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The Absorption of Nesiture by Organic Fibras, by A. Enplaro J. Priedlis lk p. C- =?c-' 4 -, - - -.7 j ~er; ~ahweizer Arzhiv fur Aiagew Wiss und Tech, 3.936, Vol :3ft-A-W6 3-1, MA 59-15294 sci Dee 59 Vol 2, No 6 /,or-,? f4",7 5tivss Concentration in Cold loovex-ldveting, by I'l. KOCAig. CAM-00q,per, Scliweizer Archiv, Vol III, No, 21, 1937,0 pp 41-46, M I DIX: 161C 384 Sci-Kilgr NOV 155 292,879 7ing of Ynatertslo, by H. Stager, 11 pp. I, Per, Schweizer Archtm iur Angov Wi6a und IT h' --1917- Vca III, Vo 6, 7P lh7-157- SLA 59-15303 Nov 59 Vol 2 0 140 3 /o/ Development and Present-Day Status of Photoelasticity and Photoplasticity Within the ]Framework of Expeximent:al Work on Elasticity in General, by R. V. Baud. GERMAN per, Schweizer Arcblv fur Angewandte Wissens~Uft und Technik, Vol IV# No 1, 1938, pp 1-16. 9694651 DDC RSIC-200 Scl - Phys Oct 64 268,320 A 'New 'I~rpe- of C10-ciLlatinlry f"-chine and 5.=c j,uxtliary Equipment, by F. Fischer, 30 pp, GEMAN,, per, Schweiz Arch Angev Wiss u Technik, VOIL V, 1939, SLA Tr 57-2320 sci Avg 58 'by P. pIlleclau, 35 und Teaknilt, '19,:~), 10 j-:.,w rNI-naticity Thoory of the Deforattl'on Procecs aml Stresnes in Solid SubsUacesj, 'by H. x.IM14(Xp I*rt fthvaimer Archive Aw Angenrandte VdL M, 1941. k A 0 4- Am Tr 6:L 3ciantific - phygica I, on High Precision Electrical CaCLculating Devices With Spmiml Coneldem1hion of a New Distance K"suring get for the Mobile Artillery (Verograph)) by F. Fis,-J4er$ 42 pp. OMAN., pars Schweiz Arab Angav WisEs u Tacbniks Vol Vni.. 140 I;-Nii-194 J, pp SLA Tr 57-23D9 501 Aug 58 7 1: Negative Resistances, by W. 11mrein, 60 pp. OHMA110 per, Schweiz Arch Aqpv Wise u Tech, Vol VIII, '"- 152-157- MEL, %..~y 20 PP 135 -91A Tr 57-1595 Sci - Electricity J-IV' 441?6 j Oct 5Y Won-Destructive Nhterlal Te"IW,p by B. Brandenb=Uwy 7 pp. GZUM,, pwp Bd*6ft Arch AV&W Idw. U Teahs Vbl TM, NO 5.. IW;j":LMJ,- pp MA "ll - Sol Aug 59 ?l / r 0 0 Of 60-18964 zearleder, A. %,On. THE DEVELOPMENT OF ALUMENIUM SPOT-WELE- 1. Zearleder, A. von ING. (1960] Sp. (refs. 25 figs. 2 tables ornittod). Order from SLA $1. 10 60-18964 Trans. d SchweLzar Archiv [fUr Angawandie Wissen- schaft und Terchnik] 1944 Iv. 10. no. 7) p. 218-226. DESCRIPMRS: 9!4)m waldin& *Aluminum. Aluminum alloys, Spx weldt. (Metallurgy, rl', v. 8, no. 6) (Al INWS SMI-A VING IHON ME' IN '11IF ELECI'RIC LOW- I MIAVI VI MNACE 1(k 1 461 1 (%1. 7 ruls. 2 Elt-tim (timit,- I 'I oil, I..m .-ILIff 11111". I van,; III W!-~,-m- I M A 11 jims. lip R7-01 S-4- Filters of Exceptional Band Widths Obtained by Means of Grown Crystals,, by W. Bantle, B. Matthias., P - Scb*==, 14 pp. amm, or, �.cVix Arch XN WILp Vol XI, , ' " -,q u Teq4. so 6j 1995'. pp SLA Tr 57-629 Scl - laectricity Aug 57 (SCILLAIING SN",71 EMS: FNGINr.--.)PFRAI*ING MACI IIINH. 119621 6p. (figs. tables formulae omitted). Order fr,~ii SLA It. 10 6-,-10048 Tr:;ns. of ,ch%%ci.,A.,r Archliv Wr Angewandte V-lasen.