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(BY-2315). Reserves for Reduciug MVty R&UroeA Car Runs DurIMS the Third FiN"e-Yww P3=, by Ant-g,-l T. Petkov, 11 pp. WWMIMp per, Tramportmo Mlcf, No 10, Wia, Dee 1958, pp us im-i6si5-N EEur - Bul m 1& Ecoa - "T'ramportation - WXroade Jun 5"9 (NY-2315)- Reserves for Lowering Net Cost in the Railroad Cw DIstrIcts, by Hal D. TOVrbcV# a pp. _P010, no 10, Soria, wumn3m,, Per., P~~= WMO Dee 1958, Dp 33-T---' us im-1695-H ED'w Dalgarin 3cou Trwaportatlan - Rallroads, Jun 59 Setee (VY-253L) The Repair Bases for Slactric Imomattivea In the Electrification of Du3garlAn Railroads, by Petim Orminclihievs 7 pp. DUUMAM,, por,, 19591 pp 141-17. trm 1622-iw BE= Bu2garla Econ T~mmaportation, ra-LI "L 4 om 59 setee Rainforcetwnt of Rnilrmd Roaduayu vjith Viev Itward IncPShming AxIn Loacb arA Spacd of by Fetur Sharlwtv., 9 pp. BMOAFaM, per, Tzansp=tma Dalo, No 1, (co--04-n.;x 1959s pp 23*26* apim 1622-N f3tw - Bulgaria Loon - Trmspartatim, rail Jun 59 917, '-) '/ 8MM W-2826). Hconorda AcomtUig In the RmWomd AdmInistration, by Xh. Varadakov, 13 pp. BUIOARIM, per.. Tramportno Delos ria 2, Vhr 1959, pp 5 -10. EL'ur - ftlgpa-la fton - TmWportatim/Railroads Oct 59 mec.tri.-r-testi= ar airluese Failroad Special Ch2wazteristics an& PerSP8C tiVilsi, by V. lq Davtdov., 4, pug ErsMA-MIAK, per, Dalo, Vol 7-", L~o 2, Sofim,. 1959.. PP 36-39.'. -YAe- ANO VE - Cbi= Oet 59 (my-2&4-N). SpeedIng the Zlectrirication or the DulWimu Hall Lines, U pp, BaOARMj, w, fftmnM]00rtM D4A)-, so 4p 19590 Solus pp :L ------- jm-law-N Sep 59 Expediting the Turnaround of Fmigbt Cara - BMGA.vM4N,, per, TmnspoF~uq PP 1-6. -4!~Ic-, No 6, 1959, FM Sum 2312 ED= - BUIEX-la Econ - TrwtoportAtion , J-, -3-/ 5r Sep 59 Speeding up Railroed Car Repairwork. BULOARIM, per,.7 -delo, No 6, 1959, r.-.p 27-30. FDD Sum 2319 Egur - Bulgaria Econ - Trampartation i9 A- 57 ~/-y gap 59 =wse Watarum., by Mmg Mmiag. BUIMMOp joro T=wpqg%W-Dajo,, w4 xls So 9., Soria# 3-959,1 pp 4-Op li. (CAJU go =7P 27a2.. Jb9 Tr) ms ya - Cb'm Pam ago Nw 60 . /,/&' 0 pnpwet:& of ftil T.-tnw =d Squilpaut for moctrlrieuaon~ SWAARZO, Vero rtao Dalop Oct 1959, Wia, am, 2h8o zoo - Buissr" Vob 60 PriceB for Repair of Railroad Rolling Stockand for New Equipmeirt. FOUO BUIGARM, per., u j 1960P Pp 5-11. - - ARRMO--ds-19 FDD Sum 2603 llyjm~ mur-Buigaria COFMIGHT Econ-Transvvrtatlon jui, 6o Radln,ua ~ Ratea$ B!WM=iltl, par, Trwn~ L9 portmo delo, No 1; - 60, Sof -ia, pp 6-9, FDD Sm 2551 EEUX - BU34~=ia Econ - Trmu;portt%tion 11,;7 a Apr 6o / I/C 12 Plculmin- tha, 0--?r~rations of Fmilrcad Car Snctionc,, 0.