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Modern Equipment for the Quantitative and ,;Jualitative Spectrochemical AnalyeiB of Met,allic Alloyss by M. R, Girschig, ho PP. FRENCH, per# Revue de Metallurgiez Vol XL,, 19431 pp 11,3-155-#---175--1U2.-"- S.L.A. Trans 931 Sdi- Mincrals/Metals 6; * ~ It ~- 1.2- / , 1~ - s; Modern Apparatus for Qualktative and Quantitative Spectrochemical Analysis af I Metallic Alloyo,, by 14. R. G:Lrschig# 23 pp. FMWH, per, Revue IlklEgies Vol XLP 1943, pp 202-2-691!%=52-9-55~6. S.L.A. Trans 930 Scl - Hinerals/metalr. .112 ~/ ~ 3 //- ).It fitmt. 1. Intli USE f)F CARBIDE 1-(X)I-%. Itk-1 4161 14n. On~-, ro.mi %I.A mi$2. ~11. phS3 NO (d)-1Fl2Q2 Tsmw of R-m- dt- M'tallorgiv (Pran"-) 1443, v. 40, IOUs RI p / q~l 1 753 W 10292 1. (1irbhk- I I oft- of T The Castability ct Metals and Alloys., by Paul Bmatica. FRWICHI, . - Revue ae metallwde Qma . Vol XL, Iqh3# pp .153-307* M Tr 30 Sculitific - min/motale 13,9~6-el Expaximemtal Sbady Of Metallic DUCUsion by the Therummantic Method, by P. ClIevenard. FRMCH, per, Rev do MetalluEgk, Vol 41, 1944, pp 353-368. *CPM TT 70-58213 set-phys June 70 Value of the flesillence T*8t Am the Study of BritrUenwas Due to Anmazlingi, by N. Jolivet, 0. Vida 1 21 P. FMFJCRp Wp Revm do Xgt4Uq;iaj. 1944y Vol XLIj. No U, PP 3jS-3W'miid VP MA 59-17928 Falb 60 7, ala Vol 2" no 9 ~1~ Contvibution to the Theory of the 'ILiatic of Mat"s and Alloys, by Iierre Latment, 81 pp. IFF ==H, per,, RFLevRe_AjXcjallu.TF Vol XLIIO NO-T, 79-92, Ko-1, pp 125-132, Vo 5, pp 1-56-167, No 6) pp 194-202, No 7, pp 230-239, sLA 6c,-i829, Sci No ll Vol. IV., may 62 N 1 'Q04 1. C. i P.IVER-PIKII-I", 01' 01~:FAIN- I SIt, I- fh.il it, x, - --T IV,; OIRWAIII M. ANT) -IUNG~IEN 1'~ " 41.1 Ill, -, lof. Old. I f will SI S tilts A0, ph~l RO 141 ;,2,14 -7 14--m- if, ? Irialloigiv (France) IUA;. v 42 1 Q - I V; kAFIONS 0i- SMIE OF .UIL 1. G,~.[ F-.11-fili~ A., IlWiNC, AN INFLUJ~.%C.E ON '1111; 1,( AN : R1.111 filln-ILC- 1.0110n OF (*( )N.14 'Mil PER NiElItIC, ToN I n r,,!, %I GI: VIG, 11(11', IN nw Ill (WF Illf: BRIFY I ,WIN I.Mal 4,11 71'r 0 fig ('1111tit-J) lcf~ 01".r ft,ty SLA. llil$41 5-0, phS12. -V) W- m2o~l 14, Kl,.IaIluvp,~tfvanvc) 1134S. Y. 42 1.410; fnai ()I v_NA - 12M A47, -3%7,~i 121 p. 343-401. V, 11.1m I'm I ~, T-6w..l 11-4- Lorq;-Tim., Zautral Corrosion TestinG of Various Structural SUels in the Atmosphere and in DIflorent Sea and Fresh Waters, Parts I & I!, by lleinl Baurlot & Georges Chaudron, bMd%iCd, pDr, Rovue do lia~=Le. Vol 43, 19V, pp 1-67. DePt of I-AvY NIC tr 2556 scibAt A - e, i,. ratmhig. Hi4x-si A NEW Ml(:KOIIAIIIINI:.4;% TESFUR - 111V **I.. C.. M Dt, 45. IMm 47 22p (15 fig. id '~J.A oltiS2 70. rht$4. FAI WARM Tran.. #4 1946. v. 43 (91 18296 1. Wini. 2 Mwr.