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Roundtable Discussion on the Campaign to Eliminate Tuberculosis, by Nicolae Palade, 12 pp. RUMANIAN, per,.�natatea,_No 4, 1964, pp 2-5. XPRS 25065 ER-Rumanilk So C Jun 64 261,635 Meteorological Navigation, by Heinrich Seilkoph. GURKMi. rtp, Sanderdruck van Beft 21 Shriften der Deutsch iftzzrt JL(RO' ;~ 1.-13. *Dept of Havy/NOO Tr 359 Sci-Ney Aug 67 Sterilizing of Clothing ContamLnated With Poison Gats With I-lot Air, by N. Ekman. 10 pp. SWEDISH, per, Sanering Av Nedgasade Persedlar Ned Varaluft Foa I Rapport A1090-FLOOS Nov 1963. :M==.p AGSI J-2287 ID 2204016867 Sci/Methods 4 Equipment Jul 67 331.338 Lidlicatims :Cur Trviv f 1" V10 JAbSC"1CC Of J~Ae T"K)1YtiC fdS0,3-sc ia tile by 1.4 e~c -M~' 0 -pp, Jam FULNG1, per, 'Som, Vol NIX, 1943, ly 4U:-45. Itpt 0 "Z'Ivy Tr-42-42/111-C i.io 992 sci. - a & ii Oct 65 291$285 iLq-)P.cts of tiae of WUL-eLuas'. 12 Lases 04, Yaro!i- Liacytopenia guld one case of Fibri- rtuponia, by P. Croizat, et al. 14-1wial, per, Vol 20, i.'o 7, 1949, pi--i 117-421. ItUN, Nill 9-D-65 Sci/6611 Oct 65 290,510 :;I:IILIY t-he ;cparatioai Aooil. I~Xposttiozl OJA.- .1 L. '~nupiti, et al. L-_qjt,L, Vol 21, 1950, 1-1, "IL 3 11 -35-65 sci-1401 ft [led Sci 65 of U21d"Cevton Z:11 ',ow Tcc:,id,.jIx, by 715-W. 273,372 BerecUty in Leukuda., by 0. Ouguich FMCH, per., -SIM Vol 25, No 4, 1954., pp 384-421. NTC-70-13418-W- sel/b and a nov 70 Biological Activity of the Dime Marrov In Vatrqmtod Acute Leubm". PimliffierstIon of the Lmbwdc Cens'O by C. bt.1 0 FMWN* W# ft '~# pp 4W-". M Vol 250 3~ lmw-zm 12-1-W SOL-mm Feb 69 369s517 Role of 5aymm in Lymphoid Leukemia iia the House,, by.P.. L=msmagnes 15 pp. FREWL's per's Le Sange Bioloffie fit Pathologie, Vol Ws no 6j, 3.954.- PP 769-77b-- Nm Scieutific - Medicim cm 70/Jul 55 Is Uouso Leultemia Caused by a Virus?., by R. Latewjetp 20 pp. FN=lt.. per,, Le Bang. Bi opile et Fmthologie, Vol xxv, no UP 1:9540-PP-M-11ti- Scieutific - Medleim ~~,F4 CM9 70/J'Ul ul as and flt jAns swaasoi Aepmft and SexalqV of the laukDaytes In Osnomlp IW Jo Dammetp 33 yp. PROMp no Vw,, Le Sanni 0 ) Vol mcvj, 19%s VP 00-706- mm Tr NO 1-15 ftl - MM401 ~40.4-49 ?; Vdb M? ft/dw ;10 Tioe of Ccmauqptlor. of ProthrocZin in tbz Prooence of He=13%atee Its ApplicQ-twian. to Diagnouls and to Treatment of ffewphilict., i)y Fe laara, Ce Ve Hussey,, A. Ja i~~tUcaj, --t ;r~;, 7M=,, per., Vol XM, NO 7, 1955, 633;-&9- MM 5-18 Sci - Ned ql%m 59 StuiLy of Qn-pamles OmUlnUig Va*Uic. Avido In the fAtLto#U fisms of ME Mittes. by R. Rogelq .I. Aaiun# 0. Ro"340 fit &IJ, -if pp. 70=82 pma. swgp Wl =Wt 8) It'r 1.958'r pp M-2wp mm 1-11 SCII - Mlsd m 59 " 9:f16 y (.1 The Influence of Tvin Pregmwy on -7-throblastosis, Hirazfeld,:9. Lille-fty1ovice, S. NOBbor, 4 pp. i FRBWJ, J~er 1e aang (Fftnce) 1948, Vol XIX, Ho 7, pp, 4l7Alq.'