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DocLayosition of Crude Fiber ijm the CaecuL, by P, IIorszczaruk,, POLISH, pors iRoczniki Nauk Robaiczych. Vol LLXX-B-3* 1962, pp 333-M. CRSTI TT 65-SO502 sci-R&H No-v 66 313.734 Water ReMervWrj4 by S. Wlodek. POLESH, pers tm RgMcxnvch. Vol $1, D~~;4,1962. -AX&O"IL-A %Pw-*fflu%~ MTAW C,'~:'.57~~ - 6 Ek-potwd Sd/Uarth sci May 65 "ll 1~ J ~1111..- 1. -11~ I .. 61 11 .- -1 - FOW AMUDMI~, by A, I wii.-- PoLlail I NU& DO Vol 81v ~ I . its isefism PL--M ,K CFS-f - - ( , SEO-Pobw- sevem. liamy 65 by P. Woloy. POEJSN per, RocxnW Nauk RoW Vol 81, No 20 19" Od"9174usaws -X C f- 5 '1,T - (,.S7-- ;~-O S-a3 ES-Poland SCI/Blkm May 65 I Al llljtt~- U ili jt:,V;.:Iu pll~~, :1 -, - I - - -, I - - I In l!'hgwUmg Ponds oqpnimUy FerdUzo% by J1. 1. RybuL Poll U p Rocamm owcxnych. Val 81, No 2. 1 PL-490 X e, F~5 rf - 6 S-- RE-Palsm sd/a~&m May 65 by P. Wolny. POLIMO per, ow Vol 81v 1402 _0 1962. '" w graw -A Itf9ram pAr-M C FS -7-11- - 6 S-- 4-03 EE-Poland- scil am may 65 Fish OffaLs in Pig Fvading Paxt 3. by Czaslaw Lewicki. POLIGIIA per, Roc=iki Nauk Roiniczych Vol 83- B-It 1963s pp 135-143. CFSTI 71' 66-57057 SCI/Agwi Jul 67 331,387 The Typology of Soils of Looess Origin, by A. Musierow-icz, K. Konecka-Betl-ey, 60 pp. POLISH, per, Roczniki Nank Rolniczych, Vol 104, Ser D, 1963, PP 5-64. NTIS TT 70-55041 April 71 Laskowski, Kazimierz. COT,TONLNTS 01' TOBACCO AND TIWIR ABSORP-- '1710N IN -n1E RESPIRATORY SYSTEM OF 'nfE SMOKER- 11902132p. Order from K -li W. W K-li 3759-a Trans. of Roczniki Panstwowego Zakladu IfigienN (Poland) 19,51, v. 2. p. 1:39-160. DE.SCft[19YJRS: **robacco, *Smokes, Cigarettes, *Chemical analysis, Absorption, *Respiratory s 62-17449 1. La~kowski. K. 11. K-11-3-15Q-a 111. Kresge-[Jooker Science Library Associates. DLt Mich. (Biologic al Scivn,:,:-s- -Pathology, TT, v. 9. no. Q) Offt-AT-Awe.1 Zinc anC. iron Content of Jom Drand.; of Polit---a ~aiuiud & the Control of P--oduct-f-on in C,-~nn-MZ and PreservinG Fish, 1-11, lk-'~- J. viier:~cho'zlr'lci. Qt al. POLISE, per, Roemiki Pamtvo-'e~:Q L52,11adu hi-Ion" 1957, Vol VL6'&, --- ~15; 195" -44 X 1 110 4' , P 2' 329 -4 ,)60, Vol *PL-430 3ci StuxUes Qu the State of RutritIm of a Group or Young Noble at One of the Boarding Schools, In Waroavo by A. Szazygi4 IL Pudlik-Pank:L*v:Lcr:,- A. Xenftmmkm-Xix=.. S. XxIozx7j, 18 pp. PMME.. per, Hoomik PZffj, Vol Xp No 5,, 1959, pp 413-421. --- Nm io-W-6o Sci - bled /59 Dee 60 " ~ jr;57 Mroczko-Asid, S. and Zion-ibski, H. CHEMICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL CHANGES IN LARD USED FOR COMMERCIAL DEEP-FAT FRYING OF DOUGILNUrS AND FRITTERS. Fr. L CHEMICAL CHANGES. 