp 131~-1314. MU/T. 681 sci/chem July 69 396-867 Inhibition of DNA Synthesis by the Bi Aflatoxin During Compensatory Hypertrophy in Rat's lAver, by A. Recondo. FRENCH, per, Academie des Sciences. Paris. Comptrs Rendus vol. 261, 1965, PP- 1409-1412- NTc 7,o-rrl22-o6A 6 sepi, 19(d Immmow. - PoRmitmw, W Tft nummoo TIM PPR LE FCFML AUtbWl =0800' Joe RIMbdo S. & P43meWs 14. Sam"*$ R*~M- FWAR 2al 108.9f 1965 tangwt&e Fronah no fbr Vdal Some Rosults Concerning Wall Pres;sure Hoasurements In Slip Flow, by P. Trepoud. owwwo par* CA Vol ccul. .mt Rendip No 6,, 196S, pp 1457fl4bo. NASA TT F-100046 Uo S. GDVERNMNT USE ONLY ScI-Bngr Me- C&. Hydroly*Ls of MorLum Carblds, tXr J. D"moup P. Blva, IL W LLtta, 5 pp. JMCM6 per,, aMd hand 1WI. , Vol 261,.1965, pp.1859 mc zA tr.66-4 32Tp8k6 SOL - mstwi&u Ain 6T R-79A.0 nude am 24 2 AM. Z9% (ftwAso-P - - - - - - -mmompm- Won a --8o0 Art a ~ ~ at P*mu C*Jae Aomd' sa- Fw" Aftt VP 1%74M ft 3m o "t fm VMS ( 3 vv ) .almeafto me two I coma xamo mm. wmmoo my u Mtf# Evaluation of the Thickness and the Permissivity Factor of a Polyethylene Film Subjected to Partial Dischargesp by L. Badian. FRENCH, per., Academie des Sciences. Parigg Comptes Rendus, Vol 261, 1965, pp 2181-2184. NTC 72-10533-200 Apr 72 - High Velocity Stars Betveen the Magellanic Clouds, A. Florsch. FRENCH, per, AcadeutLe des Sciences. Paris, Comptes Rendus, vol. 261, 1965, pp. 2837-2 0. NTC 70-17101-03A by (2, 5 / C 61 A~ a I I 715Y Action of Sogrogration of Inpurities (m tho 3tructure of dia Uxidation Interface of a Pure ludustidal Iron, by J. Maldy. RUZ-401, por, Cmt, Hand, Vol "161, Oct. 11, IM, pp 2891-2394. i;ISI 4828 Aug 66 3060768 ZfroCrtA Of AU~twdtLmb4cn TealmnAws an the Iraltil" ~ R0004'a" 9-mahwdoal MpeaUss of r4w- cazbm st"is idth smn MLdUM AddLt:Lms (Iwx tbw 0.3,%),t b3r P. YAn&7- MW is per gglEtM Ropd.x Vol P.618 3.965jp yp 2 84. Bmt 91 s 363s065 the Velocity Profile In a Bounatry layer on a Flat Plate# by D. Retterman. 120=# perj, Cawt Asuds YC* Cc=$ No 23j, 19650 pp 29M-4989. ONAS& TT 74-1004W Us So GOVANOW ussom Sci-Pbys Jan 67 Determination of the Critical TaMerature for Ordering in the Fe-Ni Alloys, by A. Marchand. FEUMM) per,, C. R. Acad Scis Vol 261, 196% PP 3113-16. *NW TT 71-53BW- Available 1qBS Only June 71 WCUUrY CUUUM Of UbryOftft 01215 of Droso. phila Malanogaster (Dipterous Insect),, by GW lUdialiers Annie 0hamessian, *t &I. FRENG1, Per, Compt. Rand* Ac*& Sci., Vol 261, ?L? IS Oct 19650 pl? 3211-3Z13. =i3244 ABC ORNL-tr-12S3 ScL/B4N Aug 66 306.274 On a kmclue Nbtbod of lam-Ling PhotoeloctrlcaI4 tho Matorremuce FrInZon of Two Waves,, by O!Portpu Nowrtskl,, Ostv-rd Roblin. U. a. aManew un 01w RUM4 per, Q2p&~gs HI�&Ls M Acadegle dais SalenceBP Vbi C=06 196% PP755b-3559. POM20" RSIC-606 Sol-Mectronles and Mectrical M2gincering Jan 67 317.,%0 JRAMIk4ltr49jVM JPAf4ojjjXj~" in 411140~ JW a ldl~W 11,18V 'w IT. awn& X. We 4p ftuUAO* T 00 Vba 261o 2.96.5,9 = zx~lp w A.M. AW UM ft6 Imm 332o00 &d W~ Aqg influence of Samplo Purity on the Anneal- ing Stages of