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P3mllxdUU7 D*port an Um Zta3SAkn PmzbA= Mftw=wwl" for the ampam aravl=tric B~, bar Co Matom md Lo. Piwi, ITALUX, per,, in n9= - Year 28, Jib 3tlo Mcw 195U. PP 3 (2 9----- ~2~0) ip * XIC SaAmth glopt 67 339#276 ClIcTri, A. and Ilium. hi. A NIF*nIGD FOR DETERMINING DISTRIBIMON OF THE MOLECULAR WEIGIfT IN A POLYMER SAMPU* BY NIMANS OF MEA,%JREhfLNrS OF BRO%kMAN DIFFUSION AND 01, SEDIMENTATION. 11960113p. 15 re(m. Order ftom SIA tni$2.40. FM3.30 6G- 18407 Trans. of lAjtlccrca ScIfentifica ed 11 gLW~exso Technics rwill* ly) POU-.w. 28 C E. y (Chrmitnry--Mysical. TT. v. 5, no. 4) 60-18497 1. Molecular wdgts-- Determimflon 2. Polyrnera - -Molecular weigtn 1. Ciferri. A. It. Daune. M. oft-If Mae*Ulw W*Igbt DstOrMIMUOU by Scattwmd Light Fv= Fluoresceat ftluUonz, by A. m= ciforri . 0. wcdu. IVALIM,, per, Le lUcarea Sciectifica, Vol xwno lw-w~ ~SliVW;540-- - as= 5381 Bel ;2fts z a V" s-"~ a Alas Mmmatigatlons in to the Lattlae Disorders of the Fluorlte Lattice and the Cuble Lattice I C I of tho Ruv Bu-* Oxides j. by N. l3rum, A. Mayor, ip 9 Sp. Ipjzwp perp LA alogrou Selp VIO;t XmIls IWO pp ll6lB-.u73* - W-0-ft. ml -no &M % 9 W/,, -716 AppaicatAors of Blectron Diffnictica .o thi~~ Stvzcctm-al Osttudy of Voly=ra, by P. Cc--ra-d-4=11. 1. 4. 0 pp. ITIA&IMI, perj, Riaerca Scip Vol X"LU,, No 7p 1953~ PP -1435-j.442. - ' '' -- - " ATS L58-IJ ATE sci Nov 59 /Vd Yai~ Pftllmimu,y Report an the ItaLum Fw3ft"%= messursolmou for tA* swropm (13'avlxwtric as"# tr Go &SWU & La. PLWLe ITALIMp Pars Is dam Isawam NO lit Nov 1938s PP 3 (2300) - 9 MOW- AM TC-1301 sol/ur OW& fty 68 WOM Ar,pt!is, G. De, P.. and Spin&, N. 1 1. AnZe 61-1652B VAW-~,-IIIASE CjIj1C.'AAT0GRAnIY APPLIED TO lit. G. D. ANALYSIS. 13 Apr 61. 11p. 18rafs. U. Ippoliti, F. Order from SLA $1. 60 61-16529 ILL Spina. N. .r&ng. of Ila] Iti4pres ScIlantifical (ttaly) 19511. v. 29 fo, 71 ;,, 1444- 1 I'Ai. DEscmvraas: *Oiromatographlc analysis, *Polymeri6 Gas chromatorra;hy, Remins. It is j-y;tkbIe to Identify ard control various polymer&. usln.~ vnpor-~Mue chrotrato,~raphy to analyze the gases whIch dmelop from pyrolysis condacted In the absence of tutygen anJ at a temperature not above S5(PC_ Polyez.hylane. poly(vLnyl acetate). phenolic resins, c4rWxylic re6la, mczhyl methacrylate, ures, resin and polyester arc cauminod. Tbarcoults obtained and their degree of reproducibility are given. (ALahorr) (Chemis tzy- -Analytical, TT, Y. 6. no. 7) -~'mcticnation of vy Gaillo liatta , Y"t r,:Ic; Idc, 12 p. 11111.U.,LAN, pcr, la Ricarca Scinr.t,.'tf3.c;i Pr-~)ir,ressu Technica nell'Beonocda Nlaziornb%., 19 '113, Vol )CI.VIII, July -,,,p 1473~-1479- SLA 59-17059 Sci Jan 60 Vol. 2, rio Shidlea on Radionctive B-Rrbitu -rates, Hotz S Mattributicn of Luminal in the Pmimll br B. Alipn=U, R. Vhairmi.. 6 pp. IMALM,, par# La Ricerca Sclentifics, Vol XXVLU, vo 8, ig5a, pp 3.611-16i~.- MM 22-32. S4 - lbdiclue jive 6o ;A I'rcc~f , lkaffirmja wid Mirrini , Angelo. A!k svrcTRA Olt 1. Chromi~i%i Am,i. cmac,moTRICAREONYLS. [196[l -5p. 4 refs . 