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Enw.rmtic oxIdation of lyso", by the poly- pbenolmrldase dibydramypbon0l SlyStMo bY K4vet's 10 pp. MUM, w..Riv Ut slaroUnMi Ital,, 26, p 185-1W, 1951. m 58-427 Scl Auff. 59 915~ 3;~a On tbo Antlgudc Structute or the MEW Patlwgmic Trepomma PILMdnn., by L. Dmrdnn=4, 29 pp. ITALM& mo Mums V, MM Tr No 12-16 gal - Im"alm Ave 9 "A. Fob IM CW/dex w Period of Appewm=o of Antiliidd$ Group Airbi- traponwaI2 and Mm7ob:Llisiz* Aratibodiou in Rabbitr, imm--utca vtith 2MROMM Pal I jA=j w L. Dardaum' 18 pp. rfALLO.. per# tict:ltuto 0 122!2 aen 81!52~~C, NW/IbO 195~1 PP,41474~- x 3e)e KIR 10-22 Mbdialm NOV 56 CTS Umbl"Justlon Tnt in Amebtaxle, by L, vaamtimo ITAT". 3prv My Ut ~Iggqftr Ital Vol 31,, V4 4,0 WAP PP 340-317- HMW NU 9-7-67 fti-aw Ocit 67 343PO25 (~,taAotomstrle Researches on the Pivto:Lln iAmPcmnt of Mx*d CeUx. VI. The ihclmr Ckwltm-lt, of Rlztone and of lboaWribonjeloic Mid Jj-4 the CelU of J4pphatic leakosis, 1:01- Sergio Parigini, ot sa. ITAMMy par# Fdv IstocbLin 3s 93-1046 19570 I)flpt 10-ve Hm 8-7-63 sci-Mol & l4ed Get 63 M*63? On v. Rev Pletator of the M Byetam: tZe G. -kutigem,, by G. Rilm, R. do Bleal, 7 PP. 3MAIZM, per, Blvista W " I Msg&jLtuto Sit=- Terovica ItaUvino., Vol XXXI M) 3.- 1959P a 04-M HM Tr 9-30-60 93cd .- 3bd ftr 60 13.", 3 -~/ e ..0 The flemam4utination Reaction Jn thi R-u ixmic, Virmses, by L. EUMM Dardanoni, 5 pp. ITTALIHAt P!!r, Rivista let Sicmter Iteli=o, Vol M=,, No 2j,' 1960,, pp 3W- 2F.- UM 2-i9-62 /19/, X1,5- -/- Scl - Med Apr 62 T-303-1 "33()-D 7 D" 65 Lmmalt4"Mkdoft 48 Wdmll r2ammorl is GCOW" a al awrfto In fevocWto am&. VW"= 3ri 0006".0 wt OL ftmi ftvlfta dDoUftlo Slazwk Iftl. 380.)t IN-M9p 1063 23 PP) It"Sm - eat fcw Ufts 3rollw cows Doa~kt =W be mt. -1 .Y'uophtyLomoLrlc on '61w Fmtolr- U Okwpmunit or llaood Col.L~. Ilo ';-i.~clmr lovels a Elistonio ProtA):In and WA in Fat 4imohocytos and lAver CA)Ils. brj SaMlo Auligial, 0t al.* IULTAIII, per, Pdv latochim 2s 449-4&9 1956. topt I&Wp 14M ,-*,c ~ A,-,ftol & llbd aot 65 288,638 mmhological ezA Histochemdeal frotes on the Develftmmrt of the Luxi= Dant.&Msp by R. Bacclani, F. Je=oxma.. 42 pp. rbzjms porp R4vlau-zffkpwmn WOM e F*tvl*96P Vol IV., so 6.. 1958, Pp 369-400. N33 12- 9-60 Sol - IM 13 Y,, &/ z y Feb 61 TolOmique aad in its Hisitocliewical Aj)~:i li cations,, by R, IhDssJLO at al, Ili UAN. per ldvista di. Istodiindca Nojmale a ll.;tloloaca I 034, Pp 0-131, VO,L 10, No 1/1 i4lH-12-1-64 SCIM41i Sal) 65 28a,754 ConsidCrILtiOD on the Problem o~! the Callbrctlon of X-Ray Inrtzrumante, by G. Moravia. 1TALIAN., per, Rivists Italians, Vol IX., No 1, 1957 T31 Tr 4827 Sci - Pbplics HAr 58 -7 COW310m'rationr cm the Problein o.r thr! Ccklibration o' X -"AB,-Y Instruments, by 0. Maravia. IMIM, per, Rivista, Italiana, Vol Ix, No 3, 1957. %~~ TIL Tr 4828 Sci - Physics YA1. 58 Gonsdotropia Therapy in FWpqpbyso--Ovsrian Genital Dyu- function. Cllrdcal 23Werience vith Humm Anterior Pitaitw7-Liks Gomdotropin., by L.. Glanmroll,, 10 pp. ITALIAN,p pwa. RivisU Italskis di g1mcologla.