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Lysergic Acid Monoethylamid(LAE). a New Psychiatric Sedative Derived from Ergot, by 11. Solms. GERMAN, per, Schweizer Archiv fuer Neurologie und Psychiatrie, Vol 73, 1954, pp. 4.40-5. NTC 69-11778-060 Sci-O&M July 69 387,589 The Man-M-Process, by J. Siegfried Meurer. GERMAN, per, Schweizer Archiv fur - Anewandte Wissenschaft und Technik, Vol XXLU, No 1, 1957, pp 1-7. su TT 64-2o196 Apr 67 323,128 CliniC:31 C.Dd Ar-at=iMl StUdieg CH APre,2~iLk; UY R. Bran, 51 PP- Gerrmn, par, und PsychlmUie, Vol X, 1922, --P 48-79. NIB 7-2~1 Sci - Me& Sep 58 17,6 3 av Parietal Syndrome '.4ith Forced Com)lex Movements and Visual qa1lixeinations, by Gc Morsier ~mi R- -P-roccard. 12 ~ r, -t) ~ - I..---- ~- I.- GTIU-~Afi, per Sc vmiz. Are i. fleurol. Psyc dat.. Vol XL, 1937-193~. 1 71 SLL 57-1521 SeI4,'edicina f - PAr 59 4010 '.1 "17,9, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, a flallucino- genic Agent of the Ergot Group, by 19. A. Stall. GERMAN, per., Schweiz Arch Wurol Psychiat Vol LX, 1947s, pp IZIS. I1& N111 4-27-67 Sci-B&M Islay 67 326,91S ,Ind rl=loa and POYChlatry, by M. Blo3l 0 JLO pp, WORMS Per# adhvolxar kroh 0 i =d PlDjAUiAIG~v ~UE7.~C# ~PPWO- IUM Tr So 2-38 Sol - Hadialm 446~ ,fK a.4 "- Apr 1M CM/&= The Litensity/Duration (i/t) eurra and the CozductiLi, Volocii;?r og' the Mman Serve, by L. Bolzani, 19 pp. per,, SaWafter Archiv- fuer Nourologia-imd- Poyaiatria , Vol ~s 1954 J, -pp 33:9 12-:34 Sci - VAd a-g/ jan 5,8 liii~ Attarthria and Dysarthria of Park inscmi-ism, lufantile Pscudobulbar Paralysis and (Irobril I"r=&, by J. Wunderli, GEMWI, 1101r, Schweiz Azrh Nei=*cUr u Iluchiatile Vol IC. ME -olp 74-103. -e 1,11il 10-694 I'M Sci - lAul # wed Sri Aug 65 2840391 Dopamine (3-hydrox),tN rarid-,ic) Brain Con- centrations in a Case of Jeud-parlkin- sonism - in Relation to the Affected Side, by G. 5. Barolin, et al. GEMM.. per, Schweiz Arch Nleurol & Psychiat, Vol 94, No 2, 1964, pp 241-248. 10"I NIII 10-26-65 (On Loan) I I H- - Ge rmany sci/BUI Mar 66 296,308 t3- 107.95 lijisch, E. ON WSICAL TFSTING METHODS (Uher Musikal- 1. llais,h, E. is che Tes*t% erfahren) . 119621 14p. 5 refs . Order, from SLA $1.60 03-10755 Trans. of Sch%N'Si.*!1-1Ar:0ArvJ AgriNeur-&O "ic ric Psvctqiat' -(6erman)') 1955, v. 75, p. 67-76. -2Lj DESCIUFTORS: *Music, Songs, Test Methods. Emotions, Abnormill p~ycholcigy, Acoustics, Sound, Psychoux-trics, Roaring, *Psychoacoustics, *Person- ality tests. Reaction (psycholop). (Behavior-al sLiences-Psycimiogy, TT, v. 10, no. 2) Ofts ol Tech" Servkn aid ;~xparieacu tra ~,tttria uiscasus Gatiwmd un-r "a Poriod of 111ree Years. by h. ~'srirudiar. LL-'I'WUU, pur, Schwpizer