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Proton Resonance Studios of the Inversion at Trivalent Nitrogen* Part I. The Diaziridine Ring as a Center as Asymmetry, by As. Mannschreck EUROPEAN# Perp Chemische Berichte, Vol 1009 1967, PP 1778~-1783 NTC 71-16898-07C Feb 72 The Chemistry of Condensed Phosphates and Arsenates. Report No. 53. Tri- MetaphosPhate an Triphosphorylating Agent for Alcohols and Carbohydrates in Hydrous Solution; its Szeeptional Position Among the Condensed Phosphates, by W. Feldmann. GERMAN,, per.. Chemisohg Repighte, Vol 100p 1967, pp 3850-3860 NTO 72-11917-07B Yl?s4 rrF 111-s~-l June 72 Momboliedral Urea Inclusion Compouiuls, by florst-Udo Lenne, Hans-Christlan Met. 14 pp. GOVF,MT-irX-F USE ONLY GIMANa, per, ChemBer, Vol Iola No 7, 1968, pp 243S-2444.' Ami/FSX/IIT-23-1026-68 * he f;v::r - T-- (,,-s -7 ~, ,Sci/Chem Oct 69 394,067 Inclusum *Mfbr an Ora M~tt A,"Wt Ro 20. ordmVectre doxftuo koftse bv ip. or"i, C;. ammup R03~p cbeadmahe ib e awl Ift i0i am 8".Gbm am 69 398,432 Inausim caqpmdss P412t =. Vw Opu=k]L jbtut,my at"emim or oamplaw" Of QFOIJO.- destrIlis swA of Aw4om with 04mmma Azo VSm In Aqmo= Solutlons. by K- Sww"s F. cxoner. OWNANj, p4ws Obomlwbe Berlebte Vol 102, 0 pp 509- - K. Ruebeamen Capture Reactions of Short-Lived Radicals. Part VI. On the Guiding Action of Inductive Effects in the Induced Decomposition of Alkanoyl-Aroyl Peroxides. GERMAN, per, Chemische Berichte, Vol 102, 1969, pp 1290-1298 NTC 72-60387-07C sept 72 OWWW',411 vwMdlbL" W~tsxw-ftlfw dif luoridinlan - ~, i,_- I -- I ill"Iill~~ Authoti GLeanw, et 41. Sou"et Owitisebe Swichte M, OU-1523 (1%9). Langusp: Carom spools% x"trwt 3 P) ,Sow tj!jMWlwtvll zdftw d=ft m17. Friedmann, M. and 1970 1q-7 Lo"limation of funational groups In steroids with the aid of mass speretrometry. 1. K*to steroids (Zur Lokalislerung funktioneller Gruppen In Sterolden mit Hilfe der Massenspektrometrie. 1. KOt03teroids) Chemischo Borichte, 1031 1497-1511. In German. Tranal. by Tranal. Bur. Fgn. Lang. Div., Dept. of Sea. of State of Canada for FRBC Halifax Lab., lialifax. N.S., 19T0. as FRBC Tranal. Series No. 1507, 20P., typescript. Avail. an Loan - BCF, Wash., D.C. riginal Arlicle Chocked.. E. Heraskentis Preparation of Cyolic Raters From Terephthalic Acid and Diolen. GIMM, per.. Chemische-Berightgep Vol 103s, 1970j. pp 3034-3040 MW 72-12597-M sept~i!72 ------------ -Unruh,' G. Von' .~.Subttances Contained in Filter Papers, Part I CHEMISCHE BERICHTE, Vol 104, pp 2071-2078, l9h. Fd b73 A Now Method for the Preparation of lp2- 'Dicarbonyl Compounds. GgRw, per, Chemleche BericjLi~e$ Vol 104, 1971, pp 2475-.2482 FM 72-12892-M 72 wit 84 air* car *1 4r: JB. 6 66 P4,aft 8-"Vftu .9 4, 196.5 rQr ftighma 22 4xft~ft' -01 b. -Ilb,.,Ccwea. ftt. P*0.00. 