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Cbupl:Ln g of Mnochromatic Waves In m ELastohydrodynamic Model, by Do Zoler. 10 pp. RUMANUN, per, Bulebinul Institutului 11bliteh- nic din Iasi. V-bl -15r,'-No 1, 2, 1969, pp 143- 150. ADVITDAIC-23-298-71 Sept 71 A. Todicescu fild"'roat I;tt,:I;IOCIB L)J' J'ZO;,l J)aUt I-OtO2141 Vj" iv,"Ilal j'lo:,, machines. 9 pp. RO.'XiIIAN, per, BuZetinul institutuZui poZ-Itehnic din Iasi. llecanica-707,7n'ica ,, Vol 15, No 3 & 4, 1969 pp 15-23 AIWIFTD-UC-23-1537-71 DISTRtrBUT10,7 LE.'ITED TO U.S. GOVIT ACENCIES 0,,,,ILY. COPYRIGHT INFORM4TIOU jivie ?2 Ccutributims to the Application of Similarity Methods to a Liquid-Puel, RWA*t Rogbw# by Co Turamu. CZIIWq pots Bul lust PoUtah Gbeo Cbsoutdodej. Vol =I. % 2. 19F.- pp 107-11S. NASA TT P-10,181 Sci-puels Jul 66 306OSS9 GOVERNMNT USE ONLY The Beneficial Influence of AdcUtives In Sockets Made of Plastic Material on the Temperature Pleld in Lubricant PlIms, by GH, Manea., M. Pascovial, 16 pp. ROMANIAN, per, RuletjLnul Instijutului Pollteb= abegubg Gheorich:Lu-DeJ BucgEestL, Vol 31, No 6, 1969v pp 69-81. A:ER/PTD-HC-23-295-71 Sept ?I Now Matorials for Piezoelectric Generators, by S. Gadoa, 6 pp. ROMANIAN, per. Buletinul Inst Politechnik "Gheorghe Gheorgiv-Deit" Vol 32, No 3-, MU, pp 137-142. ACSI-K-2239 FSTC-HT-23-1644-72 May 72 BtXODS%h Of W&IdWid JalaU 01JUNdrSAod Radingft-RUO III la Aooordmw wIth poush awms# 1w iaw-~ X*Gkwmu pool=# I"# maustin do ItzmUtut do I& Bftftm %ldlas Zmt. ftus Ady 1968. ftPt Or UW7 KIC 2~ NO 273S fti joa 69 3698496 Determination of Fibre Lr--ngth in Carded Wo(-.)I. Yarn, by F. Maillard, 11. Sugier. FRENCH, per. Bull. Ins. text. Fr., Vol. 19 No. 117, 1965, pp 230-242 CSIM/ No. 7809 sci - Aug 67 337-509 Study of Tension Devices Used in the Textile Industry, by J, lienno. FRENCH, per, Bull Inst.Test Fr. Vol 19, 1965, pp 353-3". GB 121 SciAlat July 69 386-832 aodd Mlaxotow Toobnftub for tM TowbJU z"*mtoa7* bw J. Jaoqusmzt,, X. mwa"R. n=affs perp Dal Imt. - max" Ammo. Vol 1% IY"o W 7b3-77b- an* 1-kam or Y" 3116,phw S*i 40 materlau low 6T Determination of the Anount of CNC Sizo on liarp Yarns, by R.A. Scutz, P, Exvrayat, FRENCH, per, Pull Inst Text Fr, Vol 20, 1966, pp 2D-36. GB 121 Sci/Mat July 69 386-835 Twist of Textile Yurns- Its Productioup Effects, and Methods of I)GtOrLiLlationo by J. ilenno. RUDMI, par, Bull Inst Text Franm', Vo-l 22. No 135, 1968, pp 173-19S. NLL Rof S828AF (1-1.7534) Sci-Mat July 69 385-413 Contribution to the Study of Torsion Prop- erties of Textile Fibers. Part II. Deter- mination of the Shear-Strain Curve by a Theory of 11olicoidal Elongation, by