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Nikolovski, T. AN INVESTIGATION OF NUCROTEMPERATURE OONDITIONS IN SOME FOREST TYPES (Izucavanje v Milaoremperarurnlre Uslovi po Nekoi Tipavi Sumi) tr. by Dusan Glumac. 1962,. 34p. 18 refs. PL-4B0 Agr. Order from OTS $0.50 61-11207 Trans. GL5=ar_~Id [Naucno~p~7~lnstlrut, Skopie. - -) 1951s, p Godisnik (YugoslivTa DESCRIPTORS: *Forestry, Trees, Ecology, *Tem- perature, Growth, Taxonomy, *Plants, *Climatic factors. 61-11207 1. Title: Microtemperature 1. Mkolovs1d, T. H. PJ_-480 Agr (61-11207) III. National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C. (Agriculture- -Plant Culdvation, TT, v. 9. no. 9) Offl.. of T-Wcol S.M-s Effects of Pbytohormones on the Rooting of Cuttings of Forest and Ornamental Trees and.Shrubs, by Milivoje Ivanovic. SERBO-CROATIAN, per, Sumarstvo, Vol 5, Ho 3, 1952, pp 221-224. IMS TT 70-56052 April 71 SGm CLIder and Mmr Treatises on J'ancle 'a lerblm Sprwm, by P. K Yukarok,, A pp. SMO-OGATM,. per.. Mumstvo (BwCmd)., Vol X.- 196 kl 3-4, 1957* W--2Wi57- 9086733 OTS 60-0637 PL-4w I q9? A//// lol - Mol jum 62 Problem of ~Vcorrhizm Research M in Forestry, by Z. Twic, 8 pp. S&9BO--CRMTIAN,, pert --- - _(Inogmd), vcI IXi, ft 7-43, 1958, w-WW-446. 9WMO om 6o-2164o PL-480 /9,9,, Sol - Biol jun 6e Tesic, Z PROBLEM OF MYCORRHIZA RESEARCH IN FORESTRY (Problem lstra7ivanja Witaftze u SumArarvu) tr. by Mladen Pantelic. 1961, Op. I ric!. PL-00 A:;r. Order from CM~ !I. ' .2 60-21640 Trann. Of Sunlarervo (Y40111CV14) 195,0, V. 9. ino. 7/-~, "i~ ~4- 4 K DF-SCRlrrOAS: *Gro%vth, Treer.*Forcatry, OF-colo-,y. ~~oil, Sporea. Reproduction, Plants. Data of Inrcrear to Yuggoalow forest experts are given that wetv tnkeji from Elie C,-rn=n-lzn"qe monograph written by 3. liergenwn (Grundiarcn und ProbIntne der Nlykorrhim-ortichmg In Inhrer bedewung fur die Forstwirtnchaft, 1053). 60-2L640 1. Tesic. 2- H. PL-46OAgr(W-21640) M. National Science Foundatic Washington, 11 C. 201 (Agr!cuRurt--F11Pr, Cult lv.--tfon, 7, no. 8) Theorotiml and Prectiml Importamee of Sta4ing the Serbian Spmce Emlogy, ~y Dumn B. Colice SLIBU-CROATUH,p part MmEdy-op Vol 13# No 1-2# 1960p pp 104-110., CFSTI TT 6?