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Obstetric and GYnecological Carc Durin.- T---ntY Years of tbe Polish Peoples' Republic* by L. C-Tabovieckal, J. Lasinski, 12 pp. I?OLISII, jxw, Mrovie Publiez-ma, 'No 7 (78), july In-64, pp 287-299, JPRS 23279 IL-E...Poland Soc Feb 65 274,021 D%ml lodian Type Releforeed Conerwtoo Rnilroad Tieso by Yjakoolav Browaric, 6 pp. CM &) U,, 19 C & -IT03, per, Z!~~ 56, pp 22-1k. 525,Gh H, GP.- go ==,o Yugoalsvis Scon Oct RO and Zckr- . Measurement of Dead 11me in Pulse Electr y Dd Rolf Pers son, 5 pp. SWEDiSH rpt, RO och ZEBRA, Matning av Dodtid hos Pulsel;iNnik. 6.Tan 1961. 9226258 AEC-ANL-Tr-78 Sci-Electr Feb 65 273,170. Ahicul rts in duced I'% aul - _'*-~' * - , - - . ~- _.- _; '.- * 'y 1- in lly W. Richter Vol. Sci 'u J-2209 NrYQlG,65 Seamen's "wk1fare in North America, by genri Sielens, DUTCF, bk,- Zeelieden-lielftare in Noord-Amerika., Antuerp, Ya Belgium, 19M ~pp --Yr. ICTA Wk... C:;7- V11M Soc Cyclotron Resonance in a Plrt=a, by E. A. Kaner. GIMM, per,, Zeft, Vol XMIX0 Zia 29 Sar 8.9 1957, PP 544-546- SM, 57-3333 f3ei Aug 58 7.-'P, 1 /64~ J" W. DiVESTIGATIONS OF I'M In TrANCE CURVES OF X- ATED GLASSES. (196119P. Order from MM $17. " SHAPE OF TRANS- AND GANOAA-IRRADI- ATS-63N&W, Trans. o(Also Mul efl-ingen iber FortmebrUte der est 00 lay) 1959, T. 1, no. 6. P. 199-211. DEWRWMR&- *Glass. X-ray diffracti= analy" Opticd aAdy" *Opdcd glass. ox-rays, ocamm. rays, Transud"Im 61-2503 1. jah,6 W. U. ATS-61VIM IH. Assoc', Tectmical Services. Inc.. East Oranm N. (ftysics--Opdcs, 7r. Y. 7. m 4) Heynacher. Erich. A MEASURE OF IMAGE QUALM RASED ON OPnCAL TRAMPER THEORY WITH SUBJECTIVE WEDGH174r, W-ALS (Hin Bilf'sUmam auf der GruDdlage der bi;~;~papftarie mit Stiblektiver BeweMmpskala) D. A. Siscial . tr. 1961, 21p l0refs NRC Technical Tram 1114. Order from NRC $1. 00 NRC C-4767 Trim& cg Taw4nds (Wwt Germany) 1963, Y. 3. um 1. p. 32-51. TT-64-=1 1. Heynacher, E. 11. Nk-T7-1114 11. NRC-C-4767 V. National Research Council of Canada. Ottawa Whys1cs--Opd . TT. Y. 12. zK). 5) wutitultivtoo ~;U.,-WVII, per, Zoizs-.~ittp~lhl Vol ~i I 9C.4 1.5 76- M All 4-11-65 1U5 IC Visibility of Interfe"was In the Michelson and Wyman Interfermaters,, 22sq*m ~~. '4 d,~, WZrV, -A .4- P-P. GEM, per, Zeiss Nichrightimjol IV,, No 5.. YAr 1.9?Q - SLIX Tr 15~ Sai - Pbysics , ~w Apr 1957 Tooth-Thickmeso lbasuring Tmtrmant With Optical Reading and Its Application, bir 24 Miltzsch. OMME, per,, Ze:Loo Veb Carl, JISM Pr-Ch3~lCht~np No 2/3, 1956.. PP ~1~- CBIw Bel - ftgr '2 'ell Avg 62 Zeise Surveying lootrumentep 59 pp., OF 642153). Gino"', psupbletso Zeiss Vermaze , -". OMMRMI-e~ 1954o 33 VP - c -114 16 3 -~ / Anc P-0-%70/v SOL - Pblaics Avg 57 7 CRITICISM OF KHRUSCHEV, BY WOLFGANG LEONHARD, 8 