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THE CM-1UNIST PARTY IN THE LARGE CITIES., BY PA01-0 BUFALINI, 6 PP. ITALIAN, PER, RIPASCITA, NO 33, 24 AUG PP 11-1, 20 .1 -, JPRS 212c.-' WE- I TALI' POL-INTERNIL C%VUNIST DEVELOWENTS OCT- U-3 344, 452 AGAIIIST D"it.ATISM -- FOR A MARXIST POLICY, SY PAUI I R'0 I ATT I 1 5 PP - ITALIAN., PER, RINASCITA, NO 34, 31 AU6 PP 1, 2. JPIRS 21253 WE-ITALXY POL.-INTERINAIL C01,274UNIST DEVELOPIAIENTS OCT 63 3,--4,4-74 I-JARTRE 01,1 "PEACEFUL COEX I STENCE AND C014FIR-IDI"'I"AT !C": OF I DEAS", SY SARTRE,, 12 PP. ic-V I TAL I Al, , RlkAS,!,'ITA, 7 SEP 063, PP 2L;~-2u JPRS 2125-, WE- I TALY POL- INITERIIIA I L M4.1UNI ST DEVELOPMEt',IT GI~T G3 ) ) -1 Amendola Discusses Communist Oppositon to Cente7-- Left Government, by Giorgio Amendola, 5 PP. ITALLIN, per, Rinuscita, No 50, 21 W Dee 19~3, pp 1, 2. JPRS 22779 WEVU-- - Italy Pol Jan 64 247,o40'- Pavolini Analyzes the PSI's Problem, by Luca Pavolina, 5 PP. IT.4LLkN, per, Rinascita,,. 28 Dec 1963, pp 1, 2. JPRS 22B4i. WE-ur - Italy Pol Jan 64 247,o6i PSrUP Secretary Vecchietti Inter-viewed on His Party's Prospects, by Tullio Veccbietti, 5 PP- ITALLM, per, Rinascita,418 N Jan 19614, PP 3, 4. -_- ig xlx / JPRS 23227' WEur - Italy Pol ma r 64 250J,866 Pintor Analyzes Impact of New Pexty on Italian Politics, by Luigi Pintor, 6 pp. ITALLW, per, Rinascita, No 4, 25 Jan 1964, PP 3, 4. JPRS 23412 1&'U,- - Italy Pol Mar 64 251,539 Pajetta Calls for a Mass Communist Party, by Giancarlo Pajetta, 5 PP- ITRLIAN, per, Rinascita, No 10, 7 Mar 1964, pp 1, 2. JPRS 24007 WEur - Italy Pol Apr 64 253,439 Xx Kbxushchev Discusses Peace in Preface to Italian Edition of Speeches, 10 pp. ITALIJkN, per, Rinascita, No 21, 21 Mar 1964, pp 17-19. JPRS 24235 ww POI Apr 64 254,736 Togliatti Tells Chinese That the International Communist Mavement Intends to Pursue Its Present Goals, by PaInxtro Togliatti, 10 pp. ITAUAN, per, Rinascita, No 15, 11 Apr 1964, pp 1, 2. JPRS 24307 ww- POI Aper 64 255,820 11 M GOVERNMENT USE 01,LY ITAUAN, rqpp RIUNKS4 13 Jun 1964, pp 17-19. JPAS GUOs 3W LA-VaDWAK" pal s" 64 267.138 Giwited lim-d socluty, a m ITALIAN, np, JPRS 26989 WE-Italy pol Dgc. 44 Lec=e 071 Rigggm, 1. S# 2A Aur, 19 Sep 1964. JOPP 269.925 Italian Review Doubts Autonomy of Italian Communist Party Vis-A-Vis Moscow, Publiches Passage NOE Included in Rinascita. Reprint of rogUatti Statement, by P&Imiro Togliatti, 5 pp. ITALIAN, per, Akkn~ Vol XX~ No 34, 29 Aug 1964. JPRS 28227 WE-Italy Pol Jan 65 272,661 lAnascita ;xticle ~~Iuctes ltalian Leftists Goncen-linz Proposed Uni-fication of Italiaai z~ocialist icrces, I'j lip. per, I i 't , Home, 24 uct, u4, PP -3-U. J P! 6S 2','4Y 5 ',a~ - lta~r Pol J an u 5 27193 u i a:3citp- l6nifica- ilasso, UodiEnola, PaoLicci Alteply to .