-38wa Sci/Agrl Y*y 68 356.660 ProftelM SeedliMs Ivan Soljanik. SERBD-CRQ&TLU 0, per, 196to pp 161-1670 CFSTI TT.67-58M 4 i I from Unripe Pbrost Seedt by At7of Vol 1.4t No 5-6, 3510275 Ulkilization of wood in the Production of Mosaic Parquet, by Z. Kijamietovic, 10 pp. SERBO-CROATIAN, per, Sumarstvo, vol 19, no W12, pp. 11-20. *CFSTI TT 70-56051 Sci/mech Apr 70 Growth Ring Width as a Factor in the Quality of Fraxinus Anostifollil W by R. Benic, 18 pp. SEABO-CROAM, per, Sumarsm Forestry, Vol VM, No 9, 1955,PP534-545. c?aJP-5J?7 OTS 60-21639 PL-480 Sci - Agri Feb 64 249,497 7-:-"Tp-=mLon in lilcomiravia" VM,rA VM ,,,L Tu C IMTUOP '50Y pp 9-61. ~!. CIA PW Tr 724 59 Heal-U:L and F;oorxzdc Statas of tba Nation, 10 pp. PORTUGUEM, rptt as" de hmmagg do Acao do M.rdsterio da M-ot pp 17--221 29-31s V-8-132. ETA ut 755~69 14 5w scon Jul 68 361.263 itude lie'tallurgigue d'Assemblazes Br~sevs en vue d'Obtenir L'etancheite au vide a 500 C., by P. Dumon FRE14CH, per, Sundage et Techniques Commesex, Vol 17 1963, pp 426-438 1 I-LASA TT F 14,112 feb 72 www~m CBR.Defense Regulations, Part 1-,, 138 pp. FMLSH, rpt, &ojeluohjesaanto,, I OSA MIkkelII 1960-! ACSI 1-5408-C ID 220405U64 VVEur - Finland Mil Dee 64 269,261 CBR Defense Regulations, Part 11, 119 pp. FINISOH, rpt, Suojeluobjesaantc). n OSA. Mikkeli. 196L ............ zg ..... ............ ACS! 1-5408-B ED 2204051164 WEur - Finland mil Dec.64 269,260 (32DD 420133) Yearbook of the Finnish Federation of Trade Unions for lMj 52 pp. FnM=,,_yrbkj,, Su=en Ansuttl3dAletysten Keskus- iiitto Vuwtktrjat Helsinki., 1951.. m/FW[U-5610 Pinl=d //t P 7.2, Economdc - Trade unions am 54 am (FDD 24107) Federation of Trade Unions of ZG FinI gna (SAK) Yearbook for IM. 143 pp. 9 bk Quamn ames"Isimyt-sm Sez (M) vucwimg&t~19,513, Belal"Id 1, - 1952. CIA/FM/ Tr 540 ZBOr - Flidead s5J-3 9 4v 19COU - FIMLsh labor movemeaL (FDD 22839) Chaptor VII - Ubee and Labor contractsa, rrom "fewbook" ur the Fedemuou or Trade uniom or P inUuds 19""j, 172 PP - Flom 1*1 sum" AMU&M- -.01tysten Makus- Uitto 1=3 r.T.- Tuosimaria W-5. Helsinki, i954, PP 39;.318., CIA/FW/U-(W2q NCR= - Flulaud. Boon - Pol deve1qpments & mesaw-e6j, Labor contract policy dmulopments & me"Ures on 661-khr 55 (DIC-5262) Trip of the Delegates of the Finnish Veterinary Science Institute to the USM.. by- V. Rislakkip 10 pp. FIMISH, per, ~uamp Blai"'aake Ilebti, Vol LXV1, No 9j, 3.960, pp ;L iffis 6883 Sci - B66 mar 61 1926-1-329, by U. Posesien. 168 Pp. FIANI~Usl. U, Swum Geodeettisen. Latioksen Julk,asuja, No 13, 1930, PVC TC 874a scilfi-arth Sci Mar 6 7 320.644 051, 1');3S md 1935, by 14 A. 15-1 FL`Xili, bk, Suomen Goodoettisen 1--atioksan Julkaaisuilu, INo 23, 1937. ACIC 'M 874.b sci/Earth Sci 1,Rr 67 320,655 RelAtIve Gravity Determination in Finland in tQ37, by T. Honkasalo. FINMM. rpt, % M -attleenjAit U ~-q #Wjdp wn '40 uia. Hel Mr. ACIP'7T!, 9?,/C, , Sci-iEarth Sci & Astron AprIP 64 254,902 GrcreLty Field 1--L, the Vertical Lim. Coqppwtatioa of the True Geoj d, by K. Lederateger. FUMISH, rcr, Geodeett:Lzsen Ltitcl=snn giak4m-03, 1955. "a-! 