pp. GERMAN, PER, DIE ZEITj VOL XVII., No 44., NOV 1962, P T.' JPRS 16228 USSR POL Nov 62 219,718 THE STRUGGLE AGAINST THE STUBBORN WRITERS, BY WOLFGANG LEONHARD, 8 PP. GER,IAN3 PERj, DIE ZEIT, tlo 18 :3 mAy i5~63, P 9. JPRS 19347 USSR POL 14AY 63 231,132 The Federal Republic and the Communist Markets, by Kurr Birrenbach, 10 pp. GERMAN, per, Die Zeft, No 411, 27 Nov 1964, p 30. JPRS 282143 EE-Sov Bloc Econ Feb 65 273,044 The Federal RepublIc anj the Co--nunist !U-irkots, by Irurt Birrenbach, 10 pp, GEFIW~I, per, Die Zeit No 48, 27 i~ov 1964., P 30. JPRS 28502 EEur-Sov Bloc Econ liar 65 275,932 Me"awment of P3.put Ts-pueplrntlon vlth ftRII L"ind", by W. None, G=W, per, Z. Acber u Pflvvvzsnb.l%,,a, Vol XCVjL , IL954' pp - - 1 11 130=-T-2031& Sol Ja 59 d?. e, -1 /1 -Ire A Pkvalc-l A7,.-.,-Io to the T&V of PISInt Tiald by B. Baule. GERM,, per,, Z. Acker-u Pfamsenbauf, Vol =V=,e No %, 19540 csno-286o Sci Aug 58 71ji Problems and Methods of Root liweatigwUous Vith Special Consideration of Light Soils, by. W. Simon, D. Eich. MOM, per, Z. fuer Acker -und Pflanzenbau, Vol. C, No 2P 19551 PP 179-19d& - CBnO 3456 Sai - B101 17, 10 1/1 Z-.? ~/ Aua 62 Control of AUium Vineale in Past-m-es and Meadows,, by R. Orth, 17 13p. COMM., rwj Zeiteclulft. Tlw-JLarj=und 0 Vol .--l - - ~. I XM., No 4., 1955" pp gm.42X 479AM.- arA Tr 1550/56 Bei - Cbm ?,Z6- Z J~-3 Nmr 57 CM Enzymes in the Soll and Their t Impormnee for Soil Biology and Fertility, by E. Hofniann. GERMANv perv Z fuer Acker twd Pnonzenhau, Vol C, 1955. NZDIA XSei-BIOL?Med Apr 64 254,574 Soll Assessment by Meaxw of Biochemical hft--thods, by I-L Koepe. GERMAN, Z fuer Acker und ]Manzenbau, Vol C, 1955. NZDIA Scl - Biol/Med Apr 64 254,576 Contribution to the Study of the spontaneous Reaeneratlaa cc r-ft%mnwt Pasturw~ by E. Fomtwo am'w, w, z. fuer Aciaw-ind Pnmu,=- b&U, Vol C, ~ CSIW 36W scl - Didl 1A, 14-24 Fab 62 Inveatigatiou3 Into True Claver Sickness, I. Inhibition of Red Clowar by Fresh Plant Mterial and the Per-sistence of This Inhibition as Determined by Pot L%perlmnt,a., by J. Tocbcnr. OMM., par,_ Z fuer Acker- und Pflanzenbau, Vol Cl. No -- 1:/L5.T --1956, CSIRO 35o6 Sci - Biol Feb 62 Concept of Available Nutrients, by H. Kaltoffen. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Acker- und Pflanzenbau, Vol CII, 1955, pp 165-182. X GB/25 Sel - B/M Apr 64 257,243 The Latensity of Rooting in Soil, by A. Kul I mann. GERKAN, per, Z. fuer Acker- und Pfiamenbau, Vol Mx" 19!~ ~'Pp waw-- CMO 3&15 Sci - B101 Aug 62 .2 a /, I/ oR 7 Biolegieal Soil Studies of the Tlr. r and Omter RM%mphare of rAving and Dead Hoot of FWar Plentap by G. Maler. CMMMP pez#-Z.