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Organic Chan-ges Duribij; TreatLent for Chi or-proniazine, by L. lincinas. per, Revista Ncuropiiq lat, Vol 20, 1957, pp '274.3-27q. *AC$l J-8117 1D 2204004370 sci/E.&M 'a j. 1U j 23 pex, Bovue du --Ijicl ,;LA 6o-141:L2 !J C! i 1%, 1 n I!,. NICIII-WI II-.S, 'NOWUNG. [ 19611 11 p. P I .,i-, 1 1! -- 4 Ordcr Ir. -n AT-6 $12. 95 ATS-22,'-'ISF 2. 1-111- NI, Fl I . Arl,-Al,x. L. Trans. :yf ?.,qv:Y.,z.lduJ NIckel (France) 19M. v. 2t. 11. Ally- 2,N4hF no. 5, p. 132-139. A%,--, ia!~J Tc,,linical Scr.lce!i. Inc.. East Orange, N. I -I (Mezallurgy-N,mferrous 'Mexals, 17. v. 5, no. 10) z,Lr., :,toy. I-AcLe. IA-", ~ij 53-67o Protective. Vorka of' Ports, by Pat-= Iribarren Cavemilles. SPAUT-811,, Reyistn De ObrFjj3 Publiceq~ -Tuntx% De 7n- Ynatigr,te-Ion m-T2qnqqs, Vol 89, No 2709, 1 Jan- w-try IQ41, PP 13-25. USA Crm_ s of Engr, Watervayu Rkpar Sta r-pr J;a-6 Sci Engimerina, IiAraulics,, naval Eccn Transportation, river, water AvalLmble ou loan at Ra3aarah Cauter Library "e.cau (!CwcCrL'ill(; 'U'll'a Inrtabil"y of ", o LT) In' Sel Zz~c:imnoriiwg; ivarziu-iies, mval vr_'~cr Avai-I.r.blia i.,n Ician at Vascarch Oc:ater Libr by D'artia z C,' 0 al;eim ), I MAMMI R, .~gwlq-L3 De Obras Pablier Vol 7' A. Picat, 11 , V vo CI-32`1 r.U~t :1 I. I., USA Car.*9 of Vatcruays R-mer 81;a 1-ft- 44-13 Sell. - Enginecring, kydxwaIi(!:;, Scou - T-numportation, rivcrj, water 4 1 P,~- The Critical Slope bet-wean incipient B-reakinG P-ild ReflTcting of Waves, by Ramon Irilmrren Cavanit"es Y SlIXIFUZ, Revista De Obras Publicam, February 1950 USA Corpr; or Engr, Ilm-terways Expe'r Sta Tr 50-2 Oci Lqkgineerlng, UMM hydraulica, naval R-con Ti-inupartation, r!vF-r, wuter -5-~ #- -- g #' W ~ Dikes and Verification of ,tf-, by Rancin Iribarren-Cavanillev. 23 pp. SPANIS11.4 Revinta de Obrau PUblieue MacLrid Msy 1950. ====W-. S.L.A. Tr No 235/1955 ocf.s 51-4 Sci - Geophysics Jan 1957 MS/dex Amimolorbea-ColActorThea, bV 1. 75ibillam. snuazm6 par* n". Obst. 7 GIPP Val 214 196k.0 pp 5096-0y.- avowt or un/mis sai-sm oct 66 22a AV Camelt (cr fwtor) Ru PregmncY.- btr Pletmlnntl at &I. ZWMM Vro , Ob~* G!U36, P"bet-p ALI$ I I y 4), 437 0 "*Pt or Em fti-M Oct 66 Coma of Serious AlvedLar Reabmwrption in 1*0 cy,*, by Rosa lusem, 35 1q). t~m E ip, r. Reviam Oclontologica, Vol N:N=, t 67-105. ~o Sel --Blol &Med SW 64 262,168 Memical Fertilizers and Cultivation of Cigar and Pipe Tobaccos and Yellow Tobaccos, by J. H. Mantreuil. 