2. Order from SLA rnL$l.F,0, [91$1.80 61 - IWOI Ar.A) s is I rrco!t. R. Trans. c( In Rlccrc4 Sclentlilca (ItAly) 1958. v. 23, A. no. 1.0. L o 00-1 T-1-1-1 (Chernistry-Organtc. 'rr. Y. 5. no. 11) 62-16124 Miria 1,11,:CO. POLAROGRAPHIC MAKICTION OF TEI'RAVALENI 1. N1. L. GERMANIUM N A SOUITION OF COMPLEXANT ORGNMC ACIDS. 111)1)2] Qp. S refs. OrdCr fl-0:11 SLA $1. 10 02- 1 fil 24 Trans. of ki Hicurca S:ienivficj (Italy) 114~9, v. 24. no. 1, p. 10)-105. DI-SCRIPMRS: *G,!rrlla ni uni, S(dullons, *Otgmuc acids, Polmographic analysis. 11CCILICtiOll. An "as made of th-- pulat oAraphic t duciion of ti.-uavalcnt germanium III sulution (if com- plexant or-yamc acids, i.e. : salicylic, oxah~7 and tarunic acids. vallp--s age gj%"!n of co~qficjcnt, anJ ,,I Ili,: diffustim ctarum obtam-1 b) OjILIiIIII)," In 111~ VIII 1011~ 1110,111,1 JIIJ gIV1.1 Ilk 0j)IIIII0111 111i I III ~ hICh Ih',' IIIL I-CUI )' CZIIIIOi'-' I CdUCtICIII A~Slllllt ~ AII ,injly~ical significam--~% Offi- f S.-i- (Ch'~1111~ 1 1 1 - -(,)I 2,111L . IT. 110. (1) - M %! 1 1 OtAMINUU7 Of Skdf"o 3k*Mdzlg D"to"ap ft" 4 bw GLWMG Bobw% DAM. OboxWfto Immm Sondi-f- ].%~. -Zp-jj- M-6 -NOW- -0 j& man Adgm%U Contribution of Nuclear Rmleiom to the Study of Some Cases of bderm dio-chemical Anal,vvle (DatermInation of Radiolvatopes,, by G. Xwr.. 6 pp. rMXM -L&4U4*=A and j, per- Vol xmp ** 49 IV 80%-ft. Vol vv Ib 9 war & Outflow of Solid-gas FluidiLzed Systems Through Small Holes, by L. Massimilla. ITALIAN, per, Ricerca Scientifica, No S, 1959, pp 1030--. NLL Ref: 9091.9F (Springfiold Trans 197) Sci-Phys Jute 69 384,S63 Migration of Au-198 in Contact with Gold, by G. Mkiyr. ITALLAN, per, La Ricerca ScientLf-ic-8, 29, 1959, pp 1545, *Nat Bur Stand TT 70-59045 sci-Chem jUms 70 Study Centre to Oqpmize an lialian. Tmatitute of Metrology, by A. Bmy. ITALTAN, per, La Rlq~~LUfjga, Val , NO yp 1847--1857. CSrFtO 4931 sci - MW / 9P/, (~, -7 -/ Apr 6p- 61-2SO02 TiNt ACCURACY OF IMBASURIING TRE DIREMION L Fcdcrict. M. 0,1 A W~Ml) =41CE BY A DIRUMIONAL RH- IL NRCC T-1-956 ClAYMA SYST12-M (LA PI-ecislone dl Misurs dellA III. NACC C-3667 amzlonc di unn S:irgenle Sonora con Sliteml RiceverAl. IV. National Research Direnirl) tr. In- V.. G. B n-hatto and 1. K Craven. Council of Otnads, 1961, 16p. NRCC TecKnical trans. 956. Order from NACC $1. OD NRCC C-3667 Trz.ns. a( I& iticer ,cA.5cimnLfjc& (Italy) 1959. Y. 29. no. 11. p. 2,141--2313. DESCRIPTORS: 05ound vne i-aturs, 'Radio , ignals, rAtoalon, to noise ratio. *Radio rwelvers. Sound ranging, Sound bearin finders. (EkStneering-Mactroatc, Tr. v. 6. m 7) 016c, I T,cW,dd $~I-s (12-1 (~450 santonl, ViEtoria. HIGH PERFORMANCE h1I-1-A SL fill- ME NTS of-' C14 AND 1. V. 113 IN ORGANIC COMPOUNDS. [196218p. (figs. om1ttL.