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Vie UGt; Toralon Toot Applied to thC of Seamless Tubess by J. Dauimrgne, at al. UWL IP;PMCII, per,-A!y-mi, Vol LI, No 4, 1954, pp 254- 2,S3. British Zrom and Steel Imd (no nunber g;Lven,) S-ci - Ifilubak zngr gn 59 fS 117 ;01 ?"M%D9MMLIGr DiCOCCUIMUOS &Di PlaStiC Dofov=tlonm Ah to lWabardeal. Working of Iron and IStsaX.Surf#**o,, by P. A. Jmquetj 21 p. MMI'llf tp4ir Auvim do MetaUmVIep 1900 Vol L-79 c 0 4 r Ila (50 pp MA00. MA 60-IM83 001 Alpr 60 Vol M, go 3 Contribution to the Study of Transformations Caused by Tempering High-Spood Steels by A. He Nichol, J. Papier. FMOi& per, Pave Met.p Vol !;I, June 1954, pp 42S-439. 0161 4767 sci-wl Jul 66 303,894 Gramd'stion (oxvmW pool) Defovmation: FAUtIonship WomtIng and Annealing.. by PP q or tbe Surface After Plastic With the Conditions of J. Berougme1j, F. Sontinip FRWH., Der, 7, Jul 1954o Yp 482-hM.- WA Tr 2302 Sei - Cbmdetry ftp 57 On Fairden-irks; in a by b. H-Abrakeu. UTS (~ L Rov Mt, Vol LI, 170 6, W54, UP 541- 550- . ...... - - Britlah Iroa and Steel Xnd [no number given) 501, - All/pAt Bel) 59 Obmarmtimm on the AUstic Raqp of 8tAels. by R, Do Strpksr. FR=R# per# MY* do aw Lw4blp Vol -=J, 1954s vp 351-557 ~ 1"Yonity of mabouma Trom 0 MD. 50 sci my 60 / / Al 7 elto 7 6crm, Applicat tons of Suporacnic gaves to Ralln, by L. Beaujard, V. Husarsk. L%;L ITWCH, 1wri, Hav Wt., No 8; 1954a pq 558-568. British Xron and Steel Ind (no number glvem) Sol - minjlbt; Phys sop 59 'ge ld~F .-I Racm7atallization of Uranium After Passing Through the TransformationPoints, by M. Pm=$, P. 9 Lebr, G. Cbaudron wt* Vol LI, 1954, PP 589- FMCH, per, ~s N 597. ABC Tr 2341 Solentific - Min/Metals,, Chemistry Jan 56 CTS Orientation of the CryAsle in Rol-led Ek,amiumj, by A. Awgradski PREMEO per., Ray YAts Vol LIv 1954.s pp 577- 603. ABC Tr 2342 ScientifIC - MIAMA815s, Cheldst'7 Jan 56 CTS ,;2 9, ;7 3 (o A Study of the Armcaling of Rolled Urnnium, ! by G. Cabane, J. Pettit, 13 PP. I MENCII, per, Revue de Metallurgic, Vol LI, No 9, 19-!j pt) 603-613. A.I.R.E.. Hw-well Tres ')16 Him 317 '/7 Z Scl - Minerals/metals Metallographic Study of the Trmwif6rmation of Uranium in Stabilized Ureniva- Chromium A.Uoys,, bv W. R. Mott, H. R. Halwa 11MCCIRI, perp Rev Hot, Vol LIj. 1954p pp 614- 616. AM Tr 2-V*5 Scientific - Min/Ketalts Jan 56 CM 9 Yete.1logiraphic Study of Imcluisions of Uraniun Hydride in Matallic Uraniva Hydrido in Metallic Uranium, by H. Nagard, G. Cabana M,NMI,, per,, Roy 148t, Vol LI, 1954, pp, 617-623. AEC Tr 2340 Scientific - Min/Metals Jan 56 OTS .