14 pp. FRENCH, per, Revue d'Oka, Agr nomie, Medicine Veterinaire (Canada)., Vol 14, No 3, 1940, pp 69-78. K-H-2396-f sci/B&M Jun 67 327,755 -c LI .0 y c;9 Tltro-Mthrror ApInantlic Teleacope with Dlovtric -r4 by pp. 7r,E"IMIT, Rnv Oit, Vol T, No 9, Sep 1922, pp 11.97 -11-12 SLA c,8-37 sci Jul 59 Achrmatia Lenses for filtm-vialet Rqyn., by L. Bloch* E. Blochy 5 pp. FPmm,p parip Povw Optp vol T4 Jau 192T.- ;P 31-a~-- SaLoAa Tr 57/309 4S, r?97 Sei - ptamus i i= 57 ~;aqjImmUca Wtowt V. ~,uto~z- ttz., ia 44.uwtai in the ftr Ultnmiolet., tkr 1.110 IIIIA'. zv* !"IfUllicAlip lpx,, Ela" ds!RM g2o" 401 VTI, IDO 16, 11,Vb# pp kG-2W* Nmli- Alm, t. TT-61-14150 Lianjon, M. A. VLAJAL. AuLTITY ANU rr . VARIA110N.. (L'Aculte L Dsajon, M. A. v'ibuellt: et ~e. Variations). [13p]. Order froiai A.A 51. 60 17-61-14150 1'rans. (it ilc~ tic d ~!Lta e I'-Fheauq~jim --t 41~~tLt~imejjtal,j (Frdiicc) 142~, V. 7. p. 205-214. (Biological ,ctenca~--Phpiology, TT, v. 12. no. 5) off- f 7-h-.1 S ....... A ki-mctical I*tbod f0r EmAnLIG and v jAcamuring BIrefrIngence In Uptical Glasacsp IV, DIOII*Lo Tard;y* B pp. FT=Cllj per.. fevw dlfttL%~Ep W 6,. lW9p I'l). 59-4~9- 922b3lb Pzc-Tr-6536 Apr 65 277PO78 Gramant, Armand do. TT-61-142 01 APPARATUS: BREWSMR*S FRI&M ANANIORPHOSER 1. Grarnant, A. de (Anatnarlhomw a Prismes d'Apres browster). 9~p. 13. *nrje~ Ansznorphwcr~ Ordw f"ffn SLA $1. 10 TT-61-1,1201 Tr- of BQYLujkI.4:qxuqwL-'ll I utq ~Iauwe-- tal!I.Traws) 1930, V. 9. m 4. p. 164--168. (R..-.b E~qwp.,. Tr. The Optical Determination of Internal Stresses, b Henry Favre, 26 pp. VItENCH, per, R#YUP.-ftqtI;Ae, Vol M, No 1, 1932, pp 1-22. 9693352 DDC RSIC-190 Sci - Phys Aug 64 263,182 Photoelasticity: Purely Optical Method for Determin- ing Deformation in Thickness of Models With Practic- ally No Restrictions on Parallelism of Surinfaces, by V. Tesar, 10 pp. FRENCH. ver. Revue dlOpdAue Theorique, et Instru- -1- VDCK Sci-Phys allly 64 263.151 Essearah an the ScatUwij3g of Light in the lby-n kv., by TV*$ 3A Rnknd. 92B pp. :MA38,04r. v Pov- ftt? Vol JL6x No 8o 2937o MM 2T F-1.2p344 9WIL-B&H wov 69 395,769 ::*~uTxn,~')osition Fringes for Optical i4ith YI-Arallel Facer, by Ii. CUbl`-U'al. J. 'A-rriCn. p--r, Revue d'Optiqut, Vol XX, 1)411, pp 3~5-46. CSIRO 5o66 SCi - Mly'.3 Miar 6,.