*wlt-rtwx-ivt R. Tillr, ~-wvcvc;t~ 1:1:1 fm- lli,,_-ting Stc-cl for Hvl; 'c,, r~ _b ity v - U: C:, 4:^~ 1-7 .1 .,Z - j 12 Cbtaincil Wittl Its by R. Canni-j" 17:D' rmozeu, rmrs .17-tevue do isetaam,cle, va Is-", 2.54:-6., F0 5 PP .17 ~"Brutcbcr Order Eo 2993 Fcbrumrj 1953 5UNft Study of the Deoxidation of Steel by Vacuum by J. Thomast L. bloreau.,, FMMCB,, pert Revue de MataUurgie,, Vol )=Ig No7/8, 1946, po" M:20T; , , - - - - vet 6'o?F60 Bruteber Tr 3350 70, . 4. f L.) qw: Sclentific - Minfi*tals Jul 55 CTS The Role of Intergranular Boun&Lries in the Def mmutixm of Metals. ApplicatLion to Slip and ftti~pwp by Ch. Crussard, 6 pp. EWLASSIFIED full translation. FREIRCH, per, Revue de-Met&UurgJLe, Vol XLIII, No 11, 12, 1946, pp 3OT-312- sawy Tr 611q*L 396 Jim 52 CTS Scientific - ROgineering I= 19bb Vb3 FT-3W ----------- ~~A-26bj -, lqb? V54 P185-188 ANL-TRANS---6 19r>2 V59 Pqjb-qb2 3182 tHls::> '-RDIM FRM = 62-18442 Massinon. DETERMINATION OF OXYGEN tN STEELS By THE 1. Massinon. DIFFUSION OF ALUMINUK 5 N- 48. Sp. (flp- tabl" refs. omitted). Order from SLA $1. 10 62-19442 Trans. of RevIuel do Metallurgic (Prance) 1947. v. 44 [no.-S/61'p; D&SCRUTORS: *Steel, *Oxygen, Determination. *Aluminum, Diffusion. Oxides, Metallurgical analysis. (Metallurgy- -Ferrous Metals. IT, v. 9. no. 3) ergs w TeChdCA sarIk" 62-t8441 hieunier, F. and Sebitle, 1. CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF THE PRESENCE OF IiY- 1. hieunier. F. DROGEN IN WELD& 6 Ocz 48, 10p. (figs. refs. 11. Sebille, omitted). Order froin SLA $1. 10 62-18441 Trans. (A Revue da 11,46tatlurgie (France) L947 (v. 44, no. 5/6) p. 180- 186. DESCRIPTORS: Melds, *Steel, Fracture (Nlochanicq Gases. *Hydrogen. Chemical prwApitation. U hydrogen or reducing gases rich in hydrogen are present durLng welditig, hydrogen atoms may go into solution in the metal in atnoutas which may be several thousand times greater than those In solution at ordin- ary temperature; The base metal adjacent to the line of fusion occurring at a very high temperature will absorb, by diffusion, quantities of hydrogen several hundred (N,tetallurgy. TT, v. 9, no. 4) (over) ofte of I ad Serwim 62- igla-2 Granjon, H. HARDENMLITY AND WELDABILITY OF STEEL. 1. Granjon, H. 3 Nov 48, 5p. (ftgji. omitted). Order'from SLA $1. 10 62-18352 Trans. of Revue de Wcallurgte (France) 1947 Iv. 44. no. 5/6) p~ 187-192. DESCRIPMR& *SteeL l".rdenability. Are welding. Mechanicul properties, Transformations. (Metallurgy-Ferrous Metals. TT, v. 9. no. 5) offict af TKbMM Sum. Liquids on the Strength of Solid Bodies, by Carl benediclw, 18 pp. rRMH per; Revue,de Wt&U,, Vol LXV.. No 1/2p 1948, pp 9ZA. . ..... SrA 59-10073- 77- - Z Sol - slectron E Sep 59 Vol 2~' so The Preparation of Metallic Powders by IgKkeous Electrolysis., by J. L. Andrieux. 