%I)31.vfs. OrLk-r frxii Sl~% SI. 10 62-16456 Tran-s. of.Ricerca Scienribc-a (I a 1y) [ 19591 v. 29. no. 11, P. 242N)-2426. DESCRivroits: *IladvxImnistry, Radioactive istxopvs *Carbon, 'Tritium, OrWante compmnds, *Iwdiatim count(TS. JNLjolvar 11hYsics-Ijustruments, `17, v. 9, no. 1) Office to ltcbrhcw &mires ContTibution to the Experililental Tec"Illi-ille c" ill Vitro Feratentntion of Forar.c CCj.ILIIOSe. - ~itil ZI j,CI': Artificial 10icrorumen, by G. Ceri. ITALLVII, r, La Ricerca Scientific:i., Vol XXX, , I- i~05------. -"~O 0, 1;("0""3 pp - 6 . USIPO/No 577-2 c i Feb 63 Investigations of the Reaction H2S-rSO2 Inaly-tical Procedures for Separating and Breaking Down Macroquantition of Nfur Components in Research With S p by R. Barbieri. ITkLIANp per, Ricerca Sgiantifloll Val 30, 1960, PP 1509-1!;17 HTC 72-11938-07B June 72 Bellugo, U mbertu; TaglWvtnt, Gluar-Kw, and Bar- bi" Renato. COMRIMMON TX) THE ANALYSIS OF ORGANO- hirrALUC CONVOMMS OF LEAD. (1962) 9p. Order from X-H $11. 25 K-1i I 1(X)5 Tran.m. OtIARkerc-AScientLflcatlmly)1960. V. .10, no. IL jr-1675- DP-&CPJavMRS- Chernicol analysis. shlemlorganIc conVountim, 414ad conVounds. 1. B(-Ilug-,), U. 11. G. 111. B.I: k~l, 1 1, !~. W. K-U-! 1~~ FN As~;ocint- s, I)CErOlt, MiCh. (chemistry-Orpnta, TT, V. 9, no. 9) Ofte al Tochmicai Semicti Baz'btarL R[en=L Tagliavint. G[tuacppel. and BeUuV, Ul-bartoj- A;4ALYSU; OF ORMNOMETALUC COMPO(RMS. DMIZONATES Or R PbCI AND R2PbCI. [1962) 10p. Order from K-H $32. K-11 I I ilia Mram afjW "cam] ScI[lendfics] Okaly) 1960. Y. 30. tux DESCRWMRS: Chemical analysis, OMetalorpnic OOWVM" 0DIftwao, OLead compounds, Morides. 63- 12969 1. Barbieri, R. U. ThSliavini, G. M. Bellugo. U. IV. K-H-1 I 1~1 -a V. Kresge-Ilooker Science Library Associwcs, Detroit. Mich. (Chemistrv-Organic, Tr, v. 9, no, 9) Ofteo(T ''silo kv 61-20559 Fratint. Nicola and Schipps. Giovanni. EVALUA'nON OF ME QUANTITIES OF HYDROL- 1. Fratial, N. YSIS LIME PRESENT IN THE CEMENT PASTES BY U. Schippa, G. MEANS OF X-RAYS. PAPER I. (196119p. 4 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 61-2D559 Trans. of I& Ricerca Scientific& (Italy) 1960. v. 30. no. 12, p. "JO-WMT. DESCRIPMRS: K)%irolysis, *Calcium compounds. Oiddes. Quanritarive analysis. X-ray diffraction analysis. 'Cements, *HydroxJdes. *Mortar. After some considerations on the method of quantitati'le X-ray diffractOnletTy the authors describe the proce- dures fnWwed and the results obtained In a deEerminji- tion of the hydrolynts lime in cement paste employing (Fagineering--Chernical, TT, an X-ray spectrograph with Geiger counter. using cal- v. 7. no. 7) clum hydroxide as an internal standard. (Author) OM-1 T-61-1 S-ic.. i ikotint, Gucrr~tccl. Ned% and Maffei, L.Ulgl. 1. Rqtril, 0. T MF ANTIM11011C OF SYN-I-HFTIC DF- 11. Guerrucci, N1. TFRGF.VF'- nN PLANTS, 11962112p. 4 rLfF. III . %4RIfet, L. Order from SLA SI.K.) 62-20242 Trans. of "Acerca Scil entIf1 c4,-j!qn1e I - _aLnd iccilLtj. -jd _J_ _ (Tiilyj 061. V. I I no. I p. 30-36. DFI;CRIM')R',- InhibitioN "Mitosis, Detergents. Sulfonalies. Sodlum compounds, Party acid estcrEi, Toxlctty, Hydrogen ion concentration, Vvgeta- bles. Cereals, Onions. Yh, action (if odium alkylarysulfi.- nate. Sixilum laurylsulfonate and of sodium oleate on the bulbs of Allium Cepa I- was studied. Tbe influence of sodium ds Isulro;Fuccinate on some cultivated ~Xry plants vias Itivestigared. The antimitotic threshold of Me$ of T"b*J11 Serde" (Agriculturv- -Plant Cultivation, 'IT. v. 10, no. 2) Corrosim of Sap ancl Alumiuuz in Molten Bismuth,, by Dante Buttineais Giuseppt de Gmgor:Lo, et alj, 5 pp. IVZ,XAllj, perp Le Tdoeros Sa ==Ica, Vol 1. No 2, 1961., pp MAW- 9MM5 ~' c/'j / '7 2-Y;2 ABC-AI-Tr-10 Sci - blat & I*t ';2 q V 4v4 ~' V eb 64 t1m.