4Jwj t: 4 g ft , , ft -777n.. - i-_ ---. .- =use -Ptdftu 0 ~ v L*-VP%ftQ AMU" 69 ftuvo --Z Ual Q At 24"""~C= Sze 'ItimilicAl~~ mum" or Chime 84 "owls OWY. #a" cam mritim in un rmm or TAU&tod thysAdIm an AXP Acavity; Pwi. 9104 by 11. pen Vbl kTo lb 22a 1965* lp 23a-eM. Mn-=W Sept 68 Qtt.Wft.ft" - Ao vallatlu . mm~.- a bv 0. M 118 2a Gan . 048~ 040we 6 or I . -4W4 X :tilft7mv 1 40 esj2. oft Aw ;Tmftlotrjr 349,9M Geochemical Aspects of Nitrogen, by W. Wetzel. GFML4N, per, Chemia der Erde, Vol 28, No 1/2, 1969, pp 178-181. NTC-71-10239-08D Nov 71 Properties of Continuous Filament Yars Depending on Drawtwister Package Build. 1. by W. Wegener, G. Schubert. GERMAN, per Chemiefasern, No. 6. 1965, pp 433-434. 436-443 OB 1121TIV491 Scl - Aug 67 338-509 un the State of Solution of Viscose and Mechanism of Formation of Cellulose 17 Regenerated Fibers., by H. KLarej, A. Groebe. GERMANj per.. dbemiefasern., Vol 15,, No 7, 1965., pp 502-509. - srA TT-66-lo584. Sci-M&H Jul 66 306,052 Baft Al 24 Olld br a jar Jlmw~txj, 7 2t*iw ~Vlw-*%emp 326.jik' *4r 67 or MAP by 0. IV lij~xrs V Man ZMMW all 16' jro 3A 2966 26u p 30~vAz ftw K&thOd tbr or ^*bar- aw b7 V. tbv the ~wj xv .1 ar a To" ", Jb*3, c2low 241ft 0 A 84 . jktarlau 326P334 J* 67 'nw Relations Betwom Blettvvetatic Charge nad BlectrIcal, Resistance of Lubricated and Brightened Fiberst by Walther Negenero Wolfgang Topf. GERMAN, per., Chemiefasozn,, Vol IVp 1967, pp 281-298, aA XX-188S Au07 USIB INURNAL USE ON" 3390177 CoustruaUon of Mas5lo Voven Part 1. Mastic Fabric., by J. QWWNj, pwj, Choplefasems Val Ap 35&363- = 65~.Uooo-nz Sdl/*Ikt L Jw~y 69 and Knitted Fabrics. QW2or, W. Modoold. 2-Ti, No 5'r 196TO 38T-380 New Designs for Take-Up Machines for Synthetic Fibers, by H. Enneking, GERMAN, per, Chemiefasernp Vol 17, No 7, 1967, pp 504-508, NTC-70-12725-11E Feb 72 omstruation of Zla*Uo Woven wA Mdtted Fabrics. Pkft n. Mastle XhItted Jkkbrlcs, by J. GWlmkr, V* Xhatnsld* Q=Mp ]per# Obadeftserno lol 17# No 8., 2,96To pp 590-596. I= 6g-11001-13X Jwz 38T-381 Cross Sectional and Swelling-Morphological Investigations for Distinguishing Various Types of Modified Fibers From One Another and From Other Fibers Made by the Viscose Process and Cotton Fibers* Part II. The Swelling Morphology of Fibers in Ewin as a Means for their Classification, by A* Kuenschner, GERMAN, per, Chemiefasern, Vol 17, No 10, 1967, pp 799-316. NTC-70-12780-11E tq I,/- IQ S-V 1~ 71 IS-D Feb 72 -.."cuore and Properties of Viscose Vibers, by H. Kraessig. GERMAN. po"i Chemiefasarn, Vol 17, No 10, 1967, pp 82 -830. NTC 69-12527-IIE Sci-mat Aug 69 389,408 ..xmanent Press, by J. Hopp. GERMAN, per, Chemiefasern, No 3, 1968, pp 