1196317P. Order from ATS $11. 50 ATS-19Q71P Trans. of Roczniki Pansrwowejo Zakladu HJgjLqny] (PolandO 1�6Z ~vll, iZ". 2p 6. 175-HIZ ~ DESCRIPrORS: Chemical reactions, Biochemistry, Fats, Kitchen equipment and supplies, Baker-y products. 63-22184 1. Title: Lar,! 1. Nfroczkowski, S. 11. Ziombski, H. Ill. Title: Chemical... IV. ATS-19Q71P V. As'sociated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. J. (FOW, TT, v. 10, no. 10) d Ttek" Serwim Mathads for Detection and Identification of Fz;eudomcnas Archromobacter and Related Uroupr , by If. 1-3urzynska. _q, No 15, 1c,'64, i. ~(-' POLISH, per, Roczn Pan*t Zalcl Ili GB 1-152, 268 sci - Aug 67 '776,756 1-nillisk 'idtle linkn(Aiii, by J. ~,;;arsld T. ,,C-IVAhVSki, ;"JLLsii, Par, j.-.ocnik Folskic Tawarzystwo .ate- Vol XX, 1947 .(lNoi') , pi~ 1-6. _-CL- ~~t GG Probability of Phenomena Which Arise Independently Within a Given Time Period Having Simultaneous Duration, by M,. Oleszkiewicz, 10 pp. POLM, per, Rocznild Polskiego Towarzystwa Mate- maryczanego Seria 1: Prace Matemaryczne, Vol IV, 1960, pp 1-7. 9225311 AEC-SC-T-64-1603 Sci-Madr Dee 64 270,002 (F DD :22202) Part ;EII - Li" of Industrial Enterprises 1?'--cm the Polish Book "IndustVial Yearbook of Poland., " Section X11 - Te)d;i1e Industry., 264 pp. PMMH.. bks ROCZnjk&!gAm!4lU Odrodzonej Polski p 194bp Vol II# Warsaw. CIAM)D/U-703J- Econ Chendstry industry plimate CM 68/)&y 55 (FDD 2',-M5) Part in- List of IndustriaL Meterprisea Frm the Polish Book "Industria Y696rbook of Pinland,, " Section XV - Food IndUstrY, 549 PP - 1101JERV bk# Ror-Epa Pr .. U Oneb reolsh;p Vol Ili N W82SWo 194BO ciA/pm/u-6945 PER,= - PolarA Lqcot, - Chazdatry industrial AU-vts CTS 68AIow 55 (VM, 207"17) InduatrIgil Yemix)ok cf- EWAnd - Chenic&l Industry PUmta,o lb 2050-2BB9o 179 PP- PM31M., IkL-j, Roeznik u (M-odzo=j Po3zk:ig Val xr, 1 Ecom - M=. In& plants f7 MY 54 VvM (FTD 22196 Part III - List of Induntrial Enterprises From Polish Mok "Industrial Yearbook of Poland." Section III - The P(Aish Sugar Industry.. 29 pp. POLISH., bk. Roczaik PrzpmycLu- Odrodzonej Polski va n. w~wsaV,-OMT.- crAj1FDD/u-6758 MW - Poland fton - Chem. iud. plants OTS 63/bec 54 .0.