~-- / oz? '-" e%- ;~ / '-' 5pect-ml encrity difstribution "It it CON.'41 I ERA"t It )IN Of, f, it 11 IlPL I t~~ I Iqt-'v'Wa')N5-. [It 1. CkjiMF*.(- Pi ~l k , 0,10 I;it :~Mll. RA It )0, (.R ~011 , -ct,~%ts TOtivestuteJez Cortm-Nojib Ajiifi- uvt r ciels Coittfte Te-im dea Diffusions Ntuluple, Interites 1 t6p I ref. ,Irdr. fwm M", or ,I A U A41 63-1465-, Frans N 'ique .IlbOorl u 11) 5, Y. 113. P. 1-10. 4 . W. it SLA as ~:thl: IE Wlti t3th)(IS Litt! available trot, Al. w]),. at.1 Cri's or SI-A $1.60 as ,9-190()5 21P. OF.I-k-UPIOK-N: *81-lwkkWy radiation, Diffusion, , Corri-vtions I *Radiation pyrometers C'i ki't L' 1, ~1~ I- Gcu~,-;, A. It 'I "Ele. cort-c-cticul III Title. C~)r rection IV. (;IA A, - 2~)') T T 1W YY 7A UNLI CO (P!1' , I.' , !T' N . 10, no. ((wer) DisiMqpatim at MatUr and IMiabioloas by Nhurlem X, Nabminup 106 pp. Fasims bkp La Revw d*Optlqwt Theom L ut et in- Tka Cyrlotb-*- S-L.A. Tr So 435/1955 Sol - sialow Jan 1957 ms/dex A System of High-Contrast DIffraction Fringes,, by A. Kast1w. 11 pp. FRENCH~ per., Rev: dlOptique, Vol 29, No 6, June 1950,, PP 307-314- NASA-TT-F-13794 Feb 72 nCElolving Power of Optical Insti=e-.jts,, by IR(mchi., 15 PP. UNCIASS per, ]Ravue d I tique.9 0. Vol -,TI it 4 1C. Farwxwmgh Tr ".ulantific - Cbemietx7 1Z 4LIJ4 MPANV Of FWalbe In Bmwoel*Lty by the Motbod or a Cast Madov., by D. 0 if=zi, pwi, Rolm diftm") Tboorst 0t I -q- EVp lk) U/gs 19500 ]Me 4196WO . 00 696UO694W $a.pj" Ally 69 388..82D A S'W4 of labomageaeity in Tiax&a Glaf36 DiEicE;, by B. ITOt, M.- Prancon, 15 Pp- X nMCH, per, Rev Opt, Vol XXV., '~-950,, pp 499-512. SLA V 30-11 Sci - Phylilics Fab 58 J-J-4:5 Disperalon of the Electric w3d Magnetic BIre- jPrjzgont-,.,fi of Liquidop by Re &n*vmtp 36 pp. per,, Rev Optiqtw., Vol )=,p No 11j, Noy 1951j, pp k53-470- SIA 57 -2" MMw,58 4 ~ Interrereace by Double Refxuatim In White Light. New Metliod for Observing Translarent Objectc, by Francon,, 17 pp. Revue d:2Mgge., Vol M(XI, No 2,, 19r2,, ;R9 E. p CIAAMDA-97 L~cievtlfic - Pbysles Apr 54 GMA= Geomtric Bage Formings. Aberrationsp by A* lkre*Wp 2 ppo FMMMO pers Ray Optiqtwjp Val XXXT., No 11, Nm 6~ 19528 SIA 3M my 58 ~ -q 9#"d A Rev Solution to the Problem of Attenuating T-NCLR.98XFMj *'RENMv per, Revue -410alcoolk Vol. XWIp No 11j, Apr 19,53. Navy Tr S~54/WShips 539 f~clentlflc - p1waics Feb 54 CTs 129, C4 1,q 6 'imriatic4i of