-W/- 131A 59-15544 Sel 0--t 59 Vol 2, No 3 1,?Sz~, arvl YeLt"C-L-Ile, .7. T'Otlozx-r. J10 Val XWEII. Fa 0, I~r Bel - Ylall F 0). 60 Tho co"n-affi-tion Dowmen Doge IWA Resp=ae 2-a Vulparlmontal Raa*10shades: Probit of vWtlM by D. J, Mwlss=4 lb 2 pp. lprtm= IpQr, Le "UP Vol =KP NO 91 1958, ]pp SO. - Mod Ila. 4~~eq wmv 60 7 i.tulwinogenot-sis Jji,Akfl Mlee Irradiated (X-Ray) at Birth, by J~ Reverdy, G. Rudali, j. r. Duplan, R. Uitarjet, T~.Pp. FREM-R, peal S80161. "I jD=l NO 91 1-958, pp 796-8A- m 8-9 scl - mea SeP 59 !?S~- 5;e 7/ Homolopum Bme-YArrov Series Gmfts in Mmancted Me*, by D. W. H. Barms, C. I. Ford, J. Ps lamUts 7 ime FIM I par, 8=9.1 Vol =.1 No 7, 1959, PY 762-765- = io-n-6o Sol - IWd Dee 60 15,51 ~'.2 5 Antilcul.ocytic and Antiplatelet lumunization Provoked by Repeated Injection of the Same Blood,, by G. I-Sarcho-1, et al. FRONCH, per, E!n& No 29, 19S8. pp 549-560. IJE-11 N11i 4-5-69 Sci/B&NI Jun 69 583, 117 .'i toru IiX ill'.- Of ClUthilli, CUItULdIlUt0%; Wit'l 1"'Cisork Gas with flat Mr, by N, 51:1,11ASki, I- , ancring av No j pt S gasade Per- sedlar !Iod Va2glutt Foa L_Rapport AlU9U-171005 4~7 rio6i . 10 pp, *XS1 J-2287 10 2204016867 sci-B44,14 Apr U7 Thimt Arkw Bbeeding, bY BrQcq-]ROu*8mu- 10 PP- FAMM.- I*r,, Son . V161 I. 1929's PP 44-50. WM Tt lr.12,,3w goi-B&U mov 69 395sTT3 (SP-1758/gL) Poultica, MLIe and MUsion of the Vdddle-Leml Mtpdtcal. CWvkm In N*Gmm A33C Warfw*j by P&Aov= Jovic, 19 Vy. CFFWrAL USE MT CROATIM, per. s&niu"kLTq&aI*w, so 5, ftpt/oct, 196; ii -hosim. JIM 4r,917 E&Ur - Yugpslavla Mill (Z-F-17-58th-) Position wA role of the lUddXo-Lovel vzd Lover Madiml Cadme In the Proveattre Service Under ocooltlow of Conhmq?orary WWorej, by Aldmmdu PoUt, 9 pp. WICUL UM ONLY CRommo ~rfbapgKj no 5, &vt/oot Im pp 4 5: JM 4727 e Egur - YUgosl&vis Ku (SF-17"Wc) Tminlm$ the ULddle-Z&Yol Wdtwa Cadriss for Pxtendime Aid In MDdwn ABC War,, by Zoran Imaravic.1 10 pp. OMZ= tOt ONLY cRmkmgp pw- A VIL.U, no sept/cut iq6ov IV 58j". JM 4727 gum " vilaoslav" ma 61 J- Little-Damm FAible Wild PlaWa of Yugoslavia, by Patar Idlavanavic, 26 3py. CROATIPIr, perj, SwItetWd Tftzdcwp 51 1960 p pp 469-481. JM 4T39 jux 61 Annual Report of the:)Army Medical Service for 1962. 