~'? q ~7,2 9 04, ~ Notes on tba Solidification and Riming of PaBle Phnom- mar Ingots Weighing 4.6 Tons.. by Duflot, Richard. FREMR, per,, Rev Not, Sep 1954, pp 623-657- .... wommumm, Co-op Tr Bch Tr 663 Bel - Mulmst -~f~r Jan 58 $ome Aspwts of Powder VAtUl-=a, by Robert airseldah 17 P. I'llElmap per) Revue do KaUllurgia,, 1954,, Vol LI, No io, vp 665 -673,.--' -- - ' ' - sTA 6o-ioift Sol itror 6c) )/.,z Vol Mo No 3 z TUTO N,'-V USUtO RC-lftting 1~0 tIza COMPOSitiOn Of Electrolytic Poliching Patl-lc, by P. Lrou-Ille-L, 1. Llpelboin. .PC-rp MTCH,,/R*v*d* M~t4ltir e 1954., ., _.Si pp 693-7014 Vol LI,, No 10. ~7/ /.I/ T.I.L. T. h523 Scl - Cbemistry, Jun 19% Contribution to the Study of the Electrolyt1w Extraction of Carbide From Free.-Cutting Steel, by Papier. UNCIASSIFIM FROCEI, per, Rev Meta Oct 1954, pp 723-734. Co-op Tr &.,home V 746 (L5.:LG.O) sei - min/mot Apr 58 6 e0 ~e/ 6 6 Ir Resew,ch an a New blethod of Analyzing Dabye- -Sherrer Diagrmm, by G. A. Hames, J. Gouzou, 20 pp. FIUMM# per, Rev Metp Val L:Ej, 1954, pp 749-757. ABC Tr ' 2W,4f 17 Scientific - Chemistry, % min/gets" flov 55 CTS/M PorgeOility of Stool Ass"sod by the Hot Tonsilo Test. by J. Dauverine, M. Pelebon, at al, FRENCH, pero-Igym do Metallwgio, Vol L11, No 20 IMI, pp iv- HB 3S65 scl-maltwisis 4 metallurgy July 61 a :7 _-r1 F / -X- Applioaticm to me rr%~ r of rferences Idethods with 2 Polarisk 'ream by 0. 99turskI. 9~~ Ole MWCH, per# Rev de Notallurglep Vol LII,, Bo 2p 1955P pp 121-13%. T.I.L. T.4533 3.1" 17,6 Sci Jun 1956 The Autowtic Countina or Recording of Indications From Dafects in Metal Products by the Ultrasoaic FuUe Xcho Method,, by L. bewajard,, V. Huemvek., A. Venmet. ' nn rRM' r) Rey Val Ln,, No 3,, Mar 1955, Vp 240:14i. Alminfum labamtarleg.. Ltd. Tr B4N-181 Or/1,7(p 1 ftl - KID/Retain' Study of the Rolling and Rucryata-111i -ration Taxttuma of Extra Kild Swel Sheet.* by J. Pomy.. 0. Crusmard. UNCL VIVMCV.. porp Rev Mt, *W 19.55,, pp 401-417. British Iron and fr-,-eel Tm4 (no numbp-r gtven) 19aar 84up 519 The Two-Colour Pyrometerj, by P., Rodicq, 0. Mmillot. FMCES Ver., Davao do 1;!j Val L'Ll,, Jm 19550 SM 2329 Sol - pkwn /~ 000 ltfl Sep 61 ust log Gronegrem H. FLANCE HARDENINC OF CAST IRON AND M PRA MCIAL APPLICATIONS CL4k Trempe a la Flaninte de la Foate do Moulage et see Applications Pratiques). 11963] [26p] (foreign ttm induiled) 14refs Orj"-l ~t-~- ~;-k ;2. 66 TT-04-10537 Trans. of Rmrue de Metallurgle (France) 19SS, v. 52. no. 7, p. 559-568. DESCRIPTOR& *Cast In-An. 01-lartie-ning. Flames, Host treatment, Surface. properties, hietallography, ]~,Ucro- structure, Mschines, Struccuralparts. a. Ergine cyUnders. TT-64-ICS37 1. CrbnegraLss, H. W. (Metallurgy-Ferrvas Metals, 77. v. 11, no. 9) om.. t -r-h.i-t s-s- Structure and Allotrople Transformation or Cobalt., by Harm Bibring and Francois Sebillew,. 23 PP. p perp Revue do He "urgie., Vol L11s, Ub 7 1955 # pp AM SM-T-354 Bel Min/ftt AEC~ Sc.,L-T-3r/ Apr 63. 