-bmx-Ack -U--x libl C:rv., No 30- 1957.. Vp 289-306. csntD 414-5 Sa - MCI / 9 91 i= 62 Rffect of Date of Owing cm the Yield of Latkyrus Sativus L. Compu*d With OVier lAgminosaa, by P. Limberg. GMP3=, per,_Z. fuer Ackxu- u. - *vzenbau, - Vol C3X, No 2., 1959-- pp -141-M-.- cam 5170 Sci - B101 Aug W 2, //, 1~4.P xt)tential Evapo-Transpiration for Use in Calcula- tions of Rainfall, Run-off and Evaporation .InIationshipe of Trrigated Soils, by, H. ianert. per, Z. fuer Acker- und Pflanzebau, Y_ V--7! CX, No 2, RZDTA Sai - Biol Avg 62 Use or Ures as a Pertili2er, by A. Buchner, J. Kxadel. GIRM, per.. Ultachrift fuer Acker-und Prlanunbau., Vol MV, p (M/351/B - --- -n L./ S*146WPWM~ Feb b3 :~rpl .-:?.;, 31)1 Present Problems of Grassland Research and 1,1anagement, by E. Klapp. GMIM, per- Z. Acker-U.PFL.Dau, Vol. 11, No. 3, 0 1963, pp 257-258 Sci - Aug 67 3306-107 Present Problems of Grassland Research and Management, by E. Klapp. GERMAN, per, Zeitachrift fuer Acker- und PfLanzenbau, Vol, CXVI, No 8,1963, pp 257-288. NZDIA Sci - Bial Feb 64 2ft 250,081 I-,-ijW3-D 21 Mr - 66 iotics, Use ad Abum K. Mrnbo= B-. Z ABOM FWrMUW (Jew) 26: 2h4-246, April 1.9, 1929 ( 3 PP ) - eat fw vft: 1 owlstma OVY only- (FM 2DO17) The Opearia Aaareso ar Dr. Lo Vellpayer at tLe Aerosol Congress,# b;r Dr. L. UmUmyer, 6. pp. M=Mj, bim -n=,-ZGItGcbrift - fuier Acronol-forach= Uad T~~!i;--Vbi ~*Uci 3. Stutt--'Arts "lay 19530 ZIP 355-357- CTA/FDD/q-5W7 EEur - Gor=LvW Sci - tud, aerosol copyridut Apr 54 CTS The Bioloairml n3ftituawe of Aimmolg by Ueicrich pp. bum ladw.. zeltAcbrM fuer Aerosol-fwo iel i2fr*ft Fo I, IXURC-Pft, IhY IMP pp CAAMID-5798 Mur - Germcay Sci - Ned., aerwol Copyri!pt /s/ Apr 54 = (FDD 200466) The Rooorption Conditiew for Aerosol In the Reapiratory Tr=t, b7 IM W. laostarkfttqrs, 2 pp. GMUMs, biw j=, ZL-Itodhrift fver Aeropol-fqr9qhWi,, und Theraple, Vol IIj, Do 3, Stut-tZart, MaY 1953s pp 404-W5- BE-ur Gernawl Sel - ',~bd,, aerosol / 3" 16 Apr 54 CTS (r.DD 20(~ ) Abatract of ')Rewarch on Aerosols That Arise From Centers of Industry and Traffic ThrouLdi Atmos- pheric-Ebectrical Heanal" by Richard Mleieen, 1 P. GMMN, wo per, Zeitschrift fur Agrecol-Forachu= und Therapie, Vol -127 1953.. pp CIA/FM/U-5380 4.E'ur - Oarimmy 59 Scientific - Physics, aerooola,, physioloGy FDD 20047) Problem, tblbods and Reoato cC :Lyaavb=lo= in Aerocol ilosearch, by H. PrLobo3.j, 17 pps CdFJSW., biw_ngj Zeitschrift fwr Aerwol-forachunr, ml ThREMlev Volns 110 3. Stuttamrt.. 'by 2953, vp 442-452. CZAIrVDIU-5300 Soci - *.led, wwosol copyricbt Mpr 54 CTS (Fm 2oo48) Importance of Diainfecting the Air for the Prvvention and Combatina of lurectlous; Diseases, by U. Klieve, 10 pp. biw,.,WU Zeitachrift fver Aerosol-ftrschHN uno-Theravie". Vol 11, No 3Y stuttzarts MY 1953j, pp 452-4W. cn~=/u-58ol EEur Germany Sci Md, aerosol Copyricht !