- A (" FDD 22203) Mrt, In - List of IndustrialEnterprises From Polish Book "Industrial Yearbook of Poland." Smation XT11 - The Structurej, Statusp and Oppor- tv=ities for Development of the Limber Industry., 39.1 PP- MUM$ b1t., Roctnik Przemyslu Odrodzonej Polaki Val IIp Whrew, T, ", CIA/FVD/U-6772 Mw - Poland Mcm - Ctwm. ind. plants cTa 63/Dec 54 49 5/0, 1~ro?g (YnD 22200) i,urt in- List of Industrial Entcxpriccr, Fr= PoUsh IWoIc "Induutrial Yearbciok of Poland" Seation X - Paper Indu3try, 3~1 pp. POLISH,, bk$ em Vol 11 R=znik Prmau-0droftonel Polskip jp Waxenw., 1946. CTA/M)/U-6843 Mur - Poland Econ - Obem. ind. plants CTS 64IJau 55 (FDD 2MI Part IU - List of Industrial Enterprises From Polish Book "Industrial Yearbook of'Poland" Section XI - Polygraphic ladvatryj, 75 pp. PCLISHv bkj, Roczulk PrzenWalu Odrodzonej Poleld., Vol 11,, 1farf;81W;'TA$-- CIA/1?M/U-6876 REur - Poland Ecoa - Chem., ind. plants CTS 65Aeb 55 (FDD r'-,P204) Part,ill: - Liot of Imliwtrial Entexprises From Polish Ilook "ladustrial. Yearbook of' Poland" Section UV - Construction and Minexal Building Mater ",x- I ,v 559 pp. PCLISH., bk.. floczn1k PmemUslu Odro~Lzonej Polskis Vol IIr Wari;5wo CIA/FDD/U-688'1 VIVIe 4p(Ol EL'ur - Pola-mj. Econ - Chem. iml. plants CTS 6-i/Fab 55 (F1.111) -2221D.6) Part III - List of Irduntrial, Err~erpriaeB From Foll.Ch Bc~o:lt "Industrial Yearbook of Poland" Section XVX - Hisce'Uaneous Indwitry, 32 pp. POLUOU[j, bkp Roc~ni 1i yalu Oc'L-rodzonej Polaki., Vol 11 Lwantr ca/m/a-6884 Mix - Polmd Econ - Cbem. iud. plants 65/r,,-b 55 (Fim 2-rqo~?.) I~Aiq Statiatioul YearbOOk of POland, 407 Pp. PCLWH.p yrbks oczRA_�j~!Wt,.yqApjjq4q, Vlaraav, 1950, pp XI-MMj, Ow. 92 cL%/r= Tr 627 Egur - PolaM 41 Al 6 4 ff Ikon; POIJ Sao 8004 R-1264 Part IV Agriculture and Forestinr Frem--n~~~ Yew tpqlg~- (Poland). POLLSH, anIU, Rogspik Statystygmy 1956. Vol IVI, 1kra 1956, pp 127-200. If EEur -j Poland Econ Statistical Yearbook of the People,n Republic of Poland, 3.957, 507 PP. UNCIASSTiM POLISH, annual bk, RGcznik -Stmt~i~ty~czpq; 11957j, Warflawi .1-957, us am/bc..86 (D0-1482) Egu.r - Poland EOCUJ SOC Por 58 FdAir zcc;.) Awards of' Folish Vinister of 'I'1--.t-ionaI De-ense to V;embers o-~ j%rmed Forces for Work Conne--+--d !-.'ith Wear.ons, Contemprary Yllitary Lire and Problems of Natioml Defense, FOLIBH, I-k, Rocznik Wojskowo-I-'olityczny 1059, No 1, 1c-'.0, pp 15)-156 *JPIIS '-;'Eur Poland Nil TecInnical 15 14ar ~-,l Komczyntki. Ludwik. MORPHOLOGICAL CHANGES IN THE ORGANS OF MICE UNDER ME INFLUENCE OF TORACCO SmOKE. Feb6l. 82p. Order from K-11 $102.50 K-H 10401-b TYans. adfAkademiahledymns. Roczalki] (Poland) 1958, nuppl. 2. DESCIUPrORS: -1b1mcco, Smok0s, *)~UXI00100. sAnaromy, hilce. Cigarettes. 62-17403 1. Korwzynski. L. 11. K-H-10401-b Ill. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates. Derrolt. Mich. (Biological Sciences- -pamology, 77, V. 8, no. 5) OTS,64-U4O9/3 PL-480 Sci - Biol & Med Sci Jan 65 271$O59 aistodim.1cal changes in the Inrk--r Ear of the GuLnea PiLj: Mie Effect of Cant-bluAn Somdsv by S, lbodynidti. 20 ppl POLISil, perf ibczniki Adadenij. 1-2~z!~aj in," Juliana iiw~wM~-~gow almstaku 140 8, B92, LWfi-23-1643-67 Sci/B&m Fab 6 9 375,515 .L RnrjiiLolo~;ical and Biological Properties of Betula Oyamriensis Bens., Betitla Verrucosa KLU-b., .nnd TLeir Ibrbrid, by M. Bialdbrzeska, 20 pp. POLMS, perj ROCI~~ ~C-~r.Qln i4mee6- Pol z stva Botaniezuego, Vol X,, 1955, -op 165-189. 909.5 OM 60-21381 sci. .- Bica. -7f i~ im, 62 BOAM ELM DWIC&tccs Of Vlaw of Ycung Plnmp by StaTdfa= IftymmuAd, Wleslw Szcvmtln~j, 23 rp. pmm,v pwo --ROCI=ik Polsk!i~ep !T!!P Vbl Xp 29550 on 6DmW ftl viol 1" 6e Symptoms Of iteganeration In Beeduings of the Scote Pine (Pima Silvestris L.), by S. SzymanaU, 5 -vP. POUER, per., x1l., 1957, pp palskies"') MS 60-21394 PLAW SC4 - Bica I-S-5, PYJ- ZU1 a Wyazynsim, Italina. CARCINC)GElac SUWrANCES IN TME POLLUrED ATMOMIERE. 11962]16p. Order from K-H $20-00 K-11 112-79b Trans. of [Pansnv~~y.ZQUIHWIKIM- . Roczakil (Poiamo iq61u'.'V.-- i i. no. 6 [P. 041 -Owj. DESCRII'TORS: Octuicer. Particles, *Atmospheric pollution. 62-17675 1. Wyazynska. H. n - K- H- I 1279b M. Kresge-ilooker SCICMC Library Associates. Detroit, hUch. (Biological SkIences-ToxicOlOgY. TT- v. 9. no. 10) d TKk*~M Serttrz Genesis and Evolution of Mineral I&ick Soils in Drained- Areas, by Stanislaw Rzasa, 72 pp. POLISH, per, Roczniki W Rolniczej w yzozej Szki~4 Poznaniu., Vol 1U, 1963, pp 151-224. NTIS TT 70-55o43 June 71 Cb the Scbool OYOW in the CIMp by M. mockma,, 6 pp. CZMO VW# Rodim a GkOUS V03L VMj No 9j, 2 MW 1%2S p 4-- .. im 116oft xwk - ova .2, /Z " soc Oct 62 Atontic Weapone and Antiatomic Defeasep by G. Xea-skeklmyov- DULAARM,, perp Z& Hodinata,, Scifiag No 5j, 1955v p 5- CTA/M)iSum 633 Our - Bulgaria -1,/ Unitary- C4 t~p P.00*to, The SOVILirt motarcoutsoln"i Rodmtr 3 1?P- M* 3b 1, 190j, V 9- MAARUN, Pr, ra PAGUO"I w", ;W=36 at 7f, 140"d am 59 New Sport Weapons, 12 pp. BUD'!ARIA-q J, 1 1958 , per., Za Rodinata No 2 , p 20. ACSI, H-1977 EEur - Rulgaria Nov 58 Tha Hatiamal Eliahver Plab smd tbs Hwteg Of AcceEES tc Q& rUtWe CapItal of tba. Rvpul~31c,, by Carlas Place do 8ej llww Soureas of Ande for MDtor IMIgmayoi, b7 Dultre Sarboma lAite, 26 pp. - PWfUDUWB,, pgri, B06"Jap ft2j:j, Jan 1958, 1T.201 es-29. - - ACSIg WIMr - ftatuva -Ile Feb, 59 Th.z~ NO 223, Stap I.C4 T 2"2. ACSI 11-63[7 ID 21)rJ206 "4, Portugal Eccn A,Iff 60 ft. The Ilatiwal Road acd H-ALvLva:j .