Archiv fim Tierficiliamdes Vol 77, 1955, i,.tp ZSS-265, P911125966 ALC JUL-tr-362 Sci/arp-i Doc (16 3149598 Trichinosis in i,yocastar Corpus '101, by 1~. rawli, L;IM,,W.1, LI;i,,, Schweiz. Arch. Tierimcilap Vol Uumix, 19~67-p-,-)T2-5-423. *J'C jW, . -tr-348 j Sci-DQN 14 av 66 3130698 zicrougylasis in Wo Nutria Farms Control Lx- periwats 114itI jUlisatin, Allium Sativuzi and ANylvicnic II-Seasures, by il. Grieder. (95"IRAM, per, Sdiweizer Archif Fur Tierheilk-unde, Vol 79, 1937, pp 375-480. P911069166 Ah'C' ML tr MI Sciturp-t, Oct 66 311,480 ."i2jr-J, iutria Parasitus, by I,'. Griedor. U' Oil, ijer, Schweizer ;u-c!dy Zur Tieiiicilk.]LIlao, V'Q,I 7D, 1957, pp 520-9215". 79110641M ALC iUNL-tr-343 sti/B&m 'ley 06 311,j536 Diseases of the Urogenital Apparatus in our Fur- bear:Ajig Mammal . by H. Grkeder. (EPAM, per, Schweizer Arddv fur Tierheilkunds Vol 79, 1937. PP S63470. P9 L1044976 :X= AEC ANL-tr-340 sci/Bul Sep 66 311,433 Gastroonteritidis and Intestinatl Dislocations in Pur-Boaring Ramals During Captivity, by H. Griedwro GERMM, per, Sdxweizer Arch!* fur Tierheilkunde. Vol 79, 1937. pp 570-S74. 111045Z6-6 ABC ML-tr-339 sci/84m Oct 66 309*503 Microfilariosis Grieder. AN, per, Schweizer Archiv fur Tierheilkunde. 80, L938a pp =495. P5116449" ML-tr-341 Phammealai.7 of tbe Foreatcmch System, by H. Graf, 12 N). GMWIp partial -tmnop rsrmscrlr.~, ~~qiz-Arqh fur Ttextallk, 1951, Vol =11, PP 35-71- MA 59-20959 Sci Mar 6D Vol 3, WO I RMerlmntal lavestigatiom irith Purified and Ua- imrifled Adsorbate Vaccines against RmlyoUss by J. Berpomp E, Schenkerjs 14 pp. 11 GOAN Schweiz Arab -nv9hQUX* Vol =Vls go 3.p W5"4, pj~ -1430 Aosoc Tech 8v -- 51:M sai Aug 58 7dy '"r .. I cal",=nt of Chronic Odder Edema, by L. MitteMolzax, 7 PP- GMG114, per, Schweiz Arab Rerhkeilk.. Vol Cl, Doe --19590~'pp 600-605. NTA 2-39-6o sci - Biol /" 1-1~4" a-71 Apr 6o Agemys USDAr-APHIS R-15747-P S IF. 14H-1929-APHIS-73 21 Nov. 1972 ritlet Ver mus: Santermg einer massiven, durch SO=MMnR8rtndhW VMMWSMfttSn k4WG1l9ntLOM1r, Mit HilfO Seral"Aschor Untwowlann Authors Praina ftwki, kJans-Rudolf Schmid SOUTCON fthweig*r Arehiv fur Tjsrhsilkund,~~9, Sept. 1961 Langmagas Caftan 11nettvctionst Mranslates, # t"s single space. No paste-W# leave apaa*# key all tables & translate "Alw Srouth Afrima Rallva", by Erjin Staimr, 22 rp. 43U 20M90) GM%Up. pmr,, Ar4h&v.fUer Torkebro awloooaMiairt uPd.V*rMbr*p*Utl#, Mo io-10577- ACSI,p 9-2897 IM/A Afrlem Sam rob I, Ulss Aiw, and Hilitexy Admint&tration, 5 PP, 1. MASSIPM k 11 translation. ." (~W,~., W4 - , G RMAU,i Se live tz ArtMeriatt Vol 3=, No 1, 25 Jan 1952y iD Gsum. jF - 8867 8 'M= - Suitterland M1.1itaLry Dex Iul 52 MS New loatitamk Gun,. 