# Vol MWI 1952 t pp n&u& . . I.I.~--"-,-,----...-.,.-.~--~--~~-.,.,-- Mm Tr 4-% Sol - mea WY 58 604 it 'j/.23 -1 2zcMjj t2:;-~ Of Ehmno, by P-raaciizi., ED pp. Vbl lp Ilo lll/i2i~ p 75 MA Tr 2m Sci - weelm YOV 57 Selective Power of x2 in testkng Functional- Type Hypothesis,, by Odoardo Cm:coni, ITAUM,, per, Rivista Italian& di Economi Demografia 0 9tatistics, Vol M, 1392, !.!L PP 179-191* Dept of Havy 5368/APL,/JHU T-1998 Sci - Math Jun 67 327,011 Sacco. Tommaw6 MINT IIq HISIX)HY AND IN THERAPEEMCS OffMOLOGY, MUSES AND aRl-nCMO. [19621 Onfer h=1 K-H $36.25 K-11 1089D 11 Tran~ of RwiRm1.bw!--1 AALY-AP-mmi. qgpomj IVW S '5; P. 203-2D9]. DEU)CPJ3nrORS: VIOnts 030tany), History, 7b-". 62-17611 1. Title: Mint 1. Sacco T. 11. K-H- 10880 b M. Kresge-Hooker Science LAbrary Associates. Detroit. h"cIL (Biological Sclencen-Pharmscology. IT. v. 10, no. 8) d Irdwita zerwkn Investigations on &sential Oils for Therapy and Disinfection., by Do Ca=iti. ITALIM., per3 IRLyista Italialia Essenze-Profumi Plonte Officinali, M-li Vegetale, Saponi, Vca. 6" 1964, pp 123-128. NTC 71-i4569-4)6o Feb 72 Wdern Practices in Dermopediatric Vygiemp by G. Prosperpio. ITALIM.. bk., RiViSts, Italia= Essenze., Profume Piante Orfleinall, 0111 VegetaLl SaVK=i. Yp 514-521. Elei-BW( june 66 tion r Welded st4m)mm Re-ric tj,onz W the ProbLem by I-br, Aaqc))-c,:cj Giorgio Rmppini, BDruardluo 1VILIkZ, por, rilyls" Itallana Milli., Ouldstura Vol XXV j 110 3, 74A --Say ~ IIL~F,., - pr 97 TEiwl~i 3 Wavy Tr 1647/.'Buabips 637 Scl. -- NuVr ,:r~? ~~ Wnr 58 62-20193 Morelle. ~-,m-tvlnrlc. CON"FRIBMION '11) 'ntl--' YIUDY CF OXYGEN 1. Niorelle. J.-NL (UTTMG. [190:11 (66~). 21 refs. C~rdcx frum SLA %.60 02-20193 Trans. of R Mista] Ital[in.)a deMj Sakiatura (ttaly) 1935. v. Tj~ tit Re-vile d(! la Somium-LastlJdachrift (Belgiuni) 1054 [V. 10] vo. 2). *Chcygen, OCLattns,, torches, 7lieury, f-)xId-irion. SmA. 'l, letral likaes, Experimental data. 77, v. 10. rKx 1) 0115" of Tochmind lla~. Gemeral Recommendations for Oxygen Cutting of Kild and Low Alloy Steels. IT'ALTAM, per, Rivista Ital SaIdatura, Vol XI, Mar/Apr 1959. -- ---- 11 .1 - International Im-t of ii.ro per BISI Li6t No 91; Supplement II A-Dr 61 Corrosion Proof Plating of Qtrbon Steels by Electro-Deposition in Inert Gas Mig Process, by L. Cosimi. ITALLW, per, Rivista Itallana della Saldatura, Vol )aV, No 3/4, 1962, pp 70-73. BIS13612 Sal - Engr May 64 258,925 _T71 -- 7 ;4,141o-ii L, Cursore, lJors, PAVI Itall, 'Sollatar.2, VnI Itis. 33:~A 4149 411".1taly !%cljl~Ail illy CIS ;as-Cromato-rafia QuajititatLva a Flusso Proorannato Degli Acidi Grassi del JiLirro. Nota 11, by Sergio Valussi, Cofleri Gioconda. ITALINN, per, La Rivista ItiLliaiia della Sostanze Grasse, N"o 12, 1962, pp 617-619. *Fislicrics Res Bd of Canada, Ottawa Sci Slut, 64 ArLV. Bio Lab R-4343-D 24 Aug 64 If.