4 pp. NORIVEGIAN, per, Sanitets Nytt, 1963, pn 323-326. (Call No Not Given, Eng Tr) Army Map Service! Sci May 64 Table of Contents of all articles in Sanitetsnytt Frcm 1955 to and Inclusive of 1563, 9 PP. SWEDISH, per, Sanitetsnytt, No 1., 1964. ACSI 1-4756 ID 22o4017364 W-6'u.r - Sweden Econ Nov 64 -Vie Accomplialments of the Miger Office in the Niga.- DvIta., by Georges SPitzj 5 pp, (ID 1282167) UNCLAWLPIMD MUCHp b1tv 2maA Sausandip ,Zj Us IrrigmtIons du 31gar 0-2, GSUSA G-4568 IIIVA - fteach Colonies IDegmemot - &a 55 CTS 2 -:7.~;7t,:; '1,7,-~ ~.',N!-jAJJNF DES TRAVAUX ~IUR I G. VF 1_1::~ SOURC,;'-1, 11. 1~1 F'.1-, 6_1 JI~Qjp. Ill. ("A J ('!'I ~ - I .., 02-3.17(,~, '1 1.111 Io. :If Inollo. 1S.MillmijILPravila Rak y zi, ri~ f''y W I-i A 1:11 SutmtancL.~ and Soul,~, ~ . t' lonl;!~: j, lkadiadon,;J. Mo..:;~ow, 1960 111911 A tv,,.,zs. ill 171--Akii i~z availahle from M'S $2. Z3 as Oct t-.1,41141). 1 A 'S( 'it I IT( )j~~': I !~-t Ili U I r)' cngi I I-, rim rN LA Fall' i~wojlu, Radioactive 4Ti q *V,nziladon, *Water supplies, -Sewagu-, rill,- -.'~11itilLion, 71'. v. 9, no. 9) (over) I Offi- .1 T-W-1 5-i... Physical and C1ImtIc Doscrip'tVo-n--oT-tw--a-- Sudano by. Georps Spitzp 8 ppp (XD 1282485 IMCLAESVIED immcu)~ bk, Sawanding',-Us Jrri tione du bliger, Paris:, 1949., 0-p-IT-W. Ebg3r L-hr55-15. G-2j, asum o-407 VS/A - rrench Coloutes V. ~,/>, amogmpble - am 55 CTS ANTI TUBER CUL IN' MEASURES AND METHODS INI ALDAIIIIA, BY STAR%-,l LEKA, 5 PP, FRENCH, PKII, LA SA14TE PUBLIQUE, VOL V1, NO PP 53-571 - JPRS 2RI200 Sf' , 1 -6 1 CIL-MED E F4i LC- AI A SOC, OCT S3 344, 4-2 XIGCtrical Appa=tus for IMP-anuring Variable Rydraulic Preasures, by V, P~U,-%owki, 22 pp. SMBO-MCATIM., Per., SnOlAtOnJa (BeogradY, No 2, -1955P pp 3-14. 909999e--' oTs 6o -2:L647 m-460 Sol - pb" / 9 9 , i= 6e ------ 1 r,5 5 Fiug%ilatlon of ')ie 91anknmen sectioy of t,,,e zmn,i~e (FieruL2~!tla -'LamkamenmkoK isaktora D-mavoO . IJro eo~ir.lckl -T~StltuL " -Aroalov Cerni," -,.el.:Mde, Saopstej, a (2 1 :1*,'-4 1. A% nerLo-Crontlart. 1 r:t:.a I. for 196(- , 65!1. , t : pea cr Ip'. Av~.i 1. ot. :-oui - ". ::'S, Wash. . D.C. Originol Article C h,+cked. ir- w IvN siae D!o*m~natioa or the mwticity i uiLm .R(>chj- =d of the DisagSregatod Zome Un Ry4rmtlic P). ",61?3,,* Tum&ls by the Smismic P~cT7--,iUlca Pati,c,d.- by 13. Kli4tmdl-.ic, B. ColAc, 10 pp. Z-11,11120-CROATTIAN, per.. Stippstmaja, I:o 3. 