> Apr'54 CTs New Genemtore of Micramicolla Aerouols.. by L. DautrebauMO 13. 13p. Aerosolfbisch u Therap, No 2, per, 1953, x A-4050 NIB IJO*20r sei -sagimering Oct 59 A New Atc-aiMer for the Flame 12hotometerg by R, St-rarbel. GERMAN, per, Zett fuer Ac=scil-Forock und M=* Vol ive so 20 a PP i13-183 - D.,S.I.R./26427 Sci - PbWsics 1146" -illf Apr 57 CW/dex Qmutitative IstImtIon of BucterUl Aerosols# by JowhIm Albrecht# 20 pp. OMMU, pr, Ze , fuer Aerosol.-Comh und '6% Tbaravies Vol ITMO PcrWu Trans No V2 S. I, A. z 117 SCL - Jul malows 13.4 MY 19% Lm Vic Grimm and Rate of Grcuth of Ae:msols of Uater-Salti)le Substances as a Function of the Ralaative Huoidity in AIr, by G unter Zebel. GERI-MI, per, Zeitschrift fur Agrosol-Forschung uad 'MeL~aj)i2.,. Vol 5, L40 3. Sep 191 56p pp 263-28G, 11911093066 AEC Al-tT-210 Sci/Physics Nov 66 311,521 Bio. Lab. T-477-1 R-7725-D 16 Nov 66 Untersuchungen uber the elektrisdnLe aufladung von aero- solen. By: Klumb, R. and Schutz n'OM: Zeitschrift fuer Aerosol-Farsebung und-Therapie, 6:40-53, 1957 14 pp) German - est for vds: Translate and type I camera reacLy copy. Document can be cut. ftne Dispernion of Idedications With Lwrt Gas, W L. W. Haase, 13 PP, MOM; _p".. 2. fwr Aerpsol-Pbracht= Und VI.- 195TP j)p 202-210. siA 6c).i66oi BQI Vbl IV 1b 5 Ww 62' ' 4e~z 7 Albrecht. Joachim. METHODS FOR DETECTING MICROORGANISMS IN AEROSOLFORM (Methoden zLun Nachweis voahftro- organismen In Aerosolform). 11959] [181p. (I table 2 figs. 105 refs. omitted). F-TS-9649. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 60-13292 Trans. of [Zeitschrift fUr Aerosol-Forschung und- 71beraple (West Germany) 1958, v. 7, no. 1, p. 50-61 DESCRIFrORS: *Aerosols, *Microorganisms, Do- tection, Viability, Collecting methods. Determina- tion. Impingers, Cent:rifuges. In order to obtain sufficiently exact date -boi the number. species and vishillry of air-microorgan- isms. a series of requirements are undertaken for detection-procedures. The conventional procedures fultill these demands in varying degrees. The inabil- (Biological Sciences --Microbiology. TT, v. 8, no. 10) (over) 60-13292 1. Albrecht, J. U. F-TS-9649 Ill. Foreign Tech. Div., Air Force Systems Command, Wright-Parterson AFB, Ohio offi-f 7-6ic.1 Experd.aace TiLth a New Berverage for Ubrkers Exposed to Heat., by R. Schulz aid C. D. Altmarm. GERMAN., per., ZaitsdhTl t faer Aerztliche Fort- bi.ldung3 Vol 58., 1964.t PP ~52-454- NTC 71-13831-061 Feb 7 2 cal. ---I C. rl al n, nz -Pae;;ch, 23 investments in A-7-iculture and Forestly, by K. Kuzscbbauch, GE per 'Zeitscliri-Pt fuer Agraroekoncmik, Vol !V, No 1, 10,61, PP 17-23- *JFRS EEur - East Germany Econ - Ao-riculture, Investments 1h Apr (-1 A Fev Questions Concerning the Volume and Organization of RouL-ehold :--lots In the I-PG's, by W. Gmpe, 4 pp. GBHMN~, par2 Z. fuer Ag=,xkoaomik.. Vol iv~, go 2 JPR3 10738 non Ifov 61 7e1 6 6 S- z-. AgriciLLtural E3tablizhmants., by D. YnieW-, R. Finsel, 1-7 PP- amm, per, fuer Ab-zarokonomik) Vol TV, No 2$ 19 ~2-Gjr.