-y-drocarbons Contained in the Unsaponifivble Fraction of Some Vegetable Oils, by D.P. Capella, et al, La - Revists. Italiana Delle Sostanze Grasse, 11o 11., 19~3) Ita-lian - est. for. wds: ,,ii.crobiological De-radstion of De- terkrents, by V. Treccani. TALIAN, per, Rivistp, Ualians. delle SontanzV,_g_Zs,sse, Vol 41, i~,61,4' n 511-514. NTTC 72-11043-111K 72 *Iny 63-16965 FIM=dmL slcrool. GDKIVM AND PARADM4TAL ELWukMS IN FLIX)-. iorentird. S. RaM SWF~CM. VU. [Le CeAgWW e 1e P-Mdeccz:U)_ pade rxd Soggerd Flwrotkl~ Apr 63. Op. (re- Ordcr ftom SLA f 1. W 63-16965 Tn". ct R di &Dm In-"- 1947. v. 2, ro. 9, p. 773-780. DF-sC7jpM&S: OCArovids, Discasm. Muth. Opkwkkw. *reeth, T-icity, EdalM. Omolog" scumcco-Todcol(w. Tr. T- 9) Olke d Tacb" am, 63-16966 Vionmam, Sersw CLDOCAL ASPEM OF PLMOROSts IN SLMJECTs 1. Florentini. S. MORN IN A MNEKMW ZONE AND WHO HAD bWRATMD THERX AND IN SLMJECTS BORN IN AN ZNDEbW ZONE AND WHO HAD NOT UVED THERE COKMUCUSLY, VM JApr 631 1171p. 7 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 63-16966 Tram. of.glylats Dtallana di ftmatologla. 1947. v. 2. am IL. p. 9.22-9'3'.9".,-, DESCRUTORSt *Fluorldem. *Teeth. *Glagivids. Den- tal carles. Abecurldou (Physiology), *Aging (Physlol- OVA c"kirication. Om the buft of dam reporce4 the author believes thatI it is the ;mriod c( developummt mel wtkk in =to 8"Nitive tD ft actim o( flwride so thl't It Is ponsible tascaw. comes. even macroseopici (11hohos" Scimms- -Toxicoksy. Tr. v. 10. no. 9) Wks of Tft-lb" Senim (ovew) A New Apparatus for the Orthopedic Treatment of ft=iUary Fra~~, by R. De Martini, L. Ruffo, 10 pp. Iq==.j P&r'P RIVISta 1wiang di Stomtologiap vai. xn, 1961,,-Pp im-ne. Rn! 3-9R-62 (LOOSU) Sol - )bd / q.F" --rql jun 62 waforcitco On tile .1"iJillicaticel 0-47 Steel, by S, Atzeni, ivuhi, per, lavista Italsider, D- 64, (6), 31. i~ISI 434W scj/144.14 Sep 6S 289,290 Sadirmntati on Rate ir. Ralaria, by L. Paternl, 11" rrAUAN, per. Riv. Malario, Vol M, 110,28, :),.) 690-71~-.. SLA 57-1508 Sci-4v,adicine Mar 58 41 '0 -~477 Dit=, a Few Irtmaticile fbr Civil Application 16 pp. MLUIp, per Lpt& d R JIhI#*qIO9jAA Vol XWj No 3.-3: 19-56 9-?3../ CIA 401?982 Ina to Damp 170 iii, Dept of SUte U1 . Cbadstrys ImeatioMe,, phosphoric ester JvA 57 CM tat.; CIWL Lx,;mIsion L,I" . ,ILS Lcaotiurp 14 11,00 Fiji", OFFICIIJ, U'j" k~htuf I,fju.IjW, por, luvist" i larittiams, ,k) 12, 1964, Ip MR. LILI, 601UU041-(jS U, fy ~ PIA Jill 64 2GS,S%,- Now Ship Construction Techniques, by Gino Galuppint, 6 I&JAN. per, Rivista WI A=ft%a, No 2,1964, End to WSNA, &-m-e-,-rta-ly. Navy 5850013764 (DIA) Scl - Engr M/M WJRur - Gf; EC*n Jal 64 259,486 'Ibfn NUVSl SIMMUOQ 10 &jUtb=K AsLaa by U. Uftliall 6 pp. FOR OFFICILAL USE ONLY ITAUAN per, Ravi= M& No 12, IWA, Do O-WO No, ik 6mom/65 FE Mil mar 63 276.