7 - - ~ ~; -Z Cr S Nov 61 OTS 62-25629 lung, Karl. 711E HARMONIC MEMBER OF FIRST ORDER WITH 1. Jung, K. ISOSTASY, it. by Ii. Tomas. May 61 191p. 11. ACIC TC-271 ACIC TC-771. 111. Aeronautical Chart and Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 62-25629 Information Center, St. Louis, W. Trans. of en certinen Laitos. julkaisuja (Finland) 1955, no. 46, p. DESCRIPTORS: *Potential theory. 01-larmonic analysis, OGraviry, Earth models, Celestial mechanics, Hydrostatics, Spheres. It is shown how a harmonic term at first order can be adopted to well known iaostatic theories. given that displacement of the gravity center takes place. 10-29-62 (Earth Sciences- -CeDdesy, IT, v. 9. no. 1.2) Mks d Tod" We= ! Of the 'SecOlld I Of raariainen, 331; -0-D. FININI-911, b'r-., Suomen Gcodeel-Sen lai'o'-ser. ,TLLI'l,,-_aJ Aya, No _57TP-19'63, pp 4e. ACSI 1-31"0 ID 224o:357 1*.~~i~ur FL.-iland F G 0. o in 1961 and 1962.0 i-)v Erkid Hytonon. FIAIHI~,Ii, oex, Suix-ven, Goodeettiscri Laitokson Julkaistlia, ;io S8, 1963, pl) 3-34. ACIC TC-1065 67 320, U-Z~:O On the Occurrence of Cone Injuries in a Forest Stamd According to one Case Stud~r, by U. Rumnuhainen. EUROPM,,', pe-r, Suomen Eyonteistieteellinen Aikakausk- irja, Vol 21, 1955, pp 45-50. ITRC C-11507 NTC 72-6o82a~-02F Jan 73 The Hicortime Content of Finish Tobacco., by Peklm Heinanen. FIWISH.. per., Suomen Nemistileht:L., Vol XVIIIj, A, 1945, P.P 60--W.- K-H-2487 Apr 67 322,246 On the Nicotine Contents of Tobacco, by Fekka IL-inaneu. FMISH., per., Suomen Kemistilehti, Vol XVZM 1945, P.P 199-207- K-H-872-b Apr 67 322,247 Salmon Species New to the Arctic Ocean. by K. Sergejeff. FIM'.1511, per, Suoum Kalastualahti,, Vol LXVII* No 6,, 1960,, NRC/Ref. C-4238 Sci-Biol Aug 63 -F qz/ ?,?,P bk,, 61-10men un pp Call 1.4c, Dy, 449P 7 - Geog 801. Dee 60 Acsi ri-6364 :iD 215237ij5 the of the Xbteas ae Dube- tdIltuo cambutone Complexes# by 0* Browteav 13 PP. IN oil t PZWO a*== F-M"tlwft* vca XM0 1943A PP 138 Sol WA'Tr 2893 Jbi 58 /0 fo a .1 Elc~znglish Title UnImown, by 'I. Prijunen. GOvfR-R!