-- RES W738 MC= - Garmamy ECM mov 61 r7 j::, 21 Dec 6) DevelouTent of T~T-, III Agricul, turvii Coo~~-rativcs in Jr,60, by J. Sommer~ 19 GERYJtV. per, ?~. j~qe-K A rarcekyaoad' Vol TV, Fn 3, 1961, pp -10: 5 - II J'?R3 lli7-q. EEu-r GervnetrW .01 BE Dlivision Natural Produce in ff. Drescher, W. Rinhorn, 25 PP. G C- 22 i . P: a r on, V o I IN Ho 3 , -iq6-i,-p-p 2:k 121 - JTR3 11.1;7~ ZMar - Germw-iy -7, Consei"iation of Fodder, a Rroblem of PZricizl- tural Tndustrialization, "by K. NP-hriwo, 35 pp- GEMMI, per, Z fuer r4rQWuSinmah,__ vol ix., iio 41 1 167-174. J M- 11695 EEur - Germany Econ jun 62 M~ it lilt Fill if UII (NY-643c; Wm,k Remuneration Noraw in Socialist Agri- cultural RntezTrIsea In the GXH.. by Mdewe,, 13 pp. =mail PMr# Z. f=W Maus Vol Vj, 1b 5., 1961*-vo- JM 133L63 Boon 41,01.1-1 Apr 62 NO (N-7-6430) On Soma 2heoretiml wd Practleal Problem of TyW M L13G Cooperative Vqp and In- cow DmIapent$ by K. Mrbmd*Ut w. gaqp.. VM 32 pp. Gamma parp Z, rMr --~WodkT - Val IVO No 5$ avp 199-909. JMS IZ-M63 41,04 Ap- 62 ( L-1-043U IF, 1962 Research ProjecU in the Field of Aarl-multural ROOMMW, by R. DZencher, 5 pp. UNK"'t pw* Z. fu= Agrezvokonawk, Vol xyffl 30 51 1961v IV 232-23441 91 im 13163 Apr 6e Ex (Nr-6430) so= Quoutiom or Farm sconomics in East G=m=Vy tV 0. Rob2e# 26 JW~ MUM, pors Z. fmr Agrarob=omLks Vol I-Vo -40 6.. 1961v-r-p-Nl7ZAG-.- JM 13779 ERW - aamov Ewn 7.9a MW 62 M THE IMPROVEMENT OF EDUCATION OF AGRICULTURAL ADVANCED SCHOOL CADRES, BY D. SPAAR, H. DROSTE, 15 PP. GE"N', PERp Z FUER AGRAROEKONOMIK, NO 8) 1962, PV~*k3O. JPRS 156Bo EEUR-GERMANY ECOM, OCT 62 215,012 THE ELABORATION OF ECONOMICALLY JUSTIFIED OPERATIONAL SYSTEMS IN OUR AGRICULTURE., BY 0. KRAUSE, 16 pp. GERMAN., PER., ZEITSCHRIFT FUER AGRAROKONOMIK, No 8., 1962, pp AoMA5- JPRS 1568o EEUR-GERMANY ECOW OCT 62 215,013 PERE QUISITES AND SUITA4LE FORMS FOR TRANSITION FROM TYPE I LPG TO TYPE 11 LPG AND CONTEMPORARY TASKSIN GUIDING THIS DEVELOPMENTAL PROCESS, BY H. DRESCHER, 13 PP. GER~14N, PER, ZEITSCHRIFT FUR AGRAROKON%ilK, NO 11, NOV 19TZ, PP ~327-332- JPRS 17152 EEUR - GERMANY ECON JAN 63 219,677 IDIQ ON INTERNATIONL COOPERATION BETWEEN SOCIALIST COUNTRIKIES IN THE FIELD OF AGRICULTURE, BY C. HOWITZ, W. MUNCH) 9 PP. GERMAN, PER, ZEITSCHRIET Ell GRAROKONOMIK, NO 11, NOV 19,cp-, PP 335-93 33 - JPRS 17152 EEUR - SOXV BLOC ECON JAN 63 2i9,67' THE UNIFIED ACCOU14TING SYSTEM IN THE SOCIALIST AORICULTURE OF THE DDR, BY H. ZACHARIAS, 20 PP. GE"Nj PER,, ZEITSCHRIFT FUER AGRAROEKONOMIKI NO 12j 19621 