0 Difftwice of PlourLue in SLlLd SLIver, by J. L. MmLjariag~. 3 pp! FRW", pert !!MM do fttallugils Vol 54, 1957, pp 520-S22. *53S; TT YU,47569 Sci-Chm Jul 70 The PreforentLal DiffteLon of 11adloactLve Iron into the Grain Boundaries of A]Lpba Iron and Its Relation to the Structure of the Boundary, by C, Leymonie, 10 pp. FM2WH, per. Revue do Ustallurgis, Vol S4, 1957, pp 653-662. *M IT 7G-575S8 Sci--Hat Jul 70 cmilmri"Ir., by F. Wounior, C. Soir;,,;on. Refo' .1uh Iron and Steel Ind f- 4,v-".f kno "=~;;r P., k2cl Bln/10,co ilop 51,4 Conaldomtiono on Quarititativo Mc-"eraplorj IV A. Brauaj, 36 pp. I It M; # pars, Rovw do Notallurglor Vol IM,, No 9v I"Sr * ... 67&W. S.". Tr 3= Bel '. P4"iev :~4;2, -Sr+q Jau 57 018 i continuous 4nodinine As A-pli)lad to Allmlnirrn T-rf-~rc;j '-,r 11, D. Fuluas 22 pp" P-RM=p Vet's Revue 4 xM .,0 c', ~ C,MP IW5!8 Vol L=.Q ''r , SOP .1955j, VP 731~1*0' SoLsAo NO 383/1956 sclenwic: ~ mmerals/matau 3,Y, a 7' 1 General Considerstims of tto Structural Haterftle UW In the ConstiuctUm of a ftclear Reactorp by Jo As St6brs 17 ppe 14t.-t FRMIIj, per,, Rey de Vol Lils No 100 Oct 1955,o VP 757-763;"'- -'-- SU 57-3325 Sci Aug 58 74, a ~~ A General Apparatua f or Dvt%-,)=IninZ tiav ~)aa~pln6 CAPwity OX ida-talu: Application to by Ft. J. Seeman, U. Stol 0 MCI, FFMICUp per,, Rey Met# Vol LII., No -Uy 1955s PP 962-868. British Iron W StAiral Ina (no nuwj>ur givon) Sc L - Itnrl;r Sep 59 1. c 6 SiMy (,if the Precipitation crl 79304 in trie Sa&lo P.Vodu-fted an Iron at 94h Temperatures, J. Paide"Ool. VML FAIrNMV "'rP Rev mats so up k,?55i, pq 869-886. Sol - C11*21 wo/Not mar 60 StV4Y of the Behaviour of Su;erficial layers by zz-aay masutma-uts or Strain and Determination o:~ RUatic Coustants of 0.43% C Steel, by SaWus, We6mor 4 MMR, per,, Rew,!Lt. Doc 19!j5., pp 982-994. Co-Dp Tr Sch Tr 647 set - mtl3/mt 711f -10 inn 58 Rarfj 1;1[Tth Untolu, by l7ell~: Tm-ebr ; !14 pr~,. FRMR, per, Rev Notall, Vol Lll:, 1956, pp 2-33. = :A79 SelL - Wn/mot J= 59 7,9, 7,;17 CoaLw~~ to the ftiLtr of Vle =Vslon of C wid N lu Alpbo-Irm by Nowuring Intezml FZICLWnp by r- OaI12", 9 pp. Ammut vwt say-wo- a* 9Pj 530 3956 Vve Aa25wj.JU- *IMB IT T005T62W swigoll DLECUBLOU Of Argon in Silver, by A. D. Le Claire. 11 pp, FRIMM, per, Rev Not Vol 52, 1955, pp 94-104. *WS 7T 70-57664 sc-chem jai 70 -Cdon OIL Ll T.. V Ui_ uo 4.1 pp Brcken llil". (CP.L/T 156) S /V AppIlootiom of UlarcanaUser to laoctric V*161M " MAIN Research, by J. PhIllbert, C 0 Crosslord 0 tom IrR==, per, 1956j, pi) 461-470. C15 6"' British Ism and 8tool I'd IM3 .2 59 I-n ifte 13.--t 2btals, by 0. L--obaul., J1.6 )Mr. 4-urgit Vol un, ria B., AvZ JS5b; 0 5b9-5T4. Bel - ItLn? Vatals ATIO F-W IOW/V Fbv 5T -,7 e7 Photoelastic Determination of Elastic and Plastic Deformations and of Crystal Fragmentations in Metals, by Z. Zandman, 16 pp. FRENCH per Revue de Metallurgie, Vol LHI, No 8, 1956, pp W:X44. 