M. Averous. FRENCH, p:r, Bulletin Inst Textile do France, N 39, 1968, -p-p-1,41-W74. NTC 69-12634-IIE Sci-?,Iat Aug 69 3890,440 Results of the Examination of :~brous Structures of Thxtile Fibers Under the Microscope and Electronmicroscope, by M. Sotton FIMNCH, per, Institut Textile de France, Bulletin, Vol 24, No 150, 1970, PP 763- NTC 71-16718-11E Feb 72 1-41- _7 Re ulation of Circular Knitting Machines. I TITUT TEXTILE DE FRANCE. BULLETIN, Vol 25, No 154, pp 317-143, 1971. NTC-72-14905-11E Fab 73 fit, tUs q Dea. 72 an WlwaU~.',ovn -doo W.Tctz d--z1- -,31 S~ Oil 11 Deco 72 Methods mcpwinertimle de c3imament d"~ eo3A nolon Ion, dogre do goUvlbo ku t1ww" 5 1 Aguirre-PuentepJej Dupab.As; & Ph:L*Pej A* 3ourams Du11*LWAon Laboratoire Pants at ChAuAll now., no.6o sio5_116,,j 1972. Lanstwej French Specolostro Plesno translate #k tTpe sing?le-8;mCes no paste-qVilemire spawstranslate ;' oes je*.-*n ;S & headiries of fntnot Panet, M, The;-Tisting of Aggregates.-Curremt Methods and the Orientation of Research. LIAISOP DES LABORATOIRES ROUTIERS DES PONTS ET CH&YSSEES. PARIS. BULLETIN, No 53, pp 97-108, 1971. NTC-72-15028-13C Feb:,73 Generalities on the Principle and Utilization of the Goodman Vibrator, by J. Blain. FRENCH, per, Bulletin de Liaison des Laboratoires Routiers, Special J. July 190, pp 9-IT.- *USD3:/BR TT 71-55428 Available BR Only July 71 General Results Obtained From the Use of the Goodman Chain in the Central Laboratory During the Years 1965 and 1966, by j. amou. SL41 K) FMaff, per, BuIletin de Liaison des Laboratoires RoutierB. Special J. 3U57wx Pp 70-96. *USDI/BR TT 71-55429 Available BR Only 71 A Year of Using the Ooodman Vibrator in the Autun Region Laboratoryp by A. Ducloux. FEIMCH, per., Bulletin de Liaison des Imboratoires Routiers, Special J. jUly 1968., pp 108-129. *USDI/BR TT 71-5543o Available DR Only Ju1Y 71 Some Conparative Studies of the Heavy Vibrator of the Central rAboratory and the Goodman Vibrator, by M. Micci. FRMCH., pery Rulletin de Liaison des Laboratoires Routiers-Special J., July 1968., pp 160-169. *UBDI/BR TT 71-55431 Available BR Only July 71 First Experimental Work of the Anplitude Variation of a Goodman Vibrator,, by J. C. Grainsumer. FMCK, per, Bulletin de Liaison des Laborstoires Houtierm Special J, July 19W, pp 170-176- *USDI BR TT 71-55432 Available BR Only July 71 Desarlytion and Rvalustion of WA Uver Mapgoicy Ptiver Valts Prej*ot in Rome Ut- t:Lotbd and Francois ftmenje, 2 pp~ PMWHA, pwo 1301 tin do Mhda ummr, Vol XvIlm, NOD;02ZJO~~ 29bT* PP~ 21T-240i jr 4 Arrlca-ftla&W Pepublia zoom. June 6T 323,,T6T Evolution of Yadasamoarts Chinese Commaltars kqy Leon