-,I,ni; 1) Tlh~, Prriica,ty fligir-ay Ifet of the ffortlzaut, 27 PP~ MCIASSI- 1;p Acsi ii-64ig ID 2146536 WE - 'l-lartuaml Econ jui 6o Paving Work, on the Belo Horizorite-Bra, Oiliu- HiFhliu-~, -,s F;7o&russing at the Rate of Cmc-Hajj~ Dny) by Dultro Barborvn Leitc, 15 !)F,. UNCLA.S.SIFITO PCU,'I'WM-9E per,_aQdgvia,_No 2--;D, Apr 1959) TIA NO (r;)q24r PP 17-21. ACSI H-6417 ID 2149M6 WE Portugal Econ Sci - Encr c,ct 6o The Presca-vation of Cassidinecs Colcoptera., by J. F Mmaj 2 pp. r>P"ISRO per, Rodriguesia, 7-:.l V1, No 15, PP 83~ 85m it= 1942. BIA 3351 Sal - Cbem Aug 513 9 -4 /x 3 F, e1 F14udble Disk Store for TV X-mkv Diagnostics, by Ottfried Sebutt. MM., pers efi-en.-Matter, Vol .16, no 3, 196% PP 65-72. Dept of navy API/JHU T-23DB 801-1hac out 69 393,329 F=Uwa of the Navimiar Boas or Conomit&I M2UOwmttmj by W. BexWerbon. uxaLASSIrXW MMANJ. p"I Bmtdm P=zLxp via Tus 1935~- vp 544-5h& - Nm7 2USfUM 539 84 o me"Guo JAU 61 The Bipuetite 4avicnilLik Boneo by K. I&np. Lqp=WnrM OMD"j- Wo FOmt4M t4";U~,r VckL Up 1939j, py 566- 567. ftvY VMBAVM 529 Sol - N"194M Jan 61 -"5c--e J- L^~LaiZa~:d oZ :-113 ;aid -to cL;~z ic.;L C"=.,-tcrlmtic 1=~aCimnca of and itz Co"eqL~am,cLz for tba Manufaeburer and M,4r of We-sur- Lng Ustrumersts, by A. K, 7 pps Ubalassifieds Icl (URNitlij, per, Rob& Scbmrz, No 9. Nov 57,. pp 78-79. ale F-26-.9446/v Nov 58 ~76,, to 1,) mc 'LlItIl. Sidleband-Aelaptor b-Y TI. I;ualuH) Thlo'laila SOL vov rotari- by 16 Sclijarz, lio 9~. 110Y. 57, Sai - Elaotronice Nov 58 Fej2.z Type Freqwncy amd Time Hater of HUh Accuracy., by X. Klowe, 21 ppy UncUwaiftDdy GL?j4W,, per, Rohde Ochwarzj, 110 9, Nov 57, pp 100- 3.04. ATIC Sol - x3natronida mov 58 761, P7 r4ov;~!10"w'-writo %n. the Field of Antemia Cf:n-- liu-I'mAou (Vari; 1),, by R. GveiS, 63 PP, 'Jac llficd, amUt-l-M, ;;er, pn%~Ae -2-,-,'~ Ilav Is About Oevaral Mw Measuring Davicea., 23 py. 41 m.A,&fh*!.f led, GBM%N,l per, Rohde Schwarz, go 9,, it 57,, pp 22h-129. A=C F-W- 9446/V (lei .- Electronics Nov 58 9chrars, r-0 -9, NOV. 57, M9. Sol Electrorales Nov 58 171, Tranuutittlus Aerial Installation for the Short Wave P-%W) by R. Gric:V.29 pp. GUMN., rer, HOMO mnd SaMmm Mitteilunges., No 1, 195e. pp SOL.A. Tr 873/1956 Sf, 1~1 14Z4~ E. 9,~w 7-/z %S- Trammaittinas Receiving and Dire-otion-finding Antmmas for Air Trarfla Control in the PanVe rrm loo me to 156 at and 235 mc! to 4(0 =.s by R. amif and F4 R. Diberp 43 pp.. QMWMp pors Robde u Selma=-Mtt,, Do 7,, 1955s pp 441"56. MA 57-2514 Sat Aug 58 to 9, 7 ; 7 Measured Curves of the Reflcction Coaficient for CaVeneated Diacontinuitics in Coaxial Lines and Dctv=iwt:Loo of Oytlmum Dimensions, bV A. Kraus. GER)".. per, Rohde u Scbw j"j;44Uj 1956.. pp 1-le. TIL T. 4804 Sci - phrics Aug 57 Application of the Surfcce-Wmq-- Line, by R. Greif. GEMUT, per, Rohde tLnd Schwen, I'Litteilungeii, No 8, 1S'56, p7pl~U--58 PMG/ENG Sci - Jul 67 334,:LbO A I,IA'1*1~TIAI--CIIARA%--IT.Itt~l*tCS ru*,7r AS,1:1,1.