PP 355m-36o. JPRS IT909 EEUR - GERMANY ECON MAR 63 P.241356 SOME ECONOMIC QUESTIONS ON DDR POTATO PRODUCTION, BY 0. KRAUSE, 26 pp. GERMAN, PER: ZEITS RLET-SUER-AGRAHO-E-KONOMIK: NO 12:, 1962, PP 373-378. JPRS 17.909 EEUR - GERMANY ECON MAR 63 224,359 THE DEVELCTMENT OF STATE FARIMS I N' THE DEMOCRAT I C REPUBL I C OF V I ETNAM, 22 PP. GERI-',X~', PERY ZEITSCHRIFT FUER ACLRAROSKONU41K., 1, PP 27-31. JPRS 1 T~'2~,~ FE - V I ETHN-13 E CC. I A P R 22L",,43-1 DEVELOPMENT OF THE NALTER SCHNIEIDER" SEED PRODUCTION VEG (STATE FARM) IN EISLEBEN,, BY' H. BELITZI 12 PP. GERMAN, PER, Z FUER AGRAROEKON01,11K, VOL V1, HO 2, 1963, PP 44~-47- EEUR-GERI'AANY JPRS 113459 EGON- SCI-AGRI APR,63 TRANSITION TO INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION IN AGRICULTURE, BY 0. ROSENKRANZ, 11 PP. GERMAIN, PER,, Z FUER AGRAROEKOINOMIK, VOL Vil IQO 2, FEB 19" 1 PP 53-56. 63 JPRS 1,3459 EEUR-GERMANY ECON, SCI-AGRI APR,63 228,297 THE GRADUAL TRANSISTION TOWARD INDUSTRIAL P.--~O- DUCTION METHODS IN SOCIALIST AGRICULTURE) By G. JAkNIERMANN; 29 PP. GEFd;LAI--,', PER, ZEITSCHRIFT FUER 140 IS.? 1)63, PP 161-166. JPRS 20052 EE-GEF41ANY ECON JUL 63 2)5,-12" -j D 0 Result of 1963 Development of Agricultural Producer Cooperatives (LPG's), by D. Miffler, 8 pp. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Agrarokonomik, Vol VII, No 6, 1964,pp 161-163. ' JPRSI 25643 EEur-Germany Econ Aug 64 264,934 On the Manpower Situation in hLgriculture and on Ways of Solving the MwTover Problem in Emixkisosr With an Inadequate LAboxr Force, by 0. Krause. Loehrke, er a4 2.7 pp. GERMAN, per, Zeltschrift fuer Ascraroekonomik, No 7. 1964, pp 203-210. J'PRS* Ad" Scl - EE-Ger any Econ Sep 64 267.391 Inter-Cooperative Installations - A New Form of Operation in the Socialist System of Agriculture in the GDR, by Dr. Heinz Doring, 9 pp. GEMAN, per, Zeltschrift fUr Agrar6konomik, Vol 7, No 11, 1964, pp 334-337. JPRS 28397 EE-Germany Econ Feb 65 273,967 IRVOStigationS On the HierfAm Association in Acid Mine Waters, by B. Wwchlewitz. W. Schw"*tz, GERM& per* Ze All gem. milcrobiol, Val 1, No 2, 19610 P-p-700-114. NASA TT F-9787 U, S, GOVERNMENT USE ONLY Sci-chem Apr 66 298m,748 RESEARACH ON PURE CULTURES OF HYDROCARBON OXIDIZING BACTERIA, BY HERBERT VOLZI 8 pp. GEWN, PER, ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ALLGEMEINE MIIMBIOLOGIE,, VOL 11.0 NO Zj 1962- PP 157-163- JPRS 18loo SL14 77-,- g3 -20r"16 SCI BIOL MED SC MAR 225,449 Substance of the Tips of H5-phae of Polystictus Versicoilor, by C. Strunk GMUWJ, per Z. allg. MLikrobiol. Vol. 3. No. 4, 1963, pp 265-274 CSIRO/Ilo - 7912 Sci - Aur, 67 339-476 J. S. Sz3manskli Activit~, - cind Rest in Animals and. Humans. GEPI-TAN, per, Zeitschrift fuer Allgemeine Physiologie, Vol 1b.? 1919, PP 105-162. Partial Translation of PP 107-109 & 118-153. LUC 72-i3c'o3-o6p Nov 72 z in rv~ DIAC- bw- afc:wwi, rcri 21 tro-h Vall 11, p-3 ll'j,- 24. Processes of AGeing in the Ear, by IC Fleischer. GEIWMI per., Z fuer Altersforochung., Vol VI, 1952, pp 147-156. - --- - -- CSIRO //0 5-3-1 Sai - Md 0.