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Clijiical Gi*-: the 4~~anwntratioil, by ii. i;urlibom. UAlIk~,, per, Sdiweizerische '-;q-dixinisdie ,liodlellsdixift, Vol NIP Ao :S7, 1962, 1,1) 1275-1282. ld:~,J Uld 2-14-66 EE-Wrumly sciialim Ap r 66 298,437 63-14721 MobKhlbk S.. Bickel, FL and odm~m MUMUMBS *IM DESPERRMAMWB IN MtI= Siderams PA71XXJOCICAL UtON DEPOSM ROWD TABLE I *ntle-- Deaferriaxarnine I DISMI=m (arbhnwgen mit Destarriamamin w 1. MoescMn. S. D- Cesprxch ALM n. Bick~l, R I 'Tniocb). Peb63, 29p6 Oider fmm SLA $2.60 63-14721 Tra=h a,- erimcbel Modlizintscbel wtgcbm W10chm"cWhrmift P. -1295-13D6. DHWRbn'oRs: Dnw. cbemodwspeuticagems, oumacompounds. 00id-ow. *Hemodtlr~uwtm. *Ch*Uta compatmd's. *Ccmpt= COMPOLVA& (giouWcal sclem-a-Pha-coiogy. Tr. v. 10. no. 6) s-lo86/64 Electrical Brain Activity and Bsychopathology, bly R. Aess '216W - GERMAN., Wr, Schveizerische Medlzinische Wochenschrift, Vol XCITI, No 2, 12 Jan 1963, pp 102-107. 44~/D(30-10872/Special Sci - Med oct 64 ,*uialysis of 149 Cases of Teta=5, by Ii. Stirnen-um. GEI,'AM, per, Schweiz Med U`sdir., Vol 95, No 16, 1963, pp 601-606. HE-4 INIII 10-49-66 (On Loan) Sci/B&M Dec 66 314,732 SUccessful Treatment of Ins-dLin Resistence in Diabetes MeUitus with Pbrk-lusulin, by J. Kuhnau., Jr. S. Von Strytzky, U pp. GFRMNp per, Schweiz Mad Wochenschrift, 1963., v vol 93,, No 25,, pp 914-918. srA TT 64-16832 Jul 66 .305,437 WdhrsndL. W. I Tr-64-16CY74 ME SGNIFICANCE OF IRE 7HALM)QM= ACCI- L WiTNavdk. W. DENTS (Die Bodihnumg der lb&UdovrJd-LhidUl4j1964j [I lp] 59rws Ordw from SLA $1.60 TT-64-16)74 7y=&. cd Schwotccl-bCbe Medizinische Wochenschr A. 1963, v. 93, p. 1011-1016. Tr. Y. 12. m 4) 1 0"1- .1 T-h.k.1 S-k-" 9"Win S9 3nv uqfl-Top, 99-VI-T IfIN' `2901-TUT c1(1 'T96T 'TES 0,* 'nY TOA 9311P.7 poi! zlomlos exoJ OTP '40 01OT:1:10D Or! Ktl alrTnirr"Al-T. trt-ll frUIPIP". OATA-UT 1031.jTS! g~o tV)T3ropTttwfj arx 1.'s&r, Vol 9~o, %7c) 41, LkG.S, 1465-144U9 ikj~is NLi 1-1-26-66 6ci/o&II "0v f. .314,2a4 i;crouitary aiioi.aly oi t3u crytirocytic *~*.ci.drwio -,,ith a ~'ositilfc coo-.-Ii)s test and cI'-ajIj-'CS iii the tigon, by Joanact, et '11 per, lichweiz Ned, ',iscibir, Vol ~6, 196:j, :%1o 421' :%1;1 6-27-67 ~ ;"Od Jul), 67 3,32,007 i~cceleration of Ajano Acid Incorporation into Proteins of the Cell Nucleus by- INLeans of Androgens, by H. Koblet, G. Riva. 12 pp. GLWIM, per, Schweizerische tMe6dzinisclie lVochen- sclirift, Vol 93, 1963, pp 1811-1815. SUX TT-64-16360 Sci/B&M Jul 66 303,827 T-17-64- t4585 Heim. U. and C;3vegn. B. SUCCF-~SFUL TRHATMENT Or Sf:,VFIIE PCJSTri- 1. Helm, U. PERATIVE- C -1:APLICATIONS %%]TH ITYDROCHLORO- 11. c3vegn, 11. TlilA7r0I` ([-ZMRIDO. 