2 pp. U17,,'!ASSjF?j=) 751513. rD rgv3A a-6o--!) lollitary MY !,3 CTS Antidepressant Tricyclic DJLMOthyl-amino- alkyl Compounds and their lionomethyl Derivatives, by W. Poeldinger. GERMAN, per, Schweizer Archiv fuer Neurologie NourochirurgTe-li-n-a-Fs-y-chiatrie, Vol 94, 1964, pp. 440-6. NTC 69-1157S-060 Sci-B4M July 69 3139,S60 L6aj ;&Ljj,5jj ror Gchwf~Lzar. jaduatrLablattp Vu.-%. Do 4, 21 Feb 1953., vp 69-73. British Iron and Steel Iry-I too numbargivan) LICI - L%Igr a-ap 59 The Boom In the Automobile Industry, by H. G. Sch, 5 pp. GERMAN peT, chwe1ziWK_U4m=1gb1jqt Vol XXXVI No 180 19A. pp W445i 446. (Can N61C 397 S39. Vol 360 No 180 Eng TJ* Army Map Service WEur - Switzerland Soon feb 64 250,101 7-1 -Uj -oi,;7rold CIancl, 'by B. 7all;h=d, 1, r"'? - GIM,40, per, l"N~gwcizcr:Lsghqn Alca4Sql-;#c f6*A,T5"'*,-"'l*-C;-5,, 5*",-*--- Scl 6 o 117)303 0- 1.~~Ujpje OCja:,~,Ckj'j A. 1 1357, by F. Girorgl., pp. GERKUp perj SeLveltv!.rieche Ars-Lezeitu%', lio 3, 1959, -21 pp NIB 10-13 Sci - bladicl= Oct 59 "2 67 Vibratims of Steam TuThine Rotors, by it, StodoU6 GEIOMN, per, SchweLt Bauzaituni Vol LX1116 NO u, 19, 104, pp 2v 1-255 -, 24-275. NASA Tr P-10,021 Sci-Engr May 66 300,868 -T'i"eat or SecondarY Bending and b2t42mcl ::cupmsaimm on the Life of Stmoded 'Wire -~Paa Wlth Care, by T. 11'*ss Val LVnp pp 19-3-19U., 232-2150 22'5-~. Xattl 1119 Camoll Canads TT 208 L"cieutif la - n13 I cTS- PrLm-0.25 /6" Transverse Vibrations in Steam Turbine Rotor Disks, by Dr. V*o9mbois. GERMN, per& Schweiz* Bauzotitung Vol 89, No 12& 1927. pp 14�491.' NASA TT P-10,008 sci-III&M Apr 66 Purely Optical Method for Determining Internal Stresses Occuring in Structures, by Henry Favre. GERMANs perSchweizerische Bautzeirung, Vol XC& No 23, 1927 pp 291-294. 9692934 DDC RSIC-f89 Scf-Engr July 64 263,162 Investigation of Corrosion Due to Caviltations by P. de ftiler. GERM, perj, ScbweJLS Bauztg;p Vol Clp No 22P 1933P ii~ W;A 0 - ' - RM ftrubarow;b Tr 5h8 Sci. - Mmofttm P;~7 / A -'C. C' R, I A1 7 1 _:~:// +- :~' Purely Optical IL--thod for Determininginternal Stresses Occurring in Structures, by Henry Favre, 17P.P. DUTCH, per, Schweizerische Bauzeitung, Vol go, No 23, 1927, pp 291-294. cpmi TT-64-11813. _322,637 Sci - maics Apr 67 McLLlc-c"' Electrical Calculatia,:;; -,4-,chIncc ~Lor Solving Systms of Linear Equatior-z) by R. R. 71~ 14:111ock, 3 pp. OMAN, per, Schweizerische Dxuzeitung, Vol CVI, So 15., 1935, Pi~*175-5 176-. \59/ SLA Ve-1:1;350 Sci Dee 59 Vol 2, No 4 The Pr6blem of Waves, by Henry Favre. AMIM, ScImelzerlache Bauz-1tupg. Vol 108, Nos 1. 