34p. FRENCE.. per., Revue de MetallurZie, voi 45, 3-948.. pp 49-59- IICH-8717 /) ~0- / r. ~p C g3 Sci-M&M jui 66 3o6,057 OxWtUm of Almolum at a Low lkmqwxutump by N. C*bxWnp IT Pp. m $or, BMW do aft&!MwL4:P. Vol XINO AD Vkv WSE6 Pp Ub-gao ruAmw6T Axe 819."T-OM 334(*r 84 m mKkerlou Avg 6T Valenst. G. NEW APPLICATION OF 'ME 71JEORY OF OXIDATION L Vilensl, G. OF METALS HAVING TWO OXIDES. (19621 8p. (tables formulae (refs. I omitted). Order from SLA $1. 10 63-iOOZ~ Trans. of Reytic de M&Llt~j~(rrance) 1948 fv. 45, no. 7) p. 205-2RY..-'---- DESCRIPTORS: *Oxides, Metals. *Oxidation. Theory, Therroodynamics. *Metallic compounds. (Metallurgy, T-17, v. 9. no. 10) Dffk* of TechWcal Servim On Relative Problems of Carburation and Decarburation in Steel, by F. E. Harris. FMWCHj per., Rev de Metall. , Vol 45, 1948, pp 347-355. *NW TT 71-55262'- Available HM Only July 71 X c s G D W,~ Dotow=1naticm of A3=1= in Alizainiua emd it3 A3Uysj, 1hy H. Tourmilm FROMp ROV. NotaU.3, 46 (!0o 294-296p May 29h9 Alimaluim pr a# VMr Tr No B-DI-79-52 OT/173 Scientific - Nbtanwa An"is of a Solidivication TexUuv or the Damatic T7pep by Ja X Hezengielq 21 pp. ll~ fltWMp perp Rw. Not# Vol UVI, No 5s, 1949, pp 309-314. S.L.A. Tr 57-12 SOL - rLas // '7. rd e j mby 57 'V 61-20498 Boulaiger. Christian. SIUDY OF INIERNAL FRIMON. U. EXPEREMEW 1. BDulanger. C. TAL TECIAMQUE. 119611119k). (18 figm.. refs. onArted). Order from SLA $1.60 61-204" Trans. of Revue de M&allurgle (France) 1949. v. 46, p. 321-329. DESCRHYMRS: Ointernal friction, Damping, Elas- ticity, Mathematical analysis, Streamm. Relaxation tizac. Olron. *Stael, Nick-I Perromagoetic nwterialA Metals. Structures. OecilIadon. E-Irstion. Tem;er- ature. Vibration. Mgbtrequency. Measurement. Liquids. (Metallurgy- -Structural. Tr. v. 7, no. 4) 001" 01 Tdoicel sw'IC0. 61-IOM Boulartger, Christian. A STUDY OP INTERNAL FRICTION. 111. EXPERI- 1. Boulanger. C. MENrAL RESULTS. 11"11 [211p. (15 figs. refs. omitted). Order frorn SLA 52.60 61_18w? Trans. of R de M;tallurgis (France) 1949. v. 46. p~ 329-339. DESCRIPTORS: Ointernal friction, Nron, *Steel, Carbon Nitrogen. Lattices. Relaxationtime, Solu- bility, biffusion, Structures. &Iathematical analysis, Stresses, Damping, Perromagnatic materials, Fatigue(Machardca), Elasticity. Eutactics. jMetallurgy--Structurol. TT, v. 6. no. 9) S11.1-faCe PTCM211012 011d ViSCOZity Of SynthCt-iC by 11P. Xmsbnritcb., 20 pp. IMCUBSIM r.ItMWR, jj*r,, Bay Ustt Val XLVI,, No 8, PP 505, 1949, CTA/1nXD/Z-91h Sciantitic - Chmintry Jum 53 MAMM r"* 1.,.u,face Tension amd Viscosity of !