119631 6p 5refs Order from SLA $1. 10 77-64-14585 Tr~ci- , f-,~~InveiZurischt-1 Medli7laischel lYloclwn - schrfiftjJ9W, v."�3, n(x--20 -p-.-7-1-7--7-9. (Abtr.ct d0illsIble) DE-SCRIPT )RS: *Diuretics, Thlazines, Ilydrochloric acids, Ninmteral Infusions. *Surgery, 411cart, Nthnl,)S,y. 11.1,etalKilism disorders, Proteina, Arkmlas, Hydroch1nx,,xhia;:1de (Faldrex) is the only diuretic utdch t:~m l-e air-,Aistered parentemUy. By th~ intraveno4is routc It ;w,wided earellent results in bt-verr poEtaKra- rive :ompI1,:atlun#L affecting the heart, circulation, ane plotem mouboli~i-,. In several cases, increased (131alogical -1~Jencei-Ph3macolofy, IT, v. 11, no. I D (ove 6 Rftater, F. and Schaub, F. I Tr-63-2D941 CLMCAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL SrLDIES OF . Reuner, F. A NEW SULFONAMME DfURETIC (QLMNErHAZONIO 11. Schaub, F. 119631 17p (ftgs otnItteM 7refs order trom SL A $1. 60 TT-63-2D9C Trans. of Cri he ' ' itachel &Uw1mML. schr[Iftj 4871.193,"B U~_BIV (Biological Sciences ---Pharmacology, TT, v. 12, no. ) 101,11, *, T_-- '-'- Tr-63-20625 TYIpod, J. ANDAAL-F-XPERIMENTAL PROOF OF THE AFFINITY 1. Tripod. 1. OF DESFERAL FOR IRON (TIerexperimenteller Mchwels der Affinitilt von Desferal fUr Eisen). Aug 63. t2p 27refs Orderfron S.A $1.60 TT-63-20625 Trans. of SchweizfeTlsch~ PLWWcbea,__ schrfiftl 1 6 ju .-T0590's gdj,* v. 9j, 9 -0 TASUr-&-a'avellable) DESCRUqXIRS: Laboratory animals, Chelate com- pounds, gComplexciompouixis, * Msferrioxam ines, Iron, Excretion. *HftnochromatosIs. Drugs. On the evidence oE a series of animal experiments It can be imcluded that Desferal is an exclus lvely Iron - binding compound with a very low order of acute and subchronic toxicity. It exhibits no other pharmaco- (Biological Sciences- -Pharmacology, 7T. v. 11, no. S) (over) TT-65-1, ,~ !~ i'leld GE Kmb~. A.; Kulke. it. ~~IIOGFESS LN THE TOPICA.L TREATMENT OF INFLA-M- NLNTORY 1: ERMAT (',,:E:z. 9p. 21ref5. Ordcr from ILA-. $1.10 as 7r-65-13939 Tr=a. of ~hwuizertscbe Modix1rdsebe Wochcni~cbrfft v-95 t14 p13471965. mit 669 Moleculw Cell Changes in the Regulation of Protein Synthesis,, by M. Staehelin, A. Braunwalder) 3.1 pp. GEM., per., Schweiz Ned Wochenschrift,, 1964., voi 94j, No 7., pp 262-266. su TT 64-18i4o jul 66 3.05.,414 .a '417 i427-GJ DIAGNOSIS, COURSE, AND THERAPY OF BDDGI=IS DISEASE, -- S. Moeschlinj Schvei-x. Me-d.-Woclischr. 944 No. 201 "S-7S (1964). 7700 W; 2 T; 10 F, 35 R $23.65 4$5.00) OL.' ",-- P. K-ielh,,,Iz- ~,patu--Teat Tcatinerit of Depi,es,~;iuncc, 11, Der, Se'-weizerische Medizinisc'-C I . 