-Li,71 tio.al ~xticlc, by Lelio ~Iasso, Tris-~,anu Gcdi,.~wla, Wd Luciwao PP* !:c per, Aillascita., .,u 4-J, ~l uctoibar 1'-DC" jPiU; 274-15 i an o 5 2'171V3 7 1,.diiascita Publishes Readerts Lette:v illy .""Wl to 1,013cowt wid heply by PaJetta, 'I; pp. ItaLian, per, I'LUiascita, 1~o U, limue, 31 cct pp JP-.,',6 4475 .i~8.17 lt&:Ly jail '05 2719351 I Morej Italiwi Socialist Loaders i~.qdy to Unascita rju Clnss Struggle anti Political uaificatUon. 1-5 Tp PLIr, P ihTo 44, 7 ;ov 19C.4, pp 7-iz. JPIdS 27,771 WE-Italy Pol Feb 65 272,83,1 Parri and Libertini Interviewed in Rinascita, 8 pp. ITALLU,, per, Rinascita,, Rome No- 45., 14 Nov 64, pp 3-5. JPRS Z7645 WF-Italy Pol 2721237 More Contributions to the Discussion on Italian Left- Wing Reunification, by Pietro Secchia, 14 pp. ITALJAN, per,, Rinascim, No 419, 12 Dee 1964, pp 5-7. JPRS 28089 WE-Italy Pol Feb 65 273,014 Exchange on Reunification, b, y Giorgio Amendola, 10 pp. ITALIAN per Rinasaita, No 49, 12 Dec 1964, pp 7-8. JPRS 28689 ' WS-Italy Pol Feb 65 273,015 Little L.L,,,Jit an the Trials of iam lied ,kr,.y '7enc by LUiberta Cdrrcuii, ITALEAN', per, Idnascitalo 19 Im: 1964* 1) 3. *JPlt3/,S,h!ClAL - USSIL Pol kpr 65 Sedimentation R-tte in Malaria Before and After Trea'-- mant. by- Lovalmlio. 5 in, ITALIAN, perEj2%;A_jW,, '761 V, 1927, op 421,-426, STA 57-1540 Sol - Medicine mar 58 ,;- 4~ Unilateral Amazia and Deformity of a Hand in the Same Individual, by Carlo Bertone, 5 pp. ITALIAN, per, Rinase Med, Vol VII, 1930, pp 548-549. Navy/NMS 929 scl-B/M Feb 65 274,187 castric Test for Koch Bacilliss in Children with Positive von Pirquet Reaction, by Franco Grossi, ITALJAN, per. Rinanc. Node,, 1161 12,, 1935, pp 511-512. Dept of Navy 4995/NMS 1148 sci-Bul Bee 66 3150559 r , * - kD' 5 Selected Articles on the Rebirt'a of Africa, 17 pp. OFFICIAL XLE CHLi ITALIAND bk. Bleorgimen-co Africano, 196-0j, pp 195-2-17. Me 8119 COPYRIGM M, - Al'rica Pol Jun 61 La.6 ars, ~,' ~Ui~d ~Iarge ~Quantities of Tiritiuw in the Atmosphere, by, A. Doury, FlIEN01, rpt Rissues Presentez Parla Diffusion do Grwides 6uantities de Tritium dans L'Atmos- Aw-rS-.