-II-fEIrI USE ONLY GE.'ORIJ, per,, Su=en Kemistilehti, Vol 21B, 19400 pp 21-24. *11A~~ T-L P-3-1,711 sci Oct 68 IIE C 'is rim or Verrous 013Aride In the katem roug by WilaMs S.p 9 YNOW4 per, Val A30P So 4j. Wo PP 65-92- Aso= 1kch Oerv 6M= gel - Chem mky 59 OWO V Xj. no 6 nagnetic Behavior of Chelates, by T. Nortia, 7 PP- pnMISH, per, Suamen Kenistilehti, Vol W-08" - -' '*":-'-""-'-' xxx,, 1957.. pp SLA 57-3147 fi 75 FW -9, Yj' 8ci Aug 58 r7 0 /0--1) J/1 The ThermodYnezics of Complex Ema CheUte Cempatinds In Aquactm Solu- tivaDo by X. UU81talo, 31sP. rMMMU) per,, Sucmen Kemdatilobti, Vol M, 1957a i4-98-100.' SIA 57-3146 177-S F N - 9 Aug 5B A Mot Plant StAidy of the 7oollation o.L 2luorine CompouWs Frm the Wdate Gases of Superlibosphate Plemts.. by B. IUIzka, 5 pp. Mmmi, pw: emmn MwdstLlehti, VbI XKXZXas i9-5-9; -3W--GI-O- ATS-X(Aa6FH sa Mw 6e Va IV, Ib 2 Some Aspects of the Dissociation of Strong Elecirolyytes, by Jouko Kenttamaa, 6 pp. FINNZli, per, Suomen Kemisfflehti, Vol KAX11a, 1959, pp 33-37. 9226161 AEC~-ANL-Tr-80 Sci-Phys Jan 65 :1701610 (yDD 2o546) Application of Mass Spectrogn.%phy to Chemical Problems, by Walter Wahl* 38 IPP- Ptal translation. SUNDISR mo per,, ..---ktzxmm &aomen Itemisti'swura tiedomntogaj, Vol I'YIM, jp- 113-41. C.TAIIW/U-U7O mw - Finland ./ j4p Sci - Physices mass spectrography e, -T-1378/66 By-Laws of Finnish Commanist Part,.r Approved in XI Congress,, 2 June 1957. FINNISH, mono, Stwmn Komministimen Paolueen Saannotj, H6184,,1~4 p 1963L$ py 1-40* DC-1210/Specia W Eur - Finl^nd Pta - Conmmnlzm z1f Mar 66 The Truth Abou4 the Sevetti Jarvi Agninft Dying IT.-ap Culture, by Erkki Koivusalo, (ID 975072). 6TI.cLkSSZFM Full translation. -7MI8Hp bks' Ru n Kuvalebti,, Isme Tp L4 Feb 2953, EaclAto G2 GSUSA G-991 Mur - Finland Sociological Jul 53 C2'S/b= S ~' 7V Fnorirous Cultivation of Swamps at -Ilocantsi, ~'ID 975072)- MCLASSIFIED per, Suomen Kuvalehtip No 19, 9 MAY 1953, 1) 22,, Encl to R4W-33----' G-2j, GSUSA G-1550 A ~MuT - FirLIand Economic - AZriculture Oct 53 CTS 611(g. S i ~,- I d ,.-p - Bor erp (ID 975072). W iC,'T A S SU, n D FINNiMp per* Suomen Kuvsl~~. NO -25, 1953P p Ilip Crac-I 2 to R-531-53-TYMMEd. 0-2 GMA G-1739A FT-ur - Pjlnhland Mlitary Dec 53 C25/mM WcI5 Bovujarvi Artillei-y Ttaining CaMv (Irn 9750y;2). METISS-81FIED FMISEs pers, Suomen KW L,, NO 38-P 1953j, - p 16* Aacu Encl 3 to E-531-53;7W. Finland. G-2 GSUBA C-IP39B MW - Finland miliury C123/m 7 / 3 .5'"- Suozen lluv-alchti 20 Jun :L~ 2hul G-2 Sep 5" u A. DO'Z'enGC COUUCil; B. Engineer Rasep'm at. Noria., (IP 975072). WICUSSIFIED - lehti, VINMR, Per,. Su=eu HUM SO 30, 25 Jul 1953, p 8, 22, Encl R-448-53. RM G-2p GSIroA G-1550 B Mur - Finland Hilitary - Defense, engineer museum 7/ 7 Oct 53 CW i--Au