4 ~- U1, I - 96 6. . Vol ;:,,4. i9(-. , pp NTC 'T2-111233-ObE jan 73 Silicosis and Sclerodernda, by M. Chauvet. MR210N, per, Schweiz ~~eed 11schr., Vol 94, No 36, 1964, pp 1261-1263. HEW NIH 10-26-66 (On Loan) sci/B4M Dec 66 314,703 metastasizing Islet Cell Adenoma Of the Pancreas with Production of Insulin and 5-hydroxy-Tryptamine, by F. Gloor, A. Pletscher, 7 pp. UNMAN, per, Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift Vol 94, No 4i, 19-64, pp 1476-1480 NAVY/NNtS-1600 May 72 Notastasiz1ag Immlomm or the Pancreas vith 5- and Inmallm Production, by F. Gloor. MKO, per, Schvels Had Vacbr, Vol 914, So h2, 1904" Pp lkT6-]-LM. mw_mm 10-1"T Set-mm Doe 67 346,:L35 Studles: on the Structure of Re=et Acid Gel and Cheese, by K. Mmbofp H. 116stettler, 16 pi. il (;ERMj T-eztj_ S*chwelz Mllch~ Vol fx)=T, IFO 37, pp 2M-,285. STA W-35556 SCI ja 99 917 5 p 160" suiftou cm ths Structms cC Ramot Ac:td Gel 64 mma*. 3.1, r=aWmtel am&t1m; raw tlaa ct MWaWt Acid Wl,, by 11. RoSteV.'Ierl it. mamr. mwmil pm.. schwis -,Nucbnltwm 85 VISA Wil, ffo Sli IMP vetl Ran comeil., Canaft TT No 732 Sai - Vbd aw (50 JJ/ aq S-3 X StudieB On the Structure Of Pwnnet Fel and Cheese. 1. Fundamental Conditions Far- the Formation Of Rennet Acid Gel by H. Hostettler and K. Imhof. GERMAN, per, SchweizezLq2be Milchzei.ung 85 -1;9 Sci. Supp., -70~=E, 1958, Pp--2W2 T. CSIM oat. 62 Effortm to Imprmm the Protection of Milk Against Lights by B. PIW*ipr. GEMMO per4, St1weizeAndw 1ALIchsaituag (9clence Suj*Um-=-t-).-Vv--Ws* 196L (a/" SCL-8101 July 63 0?1-f (*, .7 If S,-~paratfon in YoShurt, ~):T :;. Puhan. GERIUU, per Schweizerische M,;hze4turi- Vol. ~;O, INO. 33 1964, pp 205-2o6 GB 6Si Sci - Sep 67 339-,lb6 Onedimensional Disordered Grystal Lattices, by H. Jagodzinski, F. Laves, 1.2 pp. GERMAN, per, Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mittellungen, Vol XXVM, No 1, 1948, pp 456-467. 9224141 AEC-AI-Tr- 54 Sci-Mat & Met Dec 64 270,078 I~L!, of `,,Ines U-23.8-0 R-761-3-0 r) 20 Oct ) 1 12 Oct 4,A urther e-imeriments of tbn synthosts of chry-otile-, in flys 1). 1,pproclAg anti :-* ~47gli v,romt IeWeizorische I'llneroloCincho unrl I-Attellungeno V ' _31,j Peft 19 195.1 pp 29'4-901; pp est for wd-n: TmnetlAta and type I original coTrj. Loement can be cut., TT-63-20740 urfican. Marco P. OPTICAL AND STItUC'rURAL PROPERTIES OF THE 1. Lxw6mn. M. P. LSONERS Op HEXACHLOROCYCLDMXANE. 