--WI64,, p- 17-26 a p P911026867 V.r-O'ML-tr- 1482 Scl/Atmospheric Scl Nar 67 318,551 MhgDCUC Materials with Rectangular E~Mtere- ols Loops and t2heir Applicationej, by G. Sa- vastano, wA H. Perez do Vem. ITALTAN, perj, kIun__A4aga_ Bellagiop Vol XIM., No 178., 954, PP 1-10. nisvoc-M39 117_f Aug 58 Magnetic Materials vith Rectangular Hystere- sis Loops wA their Applicatiam, by 0. Sa- vastano and M. Perez de Vera. ITALIM, perp Bellmglo,, Vol XLnp No 178., 1954., pp 1-10. F I DC-W39 Sol Aug 58 Air Wahniqws, Mia Bc~ews or xxsnj,.jmjs au" a%--- PrOPAsion, 3 PP- UWIABBIF muAN) WP Rtv:Lsta Aemmutica, No los oat, 1954,, Tnal to P."Ort weffX""-VG 23 Nov 1954,9 AAO Raw. CrA D 112963. - AF 6424o6 Scientific - AeronwAles jan 55 CW/I= :~e 411.4. X Steady Properly-Banked Turns, of Turbojet- Propellecl Aircraftj, by A. M.ele. TULUH,, perj, Riv Aem,, Vol Xxvn.. No 1, 1951P PP 23-357-- NAU 13W Scieatific - Aeronautics CM 75A)ec 55 -03 -*/ 0~41~1 0& '01/ Tit 1,p 3. 1027a Dac 57 Me Pvoteatlm of B&ILUtLe UissUe Sitesp by 0. P4uonmv 33 pp. I imp 1.16 per AL41ts AMMMMMI SD go 1960,p w IjtFA-aM-. ACM 160746 n) gL86269 fti - Am /", ?,, 0 7 go Xw 62 Tnes of Itm%l Coust=ution Lu Wipolit=lmp b7 E. Buftlatal. ruiTawl porp Rlvlo~ coltum subtzw:tcale A'N.Pp 299-3u. (CILU no ZV51%09) AN3 mr - ztmay x4as wwr 6o /te ///C.~ !,'enigm AcutA infectious Lmboaytoais., ty V. ld=.p R- Dr4pj, 7 pp. !TAI,I/Ugp per, P4v Anat Ix., *o 6, 11955. NIO 2-18-62 /q/1 11--f-16 Sci - Ned .,,.pr 62 Apluais of tbeAbdomlnal Umscle Mmm Walls, Associated With Magalo-Urster or Other Congenital Hmlfcm%stt=w by T Aacord1j, 0, Darboxeschi., 5 pp. FM CNICZAL W 0ih ITALIAN, per., RIv Aust Par Oncol., Vol XM,, 1960, Navy Tr 3o&,/~M 669 Set - Ned /t?// 46-2-1y Apr 62 Experimental ophthalsopathic. Syndrome in Guinea Pogs Due to Prolonged, Adminis- tration of 3-Mothyl-S-Ethyl Phenylhydan- toin, by C. Craviotto. ITAILIAN, per, Rivista di Anottomia Patologica e di Oncologia, Vol 19, 1961. pp.473-9. HTC Wj-lrrG7_-W60 Sci-B$M July 69 387.S83 Iliatotoxic ACtims oe Fluothrne, A Histological Histochemical md Pathogenetical Study, by G, Corso, C. Desenzani. et al. 8 pp.. ITAIJAN, per, Rivista Anatoada at OncDl. No 25, 1964, pp 11=132. ACSI I-9OS6 ID 2204069165 Sci-cham Jm 66 294,S58 Shcpii,,T6 Tribes wid Far,.,, People tie. Lar-c idvcr-~ oi~ I,i;mialia, i oy Li~rico Cerilli, 9 ~7), per, Rivista di hitropolo,,,ia, No 40, 1959, pp 11-19. FDD/DC-10690 AFRICA - Somalia Soc Au,, -, 0 4 On Octmpatiozal Deafnese From White roi2ev by Laigi Bernabei, 27 PP - ITALLIS; pe!rt "Tint& Audlologla Pratica, vo3. ur., tic) 1-3,, 115i - c,,TAIFDD x-3684 sci - Mzd Sep 59 9Y, ~, .2 :)- I MIG traia of the Faxv=mis Ifilue F--awmCmaill. in Scm 94yes of E~Twurdaj by F. Aftneona, W. AIVVIQrJL. FPO=# perp PlIvieU dl Andlolegin amstics, A -VT,, go 7-9o 1915%J, - pso W-39. IBM CAL Sci - BI 03. x v3, -I.J:5 &a 6e 7=6 1t; -il I VF~ T it; Hewing, by G. Germma. MUM, per, Rivista dl AutLologia Pratica, Vol IX, No 1959' - pp 115-130-i- - - - -- - Com=nvealth Acoustic lai.