Grows and Railuoto Receives ElectricitYj, 7r UNCLASS i ,177) 975072) - -IM leht ITSH., perj, 8 1- No 33a 19531 P 339 I I to G-f! GP= Cr-1739C ~Mur - Finland H,conow c 91//1 CTS/mm I. Choice of Career and Prefessim, by Kaarlo flelskanon; 11. Cement Oirr Nw Ezpyrtp (ID 975072)., MICIAESSIMED perp Sugmen Kuvalehtis No 44j, 31 Oct 1953,s Pp 13P P2. G-2* GSUBA G-2231 A Z-Eur - Finland Military/Economic =Am .41 I. Spies Starins Into Abyscl (n 975072). UNCLASS, FIMLM., per., Suomen Kurmlebti,, No 49p 1953., P 15. G-2.. OMM G-2231 B r2ur - Finlund I-Ulitax7 11136 C'!M /~D= ROVIOW Of "SW4 In Siffu: Piamil a Ficht 17or LxUnmdwc*" by Austiu Goodrith., -Dy T. Lum"Maki" UWM. FMWEM.. per.. Etxmm 14W&IehtA, Ito 36, 3 SOP 19W. im DC-4676 NE - Finlmxl P01V soc Doc 6D New Lerl(ling Fioires in the Foreign 1,iinistry, by Eila jokela, 6 pp. FERTISE, per, Suomen Kuvalehtui, No 7, 17 Feb 1.062, pp 13, 19, 40. *"--'-"' - "", - FDD/J-475/62 Noau- - Finland Pol 1911054 Apr 62 These Weapons to Safeguard Our Neutrality, 3 Pp. FMISH, per, Suomen Kuvalebti, No 3, 19 jan 1963- Xla'~AIW 5831=163 - WEur - FingOldn Mil. VNJ 15 Mar 63 QW 25856) 2be Cmvont PoliomUtis Sitmticmj, by VlUo R=tag'aut 14 139. FMIM,# mD perp B%a= lsamia-kMi aulm" talmrft-laulalft NO 3-;, H0182mmp I Jtm 1955v PP 1-13. CIA/FDD/U-8044 ERW PitAmud Sai IL%dic:lne Ap.r6 (FDD 25384) Injuries Caused by Atomic WeapDna and Possibili- ties of Protection Against Them, by Rsko flelske, 19 pp. MHUR., mo p*r,, So 3, Hel- sfnki, I Feb 1955# " 153-171. ClA/FW U-4W2 REUT - Finland 3 1~ Bal - ftdicine, nuclear energy Water Econony and Supply In Finland, by Osmo Nbkkonen., 7 PP. (ID 2068362) FIMIM, per.. Suomen Leakarilehti,, Jun 1957, pp 593-599. ACSI, B-0223 NoEur - Finland Econ MaY 58 ~ z j p a Banit"7 Aftm*U of Voter Sua%&yj ty W. lejabderm 6 pp. mmso Part ammm Leakerl'skis JxI8, 3. JQ 19Ar# 937- ACSIO "368 awn Aug 59 a-iral Forces of the USSR, by C 0l 1,31, Stewea, PIT). "ITSH, FIvr, Suomen laivasto, lic-6, 1953, pp 127-128. lqavy T r 796- /Oh'T I 189 USSR I-1111tary - Naval, forces Aug 53 CrS/DE-& 4/7/9 %ft,oxist ILoadc :Lr lm-.nlxtnd P=pc:v., by J. F.ONISH., jx3r 2,,Lm!wLm u :21 IS60: wg~j Vol )UV pp 11,1., 15- ~GsU 30 5557.05s nag Tri MIS HoWr - r:Enl=a Geo jfm ~i 1 0 ON%mbum Fb&vW. by " Memaia, 7 pp. Mqpi r FORktiriltiorft" w=ldf"UL,1%4,Vc4 XXV6 rb IV. IWO No. M 4M% 5 95, V. 20, Na. *J ~Arfnv Mop Servsc* Nr---Ntlwnnd Go" July 6$ V2 IIWM"o 2 Hiatt VMS aamm JWM 1964, VrA 104, 'ILp til:o IV, fCoU Zia* I* 445f, 5 9% V- 4.) Axwv, Imp NE-Illaltww r"$ suly 415 t~f Al Ssili;;ritc rtmi 6f Sulphurie Acid Ixt tbu klj~wufaatun~ ol~ K-rt%ft. Paparp by !