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Use. of RaAcisotcWu to LN)el .1bf-ractory i-Aturials Used in tlie lbt~r by Cle Duscaripu* MUNCI, pore Bull. ikx.~ Vt. Cbrwiu Jai-mar. 1968,, pp 61-IL BISI 6918 sciAnaterials jai 70 399,903 Carbon Monoxido Equilibrium Pressure ovor Uranium Oxycari)idos in tho Presence of Uranium Dioxide, by J. Hazin, A. Accary, 13 pp. FRENal, per, Bull Soc Franc Cerael, No 79, Apr/Jun# 19680 pp 109-116. AE-C/ANL-Tr-792-70 Sci/Chem Apr 70 402,561 Grain Boundary Diffusion Phenomena in Oxides, by 0. C. KucxyvAki. a pp. rRNMR, per, Bull Soc Franc Coranique, No 80, 1968, pp 4S-S2. *WS TT 70-57673 ScL-Hat Jul 70 Study of Spraying Borides and Nitrides by Plasma Guix, Part II: Characteristics of tho Specimens Ubtained, by G. Hantz, G. Provost, 49 pp. FIWNUI, por, bul do la Soc Francaise do Ceramique, No 81. Oct-Dec-,-1969, pp 23-43. AEC/UCRL-Tr-10395-69 Sci/Chem Fab 70 400,204 Application of Paper Chromatography to Cie Determination of Trace Elements in Silicates, by M. Draignaud, 13 pp. FRENCH, per, Bull. Soc. Franc. de Ceramigue Apr/June, 1969, pp. 27-. 3,3 M 2219-CR6-197031 No. 6, 2 Fab 70 TECHNICAL INFORMATION H014ER RESEARCH LABORATORIES BETHLEHEM STEEL CORPORATION Feb 70 403,265 Conversion of Chronic Lupus Erythematosus Into Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, by H. Thiers. FRENCHp rpt, Societe Francaise de Dermatologie et Syphilographiee Bulletin, Vol 33, 1966, pp 547-548a NTC-70-13171-06E Feb 72 Malignant Pemphigus With Buccopharyngeal. Predominance, Long Cortico-Resistant, Sensitive to the Corticoid - Aureomycin- Quinacrine Combination, by B. Duperrate WROPEANs per, Societe Francaise de Derma- tologiecet Syphiligraphie. Bulletin Vol 76, Wo 1, 1969, p 28. NTC-70-12974-06E Feb 72 Asphotericin by Intrav*mioum Perfusion in Moulliasisp by Ve Cordoxmiaro FRZNCHq per# Sggiote grjmgaima dg Dorms 21gaLn a&-do Sv2hjjjgrXRhjo, t 7v 1970P pp 175-184 NTO 72-11738-060 June 72 Certain Mineralogical Peculiarities of the Sheolite Tactites from Northeast Brazil, by J. Goni. FRENCH, per, Societe Francaise-de H:Lneralogia at Cx-lstallographte. Bulletln, Vol 88, 196,5, pp 11-16, 0- NTG-71-12548-080 Nov 71 Composition of the Thortveititos of Ivoland (Norway) and of Befanamo, (Madagascar),, by K. Q. Phan, FUSHCHOPOTO ftll SOC ftant Minor Crist, Vol LXXXVIII. M. pp 97-103 NASA IT F-10,085 U, S. GDVERNMEW USE ONLY Jul 66 304,283 Eloctrom-Probe Hicromalysis of an Olivino Chond%ulo and a Cristo-Ballte- Rich Prapent of the Nadiabondi Meteorite, by (2irlstapho-Michol Mo. Levy# at alo FRENOis perp Bull SocTrane Minor Crist, Vol LXXXVIII, 196$0 pp 122-125. NASA TT F-10,064 sci-RIK41" Jon 66 302,061 Uo So GOVERNMENT USE ONLY Study of Somo Colored 11hyllilms of tho Crystalline IS-Iiiats of tim) Pladumtesa Alps W, ing tJ%c Ca-staine. 1.1loctronic t-dcroprobe. by 1). BWiezxd, ot al. RUNICII. per. Bull Soc Franc 14naral crist Vol LXXWIIIO 1965, 1)1? 