X. S, Mmmaki, 22 yp. MAGHt part 043 Sa do HOUIalmr ft"n"-Jv*v MW 19690 pp 4M-498, JPRS 48409 Af-Hda~psy Rop Soo Ja 69 3,%9440 ObtMnIM XjdmWg frm a Living Donm far on- bly J* Trmew. VW4 Ha M TANK 1=10- -MA& Val loo so 191-356 low NIH 5-48-68 SOVAR ftl 68 3500191 ObsematLow on Two Cases of Deconpression SLakness, by X. Fructust J. C. Ricci- FRBNM* part Bull- jjsffi~* so-clote, FrancaLso as+ M*sL*o Submauattou at lWirbars, No It Doc 19690 pp 708. Dept Of XavyAW IS02b Sci-B&IM Sep 70 Metapbya&ool Basos of thrias Am*M the Kirdis of CUd sM Cammm, by Angs-Raymond Antoniml. 1, 1. PP. FRENCH, per, Ballouns st "Sm Mg do I& Soci- ete dtAnthro ide ban, Vol 90 Series 11, No 4v Ooto. 1966, pp, 3157-376. JPRS 4j6o3 A%-Cha&Cmemon Sao Jul 67 328,751. Res" ImIdefte frm TrMUnut wIth O"IstIn nothme Satowto (us S. C.) AL awy at Swrou Oases& by VIc-V4pmt# -JT. Yo Xomamliler,, AMC4 per$ RIMMIN 21 X=04reo M21W wealwo-MIA des SmItm do Pallas Val CLY16 1965p ye_25-37- MA %T 66-13L79 SPA-Cbm am 67 326*9n C%Wcal 2162agical Anowalles: Ocaurring During ukulagr with amunwn Notbaw BalroMtoo bY it. matlao C. lapresup at ILIO MOM WUMME a &M SO! a "- U J&Alaaxo dow MRHAM & Tca CUTO IMP IV 39-0- O&A it 6643178 ftl-Cb= Jm 67 32OPM Neuro-Psychle Accidents Due to Colistin Methane Sulfanateo by R. Woom, R. Clay, FMCH, per, Bullstins et, Mamolres Soceite , Medigglo des Hospitaux do Pjaj., Vol 19650 pp 45-50. SLA Tr-66-13214 Sci-BAN Jun 67 327,088 Bulletin at Memoires do la Societe Medicale des Hopitaux do Paris order from NX 1965 V116 P473-476 70-11557-060 L966,VI19 P60b-610 70-13020-O&E to> 04a~ 1398-FJ ICTERUSES DUE ITO PSYCROTROPIC DRUGS, M. Conte et aiv Bull. Hem. Soc. Me - ~qp. Paris Ll 6 -29 (196s). _ . _# No. Sy S19 S350 W; 6 T; 17 R $18.85 ($3.30) Acute Post-Abortum Endocarditis of the Tricuspid Valve. A Cure Without Serious Hemodynamic Sequelae, by P. Godeau. EUROPEAN, per, Societe Medicale des HoRitaux& Bulletin et Memoires, Vol 119, 1968, pp 605-610. NTC-70-13020-06E Feb72 Economic Information on Cambodia. FRMCII, per, Bulletin Mensuel do la Banque Nationale du CambodgeP Vol 12, No 10, Oct. 1966, pp 24-28. JPRS CSO; DC-15071 11-266/67 FE-Cambodia Econ Apr 67 324,203 bimthly BUI]LotiU; tOnOsPhOric (bsOrVaticmo FRUNOIO bk, Oullstin Md-avwx: obsomations 19gosAvAS July 1965, pp 3-6. ACIC TC-986 WE-Frimce Sci/Earth Sci Apr 66 298,423 310. Lob. T-573-1 R-aw-a 16 nov 67 MatIpUasUan ad vlzvleu" or soVUawdu a blaa causaUve *gawks In the argmdm or Infected anlmls and their eadayars VI art %VSCNKUW TzVw BILU16 do Leinautut do ma=tdaloge v iz. 1965 VP 13~-Al ( 7 PP Bwdden - eat for vda: mama* trammaiate am type 1 non Ny n z*My