&U Plastic Coated "!etal Shects - Part la, by U. Donoffi* ITALAAS, liar, Rivista di Neccailica, Voc. 1964, pp 9-12. B161 5017 6CL-14ato2~ials Oct 66 310.487 4--Cfects of Nypoxia cn Cie Spead w7 t1ac ilulso-'a'ave in Muscular-Type Arteries, by A. Alella. ITALIN4, per, Idv .'bd Mron-sut, Vol XIII, 1950,, pp 432-U=. W6A 'IT F-9705 II* ~;, G)MIC41,ENT USE WIX Sci-D &1'J Liar 66 2 Da,,2 10 ThO Pattern of Total Lipids and Some LApid Fractions in the Course of Acclimatization to High AlWkWes, by G. LaUi, 8 pp. ITALIAN. Per Rivism do MedLcIna Aeronautica. Vol XX. 19,57.'pp 37-43. Navy Tr 3907/bWS 899 Sel - Biol & Med Oct 64 267,994 The Veatibular T=tloa of Sam Pilots oC an Acrobatle Crewj, by A. Ompomie, V. awwda, 14 pp. umum ZrAump Port ldvUts dt MdUAULA tie&. ftvp-=W~Aq IR-178-68,v AAM I%ay. AF 217" Sal - JWdj, awlatUm md:Laim ap Oct 58 NASA R-Wel-D 17 April 1964 E'.Ljtctrct.,=cqpb&jogMhjc reactions after vestibular s-tivulLtion, by C. Koch, filviztO di Medleina Aurqua _Lgt$M..Q,Spmj43.0j, (iRiik), Vol 26, lia 2, PP 263-M. Italinn - estimted fomisa ftrds-. Type au mlgl=3 avA 2 carbon mopies. Xerox copies my be cut for 1musteup cc &U (.*opies. f*11 1:10 kTtu%vX AW 6paw by Ili. Scum F'11-10104ver 191WI,v473-MIL MOM. ?IT F-9237 SCt-F,S/A ump 06 U.3,6- coo"UNMENT Relatioash-11) Between Anoxia and Done f4armw Grurt in Whol.4 IrnwIlated Mices by Go Hm=:ells q-fve IM=I.. per., WX Med Aem e Vol I~Ifip 19(-40 pp Feb 65 Experimental Induction of Sensations Corres- PMdU9 to Flight Illusions of the Vestibular Apparatus, by V. Malcik. .,-SPMN*j, per,, Riv, god. Aaron. a �g. Vol 27 No 3.p 15964, iP-Mff-Trr--- NASA rr F-9750 Us S-k GOVURNKM USE ONLY Sci-Aarospace Apr 66 2980747 The Coriolis Phenommon. study of Threshold Values, by Ro Caporalo. ITALIAN, perp Riv. Mad. Apron. e Sp Vol 27, 1964, pp325-35T.- NASA TT F-9791 U* S GOVERNMENT USE ONLY sci-Wisc Art~ r-r- 298,770 lo n:qr[rcai Intake/Ileart Rate Pzt.-1,o in (,z-,rdjO-va-scujar FimaL Son P%Ialuatica,, by G. Janj~~oo., p1) 111+7-4(~,6 'floharlar of Right Int2-aventrictflar Conduction in -,,in Under Imute Axiaxic Ancocia,, PY) 4W4-%)4 Riv-lmtn di 'IlWicina Aeronautirm e Spazial.e,, Vol %).,Vlj,, Ram, 3.9611. SF - 3 717 Itall arl Wds j ORS FV/Scl/Modlelne Specita T~I-ie 11 - Translator's Dralt pluw/,~ I-Ahavior of the idght Irit-raventricular Ccmducticu in I-!an Undor Acuto Anoxic h~oxia, by E. &usnengo, G. Acineri. ITALLM, per. 11,iv fled hiron e Sk, Veil XXV11, No T, 1964, lip 498-504, NASA TT F-9782 sci-iAM Nm 66 2970459 General Ideas about the Physics oi: Ionizing Itudiation. by C.. filkawosio. ITALIAJi, per, Riv, 1.;ed. Acid=. c Slip Yol 27,, 11.KAO pp 303:9170 - iGUM 'rf F-9783 Uo S., (;OVL-',%Nl..U4T LGE ONLY sci-Mlys Jq)r 66 2D8,7ST3 Re a~ 3tatistica Del. V-nto, b-y E. Rosini. ITAL:Ud;, I:er, RQ-vista di Fjeteoroinf-ip Aeronautic3, Vol. VIII, No pp 23-4,'. *JPRS -Por Army Roc'Ke" anl~; Gui(led Missile A,:~ericy S:c i ~- r I 13 OL-t. 11") -1 Deteraintatioa of Chloride Pe..rticles in th~-., hti:~;aphurc and Methods of DIX-asuremeats, by 1). Fedcle, 0. Vittoxia. XTAL:UiN, per, Riv. Met. Aero, Vol XIII, i1o 4., 1953, pp RAE FARNBOROUGH Tr 525 WEur - Italy 410f Sci - Astronomy, Chemistry Detection or Atmompberic Chlorble Particles bjv a Photochndcally Sensit1sed loisp ReactIon, bW Do Irodalep As 09 VIttoorly IMUN,, norp Rive Hot* Atro,, Vol XM# Xo ho IM o pp 1~ .