297-272. NMA Ir F-IU.SSU Uo So GOVERWENT USE CNLY Sr-i-phys Nov 66 312,311 The Problem of Lead In Certain Plumbiferoue Aragonites, by J. Goni. F7=CH, per, Societe Francal!12 do Mingraloale -et CrIstallograybie. Bulletin, Vol 88, 1965, pp 273- 280, RTC-71-12549-080 ~~ 4 r r - /v/ 3-3,7 Nov 71 The Meneghinite Deposits of Baki and Gouskhalat (Iran), by L. Burnol. FRENCH, per, Societe Francatiso do Mineralogie et CrIstallographie. Bulletin, Vol 889 19651 PP 290- 293. NTC-71-12550-08G k&A~&- 7- 7 F - J.0 /:5 -5 f Nov 71 The Chapmanito of La Besuade (itaute-Loire), by J. J. PerIchaud. FMCH, per, Societe Mmncaise do Mtneraloicie et CXtst!QoRr"Me. Bunetia, Vol 88, 1965, PP 294- Z99. NTC-71-12547-080 ~L~ 7-7- - /v/3-3 ~ Nov 71 Briartite, Cu,(Fe, Zn)GOS 4P A Now Mineral Species, by J, Francotte. F=1011, per, Societe Frgaca;Lse do MineralQgfte et Crinta.llogram-hiat. Bulletin. Vol 88, 1965, PP 432Y 437* NTC-71-12546-080 ~t~ 7 7- F- /0 /.3 ~/O Nov 71 Crednerite, Its Chemical Composition and Genetic Bignificance, by G. Gaudefroy. FRENCH, per, Societe Francalsede NIzeralogie et GrIstalloitraphie. Tkulletln. Vol 89v 1966, pp 80-88, NTC-71-12551-OBG ~L,u;a- 7 -1 F 14, 3q1 Nov 71 Now Data on Vrbaito and its Mercury Content, by R. Caye, et al, 11 pp. FRENCH, per, Bull Soc Franc Mineral Crist, Vol 90, 1967, PP 185-191. NASA TT F 13759 ,J;rC- 7A-1.3,5-VA-11F Jan 72 Adamption CC Water Vapor on the Osaved Sm'b~ of Some Alkali H&3Mwj, by 1q. Hueber. GOVBRM= USE ONTZ peril nk'mllemn S2&ijft Fv do 35070 ]PP iffilblea Val YOD 332 MA TT F-LIsM SOL Do* 68 MsO77 CAYE, R. and CERVELLE. 13.D, retraction Index and absorption minerals. Bull.Soc.fr.Mine'r.Cristallogri (CRL/D. 877) Determination of the coefficient of nontranspar 91(3):284-8 (1968) usm -ARS-67(5) R-8W4-D 20 Zay 67 LIL d par jvhot 1-1 1 M 01-10 de I& cOurbe de CeVa d1lume retame bwdrocleftmIque p6v: J. BrAerep at &I pp2g..38 Bmueun No 2e,, Apru i966,p de ia Societe ftaftwdse do piloboorsawtrIe.. .10 pp) rrench - est for vda-. Ple"O tranal"e and tne 1 crigLual copy m3,)r. Do not =uUlo*e document Labat. R., Kugler-Laffont, J. and 1969 A. Cadastrait-W "'ho PI of the environment and its effects on the elootrooordtogram of A few fr*slywater teleostei. Part T Me PM du milieu amblant et stts effets sur 11;lectrocardiogramme de quelques tk9osteens duleaquicoles. Jere Partial Bulletin de Is, Societe dIffistortre 116,turelle de Toulouse, j .. 167-100- 'n Fronch. Tranal. b., "r-anal. Dur. Pj,,n. Lang. Div., Dept. of See. of State of Canada for PRBC Biological Station St. Andrews, N.i!.. 1970, an FPXC '~ransl. Series No. 1473, 8p., !:.