aqw. Jftke cover " sople attwbed- T-JYr3-3-- Docmmb can be cut-6 Wo Lob T-7754e B-88974-D 3.6 am 67 MatlPUCMLOU & vivagnm of Mopticada & blood CONWho tIve *$wto In the cremaLms or lureated anluaU and tasdr ammers vix NY: VIVW DILU* do LIZ=Utat do Idwablolosie Val 17a 196$ VP 14-253 ( 11 pp Phsavdam - out rar vdas Plow* translAte =d t"s I ammL r*md~r oapy, X*e Cover as 80WI* attwJwd T-M-2. Doemawt em be out., Slo Lob "73-3 R-8898-D 16 mov 67 matipues"On & v1=1ence or eeptie"a Causative agents in thd an In derlbrInized, blood Ars 200cumm Prest IMU. do LfZwUtat de, WcraMclogle Val 17.9 190 pp '"-a& ( 10 pp) Waslan - ast for vdst fteam Usus2ate and tHm 1 camerm rmdy cW# M*e cOvw an smVIe attadsed T-M-3- ]Nxumnt can be cut- DLO- IAO T-573-4 noobwAaa LaTmugmtJons ~ - amptiowdo and blood PY3 ZMW 3 Dun. D"- Marob. Rumdan - set for mass R4ft9-1) 16 Nov 67 an the vLrul=Usat:Lau of awAsoUve *&=to Vol IT, 1965t 165-170 (6 ipp) newo tran"o and type I camwa raidy copy.6 Make cover as GwWlo aftwhad T-573A. Docuawt can be cut* ArW Seen As Guarantor or imspendence of African Coantries.. by No Mamobis 5 PP* H, per.. DaUtin -X:LI:L MA NO 15.- 1966.. pp. 228-231- JM 37273 Africa Nil sept 66 314077 1womoto, Tomlo et &I Hsarourldso landed duri t~herl~xex 0 and "Talisman" Bulletin du Mu*6* Nat. d'Histoir* Naturelle, Paris, July. In 10ranch. Tranal. 1,y TPR for NMFS, Got. 1971. 25P., typesoript. Avuil. on Loun - WIFS, Wash., D.C. I L- Originol Arlicle Chocked. ..' Canoanung TWo New Collactims of Fish Gathered f-mu t1va Adalie Coast Vintarctic) in 1964 and 19650 by J. C. Ilureau# P. Amaud, at al. 10 pp. E704CH,, per, iALUetin du Amurn Natimal d! Histoirs N " ';;"r ": - - 1; - seEM .;, M 37, No 6, 190, 941-9,50. Dept of Navy NIC Trans 2789 Sci/bawd 1.1 mr 69 376,594 Leptospiroses. Part IIT. Leptospirosis In Animals. Recont Epizootological Findings on Leptospirosis in France, by 0. Lataste-Dorolle. MOCII, per, 2=oe International de "gooties. Bulletin, Vol 65, 1966, pp 831-849. NTC 72-107og-o6c Apr 72 Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia of Frogs and its Contagiousness for Several Species of Freshwater Fish, by I, Tomasec. FRENCH, par# Bulletin do l'Office International des Egizooties, Vol 69, No 7-3, 196FI-1pp 9�1-9�7. *NTIS Tr 73-53012 Btuvrift Ordinamy Buftet fbr Fisoal Yew 1967, 44 ppp FRORM. per, BOALiga omaid, !)a Damao Vol 6v No 4st 15 Apr 1967, ppv. 1.57wlg6q, J"s 41,609 A&Bmrunca Soon Jol 67 328t763 Dwweci.LaLv Ocinewaing Court Fb:jj*e, 19 pp, n=CK, P*r* BaUetiu Offigl9l da #arm& iw- V*l 6# ib 3167, 1 mjW 1967, pp, 197.zo3w im 418y~ AfAam Vol A-- er, Orv. AILOA Burundi investment Cckle, 