2j (reprini;)-JUIY 1936, P 7- USA Corpm of Ragr., Waterways Rxpw Sta Tr 41-17 Bel Eftsineering, bsumulics, naval Scon Tr~rtution., river,, vater AvmUAble an Imu at Resewch Center Library Sczcv JoluU - Position of tobe Tvc~iqwp by L. XWUMBIIA. =MR pars Yol cliza so 1 41~ 19%2j, pp n2.vmw"-mA D.B.I.R./2T.L94 set .- Rmi U* ~x 61, (A 97 AS* 57 ON/603k Subsoll,k=kxtvea of the City of Zw-lch) by A~ van Mooc, , r: r GERMAN# 3?ert, 691mmIzerleabe Beazeit2mr- Vol aC=,, No 3.9 Jrl 194S. S.L.A. Tr Pool Scleatitlic Geoybqaica Drying of Taxtilesp by Be Hanaggers cc BOIAGUOt. GERNMO per, Sdwelzerische Sauxeitung, Val cXxv, CSIRD/No 6200 sti_wu July 63 jj;e".70 On the Use of Light asum rev Mwea-Cycla Bmt Ruaiamp by.J. Acl$ozv , 8 pp. GERM,, Salwalmortakbe ftusolftuma,, Vol CXXVXIC,, 1946,, pp 510 - P. NAM N-V388 Set - Engtwering Oct l"1 CTS 14RJ 3CIff C I i .d, of by saivuai, 14 pp. pt-r, Schwoizorist.-he BElLtXOitJnj;, vo:l. cxxvii, 96$9755 DDC RSIC-100 Sci - Engr Dric 63 -~ Ilm St-snd-ordization of Contrilugal Punpaj. by IC. Butsdai. GMVAII,, per, Scb~miz Dauzoltum., Vol Lx v 1947s pp 4147~.-' f D.S.I.R./1046h/CT Scientific - Engineering 1 1,7.2, MM aTLY /.V?/ Strengt!2 or, =-rrtals ror tI;p_ThcPry of tt and for Tooting. Materials. The Relationa .'Facto ! of 111-40 jeo- the Statid4iihd, a ofKaterrialaj, 'by--V-..Bi a! per, S~~iz Bauztgi Vol W,-10547, pp 509- -6 6-, 6.,~m-651j, -4"0 Am Tr 624 cientific - Engiw-erlng. 1951 Ms 59-22= Prey-Baer. 0. M*Rj.]'.' MEASURPhONTS IN '17M PRESSURE 1. Frm,7-Bacr. 0. TUNNEL OF TUF WCENDRO POWUPLANT (Die 11. [X-BXD-Tr=2-345 De%n-,;.igtmcmuugen im Drucknollen des Kraftworkes M. Bm=u of reclamstlon. Luuulro) tr, Irv F. Sten.-ar. Dec 57 1251p. ',forelp DCRYTT, Colo. texi inclWcd) 3refs. Trans. no. 34S. Order from OTS or SLA $2.60 59-1132 Trann. -1 Schwelzeri*che Bauzelttmg. 1947. v. 65. no. 41. p. 537--56*f'.-- - - -- DFSCRIPTORS. 'Power phuts. Switzerland. Rock. Coo=ett. Strectes. Defox. ation. (Enoneering--Electrical. TT. Y. 6. no. 7) 9-24-61 B-anding StAress on Wires in Qrble ways in the Seatar of Applied L-c*d, by T. Wyes. acEnw, per, schweizariache MauzeMms, Vol L-T.V=o RU-3U,-1947, -w525-531, cano Jta 6 arvin siom AW17GUI a-Z Alpa but 5V, lay ;?-,ano CC. Sad1wntilitimp b7 M. Da. Qpmrlmiln. rob be* at gas an Dw of avolamstAou F*b 59 Bsi;is of WltrdflOftiCh :~~' I UzSC III Teating of Vhtcriala,, by R. "v.', Baudp 111 pp- COMM,, per, Schweizer4milp Dqw-A-itur~w- Vol LJ'.Vl,, No 111,, 1. P-D -105-190- R,A.B , Parnborough Tr 2P,6 ., '7 / sci - Fbyaicns ecoustica imi 1956 Autcmatic Multi -Component BeLloncer., by B. Gruemiger. ILL- Uxjj, per., Schweiz Bauz,~~ (39.. 