the Reeolution Limit,~mi;- B(Lmtft:~; sa a Punctian of the Coberence, by Arnulf PTIMMI,, 1yer., Rev Opt, Vol ~=-T 1, No 10, 2.9,rl n. 530v -9.1 -GB -~3 A: v41, 5 71, pwft Iy'r U# of Photocor4uct-.1ve Celle iu Spectroac bjr Mwc N=Xch,. :9 4 pp. - FRIMC . per., Revue d 'Oplilque p Vol =III, No 10, lg!sh, pp 497-5m. - NAVY Tr 12441AIRL 538 -- Sal - PIWXICB 4 ??? /,1 46 ..Ypeu of Gleso Transparent In the Infraredj, by ~.inette de Waif* 6 pp. F IRM H,, porp Revue d 0 Val MIT a 110 10, C pe PP sAvy Tr i261/ML 539 Sci Phyetc The Abbe Condition and the Reversible Optical Tranwalssions p by P. M. Daff leux. rBZNMO per, Revue d -OptIq%bes Vol XXXIVp ft 1955 P vi-95T Pzic r-Ts4%93/V act Pbyaics 34,091.7 F*b 56/6S iwn Correction of the Aberraticnis of an Objective by Mmm of Deffractlons, by Robert Burtin. FROM, pers Revue d 'Optiow-, Vol XXXIV, No 5, ILM.. pp --, ", ATIC lr-W-MO/V sel - Mysics feb 56/dS 3/) 0/f Graphical Study of the Reflective Paver of Little Thin Absorbing JAVers With Reflective lodex Smaller ftan the Rest Is One, by Dood u H&U. FRMR.# per# R*vue Vol XXXIVj No 5, 3-955j, pp ATIC F-TS43695/V Sci - Physics Feb 56/ais matemorr-n-cmet"a-sc of Lient Astrancow, 35 pp. PRMM, pwp newe D'Optique, Jla 1956. on Tr i6B65 W.Ruz- Fmace Ra Dac rl Trieam of Various Productri, Capable of Actiug as Optiml Cawnts., by Yvcln Besse# Jean Demroop 16 pp. PM(MI. pGr* 1ReVUq b Spe 1956* _01 Qpj j, VCkI XXXV S pp 21-340 6:rA'9W331-r A.C.S.I.L. Tr No 913 Bel - Ptagles; Cbemittry 7/ mar 19W CTSAM A Path Difference Independent of Incidence as a Means of increasing the Product of Luminosity Times. Resolution in tnterferometers, by Pierre Connes,jgpp. FRENCH, per, Revuit-d'Optique, Vol )OG(V, No 1, 1956, pp 37-43. 96997W-- Amer Meteorol Soc T-Jr-61 Sci - ES Mar 65 275,043 A Mry-Feret wtalon for mmouremeat of the Doppler width CC tho.& 5M line Im the al da sk,y,, by R. V. MLZUWlkmra III MR -F wi, ftr- Oot 35v no 7, p 414-20, 1956. '-A Sol Aug 59 3i4o Of pp.% Pcrt D'22 Rov 19- ame ,~6. Soma-M OIN Tr 168& Sai - lyhynior, Dec 57 Tnte:tferemce Wthod of Wasurinj; Distance by Radar, by Georgem Brouasaud,, 3.1 pp. , qq.._ a) 11, lov 1956. PRMIH., p(or, "a, 1 _4 , M, i% USASIA Tr 903 Sci - Pbymics 7 Jun 57 offul fill l"1114"Imic 61-22329 Crece. P. L Crow, P. STUDY OF A MET140D OF PILTERM OrnCAL EL ATS-6lN49P IMAGES Irr. 11. 