188-192. NTC 69-12S7S-Iln Sci-Mat Aug 69 389,426 aLcompouent Yarns, by F. Fourne. GERMAN, per, Chemiefusen, No S, 1968, pp 353-3S9. NTC 69-12S76-IIE Sci-mat Aug 69 389,427 Preparation of Electrically Low Conductive Materials for Examination Under the Scanning Electron Microscope. PART II., by W. Wegener. GERMAN, per, Chemlefasern, Vol 18, No 5, 1968a PP 372- 377. NTC-71-10074-11E Ncv 71 Soil Release - Soil Redeposition - Soilability, by 1. Ifiemarm. GEMIAN, par, Chemiefasern, Vol 18, 1968, pp 662- 667. ITTC-71-11208-1 1E Nov 71 Shrinkage and Shrinkage Force of Synthetic Fibers, by H. P. Weidner# GERMAN, per, ChemiefasernlVol 18, No 10, 1968, pp 751-754o NTC-70-12779-IIE Feb 72 Terminology of Nonwoven Textile Fabrics, by H. Kirchenberger, GERMAN, per, Chemiefasern, Vol 19, No 1, 1969, pp 4i. NTC-70-12778-11E Feb 72 t and Construction of Technical Reactors for the Continuous Production of Polyester Malta, by M. Diotzo. GEPHAR, per,.Chomiefasern, 1969, PP 194-202. NTC-71-11205-07A Nov 7 1 The Combustibility of Synthetic Textiles, by M, Rieber* GERMAN, per# dhemiefasern, Vol 19, 1969, pp 375-378. NTC-70-12853-11E Feb 72 The Influence of Morphology and Micro- structure on Mechanical Properties and Behavior on Degradation of Fibers, by H. Kraessig. GERMAN, perv Chemiefasern, Vol 19, 1969, pp 540-547. NTC-70-12854-IIE Feb 72 Investigations of the dry Cleaning Resistance of Dyes on Synthetic Fibers, by R, Mertens GERMAN, per, Chemiefasernp_ Vol 190 1969, pp 548-549, NTC-70-12855-11E Feb 72 Processing and Chemical Treatment of Polyamide Fibers in the Carpet Industry, by G. Krien, EMOPEANS pert Chemiefasern, Vol 19, 19699, pp 711-718. NTC-70-13211-11E Feb 72 Pr6alculatian of the St rose Modulus and Modulus of Elasticity of Knitted Goods of Uncoverad Elantomer RIbers, by J. Lemmons. OMAN, per, Chemlefasorn, Vol 20, 1970, mo 278-2185. IfEC-71-10835-1 1 E Nov~?I Texturing HaOines at the ATM-T 1969 Show in FRENCH, per, Chenitefavern, Vol 20, So 4, 1970, 'P.P 286-294. NTC-71-10.549-11B Nov 71 116etrostatic Charge of Textile Floor Zoveringso Their Measurement and Elimination., by, W. Wegener. GEPMAN, per, Chemiefasern, Vol 20, No 4, 1970, pp 300-306o NTO-71-11550-IIE 'Avoiding Pilling of Articles Made From Polyester Fibers, by W. Albrecht. GERMAN, per, Chemiefasern, Vol 20, No 5, 1970p pp 387-396o NTC-71-11552-IIE ftpidt Method for Examining Fiber Cross-Sections in the Spanning Electron Microscope, by E. Treiber. GEMAX, per, ChemiefaseEn, Vol 2o, No 6, 1970, Pp 498-500. NTC-71-10053-IIE _-.D4."f~rimatAou -Prop'ertios -of Polyurethane and 'Rubber Elastomer Filaments From the Standpoint of Thermodynamic'Processes, by W. Wegener. EUMPEAIT, per, Chemiefasern, Vol 20, No 7, 1970, 574-57G. NT0771-16197-1 I Jan 72 1, L I Thoiights mi the-Development-and Pro~spocts of - Pol~amide It'ibors During tho Seventies, by H. Pfeifer. GEMW, per, ChemiefaseLn, Vol 20, 1970, pp 641-646. NTC-71'-12046-IIE Nov .11 1 ...... MIN 'I. ;LLLI 7. 