- schAund'TkIihill (9461~.--12, no. ~I-P. 96-100. DEWRIFII'l 'R~: *Internal combustion engines. hincl,ines Vibr-alan, FlywheoN. Special functions, (-).~cllbtlom 617-10043 1. A. (Machincry-Fngine-H, T-l', v. 10, no. 1) Ofte at 1 31 Seni"S Brunner, It. THE P-T DIAGRAMS I-OR THE SYSTEMS Si02 4 C AND A120,-, + C. 11(16211201p. 14 refs. Order from SI_A $1. W 02-0X-152 Trans. of J~rchLiv Gri AngL%%jandtcj Wiss[e rlichaftj u1nd) TeFl4nikj 1446, v. 12, [no. b] 'Slicon compounds, Noxi&,s, *Alu- minum conillounds, CINides, *Carbon, Phase stuhes, Thermodynamics, Fhss(wiation, Pressure, Tumpcr- ature, *~Ikluminum, Production. 02-2W52 1. Brunner. R. Th._~ P-T di2grams of tile sYstems Si02 - C ~Illd Al )03 -, C mere completed and corrected. For the s) ~tcm SiO ) + C., it is shown that Lip to 22(XY) tile f(,i - nVition of sihcoii occurs via [fie two intermediate stcps, Si2(" SiC- For tile svstem A 1203 - C, live (ChQlni~tr~ - -Phylica 1. 17, V. L), no. I (ove office d reebIkA &Vvices The Acoustics of Detonation, by W. Furrer. GERMAN, per, Schweitzer Archiv, July 1946, pp 213-219 *ACSI J-62il FSTC-HT-23-792-68 EEur mil Mar 69 62-20357 StIgew, H. and Held, F. INFORMATION CN THE SOPTENING OF POLY- 1. Stager. H. VINYL CHLORIDE. 15 Mar 47, l3p. (Ugs. tables 11 . Held, F refs. cenitted). Order from SLA $1.60 62-20357 Trans. rJ SchweLrer Archfiv fUr Angewandte Wissen- achaft urWr-rL~~1kT'1946-Tf:--t2,-tjo. qj-ti.-7787-'2B6_._ DESCRIPTORS: *Polyvinyl chloride, Plasticizers, Vinyl plastics. (Materials- -PlAsUca. TT. v. 9. no. 7) Wm of TKk" Swvkn 62-20359 SnoLk' '11ME-111-'PENDENT PHENOMENA UNDER THE IN- I Snoek. J. L. FLUFNCE OF 1ALCHANICAL AND MA(R4EnC FORCES IN MATERIALS CONTAINING IRON. 18 Nov 47, 9p. (fign. formulae omitted). Order from SLA $1. 10 62-20359 Trans. of Schweizer Arch iv fdr AnRewandte Wiasen- schaft und,rechnik) 1947, v. 13. no. 1. p.-9--TT.-- D M-CRIPITORS: OPerromagmetic materials, Perrites, Relaxation time, *Iron. Mapetic properties, Elasticity. (Physics--hiagnetism. 17. v. 9. no. 12) Dffks d TKkwkjd Sankas 62- it)9,36 Brandentwerger. 11. NUMERICAL CALCULATION OF WORK-IIARDENI- 1. BranLienbrgcr, If. ING IN COLD -smt ETCH ING AND COLD-UNET- TING. 119621 10p. (figs. formulae refs. ornitied). Order from SLA $1. 10 62-t69,36 Trans. of Schwt: i7n r Archiv IfUr Angewandie Wissen- qchaft und Techniki 1947 [v. 13. no. 81 p. 232-238. DE'C'.RIPTORS: *Stresst.,s, *Elasclcitv, *Dfformadon, Structures. Hardening, Numerical an alvsis. (Muchanics, 17, :. 8. no. 10) offi.. of $-A". 62- Lb93- NUMERICA1. CALZI.TLATION OF WORK HARDEN- 1. It. ING IN COU)~STRETCHING AND COLD-UPSET- TING (COINCLUSION). 11962) 10p. (figa. ref6. fornnulae Order froin SLA $1. 