1]")) 19p. HL Associated Tedmilles) Or6er from A77S $30.75 ATS-61MVP Services. bic.. Rest omnv. x 7'rans. of P.*Vt"j-4' Mow" at butnow - a 6 0 " 56. 1. m It. 9. 569-509. tale) mr 0 DESCRU"WRS. *OPHcal Ininges. *Optkal mile. (Physics- -Opdcs. TT, v. 6. rxL 1) 61-22-330 Croce. P. SWDY OF A METHOD OF FILTPRING OPTICAL I - Croce. P. IMAGES (OONCUMED). 11%11 Up. n. ATS-62N49P Order frorn ATS $19.93 ATS-62N49ff In. Aspociated Technical Services. Inc., Trams c(Rov[w]4~Optliq-Tb6mlq-otlnoU-~ East Orange. N. J. tale] (iran'tij 19 U. v. 35. w. 12. p. 642-656. DESMIPMRS: *Optical tress". S*~ also 61 - ZZ329 3o 005-1 (Phyales- -Optics. rr. w. 6, no. 1) I ;- --.I lluaolvlng' PoLmr ctr a alcz.. by, V. muw-vim., J, M-MICIM, 20 rp ~11~.Illfl -et, 7p Alw 60 SafnmMve 'Dxlm at Alr in the Nlidble FdWan of the Speewum4 by VwMro mmami., 6 pp. Ffmu,o pero novae op~j Val m =vxo 'Mo = AW-UMPMr-955(L) Md - Awl Bcd AUg 63 -pq4 4v3 by 1IL-25MM per$ VeL 1=11, Gat 1957p pp 475-48~'.' am 1399 Bei - Chem out iD the 130fraTed by an lUterferamtript by J. viticant-ftlas*p J. Iscouta, 16 vp. -4'Optique, Vol IMMX,, uo 6., -33~ DOO of commot Dr Nowy Btrou"m ftt]L 22 Be or f1taDdards Bel - Pb."Um AVr 60 7~ In-olications Of Scftlicrcr- ij-by IA. PhilbCrt' vol FJG 881 6o Optical ~~tho" for Wo~urinL; taie tleij;at of ~4,-rcury in a Manometer; Now Initerforential Viatnometer, by J, Terr~cn, 11 p;?. FILENG1, por, Rov DIC~Aique, Vol 53, i.,Io 1, 1959. pli 29-37s AIU.I/ISIC-Tr-920-69 GOVE-WiMill USE UNLY sci/Methods June 69 383,318 ..,, SttWy of Celestial Mtrav-1010t Fadiation, by J'acqueum Lonale, 10 pp. FIMMM,, porp Farm D'OpUqm,, Jun 1959. MABU. 'Ir = Sal - p2wo J'aft 61 /S /j oi, Princij)1es ano Application o--.' a Ncw Type of Interferential Spectrometer, by Pierre Connes. FRZNCH, per, Revue d'Optique, Vol 2MVIII,, 1059, iv IUX 157-2:01, 416-441. xKMOMCgZ4 *:X-CEU, Res Lib sci -fIz 20 AuL---, (,2 Investigation on Spectroscopy by "he Fourier Transform-at ion, by Janine Connes. FROCH, Der, Revue d'Optique, Vol XL, 1~61, PP 45-79, 116-1-L,h, 1.71-190, 231-265. *Amer Meteor ~-oc Sci - Phys 25 Apr 62 Description of a Fabry-Perot Interferential Spectromter, by R. Chabbal, T. Jacquinot. FRENCH, per, Revue d'Optique, Vol XL, 1961, PP 157-170. *AFCRL Res Llb Sci - Phys 17 sep 62 *Amer Metcorol SOc fresti" as poUftwtry., by G- ft-W*t- 61T PP- I Tbocwiqm at RWSZUO bk, asv dOODUSM ,- Le, 7IMs pp 1-447- 30 