119631 66p 12rats Order from SLA $6.60 TT-0-20740 Trans. Of SdFWVI2jVTiWbej Min(miklaglsche undj_ Petr f45~qUtleth C 11932. w. 32. too. if P. it Vir DESCRIPTORS: OHazoebloracyckhexanes, *Stereo- chemistry. *Molecular isomerUm. Crystallization. *Crystal st:ructure, Atomic piopex em. Optical propertim Olviolaaalar ruitation. nommUcides. Topics ioclude: subdiv1sloin of the researcb; c:ryK&Ulzs- Uon; determination of the crystal system; daermloatial aftbeatcndcpRntrieters;dcterminatimoftbedenBity (Chemistry- -Organic, of the Isomers and calculation of the number Z; attempt Tr, v. 11, no. 3) to dirnintab the oe h of the nxx=Haic Isomers; de- Offic. W Tftbofcji U, im terminattm of dm "oe group; and determInartan ot the optical cbaracters. BUSER. W. and GRUTTER, A. On the nature of mang nodules. Sc,hweiz. Minor. Petrogr. Mitt. 36:49-62 (1956) (CRL/D. 1027) Odontoblast Nuclei Invasion of Dentin Canals in Non InMammatory Pulp, by RrJlkn fliegrist. 29 pp- GERMAN, per, Schweiz Monamschrift fuer KZWuibellhumie, Vol LJV~ 1944, pp 267-282. Navy Tr 3810 NWS 878 Sel - Biol & Med Jun 64 261p189 6 WMIAZ.. 14DhQ=~- VOI MIT Iffo Jul 12521 aw Tr ma -1.4 11,19 .1956 CM/d= 7.,eculcification 0e the Enaml,'jb Fruit Acids and ,A.'j,ble Drinkn, by Franz GraZ~ PP - CHMIM11, per Schimiz Morat=hr f - ZabAheilks 1,01 1953, PP 3-32. 'NIH :~Cientlflc - mcdIcInc Nov 53 C7S #7/ 60 Occurrence of the So-C&Ued N2MLbular ChaLl"Co4tow, by Xmrl Kallonberer,, 17 pp. _,F,s,, bweiz Momtschr f. GERMMj, p#: Vol U1118, Jan-1953.. pp 3a- 1. . NIU scientitiv -Medicine 120T 53 CTS 7/ 474 0 Coutribution to the Caries Problem - Fluoriw Action on Acid Phosphatase of Munn Salivary Glandr,,, by Heir-rich Pfenniaer, 22 pp. Full translation. GMAN., per., Schweiz Monateschr fur Zahnheilk. Vol L 30 20 Feb 195g,PF 157-170. NIH Scientific - Neddcine ~-Y 7/ Sep 53 CTS DIr Tbeo Harny, 67 PP- I'! Ql~ pcr, Schveiz Mona~sichz Laha'acil, Vol O'N May 255*6 NET 142dicine J.1he Rcumuit= Peopleso Axuy,, by Icn V. Eml-dani. ~) pp - OMM!I,, mo per, s mizer "twomtaherte.. NO Dw 1954P pp 601 AF m6.1360 DMUtary - Arm6d forco'o$ otricers' corps 17eb 1957 MlaeX 'i-, I On the Possibility of Water Fluotidetion 41th Natu:r&l Fluorspar (W21, by Theo Hurny, 12 pp. S i iz GF-9MAJ10 per z vol Lxv 19'5, 55, pp ,5'1- NIH !ft- 9-14 SCI - Medicine Oct 5T C1411 Tw;th by Hit= of Tltemsplr-n-'V-jl),6' D=+,,CLI. Cktnam, by N. Cssropfalvi. UNCIASSn?M GERMp per, ScInmis Monasacbr. fmr Zshnh, Vox Lvljl Dio ' " 6 Navy =41a" 541 Sci - Hadlaina Jan 61 "/ s zl~ 9 ill On the Plwining and Evaluation of Caries Studies in Animal Experivents, by 1homas bt. Marthaler, lims It. Whlemann, at al. 30 pp. GURNIM, per, Schwizerische Homimschrift fur InhhheilkunAL, Vol 67, No 9, prp 75S-Yr6-.