-Senratiort of Stendard Resictors at tb-- Nebionel Elect-watechnical Tnstitwte. GeaU~eo l7exTaris, Turin., bv I& Careggio. .TTAIZUN~ 13,-%r;, La I'licarea S-aie&t1fica: Vol Ip No 2. 1961., pp 152-IWQ ....... csiRo/L;o 6P-46 sai 9 EnST Oct 3 12 Z14 (IDC-&76) Saijmut=a liducatUm., by Dmniai ogttes .19 pp. ZMJAXs. rt"s Vol I.- so ho 5? ZWWIM96'lnv ~pvlft~-493- aMB M73 Vi"04 Soa If-.3" qv/ mw 62 Colatribadan. to the Study of OrpnonetaUic Compounds, by L. iticco4ont, et sa. ITALIAN* per, LA Ricerca Sclentifica, Vol H, No 4, 1962, nn 323-331. 1,01~ for D -tu~n.lillilIG tIl-, conotuitu.,~,n1o azi-7 jo:.i- ko3it-ion o-' Aluminium L. -I-, llicarca- Sci,~,Iltliflc:a, 1'.C) U', Urinary OestrOgen Determinatic)li by Means of Thinlayer Chromatography, by M. Wisi. ITALIAN, per Yucerca scient, Vol. 3, ho. 4, 1963, pp PP 36'-;-3'17 CSDIO/No.7596 Sci - Aug 67 339-511 klaj!ltical Study of a Staining React~on for tht Snectrophotometric ~Juantltative Dett-rvlnation of Oeatroj_ens, by 11. LLx:Lsi ITALIAE', per Hicerca scierit, 7i0. 11, vol. 4, pp 3',19-381 CSIRO/No-7597 sc-~, - Sep C'17 339-84.r, Researches on Haptoglobins and on Some blood Protein Factors Present in the Plasma in Various Physiological and Pathological Conditions in the Child. Part 1. Benzidine- Positive Fractions Separable by Electro- phoresis on Starch Agar, by G. Maggioni, ITALIAN, pers Ricerea Scientifica, Parte 2B. Rendiconti Sezione Biologicap Vol 3, No 4, 5 L9bJ, Pp NTC-71-14971-06P Feb 72 mim ainction of ,Sickel in the -Aaaling of Anodic GXidD Film on Aluu&nwa, by lAdgL Ca%)anella. ITJU.L&.N, per, Ilic, Scia Hand, A3 No 6, 1963, pp 8r-1-886. P911124866 MG t;r 6835 sci/Materials We 66 3;4.565 R-6096D 12 Oat 65 P^4wm L*40uwx Idth rafto-loafte by 3mmmkmoob"Ga VW IV% C - AdoWtim, ot @a jv t-y 7901ft RVMWA - 4:6ft,6860 Ame 19" ( 6 pp sponso - 0* Ow v": TM am m ANN- newly ow. ft"'emw as somou obtao"t 1963P961. Methods for Determining the Constituents and Composition of Aluminum Balck, by R. Romita. ITALIAN., per, Hicerca Scientifica. Rendiconti'- Sezione A. Abiologia, vol. 2, no. 6, 1,062, pp- 603-6-Ilt - NTC 71-11094-07B August 71 s Absor.ptlan F113orescoMe and MUMPhoreacence Spectra of -Vnmtrloa airbGMMIMS aLt 70 3~ WY U. lkmuowp et al. ZWJANp per., _ TCLI IVS AD 5,0 --fto 2t& Igaga 2 1964m PP 5M-5W. AT$ 1197-IJ act-bkoh Em JUIL 67 334671 Scientific Rmearch In the UBBR,, by A, Topchav., nW.TANO pw La Rloera& Be' tirlm NaU, '9 VMS s am ii Dazrt; 30aterlar A05 R57' So .1 Sol - Mae q "t C. - Z., -- /,z ;-"Z, my 61 / *.q, T(ar Cla Sam Plopexties of ftpremotation of Tramfor Amations by Mwe-Angle loci, by Mkrio ftlicastrop amnmmmw MM ONLY ZWJA4 pwo I^ MgLm-k aclfmtlflcal Raw'- mn.%:L vbl vx4 Jb 2., 1964j, pp 369-38d- P.5-DMW367 R.SIC-531 Ekd-jbtoh Mw 67 326.,163 Harezine,, a Nov Challm DerivvAive or RjWtrancUal Glewd Bmtrmat FIrm Rwax Tru=uluc, Mwax Braudials msd Triton&UA BrImceap bgr Vlorbar Rrsp~rj FVUVk VWdcat 6 3M* 12AZa" w# Hicarea Sal/e RLC=Strutv Vol rn., No jM-Mltz2XLd.