~ -- BTWXXTM-T pa Transportuo delo, No 1, lc,'Ck, Scf~ a, 7.DP10--13- FM Stm 2551 Mur - Bulgo-ria Bcon. - Tramsportation Apr 60 //.2/ Dovelopne'at of the Port of Vidin, BULGAR.-Vall, p~.,r, Transpoitno delo, No 1, 1960, Sofia, -,)p 2i3-33--"-- W---~,.,.-. F.DD Sum 2551 EEur - BuIguria Econ - Traasportation Apr 60 //.q ~~2 / x 25 Years of Bulgarian River Sbippdng, 9 pp. BMaUaM,, per, Tranmortnoje, a_o_, No 4, 196o, pp 27-31. DIA IN 413-69 EE Leon Jan 69 372.681 The EstablIahmat ot a Now Rall Cannaction Between Smihom and Nortbarn Bulgarla.., by Marin Georgiov., 3.6 3m. EUGARM' Dakox Vol ins NO 9j, Oct 19601 Safta.0 Vp 5-12. im 9.9a H-mahanImatim or Loading vzd Unloading ODS-ratims oT the Rsumoaas,. by swic Twawvs 17 py. BUIGARM* Vol x11;. ft ion 196D, Saftap pp JM 9347 At r; (A a0 7 J~m The Problem of Mosing and Fminaturely Worn out ft,-te of Fwaread Romma ftocks by fftU ff. UM% Kolevy 10 IM. WWAMMS VMS Dcao, va xn, No 9,9 Och 1960, JTIB 931*7 tn - 15-4 616 ilm 61 P".blemr. in ConneCtion W:Lth. Tncref.F4c-6 Speeds, 6 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Transportao Delo, Vol XII, N-o 10, 1960, pp 1-4. ,,rms 8281 Mur - Bulgaria 57~ 49 96 may. 61 Tcaae ui~lta; Ti,alls UINCIASSIKED EREMICH, bk, ire F, f-hrip-~n'- 4; Cbp-pter 3y Acsi H-614os WE - P-rance 77. -;o Mil Jul co Technical Aspects of the French Railroud 3etvork. "Commamd Statione" or Dispatching System, 89 PP. FREWHIp $2 rpti, ;!~s_T!i~~porta Militairem, PP 71- 146. 1 . - PzSI H-Giog ID 2145o58 WE - F"nee Econ /j, 7, g- c6-.t 6D Good Floblog With Um BUpsj by Manfred Schelzel., 47 PP - GMWW., rpt Tram ress VIM V,~~r Fur Varbabrzme ou". lkwilujr lqw, Navy Tr t.1154/Ma 902 sci - deopbys / '?q ., -~.2- .Am " 62 ThO Effect of Port Facilities an MOrChant Marine Tum-Around, by N. Ya. S=wlovskiy, 61 pp, GERMN,,. per, Trmspxess VEB _ Verlag far Varkohrswo3en --Igw. pp 9-13; -118; 7- 43-~t~!70; 73-*,W*. 8S-. 88-94-. 106-140;. DIA LN 246-66 BEur/Germmy/)dl May 66 300.920 100 Transistor Devices, by Milan Stanek, CZECH, bk, 100 Tranxiswroud, Pristroju, m 19648 131 pp* (IOUZZ3767-V VTO-TT-6S-1285 Sci-Electr Aug 67 335,496 Pa--ish Of Ilarpx. DIL,',iISH, th,-Trap Dimmark, Vol VI, X 1P6,J) 0. PP 205, 20' ,,4*ACSI 1-30":'C-A J-1 ,--ID 225J-712 WiEu.r - Dnaifiark, Ecoi,, Nov 63 Budlui-it:.s and T,-X-f-X1 Jj-,rtj-u-,jo,,-_~ T)-U I s -E) 1)1'., 'hrap Da~-Unu-,-j~, Vc_,l Vj' pp 20,T; 208. j ,,,~*ACSI 1-3635"-:: I'D 2251'112 WTE'ur- - Deranark Eco--, Nov 63 The 'Transcription and i'~unciaticn of Geq-,mphic Illa-ma, by Quiseppe f-d-celdon, 9 pp. SPANISH, por, Per la Traserizione e la "L-ron-W-.C:La Ded-.'N MIJO sen 68 36':! 