9695197 DDC RSIC-306 SO. - M/M NOV 64 269,431 DutenaimtIou of Xitrog*u in Ca3t :Eran, %., marot. FFdMl, per, Roy bbt Vol LIUt No 9, 1956, pp W-700. 14 Co-W Tr Dory Tr 571 ( 3,10*0) sci - Kin/mat; cbm J-d - E-,3-j 210v 3 7 'j study of IMIUN&O= in 1069tap 1q J. mweau* tJ=L 12=2# pro Bw Otp Op M68 Pl? 703-TI4- ASM GD-" act - ULUIlut APV 59 9 li ~ I Iq fa The Activity of Carbon Dissolved in Liquid Irmo by A. Riot, J. Mlymi. TW=s wl 4gy-joatsip Vol LLII.. Oct 19560 ;PP 796-&)7 - ASUB-M Bel i. Aug 58 7 if ge f OaddiAlan &n& Volatilization of Pt at Elevated TO*Wfst 0 by R. 14mvix. Immur PWO NOT, do 10 No 539 1956p Ir 909mfts. qM T2 70- AvoiWas =B Only Bcd./Nlk 869t 70 Ebttrusion of Steel With Olson Lubricants, by Jacques Sajournet, 39 Pp. OLF 1062839) FLU=, perp Revue do Metallwgiep Vol LIIIj, No 12,, Doe 19%j pp M M-V-. , 71-X r-- 11'q 16 ATM Ir-TS 9121/V Sci - MID/mt .2.0 A/ Oct K" 57 Titanium, by Raoul de Vitry), 9 ppp (AIP 1062839). MOMP Ws Rdnw do Metallurgie, Vol IJI.1, No 12,, Dee 19A. PP iK5--" - 10 ATIC IF-TS-9121ft Sc:L-Chews MLnfiWt J-A~ / 91 Oct 5-1 Partiou"A Structures Resulting From Extrusion and 7beir Change Under Heat Irreatmentg by J. Herene=lp P. Lelong., (AF 1062B39). FRMM.,, per,, Ravi* de "-tallurgie,, Vol LIII,, No 12 i~ac 1956, py q6t~~9~ff-- Z ,-I- / J/ ATIC FI-TB-9121~ Bei - Kin/Met Oct 5T fOr th 1114,31 Tzapclcatui-- cT EtciUa and b," GUOcnic-r-, Caot-ru. 'ALI, u x1r) flov Ff.,tj lic, 2) 195'1, kt". Co-op Tr Sch Tr 907 sci Rns JLLL k_n Ic :ETaVz-ctiaa In tl= Facton-, of Hild st"I by and 111-trasonic J~tthcdao by V. ftnarak. M.1, FFMH, TMr,. Rev xxtt Vol UY" ]NO 2., 1957s PP 135-1k4- -- British Iron and Steel IM (no number giveu) glactrou Sep 59 Britiall Iron and uAlrbor Fvrr.y, H and 11(tILK-s. C, ,A)UNDNESS OF LARGE v(mcaw; iNc,(n-s. ii0fo I 1. Ferry. R. 11. Roqura, C. OT&-i from SI.A $1. 10 61 -1625~1 Trim,. lFrance) 1957. v. 541. 17, flo- A. p. _ 1. x~ / 5- Aii(xtier transimton im nvallable from IIIS1 r3 an RISFRy, 1195*1 1)1-, SCR 11.1 TOR S: Camitips, 6%icel ca4litigH, Fractime (Kiechniflcm), 0xidallim, Mechanical prop, rtics, Fests. Of*- m4 T-4mk.1 S-4,.. TT, v. 6, no. 4) 61 - 16298 S"vnia"'l, If. .1 a-VA fleritz, W. N(TFE ON 'fill: PROBLEM OV I'llE CLASSIFICATION 1. Sr-cmann. It. J. OF DEFEC!", BY UI-TRA%ON'IC H.XAMMATION. It. Ik-niz, W. 119591 W tefs. Order fr om SI-k 5 1, 60 6) - 162511 B 141 Trans. (ILILkVLM ,h, Nitiallurgle (Pratice) 1957. v~ 54, no. 7, p.r5-2-9-ITr- DrSCMITORS: ItIltrasonics, Ultrasonic radiation. Non-destructive tcf;ting. *Cast iron, *5kevl, FracturL: (Muchanivq). (Nivialltirgy-St.twtural, IT. v. fi, no. 