[.Y FOR I)t--TLR%' 'INUNG THL ELECYjt(J,1,jAG.NEIIC lk'A- TERV,I_ CON-qroo~rs oi, SOLID AND I.IQUID Nl~_DIA i,,r j:W31~1UL.NCIE S BLTV ELN 30 AND 7MJO '111C .1kNO TEMPER"TURE'S 31-MI-LLN -b(P AND +2400C IMessplatz zur lk-stimmungdor I: leltromagauti scion Stoffilom;tant,!n Fuster und FlUsslg,~r Medien oct Fretju~u:en 'wiscb2n 30 und 7tM M1117 und Temivra- Aug59(211p. Lire'21 Or&r from W or rl-1% tni$2.70. jM4.80 61-[S?212 "ic,prfia from Erglish J. d flobdc und S- is availa:Ae fr"n I-C or SLA miS3.,W, , M-11). 80 as !~Cj.-*I'-253. 23 May 59. 70;1. A TcA ass-mbly it; J_-!xriN_,d %%luch cuu~im~ ofa deuctor ,or (h-- d--!;ireJ freqtt-_-i~cy r a-i,l of c,~zxi-il cmtairv~rs rimkirw jvsnfide uwaz;i-rc- I on _01j", x-ld 111juid 1witerial Nj~cjmclls at rct-!n r, m- 1-1', Y. S, no. 10) (aver) 61-19212 1. M~a_qtircm_mt 2. J. 1. Fichacker. R. C/ 6 L~ TT-64-22065 Kraus, A. CURVES OF MEASURED DATA FOR THE REFLEC-- 1. Kraus, A. TION COEFFICIENT OF COMMNSATED INHOMO- H. ATS-48R7SG GENEITERS IN COLAXIAL LM4ES AND 71M III. AmsocistedTochnical OFnmuM DESIGN OffrAINED ON THE BASIS OF Services. Inc.. THESE DATA. rApr 641 llp East Orange. N. order from ATS $12. 50 ATS-48R75G Trans. of Robde & Schwarz tt (wen C,ermany) . 0 . 24. p. 396-390. (physics--Wave Propagatica, TT, v. 12. no. 1) Offl- f T-h.k.1 9-1- Sci - Engr Sep 64 267,022 Datc;;,zinatioa of tho T.,roat A~~jcLiics!; of APIpc ivelds U-idor '-*,tatic Lcau"iag, by L. Gut. 1;cr, l~olam-liolirleitmi~,,straiist7ort Vol 2, I)LIC 1963, FV 311-3159 Jul 6,5 2-04,641 Tobt: ljfi~- of Imitrided Tube Nlo 31 226 for the 20 icTji Hispano Suiza 820 Autoiaatic Cannai, Teclulique by Berghws/Rheinmtall, by An-ge -Spangenberg, Wandsaka, 9 pp. (A.M116"I', rpt, liolirlebansdawr eines nadi BeUhaus/ Ricimstall IMERME-en-Mires Ur, 31-06 fur M 25 ~; JiN 05: 14 Mc M 1, 1-11. iusl 1:=4.B ID 220406676S sci-.,-Vm Da c 65 293s407 The Functon of Nucleic Acids in the Differentiation of 3eoplastic Processeaj by Ya., G. Frempreis,, 150 p. FMM3M6 mono.. Rol Nukleja2MM Kislot v DifferentsIr- Sci-y" j~m 66 3o4.,143 Ifn B-9350-D 15 Apr 66 mactra niedaki-wistocs hemlityczna z nietypowa zirma aGlutynacja By: Leon Cholewa, et &I From: Rol TYa Lek 19:107-109, 1-c)(4 2 pp) Polish - est for wds: Pleswe truislate and typt according to InstructionG g..ttrkc!.,Iud - Role or PeadQlaum Hamurewnts St for thc VstxOlJ.ab=mt of the World Gravimtric Nat ork, FRENCH, rpt, Le Pole de-a Mmuzes Pendnaalm; Vncc KI'MWAssemut du Reaew Gremimtrique Mondiall, Parls.. 