13 ppI FRENCH, publ., Bulibetin Officiel du U Burundi, Vol. . No. 9/67. BuJZZ=-a, I Sept 67, pp. 338-343. JPRS 44,517 Africa(Burundi) Economic Feb 68 351,797 Various Decrees Imued in Burundi, 19 pp. FROICH, monthly govarnment pubt., Bulletin Official du Burundi, Bujumbura, Vol 6, Nos. 10 wW Its Oct-Nov 67, pp. 385-387, 389, 401-405, 411. J?RS 44,382 Africa(Burundi) Political Fab 68 350,328 Deal"$ one lxvc~WLIV* Or&s"t 36 VV- mutuly Lul_lkw*p in==,, lpr, &U - 1971 j"ab 0 , F F im 19wo 1-5s r23Vo bb vv 51-52# ;L56, 72-73- jpMS 45822 mr.taftammndi *a sept 68 362vh& ACAncys ACSI P1,00 0 J-SG58 10 Tfttes To"** WApplication do Le LoL 60-1 du 2 Janvier 19fA sources BULLS= OWICM M IA PBOPRIM '""j vi so ~ AMM All MU" ti Wx 1%-I-pp 13--tFrii-27 and 54 Law4jull6e: vrwwh Instructionet Trawleto and type Ow copy an all x 101~1 bond paper, eU44la spaced. Doevvent may oe cut fOV pa"a ups. Type "J" number on vac paz;a at top center av =a w=bev each paSe at top ri,,,,413t hand side. Dftree ConcornLog BeLentLfle Dogroes in the BocLaUst RopubXLc of NumanUL, 20 yV4 'BUILAIUM, yer, kq!mna oncial,, No 13, 3B Nov 1963, pp. 10b-112. JPHS 33591 =-Bulgoria, &A-Mace ion 66 293,702 ftolsion no 583V19" Omomift AppU.&. tum or lft~ my@ - no 4"/*4 w oramuss- tuft "d Twouming or civa miftm ftroumat to OOUUuct., 20 OP. Sinn=* Pori, a-actima qw&,Q &I all --16P an 33761. U-mmaua ma JOB 66 T-Deree so 921 of the Council of state on the Xs I I shment md Orgenizatton of tba State Comittee for the Mroatioik and Control of Local OzUmw of State Adv0dstration, 8 pp. Muff". per,, buletinul Ofigial al gg~ciaumte Jbnn:La. Vol 1.- Mb 171, 15 D" 1963y PV- -133-13k, JPFS 34328 W-AMMIS soon Mar 66 296p678 Dftr" 00 the Orgftdsat:Lon Sad FunatIOM or Un Imustry or AutombLlop Waterp and Air Tl=xport, 5 Ipp. Rwjrzw.V*r,j BMIALUStO RMIMI&P Part 1, so 280 IT Bee l9b5s yp- 139-240. JPIW 34088 309-nuumia NCQG Fob 66 -295v652 Law an the Zatabi 4 shumts OxWolzations, and ftmotlaux of the Watlonal CcwnaU for OcLen- Uric Fa"avoh,, 7 PP- pers BuletW Oflgima &I re FOWMARp jMMcil ftclalisW Famnlat Vol Is lb 21., Part Is 23 Dii 196%. Vp. Z5--i6T. JPMS 34574 ME-Alm"Ift Soon mar 66 296..95o PmashU and Law OD 5 an Labor saftty, 8 pp. i .....- - 0 &- 0 M*=NIAI= & Ma AI Mggg&ajLl soclausts naunda. ) su'. Part 1. 