#2!6 R.A.Z. Immb=vu&h J07d mr Yo 5ce ,X%7~ Beivxtifte - Atrosautics my 55 = Detection of the Chtmlcal lautxv of Condensation and Artificial Subllmtlon Nuclttl,, by A. 0., vitt(w1j, ITALIAN# par, Aero,, Vckl XIV# No 20 1994#,&P R.A.Z. Awiaboroueh Tr No 503 SCIVAlifle - Cbmls%r7 jky 5"gi CTS Mic Situation of Scientific NeteovolM In Itely'r by 0. Vittwrl,, 3 pp. TrAUMs, per# fq~v Nst~Wl Aermen , Val KVU# 19570 P". ---_ ABC OCL 193 Sal - Geofts M 5S 17,d 6/Z /71 Wta for Studying the Correlation Batween. jbtal Ozone 'Mickness mid Phenomena in the UpIx-,- Trapospberej by Giorgio Pea, Adrio~io Guazzula, 12 pp. ITALIAN, per, Rivista di Metecrroloj~ia Acro- nauticz, Vol XXIff P-2-3(y- 96851-73 pp DDC RSIC-24 Sci - khr-U, Sci & Ast Aug 63 The Effects of Mountaim on Air Currents, by Adriano Gazzola, 20 pp. Italian er, lUvista di Meteorologla Aeronautica, No 1, U2. (9690941) DDC RSICJL-131 Sci - Earth Sri & Astron Mar 64 252,973 Which Leams, by Livio Rebalia. 11 pp. ITALIAN,per, Rivista Metho~os, Vol XII, No 48, 140. Dept of Navy Tr No 5146/ONI 2291 Sci - behavioral & Soc Sci gar 67 320.093 ILsilufamatio-no g/c.~cw'dc per,, ravlaza al Vol max., MM 5-93 59 Vo J -Z.7- A`,~cpoxrt oa- 'VhrIw%--:LcuIa 0i' Vbe cf jclwi Mt at, Various Air Pressures) by G. 4xista do Mumlogicao Vol Mai- 11EAUAII, per, P 1-953., rr 357-363. CU -90W~8 ACerm Tr No Io64 flai - Iftdicine, gleetmaics Ul 59 simuitancous Determination of IsolassiLrn iia Blood Serm and Serebrospinal Fluid in 14-ouropsyshiatric Patients by Z-~eans oE Flww Spectrophotmetry, by Iqetro Sarteschi. et al. ITULLAN, per,, Idv Nourabiol, Vol 1,, 19SS,, pp 319-348. -1 3-23-65 ,;ci-);iol 4 Mod Sci nay 65 278.2,363 62-2D427 hfarvuoll, U. and Negri. S. ELECTROMYOGRAPMC ASPECTS OF HEDAWACIAL 1. Marzoob. U. SPASM IN TAO CASES OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSU: 11. Negri, S. (Asperd Mettromdograficl dell'Emispeamo Facciale In Due Cast di Sclercal a Placche). 11962113p. Order from SLA $1. 60 62-20427 Trans. of RtvL*tjk di NeuroMologia Qtaly) 1961, v. 7, 'j j 14 p. DRSCRIPTORS: OElectrornyograpby. Spasms. Face, *Multlple sclerosis, Diagnosis. Blioele=ouics. (Nological Sciew.-ow-Patholop, TT. v. 9, no. 14 MW of Tai" MorocLazi. C ani~ Sergiu, C. THE ACTION OF SCAT FYh'P.,THICOK4IKlETRIC SUBIFT;~NCFS ON NICOTINE CONVUL-SIONS IN THE P.4,131317, 119621 14p l0refs Order f:-c-m $1.60 TT-64-14370 Trans. nt Fivist-~di Neurologin (Italy) '1958, v. 2F :%nothertrans Jeavallable from K-H$1-1.50 as Y-H-86-4.0-bIlW2, 14p T-17-64-14570 1. Morocurti. C. 11. Sergio, C. TT, v. 11, no. 11) ArAtiGpustic Thcrapy~ 'LiihIiAting -Pct:LCn 0:3 tte It Roll"lex of a Deriv&JAvti ~-P Diazino- triazina (2-Hydrazino-4, 6-Biediethyl- aalino-1,3, 5-Triazine Dichloride), by P. Finalli 42. pp - IWALIANj per,, Vol XXTI., lic 3/4, 3.959P Pp 151-17C. 3U 60-14tri"L sai Alpr 61 OTS, Vol M, No ai the Ki)idadolo, of ,.)ry 1", ~.Jat OIL -31 "N2 , 4,J)"a'. aid 1'eam'? I-V A. lbzzatti,, Ga