9o&--",;;() m3 6o-2i6"- PL-480 SAOPSTENJA INST. ZA VODOFRIVRIDU .J. CERNI" - quarterly) (Works of the Cerni Im4titute for Development of Water Resource!) Translation begins vith 1962, Vol. 9, No. 22 tag time- 6 Moritha Order trom* National Technical Informtion Service 52S5 Port Royal RDad SpringfIeld, Virginia 22151 1 3.00 single issues 0-4-- OTS 63-U451/1 PL-4so ar 4 5,,0z -1 t;ll -.1 253,250 Tho Hydrology of the Siva and Danube Rivers in the Region of Their Juancdon, by Geza Bata, 14 pp. SERBO-CROATIAN, per, Sappatenja, Vol X, No 26, 1963. OTS 63-11451/1 PL-480 Mikr 6,* 253,24S, Survey of the Methods of Exp(wimental Investigations of Mechanical Characterlsfica of the Rock in Yugoslavia, by Branislav Kujundzic, 22 pp. SERBO-CROATUN, per, Saopstenja, Vol X, No 26, 1963. OTS 63-11451/1 PL-480 13mm Mkr 64 253~248 Dams and Stabilization of the Beograd Lake Level, by Mladen Borelf M Todorovic, A pp. SERBO-CROA~, per, Saoputenja, Vol X, No 26, 1963. OTS 63-11451/1 PL-480 Sava -*m8oAI&& Mar 64 253,255 The Shape and the Hydraulic GDnditions for the Pomation of the Beograd Lake, by Geza. Bata, 10 pp. SMKHO-CROATUN,, per, Saopatenja, Vol X, No 26, 19( 079'63-11451/1 PL-480 Zffbflt~~~ -fwg Max 64 253,254 Stability of River Structures tri the Section of Veliko RAtno Ostrvo After the Closure of the Branch Channel, by Stevan Bruk, 22 pp. SERBO-CROATMN, per, Saopstenja, Vol X, No 26, 1963, OTS 63-11451/1 PL-480 990H - yugmftvia _IUM9 Mar 64 253,2&11 3*" Model of the Belgrade Conflumce, by Waden Boreli, 12 pp. SEREO-CROATLAX. per, Sacq)stenja, Vol X, No 26,1963, OTS 63-11451/1 PL-480 BWJR 4waum" 9f -WROOM Mar 64 253~252 Gackulation of the Regulation Elements of the Branch and the Main Channel of the )Danube. in the Section of Yel Rarno Ostryo, for the Vw,iant With an Active I-P 1L"adpin TInvpIf- Rrwavan Rritrk- IA nn- per, O&OPbL--IljtL, .- --, - - -- OTS 6S-)1451/1 PL-480 ilmx - rwgmNu .."Wo Mar 64 253,2.-,l Hydraulic Analysis and Model Testing of the Sava River at Ada CiganUja, by Stevan Bruk, 18 pp. SERBO-CROATLAN, per, S"istenja, Vol X, N.o26, 1963. OTS 6s-n451/1 PId-480 U"R" *""w" --Cwhog Mar 64 253,257- Underground Waters in Novi Beograd, by hGaden Borell, Milan Vukovic, 12 pp. SHRBO-CROATL4,N, per, Sacipstenja, Vol X, No 26, 196s. OTS 63-11451/1 PL-480 I *~fftm IfflammOVAO. am liar 64 253.2!