22: Secticm 130 - Flew Over a Late;ml Weir Fran the boa "Treatise on Hydrwlica ".. I)y p, Forcbheimer, ., bk, 4cqu on 9 5; SPAR= 1 ~~ Dept Int 2=3 A30 No 342 sai - Bw 23 VAr 61 4,ff ~ :;o Tedlilolozy Of Indimtrial Fuluace Canstructioaj Part .3* by- Do Strandailo ITALIAN, parb Trattamati Tenn. Vol 7, Jul-Aug 19M. pp 19-22, DISI 4290 scipw"m Oct 65 290,2M Tecknology of Industrial Fumace Con- stiuction Part 2, by 0, 0, Strandell, ITALIM, per, Trattawnti Term. 11-10t, Vol 7, May-Jun 1964, pp 2.4-26. BISI 441D9 scip-%g Nov 65 292,OS9 English Title Unlnojzn, by Pierre Simon Laplace. FRENCH, per, Traute do Ifechanigue Celeste, Vol 5, 1825, pp 475-407. *NASA TT F-12,428 June 69 Research Ifork Done at Elevated Temperature in an Unventiloted Environment, by if. Liberson, P. Marques. SPANIMi,, per, Le Travail HumabIL Vol 11, 1934, pp 39-6V. NASA Tr S-10,122 Sci-E. Sci Jul 66 304,274 TT-64-103t9 Faverge, J. M. METHOD OF SrMYlNG WDGMEN7S (Meth I. F&POX&C, 1. M. WEtude do jugemeatB). 119631 (14p] Order fton SLA St. 60 rr-64-10319 Trans. af 1e Travail Htsuain (France) 1952 IT. 131 no. 3/4, p. 2544U.- ' - DESCRUrrMS: *Reasaming. *Analysis a( variaxAm, VpSychmetrics. Tabus, (Matbetnatics, TT, v. 11, no. 3) Otfl- W T--h.l..l S.-I. J= -Preliminary Study on the Selection of (dram n and Overbead Travelll~ng Crane Drivers, ty P. Goguslin. FBMM., pw, Travall . 1953P No 1/2- CBIRO aB 22 9 ~/ MR21W - Mr~ ftOI2 AW 62 Nz-tl ca a J. U- ts: VeAlral cam"Prallonsion; by R. Bar-aEaT3.al, 1.71 P-p- Flo 3A, 1957.. rp 339-AT- 510 jull Go Anzicu. Oidier. TIIH IMPLICATI(IN OF Fli.'RqONAI.M IN ROLE- PLAYING (I.Implication dela N-t,,mmilatt. P,w, 1e duR;lc)- (19601(15]p. 2refs. Order from SLA mi$2.40, ph$3.30 W-1801 1~ FTVAKALLjj~tvs (Frm~) t9sa, V. 21, 41_ no. 112. ~. 41-146. 01 60-18011 1. PrychcvhTmrrf--E((cctfvc~p1Q 2. Title: P 3. Title: Role-platying. 1. Anzicu. 0. (niological Sciences- -Neurology and I'mychlatry. 7T. Y. 5. no. 4) Planus, Paul. I 'IT-64-10043 THE ENGINEER AND MIEN. [19631 f8p] I "anus. P. Order from SLA $1. 10 TT-64-10043 I - Trans. of Travail et Nikhodes (France) 1951, no. 38. Feb. p. DESCRIMRS:, *Engineering personnel. Olulustriat psychology, Behavior, LeadershIA (Behavioral Science a - -PersormeL TT, v. 11. no. 4)1Otfk. of T..hakal Seni~ How do you Rate ycn= Ebployt-me?, by J. Mechin, 18 pp. FrdWff, per, Travail et Metliodes, ja/Aucw 1g!;6,, pjpr-W-M~--` - - - SLA 60-18030 Bei reb 62 Vol 4 " no 9 / 1~~ 6,)&- 'p -7 1* Pa- 60-18646 Vvinec , J,nu. NiFAIURENIFN7 OF ADNUNISTRATIVE WORK AND Personnel --Performance NIO-11VAT10N OF OFFICE PERSONNEL (LA Mesure I YvInec. ,:.