-. Sci - Ned jim 61 / 5- 2 ;' ? ~Y- ::,I,.:,Ct, Oy J'%.. CAcL Considerations on the Characteristics of the Auditory Deficit in Paget's Disease, by 0. Pennetta. F. Pinto. ITALIAN, per Riv. Audigl. pram. Vol. 11, 110. 7-9, 19b1, ;,p 347-363 '~AcL Sci - Aug 67 538-458 o n S dvi~ta -,Udi a, Sci .L~-jv,~~otj-a;tion u- L; 13 in C Ic Rivist U',, 716 New Directions and New Tests in Central Auditory Synptonatology (first results), by A. Ottaviani, A. Azzi. --TALIAX, per Riv. Audiol. _p Val. l-'. lio. 1-6. 196- .Eat. - pp 145-149 "AcL C Sci - Aug 67 3-38-457 Ccntral Refining Mechanis=- Of kadit0l-,r Sensations, by G. Lugli. ITALUR, pcr Riv. Audiol. prat. Vol. 12, i~o. 1-6, 19062, PP 157-160 C.AcL Sci - Aug isr 3 3 8 - 1, A Rollablo Cistern, ITALIJU], per, ldvista Bo=strale, Gnippo IV Artno XV11, 940 3, Jun 1964, 1) Z6* *AcSl 1-6658 11) 2204007565 ,;cl-- llqgr may 65 On the Iliftvior of the 1,igvent,~~d E-pitlieliw3 in Cbick, Evibryos thider Special Capiditions of (2orio- allwitoic Graft, by L. bertoli,.U', ITALIM, por, Riv Biol Vol 50, No 4, 1!')5&v HE-4 NIII 0-28-66 scilLw,l Jim 67 517,971 The Irdluence &wrcised by Sex Hormones an the Stxucta" of the Tasta-Organ Fornations of AxB Rattus Mims v bV R. ALlara. IIALUSt part Riv B-JLol Vol 44t 19320 pp 209-226, IMI NIB 4-17-68 swi3 & M jww 68 358,321 Studies in Autivirel Che=atbwmW. Naft I. Resultio wlth the Use cxr 6-wreeptopwl".. X AmInOgtor1n, a and %blo-SWIewbasom and RxVw.Uomntml Mactim Vith awnpm vaaoine vir= An the Mbbits by P. 00*dd 3' .10 pp. imam.. per.. RiLvists dl Mludca "U"r-14.0 Vol LV3tlp 1937, pp 235-e49. Nin I-r-62 ftl - Had Vo 69 Experiences M on the Odorization of Gas, by J. L, Joachim ITALIAN Per, Rivista dei Combustibli, Vol V, 1951, pp 404-40. *Redstone Arsenal Sci - Phys J~me 63 T-r-64-14371 Roberti. G. and Pipperelli, E. ANnKNOCK AGUNTS AND ADDITIVES FOR FLIEU3. I - Roberti, G. 119631 16p (Up omitted) 11. Pipparelli. E. Order tram SLA $1.60 TT-64-14371 Trans. ol RiviLett dell Combustibill (Italy) MI. v. 5. p. &56- 567. DESCRtFrOIRS: *Antilmock. *Additives. *Fuel addi- tives. Matelorganic con poLinds, 00asollne. Combus- tlon. Tests. (Matalals --Fuels. TT, V. 11. no. 10) Hydrogentitim as a *-%rs of Gen.