10 62 - 16937 Trans. of Schweizer Archiv [far Angewandte Wissen- schaft und TLchnikj 1947, v. 13, ncL 9, p. 268-275. DUCRIM'(DRS: Fluid mechanics. Solids, Stresses, *01stordon, *ElasciclEy, Nurnivr theory, Equations. Hardening, Lattice*&, Fatigue (mechanics), Particles, Load distr1hution, 'rest methodr.. (mechanics, T-r, v. 8, no. 10) offi.. .4 T.ch.ic.l 5-i GZaj'm*Z,f, pero ScllweiZ Ar,&,, VOI X-JCV, 140 12, D--r- 19'~b, P-P 353-362 SU 5-1 -1110 sci - :Electronics )711P Jan 58 ClIaical and Amtomical Studies cn Apraxia, by,,v~ R. Bran, 55 pp. GERW.6 par, Schweizer Archiv fur, Neurologie und Psychistrie, -Vol M, 1921,'* tip 42-64. 3MR Tr 5-25 W Wed may 58 ,291 1'. WO DXzinvit:c~i, A. CORRMON' BY NICY]VII FLIml Z. I Mar 50, !7p. (Ags. fctr..Iula:- laillas 0-,-dtEcLI). A. Order from SLA S!.60 6:1-20.',58 ltami. of Archliv flir AiCcwa:Kltc -7ci:T sdaft ujul IT:119481v. 14, no. -------------- - -.-- *Mcmlr. *Corrorlon, Fucl oLl, C(m- tabiors. Storage, U)rrotil(xi micarch, *Fu--IL. 7F, v. 9. no. 10) Nodular Graphite in Cast Iron, by Bartschinger. UNCLASSIFIM OMAN, per, Schveizer Archiv, )63,r 1949, pp 75-&. Co-op Tr Sebeme Tr So6 (L5.10'.0) sci - Jun/met Apr 58 13 io 6 2 P& 6~1 61-IMI Schwarz. Hch. CliEWCAL ANALYSIS AND THE COMPOUND 1. schwam W COMPOSITION OF SWISS PORTLAND CEMEWM [196119p. 3 refs. order (mm SLA St. 10 61-18951 7'ravis. of.141tweizer Arddv [flir Angswandto Wisaw- schaft und T4W~- ~,,v. 15, no. 9. P. 273-271L DESCRWIlORS: *Coments. Cbstnical analysis, CbemWal pmpertles. -J (Materials, Tr, v. 6. am 9) Ofle. of Teobmkd Sank" j 63-14655 Schlapf--r. P., Audykawsk.1, T.. and Bukowicki, A. STUDY OF MAXI)AM OXYGEN ABSORPTION BY 1. Schllpfer, P. ORGANIC UQIAUS AND 10DOMETRIC DETERMINA- 11. Audykawaki. T. 1-10N OF ABSORBED OXYGEN. 119631 2Dp. 15 refs. ill. Bukowicki, A. Order f370M SLA liI. 60 63-14655 Trans. of Schweizer Archly fUr Anzewandte ~;104-9-,~- 1-5 [no. 'i0) MaselracQT -una-TjqCWU DESCRIPrORS: *Oxygen, *Absorption, Organic materials. Uquids. -Volumetric analysis, *Iodine, Determination, Ethanols, Benzenes. *Alcohols, Solubility, Surface tension, The purpose of this Investigation was to study the possibility and accuracy ol lodomerric determination of oxygen absorbed by different organic liquids. Expert- MeMIS showed dot Ws method may be applied to mooovalent alcohol*. acetone, acetic acid megs; ether Offixt of TtcbWczl S~ (Chemistry- -Physical. TT. V. 10. no. 5) ( ..) I The Rate of Solution of OxySen iu Different Liquidai, by F. Schldpfers et al, 24 pp. GMDIAN,. pars Schweiz Archiv Angpv Kan u Tech# vo). xv, 3.949, P~p--gMef:` "' "' S.L.A. Tr 6ce/1955 Sci - pkraica 12 y 6 A'Pr 1957 CM/aex * Na.torial Testing and Strongth Reo(3arch, in Gevm~-- %iring the Years 1939-1949, b,7 E. Siebel, 30 pp. Full trauslation. GTWLIY, porp BgjW_o:Lg!jE AXckkL fvr A=wzdte I-do-A-0 &G UAd-2Lq=j Vol 'MI. -pp 97-114. S.L.A. Scientific - Enginscring --) I Aug 55 6K // Tests on a Range of Centrifugal 1.11u~s of Different SpecMc Speedup by K. RutschL. GHRNW,, pers Schvelt ..?!