- i ia~ai: A,1;-;!1tlJ;,( vt 1*I;ut',iv~st-mcnl J j nel de Bu ten ~ -). ( 196011261p. 3 refs. Or-der front SLA mi$2.70. ph$4.80 60-18646 Trans. of'l'rnvail et Methodes (France) 1959. no. 124 Julie. P. This article outlines a standard method for activity nicasurement by means of a single Index which can ex- plain in a synthetic manher the variations in office- work efficiency due to the various enumerated ca.,ses. (Author) 046- f T.A." 1-6- (Bch*vkoral Sciences- -Personnel. Tr.,w. S. no. 4) Mn hieu, Violaine. HOV DO YOU KNOW WHETHER YOUR COMMUNI- CA11ONS REACH THEIR GOAL? (Comment Savoir 1 vos Communications Atteignent Leur But?). 119601 161p. Order from SLA mi$1.80, ph$l. 80 60-18657 Trans. of Travail et M6thodes (France) 1958. Jan, P. 173-17f.~ 'Me following suggestions are offered for Improving communications. Learn everything possible about the Interests, aspirations. and dislikes of the persons you seek to reach. Learn what those persons think and know about you. Th-_n checb to see if you have said the necessary thIngs, to the necessary people, in the necessary rnanner. Periodically compete yottr results, with those of ottwwre. Continually seek to adjust your efforts according to your results. Develop some way of checidng each year to see whether your coutmufftica- i ions have i cached their goals. (Social Sciences. TT. v: 5, no. 3) 60-18657 1. Industrial relations--Theory 2. Employee relations- -T'heory l. Mathieu, V. 1Y3 paalz 41,-. a ifid r-, n-d Dcaar,,r=d 2 1 il io!; of 'Peroonn-el, by ',.7 FT-,~ZCE per, Travaa- et ~ Ti"M I p.p 7 jun 62 vjbl 4, No 12 Use of Eamlosives in Quarries, Part I. FFZNCH,, per Travail et Secutite, No 7j 1960, pp 27~-282. GB/39/110 1477 Sci Dec 62 Freyssinet, Eluggen]. TT-64-14201 rz-:'.'.' IDEAS AND IlUETHODS Rd~ca et Voics 1. Preyssinm E. NouveUesj. 11964] (53p] Order from SLA $5. 6'0 IT-U-14203 ~ I Trans. of'[Travaux) (France) 1933 Iv. 17, no. !, P. 3-171. '-" - - -- (Enginecring-CAvil, TT. v. 1Z no. 1) 1 .... .1 Conditions of Stability for Soil, by PA. Boulwou. x FRMH, Travagi , Vol 20., No 48, Dec: 1936, PP 570-576. USA ClorpG orEqp.4 Waterways lExper."Sta Tr 37-4 ': _Ga~ -. - - .; . , bydraulles, navel . Bem. o. Trunspiftation, river, meter .-Available on 10an at Research Center Library I Fr" r , TVLjIM-X. Jan Ift- VP 1.3-1L8. USA corps or Emor, Vazerm7s - Expm, Sta Tr 39-24 Sci - SnOtmering,, bydraullce., naval Ecom- Transportation$ river, vater Available an lom at Research Centww Library Conditims of Btablilty fbr Soll (Concluded) Study of Plasticity la the Cww at a UnIflovuly Loaded Strip of Indefinite Viath. AppIlimtIon to Retaining Valle, by M- Bulfison. Traput Vol 21,, No 513, Mur 1937, PP 122-127. USA Corps of MqVs Watezvoys Exper Sta Tr 39-4 Sci - Engineering, bydraulice, mavul Scon - Transportationp riverp