= LLquid Fuel Proibitetion, by X. Pier, 8 pp. rJAITim , per. Riv Codrdo AblU 0 Vol VM, No 1, 1954, rpt Asso Tech Ser 63051 &1 58 4 91f 9 -v le rm lbexacom Pyrolytie Cracklmg Process for the FX0ftCUGU Or Gm from UUmal Oils.. by T. F. LWJ*A7a, is IV. . fty CambMItLULUS Vol vmj 19540 1MV-15W. I. I . As" S%eh a" 03(151 ja 58 (0 ?, 9 Z/ 0-, 61-10150 CostantiW&s, G. and Valussl, S. THERMAL DIFFERENTIAL ANALYSIS APPLIED TO 1. Perraleurn-Decompoaltion SOLID PARAFFIN WAXES DERIVED FROM PETRO- 2. Syntbaticvraxes-Analysis LEUK 1. SOLVENT REFINED PARAFFINS AND 1. Costantinides. G. ISO-PARAPPINS DERIVED FROM DISTILLED PRAC- 11. Valusid, S. TIONS OF MIDCLE EASTERN CRUDE. [1960122p- Ill. Titk-- Solvent... (refs. ornitted]. Order from SLA ml$2.7a ph$4. 80 61-10150 Tram. of Rivilsta del) Cornbustibill (Italy) 1954, v. 1), [no. 7/8) p. 526-544. A thernwil differential analysis showed that normal paraffin waxes with a lower molecular weight can gh,e rise to two transition phenomena. while those of higber molecular weight show only one, and dun the value of the transition phenomenon Is Influenced by the speed of cooling of the sample. loo-paraffin waxes show trans- formation phenornena at the solid state in a man r analogous to normal paraffin waxes. (See also Oft- .1 T-j-" S-4- 61-10153) (Chemistry- -Organic- TT, v. 5. no. 2) 61-10153 CosturtinLdes. G. wd Valuest, s. THERMAL DIFFERENTIAL ANALYSIS APPLIED TO 1. Petrolftm--Decompositim SOLID PARAFFIN WAXES DERIVED FROM PETRO- 2. Symbakwaxes--Analyals LEM. 11. PARAPPINS AND ISO-PARAFFINS FROM 1. Costandni&a. G. VACUUM MMLLATION RESIDUES OF MIDDLE U. vahisal, S. PASTERN CRUDE. 11960) 6p. [refs. offatted]. M. Thut Paraffins... Order from SLA mt$l. K pb$l. 80 61-LO153 Trans. of Rivliati del) CAmftstiblU (Italy) 1954. v. 8 Ino. 7/81p. 545-550. oft-Ur 5- (Memistry--Orpnic. Tr. v. 5, no. 2) Costantinides, 0. and Vglussl. S. TKERMAL DIFFERENTIAL ANALYSIS APFLIED TO SOLID PARAFFIN [WAXES DERIVED) FROM PETROLEUM. 111- BEMVIOR OF ISOPARAFFI.NS OF VARYING SYMMETRY DEGREES. (1964112p Ilrds Orchw from SLA $1.60 7T-64-14958 Tratts. of Rivista ded Combus"t1i (Italy) 1955. v. 9. tio. 7. p. 595-606. (See also TT-61-10153) -17-~4-14959 1. Coitannuides, G~ 11. Valusii, S. Ill. Title: Behavior ... (Chemistry- -EhysIcal. IT. v. 11. no. 12) Systbasts of CwbmwUa A*Ms rrom the Olorims., 03Vbcft Howw-We SM Water. by 9 - Kmh. IMMAN, Per, Riv CambwtlblliLp Vol n., py 77w"p 29156. lmdoo4ua SOIL - Mom Aus 58 ,70, J-s Y, Researches on the Pbllution of the Atmosphere in CILties Caused by Motor Vehicles, by M. Giubileo- ITALIAN, per, Rivista dei Combustibi-Ii Vol xi) No 3,, 1957,, PP 157-29r)- siA TT-64-2o2og Apr 67 32:3,075 C11T.)C-11 S~en, ) . Fratta, C A - . and Girelb. A ANALYSIS OF AROMATIC EY-rRACTS 1. PetrMeurn -Decomposilon Fit AI WGII '101-ING PE'ri-,C)LELMI FR~\CTIONS I ~ cox--Alsqvil. J. (AT1111141 1i itratti Arf-matici da Fragioni ii. Fraita. C A rt!,rohl ~161, . 