4) Influence of Small Qwntitles at Aluminium on Cartain Mwbmical Properties at Nitrogen-Baaring Ferrite, by Plgmnt. FMCH,, -;erp rev Not, Vol LIVIp Jul 1957; PP 537-554- %MWOOMMOM co-op Tr serv Tr 638 6.15.0) -- , scl - Him/not Nov 57 Contribution To the Study Of the Oxidation of Iran In Air In the Range 700-12560C by J. Paidassi. FRENCH, per; Revue De Veta-Uurgie., Vol LIV,, No 8, 1957, pp 569-585. CSIROI Oct. 62 i).LfUl3GJLCn the Sustem, by Y. MULN, J, Philibart, 11, pp. FREM-H, per, R~:,; mtalluraie. V9! LVI, 1"0 8, 1957, SIA 58-3L4 AM tr 3102 Sci -7 ul 59 V 3,40 36 Coiitinuous Preirefinin,; of iiut :*;et~,l iii Lie iAast rurnzicv Launder by blowin, Pure Oxy,.,en Tiirou.-ii Porous Tiles, by P. Leroy, I.I. Ldziion. FEENCI, per, Revue Do iictallur,ic, Vol LlX*, 1957, pp 703-612. /6,S1 3047 ici -let Jan 63 cbntlowga Fraterlaug of got Mrtal In the Blaat T~zrnme Lmmi6w by MMVIA6 - m2rove*k porous TUOS (vifa two 03% 1 111 ) p IW P. Lerci7, R. Rfma - PF=Mj, pWS Ravm do Nwt&UMWLes Va LWp IM., pp 704U - Rw q*r Be - WN Feb 63 .3 2.y ', 3-3 of i4atmla., loy J. licc~nj, J. 113ranpwl. ~MMW,lo pmro ftv, Mt.. 1957P pp 733-736. MUM Iran mol Stool Ind 8.37 (L2 loo.od.) act - Idin/lant 7f An Ulm(.-tralytic Quidatica and Galvanic Dopmito on Titanj%w, by B. RichmA, 15 PP,. FROM, rar, Vol Lrv, 1957o. VP 767-M. A= 3319 8a - mft/mat Oct 58 171 .1 JPJI/ On the V'eldability or Various Carb,.)n or Alloyed Steels, by C. I, oques, 11. Lejay, Ch. Dubois, F. Bastian. FRENCH, per, Revue de Metallurgie, Oct 1958, pp 1-23. *JPRS for WRL Sci - Sep 59 8 173-9165-M-60 Mhchine J"'or the Study of Creep in a Higher Vacuum and With Lcy Constraint., by Gautier. UNCIASSIPTO ,, Jan .195!8 16. MMIT, per, R*v Mah ! 4" Opp Tr 919 Sci - Engr ; Min/Not Atig 58 Cont;,jbutian a L'.Arnelio--atioa d-2 la Tchniqut.~ Gimirn2 G:aphiqu,~, L)y P. Ruault, R. 1~ath, FRENCH, oc-v, R,~:vue de Vr.~! LV, 1953, p 39. *AEC Jan 60 9j %j "I ,mea, by P. KMINCH,, 7.1 17C)3. LV, Ira 195 Sol Va IV o No 7 No. 62 w; laca ea-; LO-1- in IB-a Typa sloistanitic Stwlno by A. Gueunater, R. C%ustro-. V=11, yp,mm, I-er,, Rev mot., No 2,, 2.95d., pp 107-IZI. CM-FT. 158.03. Oct -"9 ll~.IIWI ~ow, iR*v iwt, roc) ig5a, pp 186-2-W. British jr~n r-r4 stcTl ;ZA 59 StocU far Weldad Constructionn and Receivers lhi&m 1wessure, by 0. P. gzw-dlfrf. FMICHS pwj, Rww Do Nb 'U-WLes Vol iavp No 4,o 100s Oat 61 -71, .3 P'y New I'mpprties and Applications of Metals of Vary Rigb Purlty,, by Georges Chaudron, 31 p. Pnvue do Xet~k-Uurgiep 1958, Vol LV, P RM CTo Tm w. pp MA 59-ITrrT set Palo 60 Vol R, no 9 /o, 7 aa--,5- The D-thaviour Of Hent-Resistin., Steels DurinG Creep Testil'ug aL 5D.D-7900C. UNCL YFUMC.H, per, Rev Met, Dec 1958, I?p 422-446. British Iron and Steel Ind Series of articles originally appeared in Arch Eisenhuettenwesen, No 5/6, 1957, and has been translated into English by BISIT,31. May 5 9 to Fortnightly List This info Trom supplement/List No 51, dtd 8 May 195Q'. The PropumtsGo of Ur=lm Wouccoxbide cind Its . f.. ii oz V.) M)'(Aw" .14 .