~vh AnaLww Wiss Tech, Vol XVIIO No 287-19513, PP 33~W Hydromechanics Research Assoc T h 32 OT/1224 WBVr - SwlUerland Sci - Engineering 63-10030 Torre. C. FORCE REWREMENT WITH TWISr DRILLS. (19621 1. Torre, C. 16p. (figs. formulae ornitteM. Order tram SLA $1.60 63-10030 Trans. of Schweizer Arg#vift Antmandta- TodamiW952, v. 18. Nov, p. 351 DESCRIPTORS: *Drtils, memla, Theory, Power. Feeding pover and twisting monaeft to drilling with the aid of nvedmalca at Undting are calculated. (Engin-ria4--hiechanical. TT. Y. 9. no. 10) W-voLne and Non-epacific M&AtLow az well aa Uupeciflc skin swelliqp in lhtnicutaneous WbercuUn Wating at Cattlep loy J. A~dws. 23 pp. Vol MIT; -go 12; R,~c 195op Pp, 737-T55, SLA Tr 2!-')7 So-4 bb-dM airm- 57 Bznactiona Occurring DurinS th-- Slntc-,rliq~; of JWt!J:. Owd(tro, by Li. Dawthl. IRMO), GZPJ&U, per, ScIr"ILer ArchIv, )Uy 19~14., pp British Iron eind Steel InI (no number givens Smp 59 Remarks an the Problem of Wbar and fear,, by W. apath., 17 pp. UNMASSMr= FuU translation. MM, Schwelser Avehiv.. JdI 1951v pp 214-219. Sny Wr -599/&OUva 475 8010"t1ru - Xqonoej-v ohm 52 CTG M Alloys on An Alluirdnium-zinc-magnesium Basis, by H. Rug - GERMAR, per, Schweizer Archiv Fur Angewandte Wis- senschaft Und Technik, 1951-,pp 2bq-29-C. -------------- CSIRO Oct. 052 Some ProbIew of High-Temperaturv-Strength, Heat- Resistant Steels as Studied from the User's Viewpoint, by W. Stauffer. GEMII.. Schwelzer Archly, Vol 17, 1951, No 12, pp 353-36k. Brutcheir Tr No 2903 ph by Pull translation. GEDM, par# -betwelzer Arcblv, Val XVIII, No 11, IWm pp 3T9-3800- Bratcher Tr No 3082 Jul 5..) OTS/Du acteatiric - rwis PrIce 42.25 -~ .5 Ozr Dielectrics Containing BaT103. Their Composition and Their Specific Dielectric Properties, by W. Soyck, 24 pp. GERNMp per,, ;WL"&qv Wiss Tech,, 1953- ~ SLA Tr 57-lo26 Sci - BlectrIcity -e 74 SMP 57 The Strecath of Metal Joints ),AdC With Syutbotlc Renlang by X. rrey 0MV0, Imri, Sebmeim Arch,, Val X11p Fo 2p Feb 195% pp 33-38. Aircraft 1411maerina 2!$ (2%), 31T-320,, Oct 1.953 Sclentific - AerowntIce CTS/m Th,:- Isozzlentructiim 2-iectror�c- 6orting of ~~wla Accordirg to Their Physical JToportieo,, by F. Forater. U1tCL GLUM. i. per,, fthweizer Archi1r, Vol XIXj No Zj, 1953* 15P 57-"- -- - British Iron anS Mal Ind (no nunber given) so I - 34in/iNt Sep 59 S*t,,Pl-,c of Mochinabilit-y schwiczer -)l X T- Le T, crim, V, c.,-,iRc? 4885 -9r fmi FIC Imnat by K. Grutter., B. 14~rincek, GUMM.N.. per, Scbvvjj&r ARch~yj, Vol XIX., N6, X953s P*P 171-1-13- ~y ,I I 17ZL 0 Brutcher Tr 3577 4A / / GT'7- Sciamtific - min/motals Oct 55 CTES Ter,ting,, EvaLuation and Publicittion of Wood Prebervatives an& SpeciaL Protective Coatings for WOOdp by 0. RLDChp 11 PP- GUVMN,, Ver.. qcbmjzfi~'A'A w. Wiss. u Tech, No 30 204. ~ S.L.A. Tr 57-162 SOL - Rugin"ring 44.9,,7f 7 fty 57 ne 'viero and Tbol-, Uae It. d. Raoin Lacquers and Erot,&2. Varni-ohes,, by Widmer, 8:;~ pp. GrMeIAN.. per, Schweiz Arch arAgew 'WirB u Tech., Vol XI, 19;54 p pp SLA 57-33b8 SCI Apr 59 9~~Ilp -4~7d Struc*t=e and CorroGion Fatigue in A14% AUcys.. by C. Panseri. GWMAN,j per#-Zclmml&.,,Ap&s Vol XXv No 5v may 19.54., pp 152-156. 