vater Available ca loan at Research Center *rary Earth Preosmro-,~ by~N.'Ravler. FR=B., Txui*=,: Sap - 1937 W USA Caqw of Nogr., -Waterways Paper fita Tr 38- 18 Scl - EWneering, bydraulics, naval ft= - Tionsportition, river, vater Avallable on loan at Research Center Library Study or the Removal of Silt Deposits at the Read of a Marine Lock by a Scouring Installation and Veri- fication of Results Obtained on a Small-acale Model, by L. Bouneto, J. Blochmans, and J; L=oen. FRFM, Travaux, Vol 210 No 58, Oat 1937, PP 423-430. UaA Corps of ftgr, Waterways Exper Sta Tr 39-26 Sci - Engineering., bWdraulica., us-val Econ.- Transportation, river, watar 0a 10an ~at Research Center Library Metbodis or Stuftlft Waves, by J. Larras. FF=CB6.'T=vSux Vol 21, Ro 58,p Oct.193Tj py 064W. VU Corps Of ROV., Vater'JOYS-ROOr Sta Tr 39-32 Sci - E rown - uca, mami - ton river, vater - P Axallable- on- loan at Research Center Library FMMMp Travaux No T4j, ftbruary 1939., pp 41-50. USA Corps of MW,. Waterways EXper StA.Tr.39-% .133mrl g; Sci - - uSP bydraullesy . imaval Econ - Tra=mportatlon, river* -After- Av;ailable on loamimt ff Research Cftter- Librm7 --. - Tomi-ozi In ReWorced -Concretes by.J. Kopciawwki. -N9.'74, -TAbru"rY 1939,_ .USA: Corps-wof -ifta lfr.39-41 Sci - Engineering, lVdraul.1ce, nova1 Scon - Tzswportatlauy river., imter Available an loan at Reamrich Cefter JAbrary Detaction of Gbstacles to Navigation Without Visi- bility, by Elie, H. Gutton, Hugon, and Ponte. FRENCH, Travaux, Vol 9, No 100, Apr 1939, pp 345- 353. USA Corps of Engr, Waterways Exper Sta Tr 39-56 Sci - Engineering, hyaraulles, naval Econ - Transportation, river, water Available on loan at Research Center Library 7he Formation of Corrugations on Desert Roads, by A. Myer. FHENCH, per., AU.Jun , 1943, PP 165-168. DSIR/28836/CT Sci - Engineering -3- g, ~'// Oat 57 Protection Against Subterranean Erosion, by E. Iseby, 21pp. Full translation. MNCH., per., J~Ca~ No 164, J~InO 1948, Pp 378-382- S.L.A. .3 Scientific - Gbopbrysics 4,?s 1 Jul 55 Electrical Treatment ar Plastic Clayp by Y, Podscou a Perp Travaux No 3J%# -1948p PY 386-387-- S, *L.A a. - Tr Poca 3 :~ *f' Scientific - MineraloAdetals CW/D= -I of ddLA / ~~ 04 b-:5 The Flow of Liquids Through Porous Media, by H. Combefcrt. FEMMM, Travaux, Jime 10,48, vo! 32, uo 164, P. 385-391-. i D I - - I - -cHM=3rdP3UM USA Corps of Divgr, Watex-mys n-per Sta Tr 51-3 . Sci - Engineering, byd:=ulic, naval ~.- I.. . Kcou.-transportation, river, vater Well T?~~iuts and 44.