~-yatbctloic !,~:r P. K:nmehavitch.,20 Vq. MCCULSSIFUD trunsalation. per, Rey Metj, Vol XWrl No 9,, pp 572., 1949, ralt X.T., CU/IM/X-915 Scientific - Cbemistry julli 53 CTS/DXX 7pr IT-64-10230 Cl~ C. VAG Asbanik F. A THnblORLSCr= AND 7WRRhM3DYXA&AC I. Crup"IX4 C. VMnN OF AL-"" ALLOn COMADUNG MS. 13 . AUb8rtilk. P. 51. Fe Oft TI. (191W 30pi (f4p amUD4 14mft owdmr rm S" $LX W TT-64-10230, ~ Tm-.4of Revue jurgj~jprance) 190. v. 46. w "I (MmUurgy. TT, w. tZ no. 2) 1 Offl- .6 T..2-4-1 Application of Vwtbods of Statistical Control to Speatrograj*ic Aumlysis., by R. Girschlg., 18 pp. YFMWII wo-IMAMI Vol XLV3:s No Ila 19499 vp 719426. SIA Tr 2097 Sci - 3"themUcs .5,-c2/ 9 ? 3 Sep 57 lalltQntMt(RMW, 8PQctro6TM6phyp by J. J. Orae,-~. M.;.nT I 'Aj PRIME, P"r, RMT-NOta We 1949j, VP 803-806. British Iron and atwwl Ind (no number given) Sc L- tcya Sep 59 9~~. fif-,A.,,itance of tho Anodic Layer and -Oualpozitiou of a-ectrolj*~-LL! 2ghthiB, W N. Darmols, 1. Epe;,boln, 1). Amine, C, Migilin. 0, M FV-JZ.C!Aj per, Re.,Y-)ftt, VO). XLM, No 3, 1950; Britiab Iran ana Steel Ind (no number givvu*) 59 74 F A: x A V--w ProCemj of Chroatium FluUng by F--F."U* and rmimtMn of Mixed Al]Arrs by Diffusion,, b:r P,, rAdmiche. 32=,CR.p w p D---ft Val rvllj. No 3.- 1950., Pp 192-M. sai - lfdnAftt .MB7 6a 61-10592 Gcrln, M. CHECKERS OF THE MODERN HOT 9MVPS. I - Blast furnaces-Destgn 13 Ck-c 60. 14p. 2. Title: Hog stoves Order from SLA mi$2.40, ph$3.30 61-10592 3. Title: Checkers Partin I trans. of Revue! de Metm!itTV-! (France) 1950, V. 47, m. 4, 51- 79,5 Dow @I T"N"d Swk" (metathirly. rr. V. S. W. 9) investi '-.i on!~ on the Oxidntio::3 of Xron- " -; c'~ -, " I..! N~ *-ze- A at h-levrited Tempq~rvtureG, by T. J. Moreau. FID22110, -~)er, Revue I.L--tall, Voi ICLVII.. 1~)'-O, PIP 31T 23. Bro'ken Hil3. Prop Co Ltd (aw,ft 86) It Ok;i 7 :~. Dn- c 61. In;z'N .3-w.Aie~; of the Oiddation of ~-1-1 11 C-A. AIIC~V~ at, Te.WeratALvce, by J. Ben-rd, j~ - FMNCII, per, Rwma de Metallurgia, Vol XLVII, No 11, 1950, W-31T--3 -' .-- - -- --- ALTS set - KwMat 15~~' Jun 61 "r r- ~~/ 61-10590 RemcInd. V. 11(ri STOVES IN 'nfE PRENCH METALLURGICAL 1. Blast furnaces- -Design INIXJSTRY, tr - by E. tf - 4 )an 61 jZ5 1p. 2. Metallurgy- -France Or&,r frotn SLA mi$2.70. ph$4.60 61-10590 1 Title: Hot stoves I. Rgmam. V. Partial trans. of R.;vur_*..M6j4llUr mj~.(Prame) 195%, v. 47. co. 5. p. 375-W. 151794 (Metallurgy. TT, V. 5. no. 9) and Ecn--- L FIRRY'r-111, jerj~ Rev Met, Vol )avn, MY 19500 399. British Iron anil Steel Ind (no nunber givert) Is e p 5, 5 Oa the Reatetame'-40- ftedoUse Cbrme-Nicbel Sttela To the Cormlon 4 10%wtrW ft2fwic Atlas'* by J. U. Defftnoms MUM pwj ftvw~ do )bu4lvwi;lnp Vol LVIIP No 60 M0,0 vp A- Tr 5710/56, 0 97 iniO no Me 56 4*B/6*x Plastic Deformation in iron and Mild Steels, by Ch. Boulanger. FRENCH, per, Revue de Metalilurgie, Vol XLVU, Jult 1950, pp 547-557. BISI 3914 ScI-Engr Feb 65 2748543 Distributlon of Inclusions-in Forged Steel, by P. Cattier. FREW11, peT, Revue Metall, Vol 47, No 8. 