1 1 1-.1 mill Welfers, E. "Dress Physiological" Experiments for Evaluation of Rayon Fibre Textiles, CHEMIE-FASERN (UND TEXTIL-ANWENDUNGSTECHNIK) V01:209 pp 648-658, 1970 CS,190-Trans-11015 NTC-172-14717-11E Teb 73 Dissoiittion of ores and refractorV materiaZe by fusion wit" so erozide in a graphite crucibZe., by G. --,FBNNCd Chemca- qnqljytic~q.- -Vol- 52~ - Vo 10-- per~- 19?04-PP 2109-1111 NASA IT F 14,303 may ?2: So-Called "Alkali CarbOnY11311. Part IX- Reduction of Carbon Monozide by Aromatic Radical Anions, by W. Beuchner GERNO, perp Chemische Berichte, Vol 99, Yo 5, 19661 pp 1485-1492 NTC 71-15230-07C mar 72 Metal Hydrazides.f**Il) Synthesis of Dia- m1drazones from Aliphatic Dinitriles and Sodium Ilydrazide, by T. Kauffmann, L. Ban. GERMAN, per, Chemische Herichte, Vol 99, No 8, 1966, pp 2600-2606. NLL Ref: 5828.4F (7278) Sci-Chem Mar 69 377,491 F. Asinger Formation of Isomers in the Sulfation of Position and Configuration Isomers of Higher n-Olefins. GERMANp pars, Chemische Berighte, Vol 100, 1967, pp "8-455 NTC 72-12780-M sept 72 The Chemistry of the Violet Coloration Formed by 4-Nlethyl-2, 6-Dl-'rert.-Butylphenol in an Alkaline Medium., by C. H. Brieskorn. GERMAN, per, Chem Ber. No 100, 1967, pp 618-623. ATS-GJ-1507 Apr 72 IStrAtoture and Peoperties of Synthetic Fibers and Properties of the Finished Textiles, by B.'RL-ichstadter, 22 pp. ~. GOVE904ENT USE OnY COPYIaIGHT IIMRMATION .CHM4MFASERN, Vol 20, No 10, 1970, pp 877-882; 884. A:Ejt/FTD-7WC"--2~-0243-72 3,~ ~' I I ~ I W. 4ageller Elongation of Polyurethane and Rubber- Blastomer Filaments. GM%N,, per, Chemiefasern md Textil- Anwendunsestechnik, Vol 10, 11970,, pp 889-"4 NTC 72-1250,4-11J S, Kleftheize O.oqaainto Conoerning Man-Male Staple Fibers. GUMUp per$, C ofasern (u2d Textil- &u_wendmuggtechnft), Vol 20s, No 12, 1970., pp 1058~-1064 NX 72-12580-11B Relations Between the Ibmenta%7 ~bdulus of Elasticity and the Sonic Velocity in Untreated and Treated Filments of Polymdde 6, aid the Significance of Tliese Palations for the ldenti- ficance of These Ralabions for the Identification of Stractural. Chmges. Part II&., by Wo Wegenero GERMM., per, Chemisfasem, Vol 20., 1970., p -1078. pp 1C72 MC 71-14713-11E Feb 72 Testing Method for Continuous Measure- ment of Crimp in Textured Yarnsj, by J. Lunenschloss. GERMAN, per, Qb.=i eff0s ern (und. T!2xtil- Ildlanallchalk), Vol 21, No 1, 1971, PP 41-49. NTO 72-11287-11B May 72 -Comparativt Investigations'of-Poly*M~onitrile Fibers for the Differentiatioti of a-Fes-Important Types of Commercial Fibers, byJ. Hilden. E.MOPrAN, per, Chemiefasern, Vol 21, 1971, pp 49-55. 