4winim Leb Ltd. B,jm.168-55 or/i448 Scl - Minerals/mtaus-awmhob" 3,01 )- S'3 1 m A RLMMUM Warcowtor With Direct Pleading, by R. O"Imob"t 6 pp. GZMU,, per BehnIz Arch P eW Vies %md Tschp Val XKI, 19;40 AEC SCL T-X70 sci - FAW an 513 7,1 , sroo The Efficiency of "Premimm" Additives, Based on Laboratory Corrosion Tests With Hot Automobile Bagine Oils,, Iry A. Bukowjecki., 11 pp. GERMAN, per, Schweizer.A;;-qjkI*y, Vol XX, 1954, pp 255-263. -, " =/~W/Z-'211 1,-,2,177 Sci - Engineering., Chemistry, Puels Stress und Stability Conditions During Expansion and Shrinkage of Coatings, by R. V. Baud, 10 pp. GWUM, no per, 8cbwAX.Arch.AnM --- WUa.-u XeRP, Vol XX, Ito 10, 10W#-Pp 313-319. MA Tr 57-622 Sci - Ragimeering -3., .';~ / 3 /-.,/ 10ep 57 i I Mebisvitw of Gra&ite NbduI*9 In the Plastic betexuation of Duc%Ue Irons, it)y a. Sige. GUANO pw SeWeller Archiv, Vol XXIp No 5. 19550 pp Bmteber Tr 3rc?6 3 -1-, svi~ - KInewae/MeUlsrM=jeiu-y i= 15r76 On lFiliform Corrosion - a Ikv- Type of Cor- rasion, by A. Bukoviecki. NIMM (NIUMp pw., BqkgjjM Arddir fmr Mr9o t =~adl&-&h~k. ~l 10_ ~ . 9~ , 19 51 pp~ callto ad - Cim /Jp,5lz-6-/,OOl7 aftr 62 Testing of the Lubricant Property of Lubri- cants in the Wieland and Four Ball Apparatus, I, by M. Brunner, R. Pedrini. 16 pp. GERMAN, per, Schweizer Archiv [fur Angewandte Wissenschaft und Technik, Vol 21, No 6, 1955, pp 169-178. SLA Tr 64-16153 Sci/Propulsions & Fuels Jun 66 327,699 c!"Lor G e V. c be Volf, -Lil"cjl CERMIN, S i, c). '~~9-205 ; No pp DSIR 341,~-ti/crr Sai - E142-1, M,--r 550 3:mtx*A"aWork an& oulAs to ths Qa=tittxtAvu Aualple at Fibom With Considerstion oC the fin cQqAm%G4 ftadxrtiA Arbffjcdo-I ftbws,, by & TagpAv. -- - - w ozsmp w pwo %wl5w. v chiv Wise=-Odbaft j bl XXIs No 7,, jm;-Iv mg-iuw!-# amy Tr l.4c)k/vWRLI;ve 62h 4~4 6, 113 *7 ,Tazk BrmKmtr. hL and Pe&rluL R. 77=M OF LAAWCUUM FOR UMRICM gy MUM OF MIE WMLAND AND +-BAT-' APPA- PA7M PT. IL 112p) (14 ftp aadaeO Ordw from SIA $1.60 TT-6*-16469 Tram. of Scbwetc[erl Wis-'skaschaft) ch nik 1 55, v. M, no. jp~-251-257. 7T-64-16469 L Drum=. hL EL Pakird. R. (MMMriSlW--LAft*=Z. Tr. T. 12. 10. 3) OMm f T-h~ksl Elsibt Flow Problems of tba Stvictural Evein--ar; by R. bertachlow.. UMMASSIFM) axww, ver, Ockwalser Arctia7p vnI xxxx No 9# IL955,, ipp 273-M.- DSW32&3/CT ftt - 94W a" 58 r,5~ iy"rs Electrolytic Bef-Ining With LiquId Electrodes, by A. aea==f 10 pp. GERM, per,-Subwatzer-Arohiv, Vol XXI:, No 10, 193% PP .337-342. 9076M ACSIL 1002 Sal .. Phya / 537- 001*' ~/ /I jun 61 BleaUverostan and Spark-Machining Present Statms and Alture ProspecU) by Marc Bxvxs,, 17 P. -a -awlw)perj. Schvui.zer Archiv., 1956,s Vol XXp No 1; I* IV' 18-.22. OWL 59-176n Sci rob 6~ 1617 614f7 Vol 2j, No 9 The Agio-twou.. a Machine Toa for M.,ectric spark *wJAavgg by W, Mima. . per, Sdamlsw Ardblv IrW Au _AFNW)dto -vigmewd1wift 0=,, No 1.9 11C4 PP 23-0-- cSmo Sci - RLW 171 oot Gi , a ge 7 Now Proecoo for the Detorsivatiam of Pro* Calcivin