1953, pp 339-367- ACIC 8ci - G*opbym rob Q -art "G" - )?ole of Basic Renearch in 316wly of r Avim-tion Co?~bnstivn Cho-mbenip by Cll:rude ~,2 n,;~, p=mphlet, Role des Regbarchms Foudamentalen dans L"Studo des Foyere D. Avlatlott preprlut oZ pupf,-.- lon and Prop4l- to be mad at the Third C siou PEawl MUagulum,, Peaermo,, Slicily, Mar117-21, 2-958j. 27 py A= F TS 95621V Sci - Aero r/ Fab 59, ~ /0 ~ 4-11 Martint, Z. , lanrci a, B. . and Drozo, M. 1*11F %%'Cjkj~ (T ~-P~L\G CUL-1lVAlf'RS OF ~L(Wi~S 1. Va':im. go na Stokach) Ir. b% 11. (Praca KuhyNxatDI'a Sprezynoueg L. Strasshu.-ger. 106 " !I,, 1P. I rut. PL'-- I Ill. V. Orde r from C rs $(,)- s, 6 1 - t i `,71 I'L - ; 0 A a (b I - i 1 2 \auonal Sci---nve I raus. ol L~~o (Poland) 1959, v. Q, no. 2 5. tion. ~~a~,hinglon, P. C. P. 127- 1 14. [)L~SCRIPTOIILS: "Agricultural machinery, Operation. *SLIIIS, F,~rrain, "E.rosion. Inhibitiun. On the vast, ol providej by studies on the work oI the -::ulzj~atof slopes the following conclumont~ ii.av be Ja%n: (1) Tho angle of throw increases on compa:! i,~Ullh; ('-') !Wun,.i-trip I~assage of the cultivator along the contour line results in larger &Ywnward displacement ot soil particles, m placeti where the firit passage had ticen eitectt-J Jown the slope; (3) The firot passage along the contour line b: i,igi, ak"ut larger ditplacement of FAmI Cd YCOMV.4 se-, (Agriculture, '1*1*, %. 11), no. 1) (over: Va, :111i, Z., aml Palia ra. B. 1 H - "k GI K ( 11' 1 1A r, WV, S C." I: t'. aii; om I Va' I ;;'I, -. a ~,,tci.u) ir. i.~ L. '.~trasshurge:. IQo i I I 'L-4'40 kgr. III C! - 4 t Ordc-. C-S $0.50 61- il I V Nationai z I cm, i ngi on, rans. L~L)!nict~toL.(Poland) 19610, v. 10. 110. DE~CRWTOKS: "Agricidiural machinery, 1F.Veration, lerrain, *Lrosion, Inhibition. I iavr(m op,!rab~xn on a slope along the contour finc in Iii-licIC4 .;~nj'Llvcniont approximately tO.5cm Jo%n Oie,lope. Average, t4,ward and davnward displa,:e- nients along ui,~ largest slope gradient are 12. S cm and 34. 9 Zri. respectively. The work harrow at an anglu Ot 4 io to zrie contotir line produces upward ani Comriward displacements c4 ?. 5 cn. and 75. 1 cm respectively. An anti-erosive effect of cultivati(m may be attained if the (Agriculture. TT. v. 10, no. 1) love 0 Duke C1 ymbWal sm- Develomient of ~iycorhiza Formed by Pinus Silvestris i Boletus Luteus in Arable Soils, by Tadeus Dominik, 17 pp. POLISH, per, Roln Prace S2czecinskie Towarz Nauk Ilydz Nauk Przy:rodniczo, Vol 1, No 1, 1959, *OTS 65-50332 SFCSI Sci Apr 65 na "Dvart" of the Ymto--Y.