'NTC-71-16024-IIE Feb 72 Mechanical-Technological Investigations of Tempered and Untempered Multifil Made From Polyacrylonitrile Copolymer. Part I# by W. Uegener,, GERMAN, per, n-(ana Textil- CheMlefaser 4AydqndungstPchuik), Vol 21, No 1, 1971, PP 59-70. NTG 72-11286-11'E May 72 -AbIlm"I ana- ?TO. 11C -roe Ctemjetjqe%lftq er 9 TO 9 # -L32,3.36. pp 6198v""E -21 'Feb 72 P. M. The Contractiometer For Determining the Shrinkage Forcee in Synthetic Me re. GEMN, wr. Chemiefasern-i9ndd, T-exxt-1-11- AVMigdWgtgegchnIk. Vol 21., No 41 1971, 260-267 72-12576-11E sept 72 Ad~ances on the Produation of ?62,"ster Cord YOXU. QEPMAN, per, Chemiefaisern (Me, Textil=LWweRdgMs_- Vol 21 No 5, 1971, pp 379-384 72-12577-11B 12 Nov Results on the Fiziug of Polyester Fibers. Communication No. 2* by G, Valk, GERMAN Chamigfamern, Vol 21, port 19710 pp ) NTO 72-11824-11Z June 72 pp 442-452. ILIN 72-11256-11,E IMay 72 The Modern False-Twist Mtobinap Ito Toohnology and Tondenoy in Developmentp by T, Henson, MR j per# chautefftRAZA jund 12xtil- wGgdj1nxrgtSghn1k)p Vol 21, No 6v 1971p 561-567 ITO 72-12299-113 -Tuly 72 Teeting of Textured Yarne and the Surface Structures Produced Frozi Them.. by D. Stockmann. GERMAN, per, Chgmiefaag-ro nd Textil- AUXRnduUggtgghnik, Vol 21, No 7, pp 617-624. NTO 72-11289-11B :May 72 W, Wegener Friction Twist Process and Separate Twist- Process. A Conparison. GMMNj par# Ghemle sern (umd,Textil AtwendmmatechniK, Vol 21, !T1j, pp 774-786 MC 72-13168-11E :Dept 72 4~ 1 IT Kohlhepp, E. The-Electrostatic Charging of Textiles. C EMIEFASERN JUND ANWENDUNGSTECHNIK UND ZEITSCHRIFT H ER DE GESAMTE TEXTILINDUSTRIE) Vol 21, FU Ip- p 2:60937-IIE Feb 73 Structure and Properties of Polyster Fibers, CHEMIEFASERN (UND TEXrIL-ANWENDUNGSZECHNIR), Vol 22, pp 215-221, 1972. NTd-72-14953-11E Feb 7 3 Polystyrene Foams for Building Insullation- Structure and Properties, EUROPEAN, per, Chemisches For-schungsinstitut ,der Wirtschaft Uesterreichs und des Oester- roichischen.Kunststoffinstittites. Vienna. Mrttellungen Vol 249 No 4.9 4970, pp 213-216. NTC-71-14930-111 Feb 72 Sulfur Isotope Conditions in Nort1i and South German Connate Waters and Evaporites, by German Moller, & Heimo Nielson, at al, 16 pp. GERMAN, per, Chom. Geol No 1, 1966, pp 211-220. jU;C-Tr-6947 P91F229868-V Sci/)WOX Chem Oct 68 367,671 Periodic and Almost Periodic Solutions of Differential Systemsp by F, Talpalaru. ROMANIAN 'Llois Unly ., per, , _qrg it_qt. AnalgIg Scientifige.