-6 AnAnalysis of the Forulae Computation of Bed-Load, 9 pp. SgABO-CROATIAN, per, Saopstenja, Vol X, No 27,1963. OTS 63-11451/2 PLr-480 Sci - Phys Ma� 64 253,260 Resistances In Relative Motion Between Phases of a Granular Mediwn, 6 pp. SgRBO-CROAT11AN, per, Saopstenja, Vol X, No 27,1963. OTS 63-11451/2 PL-480 SCL - Phys Max 64 253~259 The Fundamental ems of R. A. Bagnold, by Nikola Petrovic, 6 pp. SURBO-CROAMN, per, Sacpstenja, Vol X, No 27, 1963. OTS *63-11451/2 PL-460 Sci - Phys Mar 64 253,258 Pxoblems of TranWrtation cif Bed-Load, 9 pp. , SERSO-CROATDON, per, Saopstenja, Vol X. No 27. 1963. OTS 63-11451/2 PL-480 RRUR - Yugoslavia Econ Mar 64 253,261 Sao-nsten~a HidrotehniclzzoG Instituta "InC. Jaroslav "'30 -o-n. b I, a 3'ear, rox - app 4 -- JPOTS 62-lQ470 ri-4.13o mar 62 A tr- a Mor-, G'.L- %Z-Ll,a 1 01 WaUr Wj=cc on tho Yugosl.,,7 of Qe Danubeo by D. 16 pp. SMO-CIRMT.Mll: per., Swpa-boas.si - actitu'V* lm voapprivred'a "J=-plar 01 M.V# Vol Igo No 24p 19-62-. M.S 6P.-.L947,CVB PL-480 ,2 Goo& Jan 64 Chtm,-,es in the Regime of Plav of tha Upper Part of thti Ybqorlav Daumbe, by Z. VladinavIjevie, pp. EMM-CMATUH., per,, Sa(Vst~nja lactll-t zq-VodWrivx~adu "JexosLav Crixul". vol ix.-No-- ~k,.--1062-. OW 62-19470/3 PL-hft Jan 64 ,icnl iLnsirri1r; of the. Ircnnatiori of -`~ic- Ri-vur Morph-alog k. Eked at the Cmiluenw. of the eava ami the Damba,, by Stairan Bruk., Maden Borell,, 12 pp. S=Q-=klV.TAV., perj, Sappatenja Institut %a Vodopr-lv---&i --i1-7- -25 0i s 96~ -.9--1962. V on RMI - ft*WAVia 41 0009 jita 64 dizi.-lyclir. of the E'nict.-Ing S-t-7n-1, ot~ tt_- Cm- oimonciy or -the sava and Dambe lelvers, by Btavmn B-zuk, -1.0 ZeL" camo P*--.0 pac ,i-'= Lza liodolyzi-wradu vat=44 "'&miff, Vol Ix., ffo-?5- us PL-48D mulk - Yheralo-aviet 080a -1 -//,?, 6 z/ 7 JIM a jC. 'I) PeT" ra OTS 62-19470/1,, rL-1,33 zurp.---Lavia - !:,~aa:c ~, W. Toch.-nicpC3 Mud by per, za 01 AA~'* jA%J Z." PLjft .ictii 61-, Transactions, by llihola Petrovic. SERBO-Cf.0""LlId, Ier, Saopstenja Institut za Vodoprivredr. "J--rosl--v Cerni", 6 issues a year, ;j--)c) --. .1 - *OTS PL-48o sci Jan 64 SE--T-0-CH0ATD:7, pC-r, Saopstenja InE~titizt na Vodopr-i,%rrecb.,L "Jaroslav' Ccrni", 6 i~-~-suoS lpc,,)g 420 -p . I , Y -1 *oTs 65-50,~'-01. I-rL-),-Bo Sci Oct C-11 Nomographs for Hydraulic Calculation, by Geza Bata, SlavoIjub Jovanovic, 148 pp. SERBO-CROATUN, per, Saopstenju, Vol X, No 28,1963. OTS 63-11451/3 PL-4110 Sci - Phys Max64 250.881 Biosyritbesis of Protein From Petroletur., 2 pp. ITAJ,V01, rpt, Sapere, Apr 1963, 11 217. ACSI 1-21301 ID 2237,287 Sc! - Fuels & Propulsion J U l c"') 3 '6o the 3- . 