* T%% Sw CILUSUG licas sed Cb3.tvlu9 Mat St tht Turda ClwlldGal wawkss by ta. Nuvowt 3 PP- (401 2800 TMOO 00 Mhw). UWLM]7 MUMMIN, pars, "I XTIO No 163500 4 0--t zz8j, v go Mwr w Rumania M*QQ 7 7, 01 Doe 56 SETEE (NY -35~ 13) Oltenita Shipyard, by EliBabeta Petreanu, 2 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Rominia Libera, Vol "MI, No I-b75, Bucharest, 24 Oct 1959, P 1. JPRS 2836 EEur - Rumania Econ Jun 60 (NY-6430) SPEECHES G I VEN AT RL44AN I AN GFAND NAT I ONAL ASSDiBLY SESSION ON AGRICULTURA., 85 PP. RUMANIAN, PERI,ROMINIA LIBEwt, 30 APR, P 3; SCINTEIA, 30 OR, -PP2-5,1--~IAY 1962. JPRS 13c'04 EEUR RUMANIA ECON m4 62 P P 0 E L PA - ~ S 0 IF ETFICIMICY lh TECXHNICAL :-Y ,(D:U.':,! -~,ADLILET, 5 PP. "O,"11INIA LIDERA, NO AINKJ'~;L 2. j PIRS 21~12 SC OCT~ IS'~ J J.) a Health Serviess in Angola b The Mission RoVital at Vionga. c Efteation In Angola d The hwAncial ftulKtion Board e PapeClation of Nortbwn Angola f SocIal-Achievement in Angola 11puUmazo pers, $WMAo Pblo Ultr-wmarp No 29 Doe 1963. 0 fid t) DIA IN 8n-70 Feb 71 Problmur, eirid -Frogress of 'Irm-Olotion Pralmation ccording ta tha :TI" Danaity W-uthcA.t by kelix Waclw"ems., A I Wol-,~,r,mziG fteltubart, 19 -pp. Phatoon-BlattQrs -%:'al Y-IZ, K-~ 41 1959, pp ....... 17 oal - pbws CL-t 59 TUCAL LOAD AS A MEAWAL FOR DANGEROUS !N X-RAY DIAGNOSTIC. 119bl) 6p. Or,lcr *rixn St-6, $1. 10 61-1800 Tr4zis. & J' Zoratca flUcter (Wesc Germany) 194 v. 13, ['31~,1CRIL'TORS: *X-rays, 'Radkauun t(Atrance, Dut- agc6 Vkagnosts. 'tbcraly. 61-181570 1. Frik. W. Sel-Alces--linllobiology. 71'. V. 6, no. 1") Examination of the Linuence of Spjec: contrast on Mean Film Density; Problems MIsing in Cormecdon with the Use of nutonatic E-Vomwe Timers, by L. Vjidanm=4 M. Wember, et &I. GEIMAN, p", jWqMen-Blatter, No 4, Vol XV, 1962, pp 97-107. Nadmal Bureau of Sandards Sci - Phys Apr 6$ 278,278 Roentgen Image Intensift cation wid Image Trans- mission in Medicine, by R. Janker. 7 pp. GE16AN, per, Rontgen Blatter, Vol 16, No 10, 1963 pp 305-314. ATS-18R75G Sci/B&M Jun 67 327,7S9 TT-64-22U71 Sebober. H. and Munbmr. H. POSSIMUMS AND Luk4rrATIONS OF COLOR 1. Schober, H RADIOGRAnff. [Apt 641 7p n. Munker, H. Or4ar ft'*m ATS $8. 25 ATS- 19R750 111. ATS-t9R75G IV - Associated Technics I Trans. of 81j#jtqr1 (Went Germay) 1963. v. 16 M Services. loc.. l- DO. 10, P. 3 Eant Orange. N. 0"1.. .1 T-ft~k.l S.-I... (Materials-Pbutagraphle, TT, v. 12, no. 1)