41., 46p 47)v C=wl Aeratmutical LaboratorieG Inc 1P.9 I= Tr No OT/3591 Scientific - Mace-34azeaus,, automtic, balances Ixdex Aeronauticue The Scale Effect in the Efficiency of Reaction Ttzrbinee.. tW E. Mublemam. GMKUj, W,, Schweiz Bauztg. Vol LXVI& No 2hv 12 Jun 1948,, pp-TJ1--333.-- -- 9,4drucachanics Research Assoc T 127 OT/.U!lh ifflur - Switzerland Sci - Engineering MARITNAGLIA, L. AS1,131-131129. Screw joints and posillon of tli(- technique. Schweiz. llun;-i- 119, nci-11, p.122- 126, 1949. .~,training alld 4sk of rractu-,- in Soli_~-~s, by K. Pos, A. Bichingers 16 pp. --per, Scuitz 28/29, 1949. S.L.N. 914/1956 Sci - Ugimeritkg )CL%ne, If. and odiers. V,'FERNAL MESS r5; EN THIN FILMS OF ORGKqIC !i. 111111WRS. 1-1 Jan 51, Sp. (figs. orrdrte~0. Ortler fmm FLA $1. 10 62 - 19399 Tram. ofScliweiz.eripche3_:iAL4CIt!4jnjt, 19491v. 67, rVil 3N p. DF.1K-:R1PTC)R5: 9Bmdkng. Organic materials, 'A:I~iotjives, 'MIn films, Stresses, Surface properties. (Ni.ittxi-&1x--Adhe*lvm, TT~ v. 9. no6 3) The Influence on the Natural Frequencies and Direction of Vibration of Steam and Gas Turbine Blades, by J. Geiger. per, Schweiz Bau:-~,~ Vol I-XVIII, No --,1 4, 17-21~, 3841 21.1. 1950 and 28.1. 1950. TPA3/TIB T '31888, P 22207T WEur Swttzerland fto Co=%wW Tostb=mr; am X=tr==t Lt,,ad in tale Qpality T"Uns of Omawto Lo 71S.0-al, by 2. Sololdt. M=s %we ftbolt BLUNI";# Ja 1950. Dwb at, lut A.A- us W" cr 3b 230 got - SW " 1~76 Feb 59 71 A Purely Optical Method for flie Disrect Measurement of Moments in Thin Bent Plates, by Henry Favre, Bernhard G:Ug, 26 pp. GERMAN, per, Schweizerische Bauzeitung, Vol LXVEEI, No 19, l950pUw25^ pp 2531257; No 20,1950, pp 265-267* 9693581 DDC FMMC-237 Sci - Phys Sept 64 266,469 On the SigaLfIcance of Noti-Dimens Iona I Coefficlents in Heut Tramzmisviou, by A. P. I?ritzsche, GE'zW.AN,, perp Schvelz Bmmtgo Vol. LU; no 40m 4 Oct 1952p pp 580-02o- - TPA3)~PXB T 4135 1 ~ " ~,- ,,, Scientific - Physics e1 71 -- ( '. - ,- 'u CrS/JDEX 00 I'%, 1.31, Sqatem for Protection AGalzuit Air Attack, by L. Guettin(;er, 6 pp. UUCLAssn?3ED cl-Ri-lrill,, per, Schueizericche Baweitung 170 30, "urich, 25 Jul 1953, 0-2,t 03M G-1244 Egur - SwitftrlanO Military - Air, atUck Dee 53 M If ft3luw =d AgW9 of OCUMto In D&=8 by gariw B"Mmp 16 pp. omm".9 VGFA IM&IgWobe BnUmdtanal- W LMCEI; no 96p idu z93*#pp 371-m. Ulf - Oct 56 nu 1078 O.L.A. Ir ISTS/19% . gie, of Stresses in Concirete Linings of Amaly Freasare Tunnels v by 1R. 23*) SablJak. MMAM., per,, Schveizerische Bauzeituug., Val III Uo 14~. 1955.. PP 0 ~-203- Do t of Interior TCr23 A358 No 343 Sci - Emginearing .1--d riec 60 1 q q '~- IF G~i tba 5tressing of the Shear Reinforcemaut of RainforcoO Concrete Bomes, by R. Walther. MMIMS, per.. Schwe"Baustg, Vol LXM, So 1, lq,56, pp 8-12; Vol ~.t RO 2,, 1956, pp 13-5. Vol LXXIV, go 3, 1956, PY -37. DSIR/*105CY7/CT Sci - Bugr - r,- S7-g-d Fab 58 U;$ 9, Special Swiss Instruments for Prtestr~asad Teolmology, by A. Brandeatini. ,, _o1zeriacho Bouraltung, Vol L GENW, per,,..,J5rAv XY. C no 37, 1956. 