23 Poo 19=65;~w 0 ir7rs,-0 ZMA-Fammmia Boo Mar 66 296..920 aw"tLan 'O'm th* pumucftuvg or t1w Qzund lktltaa Amougay,, ]fi IV. !m"am" per, apat"A gagm IsmWell figaimalgia a"FAIP V02 li, No 22P 24 fte 196-5-P "* JLGO-4940 JOU 34, =-]kM"l& lkr 66 29606" Low an the Adoption of the sl*te Dmalpt of the 6001allat AWAala ftr 2,9660 .MVAJMAN,p PWP Al"WA Ofl(dAa ua -rompolsoll ftaialiste Val is NO 23LS PWt moo 1965 VP~ -XII&I72. On 946 28- . Jbmmmla Rom mww 66 296,pgW Rummaim Staft COVMLI DaMMS OU UtMbUsh- =ant or the oute Comittee for wozt B~ftty MA the ftate SmIth Zompectorstes 8 pp. I .Wuwmwo per# Had IM *A RMLb- liall awa&ujme Bmumla- Vol 10, No 24s 30 Doc Np. 05;05-- Mrs Am-ammis Rean Mar 66 2yTp883 ~ I I . I 0*01" On the OrWwlMtlcn mad Op"Stlon of th* Ughor AVrftUUuul Council and PhWonal ftlonv and City AgrImItural Camel" 0 9 pp. Ila" talt voir-2, Ib 3o Plart 1,9 20 9- "0, 29b6$ 94A. pp. JPMS 34"1 =-F=nuda ROCA Mar 66 297P037 jljjg~~ 6 IV, PWO 3k&)AC&jjm Mb" - Mm" 3.W* wt JM 39,60 Rom 3DTv936 Decree on the Organization and Functioning of the Otate committee on Gooloap 7 PY? WARM3., per# Buletin Oficial al &Rplicil. Socialiste 12MMa-, No 21., Pwt 1,, 3 MAY j? PP?* 132-134? JPRS 36339 Ne-RU=!Lnla Sci-SS/A Jul 66 306,944 Decree on the Organization and Functioning of the General Directorate of State Stock Piles.. 5 ppe IXV4AJMU., per.. BuIetIn qMcial &I &2=911 Sociallste Romania,, No 21, Part 1. 3 VAY 1966.- PP, 135-136 im 36339 =.TRU=Mia &on jul 66 306,9943 Deems No 331/106 M*difYUG Deems lb 359/1M Concerning the Swer"I Reopma- bility of Soldiers And thO RotablSobiantp Pursuits and of'Rowages Caused to the or the Anned 7orcesp 8 pp. XWAIMV, per* OCISM al ama- jjcj:L . Socialiste Bmwia. Vol 2.. Wo 22 fty 19660 1798 142-145- JPM 36318 BF.-Runs"s. XdLl Jul 66 306,855 RoguUtlan an Now Fmardan F03mmule Kaftead Services. 13 pp. RUMNW a pwp MIQ54 2MI&I Al W&Lou ISAWAd IROXIMMO Vol 110 lb "'P 5 June 1w, pp~ 4. " im 37 M*Rmmanta So* Sept 66 3111.639 Dsor*e on Damage to MlUtary Property, 16 pp. RUMMIAN, per, Rtgaund O&Aal A Ma!kUou SocdmUsU Horawdge Part I, No 33, 1.5 Man 196b, 5. =. JPRS 37726 ZC.Rwunia Nil Oct 66 3L19915 L&v Adoptjug the 1966-70 Plan for Dweloping the jUnw-dan Natioml ZconmW, by Chiva Stoles.. 13 pp o, JVMAWM, perp Wl*tUml Oficial &I Popublicli sbeiiu-s-12 n4 a Vol 2, No 40, Part Is 3D Jum 196b, pp. 29b-30l.l. JPM 36038 MHUMMIS zoon seDt 66 'ROB 1. IC/7 Decision for the Application of X&w So 2/1966 Concerning the Retablishmentj Organization., and Functioning of Bpecialized Schoolsp 5 pp, JUMAK"j, Per., 13uletlrall OfIcial al Pkwublicil Imigaste - &MmLa No 42,, Ptwt 1, 6 July 1966,, ppe 2-39 JPMS 036 mRumania Soe Sept 66 308,191 Network and Flmfue or Specitaised. Sewndary Schools fbr the IL966-67 Aoadacdc Year, 17 pp# RWMIM. per, fta2agu'i gfiaaz *I- ft& SOCIqUate fbmard ~'Iioa pp. ]Z 14. &0 Vol 2, IR) 9, 26 Sept 1966, JPRS 3B858 EF.wRamwda Soo Doo 66 313.897 Dixddon an Plannim, Finorming wid E=Gutim of Goologima Work, 27 ppe RUMAKWO por oficall 11 LGM"2u S*01831 0 3, No Z3, P&rt I, 0 ppe 198. ins 41614 EF.Rmurds SOL-Earth $a ja 67 3M1,769 Offtoial RogtClations Xeraed br Rtnavda Governim Bovdsm-CrosslM Dooments, 18 ppo RUKANIO# Par,. BcLligjsl Oft 94 am"Ou Sodimusu ftmaida, Val 3, 1b 32s 13 Apr 39b7o pp, F.7, JM 41295 M-Runasia pol ja 67 =,"g Ylphtm In Moroocan OmUnental Waters. 