1950. pp 633-636. CRL/D.728 Vol 171% 140 30 1969 July 69 385-196 S i,(,,! 00"iu,., et al. UNCL PT%41JCE, paro Rev ImIat, Vol )MVII, No 9,, L;ep 19450, P1.0 693-705. British Iron amd Steel Ind (uo au=er given) 601 - kkm/iiat 30,P 59 mb"W" me yaalfy%M ft C40 Comp"Ition end MWaX Unnown an the Wallmum or gmt ja Wo pIM9 ]Pmvm, -., by P- ULM27i J- nrmmo vvr~ 0mm Vol 41'j, X9500 SIMTO Akil - 360"Wft =A ftulpmt wo 66 311067 A Diract CALUSe Of nAkIMs bY J- 0- PlaUnp 25 p. yMm, pmrp Rev do MataUursLem, IW# V01 XMI1, Ito 3LIJ. pp 856-M. MA 59-20V6 Sol MWT 00 111,6417 Vol 3, so I Blowing of a Blast Furnace with HiLli Top Press.ure, by Pol-Richel Andre. FRENCIi, per, Revue de MetalluTgic, Vol XLVII, No 12, 19S0, pp 873-888. SLA TT-64-18575 Jan 67 312,666 Ia Claat.Uliarlu Princip2e and It~; Applical^Aima in Ifir.4allaray,, lrj H. B. Bever mad R. Roc=., 17 pi?. I'lun trawlation. 3 Ir-PlrlN'C-11,, per,, Pov. No 48.. lCrAll= 19 Oct 19510,.. up ABC Tr n93 Sclartific - Pbysics cf !~D!3!.c -'a 70 mi-Liticm, ip-r, Rev Wt., Jan 1951j. pp lq -46. Zrittab Iron 4aid atcaal XW 'no -ambor gilmn) Sol - xim/~'At sar, 59 -i L~vjc~- cl: llfza., ion 'of 'Zlilac b:- P. F-ull -;ormrk . tranalatioal. T-Ali=11, 1031,1_ ITIOV. dO VC-t., V01 :MVII.. NO 12, Prence, TMI., ~~ 10-111C rLIr MIS Scientific - Cheidstry, 141mralu, A-tr.11urgy, Metals Au-, 52 CTS DEX The Contribution of Electrolytic Polishing to the Physics and Chenidstry of Metals, by P. A. Jacquet, 34 pp. FRENCH, per, Revue de Metallurgie, Vol XLVIII, 1951, pp 1-16. ARC-SC-T-64-lWll Sci-okvw 111/m Dec 64 269,946 "her. 1. and Denys. A. NM ON IIIE OPETATION ON WN-OF-L(M OAK Of' A LARGE f'RF-NQi BLAST-FURNACE WnM A HUAML-ni 6.50 METERS IN VLAMETER. (Ocx 511 llp. (3 nVo. arrafted). Order from SLA mL$2.40. ph$3.30 6G-IBWI Trans. 1951. v. 48 (m. 21 p. 73- 64. (L&mslhwgy. -Permn Metals. TT. v. S. m. 2) 60-18601 1. glare furbaces-Opmadon 2. can tron-production 1. Cyther. J. 0. Dm7w, A. ols- toohwd a. 4 - Alterations of the Structure of Aluminium Dui-inL, Creep, by G. Wyon, C. Crussard. pe-- F.UNCH,NEev Yietall, Vol ILVIII, Feb 19,51, pp 121-1.)0. Fulmer Research Insti 17 P 22331T oop WEur - France 11"mi. P. and Thibsut. C. G. SrATLMCAL STUW OF SOmE FACMRS IN RE- 1. Cast froo-Poope.t es LA71ON TOnfl! cohl". ITION OF TM IRON 1. Roctfuct. P. FRC*4 InfE SLAST-FURNACE. (July 52121p. 2 refs. U. Tbibout, C. G. Order from SLA mL$2.70. ph$4. 80 WIS= Trans. of Rmie de Mk&Hurgle (Franw) 1951. Y. 411 [no. 41 P. 3014313.