031R0 Bel - MW Jun U 71%~ X The Muctric Power Econ=W in Uruu by PILUipp st!"al. GMMN,, per,, pclwojze-l Bm, altung, Vol LXXV3:1, 110 l1-, 1959., PP 152-155- (6aU NO 1114, S41,, Eng Tr) AX3 IA - Vnxgm~r Econ sep 6o Cove-wnip., the Failura of' Ralpauset Dam jiessx 9 Frejus. GERM", paw,, Schweizariache Bausmitung, Vol LXXVIII, No 11. 196D.. PP 194-195. Dept of Interior '03 B= of Itecla=tIon Tech LILb, I)enver,, Col Sci - EW. Nov 60 4435'~ ASPHALTICLININGS FOR EQUALIZING RESERVOIRS., BY W. 0. RUEGG, GERMANv PER,, SCINEIZERISCHE BAUZEITUNG, VOL LXXVIII.. NO 21., 196o.. PP DEPT OF 114TERIOR Tc823 A353 NO 365 SC I EW'k9 209,587 SEP 62 Pi-eavwra-Uave Superch"mS for SmaU Vol%Lcle Mod Englnes6 by hio Ber&,UAd. GERM" Wo gsh'seimrische Bau.-Via"z Vol 79, M 46, pp W&WW4 IM. ASIC, UCRI.-Tr-120M) 9229927 ev A - // SICI-F&P NOV &S 291.993 Pretressing Cables for Jargp J~restressed Concrete Structures, by A. Bransestimi. 6, GERMAN, per, Schveiz. Baimig, 161961., pp 61--59-.- - AEC! Vol LXXIK, No Sci mar 64 Prc.szurc Wave Supercharger for Diesel Engines For Use in Small Vehicles, by M. Berchtold. GERM-AN, per. Schweizersche BauzeitunF, Vol. ig6l: pp 8ol-8og GB 210 Sci - Aur, 67 335-613 ,_n oa th~~ yqrjt-e. Hydroclecl~lric T P.:Lv,er, by Ta-win E3cimitter, 12 r-p- GWMI par, Schwelzerlecbe E"zcltimg, 1963, (CaU-Na-l-MIS Til' Arny Mmp Evvvl-cc Zvon Soi - Hngr ru'y 6-1 Plaanin,L, and Realization oi Larl;e Cross-Section Twknel Constructions, by 11. U. Herrmann, 27 pp. (X-n'.UUq, par, Schweiz Bauztg, Vol 82, 1964, pp 873-881. AEC/OIUQ-Tr-2U76 sci/Nech Jun 69 385,325 Bee Poinuming Cmiaod, by Incla trial Wat-to Casea Coatainlrig lr=-,Lna in thdtwr3and, by A. rzarizioj, TO.. fltwbj. 11 pp. dIMM, per.. Solmls Blemm-UJt=g, Vol LXXIX,% I 1955: pp 476- Clyamastry Wr 59 Investig-Ltion uf the Physiology of the lmtli~)cyvnin in tdic: ScedlinSs of Brc~ssiccl Olericel~ L. var. Capitnta L. f - Rubrrj L. J. by F - BlaLL, -4. Frey-Ilyssling. M==, per, Schweizerishchen. Botanischen Gasellschaft. Berichte, 110 5Z7 A IS;43, P-P 7-0-55/c CSIRO/110 6.903 Sci - jul 6-F 3311,2o4 c% I or,j-pt~ I 1-4~c! JS of ~!-Jlt -5 - TI. , bY Lmst Ga=n-,-~~. ;ur, Sch~-i-lzcr:Lacbe -ails chaf t, Vol LVIIj 1947.- pp 132-1113. SLIk 59 -15455 3ci - 133()i Dec 59 VL~L -No 4 lieusser, Carl. TYPES OF FLOWERS CUL'nVATED TODAY 40p- Order frcm K-H 150. 0( OF TOBACCO VARIEnES IN SW=ERLAND. 