---- -- - ~ ftvy Tr 3KA/me W6 ftl - K*l & Had BUY. 63 Exy,e:rimental rvEmearch on Artificial Farr., by 1. Bant;cCip 11 pp. 3MALWs perp Hicerea Set e R:Lc(mrtruzp Oct 1946p pp 14 1462. - - -.- - - SIA 57-1351 sei AW 58 0,7y1 The Influence of Direct ElectrLe CULL nt on the Difftsion of Substances Precipitated in Metals, by G. Bianchi. ITMJAN, porp Up SeL Ricoatruxp 17, 1947# pp 1987-1990. *Nat Bur Stand Tr 70-59052 Sci-Phys imoo 70 Cmsl&wstlova on the PUture D&velLopmezft of 14mg- distmwe Owitchift, by F. vallese" 8 j1p. ITALZW,, per, Rlcercs Sol WWI,, I * 1956, pp 2-12. - r+M An-eA6 ftl Jul 5.9 f0 ?, j - I I el! 0 ;11 IMIAMOO at RadloproUctors ca the Tcadeity ar Mww-oretbmlw~, by L, Olma., F. Pozza, 14 pp. MUIJANj. ]prp La Rican& fter,, Vol =,, 10 5, ig6o, pp 680--W. - NIB 3 -35 4;1 Sci - Had /y4q (00, xv,61 Giovawdni. M. CONCERNING A POSSIBLE DIMURMON LAW FUL THE PRESSURE ON THE IMPRESSION AREA OF PNEUMATIC TtRES. Feb 61. 13p. Order from K-H $16. 25 K-H 1073!~ Trans. ot Ricerche di Ingegneria (Italy) 1937. v. 15, p. 117-121. DESCRIPTORS: *Tire tubes, Pressure. Distribution theory. 62-17364 1. Giovwmtni, M. It. K-H-10735 111. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates. Detroit. Mich. (Machinery- -Manidacturin& TT, v. 8. no. 5) 04fi-.1 T.&W"f S"... ReGenewation of the S~inal lbbiUm in the HaaaneTated Tail of the Triton (Triton CrIstatus ana Triton Taeniatus),.. by Alberto Stefanallij, Adelim Capriatap kMW 47 PP- pe-A (~ .TTALIMj,4Rlcemhe di-siziolopias 1944P IT 605-63T---`~ NIS. Scientific - Medicine CTE;/= Ariano, R. CRYSTALS TTIAT CAIN BE OBrAfNED FROM BITU- MENS. IIQ611Qp Grd(rr fro:n A'M $11. 75 ATS-6 2Q7,11 'i-rans. ot'rouringChibItalflano, Milan]. j&6lqULujl0jI Spurlimentale) Strajile. fliclerche el Studl, 19M. v. 2, 14 p IT-64-1 2685 1. Ariano, R. 11. ATS-62(1731 Ill. Associated Technica! Services. Inc.. Fait Orange, 14. 1. (Earth Sclences-Mineralogy. TT, v. 12, no. 1) Offi- 0 T-h.1-1 a ... J- rl-RUENCH, bk, Richesses de France La Reunion.. paris Mg Oct 1960, pp 28-32, 816-89, 1-17--T25, IP-L'-1314, 13,5 -137 - *,AFZ -ViEur - France Econ - Jun 61 On, cf th~,, Richter und Weise, ~Dcnrli,,-.. Fisheries Res Bc,ard of Canaclan Biological Station Nanaimo, B.C. .L e (D Draft -- Specifications for Blwtproof Shelters, Effective April 1959, 53 P.P- G&W11j. rpt, Hiabtliaien fuer Luftstossicbere ~j~ Sebutzbautenp A r I AEC Tr-38W Sci - Ragr Sep 60 "'1"27 , e~,O 0 Ptrincipales for M131tury Tiorrtterial Tmri, -,tt Orsanization, 13 PP* MR WFICUL USZ ON,. GEMS'o vfti~kaot" 2MV, /1,, PUbtlinion fuer die MiUtarische Torritarlols Iifti6it--o-ri'minstion, vio-1956p, it-IOT-56, SM . ACSIg B-1582 Vftr - Germany Nil 44158 Ot.Lt-I 14-tpeciricatlons for Radiationproaf Shelters. Effective April 1959, 27 pp. GMMr., b1ci, R tuar Strahluugasichere 4-9 6chubzb%uj;on. Fassung April 19,59. AM Tr-2889 21 iftb 61 (NY -5444) Specifications for the Veterinary-Hygienic Inspection of Slaughter Animals and the Veterinary-Hygienic Inspection of Meat and Mebt Products, by D. D. Ivanov, N. F. Ryausova, V. G. Blokhina, 59 PP. GFdlMkN, bk, Richtlinien fur die Veterinar-Hygienische Bs~shq R - Y P R - Sp id~~c _ht ~E _ie-f e-n -a- t e r i na r - . ... ....... Hygienische Beurteilung von Fleisch und ~le"ischwaren, 1959, pp 1-15. JPRS 7248 Sci - Hed mar 61 Directional Ustribution in the Refle-Alon of Heat ItedLation and Its Effect on Ileat Transfer, by Bimja--tdn Ykmch. 