-peaorlpt. Avail. on Loan - BC,'?, Wash., D.C. d Original Article Checkod.1.7-1 Rhythm Problems in Mound Healing, by H. Baron. FRSNGH, per, Soojete Iwbernat~onale de DjLjZUKgj&,L Bialletin, No 1, 1967.9 pp 70-78. NTC 72-10559-o6p Ala-,Sa- /3 o9,9 "0 7 ;,PL Apr 72 Transplantation of Oxygenatod IAver in Extra- corporeal Circulation, by As Ruffo* S ppo PUNCH, par& Bull Soc--Int Chiro Vol 28, 1969, pp 129-TIZ-. Dept of Navy/06 ISSO SCL/BGN Sept 70 BULLETIN DR LA SOCIM WDrCAL DAELIRVE NOIRE DE LANGUS PIM M M. Vol 230 No 2j 1.966.0 pp 225-233 NTC 70-22085-06S Flebsiella Pneumoniae Infections. A Study of 25 Observations Gathered in the Pediatric Clinic of the Hospital Center of the University of Dakar, by M, Castets, EUROPUNq per$ Societe Medicale d'Afrigue Noire de Langue Francaise. Bulletin Vol 13, 1968, pp 393-396. NTC-70-13284-06E Feb 72 Klibsiella Infections in the Infectious Diseases Division (DAM), by C, Lafaix. FRENCH, per, Societe Medicale de Afrigue Noire langue Francaise. Bulletin Vol 13, 1968, pp, 397-398. NTC-70-13272-06E Feb 72 The Animal Reservcdr of Salmonella in Senegal. Conoerriing an Investigabion Carried out in a Rural Area.9 by H. Sarrat. FRENCH, per, Sop:Iete Medical d'Ai'Ague Noixe de Latume DZanca-Ise. Bulletln, Vol 14, No 4., 1969, pp 697-703. NTC 71-1109-06M Feb 72 Hospital Pbeado Epidemiaeo With Referenoe to a Series of Elebsiella, Pneumor3iae Superinfeotions in an Intensive Care Unit fbr Tetanus, by Ch. Lafaixs at al. MUM., per., Sool e X%Uoal A'Afxdq]ae NaLre de Lamme &ancalaq. Bulletin Vol 14., 1969j, PP 713-721. NTC 71-i4699-o6E Feb 72 The Minioal Use of Antibiobics in Human Medioine, 14y A. Nouhcwkv:L ead Y. Vezard. FRENCH,, per., Sbaete Medioal dlAfrlg~4e Noire d2 LanSM &ancaiseo DiUetinp Vol 14, 1969., pp 735-741 NTC 71-146;8-06E Feb 72 L*Wcocyt* Transfudion,, by L. Schwarzenborg, FIWNal, Ivr, Bull SOC tbd 1122 P!2!b Vol CXVI, No 16, 1965, Vp 1699-1711, Iffit'i-MI11-1-16-67 Sci-B&I-I Pab 67 3180996 unvid C:XystaU and AtherosclarmLso, bY J. TricxArm. 9 pp. W&MMNr USE GNLY P14MI, per Phill- Soco Mad. IM: Parisp Vbl 119,, No 6t 1969, pp M-498. NASA Tr F6-12,,820 sai/b and m jurte 70 Geochowleal SIgnificanoo of the Extraotion of ALmino Acids From Sediments, by J. Counan. PRENCHs per# Societe Nationals des Pg&r,glef d'Aguitinex Gezt&re do RechorobSo do P&U& Aullotillp Vol 1 No 1.9 1967,, pp 165-171 NTO 72-11901-OBD June 72 DIagenetic Iffects on the Distribu- tion of Awino Aoids in godimentap by No Bajor. FRINCH, per, SociSte Ajftt&2n&la daA PSIX0128 dIA69 itins, 92AUS 49 Reaherchas dS Pau, Bull2jilno Vol 1P No 1. 1967v pp 173_186 NTO 72-11900-08D June 72 Blo, Lab. T-60k-3 R-9082-D iS jan 68 Le diamosUe otlaloaftne do* uytdUm per U arthade don smucorps fluorescents Wt U. no RI= rl*cw. BUI-10 Boa. ID9q*tbmI. 65-.268-709 1965 3 VP Franch - eat ror v4s s neaft tMalate and tnm I ready copy. Dwwmant em be oat. Please mke wwar as favele attmebed. T-604-3. A Dongm VVIdade in T"iti in djq64j by J. Zolgr". r" Boman. 22 ". MOM POr, b131 800 Path Jbwt Jul.-Aug 1,96T, pp 3 W3. - ACGI-J-6r Sal-Bw Nva 69 395.,71T Study of tile Activity of the Fotue In Utero During the Sloop Phases of the Pregnant Woman, by 0. Petro-Quadens. EMPEAN, per, Societe R.