- Dept al Ravy tr S396 CNI tr 24DI SCUB01 Jul 67 329,378 Corrosion of Unpolished am; zlolisiwu ;;.,aIi;am Restorations, by Joseph kuhinstein, 6 pp. per, Schweizerische i4onatsschrift fur -'a"Inficilk-undep Vol LXX11I, 1963, pp 647-654. N111 5-36-64 (loan) ~,Ci - Biol & tied Jull 64 ialile,x ketilous Pri.,riucuital nscases, by ocitrooder, et al. per Schweiz, I~Schr. 74v 1964: pp 7-42. JU 9w7-64 Jul-65 sci 0&11 ;63, (~So FDA 515-06(-v)-15 R-c)276-D 22 Nov KompatibiUtRt der Metaphoophate als AbMdmvmittal fluoftalUger Zahnpaster Bys " IL R. MuhlmAm, at al Fmat: SEPMTDR= AUSt Schweiz, Mschr. I-ahnhoM 74. 217; 1964 pp 217-225 9 pp :.jermma - est for wds: Type an orlginal copy only. Reproduce for paste-W. y or-a.=Co coprzi 0:11-1 1796 3 Nev weapom amd the ABC Survice, bv Lt Col Frans pp. OMMI., per, Der Schweizer lloldatj Switzerl=ld, 15 Nov 1955. ACS 1, 13~ Ow"50 Mv - Switzerland xlutVI7 Aor 56 bTS/dex Bear Area Service,, by Be IU.Tij, 5 pp. OEMM., perq Der Babmltsor Soldsts No 3j, 1961., pp 63-6 AWL X-1240 ID '22,Ef)W VeRar - Ekdtaerl&vA VAI .;? 0 a,, 9~6-1 2o i= 62 The ABC Defense in Austria, by 11. Haxiburger, 2 - pp. GEP14AN, per, Der Schweizer Soldat, Incl No 5 to oARmA, R-69-61, No 12, 28 Feb 1961, P 293. 525 MI Bn i-o437 ID 2173974 WE= - Austria Mil 9 Feb 62 Food, 10 pp. SO' C-yMtLijj., jjor~ T,) dat *0 Mq.y 1.961, Pp 421-4216' ACSI I-01TT ID 21.800-(l 7 J, aA Nov 61. The Peac(-- -- Military -- PoliLical Wo--I~-i Chi-onicle, 'I.y Tolk, 3 PP. GOMATI, per, Der Schweizer Soldat, Nc) 10, Jan 194"1 "$- ACSI i-461312~ ID 2LON016764 WEur - Switzerland Mil. Sep 64 i-aw RLIQOX16ing OX Gutting btressoc avd Cban,3z-0 1r, Cix'.-t,d*.mz Streseem at the Cuttiug J)av~Lces or N I achim Tools,, MM (19MM; per, acbiviz Tech Z, Voll XLIX,, Lwo 10, 19-520 Ds-j-,.R/3633]/CT Be i - Hngr Nov 59 Es:)Ccially Sclr,4L'JZ,2 -seitt V~,!~,L: Ili Von 2aa. b ".nChIcut oil Fa CTIOI--, ell t i v VOI 1), 3, iai 6'( 60-13243 Devoccu. W. DHTERhWqAI-90N OF THE COKING CAPAC2TY OF 1. D&VOCChi. W. COALS ACCORDING TO ME PLASTOMEMRIC 11 - Bureau of Wnes. ME'MOD6 JIM] [31)p. 27 rds. Washingwa. D. r- Order trom OIS Or BLA $3.60 60-13,143 Trans. of SctjWMXWftch~r Verain MM_Q"- MAd W2214dochothMmm. Mowd_-MWFq_"_ 1952 Jr. 32) DZSCRIVrMS: goooL Plasticfty~ Teat methods, ecok46 Produtmion 12-"-61 04MMUls --Fusls. Tr. v. 7. no. 3) T-W-1 S-i... of to th~~ L~u-tln SVG7.1 1't ."I;aociatiori of G~-s mand Watcr 1:n, C)Ct. I V-~--%All L~:ls ul,,,~'- _79'. --0 11, 1" 63-25' GFC 3'-'U., 7L~7 c,~, ~'ovn Lias A. Sclnieizerisschc2 Ve--~in %'oll 'an"! In. Socldo&tc Sollif--,~-,- j.-.0nats-ullet de I et des 7 -,C,. jal,r I" Advantalages of IMulti-Layer Co-labination Ilose Foils, GUIUMAN, bk, Schweizer Verpackunpsund Transportkat7olog, 1964. TI-inis of Def T No 3402 DSTI London sci - m/m May 66 298,581 The Psaaging Industry in the Federal Republic of Germmyp by W. schopppayer, 20 pp. GERWIN.