Sol-FIVU 398," D" 69 English Title Unknown, by YV63 Le Grand. FRENCH, per, Revue d'Optiquie Theorique et Instrumentale, Vol 16(8), 1.937, pp 241-266. *NASA TT F =12,344 May 69 COU141fl, ad C404uumkn of a cmm",at .4abm" 4or ZO RUOdOl AborradMa In aloi*OW Mijrci, C4 = LArse 4!.Pmwe, by J. ftt4ew4 42 pp. WARI. per. A= OROMI 4&Wm " 1104410" VOI A"VM6 Mig* pp v;iilqplr.u A 60-1-Dw 640, 28k*03 Prod'hontme, L. TEMPERATURE DEPENDRINCE OF THE SPECIFIC REFRAcTiviTy. (19621 15p. Order from ATS $18. 85 ATS-32P60F* Vq Theprlu== Ingtrumem. G. of Rev[uef."jWJjq V. Td. '&o. 8*. p. 407-422. Refraction. *Refractive Index. 62-17314 1. Prod'homme, L. 11. ATS-32P60F Ill. Associated Technical Services, Inc. East Orange, N. J. --Optics, TT, v. 8, no. 1) of T-W-1 &w.1". St-ady of the Transmitted Dand Shift of an Inter- fevential Filter Caused by the Action of a Gas.by Y. 1.0-- Duff FRENCH per Rev. Opt. Vol. 113, 1,1o. 12, 1964, PP 613-617 GD 131/T 4799 Sci - A",,- 67 339-6811 111;:~ CAVAINILIES, R. 1. pararus for producing waves in INSIIOC-TI385. Theap the Laboratory for Parts of the College of Engineering for ads R w Canals and Ports. Rev. Orbas publ. May 1952. Reprint. p. 1 -7. A Fht" LeabM Of thO C&21*1 Somphoid Bone, by J. Tnwta.. M. Cormcbm Llort. LOW93SWIRD jMG14 W p"s Nw, d'Orthop., Tol MM.. 1935P 99 50-57- ftyy 2709ADCS 530 Sal - WAUXIM im 63L /' --? 7, - ~z d &/ Stimulation of Longitudinal Growth of the Tibia by P. lacroix. FRENCH, per, Rev d'Ortho, Vol 33, 1947, pp 3-6. IIEI~ LN11i 2-57-66 (On Loan) WE-France Sci/B&M Apr 66 298,480 Dislocations of the Patella Exclusive Recent Tratirtatic Dislocations, by J. flarion. FP1:NQI, per, Rev Orthop, Vol 36, 1950, pp 181-241. *N,':,S/1476 sr-i/B&NI Apr 70 1-1-61-146.47 Up, AL E. HOW TO WMXMRR 7M SENSnMTY OF THE L Buyz, M. E. APfARA7= CP THE SUG-CIRCULAR CANAL Ussurar In Smsibilfto do IApparsil SmM- &= [Up) 6rds. Ordw ft= SLA $1.60 IT-61-14647 Tram. cg Ravin (Prarce) L929. v. 7. p. 253-262. (MOIDOCS3 Tr. T. 12. ncL 5) !""FORY N) -f'AG.MY!S AFFUP, A 1, ;V,(;L;'!-,M~ !,CCELERAIION 01 -.MA iY I i% I (I.,, Nys,.jgm is lkCkt-1, Ani!uLAIrf- I Qg~llvi' d, P:t!i, 14 I I [I 41p. 14 1 el,. 'it N t VIS lon, " F C~, i -A,~ , 04- ~f T-N.i-l S-.. 1.2 . I C,2:i-, Vi%i r mJ otht Y~,. AXI 11. ()111 R NF110TIS IN 'I'lli- COMI! 01 it I It,! FR I.It IAli N i* Wl 111 DSf'O (TOI.111 T I' A"'ilDF). C~rr- 21 F~h ~,I, 4p. OIT11111111. Ord, r 'toni 1.;). 