- -- sigwncant correlations were found between the tem- paratwe and sulfur. and the silicon and townsamem content of the Iran. Basicity amme to he quite India- pends rm of teaqwx ature. on" of 'Nam" $-6mo (Met&UurV--ftmous Metals. TT. v. S. no. 2) V 11 bc- Detuminatioa wW Pmcticn:t ImpbA=cc of t e ,7aamical Ilature of MectropolUbol Natea St=fama, oy P. A. Tneguett U. Joan Sov- I-Setall-o 48s 537-OA7,t 1951- Assoclated Momtriml Xndustriess, WD Tr no TA33 OTA55 Lcientine - bbt&Uw:gy I egulation of the 'Working of' the Thomas Blmat R Awne4e With a Conatemt Win?l Rate.. by P. f .11derry. FFXMR, per, %vue Wotan, Irol LXVM# no 21 1951, vp i;1~9- ~- Broken Hill Prop Co Ltd 71d Alw 62 lfetallo,m~mphic Etchant Shcriln- .~he Start on later- gravalr-T Precipitation in Al-Yc-. Solid Solutions,, by J. Fc-remmielp N. Scheidecker. FM MiCII., par., Rov 14etaU;, Vol XLN=, 1951, pp 659-ah. Fulmer lh-mearch Institute Trans No OT/50 23 bMur - F=-mce Scientific - Metallographicy Cbm=ietryj, solutionsp etCha-.kt Ina= Aermauticus FatiGue of Metals -Notched Dalteo- (Results of Testo Conducted at Sviss Piaderal Institute for TeatIng XmterimU in 1946-1950),, by M. BOB. 1712=p perj, Rwrm de Vol nVIIIs No 10.- Ms VP W3wM 0 / ii Sv7 3,'r0`,,'5w9" "r JOJ~ 945P Scientific - Minerv4s/ketals =/m Prapartiew of Tacvm*JKUA~Oteels;~,,CmtcimiUC- 25$,-- '~-, Chromlung, by. J. - Wahck=4- - .FMCR- R IL -ft ftw&jasia -- a _j Vol %LVMP 1951.1 pp 134 -75 - Drateber TrvcS bo 2981 Scientific - Notallurgyp steels,p chrooLum ultio c;V .,;uo Taat3 Under Frogressivo Load. by col Frot, 3 pp, tzanzlatlou. MIMCK, Per, Her d-- Met, Vol Y-LYIII, France, 1951, CIA/FDD 2-1-28 HlneralB/Matais,' FC6tifjIW tOStO, PPOV%YVM-% Omn& Oct 52 CITSIDSX Micrographic Study of the Oxidatim of Irce and of the Trmsformation of Ferrous Oxide, by G. Chaudron, Pt Collangues. FRENGi# per, Rvv* Met, Vol 48,, Dec. 19SI, pp 917-922* BISI 4891 Sci-14FAI Jul 66 306.4R6 ftidy ot the Phenomena of RecrystAlLtzat:Lon by Blocyron Waroscape, by G. W. P4themu Full trumlation. PHMM, per, Rev. de Notes VOIL XLYIns No 12p 1951s, pp 923-9M. MDC Tr 1337 ScUntiM - ChewUtryp zd=rulsp metuU Aug 52 CTS UM Spwtg*Mirapbic Study Of DifftsLon of Cu and Mg Le AlIc" of At-M-ft and AI-Zo-ft-Cu, by so sommord. MOM, W, ISM dik fttal Val 4a, 1951, pp WA-9$?* *11at Bar Stand Tr 70-5?91? se"b" Jul 70 Corrosion Inhibitorb and Prowtero in Liquid Medla, 14 L. Cavallaro, A. IWIelli, 12 pp. FMMCH.. per Revue MItal, Vol. XLIX, Feb 1951, pp U7-12h SLA Mr 1852 Scl - MD/Nbt Sep 57 "Cho Tecbnique ckr the Malting j=W CaLating of *tals aud Alloys In A Ed& Vac=m., 'by W. Fische 0. wink34r* Full tramlation. CRj ft% fttaUl, Val 119* Ra 3., I?p 221-Ma 2952. TPA3/TM Tr No T 4059 Ivil ex AcTamutices, XK Wareb IJ)53 CON'FL. fill 71ON 10 IliE S'TUDY OF IliF 'AFA~i 017 f Ord,: r 't . im SL 'i SI. 60 Trnr~. n! Re-,ne de hl,'tallurgiu (Fianc,.) IQ'~.2, 4 2f,-, - 4", 2. *C:Uttin~, Stan'lard- !N% i~::i~c- :wd Acc,--i pro, ~i M 13, no. 0 Offic, M Tick." Study Of the Effect Of Crystal Orientation On the oxidation Rate Of an Aluniniunilftgnesium Alloy by J. Herenguel and P. Ielong. FRENCH, per, Revue De Wtallurgie, vol XLIX, No 5, 1952, pp 374-377.