~ jun 6o ..-marohistol-agric.~~1 ' , rZ,1-2Ttlorkr, of A M, tc ging, by lt~. ~Yahn.,!a-, '40 Vp~ 11 1 -- GMIMAN$ par, Z. Alternsforsch Val X, 1957, pp 343- 5 7.. I F M- Tp r 3 - I Sci - Med-teine 147 -V Apr 58 & English Title Unknoidup by V. Havel. GESMAN, per, Zeit fur Alternsforacbung, Vol 18, No 2, 1964 or 1965, pp 115-125. *AASA Tr F-13,139 Sci- Jul 70 W*rmadcw- Cur-mrArg the Clesibasaltz. M ;Ibe,5vmm by i.'. M-menc, b vml IRL -fla-Ae"Pol, per. ~ i 4 A22M. JIMEL. Val M~mx pp 153-110,4. M2 ^W-1-20 lict-a'am f:kt 65 Detection of Bile Acids in the Urine, by C. Neubauer. GERLWN, per, Z Anal Giem, No 8, 1869, PP 102-103. 1111-1 7-53-65 (On Loan) Sci/B&M Aug 65 287,373 fbout the Presence of Bile Acids in the Normal Urine, by C. Neubauer. GERI,M, per, Z Anal Mem, No 11, 1872. pp 467-469. NIH 7-52-65 (On Loan) Sci/B&I'I Aug 65 287,372 Kc---a l-,Allods of Determining l-.LtroZ;cn in 02:6anic Compounds, by j. Kjelda!Ll. GM.!Alv) per, Zeitschrift fur lLn-alytische (.hc:jic, 1-1-'o 22) 1603, pp &,-':!66 CSIROPIN'O 71 PI Sci - Au, 67 335,,jjc2 u fte Datexudnation of Lithium Wde, 6 pp. frdm" WOMEM.1w, Z. AM Amal. Chem., Vol XKIX, 189D, W 3.32-335. `--- ':' '. - - S.L.k. Tr 35A956 selectifte ~ Cbeldstry 33 9-5-20 010 63-16761 Merck, E. 00NCERNWG.:ME DETERMINAMN OF FFRRLTM 1. Merck. E. REDUCTUM Wber the Werthestimmung von Ferrum Reductum). 119631 151p. (foreign text included) 4 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 63-16761 Tra~_ of Zeitachrift fur A~lytiache Cbemie (Germa 1902, v. 41. p. 71 -711. DESCRIFIDR& *Iran, Redwtim Chemlcal analysis. (Chemistry- -Analytical. TT. v. 10, no. 8) WIGn4 Subs, KUM ON MAGNEMUMAMMCVWJMM*WHATIL 119W) 73p 1. bao, IL oormdae fig. ubko mOU4 39 rda. ordw fmm su $7.60 63-16234 Tram. of zaluchlift Aux] AMMWIlarcbe 0,Ao V.Vp . ~mi os=tPTORS-. Oftwbalm OAmawlt- =&cob, mapedum CWOWAU. (Cbemlary--barpwAc, Tr, W. 10, m 9) arm al jfth*jj Barresgaard-Rasmussen, Hans. DETERMINATION OF NICOTINE IN TOBACCO Al~D TOBACCO EXTRACTS: CRITICAL INVESTIGATION. [1962] 70p. Order from K-ti $67. 50 K-H 5398-d Trans- of Zeitschrift fUr Analytische Chemie (Germany) 1916, v. 55, p. 81-133. DESCRIPTORS: Determination, 'Nicotine, ~Tobacco, *Chemical analysis. 62-17784 1. Barresgaard- Rasmussen, H. 11. K-li-5398-d 111. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates, Detroit, Mich. (Unannouncw) f Td.1-1 S.M- 63-10982 Benedetti -Pichler, A. 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