-Sectiunea-J. Matematica. Fizica. Chimiet Vol 15t 1969$ pp 375-385. NTC 72-101+72-12A Apr 72 Reduction of the Body's Bacterial Flora and Protection Against New Infection During the Bone-Z-Lu-row Depression Phase in the Cytostatic Treatment of Leukemia in an Isolation Unit, by M. Dietrich GEMW, rpt, Chemo- und. Immunotherapie der Leukosen und Malignen lymphome. Internationale Arbeitstagung. Viem-La, 1969, PP 379-383 1470 71-i5126-66E mar 72 Cjji,rjj.4ctz a bIl7iduatria Vol 47., No l# 1965, pp 10-14 NTC 70-112430-07A jwze 72 Cunene Hydroperoxide., Part 1. Autoxidation of CUmene, Separation of the Hydroperoxide Starting from the Oxidation Products, by V. L. Karnojitzky. FRENCH, per, Chinle ev Industrie, Vol 93, No 1, 1965, pp S6-62. NTC 69-1129S-07C Sci-Chem JuIv 69 3R7-019 Course of Thermal DecoWosition of Fbqplosives Exposed to Gamm WkUuticn, by blamllo Plazzi, 6 p. FOR OFFICIAL USE MLY ITALIAN* per, La Chimica o IlIndustria,, Vol UVII, No 3, 1965, PF 27r-281. 9181 RSIC-446 Sci-Nucl Sci Mar 66 294.404 swaitivity is or use of U30 wa Limit TbormooloctrIc 08mOMOtOr In DwtMTLin'n6 tb* NOICCUIor Woi&ts 0c poliwarGs cl. montaudo- .himica mod.. Vorp Vol No 3,, ltwch j7qt 5, IW -305-307- It.A.E. Tr 110 ft:L-Cbem 313p34.1 Oct 66 New Methods in Deodorization. GERMANg perp Qhemische Industrie. DReaseldorf, No 4, 1965, pp 213-214. RTC 72-10293-07A 4) 6, S cL -7- F r- /1 1 J7() Apr 72 NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) Investi- gation of Polypropylene of Different Structure and Steric Order, by G. Natta, E. Lombardi. ITALIAN, per, Chimica e 111ndustria. Vol 47, No 4, 1965, pp 378-383. NTC 69-12SS9-07C Sci-Chem Aug 69 389,374 improvement of the impact Resistance of Polystyrene by Mixing it with Styrene Copolymers Grafted on Ethylene-Propylone Elastomeric Copolymers, by G. Natta. ITALIAN, per, Chim Ind, Vol 47, No 4, 1965, pp 384-390. ATS-1434-IJ June 1971 P77S i 44s-ii cHmAcummoN or ascoNvARY PoLymcnizATioN sus- PENSION AGENTS ON TIM USIS OF TEEIR NYVROPHIZZ- LIPOFMIX BALkWE' G. Benetta and 0. Cinque, Cb1m. Ind- (Milan) 47, No, 5, 500-S (1965). U-00 W; 2 T; 9 F; 13 R $16.95 ($3.50) Polymers of High Impact Resistance Obtained bV Grart Polyme Polymerization of Vinyl Chloride onto Olefinic Elastcnerss by G. Natta. 14p. - MLIAN., per., la Chimica, e l'Industria, vol 47., No 9., 1965, PP 960-965. CTO (Chem)-418 Sci-Materials oct 66 313,378 omo.ebx mmAagv SM9 Ao&U"s Cd.' PbmWlbWdra$00" . - - 1w R. redell MA 2s - -- - L'oh 1# x"w"s, vw* .Ogglb m %TS no go 2,0* i-909w-M A" 1"I I-F-4; (Z;;) g"-abomistsy ihi 68 36P67" -P 3 owissum of ij - 1, n=mwlWlm* Oiddes 1w P. Basim"o 2 213ogM& Mrs 14 nOMM6 2obom4m3* ib 1077135-5#-w TA fktT* wo cbm lb=w or -~) d - C-. .~%/ Xd- 3nvT69 84 . awmbtw APt- 6T Coqo2ymerm Obtained by Grafting Polyacrylie- Acid onto EtWlene-WoRrIene Blastamers.. by G. Nattap F. Severini. 