C. Pratella 1TTJATi4, ~.er, 1-dv. Ortoflo=fruLtic, ItAl, Nitxl 65, -',!o 5, 1961, pp MP461t. - sci/ agric au,.j 69 3a9,653 -.41c,)arii,aital 'Aia~atnmt of zirou-carataio Aciainst n'Acchialatam-e of the I-baar'rrw of J,-I:)an,, by U, Pratao I'DULM, ker. -,&v. Ortaflorofruttic. Ital. X;bl 65,, Wo 2, 1962, p~,., 162-MOS 'IV .1 -D sci/ agric aWl 69 389,655 -yde of izwa, a of inar, by t3.cul,-Lr r.L J~nUX~:i, par, ldv. Ortoflorof-].VttLc. TtaL VC11 48P -.To 1, AD Q sci/ a6pic aug 69 389,657 Congaiiital Malformations, with Special Reference to a Case of Total Phocomelia, by C. Pezzoli. ITALIAN, per, Rivista di Ostericia e Ginecologia. Pratica, Vol 40, No 7, 1958, pp. 715-8. NTC 69-11574-06P Sci-D&M July 69 387,605 in in Post~aeri3rrimr~ I c~ Sh-'- s I D-- T-um, 14 PP. ITALLO., per, Rivista d'OstetriciC~ 'Dractica, Vol XLI, 1959, PP 719-731 - NIB 10-2'f-61 sc i - 14c(i jau 6P NizElic. araa~*~ and Altied, Alfredo. TlIE ACUTORY FUNCTION IN ALCOHOLIC AND NICOTINIC AW.YOPIA. [1962115p. Order from K-H $18.75 K-11 3207-c Trans, d Rivisto Olo-Neuro-Oftalmologica (Italy) 1162. %. 27, p. 197-205. DESCRIPTORS: Olletwivc~ *Visioil, *Alcohols, 'Nicoline. (32-22611 1. Title: Amblyopia 1. Mzetic, B. 11. Altieri, A. 111. K-H-3207-C W. Kre5ge-lit:xA-er Scienc, Library Assc*zoites, Detroit, Mich. (Biological Science-a--Palbolop,, T`F, v. 8, no. 8) Off- .1 1-h-.1 Etiology amd Frequency of Extrinsic Ocular Paralysis, by M. Samm, 21 pp. per, iviste M.-Pieuro-Oftalmologica, Vol L-5-44-f. xxxii, 1956j. n :25 1 NTH 12-47 SCI Red ';f-7 Jan 58 E.1actrographic Recoiding, of the Pressure VAJues of the Ophthalnii: Artery, by ll* Carmmza, at alo ITALIM, per, Riv Otoneurooftal Vol 36, No 1. 19610 pp Ir-27: HIll 3m.21-65 Sci-Riol & Med Sci !-Lsy 6S 278,361 Ixodoidea. Part i. Amblyo=a Ovale f[och ftblyo=a C4Jeun&DMC Fabricius and Nev or Little Knmn speclee Related to Men. Prof Beccari's Expedition Into BrItligh Gulem, by X. T. Ronde 11i . 36 pp. ITALIU# per, ?4Vj;It8 di Pmeisitologia,, Vol I.. ft Up 1937,9 PP 973-300. - ~ ;~ NIB Tr 5-25 Sci - Blol MY 57 R-7045-D 6 Nky 66 Sullo Overamoraw Delle Rugold IWt lldtxdsl I,' rrcui XtvzM PAtASM VXMM 2T,(9-W):275-179,1931 5 PP ItalIan - est for vda: Type 1 =12va rawy COPY. Mke cover as sample attacbed T-422-1. Contribution to a Better Knowledge of Italian Ticks, by M. T. RoWelli., 14 pp. a ITALIM., per, Xvista dl ParessitolMlej, Vol II., No 3, 1938.9 pp 233-=X;-- -.1-11- .. - SM Tr 5-23 Scl - NU Slol ?- j ff W/ .314 IFJ YAY 57 Imloidea. Fait II. Contribution to the Knowledge of Sourth American Ixodological Fauna. Prof Beccaril Expedition Into British Guiana, and Trinidad, by V. T. Rondelli, 22 pp. 1TJMM,, per., Rivista di Parassitol!!;~a~,,Yo 11 ITI, go 1., 1939, pp NM Tr 5-26 Sci - Biol Y" MY 57 XendeM= Behavlour of the nKnock-lkwn Resistance" to DM atid COM43AUCM BOUVen "&Mldng-Dmn and Notmlity In muses SUC& L. SPAIMIls pwp xV.. No 4s pp 513-542-# 1952,, Alw 6o Further Ob3crvations on-the RtIlatiori3hip 13etwpen Chromascm Arrangewrit and Resistance tO DDT in Anopheles Atraparma) by G. D'Alessandro, a. Frizzi, M. Marlaai, 5,PP- 4 ITALTA, per, Riv di Parmsit, Vol XIX, No 1, 1958, pp 67-72- PJIM so i - med On Capillariasis Hapatica Jn Hatchery Trout and Other Teleosts From Nature From the Po Watershed in Piemonte, With Description of a New Species, by P. Ghittino. 