11 of FF~,ZA:-, 1~c:L,, Sa~-sia, Vol. IC), ~77 cSDO/11C. July 1",),, 60-14291 Levan, Albert. A HEREDUARY ANOMALY OF TIJE PLACENTA 1. Levan, A. IN PErUNIA (Eine ErbLiche Anomalie der 11. Lund U. (Sweden) Samenanlage bd Petunia). 119601 [191p. (10 figs. omit- ted) 6 refs. Order from SLA $1. 60 60-14281 Pariial trans. (if mono. StIrtryck ur Botani'ska Notiser, Lund U.. 1937. DESCRiPrORS: tPlants, *Embryology, Reproductive system, *Genetics, Congenital anomalies. The normal development of the placenta in Petunii qyqqLginiflora is describexi. An anomaly of the pla- centa has been found which produces a vegctative growth and a proliferation of the LnUre placenta. Ibis anomaly shows monohybrid recessive heredity. (Atchor) (Biological Sciences --Botany, Tr, v. 8, no. 7) OR- T ..1 5-ic.. On the Preasnoe of Gyrodactoe-lus in Suadlah Fishes, by Goran Wboberg. MMOMp bkp Bartryck ur MwVtar av Bodra Bzsxft SverliPs Pinks=j. 1956, Vp 3S~,76* Do" of Warlor aml Ift No 432 04d - no 4 jbd &a mw 63 -7 ;7 -:~ -? -73 a~ On4ypn Xot Tm-ch. b. Mmter:~al Ralating to DCCLOUtlon 02" Chinmaym; T*Cbmiquoa Lnd by Georg P. J. Faydt. UMLMSStF3ED ORMkvp bk, faun=&affimse, No 48ioo; Nobel Bfjfto,l A 3o 2. Mar 1957 - Navy Tr 3.63.5/Cal 46 Bel - Imw ,f ~r rob 58 uvit,on. lixtww and i~spiratca~y FLuictim.-s 4tt G3.%,At HiCJMS, by r-, lioWu Giristensoa, 11 pj%e GElUIN., rfvt, Sauerstaffaufhalu:c und liesp iratorisc'fie PRition-an Tn -Crossea I -lohan . 1) -160. I P 88 IM -1-8842 ID 220406S265 sci-chen Jaa &6 294v554 Biological Observations of Bats,o by A, Kolb. PDDIISH., per,, Saugetiorkundliche Mitteilp Vol Ile No 10 1954t pp-1 INSOW.A. HIS U4-8iol July 63 ,0 .2 4 if .2.94 R-5aO-r 14 sept 65 Kindqw in dim oauns By: 11. schov Frcm: Sa=i% Vol 1., 1952 PP 5-7 ( 3 PP) GarmmL - cat for vda: Z-p,e an orlsdm3 copy caly. Saving the Life ct Pilots by Wou of Ejection Sestap by fladealu E. Evrwrds 25 PPs ($aP 1049047). FBM=j, rptp Le Swxwet&W des kvisteurs par Siege- Rjectob2ap i6 pp. --i ',, - ~ - -T I...... ..... -, ~ - q IL-- -, A K ~, , I - , ".,' ATM P-0-9215AU Sol - A*rOPAWrUCS *t-r 'o fa- Var 195T CMAWX Truiitise 01, UIO ReLulatiA.~ spring of (hrmometers mi iatdiess FIU'-IiUi', por, Savants Utruckrzers. Vol 16, jy 129-229, 1865 *XX sci-limgr 1 15 NOV C AppUeation of MSXWUO Molod in WoratiOn of lbs Beavin Vda Folks In Sol**& Ymntala Av4*9 bcr ftay&dL&v VII&O, TMOUTIM pwo lom me a lbukwo4 4n- ZmWA as U I smLADIP -" 29 *v 1"30 -pp--2Nt35- 'iA-dfd- -TMa3?O ad"434A s4 Fob 68 krylicatim of ~agaetia I%ethod Jn i.