Tempered Nickel, by S. Scherrerp 4 pp* FRENCH, per, C.R. Acad. Sail. 261, 1965, pp. 3571-3574. *Nw TT 70-57622 Sci/mater JuL 70 Bic. Lab --465-1 12 oct 66 l4oph,ysique - Structure do y-macroglobulines humminom By% do M. Claude doorgoin, ot, al Fromt 110 Acad. So. Varleg T.261 pp 3687-3690 ( 4 pp French - o for -wds-w a- 0 , ~tean Translate and type I camem ready copy. Document can be out* T instructions attached. Make cover as samle, ~yp F T-465-1. I On the Existenoe of a Zonal Strucyture of the 1,ouRw Atmospherep PriruApally in the Southern Hemisphere, by Gerard Lambert & Jacques Laboyrie, FRENCH, per, C.R. Acadl Sell Pal-111LO Val 261, 8 Ilov 1965,, pp 3857-3860. P500092168-V DaPt Of 14LVY 14IC tr 2587 Sci/Atmos Sci May 68 35891.54 D.perimental Venaiculitization of Phlogopite by M. Robert, G. Pedro. MUNCH, per C.R. Acad. 'Sci- , Paxis) Vol. -,~U, 1965, PP J11147-hI50 CSIRO/ No. 8117 Sci - AuES 67 337-389 - ------ --------------- Dio. Lab. T JM-l 12 oet 66 Stimulanny ractours antagonistes do 11interferon favorisant la multiplication intmeellulaire By: Chany Frv I Acad. Sc.g Parts 261:Q82-85, 1965 4 PP French at for wds., 'ranslat and type I camera ready copy* ',vping instrue- time a ched. I-lake cover an sample -J)68-1. it) C 0 VY-L + -e -6 Fe-7 4,.! S ---- ---- G. Milhaud The existenco and activity of thryocalcitonin in man. 7 pp. FRENCH, Compt. Rendu Acad Sci, Vol 261, 1965 pp 4513-4-51-6- NASA TT F 14,341 oct 72 Isolation of a Ribotoucloic Acid with a High molecular Weight frft Two Different Strains of Rous Virus, by Le Harelf, tot ale -) 61 / FRRNGi, per, Comptes Rendus Acad Scip, Vol CGLXH, 196SO, pp 4SS9--45620 HEW NIH No 4-6-" Sci - B/M May 66 301,344 st*4 of the Dqarka" of an obwbLoU In a Muld at Best$ kW Wx ft"Ott, 6'ppe p SIA, Md. Asam Vol 261v 99 Rm 1965a --Y50000368-V Dept of avy = tr 2530 s4d/AWM Yaw 68 3369753 Cbservation, by High-voltalp Microscopy, of Notallic Seaples Progressivoly Thinned by Ionic Bowbordnent, by G. Dupuoy mid F. Perrier, 10 p. FMMG1, per,, EMUS Rendusi, Vol CCLXI, Nov 29 1965 0 PP 464.9-4M6 I. Dept of Gow MAU Ou Stand Sci-N4m Jun " 302,740 variation of the PI)SOII)tion of, Ultras(y1lic 1,:ncra- in Soca Cavitatinj! Solutions as a vunction of CAmcontration, I)y .1,Lturice berrois, 11ortij 11adilijui, 4 pp. FIONW, per, Comptes Rondus Vol CCLXL, 1965, pp 4655-4658. Dept of Navy 48GS/NRL 1070 :;Ci - I'llys '~cvt 60 305,670 Measuring Diffusion Coefficients of N and C in Fe With a Thermobalance, by P. Rocquet- FmMCH, er C. It. Acad Sci., Vol 261, 1965, pp 47324734. *NBS TT 71-53W Available IMS Only June 71 On the PrDbIM of the Datachod Shook Wave In auttm=7 nw, tor max 0 FXKNMO "Op- IRA, ad$ So- TOM If DOG, 19650 N 4w)~Wa- P3066440-T Dept of *W = tv 2551 SWAmm Now 68 356t751 "fib-ct of u Prossuro Graciiow~ on thu Volucity Profile in tho Boundary Wyor of a RouLjm Plate, by D. Bottormun. FRENIDI, per, COM)t Rend Vol CCLXI, No 230 19650 pp 4987-49819. NASA TY F-10,490 U, S. (X)VF-&'."JU:JT WE WLS sci-phys Jam 67 317,825 The Reinforcing Effect of IR Uuminescance of (Zn,Cd)S: Mn by A, Geoffrey, 9 pp. ' FRENCH, per, Comptas Readus, pp 5072-5075. P911081268-V AEC-UCRL-Tr 10205 WE Sci/Chem Jwe 68 Radiation an tim lixeitod by tr Rsy4, No 261, 1965, 342.S47 In-f-luence -of A-denine -and of Certain Pyrimidine Oases on tho Lysis of Cultures of Escherichin Coli "itubjected to the Action of Denzyl-Penicillin (Ponicillin G), by M. Fagtwl:. 