14 pp. SPANISHI art %1, No 28420 19 Apr 1997,, ppM. 0-88,0= -- JPR3 41203 mIt"roloom Sal-Ear Sol ^M 67 32B9433 U-- Sm rat^U Tr*A& lb~ ustalalabdd LU Mmuflat 23 We =A=Wip Vwv MWWQ=a OfUlfta ma ROWASA-1, scio-iii-opi-vt IV so (*,p 20 July IWO I@ Wo-:"W* imwm 4~ ftt 6T 344705 vara Dsu~ m Nwr2orm AUmdsoaU saA a rp? Irmlom pmp adlaus $Ila 23 Avg U67,v 0 95p-M-? On %03T f ~ mb- p4a ikw 6r A3AP Law on Employee's Holidays, 11 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Bulotinul Of Icial &I Repubticii Socialist* RomanisL Bucharest, Part 1, No. 113, 28 Dee 67, pp. 4-8. JPRS 44,304 EE(Rumania) Sociological Feb 68 350,206 Rumanian LOW an Manufacturing, Trade and Service Marks, 15 pp. RUMAIqXAN* publLeatIon. Dule OUCIal al ReVublic:Li socialirt-e ROMAOICAt V01----3, No. X14, Part 1, Bucharest# 29 Doe 67, pp. 881-886. JPRS 44*604 EX(Rumania) Political marcb 68 352,510 &=Man-FoUsh Agreamt all Mgbmy lllrmspoA, 5 pp. RUKAIUMS rpts MON" 2MOAl &I aw6li-gu 4MMIA04 -Amemat 17 b7 19wo pp -M-5130. im 45909 E&4nt2waoc Fbi Aug 68 363.919 officiala Uutline I-acbmAmiAom of Agriculture 171AMI. 13 pp. RUMAMUN, perg Btagmp qui a]. aVA4-0 A on - - AL a0olanAe &-mAe, No 74, Part 1, 7 June 19689 pp 5?2,-577. JPRS 460A 114A-.Agr-i Anir 68 %4.020 Comdttoe an Nuclear EnerjW Founded, 6 pp, RUMNUNg par# bas&j&a - JL RSRt Val 4, qDSMI a Ho 1?7* Part 1& 18 June 19689 pp .59_5-397. im 46,063 soi/jiuca sci & Tech Aug 68 362,b757 Custom Rules an JAplomatic Flearione Revealed, 8 pp. RUMANIAND rpte Buietinux Uricial. Ai BOR]92pan SocIalifirte B2MW&, Bnobarent, 16 Sept 1968, Pp 2-44 jpns 4?ns FS-Rumwda Jan 69 3n,002 DOOIGIon on Rumanim aaantifio Covnong. 6 pp. RWWUAU. per, AaaUma QUOU 0 BwbRreat. No We POA is 24 Sept -Igm-,PJL iPFB 46826 ~ 9NII-74. 841-SCI and Sgd orlgan Doo 68 353.7w SUte Flaming Coardesion Creates Nw Depart- awto 8 we RMWW9 rpto 240tAnyl on-cial aa p9matuag flessam, Bacberest, Fart 1, 16 Oct ZMM---x 1968v pp 2-4. JPM 4"52 EE"Ibxwmla Pasopwt wd Border-CrossiM Rolplations, 19 .U. kluz- mu"Ta &Map oflolal al itepubUc4 4 Bachamsto Part It lgoldaglg Romania is-Nwa- -- - -- 228 OWAL pp 1232-1238. MIS 470 1 BE-R=m=U Pol J&n 69 3M340 Door** No 975 an Poramml Names Presented, 6 pp. RUMNIANO rpts lasunul, Ofig"I &I &MIL&Ucil Socs Uste, Ragania, Bucharest, 29 Oct 1968, -AL- pp 3-3. JPFS 4713.8 ES-Munnia, Pal Jan 69 3?2*W3 Ravaulm Code of Crindml Prooodb"t 144 pp. A"HIA-mit Part gmazama BMW 5-4 12MIMM-an Q--A -'s A -4- amobs"sto 12 Nov 19684, pp 3-Wt RAS 47j.536 E&ammuda pa W620 40 Datendnatione Purdshm - t of of tenses Revised. 