18P. ITALIAN,# porp la, Chemica e 111n&IStria., Vol 47, No 11,v 1965p pp 1176-1163. CTO(Cham)-420 fai-materials Oct 66 313,,379 Characterization of Etbylene-Propflene and Rtbylene-ProjWlene-Diene Copolymers by Different Fractionation Techniques, by P. C. Barbe., R. Zw=etti. ITAIJAN., per.. la Chimi a e lIndustria, Vol 47, No 3.1,, 1965 pp 1204-1207- CTS (CkLem)-WI Sci-Chem Aug 66 308.,456 Therma3 Crosslinkin of cis-Pblybut&Uene at Iligh Temperature, bV M. Bruzzono. lop. ITALUNO perp la Chl-4 a a I'ladustria.1 . No 12 vo3. 47. , 1965., PP DW-1302- CTS (Chem)-422 Sci-Materials Oct 66 313s377 Fundamental Research on Acid, Bw;ic and Metallic Cata.lystso by P. J. Lucchesi. ITALIAN, per, la Chimica, e 111n&istria, Vol 47, No 12, 1965p pp 1313-1321. CTS(chem)-423 Sci-Chem Aug 66 308,459 A New Tricobalt Elmeacarbonyl Present in Acetylene 'Carbo)grlation' Reactionsp by G. Albmesi., E. Gavezzotti. ITALTAN., per.. la. Ch-l-ica, e 11.1ndustrial Vol 47, No 12, 1965,, :PP 1322-1324. cTs(chem)-424 Sci-Chem Aug 66 308..791 Chemistry Activates the License Businesst GERNAN, per, Chemische Industrie. Duesseldorf, Vol 18, 1966, PP 541-542. NTC 72-10775-05C Apr 72 Behavior of Halogenated Organometallic Compounds of Aluminum in the Presence of Lewis Bases. Part 2. Disproportionation of [AlCH C1212 in Toluene Solution in the Presence WDeficient Amounts of Lewis Bases, by A, Zambelli, ITALIAN,per, Chim Ind. Vol 48, No 1, 1966, pp 1-8. ATS-IJ-1510 G7iimica e l'Industria Vol 48, No lip 1966, pp 37-38 NTC 70-12431-07A june 72 Hypothermal Processes. Report No. VIII. Thio Salts of the Pentatalont Group V: Arsenic Pentasulfide, Antinony Pantasul- fide and Vanadium Pentasulfide, by L. Cambi, M. Elli3. FRENCH, per, I& Chimica a ItIndustria, Vol 48, No 3, PP66, pp. 219-23. NTC 69-106S7-07H Sci-Chem July 69 386,691 Air PoUu #W54 R--85W-D 3.1 Aug 67 PractIcal Solutlons of Air Pollution PrCbleMEI Cbemical Processes By: D. Zanon, at al From: C31-1m,, Ind. (Milan) 48 (3) March 1966:251-61 ( l3pp Ttal4an - est for vds: Please translate and type 1 camera ready ccpy and 1 carbm ccpy. DDcument can be cut. Dater=Lmtlm of lKthloo-rbe stoo In Mixtures CON*4dn4na Copper Bats, by A*As Dal He and P * rozaamo ITALIO, per, Qlades a _ Vol ha'P NO 50 1956j. pp 486.Wg,, ALL Bef: (32707) 1 Scl-Chemigstry Jul 68 360s7W slow - ~ DAGIWL AMIM061M of =a YA=mm wm !-a MOM. nazwo vws cma- 't "a 494 J* To 3964 w TJS-Ti& amm ftm Ow 3323 326740 am& - amolow Sw 6T AMMUO Alftsa UmOaW-wWW%'m W"h YWIP am_ R- -30P Vol 44 me To IWO, PM. am ftwo or 3uk 3m6m w - awmlow Mw 6T Direct Potentiographic Measurement of Sulfur Trioxide in "Oleum", by L. Giuffre. ITALIANp per, Chimica e 11 Industria, Vol 48, 1966, PP 958-961. NTC 72-lo463-07B Apr 72