7 pp. PIUMAI, per, coq1tes Rendus Academie des Sciences. Paris, Vol 261, No 23, 1965, pp 5239-5241. MY W-66-12241 sci/S&M VI-jr 67 322,450 ~,v,torrdllaticxl (v. tile raxinal :IrwUter (3- Uubbles uscillatill': th-dar tho E-fflcct iltrxionic Radiation. by '.-aurice- De-rois Fictra i~nluo, 5 pp. per, (:OL4)tcs ;~Oadus, Vol CCLYI, lAq)t or Illavy 4889/.'.'IIL ID71 /0'k 4 - /0 7/ 6ci - I'llys Sopt 66 305,677 V;jlvQ sieturol.rivits isi the I'mamixt of Aoxtic Cnrdiopathius, by Jeaui-Ilaul Binut ut al. 3p FIS'WiW, par, Cum. Jwnd, Acad Sci., Vol 201, 1965, ly 5755-5734. Wpt of Navy Sllb/N"S 1169 Feb 6 7 317,785 Particie Accolerators. Disdairge by Screening oi a Craq) of licavy Ions Accelerated in a Cyr-lotrat ktitli a widial Fiald, hy Yourl ulmossim. por, Conkit. lumda Sor B, 1966, pl) 155~~1.362, 7 ,~C 6~!N'lr-tx-1469 Sci/tld~ucloar Sci Doc 66 1:nglisit Title IAikn(Ant, 10y J, P. (.ullill. per" (41tes Pendus, Vol 160, I~o lo, 1966, pp 1876-18H0. *N&SA Tr F-11,597 Mar 68 Cmitilmom; Stilintlutod limission of 1110i Power ObtUillOd ill I'Uro C()2 by C. F, pard, 11. 1. a ra -wros. F R I ~ II 41C I I"per, CoIxtes Rondus Ser B, Vol 262, No 1, 1!)66, pp 45-48. P,'I'C 69-11380-2011 sci-I'llys July 69 397,183 Ground Reflectlan ot Waves anittadj, t7 Andre Auriblp Jiman-bernard *:Cmre. IH=Cxj r# CqW. Read Xxth.. Series A,, VO. .62.1r,966., . 70-73- pqlle.~ (,s-c,'7 (A,,W :5C - 7- (- e. - 0 7 4.5~ Gel-pb" oat 66 Study of the Diffusion of Cos and La in Mg, by K. Lal. 3 pp. nwim, part C. R. Acad SeL, Vol 262, 1966, pp 107-109. *NBS TT 70-57669 Sci-chem Jul 70 ILall Comstant Luid Liall I;obility of ruTc-SnTc Solutions at iliom Temperatures. by D. borde, Ii, J. All-)wiy. FPJ-'%Il, par, Coq)tes Rendus, Ser 11, Vol 262, No 2, 1966, pp 123-126. NTC 69-11342-20L sci-Phys .July 69 387.189 Study of InterstLtLel Carbon MLgratLon Ln Fe-Al Alloys by InternatiFrLction Method, by J-p Delaplace., FRWCHI, parp Comptes Ren&is Acad ScLp Vol 262, 19669 pp 319-322. *Not Bur Stand Tr 70-57731 ScL-Materials Jul 70 Lioxi;wKipianics Losses in U11trasonically Vroduced Cavitation Liubblos,, by W'1~081wicc lv4.rois; mid Beirdj Cadilian, ot, ul, 1"14MU1, imr, c tes Randus S Vol CcLxlljl 1966, pp 32 329. pbuou,137bb Dopt of Navy/IIRL tr-1073 MPRUGMIS Sci-Mach, Indust. Civil, & 11arine Engr doe 66 31S,SIO on the AxLamatLon of intardLffusLong by F. Reilly.! 4 pp- V22001, pars, C. R, Aced ScL, Vol 262, 1966, pp 392-395-t *=S TT 70-57646 ScL-Phya Jul 70 U..%A39W OD24 flogtoW .73-T-U 19 S"t. 72 (STP 94fdW 4.59*70b 7*X965. "P Meam trumlat'lo ~~ type clug3mapmee 110 paswwvs. 30M apam umalate fowt~ a, Immance of Limtratima