1TALIAN, per, Revista di Parassitologia, Vol MI, No 3, 1961, pp 10-204. (Partial Trans) U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service Bu of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Eastern Fish Disease Lab Leetovm, W. Va. Sci Jul 64 2 - 22-1 IVFPAVASA.-:~Tl~kll CHANAGES IX u 'lx) Nl('(Y!-INE K - I i- ;If Ftlvj~ja (lil Ilat[(-jlcgia c) Clinfical (Vain . 10, nc,. 7. -n. 259-282. DES~-Rll'!-ORS: 'N:co0rk:, Sulfales, Bl(x)d- III -Iz, Mictl t!!: :, 11 ~, -I , , ~', !, ", OH'.. I 62-22705 Scala, C-irmelo. EFFECT OF ADRENALIN AND "SLIRRENAST" ON 1. Titl,: Surrenasi IN`I'RA%'ASCUI-AkR CHANGES DUE TO NICCYI'INI--" 1. Scala, C SULFATE. 11962126p. 11. K-11-5796-c Order from 1-11 S32.50 K-11-5796-u III - Kresgc-IIookL-r Sciencc Library Assoziale,, Trans. of Itty[istal Pat(ologia e1 Clinlical (Italy) betrolt'. Mich. 1955, v. 10, no. 7, p. 283-302. DESCRIM'ORS: 41--'pinephrine. *Nicotine, Sulfates, 131(x)d (Biological Scm-nces-Patholo&Y, TT, v. 8, no. 8) Offi-fT 4 'c~l$-k-- Scala, Carmelo. AMON OF "RIOLIS VASOOII.ATtVH SUBSTANCES ON VASAL tXMONS FROM NICOTINE SULFATE. [1%2] 27p. OTdcr firom K-Ij $33.75 K-11-5796-1* -rram .. of Rivism di Patologla e Clinics (Italy) 1959, V. 10, no. 8. p. 323-346. DESCRIF!"ORS: 'Nicotine. Sulfates, Blood 62-22704 1. Sca Is, C. 11. K-11-5796-f III. Kresge-Hooker SLience Lihrary Associates. Detroit, MiL (Bielcocal Sciencas-PadmAo". TT. v. 8, no. 8) Scala, C. and Vicari, F. EXPERWEN'TAL INHALATION OF TOBACCO SMOKE IN WHrrE MICE. (19621 15p. Order from K-H $18.75 K-H-5796-ii Trans. of Rivista di Patologia e Clinfica) (Italy) 1955, v. 10. no. 12, p. 673-684. DESCRIPTORS: *Tobacco, *Srnokes, Mice, 62-27707 1. Scala, C. U. Vic-art, F. Ill. K-H-5796-g IV . Kresge-Hooker Science LAbrary Associates, Detroit, Mich. (Biological Sciences- -Pathology, TT, v. 8, no. 8) Aiftblotiam wA Qumtes=7 AnmRmlm Oompaundm in Vitro StudIss an the ZrfecU of the of AcbvxWclmr4Dxudowl * on St~pWlomxxma Auzw.,w and B. CalL, by C. SMISO F. VICU-1, LO pp. I&JAM, pery alylaft dl M02DOR a Mlaca (IWy), Vol 101, No .12,p 1955j. pp 685-694. =A WZ-a-LOJ46 :313,250 Scd - Oct 66 I ,~fects of Vibratioi, and Low n-equencies c..n E P;,cple Living in the Vicinity of Airports, by A. Lazzaroni. BAILLO.. per Riv. Patol.. Clin, Vol. 17, 147o.12, 1~462 ', pp 1099-1109 CACL Sci - Aug 67 -3 3 8 -4 1; 1 E:.--- .peri::m~ntal Acute Puhionar:r Edema and Diisz- (DIEDI) Dich:~-,)roethan,,~ate, -by S. Ca-mbr-la. ITALDU~, per, Rivista di Patoloaa e Clinica, 701. 