~xploratlon of Tlwriwn-'Uxwdum Bearing Vsin ttocks in Saleka -,x)untain Area, bV StAidslav Usia. lWU;IAVL%9v per, ;&~ _~~.Aa _za '- Nuklearnu j&EjLi i '~O-kiz Qj,_.2Avoe. za Nuklearne UUvy nep. N. _R_r Nuklearnih i LTxvdh Anexulnih Aclu TC-1371D sci-fi 6(A Jul (x 339.948 Vul,j3Lvj.c Diushan and Zhivkrvic 31ebcd-an Llj'-To-Nc:w 'Elxperiences Ilith Early ",leaning c. 'L Pigo Sl----(VO-CRO--',TIAW, per, Contempora~ ~Griculture (s,avreviena Pcajoprivreda), Vol. VI-I, 2, *PL 48o oTs 61-1121.7/1 Jan 62 Bcroyevic '31,11-rko An i'knulysis of theCrcss cf Tetrap3cid Rye s7,-RVO-CROATL~V, per, Savremen-a Pcljcprivred~~, Vol VII, tic. 2, :9,71~, *PL 48o oTs 61-.1123-1/2 jan 62 Djurlit-ic Yeleil.~.-I and Yovanic Mirkc The Investigation of Corn Borer in W-yvodina-, Ccntenpc)r- ary !tgriculture SMVO-CROATT-,'~,N, per, Savremena Pcljoprivredu, 1.1-1. VII, No. 2, l0f7C: 121 *PL 4SO oT3 61-:i2217/3 Jj-a2uatuion cf Agri culture. SERVO -CRO,YMN, per, Savremena PoIjoprivreda, Vt-l. VII, No. 3, 1059, PP. 187-1016. *PL 48o oTs 61.-1121-, Jan 62 Lad-.151av -and R.--Ilmic %leksandur Progeny Testing (,f Sinmental Bull.~; SM,VC-CRC.,',,Tl,lJl, per, Suvremena-rc',jip!) I~pdri Vol. VII, -KLY Tic) 4) lq-Hi, p-~,,. 29r,-3.iTI -'- -* *PL 4CIO oTs 61-212171/7 Jan 62 Kc;6arv:.,v-fc Veljl:c The Cc,rrelation Between Humus Content and Tctal Nitrogen in Soil, Contemporary ,~Zriculture. SERVO-CROATINI, per, Savremena P03~op.Kivlredaj- Vol. VII: 1959, pp. 3-r1--"-~---75 *PL 48o --CfTS 61-13-219 Jan 62 Vukavile Dushan and Vishnjic Ched-mir Chicken Develo-Ement of New Harapshir Breed ano. Utiliza- tion nl' Feed During Ten ',~Ieekss Pericd b,,,? Futtenllr4'. F.:-r Braillers. per, Contempcrary '.griculture 3avremena R-~IJ,:mrivredla, Vcl. VII, 11,7,, 119"-!, '~c?2-401. *PL ~'Ljo ms 61-1-12a-17/E Jan 62 3aric :~rl--. i~rd 3.,.,.ric mil.-,ye The ImPluence Lf Nitro-C-enizatirn on Tl,-e Gr-vth -,nd I)eve--,:-:p-.ient cf Soyabeans per, Cor-temlic-rary Savreniciva- F.,.,Ijcprivreda, Vc~l. VII, Il~-- 1C, llc~--Cl " - "'T -VPL Itoc. --Ts 61-112].7/9 jan 62 Vul:~.ivic Dus"nan and Vishnjic chedomir Research on the Effect at Startiq3 Weight and Devel.ol,ment, uf New Hampshir Breed, Utilizatiun c;f Feed and Limit Results at Fattening Periods Fcr Boilers. SERVO -CROATLtdi, per, Comtemporary Agriculture Savremena P(.