17 refq. ITT. Gircill, A .1cr :rim -r;$2.40. -.'h'. 7. i, N -10576 "I rans. of I'l (Italv) 1957, V i 24.z~-'2$9. t, ixisvj oi *!i,- prepaiatton of mixtures com- posed of arnmatic uxtracts under examination with ,,ituralej oll (n-m-ar~omatjc) of knou-n struclural corn- 1%jv:nt # 7n ilecidar weight of the same crier, i~; pi, ~iicd lux tho Aeternitnation of the structural c, in~4mitici of aroaiatir xtracts derived from the refhiii)~, of Iuvr:c~atlnv oila, %hoac high content of r CIN I . 1! 1, " ~' C\ does n,-x jwrtnit the direct appli- ca~ion t4 the eq cions and nomographs pertinent to fracturib of * nFL*,81,11 ' petrolcurn. I 1.~ I i1N - .11 -1 starau tire dQternioscJ and the ~lructural composition (ChcmjFarv--0r.;~in1c. 717. v. 5. no. 7) (aver) C;r&Vbio Wthods for the StudY Of fttalYttc prmesses and tbie MaMrterimition at Cat&14Mto by VA~ma of Pursowto". VICIASSErM nwJAV, Verp Rtv Vol X19 1957m, ~v ~ca VP VT. eel - chmm (mt 58 Savent M&TwtU& of AX=WU* Wdwomr- bms - pt. n. lAqul&UVMi PaktAtlm BVILU- brim COW t4w gWatm oC 21MO, COMODOWU bw -~r ,- - Tot 14 so 3Lij,-UWP-P-g BWRWC* VA TV -UM 3360M bi-10577 Constantiaides. G. and Rwerl. S. DURATION OF THE EFFICIENCY OF DETERGENT 1. Labricating oils-- ADDITIVES IN LUBRICATU413 OILS WITH USE Performance (Durata dell'Efficien7jdi Additivi 01sperdAwn per 011 1. Constantimdes. G. Ubriftcanti nelle Corwhzioni di Impiego). [19601138]p, It. Rotteri. S. 21 refs. Order from UA rni$3.01). ph$6.30 61-10577 Trans. of Is kyjIkt&.dclj_C4qmlwt0.Al1 GuLly) 1958. v. 12 (no. 61 p. 474-493. Another translation is available from SLA mlS2.70. ph$4.80 as 59-15532 1195911271p. offt- I T.4we.1 (Maten.i Is - - Lubi wants. v. S. ixi. 7) KRAUCH, li. Reduction of iron Ores in a powered state. Riv. Combust. 13:282-92 (1959) (CRL/D. 1021) 1~novj-edp of Pkatrolaina Ariphali;- c- per, Rivists Vol XMI NO AM-86A21 Vol W, No 7 ATW 62 WILLEMS, J. Zffect of fluidization on the reduction of i ores with gas containing CO and H2- Riv. Combust. 14:118-35 (1960) (CRL/D. 1019) -7 - i ~ , - /~ 'r ,~, ~~ !, " ~ '/ Goodacm. G. L. and Foord. LX COM,PARISON OF THE AMM,'N()CK AMIUN OF TETRA FTI nT.I.rAD,- TFTRANW.T71NI.T.r-AD,- AND 1111"M NIIX'IIIHBS(CGIKIXDtNG N(Yrr-). [19631 4100 woxvis. Order from CTS(Cliem) $12.30 CTS(CbemHOZ subw4jL=t copies $2.75/oc Tranr, of RWIsta deil Combusdbill (Unly) 1962. v. 16, p. 340-349' DESCRWMIM- OGasoline. *Fuel addirives, 0AnrVaI0d Complex compounds, *I-And compounds, Ethyl radicalE hietbyl isdicaln. hUxttires, Physical p1werdes, (Iwrn Ical propertim Costs 63-17430 1. Ckxylacm 0. 