1.8, no. 6T-1-9-753, PP. 303-312- -TVX 71-12859-c)6E New Invostigations on the Phenomena of Regeneration Whicb Occur in the Spinal Cord. negeneration in the H-lbernatinG AaLmla., by Dr 0. Rossi, 8 g1p. XTMIAI.q$ pero Riv Patg fferv e Ment VOL:xv? 1910P PP 20(-W9- Nm Scientific - Medicine M/DEX g,5 7 III AT p IC at, L -, n Ju Ul Cn of Histochemical Reacti v. c~ Central Ilervot:B Syntem of ISP-11 p,,)7.~je!)tjc tianumlB., by Prof Dr 31 pp. per,. Rivista di PatdLogia Hervona Plentale, 1915P PP 103-117. HM Cc'.orft.'Xic. - Medicine CT 5 /DFX Gawtio amd COSIdMI Stmdbr of 5 C"" of Bmwl&- Aud34&n lk=dWA4sm6 tw As ftmos IUMA * pwo, Div M MM No* j Val 269 &* 9/109 I=* PF 065-2w.- 12-3-0 SCAJB & m F*b 68 3499W ReSeneTation of Nerve Tissue in the HigWr Vortebratesp by 0. Roesip 0. Gautaldip 127 pp. EVALIM., perp Riv Path ftma.0--mantale, VOI ZMAO No 17 -JUIY7Auguat 1V 1-369. My August 19 Scientific VAdicuo CTS/mE e Enc;--plialorl, Pa t "'ysts of ,I-- of xb,,~. CYIA;~',y !-,y G. ITALIA-N, p-er, Riv Patc-I HelWoss e Menta-le, Vo I I:.-,T- p-p 5155-665, n- F3 d CIC,:-T 15 2 5 sci - Chtul Aug 58 Ll Ral.,64hellal. S&reams With primly Tntracennial Development)by Francesqq Croantoo Robor~o' zappon, 66 -vp. MAIZW pa 0. YAWVOgS, per., t e V VO MM 6-8 Scl - Med Jun 59 Acute Parhinsonian Spidromr- Folliwing Sub- aracnoid ilmorrhage in Schizophrenic Subject, by V. Cosi, et al. ITALIAN, per, Riv. Pat. INerv flent, Vol 85, 1964, pp 287-301. HEW NIII 11-31-65 (On Loani I taly sci/B41NI Mar 66 297096 Rnrbler. Ctonlel). ME RED RAYS OF OXYGEN IN THU 1,JC2IT OF THE -1IGI IT .91.Y (Ies Rales Rouges de I'Oxygbne dano Is 1.u_ml~re du Clel NaLturne) tr. by J. Hardy. 119601 (farekgn tewt Includad) I rd. (:Slno rrart,~ my. Order from OT'S or St.A St. 10 60-17773 IYons. of "5clMlIji~ (Rivista dl Sclernzal (Italy) 1959. v. 53. no. DESCRIFTORS. *Nkght sky, Brightness. 60x%gt,i), RedistlM *Aurora*, Analysis. Photometric obserittion of the red rays of oxygen in the light of the night sky has made a stgulf1caut con- tribution to the study d the phenomene at the upper atmosphere at the b4d& of about 2W bn. It also permits the analysis of the structure of the potar surcra in relgions & relatively low latitude. (Author) 60-IM3 1. 11arbler. D. H. CSIR07rens-4736 HL Cornnwowealth Scientific and Industrial Research orvalution (Austre" 176. 04 Of"" of rotw.el 5"C" (AsuwAmy--A~ trophys Les. Tr. v. 6. am 6) 5-10-61 XeroderjuLl idiocy,, by Carlo De Sanctis, 2.3 pp. ITALIAN, per ldv Slier Freniat Med W4 AlionaZiolli, bWnt, Vol 56: 1932# pp 269-292.. 7WORNL-Tr-2426 Mur 71 &,lilw Lorivatives of LYsorgic Acid Luld in Psydiodialpa;i.5 Z~Id ilsycliothe-rapy, by G. TGniai. ITAIIA4, inr, Idy. Spar, irreniat. o ~ed !a&L No al, .'I::1 12 i. . -12.-64 6ci/ Sop 288,765 The Clinician and the Problem of Spasticity, by Paolo Pinelli, ITALIAN, per, Riv Sper Freniat, Vol 87, 1963, pp 623-638., NIR 3-48-65 (Loan) Sci-Bi6l & Med. Sci May 65 Sell Dac 519 Vol No 6 The Structure and the Mechanism of For- mation of fligb Tenacity Viscose Fibers, by V. Rimaboschi. ITALIAN, per, Revista Tessile Textilia, Vol 37, No 11, 1061, pp-41;8-486. NTC 69-12606-IIE Sci -Mat Aug 69 389,432