119621 K-H 3097-a Trans. oP Schwel2ferischel Botianischel Gesicilachaft NAichtc] 1952, v. 62, p. 509-526. DESCRIP'I'ORS: *Tobacco. OPlants, Switzerland. 62-22445 1. Heusser, C. 11. K-H-3097-a 111. Kregge-Hooker Science Library Associates. Detroit, Mich. (Agriculture- -Plant Cultivation, Tr. v. 8, no. 9) Offic. f T.*mi..l S-1- (hvigh of GzwdU PAte for a lkw,-cb Fwestj by C. Id. Wb3 " r, 7 pp. mm,p per$ Ig Not= Gin Bar., Vol Luval 19 8 IV AMS-1CWW ki /ky 3 Ow 62 , Y?/ va 4" so 4 61-20441 Pilet. Paul-Emile and Kobr. bachel. A SMIDY OF THE DMMTION OF RADICLE 1. Met. P. -E. GROWTV BY DL-TRYPrOPHANE (Etude do I'Inhibl- It. Kobr, M. tion de Is Croissance Radicidn' c par lc DL- Tryptclphane). 119611 1191p. 32 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 61-2D441 Trams. of Viveizerliche lotanleche Gesellichaft. -249. I~rlchte) 1 4. Y. W p. 239 DFMCRIVMRS: Growth. Ohletabolism inhibitors, *Trypmphane. Hormones. Growth subsmnces, OPtants. Seeds. Biochemist". (MclogicAl Sciences-Botany. 7r. v. 7. no. 5) Trmsport and Distribution of Labelled Assivdlaite 6o The Distribution of l4belled Assiallate in a Umg-Tera Bjtp*rMmltq by R. Badwhap H. Namer, GPIRHMO, pers ScbmAxerisehe BotudAiche , iA - 0886112chaft"gor - tea-Vot Lwim M20 MU/T.320 Sci-BW On the Use of UItrasonieD Ln the Drewary, L)y Sahm-1, 10 pp. GMANO Be (Swiss Brewery Review , Vol LXIV.. No 1. Jan 1953., pp 1-4. S.L.A. Tr - 6o5/i953 Sci - Electronics APr 1957 M/dex a17 Screv Joints cmd Pooition of the Technique, by L. MartinmgUa. GIMMN,, par$ 5chv%l&AAmxtgv Vol Od'Cly-, No ll,,~pp M-126-OT24- I-------------- ASIOT29 SCI , 58 Investigation of the Pliys-.LoloF,.- of the Anthocyanin in the Seedlings of Brassica Oleracea L. var. capitata L. f. rubra by A. Wyssling Frey, F. Blax,71". GFJOIAN, per, Scliweizerisc*vaen Botanischen Gesellschaft. Berichte, Vol. 53 A, 1943, PP 550-558 CSIRO/No. 6903 Sci - Aug 67 335-964 )f t,,'f (A rpa r~l I u v. 9, no. 6) D:Uftmnt Conbrol and SismIling Over Telephone Liues.9 by IN Treahmelj GSWAX,, pers ScbmiscKsche XLeM ! Vertimp DaUatini --WVXUV~ 2M 19". (3det LIbmrIwv COGOIA006 32k Albwt MvOi Nmt M&Vbaumeo A=ft%aU 0. gP via. Sol aw 6o T;~~LJKT:,`N C' ;Ck- 3 !1 N60 o: t'1- rL ,.iemF7 64 a: at- I, dt (Englnctrin.~- Cal TT, Y. 6, no. 12) ~.i loz;~; tniir~-x: i: volraged r,c-;: r-ing and 11,Ik'n r,! "'.ione !crI1 . trhor, Boa-dfttnlwUvv %*Una bW the VILUS-sMIC Motbod ftw Voradtr of Forealala am I ut Vlre lusulAtme of the Oubm Fo6mul RaLbrmwas ty R. -1 - Gum's vw& ---- X.Im Nil -- j-rtgnt -- OwAs ma jMI&,AQ!N& Vol Wp J,9bLj. PP set4bu & squip B"t 69 391#258 EnquirieXs into the Visual 0:7,1entation of June Beetles (1.