89 pp. rpt. DdLp Rig#t= adUlym b4d. der RO n Von wam2Ltuhl=S m(l 1hr EkaQas e 1,14tmodbertraw 3-V .um. 1955, P910IM2& NASA 'IT F. Sel-lbys m ay 65 3:56.-'18 Tivatment of TraumtIc Lesions of the Spines With Report of Two Cases of Suture of the Wedunav b$l 1. Collicap 3 pip. ZMUNP L,~ Elforw Ned, 353, 1917- Iml Scieatifle - VhAlcine COS/= /7/ q 441-1 The Intr*dermal ReacUm in ImalAc Dysentory. by L, Scalas. ITJa,IAN , par, M&M ijqj# Vol 'n, 1923, pp 967- 969. Imi UIR IC~-29-68 sci-P &M IN Jan 69 3?1.750 Nfaderna. Cand1do. 711E INTRADERNIAL REACTION WITH SFECIFIC ANTIGEN IN PATIENIS WITH ACUM'INATE CONDYLUNAAS (Le Intradermoreazione can Ardlgene Specifloo In Internal Affvm Lin Condiluani Acuminsti) tv. by P. V. DePorte. 17 Nt rv 59, 21 p. (refm. ornitted). Order (ram OTS otr SLA $2.60 59-22714 Trans. of JRItKma Medics (Italy) 1934. v. 50, p. IW4-16tl. DESCRIrMRS- *Venereal diqeattes, *Antigens, *Sklm, *Allergic diseases. (Biological Sciences-Peftlov. TT, v. 6. no. 4) 59-22714 1. Maderna, C. It. National Inatindem of Health. Bethesda, Md. Offit. f T*cWtd S-ti- 4-7-61 CoiOylomnsj by C. MxLerna, 7 PP. r-PALTAlf j, perj La _ Rifonaa- I.-tLedien, Vol Ll.. 1935, mi) 91, 94.' Sri - dadiAima jan 6o Diuretic Action of 20 4-Diaminc-Triazlna, by Aldn, Tumhattip 13 P. ITAIM., par.A-IMmis, W%Uca, 1950, 1101 LXIV, No 1.5, W) 405 Aw. MA 59-17E135 act ftb 60 Vol ep T* 10 1 a a', 9/f 7 Ora the Determination of the VO:LMC of PIZ&M and Blood Maas by the U$e of the SIMctrapbaUcetAw, bY U. Salerm, Go TmIurluo, 7 Ime =rAN .p pars Rif 'He m., Vol LM,, No 24, 1952,, pp 648-65;i. ATM F-IS.-BWM Sai . Hedlelne 't 4f, 3 8 Feb 9 IM CM/Ma The E-ffect of Calcium in the Absorption of Dron in Human Beings, by R. Dibened- etto del Aquila, G. Bini. ITALIAN, per, Riforza Modica, Vol 67, 1953, pp. 1073-8. NTC 69-11764-06P Sci-B&I'l July 69 387,607 Vitamin 82 in Psoriasis, by G. Montilli, m. Pisani. ITALIAN, per, Riforne Medica, Vol 68, 1954, 20S-7. NTC 69-11763-06E Sci-E&M July 69 387,544 Thevetin in the Treatment o:E Cardiac Insufficiency, L. Ambrosio, A. Mangieri. ITALIAN, per, Riforma MeBicia, Vol 69, 1954, pp. 818-23. NTC 69-11764-060 Sei-94M July 69 387,S82 jVpctjjemIc-j in Ow-dian B=gery,, try E. Mocattop 2 pp. FmU translation. am 1MALIMip jxw, Mtmm mod.,p Vol IXVJ-L , S07 139 1954P pp 1269~-vno- Nm Tr 635 Scietftfic - Medicine ;~?x 60/ 19 Oct 55 (.M/D~X ItuM* AcoldmUs PtdbU= (it NPMI= wA ommpwrlo tcr obstaw TSOWO I:lr pp. MWJW,t Vwv RUMA NA# TWL Is X90t IV 345. MM IA?5 04 - m" rw 59 p, rgd~' BEHAVIOR OF LACTIC DEHYDROGENASE IN INFECTIOUS DISEASESIBY A. BALDII N. Russol 6 pp. ITALIAN., PERi, RIFORMA MEDICA,, VOL LXXIV.. iqQ~ PP 575-576. - NIH 5-38-62 1 ~ SCI - MED 2o7,,926 i AUG 62 TT-6,4- 14573 hionasterio, G. A SERIOUS DANGER TO HEALTH: TAELAGISM. (1902) 1 ~ himasterlo. G. 24P n. Title: Tabagism Order from SLA $ 2. 