-jW, Schweizer Vervmckumg!=Lkd Transiportkata =Og. 1964. PP 117-124. XCST--U17 ID 289300116S sci-mjm A!pr 66 299,546 Chemical lwreatigation of the Presence of in Teeth, by r1h. Gvxsnann, 5 --chveizerische per, 6 TM ruer W-qhnhei:pcund il. 0 Scl. - Died may 6o into the Fh-Oto-,)c:riodj.c o-, by 11. L--i-ijiul,7,,-ut. Scill,%Azurioclic ZAtscla-i2t, T-0 j/() -,c] Two Schools of lbought: fttiawl and Artificnial SilvIculture, by W, Van Hiegroat. GBRWA# per,, Schamfteriache Zoltschrift fuer das Forstwesm, No 11, 1%1,0 pp 1-26. NW/Raf : C-3977 0? 2 ~r' -3 4 7 Mar 63 A Tra-inin- a U-Dindle aiaral Wirth, ~I. Eryner. per, 3cIr4cizeriscd-,-- Z.,Ats(~,!,xift -'u:: -Cjost- UaL .1yinbau, Vol 7"', No 2, Z U17; -5 W- IRO/IIL) '(49'( Sci Daeu "SuxTace Phagocytosic" Play the Role in Sulfonamide Dierapy Assigned to it by Wood? by Max Heammerli, 27 pp. GERMAN, per,jichwelzerische Z. Pathol und P*qqqq~, ~cZ-jjj.. -'J~49.. pp 289-305 - N3H 7-2i-6o Sol - Wd sop 6o '.) .2 -~z '~7w/ s RNWOS-an Fj=pIdde PoisomIng., by IU Inevmtball 39 PP * GEMNY, Ver., Schweiz Ze f Path u Bekt, Vol Xns 1949,0 vp 3L3-350. MDrrIs D. Medma rx-113 I'I Jul 5?8 -,:~y Anthrax-polMpeptide Specific Substances Bacillus Groups, by bolVr. and Ober Specien - of thei Capsule in the J. Toncelks S. Guez.- GERM., per, Sweit. Zelt. Al1g. Path. u. B!~Jkt-,, Vol XIV., IN 1951,p pp 515-522. CoD.Z.B. Portou So 167 SCI - Biology I?/ J Sigalficarice of the Compleinnt for the Rature of the Wti,rten-Antibody Reaction in Isolated Animal Cells (Aicrofila Analysis), by B. Sclux and R. Wier 9 pp. J, UBM.WMMM - MMIQWO per, Schweiz. Zteebr. r. "AUU. Path. u. ftheriol. VOI.Xxvjp 100 5'p pp.----BM-6M'O 1.95 L MR SCI=t4fic - Blology /0,1- 49 10 lple J- Silicon Cm-bide (SUiclumarbid) Intraperi- toneal (Injectlan) In Idce,, by A. V. Albeftinij, 11 pp. GWMW,, Vwrm Betwels Z A23~~Mm Patbol u Baktoriol Vol XVI 1W.- MA Tr 2354 sai 'I CbA=L8tVy j -",4j .0 -eO 7 Aug 57 pl) rLrA 6e)-iooo7 97M 6D VOL Ins No 5 llllonc,~raj)ha c,--' tlh-~ %CoreGonine.~; c,-..' a Cont::-ibution 'Ic) the Problem crf ';he --ormati.-za of apce-ii.:z, b,,l P. Stoinmy-rill-i, 11-31 !)J-,. -6 GEMI'-VIII, -pc!r)-7ol XII, I-;o 1, 2, :-950, 107-13Q; VC)l :Clll, 17.2 1, pl) r:)~_Jqj, Fisheries Res Doard of CL-n--do. London Station Sci ,7,:!-L" 611 zetributions to the Elimiuntica and Au:Uml PathoLmnic tbe Coxnackie Viruol*., by E. Bereer, F. Roulets up. tranolation. ,MIN, perv Schweiz Z plIg, Path u ftkt Vol XV., No 4, ===aw pp CIA/FDD/X-M Sr-lentific - K-Aicine 'by 53 CTs Fine Strmcture and Age Changes of Ryaline Cartilage in Blectaron-microscope Section Preparation and Con- tril)ution to the Knowledge or the Patty Degeneratian of the Basic CartilW Substance, by 0. Zbinden, 3h P-P- aML09 per, SchveU. Zeit. fm- A11g. Patb. u. Bact., Val ZVI, No 20.1953j. pp 1.65-1851. NIB Tr No 1314 Scientific - Medi biology, clrmd;NmW~~ 3 -01 7 ?,3 Cf L-*-,, r u j.!