--- CSIRO oat. 62 Veir Metba(I or rroducing tb-z Rare-naftb Gr,~up of m by Means of Ereat, by C. Decreir, J. Van imp--, D. T3rtgat_, 10 pp. UMLA"77M I"uII tranalation. I-SEIEM, per, Rey Met, Vol =, pp 458, 1952. CTAIMMIX-910 Scientific - Chemistry 7 Jan 53 CTS/MM Imatigatioum of the Machaniam of tho Wdation oft Single Cryatals of Iron, tT Joan Dardolle, Jacques Benard, Ift FMM9' pim" a I Vol n3:x, No 9, 1952, pp 6 Navy Tr 1AWARL 583 Y'/, A~-6 Doe 56 M G~)aration ctl~ 1.1letal-Itirgical Fc&iction F=nace,~ by L. Potteclier, , 3 PP- Wi-,e L9cv-_-m,- e go-I., INOV 1952, -614. 49, Broken Hill Propietary Co Ltd (CR;~/T.154) 61 7~,4 3 73 v of Basic Wisuiz-g.r by .9-ada ~Jlc~3a, by r. DL=nlor. trCL YMCH. "rpAqy,.=t, Vol XLIX, Dta 10,5~-,, pp &16- Zritia-- Ivo-a Qad ro nimtser _r-tven Sep 9 GDI-culatsorls of' ;%!Stoa ',"Cues ia, J. trmnalwion. kI J- ;I.;- WN por , nov 14c t311, Vol XLIX A.)~X,X. Harwell Tr Fo 1-11/3)'5/321 cy?-/1495 v s A ; T x Stud7 of Submicroscopic Precipitation in Refractory High Hot-Strength 80120 'Type Ni--Cr Alloys, by Bmjalie, FoulIgnIer. FMNCB,, per., Rav Mot,, Vol Ll~ No 34 1953, PP 179491 0 11~~ Co-Op Tr Sch Tr 5-36 (k2-15-0) -~--7 77--~ Sci Min/wt inn ;a Recent Infornation, on Baring in the Deep Drawing of Aluminidm and the Possibility of Its 31 lyal tion, by H. A. J. Stelljes. FBMC , per, Rev MetaU, Vol L, No 3, 1953, vp 189-198; me-im-s-i-oi vnt Noe 5.1 6s 1953P pp Ali-S-Ism Lmborn'toriesj Ltd B-M-143-54 M/985 13 ,J.4t; XIAVJ%P"W" A4LUU"OL;I.LWx4 - Application in Metallurgy, by Alber Sc-.)ter,, 17 PP- UNCLASS3710 FMCH, per Is.Revue-da *%allurgie, No 3s, 1933P pp 2;6-E4. ATM F-jn4d* 11289 -ATIC 162557 CIA 251890 60-18297 dcnf'ttMu. Albell. T10".0HY AND PRACTIM OF AMUMATIC LOOPIW. I. RoMagmillis-0perstion IN ROLLING WLI-S. (NmS3124p. 2. Title: Looplog Order from SLA mit 2.706 ph*4- 80 6D-18297 1. A memu. A. Trons-d Revue do Miasnuritse (Prance) 1953. v. 50 (no. 41 P. W-NI.-- - 018- .4 S-*- (M&Chjm"--iw""tdsawIw TT. W. S. an. 2) Cofilritutiou to the Stu4y of Banded Structures lo Forging Steel Influence of the rdgration of Cairbon and Tbermal Treatment an Miner Segregation,, by r. Cattier, C. Duboiep J, Bleton, P. Bastions FMZCE.. par# Rev. Nate"Ij, Val L, April 1953, vp 275-W. ............ Irom and Steel Inst Tr 110 489.p OT/1031 sclentific - Kin/*tale Doc 1954 CTS 21s013 Methods of Analysis for Evaluation of the *Brilliance" of Aluminum Shee~ts, by J.Herenguel and J.Boghens FRENCH , Revue de -50, ,, pe3r Metallur e, 1953.,v no-5j,pp-317-327- su-TT-64-20367 mat/yAtal A-ug 66 307.,715 (1-aii aw~ 1uharant Blowhal.0a Ln Paundry Vark, by A. Por4avin. TJ09CL VNIMU, per, Bar Wt, No 7, 1953, pp 445-4". British Iron and Stool Work (no number given) Sai - Flhyw; Rngr Sev, 59 7y 3 '1'g Study of, Dolamlta Plyral.70 to in Dry aud Carbonic Gea at PL Linearly lnoraudAg Tftyaratume,, by A. Rivhzir, P. Vallot. UP OL FR'EN(,Ia,# por, IWY Net; Sep 1953., pp ~97-602. British Iron and Stial Ind- (no number given) SOP 59 4harlaticn !:;f A.1=1nium- 7;;,,( lir'. 