-he Depuit, Fommla, by IFFMCMIT, June -~,51418, vol 32, no p. 3c,"--- 95, USA CoITs of Eng--, Wateivays Exix-r Sta Tr Sci 7rnnginecring, hydraulics, naval Econ. Trans-portation, X river, vmter Dynamic Problem Concerning Strength of Soilsp by L. Bendel. FRUCH, per., Tmvaux,, Vol XQLEIj, N~ 166., Aug ighB, pp 445-452. - OCR 53-7 Sci - Geopbysice Sd /'960 Lalande, M. THE VARIETY OF APPLICATIONS Of PRE- 1. Title: Prestressed concrete STRESSED CONCAETE. 2 Feb 5.5 fi.021p. 1. Lalande. M. Order trom SLA $9. 10 61-2DO93 Trans. of reprint based on extracts irorn Tra vaux (I ranCC) L9-19, Jan, p. 2-22 and Feb, p. 47--6-11. DESCRIVI'C&S: Structures, Constructicn. *Concrete-, *Reinforced concrete, Reinforcing materials, *Reinforcing steel, jacks (Mechanics) Wire. (Engineering- -Civil, TT. v. 8. no. 9) Dfq.. of Uchol~l Soric.. The Drinking Water Su9ply of the CIty o:V Toulouse. Slov-Infiltratlon lwUalations of Pech-David,, by F. Prat, 14 pp. FRMCH, per, !!~vsuxo Aug 1949., pi? 347-351. um 3-18-6o Sci - bled may 6o //7 -,0b .;.:2 The Port of Le Havre - Reconstruction of the Q2eqn of the Fort of Le Havre, Reconstruction of the ftuipment of the Port of Le Revre, by P. C&M&tj, Pierre D. CoUp J.VAseeur,, 31 pp. UUMASSIPM PRM=.% part-Twou=j, No IM.- IMs pp 447-478. 002 WL'Ur - Ftm=6 Bacewmic 4/.10 Ao?ur Porter by 0. Folup IMMASSIFIRD MWCR,, per,, Trava=j, July 3.950,, pp 606-618., Puru. ............. G-20 GMA G-403.5 Ol/ Mur -P France ANVAOM - Feb !i5 CM mr.0 -%0-m "Ia. - 6r e- O.St-A, f %% 'C. - Study of the Strengthening of the Protective Slopes of the North Jetty of the Mers-el- UbIr ravel Base., by Henry., G;Lrod., P=Csv wp jo Vol &j=VjI No 2oh, oct 1951j. PV 55.9-W. OM 53-10 Sel - Engineering 3 0 91$t6 ae lii-ti-h lrit;22 b-,!V CIC FPO~ICH., pert rl"'F-vauy-s tlo 206, Dcc 1951. S.L.A. Trans sci - Engineecring bil 559 5?Z~ The Reemstructlon of the South Qusqa of the BeUot Unin and the Zvm bmin In the Port of Le UvmO by ftercie D. Cotj, 42 pp. MWMW r==.. per.. Travm=o Ito 219p Jan 1953j. Paris. OCR Fxwme lacnamle - Reconstructim S*:Umt:Lfic 0 Engin4mwing Jan ,;?// /07 SP-9 17 ter nn' ci.~-n*cnll~, !Jm,:! and corcrete. Si)ecial Case of ReLuforcci per, G-2., C-r--U.5A Engineering A. Fort oZ Callaisp by R. Riod B. Fort of Dieppe, by P. Desbazeille., 18 pps USCLAW371ED FMCH,, per,, Apr 2954, Paris) on jr f f .P 606, G-2s GSUSA G-hUO IMur France EconcMIC - Feb 55 CTS ey .7 094 ?IGW Pwt of F*C=v - Pitting up oil the Berigny pasing by m. ibeet.. 13 ppj, (m iml%8), uN(%,ABsnrnD FMWMs per,, Travu=,, Apr 1954, pp 257-265, EW L-1/5 G-2j, GMA G-4014 V*Bkzr - F~mnce muluwy - Feb 55 CIO Investigation of Electrical Steels with Yield Poiu+.s of has 60 kg/sq =,, by Suillard. MNCH, per3 TrAmll. No 90 1954p pp 437--451. Co-op Tr Bch Tr 596 Sci - Min/met f - 7 ;7,~a 6 zan 58 61-20517 Freyssinet, Eugen. THE BIRTH OF PRESTRESSING. fl961138p. [figs. 1. Title: Prestressed omitted] 1. Frey8sinet. E. Order from SLA $3.60 61-20517 Trans. of Travaux (France) 1954. v. 38. June. p. 463-474.