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Pormtion of Resin Pock&ts,, by A. Frey-"sllng. GHRMWO perp SdmeLzer"dup Z fuer Forstwesen, Vol =1110 NZDIA sci-BLOI JIM " v e "10, - ~ .2 *3 %, &, -s3 Occluded Resin Pockets in ;Spruce,, by A, IRA Prey-"slitig. GERMN9 Vol =11, 942t Vp 112-119. NZDIA sci-siol im " -.1 23%1,-S~ THEORETICAL DETERMNAMON OF THE STATE OF UMUBRIUM IN THE SELEMON FOREST (Di* Theoretische Bestim ung des 0IsIchgvwIchxzu- standes implanto a Ids). (19611129)p. 7 refs. 0-id-tr from SLA $2.60 61-20SM' Tyans. of %chweizer Kho 7Ait Idas) P arst - DESCRUTORS, *Forestry, *Trees. G.%_ . Dow- minstion. Selection. Classification. Distribution the-y' Q.-Uty control. Tables, Plants, Aplctdl-.ure 61-205M 1. Prodan. M. (Agriculture- -Plaut Cultivation, TT. v. 7. no. 5) offi- f T.A.4.1 S-1 'two Schools of I'hought: Natural and Artificaial Silviculture. by bi. Van Miegroet. GERMAN, liar, - fue-r das_E2j&tAgWU, No 1, 1961, pp 1-26. NRC/Ref: C-3977 ici-Agri Ma r 6 3 Investigations on the Bactericidal Effects of Silver in Water, by K. Wuhrmann, F. Zobrist. GEMhMN, per, Schweizerische x Z fuer HydrologLe, Vol XX, No 2, 1958, pp 218-252. NZDU Sc.1 - Biol/Med Apr 64 254,584 PractIcal Application of the Electro-cherrdcal Deteridnation of Oxygen in Vater, by H. Ambuehl- GERMAN, per, Schweizerische Zeitschrift fuer Hyd 8-rLe' Vol-22) noy 1, 1~6o, pp. 23-39. 14TC 71-1114o-o8H August T1 R-6873-D 28 VArch Die prektische Anvendung der eMktrochemischan SauerstaffbeeUmmmg Im Wasser BY: Vion R. Aubuhl PrOm: S(SWRLZEMCRE ZlrfSCHRItPP RM HYDRM.OGIE V. =n Pam. 1, pp 23-39, 196(A 17 PP Germw - eat for vda: Type I original copy culy. Docummt mV be cut for pastlng ups Scllwci:'. 5tatc D--a2t. Arwl EWTM-.- -or - Science 2b Au,; ,;.v I Ifeues ubcr dle schuefUge Saure und deren In OL-traWten tuid Konzentraten By: U. Twmcr From: SchratAzeri ache zeitsclaif't --ul, Ust und weinbau i.e7 'L~~3: 316-320 5 PP) Gex-mau - est for wds: Please "U'lu-islato wid type I copy. ---- --------- -- Ti,airli,j -. SAndIc Dwz:xf Hed:-e, A . ~,i ii I-th . GEBI,Y~N, yer, fuer 6i~st-uild Weinbau, Vol 100, 1964, pp. 25-2B, NTC 70-17056-02D G u ~ arcft5nL; of IR-Ilnuts, by W. 3ryner. G-EP1721, per, Schweizerische Zeitschrift fl.,,r Obst und Weinbau., Vol 73, No 15, 1964, A)p '~,-383 CSDIO,"No 715,9 Sci - Jul 67 334,485 Pruning Problems 'Nhen Growing a Spindle-Bush Hodge, by A. Wirth. GEF4,WT, per, Schweizerische Zeitschrift fuer Obst- und Wainbau, Vol 100, 1964, pp 627-631. IM-71-10260-02D -i? 0 /' ;t" -1.5 ~' 0 Nov 71 Grafting of Walnuts, by 1. Bryner. GML411, per, SchweizeriaGhe Zeituchrift fuer Obct- und WeinbaR, Vol 100, 140 15, 1964, PP 333-389. ITTO-71-10271-02D Nov 71 Pruning of the fruiting Spindle Dwari' Eedge, by A. Wirth, W. Bryner. GEFMN, per, Schweiz Z Obst-u-Weir, b, Vol 101, No --.51 1965 pp --1 -R 6- - 4- 3 / CSIROUO 7974 Sci - sos) 67 ~~ 1- 0,160 on the Kupfi'c.r Cell.,; ol Fems Pincola (9w.) =Ungu].ins Marginata (Yr.) Pat v, from the WceUum C!ultu" to the Fruiting Body, by K. Lahmage GRIMN, perp Sebwals Z. Pllsbmle, Vol XXXIII,, No 50 - *-160- 740-1- 1., 1955 , asiBo..3196 scl Aug 58 ~79 .0 10 / i9broervatiow on the Space-time Systm of Animaln. A MmJI Contribution to Compm-ativo Psychologyj, by H. Hedigerp 53 pp. GEMMO per,, SaWeIz.Ztechref ,Psyebol. . Vol Vj 1946., pp 241w.~7* IEM -rX US Al :.-I, I saentific - 1"8*M 've ve ~,?, A ~' ~ PQ ~.55 'm V CTS