-. Tborotrast Accu=lation., by t,. Ludin jr.p 1-1 1)-). per., Schweiz. Z Patb Vol XV4 'no 6, 1953, NIH Tr No Ill ScirmtUle - Medicine Dn-*qme Tzhibitica end Virus Wiibitiono by F. -KI-adolfers. 17 pp. GRULO, per, Scbmftw=chrvrXUa= sfttha S.L.A. No 351A9% N1 7 Experimental Studiessof Iteparinoids, by A. Studer, G. Zhinden. GERMAN, per, Schweizerische Zeitschrift fuer Allsomeine Pathol5gle unU Bak- terlologie, Vol 17, No 6, 19,54, pp. 780- NTC 41-L)188-060 July 69 387,S71 Comtr on on 02aracterisina t:b,-- Type of Effect -"q AnUt+dta'Urlal Substances, by ?. Orleder, ert al, 11 VP a . L.. Gumllp per# S z r- # a].34 Pmt~-u-baktp Val XV , 19%, 4 703- - ---- --- - - - SIA Tr 1606 ~Av Sol - B1,02*0 04,.-' j,* AM 195T , 17Y 'ME INCREASE IN THE INCIDENCE OF CANCER I WITH SPECIAL. CONSIDERATION OF CANCFR Oil 11 THE LUNGS. [1962117p. III Ordex from K-H $21.25 K-H 6918 -d T'rans, of Schwulz[Grischel Z[eitgcfirift Mr) Allgem- [0ina) Futh[ologle] u[nd) Bakt[criologial 1955. v. 18, P. 907-918. DESCRIPTORS. OLungs, *Cancer. 62-17937 Dormanns ' E. K-H-6918.d rresgo-Hooker Science Library Associates, Detroit, Mich. (Biological Scimms --Pathology, TT, v. 8, no. 6) i!hyminlcgical and Pathological M,,)d-l f i cations of the Hitochondria. Electron-Microscope Study, by Redi Oanaler.. Charles It Rouiller, ~4006ii~; per, &4&e_iz Z Pa4~,BaktA Vol E~ xmr.., 1956, PP mm 6-a7 Sei -- Had Jun 59 Attaqpt to Analyze the Direat amd. twUm indirect Anti- VbmSo Acticos 'by Le Nelypj, et m1p PA pp. ONFM,, Pro IgO&Z Z. f-path ILI D*tp Vol 19,# No 3# IW6* VP M--3W--- S*L.I" Tr IWA956 SOL - SU& ~~Lv 4-6/ Veb 57 CRO/dom e Toading or." Rej;eneration Aands by ',iezuis of Clawicals, by h. ltochrig. GY.M.W1. rwr, Schweiz Z. Forstwes., No 6, 1067, pp. 399-408. NZWA sci-mat aua 69 590,168 Fm Contmet Plate 142thad A- r StUkVirg the !,':07 CL:1 ,0 Effecta on Bacteria Depending on, Time Concentration, by F. Grieder, L. NeIpp, R. Meier, 8 pp. GMJM, per, Scbweiz Z Pathol u Vol. 1957., pp 3-7-2~--- 57-1256 sc-I - Biology Anslyuls or the AcUou of AnablaI&I NbstAnwo in the Calturt of Entomeba ITIstoWdea a by H. Durr, 72. Growep ItrideaXw, Z. F. Ek:lwelz, am"s P" ALIMM pathol u bkktwiols Vol xr, ..W~w ". ~. ~ I No 5, 1957" pp BRA 58-!0 act Aug 59 Vims Tmh94tIm in Dirfww* R. WYA*rj, 9 pp. use MWAMS &Vow patha Ib pp Sal AM Go% , by V. Itradolfer, u lwawlaj, TO:L as On eloo XUXHISTOCHEMICAL FINDINGS IN INCLUSION