%2jqpriyredaj Vol. VII, Nk~ 10, 191~1), *n 430 0TJ- 631-11237/20 jan 62 P-L;povic YLruslav and Mandic 31cbcdan The Pruduction of Ileterotic Seed~- By Tomatu in Yuguslavia 3ERVC-CROATLUi, per, Contemporarir Agriculture Savremena Elc,14(? e .1 Privr da,', Vol. VI' , 11c. 12, *PL 430 oT,-~ 61-a1217/11 jan 62 t4aric Adam and Kuscvats Zdravko An Investigation of the Causes arid Injuri-ous Effects of Ped Colcur un Maize in Voyv(-dJ.na. SERVO-CROATIAN, per, Contemporary Agriculture Savr~mr,las,, Fy~joprivr da, Vol. VII, N_ 12, 10-',t4 pp "i028-lo4--,'. *PL 48o oT,,:; 61-11217/12 Jan 62 Investigations of the Noxiousness of Virus Diseases on Semi-Sugar Beet and on Turnip, by Veljko Nikolic, Dusan Camprag. SERBO-CROATIAN, per, Savremena Poljoprivreda, No 7-8, 196o, PP 591-6oo. NTIS TT 70-56o64 April 71 The Production Values of the Different Sugar Beet Varieties With Special Reference to Leaf Spot Resistance, by Ivo Matic, Dusan Camprag. SERBO-CROATIAN, per, Savremena, P:)ljoprivreda, No 5, 1962, PP 341-355. NTIS TT 70-56o62 (2671-D) Sq;vmaoton of ftatialm and nwaletwm pm3uuce ftrmx& Mutruoucc., In Idologyk, by Rtdo lay mulmovia.. 6 pp. CwAnal, w ~M-~ Thl XMp No 7 -8, ftlarefto 1"68 PV 532 ~5- =Mr - TWoIAVI& S" - alintim Apr 59 (.2671-D) the ftvblem of U4k~ Md Omtoat of 2b for the FtOf4US4jM%j 8 " - of T"4hM 0 by Xw*o xUrk"le, 4 pp. CWATWj P*r, ft T-2a xmp No -j--av 1954 SbUra&o VP~ ~39- ~io t 612-D Apr fj-1~17,0 ~267) PrIcolples oT tho Limtructlona Ulna 2nd 1.5roora-m -for tba* 13-lugindublum in Tagoalavlap by Hudoliab C,-q&ko,,qc 44 up - CROMSM., V&r,. Savr-Tmem-Skola, Bel~pmdap .1959) vp':L9T-f*3- JPPJ-3055 mar 64D S EZ 13 T (DC-3693). Sabool Reform in Bulgaria, by Dragoslav Veljkov-1c, 7 pp. CROATIAN, per, Savre na Skol~L. Vol XV, No 1, 2, 196o, pp loi -ioG-.- ins 38039 REur - Bulgaria Soc 1176 sep 60 PROBLEIMS I N PRQ40T I NG PROFESS I Ot~!AL At.D HSEARCH INSTITUTIONS IN EDUCATION, BY L,lUBOf,IIR KRNETA, ET AL, 30 PP. CROATIAN., PER, SAVREMENIA SKOLA, NO 3-4, 1962, PP 125-137. jPRRs 16li,:i- .,j EEUR - YUGOSLAVIA soc DEc 62 211-),098 CONTEWORARY TREATMENT OF SOCIALIST PEDAGOGY, BY 141KOLA POTKONJAK, -~O PP. CROATIAN; PER,, P-AYS-EMWA -SKOLAj, NO 3-4, 1962., PP 163-175. JPRS i0i'~,o` EEUR - YUGOSLAVIA SOC DEC 62 21 d, 09) (Numag) (NY-5651/1) Automobile In&wtry wA the Devvlqpmt of Motor Vehlcls Use In 7hgwdavlap by Nlkola Cks, 57 ipp. CWWIANO parp ftmmssd sacbrIMWe 29 Peb 1960s JM 9PS2 Eftr - YaP&bWWJA 24013 cut 6x (NY-565112) The Merdiai* Marl= la the Moftrulzatlm of YUgoolAw Ttumpwt"imo by )dWIO matljas,, 33 pp. Cmvrm.. Wo Synymem4l ~mN p 29 ftb 196D, 1* ?0-77. im 996;2 go= . vus*ai*Aa /;Fz, /.Of ft=