Cbddo in the Prosswe of Pr*o Calcium Eydroxide in Corent SwVleo,., by P. Iserivein, GROM.. per-,* Bohmdzer A=bIv fur AnSw=fte behaft WA I.NoTuAkv V'61 XMV So 1.2" VP 39. "190 'u, 'I cosslongoo Sol Nifty 60 //O/,p opf ~t 7 Recent Test* and Reaulte RagardiQg Corrosive PrCqmrtlea of Cooling and Antifreeze Agente tor Automobileas by A, Bukoviecki. GERHO, perp Scbmiz Arch Angew W;Lao# Vol XXII 9 No 3j, 1956, pp DSnt/29303/CT acl - EnglaaarIng Y7 7 Oct 57 ~yhe covLtiva of ibtau with synthetic materials, by SchmIz., QuAtwo per, Sch"Zor Archiv jun lo,56, vp 178- 182. - ;=~~ co.-op Tr serv Tr 678 ( 2.10.0) -4- - F--~;-7 eel - Rzkv , ;il ftv 517 Hard Trorn-Chrc-Kme-lftcl~le3. 'iPacipgr., by G-, Faber. T-,Cr,, Schweizer Archiv, Vo~ Vo 1, 1957" pp Ili-Ir. Brutcher Tir 4072 $6.90 Apr 58 - i.-t:alur.,Iical anci 'btaUogra~-guLca-l Prcble;-..-3 ,iCi 12-B% Gii-orium Cast Sbeel, by E, Zingg, Th. Gei(pr. CEIV7iJ, per, 'Sdmeizer Archiv ilo 3, IL957, 71-78. BISI 7913 s c iA.,ab -- 3 c i a Ls fL. --l ) 7 0 401,n3 :fetal Corrosion Caused by Hygroscopic Solids, by A. Bukoviecki. GERMAN Sc ter it A r ,, per bmi "t h No 4, 1957, pp 97-104. 7KI1 -u- BIBI 877 6p Lr .Tul 61 A~O/ metallurgical and M--talworking Problerm of 12-15~ " . Steals by Zing6s deasezz Geiger.. OWN, p-*r..,jcbnU=.&Xj" Ifol MIIs Apr 1957,, pp 121- : 127- Co-op Ift Sch Tr 606 sci - miu/met ~,r7 ~r,:-?J' Jan 58 Clw4ping Devices fcw A Tenalle-ftst YArJxIrw With a Wide Bona* of , by G. Foldes, 12 pp. GEMM# perp Schwals Arckh Amjpw- Wise a Tech, Vol XXIIXP 19V) PP-188493- Sol - aw Sep 59 Rohner. F. DEVELOPMENT AND PRESENT STATE OF THE DETERMINATION OF GASES IN METAM PARTICULARLY OF HYDROGEN IN ALMMD41JM (Eurwicklimg und Heuriger Stand der Beetimmung won Gawn to Mccallen. unter riesooderer BerUCkstCbdg-g des Wasscr*raffs lut Aluminium). 119631 26p 32r*fo Order frogn SLA $2.60 TT-64-10296 Trans. of Schweizer Ardilv fur Angswandto Wism- schaft und Tachnik. 1957. v. 23, no. 8 (p. 243-2481. DESCRIPTOILS: OfActals. *GOMM. *Hydrogen, oAlunduum, Metallurgical analysis, Quandcativo analysis. Test methods. (Metallurgy. IT. v. 11. no. 9) Stability and Miscibility0f Abal 0-11b~ ii'fy- T. N. 11. Wwahall GUMM, per, Schveizer Archiv fw Angawmdt~e I-Tosenuchaft u6d--Ncl~, "0 .- n~' ~wr' CBIRO .3cl - Puele "2 ef -,7" 4~ 11, / Aim 61c' The ficrtebmd-Bar Tensile Test ", Its AWIJLC&tiDu for tJw Mgtabllsbment of T*vAenc7 to BrittlO .r=c%ure# by nossuerp Matthms., MMMIFIED GRUM, par, Sobwelzer_Mchiv, NO 8, 1957, pp 249-25a; J(o-'Vp'-VP"Tq-p--4&. Co-op Tr M- Tl.;-W3 (L9.0.0) se L - minfiwt AVr 58 4 7,al"InIg, in ~jetajp, by P, V17 -)n. aMM,, perj fthwelz Arab Angew Wise u Tech, vca nn, 1958, pp 65-78. ABC IG-laf Ser 14 Sci - mn/mat 4n6 oct 6o 1-50 j (f -2 J Abrasion In Hydraulic Systems by-Water Containing Sand, by W. A. Stauffer. GFa4a., per, Sch ye!Izer Archiv ALer Angewaafte.,_ _-iw- Vol ... lcm~ IT6 Wisamschafte-Apa-TO& . 