---- DESCRIPTORS: *Reinforced concrete. Reinforcing steel. Reinforcingniaterials. Stresses. Construction. Elasticity, Concrete. (Materials, Tr, v. 7. no. 4) OFR- .( T..h. ..I S-i Kcdc-mi zatiou and Fitting Out of the lurain;~ )3;aois- of the Direction Des Constructions Et Eavales, by H. Gircvl,. A. Renault. PTOUCH, par, -& ~u sep 19,*), pp 693-693. gavy Tr 1263ART! 1317 Scientific - Engineering jan 56 c-Ts / m A. The Fort of Caen, by A. Jouveneaux., M. CaaceUoai; B. The POrt of Lorient, by C. de Brun,, 44 pp. ID 1=336 u=A5sjy PR=Hj, per "'y 1954.. Paris, pp 325- R9"-3e, Engr L-1/55-2. G-2.. GSUBA 0-3926 WE= - Fra=e Geogmphic - CTO, 65/Feb 55 The Reconstructim of the CamWa to Tre-quier Brldw.. AraWs of 153 Wtexs Slano b3f P. Dantu, Z. Gulards 0. lAco7bop 27 FP- (ID 975C)67) UIPMAWVM TEMMS per,-J"MUX, No 3,9 1955s PP 299-316- G-2., GSMk G-W36 ScleatlfiQ - gnainserLng Jlul 55 MO/M lop zrl~,7 I/,- V 4 Some Spsaal Powdstion Problems in Morocco., by J. D.&~,p 25 PP- FMCH., per, TMVRUXI Vol XXM',, No 238., 1955,, pp SFA llr 1773V lfj-'7 Op*mtins Conditions of Seveml Fd&--Output Earth-ftwing Vachives., by P. L. Ifermitte. FRUM.. so perp TMva~~A.-Y'01 =CUP go 245,, 1955, pi) 326-39. D.B.I.-R./27914 ScL - EngineerIng -/J R ~? Alv 57 CiWdex Becker, E. and Fontaine, I. P. 1 61-18"1 CONSTRUCTION OF A PRESTRESSED CONCRETE 1. Title: Prestressed concrete TAXIWAY AT ORLY AIRPORT. 11961113P. 1. Becker, E. Order from SLA $1.60 61-18"1 U. Fontaine, 1. P. Partial trans. of Travaux (France) 1955, v. 39, no. 248, p. 4"-M37___- DESCRIPTORS: Aixpoa a, ORunways. Design, Con- struction, *Concrete, Materials. (Engineering- -Aeronautical, TT, v. 7. no. 1) 1. Offi...f T-1.1-1 S-i- Airpe--n a Alalere - Casa BI Robelet Plswet~ PVJ" , per.p Travavxj,. Jul 1955# plp - 613-615. SkVY 1-950A= 339 IM/A - Alal&rv Noce Jan 59 ~Iyl Y-5-1 l2bo Coast-restiom of tho Mw D5rth East ct-5 Sotth. Wamt Pluaway at Algi*ro - Cuou IlLubtu simi Its Addl- tioul, by. Jealk ftbrielp letert -FLVD%j . VMMSIIF-11~,, Is per, Timvaux,, Ju-1,1955., pp-617-,628. JIM- Tr 1930/031 339 =/A - Alerria 14= Routes of Fmnces. 2 pp. (ID 9'43D67) 7=08g, W,, Travauxp Aug 1"5# p 703j, ,v RM,, Fvmce. NWI to 11-9.16Z5~ 4~7 /I ?SO G-2j, GSUSA G-5h7l Welur - Frawce ECOUGMU - Oct 55 CTS Flow of a Granular Material Through a Circular Orifice, by R. Durand, E. Condolios. FRENCH, per, Travaux, Vol XL, No 257, 1956, PP 113-116. ---- oTs 6o-21441 Sci - jui 63 The Ngtionrl. TestU% Statlon for I:qgl=mrlM Plaut &t Argers, by M. DrIndoW- PFOCH, p", pp 523-526. eci Jul 59 17 .110 ?, le,;F~e f fte Submwim lfnm :L of.3g,minp o6s, by J- Cowboor 10 VPO go-ISO vwv no, vp PA-07- JA . C" A= . 