-. Tllmgrou., 1 13, FMNIG,H, per, Suamen Paperi,, No 7 A., Apr 1946., p 72. SLft 57-2892 Sci Ails '-,a Met pi of FrcDcartion m-10- P.-roamcZAan iii tbo IFo2lboaTd 1--durtx7ir, by A. j, hoplund ,gas,,# mi". Suammn Paperl Punt-murml-1--hti., Val VIIIA; 5, 1;p !&;~! 77-7-7-7-77.1- Nat'l Rea Comaill Canada UT 217 iFrvv- 4F-e- Pi 841=u"0'" 4L JUI CTq/DEX Price 0.25 Tour of Flnulith Lawyers In the Soviet Union (17 Feb to 3 YAr 1957), by Valentin Solme, 17 PP. UNMSSIFIED MUSH., mo per, Suwon Politallobti, Vol XKXVn No 6g 9, io, On,--Up, OEt 1957, pp 279:2'61, 390- 393s 476-479. US JM/DC-L-320 USSR Econ 9 Stamdard of Llving Ifty 58 f J-2815 (DC-1569) Fjalar Jarva, General Superintendent of Police (Finland~- It, UNCLASSHM) FDMTSH, mo per, No 9, Turku,., Sep Suomen Poliisilehti, Vol XXXVII, 1957 -p 387-.- US JPRS NoE-Finland Bio Observations Coacerning the Soviet Millitlai by osmo Lampelsi 10 pp, UNCUSSMED FIMSH,, mo per; SM2wdLPolllGl htL.'-Vol XXXVII, so Il/V!,, Turku, 15 Dec 1957j, 55()-561. US JM/DC-L-135 USSR Soc - TAw enforcement Fiunich Speci3l Tbpogs-aphic Map at 1:20,0W, 4 pp. FnMMII, bk, Suomen Topogrefloot Ywirtat HoUitki, 1932, PP 13-17. can iW.2200 jq2O *M- ft4or.A ows AMS Lib Mar 59 f's , , 5 4,0 1) Recent Naval Developmuto in the Baltic Sea,, by Lt Comar A. LamUinam.. 6 pp. USCLASSMED Full trans3ation. FMN E;U, perg Suomi Morena,, go 3s, 1952s, Pp U5-U8. Navy Tr 7A/OM 1150 FJCur - Finland Hilit=-y - Eaval# Baltic Sea Fab 53 IM-NEM ... .... ... .. Develcpment of Teichnical Devices for'Night Activity, by Lt. L. Paubalmr4j. 12'Tp. UBMW3733Dj; FMI13H,$ 0 Jun 1953, per, Sumd.Hem33a, PP 56-66. NMVY Tr 10.39/0M IM ZY Scientific Ec~llzucmdrj= glectronic6p Radio "a kor Fnerga 75-mm SAW ROcket Launeber, 5 Pp. PRE=, rPt,. Le SuPer-Blindicide '*ftergav- de 75 m., Brussels, Belg-j,-um--,-jT 'pp. - ACEM X-2379 ID 22200 '~ a i I k .1 SPA - Aero ac -~ %~ Apr 63 1 Crosolng of Mine FieJAs, by PietrD Dwleml, 17 pp. UNCL VALMs pu4&Uts 8.Qj=m=ta Doi- CMI Moatis 31 Aug 3960., Ruel U Jt-9TAlv CkAfW) PIOMO, italy, Apr 3.961. ID 2203,39 WB - Itay ma /5-~, 33 ? 