60 T17-64-14571. Trans. of Riforma Medica (Italy) 1960. v. 74. no. 35, P. q89-qq&---------- Another trans. is available trorn K-H $30-00 as K-H-10764-c [19621. (Biological Sciences --Pathology, TT. v. 11. no. 11) Otfi- .1 T-hM..f S.-I.- SELECTIVE SUSCEPTIBILITY OF THE ENTEROVIRUSES TO Ro 2-(ALPHA-HYDROXY-BENZYL)-13El4Z[MIDAZOLE AND DERIVATIVES,~BY Y. TAMM, H. EGGE-RS, 3 PP- ITALIAN., PER., RIFORMA MEDICAX VOL LMV, NO 2, 1956, PP 138-1117- - NIH 7-34-6,,? SCI - MED OCT ~2 213:o84 Ob a ervat- ions on the Influence of Sodium Dehydrochlorate an the Peripheral Blood Picture, by Nello Benda and Cesare Gat:ibel- un'"'het MMIT., Per., la Riforue V'le I., 1S~00, Vol -74, pp.601~-6o6. siA-T-~,-64-2oolq Au~; C-6 'C6 /75 ) ,,D ) On the Mifluence of Sodium Debjnlrocholate by the lutravenous Paute on the Picture of Serum Upids and LiMrotelm in Norma3 and Arteriosclerotic Subjectsp by F., Cocuzzap S. G. O*IombrJLtap A pp. IZAlaUp per.. la Worms, Medics, Vol TJ=T,* No A 1958P pp TW-W2-. - MA TT-a-2DM7 sept 66 309,756 62- 10916 Amicc. ('.;. d'. 1. ritle: 1~avt_'Icx S I.S LN 111111. DIURETIC EFFECT OF A NEW DRLIG OF 17HE BENZOTHIA71DE GROUP: CYCLO- 1. AmIco. G. J' PENMIAZIDE (PRELIMINARY REPORT) (L.-idagint It. Tltle~ Cwlapen~ttazi&- suli'Fff~-.rzt- Diurcrica di un nuovo Farmaco del Gruppo del flenrodazidIct: Is Ciclopentiar.1de (Noza Prelinii- naxe)). tl9b2l 110)p. S refs. Order Ircm SLA $1. 10 62-iMf, Trans. of ki if~rtna Medica (Italy) 1961. v. ", S. 25 Mar, p. 311 DESCHW101(S: 'I)1UreEiC13. $Drugs. Sulfonamides, Kidneyq. IAcretiw, Sodium. Potassium, *Pentothia- " tie de x I %!,I I I ve k. The diuretic acitun of a new diuretic Ivionging to be-nzothlazlde groups, has been studied: -lopenlhla- - Prt-AmInary tests Indicate that a ic'r 1e 0. ~.5 _ . zidt. Ding 3 dose of iyc lope ndixazide has the same diuretic and Na (Biological Scienceii - -Phu rmacology, TT 8, .. 6) (ove r) F uJ wh-i COM A li,,i, I VF lwl-t !A U iN , I i I ~ i. i.lP E II AND SAIA,'RE11C ("I ll~ 1lRCX-AIL-('TRC' t III- AZIDE-: AND III IA 7A[M. A COIL.'- POUND OF I'HE ll-:NZCrFIiIAPIA,'l 'Nl- GROUP (VAlu.&ZioUk' ",M)p4rilti~C JAi'Azione Uiu: etica Saluretica dctlta ldr,~A;~wottazide e d U t C't 10P. W A.".;~ Nuovfj Coil-poilto dell C-.rtn)po Ben7wi(x!tarinico). 2 1 Dec 6 2. 1. 1 ii. Order from SLA $ 1. 60 h.1- I Tron6. of lWorms v. 7'., p. DESCRIPTORS: *[hut crics, 'Chlorollilazide djuretl,:s, Miazines. N.-nzyl radicals. Excretion. Urine, Sodliwy,, Potassium, Edema. Liver, Diseases, Heart, The diuretic and saliuretic action of a new compound (Biological Sclencer-Pharmacology. T r. v. 10. no. 7) (over) Observations of a Case of Trimaient Flutter, Atrial Fibrillation and Atrio-Ventricular Dissociation After Exertion, by A. Jacono, G. lullani. ITALJAN, per, Riforma Medica~ Vol LXXVI, No 4, 1962, pp 429-43r.