%y Beetles) I-ktlolontha Vulgaxis F. and M. Hippocastani F. as - ell as the formation of S-a:rm Patte:rns, by F. Schneider. CEPEU, per, Sch- -eiYzerische Entomologische --Gq&el:Uqhaf t, Mitteilung i~o 4, 1952, pp 269-34o. 14CR/C-*3676 Sci Dec 62 Study o--:' the Function of the, Senue Orgc:ns of the Proboscis of the House-Fly 1-Tuscc Dome st, ic.a. L, by R. Wiesmann. OMIMAJI; per, Schweizerische Entomologische .1 GeselIschaft, Mitteilungen, Vol 36, No I',, 1~,-611, Pp 74- 49 CSIRO/Tio 6573 Sci - 334, (,-!3 Jul (-7 Infectious Kidney Swelling mid Liver Pegeneration of Rainbow Trout, and 'flicir Relation to Infectious Dropsy or Carp Species, by K. Klingler. GERKINN, per, Schweizerische Fischerei-Zeit, Vol LWO No 2 11 0 FOL Sci .3 an 64 TT-63-18525 Bosshard. H. H. FLUORESCENT MICROSCOPIC STUDIES OF 1. Bosshard, 1-1. H. PAR'nCLH BOARD [Fluoreszenrnikroskopische Untersuchungen in Spanplattenj [IW_x3j 5p (fig. refs ornitted) Order from SLA $1. 10 Tr-63-1852:5 Trans. of Schweigreripqher Forstverletnl. Z eitsc rjL;7.__WifiTe_tr_ej 199--, no.'-3G,-0-13-2o. _~WsMwrt available) DESCRIPTORS: *Fiberboard, Plywood, Varticies, Resins, Penetration. Wood. Microscopy, Fluores- cence. Adhesives. A discussion of problems concern[ng tive behavior of the resin during the press cycle and following dis- per,wn ~)f the adhesive in particleboard p&nels of various resin percentages. (Materials- -Woods Tr, v. It, a). 4) Offim of T,chnical S-ices TT-63-16782 Sucher. lifanal, MORPHOLOGICAL STUDIES IN WOOD CHEMISTRY 1. Bucher. H. AND THE DIFFUSION OF FLUIDS IN SFRUCE WOOD JUber Morphologi ache UntersuchunVn in der Holzcherm Holzchemie und the Diffusion von Phissigkelten in Fichtentiott]. (19631 tip (ftp refs ornitted) Order from SLA $1.60 TT-63-16782 Trans. of Schweizlerl ocher I Forstver[ i DESCRIMRS: 'WoW. Chemical analysis. *Spruce, Solutions, Diffusion, Topics include: wood as a solid object; the capillary structure of wood-, reaction dyes; diffusion of solutions in spruce; diffusion at the annual ring boundary: cell Unicage through tangential bpots; the format of the (?,Jaterial, - -Wo--I. tangential "a which form the links at the annual ring TT I V. 11, no. 4) Wundary: the physiology of the tangential spots which form the links of the annual ring bound&". 1. to-w' Pri-act-fca-f Applica-tion-Technical. - Biological, and Uienical Processes, 5 pp. COVEROIXT USE. OINLY SWISS, per, Schweizer Industrie lalatt, Vol 42, No 13, 5 July 1909, PI) M.-M.953. AWIFSTC/HT-23-347-70 sci/Chcm Mar 70 404,802 D~-fcnmaj" 8 pp. UNCIASSIFIED bk, Die Schweizerinche La deamrteidittungg, inro P,,rlr Schweizer Kavalleriet, 11c, 7., 25 Jun 1953# -%cl to Rpt 270-53- ID 9461h6 `:-E.ur - Switzerland "Hilitmry - Axmy operations, defense P 5 3 (,T- S CIA 2BOO22.4