&.;. " IJ 4~,k tiot Xeulm, by U. lawatnyp R. jFfoiTisr, F. GUY4.. 1-3 PP- VMCH, per,, Mm thtp Val LV, 1958s pq 453-458. AEC 34 15 Doe FMIXE, per, Rev Yet, NO 5, Britiah Iron and Steel Ind 11931 1051 Sci - Win/yot Apr ai-tn of L-i th~. by 3--:ai of PjAdiLtactive :[Sotop2o, by C. Lcymrop!,,~-, P, ),acornbc, 13 PP- MIMCH, )per Rev de 150taJUI)x-gie, Vol TLY, PT, AEC Tr 3531 A. Sal. - wm/mt, 14a1! 59 7'-unamens of Surface Fati~7ue Yailure -~u~~ -''o Rolliqn~-, and Sli(linz, by evuc de leleta2-3,--yi. Vf:: R LM Sc - I- - - . I ~ DI'E,l 214-55 jap.ji stifqtj by the Scanning BUt Method.. by Dantele. IVv.L Jil 1958, pp 601-612. PrItIsh Iron wA Steel Ind 1146 34A - 1114vat; rbya Au,,g 59 3 JI-el ,,, -5- Microfractograpble Study of fttIgme Fime-atume survzces; gxwple of Applicatioup by J. Plateau, C. Crusswdp et lay 42 pp.. FRMH,, ytr, Revue do Metallurglep Vol LV, No 7j, 1958, pp 679; ~5. ~~- MA 60-10748 sci ;?-,:13, -s- 6 ;1 ,Tui 62 Vol h., Ro 12 Determination of BOzzle Sizes ani Rates Adopted for Teening of Drawing Rimming Steel Flat ln_,rots, 1--Y L. Leclerc., J. Goureau. UNCL FMICUP Mrs 4PY.jOty Aug 1958P PP 710-715- British Iron an3 steel Ind 1145 (L2 15 0) Sel, - MAnIMt :A 4 61 /-) / Aj?r 59 '1 f,0,6 ;;;;;0 6- t" f 1 of tbt~ 61, a 1; i a i.01 q 1- C) C by 1,11. i3arro'LG. TTIF 1953, 'Ttl-777- MISA 71" r-3,0-7" Sai -- Mra/Metal -26 :)ac 6*1. US GOVIT ONLY on the jk2;;~tbrarance of Sifbatrv-aturca in Uranlii=% ard in Urmniu-m-Ghrmdum Allals Df Lei Chm-p'Mm Coi2toiek;, IW A. Robillard, D. Calais, P. 19 3.m. - Val U!, 'Do TIMMCH, per, -agT_AC 1958P pq 815-626. sci JW1 59 Gm 1, A Cmparative Study of the Allatropic Tmns- forsations In Iron and Uranium, by P. Lebr, J, P. larigeran, 15 pp. YM=H,, per,, Rev Aqmlwae.- Vol wo, wo go 1958, pp 669-839. Bel minAsat ATS 73L281 Jun 59 am 1.. 10 Test Results Concerning the Influence Of Surface Treat- ments On the Fatigue Strength Of' Sorp- Titanium Alloy8 by R. Develay and H. Richaud. FRENCH, per, Reovue De Wtallurgie, Vol W, No 9, 1958, PP 653-E59 CSIRD oct. 62 GaIntiche, Ph. and Itivert. A. METALLURGICAL AITLICATION Of? POWDERS IN REMICING IIALOGLN ATMOSPHERE AT TIIE EQJI- t-IBRILIM. V. 011TAINING PLASTIC CtIROMIUM POWDER AND FIU'I'FING CHROMIUM IN A IIALk)- G EN ATMOSPIll, UP: (Applications dans lit Mciallurg c tk-a PotAres dvi; Autiosphlres R6dut i ices Ila logvnZ~-*: a I'Equilibre. V. Obrention de Poudre de Chronic Plas- tique et Frittage de Chrome en Atmospa-rc Italogtnt';e) tr. by junt- R. Ilauger. 