---- NASA TT F-8556 set - B & M S ci M 64 U2. GOVERNMENT ONLY 2582616 Study of the Hepatic Insufficiency by Aid of the Decholin Test, by_ R.Galdi. ITALIAIT,, per,. Rif orma,, eEca,-i963, Vol-77 pp-34-39. siA-liT-64-l8qBo B /M Aug 66 :;08.,660 Mxthyli-rednisolone Acetate in the General and Local Trea-tiient of Rheumatic Diseases, by E. Ortenzi. IVJZAN,, per, Riforma Medica, vol. -16, 1~62, Pr,~-733-736. RTC 70-3-6922-070- VC LI, i31~ Reform and Revolution (Italy),. by Antonio Giolitti, 35 PP- ITALTMjt bk, Hiform--q FdTca=J-ozwJ, ?twin, Apr 1957. pp 7-Q. WHhr Italy goo ~.zazvx=zzts a Sand Mgratlon by Kw- -na of Tracera 2-11 xtic~ cf tha Earopoort Jettleo bry J. 11. swmaek~ 6~v pp. I-7MMU, rptj, Ri _,Jk~ters ~taat~D4 k4ic= t. Piapportv No 8, Dee io,63L, Far 11C.-1. Jun 6311 Some Measurements of Respect to Tolerable levels, by, R. Flopp. 114) Auditory 922resholds With and Non-TcLIerable Noise DUTCH, );K~, Fdjlmverded Org T.H.O. Rapp (W1955-4). . -- - TIL T-5023 Sci - Fbyu Jul 60 /-'-161/ "1 -;9 1'7 Yhlamtdonp Croey., Fatigna 2csts and I'Lt-sts of the Babavlor at MSb TeMerattires of Cold.,.Dwamm Wire in the Pmetrestised Caam.3tat 17 D- JGvtlc,, 11 3;P- MRMM.p pers IUIgm DOUP F* 4.. 1959., pp 6&15. wA 6ox835,,; fti VCLI TV;p no 21 Y~Z- Am 62 X-Ray Study of the Effects of Structure of FIred Clays, by FIRENCII, rpt, R:Llem Bullet:Ln. NTC-71-10365-IIB e J-1- 96, /~L~. /( is ExIlansion on the R. Iachaud. No 23, 1964, pp 59-75. Nov 71 Mensurement of Surfrce Temperetures by Thermocouples, by J. Mareclinl. FMICH,, per, Rilem Bull2tjp 'o 23, 1~.64, PP 8-83 ~, 1% CSIRO/No 7330 Sci - Jul 67 334,171 A New PuVhlet, With Old Falsifications On the Occasion of the Fifteenth Aurdvermary of the First Congress of the Albanian D-+- 1- ks...0.0f. CS-In 0 -- JPRIS 22974 EE-ALbanig. POI Feb 64 248,039 Str=4,-th o' Conerc-te, ~y W. Kuo---ys~d - , imioxl', j.-cr, Rilcui aal, 1~,~16~), I)p 7 - -,), I -, I I -. GB/ 12.111,a6 Sci - jui 6,-( 'Dd ~ 4. , - t.) E-fccts of --sion 2:-ay Study of the mi the Stlructur,~ of Fired Ciizys, LILUCha-Lid, R - nEMCII per, Rilem Bulletin, 1.o _-_'3, 1,)6~,. i-'P 59-'1,5. W TRO/ 110 .763~ 5 Sci JU1 U _.D_j -lilt Tmmtmnt or Chronic Omt4mysIttle by Memo of MageoU by AUb AIMI%ue& 5 Vp. ZTALIAX# RInaftensa Heft*&, 1932. ID a8vu P-22W -Bow-- ScieutlLf 14 - Medicine IR" 361 7w. l;v4r Pt>licy of the BMILUC 0D==lictz 9, by lain Onrloom Frmmt**p 6 ppe inuam, P=, rdma4ts, Vol XV9 so lop nwwo 1958j, iv 659-6Q. 90 JM 44A79-D ammil POI - 7059 rl'.0.11cl (DC-3CO7L,".'k!"- Zetvocu Itede UnIons =d Gcwuaict i-,rty Di I*Lthl;F (Ifqe Trade up-loa :RC74.-A-L~.14ming Z"a larty Tarsko, by Luclano 1 7 pp. P 2LWANj, ~,pmr, Ri=citaj Val XVI~p No 91 Romy 1959; pp "8-6M. JM-1016-D scoa - Italy 307 519 (DC-3801/7). Cordems&Uca of Seratofore Uuxublished Speach of V>aimtti to Conference of R6~resentmtivts of M*0=18t aA& Work*= I Paru4rm, Xb4cow, 16 -19 11CIVUmber 1957 (the Pollilcal Grioatation of Otw PiLrty) . u pp. XTAUM,j perp Rlmmolta., Vol 2.V1j, No n, Row, 195% M? 757-762- WAxr - Italy JM-U73--D J1. On Vw Antifnoclum Bature ce t1w Sccond 4orld War, by Rugg-oro Ge-Uico, 6 pp. imim, r, RIr.53cita,, Vol XIFI, No 91 1.959, pp 642-W. im -io),.6 -D scom - Pal /0/ Nov 59