'Tul 61 J-388/6o 3 X~~ Glowl--~~ . Superimposition of Handwritten Strokes: Its Importance in Expert Identification, by Hector Luis Capiet, SPANISH, bk, La Superposicion de Trazos Caligraficos: Su Importancia en la Identificacion Periciall 1955, 112 pp. *JPRSZ~ LA - Argentina 11 Apr 6o sci - Miscel - Handwriting Analysis Adoption of eA lAtermtloma Ibmla of Sormal Gumvity aim CUBLUIS. n*j. q!t IIA W Waft Font" U Skd lkwth Sol AXtrM Zen 6k .2 -Vto, -3 J am tam ftift ft"Osas or *mums, 'w J. smm&mp M. MqAMmUVj, J. A. Dedirs, A. VIwWr&Uky* 92 VP. EIPI j;4~) I'tAfflzftp &U CWGIM 66 I*UfaMtmv 9 Rs I 1"70 AW To "el ftl .0 mm/*t %*do Apr 99 rl~i-l 7J~l EfTt~r~u With Viwif 'to 'the Impmramcnt of 5 pp. Ff=ICH.. bL-v Sur le Dzear-Niger,, pp ,ACSI$ E-457-6 WEur a France HCOD 6ep 59 f7- c~~,5r- 1;1 On the Ferro and Antiferromagnetism of the Rare Earths, by J. Chevalier, 11. Baltensperger. FRENCH, rpt, Sur le Ferro- et llkitiferromaFnf~~isme -1 --- --- ------- des Terms Rares. 14ftibm q I ' w mIMP6. *ABC Sci - Pbys Nov 61 ,41 a,f; laturaction i)ctwoun 6tecl Lu,d Cia prij;10 Cpat oi j'ainte ijy It, 11, Talone Fi.01101, rpt,, 6ur Ivinteraction antre I'Acier at le Feuil inture Pilmaire, 9699844 Dupt of Ilavy7cm Tr No 2104 Sci 296,535 erada"d by s NWAW fiewmars bY aqftied We" it FRENO SINO - so Mom an H9mm=UUd90b96 118 *1 - - dwro 11*11L 24M w 4WID0040 Tr U6 SCA.-EUCIS mu 65 274*97'1 R-382-N Surgaelques Lois Generales de LIElectrocislyse, FRENCH, iept, Compte Rendu No 58 de lInstitut Dentral Technique T.N.O. presente aux la mes Journeaes Internationales d'Etude des Easx a Liege, du 29 Avril au. 5 Mai, Llege, Belgique JJES for Bu of Reclamation 7 Sep 60 -otf Ruaiiiii- ZI~OiFarm6e-- of -ti, 0--- "Iwpwttt and (M&;LSWAc RqOms fbr Meatrons, bly N10019 Fomtrisr. Franaoise Pimadwi% 19 pp. FREM, rpt, Wr lei; Admw do 040 am am Imartance ReomfieUve des tMet"" RM 1" M&W-DIP 1?5m3D96Bv Dept or Navy ONI Mp No Z3-lb sci-ph" oat 68 367.8m On the Solution of a Few Problems of Multiple Scattering by Monte-Carlo Nothcd, by Jean-Claude Bluet. FREN(Ii, rpt, Sur la Solutim do Quolques Prob- lems de DifAMOns MUIL ar la Methode, de -MCNRO-Urlo. AHC ORNL-tMS46 Sti/physics Jan 67 The Electron Structure of Metals and Alloys of Transitions and Heavy Metals, by J. Friedel, FRENCH, per, ~H_,~_Structure Electronique des Metaux et Alliages et"de.es Mataux LOurds,, *AEC Min/Met Aug 59 On tbe aiwrctuxe of tUe lhavy DlOtalav tW J,, F~riaftlp 23 VP* jP&Z", rptp Cur I* ftruoture dcm imtawN lowds. .. .... ABC Tr sa . mll/met Oct 39 7 ~7 fg -4/ --- Surface evergy of solids# Londonp HPEOj, for D.S.I.R. Translated from Russian. DSIR 548-528 Lending Ub Unit z-1i686 U ii-Ea IGW C=Lriba-UO-a tO tllr~- S-Wk)~V 09 ROA:~,G- Ct) cdacretc: te Hum, MIZ& M. Ox-tb.P 8 pjp. MMMAM, PSrj, 0=2 CWIte 62r. Batow Pa-W kwas (can lb kw-3793n)-.-- AM Zm 19 Fab 62