0 ji-EX-2 '""VA XXIV.. No 8j. PP 24&263, 1958. RAE 870 SC:L - Engr -F C"' 7 7 jai 6o Qmoutit-ative X-Pay Fluor*ocermm AP&Lysiz of I&Ati-Caraoumt Dystem, by H. Pk4dsp A. Beenveln. GEMM,, perp fthvelxcr Archivj Nov 1959j, py 415-418. 13ISI 1972 Sol - Fb4m fty 61 s Design oXp and PrmtIcal Results ObULUwd Withip an INproved AppLmUio for Mpid aW Accumte DeUrminotion or Gamm In Metals,, by H. Foichtinger., et al. CI=W per %I XXVj, No 12, 1959, Apr 61 Pyrol,vtlc Corbon Deposited an Graphite, by W. Mmler, W. Hugi. qH"m, per, sommk9b, Vol IM, go 1, 1960, pp 29-38- FAX 9%0 //0 P 41/1-Ir Sol - ow .0 SOP 61 CEA-tr- A -I I Unc 1. INSTALLATION INDUSTRIELLE POUR LA PRODUCTION D"EAU LOURDE A BASSE TWERATURE. (Industrial Installation for Production of Heavy Water at Loi-i Temperatures). J. Ha"nny. Translated into French from Scl iL.-ALQ1 ang-e an 7~e Wiss. u. Tech. 9 0 -7P-. Chemistry; Isotope Separation MC-221- C-22 NP NSA Dep.(mc) 0 pre,,=-St,ion TecbniqLxe in Electron Microscopy, ly~' K. )Mhjethaler . BEFOLu, per,, Bebweizer Archiv, Apr 1960, PP 15T-16-` MX 2043 Sol - aws Jun 61 15---l / nlk, STRUCTURAL EXAMINATION OF IRON AND STEEL WITH THE ELECTRON MICROSCOPE, BY A. SCHRADER. GERmANs PER, scmwIZER mcmiv, No 4, L9609 Imp it634170* ---- -'-' ------- B I S 1 20411 scl --w MIN/MET Nov 6 1 2-73#7M Gorze, W PROPERTIES AND PROBLEMS OP VERSAMID-EPOXY AND VERSAMID-ISOCYANATE SYSTEMS. 1960, 7000 words. Order from TTIS $52.00 TTIS-2249, Trans. achaft und TjOtmjkj_L%ik v. 26, p. 304-311. A/to 9~66 (16lateria Is - -Paint n. TT. v. 5, no. 5) 61-12505 L Plastic paints- -Properties 2. Title: Versamid-epoxy paints 1. Gotze, W. U TTIS-2249 III: Translation and Technical Information Services (Ot. Brit.) Stoll, P. and Schmid, R- NEW KNOWLEDGE ON THE PROPERTIES OF NGNERAL OILS WITIi REFERENCE TO THE CARE OF TRANSFORIMER OILS. [1961135p. Order from ATS $44.50 ATS-9SN56C; Tranti. ofSchweizjCrjAr hfiv furl Aaggwj~ndte] Wi ssl enscliaTMTR I Tech[ nik Ij 960, v. 26, Dec, DESCRIPTORS: *hfincral oils, Transformers, Oils. Lubrication. 62-12375 1. Stoll, P. 11. Schmid, R. 111. ATS-95N56G IV. Associated Technical Services, Inc., EastOrange, N. J. (Materials- -Lubricants, TT, Y. 7, no. 6) offi- .1 West, Ii. L. OBSERVATIONS CONCERNNG THE HFFECT OF DETERGENTS IN MOTOR OtI.S. 11962) 10P. Order f rorr, 1 T% S 15. 7 5 ATS-07rPS9(; Trans. of Schweizfer) Archliv fdr] An&ewjaMtejWi&s- (enachaft] u1nd] TechInik) 1961. v. 27. no. 3, P. tog-114. DESCRIPTORS: *Detergents. *Fuel ofle, Oils. 62-12836 1. West, H. L. 11. ATS-07P59G 111. Associated Technical Services, Orange. N. J. (Materialm-Fuels, TT. v. 7. no. L1) offi- I I.A.1-1 S-I... LCN* Sm pabwlour of Best-r*h*tmnt HighLy AlloVed OUVOLM st"289 by Wip As atmerers, As. mmer. am"s wro BdWalftr Azahlx~#. VCM Xxmv 2,961,, m iii-xii. cm 92" 8a A~-& am 93"" P 41 doAg A Jf R-897-N A nonstALtionary method for measuring the Thermal Conductivity. of Liquids and Gases, by W. Straumann. GERMAN, per, Schweizer Archiv Fuer Angewante Wissen- '~chaft und T6 g~~--Vol XXVII, July 19b1, -pp--2-90---3-0-6. *JPRS/US Army Ord.M:Lssile Command Redstone Arsenal, Alabama Sci - Phys may 62 THE INFLUENCE OF ALLOYING ELEIviENTS AND HEAT TREATMENT ON THE LONG-TERM STRENGTH OF FERRITIC, HEAT-RESISTA14T STEEL,,BY H. G. BRANDT. GERMAN,, PER, SCHWEIZER ARCHIV, VOL XXVII, AUG ig6l, PP 344-351. BISI 2529 scl - ~vm NOV ~2 LIST 152 217,672 zwickv, H. LFFEC I' OF SOLVENT COMPOSITION ON THE VISCORTY OF ALKYD-MELAMINE PAINTS. 