1.. H. Foord, D. 111. MIS(Chern)-332 W. Chemical Translating Service, Palo Alto. Calif. TT. v. 10, no. 2) OWM W Tedo" Swvk*s Contribution to the Control of Coke Production, by I. Heltzer. FRMICIT, per, Rivista dei Combustibili, Vol 18, I'To 2, 1964, pp 54-57. IITC-71-10103-21D e~jf-kolk" Nov 71 The Use of Furfural &a Select.-~~d.Solvent in the Treatment of Axomatizbd Oils, ty E. Cernia, M. Cerrone. ITALTAN., per, Rivista the Combustibili, Vol 18., iio 6., 1964., pp 22-1-232. sLA TT-66-10358 Scl-Cbem Aug 66 308.,479 Im1woved Hydrocracking PL-ocess, by A. Voorhies Jr. ITMIAN., per., Rivista, dei Cmbustibili, Vol 18, No 9, 1964, ~P-3'Tl~-- ~ siA TT-66-10357 Sci-Chem Aug 66 308,478 Experiments Relating to the Catalytic PrrificIL'Uicn (Fcst Combustion) of E~diaust GGLses, by A . Gal-tie-ri - ITALT-AN, per ., E?ivisa dei Corbustibili, "-I. V~,- ,- 't-" Pp. 412-42 ll~:. 01, -.;it-)4, 2. FTC 71-1,0912-21B AI'16n-~S~ -1 k, I -L nie iqew system of Curamications of the Argentina hopublicp 17 pro SPANIS11 per, Revists do GDamicacims, 295-296: Illar-Apr 032. P-P'T:772-. VIA 111 89-65 Sci-tA-Argentine W Ek,- c 6 5 29,28M Avut-!~, Vyr-lon-f o of Chronic Denzollsm initlatL-1- 14~6er -.L'a,4iug the o, t~u!Litida or an Zrythroleuhrmia, by V. a"D pjp. ITALIJO, ],rxir., Rivista CrItIca di clildea lde4cu,4 Val. LIM, I Jul 1957., pp 51-78. Tm 2-g-.6ci- .4%pr ISO Behavior of the Titer of the Igatural Isohemagg- lutinins in Patients Subjected to Roentgenotherapy, by M. Rinni, L. di Gugliel ITALTAN, per, JaLyiat^ Eknat 41--ed ~ Vol U-VII, -No 2, 1957, pp 97-=?. NM 7-7-60 Sci - Med sop 6o .--Raya anl Foimation of Antibodies, by G. Massei, M. Ic.rinEd? I/Off- 'r,.-ALIAN, per, Rkm 1 ed Thm, ioematol, Vol IV, io 4, 1957, pp 265'-~7K:"" NIH 7-2-6o k i - Md ;C-P 60 Blood Groups and 1"u1nonary TuIberculosis, by E. Volpe, N. Patron-i. FRENCH, per Riv. Emoterap. imuno.!nant, Vol. 8, 1961, pp 33-38 IRISDOC Ref. T-7819 Sri - Aug 67 337-466 0 cu6Qcy=s" by C4, Aw'elwli, 4 A, Pachi, 68 pp, ITALIM, p6ar. Riv. Erapter. Im-awoemat., Vol X, 1063, pli 131-180* Wpt iiavy Tr 4107/143i Avot. 956 Sci - Biol N)r 65 278,2321 False Incompatibilities in lEnteractions idth Brwelin Due to Cold A%glutinins, by Go Russo v Ip per, fty Mwter Lmmmoemt Vol 10,, 1963# PP 25i-258- ifia-M J-io-68 sci-BW Sept 63 365,949 c~~'Itributiml to tile L~tudy O:L* the iQ'!.