17 ppe RUMIM, rpt, Buletinul QCL91& I~al Re - Dublioll amal", Bnobarearts 14 No-v--lwp pp 2-79 jpm V7-287 FS-RummnU POI Fab 69 374.5,64 Goverment Rovlows Setup of Eftantion MInIstry, 9 1 --- ft-M M I'llml4mame -1 glow Al - AIML F-wo ARGUM13 wAgm �RQ&jj&gA- mamnlat alaboxosto 29 Doe 1960V pp 61-630 JFFIS 470"7 BE-ROMMA& ram* p-1% 40 Foroign laobmge and Prwdous KAOU PAguUtimme 6 ppe -.2 RUMMANo 0 0929M4 %AMI a! I sm socuumu Fomr F&A 1# 30 Jan 19691, ft, Bwbaresto Pp L.Vf-%LW* JFRS 47W EN-Rwur" Ebm Apr 69 3799236 Cowplato Text of C on F*69entedo 27 pp. RUMUM40 par* 0t ml on 03 1 SnMAL7140+~m Ro~%% 24 03 bmaw= - - wwu~ nav lklobs ate Fart 1, 16 Map JL9690 1-110 im 4011 ZE-paumda Fol Swt 69 392,353 Quld*21no statxw far mxbuftdw. contrau, 26 IV, omwmo ywo, MAIM 2flaw. a Angwiga Fhm~rij a - lad&U$W w al~~ 2 A* 1969# IV 386-~395-- am 48197 zg4bumnla xem ja 69 384o863 DecUion Isowd an Organisation of Labor Mxdstr.v# 12 pp, RUMOUNs pwo Bu3Atinul Oficial &I ftmiW= it=wml& Bmaharewtv 10 May 1969g Ipp 3-7. JMS 0649 EE-Rmmnu ?*I AV* 69 389q 164 Deasion Inowd an Measuzes for Proteation of nate soorstop 7 ppe RWAMOo par* Udstinga- 2MULgl RoMLWgjj socialiste RgMEMS Ba""Sto 15 May 19699 jj 4-6. JPRS 48649 99-Rumania POI Aus 69 3899163 Now Decree Reorgmises MLrdxtrv of Hmlth* IL2 pp, RMURM. per. &jOtllpA 0010~ul R"Wic jZgUnIte Rqwn~j* BwbuvA, 22 W 1969, pp Z-3. JPRS 45394 EE-Rumaida ftl J*U 69 3W0041 COM011 mi AgricatWo Tak" Over Silvicultu", 6 FPO RUKAKWg, per* - 2mgmi &I HMRWACU 2044Ixte p4mudge Boobarestg P"t it 23 Mw 19690--nn -V 9 im 49-1i SO:L-oAo2& mr-Z9 388,093 llim Subardin&Ucn of hiper L3dustry Docr*Odo 5 YP* ROKAUM~ part 2USSAI A nombusu 22daUA0 ZQMNA16 Bw%aroAo No ?90 AA I* .16 = JU3,v 1969. pp 63"-0*. ipm 48736 Erp-raffloda Ham sept 69 391o698 lAtimial Scientific Research Counall Hoorganizedo 3.4 pp. ROMAKO, port Baetinul C 'L 4a- L - 92944440 -R-93SWA,, Ba0harest, Part 1, 29 July 1969,p pp 645-b4a. JljM 49M9 Sal-Sci and Sci Organ Oct 69 393,364L Deor*e Conoerning Mlnlmtz7 of Foreign Affairs@ 10 ppe RUMMUNs perg Buletinul Otiolml al RePublicli �RamlidA &ammia. Rmbarest, Part I, No 89p 21 Aug 1969t pp 706-7W. JFk'-s 48931 E"u=uda pal Oct 69 392v623 Departamt voF omwervation v 0 7 pp. a 44 RLMANIMO pw* w -- 24AAi asaal -- 602--a 4 -*-- iq .W - . awbareAs NO 959. F"It U-77 29 Avg 1959t pp 7 9 ipm 49171 Erp-FAmenIA pa mov 69 39398M