54rift JA - ftba sm J". 59 7419-t The Boba PTOJeCts 4~ ppo slams per* ftWMXo No 33,p P=Lao, 1959j, pp 613-620. (ftu no U2.rnj, ftg Tr) Am WE= - Xmas left Jan 61 /S 6/ J-79-, Airports Ln r=oh Dmmtorla PXrlea, by 11.1. Q'Illxier. FFOUP POX's 294P 19591 PP 254-276. (C&U No Mg Tr) ASIS SM/A - Africa Rem Fab 60 )07~7'77 li;ll -'? !:"I ~ tj-~, sourlaz., b* T=Niuzr-Ao L99., 1n%. w (Cal 30 nvL9;7ff- , TO 1M v% - Frgu- L-,. /JO 1-19,12 v No 299, 205.9., pp 5a)-54-1- wi-y-rn-I Icng TO mar 60- Other AcMevmmtst Port of Nkijmigu,, by Ft. Gobillon, J. la-uety F. ftoDto F. vertelms )a,. xeme"Co J. FAWB~ perjL_2=mmZj,--No 299,9 199)) p 541. (Cal I 30 TA2 Tnp BAB TO AMB War - Mmom Ga* war 60 Pa _Y62 Other Aahivvm=mts: izort of Tulear., by R, ambillon. RMM's No gggs 3.959l PP 54-3-544. (Can Do-U2bj;a-T7E") Ams MW ., probes Goo *r 60 I/ a. I/b, 7 7 Dastriptl= of SmUv:LUe Part,, by R. CablUon, py=a pt;r TIVMW xo 299j, ig!59s pp 546-548. _ a 2 ;w (emu NO In Tr)O. ANS VJIIXU- Cb J~Mft Goo Iftr 60 ~ r / d, -f (T 7 Hm pro~cctz - Port of Vohomrs by R. Gabillon. I FAWHJ PeriLIMMcp NO 2991 1959s PP 551P 552. (OILU NO "2."Tv--ftQ-Tr) ANS Wjbr - 7rmuo 000 ar 6o c7 Ile, 4(a t Problems ItiNibed in the Production and &Tort of lFria Aiwmina,, by bt. C*Iot,, J. Paimn., 28 pp. pc No 30D., ft--Is, 19591 pp 5W- 598- Eft-ki'30 W-T77, ftg'TT) AM FrMce jau BuiltUng the Pail-road P=wi Comla7 to Fria, P-7 qv- Pm=.. perv Trava=,, No 300j. 1959j. pp 599- Eng Tr) 607. (CaU 3D M!- AMS HEA a Frew* quinm Jan 6L il%z%t or Conakryi, n pp, B,s POrp 291m=,p fib 3DO,* Pwdaj, IM, p Vp 60T-( )6C (emu NO u~-~Tjf -S -Jh~ff 2r) AN3 =/A - Fremh oulms Sam jam .4L 1'.9 Water Supply o;C the Gity of Aleppoy by J. De Riedmttenj, 27 PP. j perp Txsva=s go 33Dj 1960, pp 547-558, IWLU mo TA 2;TM.,-T~s Tr) AMIB WC/A - SYrIa Be= An 61 IOR 6.1 .3-71 I-InkIng-M of the Great Alsace Clanii33 and the FA=o-M2im Canal at Nembs-31fror anil None- Brimmchj, by 14mvhal. 103P- FRMWH.p jprj, R~~ AprII 196%,j, VP 60--7226- DIA iff 5p-?-66;D7- Sci-N&VI'mtion Peb 67 317s,805 Hw4lZaticox In the Crossing of Dcuai and the Beconstructlon or t1w Dorlgalea Lock on the Dlimrsion ar the Smrpe Diver A3vand Domix 17 E, Amms, (134w) Fa=, 1"r. mmmmp jw ig6ij, m m-W. DIA LN 527-6G--K Sel-Ifieviestion - Feb ST 3i7.,3(Yt; .L.io iiatenlay System Cuimectin,,,, Ucli~iino-, the Paris ilogiona dnd the Batt oi France, by P. Desbazeille, 47 ppe FREM-1., per, Ttgkvaux, July 1961, pp 619-638. DIA LN 527-66D ldilpranch/Geog ect 66 312v216