CYTOMEGALY, BY R. HESS, 6 pp. GERKAN., PER, SCFNE I Z Z ALLG-PATH., VOL XX., No 61 1957, PP 703-710. NIH 7-29-62 A I SCI - MED OCT 62 213,079 Ocawreme of W-Pwitive DroplorM In the Adrenal Corte2 of Raft, by P. toustalot, 10 ppq I OMMV,, per# AdmIs S. AlIgm Ritbol. u BaktW10%, .W Vol. 1957P gwk 5B408 Avg 40 fOK Ir T-4A--1 Mo lab R-7832-D 16 Dee - Ci-, Etude dt 14cation du laurylaulfate do sodium a= r - C02.1 . BY: A. Bolle and r. KeUenberaer From-. Zeitsahzilft ftw &Ugominc Putbo- lck,lot und Baktortologgle 21-;714-740, 1958 ( 24 pp F%Iewh - cat for We: TMIalato WA type 1 cuma rWy oVy. Document can be Put. Tnlzu3 inatruet4ons atta&ed- Pimw mko cover ams camle, T-49el. Additional Data on Sulfur Dioxide iii Sweet and Fermented Bevarages and Concentrates, by H. Tanner. GERMAN, per, achweizarische Zeitachrift fu_qZ Obst-und-Weinbau. Vol 98, 1962, PP 316-320. NTC 72-10673-06H kpr 72 WW96J=U %Mb :A.^* MOW=& ba %0M& Caralmm or the Bdn With lbtbjrl dwUnthrom s by A, V. AlbertlnL. mwms per, 3~ 6641PIK _Zftih und Bakto Vol =s so 40 ims I?p M-ft. No 4-U-63 Sal - B101j'ad ftl Aa 63 ;23?0 b & 7 Rvidence of Non-Specific Shif ting of Reaistance in the Vlrux Tltwr of Infectel Howe Organs, by R. Wylex-1, IP. Kmdolfer, 9 p. GMWAN, per, Schvels Z fur-Allgm Pathol u B.&t.ter0l., 1958,,VCA XXX, So 5j PP 1018-1023. SIA 59-154W sci Doe 59 Vol 2,p Ito 6 Flm,gocytouia of faebac by Lcukocytcs (Iticro- clncz-r-to---m-,.hlc Cbzc;.-r-,tio=, by r. G.-cool l?. 3 pp. GMIMM, par, gc-'Ououa -4-fter-ALlatm. -qzd lataLtc-VIO-1 VC1 2.059, p-p (SUr, 6W. Sci - Ked ,Jun 6o 77 ~:erv~ltio.ls on ~Ollov. ~eizeriscl-,e 2, of by M--P.W O:C-' An't=11.0cyp MY R. aadmko. (MOGWI., poir, ScImeizerische 7mitt -fuex AIIS=eive r--.%#O:Logie uua .1 IckbarloloEdej Vo.-L Mly 1959.o pp T5i.-758... gvr3242 USDA Sci - ltdiciw Dee 60 Pbotopmwtr.v.jm tho Soviot lJni=,, by j. jac)bowek,, 'Vp. QWMNP part .1tw Aug Z~q hr~ f VAr, MTNW.*- ttxr Tedm:tk, =ad 39 T/? an/FM X-" Selomt1no - Goo"lup maWLng md *Arting Aug 29% m/am Elektorerosion, by Hans-Ulrich Vogel. GERMO, Schweizerische Zeitschrift fuer Betriebswissen- o 12 6---5-- - schaft, 1~ j, 23-Jan 195 , pp 42 -49~. R-1605 Sci - Physics Sept 57 S=a questions Conceraing the Single-Trae Method, by 11. Am=,, 12 pp. OMINN., per, Sebwels Z FqjgV.. 'Jol LW111, 1927j, PP 19 145-153,.-17r-IZ3-. SLA 57-1229 Sal - Biology 61011 417 Knumlic pl~ - I)c,%,, Schweir. 2; Forptu. -Yol 9 T, pp - ------- M-A 57-122"a Sci Zlology Tha Qualitiec (T-ro-,a -,,he Point of Viev) of the Fohn Lund , ~~o- to bit Taken Againnt Them, by J. Padhorsk-y, "10 D- par, :L Vol LM.-VI 11, Zio 11.. 1927, pp 345-357, 390-397. SLA P--958 Sci - Biology Mar 58