11960i 112)p. (14 figs. omittoJ). Order from 07's or SLA $1.60 60-152W) Trans. of Revue de McItallurgic (France) 195H, v. Y,, no. 10, 1). 913-91.7. DESCRIPTORS: Vowder metallurgy, *Iialogens, Re duction, *Chromium, Plasticizers. Powder alloys, 'Conti-olled atmosphere. (Metallurgy, -IT, v. 8. no. 4) 60-15286 1. Title: Fritting I .Galmiclic. P. 11. Ilivert. A. Ill. Department of th, Ink FJOU. Washington, 1). C. iv. Titic: maining ... V . Title: Obtentioil 00- *f T Daforaafton Structures in am 18/10 Stainicso Steals by- V. JaouL. FRUCH., Ver Revue do MotalLurgic, Vol LV, No lo.. 1qF8*'IL C831RO Sci - mipj~bt /,?/,. Ajpr 62 2upeWI=ntm1 Study of Hot 'Darormxtion of Stakle .-nnd -jt.V-I*ymi by A# Ommmster, R. C--atro. UNCL YTIXWI,'Ilo POrs MST Wt, Nov 1958o VP 1023-1041. Britlah Iron and steel 101 1189 (L 10) Apr orain Reximing or vrantuu, by j. iah%anu, a. AAfaat, 17 pp. FWW)Jj, per, Rw IUt,, Val LV, 1958, pp !1M-1194. AEC/IV Tr I sci - ]Him/*t Am 59 grg, Y/,?z Ccn-st-Lictlen and Operatlon of OZen Ylearth rurziF-'-LJ FATed by Vathane and Fuel Oil,, by Luigi Brano, 34 pp. FMCH., per Revue do Xbtall ~ej Vol LV, .- ~- ir No 12, 19 58 , P MA 59-15837 Sal Dee 59 Vol 2, Ila C. c by swi 126 3 Sol - me 59 63- 1466 1 Baodc%4. Paid and Sulnww, Aldm PIrMCO-CHENUCAL RIELAC71ONS OOCMING 114 1. 11-stien. P. 187, CIIROMM bmmL AND 2.4 OR 6% NICKEL 11. Sulnumt, A. SIMEL. (1963] [25]p. 9 refs. Order bvm SLA $2.60 63-14661 Trms. cif Rcfw-4pAk'AgPurj;te __(Pnuc4 1959, Y. 56. m I Umnlw 4y-". DESCRIPrMS: *SbmL Nickel alloys, Chrommium alloys. Chendcal reacdons *StOnlem sb*4 Suvtq;Le matedals. Tvanshwnwdme. Lfierostructine- 0AetmUuiXr--F43rrcus Met" Tr, v. W. ric. 3) BMW d Tutmkg 61-18967 Strycker, R. de. THE CREEP OF HIGH-TENSILE PRESTRESSING L Strycker, R. de STEELS WITHIN THE F*%NGE OF ORDINARY EL 71tle: Effects... TEMPERA7URE: THE EFFECTS OF VARIATIONS IN MESS AND TEMPERATME. [19611 lip. 6 reft. Order from SLA $1. 60 61-1894&7 Trans. CC Revue de NMtallurgie (Pram~e) 1959. v. St, no. 1. p. 49-54. DESCRIPTORS: 4Stecl, Heat resistant allove. Stresses. Tensile properties, *Creep. Swl wire. Temperature (Mettllurgy--Ferrous Metals. 77~ Y. 6. no. 10) oft".$ T.A." ll~mparutvlaan cnd StAterlZkg of Pra-nium Lunder Lovidj, by J. Vabuisson.. A. Borevat, S. I& Bwlbin, R~ lot-mpt.- C, MorsovIlle, IS or;, rOM, par, Rev Not, Val Ulp, 1959, PP 55-60~ Aga iff-Tr-6 ftL - *Ln/Wt, Oct 59 r~? -6 .11 3"Y Measurement of the Activation Energy of Intergranular Diffusion of Fe, by C. Leymonie, 7 pp. FRENCH, per, Mm. Scient., Rev. Metallurg. 56, 1959, ppe 74-80. *NBS TT 70-57624 Sci/mater Jul/70 Coatwpul;tou to the Pbysical af FmtLgue ~~maga, by It. V*isz. UNCT, FMCFE, par, lky lftto, Jau 1959,, PP 83-103. BritLah Iron and Steel Ind 1264 sci - Hin/tbt Aug 59 f 3, -K2 *0