10 ii~ -11 t7mi,. A Rt vw, O'Ow-Nt- ui w p, 2~~3- -';7. *()p[jC JIL T %I, Illfl,ltl rnar)on. Thtrap~, Drugs, Toxicitl, Ev,-, *SUM:11,1111iJ, ~. lia~iug~ tad ,!it rtc~ titly to obI, r%, a c,is, , f ~-'d --.t I optic 11,~Ut Ili, ill 01, Courst A ;t CiIII (11 [)ill)( hYpl- V,IV1 CMIk t;UIfO!l.llDiJ- ~', I)Sf1l), %4L ha%1' fl 11 11 10VItz,11111 lo r L p:,i i our 1-: r vations. (Author) LAarmal N' ontal lTyMoivtosis In Man, Its Rarity " Its Clizdcsa Facullw-Itles, by He Q%uavev Fmi4wHl me Rev Otonouroopbull Vol A NO 30 1962, pp 129-05. &U AM 5-i9-68 Sai./mul Jul 68 .360,192 General Discussim of Audiomtry: 7he Normal Audiogram, by S, Merairovsky, 17 pp. SPMISH, per, Revista do Otorionolaringologia dal 14toral vol 19 No r;-1941, 65-75, 5 LA TM 13 17 SCI-B&M Jun 67 327,092 Special Achievements In Silviculture and Forest Exploitation, by M. Suder, 6 lip. RUMANUN, per, Revista Padurilor, No 8, Aug 1964, pp 407-". JPRB 27932 EE/Rusania R Uco Web 65 .3 275,185 ,rwo Decades of Uninterrupted Progress in the Regulation Forests and the Management of Forest Resources, by 1. Milescu, 8 pp. RUMANLAW per, Revista Padjrflor, No 8, Aug 1964, pp 409-414. JPRS 27932 BE/Rumania HOG Feb 65 275486 RE/Rglumania Hco Feb 65 7 275,#87 Development of Logging and Forest Transport In 1944- 1964 bY AL- AndrCis 11 PP- KOLL~&AN, per, Revista Padurilor, No 8, Aug 1964, pp 420-2427. --- XPRS 27932 EE/Rumania ECO Feb 65 3 275 08 8 EE/Rums-nia Eco Feb 65 2 189 751 The Floods In Suceava and Becau Reglumes and Their Conmqmucem, by Constantin ArghtrUde,, 3.1 pp. UNCLASSIPM) RUMUMANj, no per,, RevIsta Padur*?r, Vol LXXI, No 10, Bucharest, Oct 1957,' j~j-64h -A82 US JM/b"-317 HE ow Rimanja Geog MY 58 Oi"-id) Achioveamts of 10 Years of Forest Managmentp by Watoor Olurgtuj, U pp. RMMMM,p prg ankuLbagrugs". Vol Lums so 8" Duch,"lo'bi PP JM 1*74.-N Mma 04kedculture., forestry mWi FIshing Apr 59 3 mgudsatua at pmest Areels, by Ox- Py- - NIAX pwa, to'Ell, IV r IM U-77-2 mr - ftm lb""ry we wishubg YAW 59 (2"-N) Forget ProducUm Resourams b(r 0. T* PPO per ts reaurli Vol 110 8j, Vbxv$tz7 lod TldAAM 0.1 1114 %Wbidell UOMMU 16 tb* OrePu"S"m of V(M*at looductiMp by V- GIM'StUp 9 vv. xmm-"-~ Liar. Vbl IMM mpimi. pwo , , 17=. 