1961, 400 wwds. Order from TTIS $3.00 TTIS-23411 TYIng. of 5chwedzer Archiv [far Angewandte wissensctta&-tiid-Te-c-hMT146r,-Y-.-W, -p388-389. DESCRIPTORS. OPaInts. Viscosity. *Orgikaic solven Alkyd resins. hielandne. 62-12327 1. Zwicky, H. 11. TTIS-2341 Ill. Translation and Technical Information Services (Gt. Brit.) (Materials --Paints. TT. Y. 7. no. 4) Offl...1 T.ch.1-1 S.M- SIxaminatton Lw- a Derormed Patented Stuele~ by the Electron Microscope, by G, Krti,3er, 0. Pohjer~ WMMIT, per, Schweizer Archty. Vol- YXVTT., Nc--v 1061~ pl? 461-463. BISI 2962 Se t - Ragr out 62 212x2f'2 list 150 Present International State of TechnJ.W Hardness Testing, by K. Meyer. GEMMAN per Schweizer Archiv fue:r Angewandre Wissenschaft ~~~~~~962. uD 7-28. A"urslw Determination of Owes In Metals by Gas Chrovistograpbyp by R. ftichtiqpr,, et al. MTWT1jp perp ScIrmixer Archty, Vol XXVM, No 3j, 1962j, pp l25v 126. (p ~ AEC is Tr-44 RD 5653 Sci - FCO-15 Aug 62 itst A5 Review of Alloying Technoloygy of Bmt-Treatable Steels, by M. Kroneis. GE~M~tyer, Schwei= Archiv, Vol a XXVHI, No.,8, 1962, Problc= and Results Obtained ,,,Iith the Vacuum Treatzent of Plain Steela, by X. Protzrmnr- GEMIAN, per, Schveizer ArclAv, Vol XMITI, No 1-1, i.q&O, HB 5849 Scl - Engr, MIM Mor 63 ~~ 4, 1~ 1( 1 iltiea of Melting Under Reduced Pressure tv, boj3e Properties of Steel, by K. bungardt. GERMAN, per, Sc~ ~ifeizor_Archiv, Vol XXVIII. No 12. 1962, pp 485-490. Ha 586A Sci-MAI lqov 63 5"ww. IL Im.L ON THE PROBLEM OF DHTERMV4M THE THIXO- TROPIC PROPSIMRS OF IPAWM Avs 6& 09dW ftVAN 7= $MOD TrIS NS 127 Trans. ad Schwstzw AgWv_ft Av&rwsnft v. 39-ta-m-31 p ., DMCMMUt Oftfuts. *Cd&dds, Physical chamistrr, G" ftysical pgqp-des. 63-22276 I tic =Tuxotropc paints a. IL M. U. TrJS M-127 M. Translation and Teebuical bdormation StrViCeS (0L &IL) (Maurble-Plabu~ Tr. Y. 10, m 10) Ofte rA TKhWtA Swvkn )Aetallurgical Aspects of Modern Developments in Tool Steels, 1by He Briefs. GMWAN, per, Schweizer Ar-chiv, Vol MON04 X=, No 12, 1963, pp 413-427. BISI 3689 (9- 13 4 i4;a'l Sd - M/M Aug 64 265,422 Inorganic Pigments of Highest Light and we"her Resistance., by S. Herrum-m. SWU=p- pery Schweizer Archiv-fuer Ange- vandtie Wissensebaft und Technik., Vol 30, No 3.. 1964j. pp 66-74. EffA TT-66-10335 Scl-Materials oat 66 313..187 A Rapid Method for Routine Detormination of Gas Contents - Especially That of Hydrogen - in Stool WIts, by 11, Foichtinger, et al. GEMON, per. Schweiz. Arch. Vok 30, Nov 1964, pp 34S-354. BISI 4547 SeWaterials; Jan 67 327,7735