-Balge do Gynecoloicie et dl Obstatriane. Bulletin, Vol 38, 1968, PP 223- 234. NTC-71-16297-06P Jan 7P Mbe i"rtance of depositing vourJisr specimens in reforonco, Itorbariwas and citing 1:)ie latter in scienti- fic works basod (m plant waterial, by J. Leonard BEWIAN, liar, i;ull Soc, 1,12Z BotmA.qm BeIg, Vol 99, 1965, p;)XLU 5_7 iia'i NIN 6-20-67 Bia & hied July 67 532,999 Oxidation of Fats, by J. P. Wolff. FRENCH, per, Bull Soc Sci Hyg Aliment, Vol SS. 1967, PP 2 5-309. Dept of Interior Bureau of C i I Fisheries Office of F eign Fisheries No A-28/May 69/169 On Loan Only Sci-B441 July 69 388,6S6 The Diagnostic Yield of "Complete" Uriruilysisj, by D. Kutter EUROPEAN, per, Societe des Sciences Medicalga dij GaaA-Duche de Luxembourg, Bulletin, Vol 20, 1968, pp 27-32 NTC 71-16628-06E Feb 72 Pathological Anatomy, Physiopathology and Pathological Mechanisms of Traumas of the Cerebral Cranium, by K. J. Zuelch. GERMAN, per, Societe des Sciences ,Uedicales de Luxembour&,. Bulletin, Vol 106, 1969s PP 153-200. NTC 72-10372-06E Apr 72 Famtly Fertility According to the December 31,1961 Population Census, by W. Van Wnelvolde, 9 pp. BELGIUM, per, Bulletin do Scattstique. No 4, Vol 51, 1965. Dept of Comm Bureau of the Census S--i-B&MS 289,989 Sept 65 T rrench CSOt 1317/71 w c7ZI;141-1 28 Dee 70 sr Economic GroAh of the Provinces C Linguintic Regions$ 1955-1963. Brussels, Bulletin de Statistique, Vol 520 No 3, 1966. Special type B - do not publish - translators draft plus one, translate text of pp 499-525, and main headlines to the charts and tables appearing on pp 499-525. Also Headings of tables on pp 556-558, 568$ & 572. T.D. 4 Jan 71 Shotfiring with Solid Explosives and its Effect on the Bin* Atmospherej. by R. Denisue PREICH, per. Bull Tech Chan Synd d03 Mines do For do France, 1967, pp U Iss NLL Ref 83i3.4 (5648) Sci-41ech July 69 385-406 13M wCulardt's or R*WA* lkwaled Cbsnotw In CKMeo bgr J. J. louveawas. I mly - - BoU Teab ftpt de Genet Anl=k]L So 2j. iAl 0 WZ rof:%WS. (M-7748) sol"WK Flob 70 4MS518 Modern Studies in Camouflagag by Tourreilles, 16 pp. GOVERNMEW USE ONLY FMCH, per, ThOletin Technique du Genie YAlitaires 1969, pp 218-237. ARM/FSTC/HT-23-1033-70 March e -Work HArdening n Coefficient of: 'Anisot opy r: Study of a Relationship newteen n and i, by J. Sebbah, FRENCH, per. Bull Tech. USINOR, No 1, 1970, pp 19-35. BISI $824 cants..9f 'Anisq~ropy ~_and.~ W6ik---j n1tio -Soft-- 06 ra y A h iG* Ba ahc ard, 'TRENCH, per. Bull. Tech. USINOR, No 1, 1970, ~pp 37-44. i;BISI 8825 V. cibi Caloium'~.Chromats.. A now anticorms-~ve piownt. 22 vv. deo 72 U.S. GOV'T USE ONLY, COPYRTGHT INFORWION Possobilities and Limitations of Geophysical Methods Applied to Civil Engineering. by P. Duffaut. PRIINCII, per, Wrins froa Ihe Bulletin Technique de la Suiss Romapdes No 9V 6 May 1967, 12 pp. order from NTO BULLETIN TECHNIQUE DE LA SUISS11 ROMANDE 1967 V93 M9 P133-142 ?0-10325-138