3b ail lhudwr"4 -000 " 64: am A74 JIM= - amods Ntl= 0 Agrlftztu"t ronotry am Flubl" Now 59 S-6 111r Ow") Sysftm sod Wetb~" of CL%ttln& by Nina Pbp"Cu 7 PP& lmmbwmp pert MWAM IbI Llt3=.. w-w 100 so Dw1barl"to ~t 7vpl JM 3*77-8 Dwo - Agrioultu", IbMt3,-y " lisbftg MY 99 10.1 -2117 (OA-5) Forwat Mumagmmt for Commul Uue,, by Stefm yv. -P Vol to= Dwharest,# 2,050., VP 4w-*Tle JM 2ATTaX MR= X= Aarloulturolp IroreauT IgA MUM miw 59 76 .,o C~vtributim of Forest Manacmait, to the Dwv*lopmmt of th* ftnot 2==r In the Mij, by A. ftlicap T. Snemts 8 I;p. TOMUMP P " ra Val im=,p so 80 ftch=wtp 1~ ~io IIX9. 10 ~ I I 24TT-N Imilr - noraadA Bob - Agvioatu"# try ml IMabl mmy 59 y-6, J/vs (./ (2426-r) The bwtituto of lbroot27 Elessamh SlUce 23 Aug 1944? by ZMZr A. Mprlan.. 7 pp. SUUMM.. Pmr,, levista voi iman, ib 9, Dutbarestp 1958a 5u. an *T4-* Naar - R&MM" ftft * AarloultweL, YorooU7 and Fudal" AW 89= (NY-2698). Aspects of Albanian Fomstry and Yorestry Indi, by Ion Demian, Hicolm Georpgcuj, 9 pp. MMUAN,, Pmr, RwvUts PladurIlor, Vol LXW, No 1959, Oucb&nwtI--jOv 9134USO im-1840-* Zftr - Albeala, Zoon - Agrloatae and try w"d-Prooe"ing ? ZY Aug 59, z Forxmtry DmAaq.-Awnts 194k-1959, by 1~,~Iavic SWOLUO vw, Rev-lata ?adur:aor, Vol. rX,71TWIr. rp.4", ~45. im j~ SO= 1wiOUI13=e,, Forestry Aw 61) I a =." CMA Cooperatim In Fc"Stryj by I= Pwudt*, Datu p4dulascas 5 ppo la"Wo porjp Rev-1su pasuraw.0 Vbl Lwvp so 88 3lualww"tir XMIF vp-"TO--w. no 0469 now -0 r4glialLu *Mr* - Aploatm*# ""$U7 H..? ftr 60 ssm (U-3375)- vorest au-seruo 1944-19590 by stafan ikvric,, 6 RMNZU,I, PM R ta.wP%V' Orl, Vol LXXIV.- No BU*bLvmta WtIsk I vv 53 pw awe P-plaultu". Fwatry Apr 60 (NY-3375)- YoresU7 ProtactImp by Borls X19(mmou.. 5 pp. MUMMp pw,, Revists fadwUw.. Vol LUV,, No Sp wcbolf"to 1911sqj- w im Ma xww - Humoms UM - AVICaltunj Po"ot" Ap -~-.9 7 a w 60 (DY-3375). Forestry fibcploltatim 1944-1959# by Rmll Balamseu, 5 FO. MMIIM,p pwp rovUta AS Padur.,Llor, Vbl LIDaVO go 8A bx*Wmwtt, JM 2462 zxkw - Ruaania / /,9 -'3"7tY Bw= - Agriculture, Foreatry Aar 60 23 7~- Nechanization of Forestn- Z~.-ploitatiori, i. Dra~,--nn,. G. M-,iresa:a `~ .) ~ Pf RLIMIAN .. per, Revista Paduri-lor, Vol =III, No 3, Bucharest, 19591, pp 475, 478.,4-(,n. ~JPRS ;2- Mir - R-m-aania Econ - ci..,-It-, ire & Foreslur,- Jan (MY-3375)- VaMU7 OD=tructlm lghk-lMj, by Onodw mmmuus 5 1w. mawmj PM., ft9uts padm4lors w1 LUVO so S, buffiaren* '19M-* "I WII-Md- an gwg INOw w RikinaU //..7 -:~- 9 7 so= - Aspoloulturej, Fox U7 X ftr (50