1~aauaior;, P. :,' -l=ilt. ',Z7,C7 Mv Mtp Fo 9.. 1953j, PP ywi-tolsh lroa OW 5t9" Ira r,tw number given) ScA IfIr./not, Sep 59 Study of the Defects In qbIn Replica Film of Aluuim in RelatIm to the Structure of Alumln= and Its AUoys., by P. B=on- 13 PP. IN=, Per* Rev Aftto ftl Li, 1953., PP 629-634. Aw sm-T-356 Sai - NWU*t paw 61 /V? 615z %e 1jelationship Beween the acact Shape of the 8t.,%L,rjG/LI-LraLu Curveas of Wtalb and the Accommpanyiua Otanges) -in rZbeir Struature, by C. Crussard. UUCL p",w cM. par, Rav_Mt, Vol L, No 1.0, 1953, pp 698-709. Witiah IV= and sual IrA (no number given) LO P Stu4y of the OxIdattoo of Irco oil HI& Pwity and Nuaw adr Deccepwitlas of t1w Protczift Fbas* of Ircav by R. Colloaqwmi, R. airfer3Am,, G. CbsudrcpM. UNCLABBEFM I# vw* Rom 6~ JfttaUwgVp,, No 10, 1953j, Sol - an/Owt J" " CIA/M X-3401 1,16o Va* of 1111crosualyzers in the Deterninnticm ve Cilrbon and Qqgon In Pure Iron,* by L. J, Talbotbp J. B(rzrmt., 10 p. C ~ ii;! ilart R&vu* (L' Ylet&Ukurgie, 1953, Vol L, P*P SMA Apr 150, 701 'rorl, 70 3 Mrvll hralynis ol' Puz-, Iron Gampltv; Albol 17 P- Flr--vtl-r -6,e V*tkl C~Pt 1953, V02 6'o-103.64 t.a Ptrtlamlare md DoMhdtatlm of tbe Conowt at vlwg"u womesm- ~d 'o by R. Dmedaev 19 pp. L JR~,p pwv ftv lbt Vol $1;. 1954p pp I-a2- IMA Tr .57-1971 ftl Aa 5a 7 ~?9'j 4 ) -,,r tlic Lazipuritlea und the Aftcr 7111-1 :Ion, by -t) Vol LI, 1954, P,; 13-1" ,ftlr Tr - ii- Lit. r C2 I- / Blowlng of Basic Bessemer Iron by means of a -.Uyere w1th a movable jet free-jet tuyere, by C.V. Schi4arz. FRENCH, per, Revue Metall June, 1954, pi: 16-1.1~ ,"RL/T. 1847;x c Sci - Sep 67 -,40,2---,l Tbe Pole of Surface Film in um Reaction U of Urcoul= With Hydrogen, bry E. A. Gulbransen, K. F. Amdrav.,16 pp. UNCUSSIRIM FRMM,, per., R Vol LI, 1954,, PP 101-107. ~ ~avM~t Sol. - Cbem 3val, 58 ABC Tr 3L23 %-) X/ 102 ~ 17/ InIrlueame ckf the Addition of Mirconoum on the CrptalLlw Texture of Semi-Mikbricated ExtrudO and Beat-fteated Alaikinium Alloys,, by J. pt rengwl,, M. Scheideclmr# IIPJMCH,, per, *~Ilv Vol LI,, No 3m, pp 173--!W- Aluminitas Lab# 1=,p Tr Wo BJIM-154-5h OT/136 Be tentif ic - jl~iz/meulz lky 55 ars 62- 1 IQ~~l FIUN OF WDROGEN 1; MILD L fkt,~iv A. STEH!. ARC WLI-OS: MEIIIIOD OF PREsENTING '1111-1 RLSIT'P~. :11*21 22p. (fig~z. tabics ornitteJ) 3 -cfs. Old'i t;% in SI~A S-1.6o 62-1h Ti ins. 1(~%m! de W-tallurgie (Fran,7e) IQS4, V. 51 n'). :~, DESCRIPIURUS: 'Arc uelds, *IiVdr0g~ll. Oete, 1111nallon. (MetjLiiig~ - tous Moak. TT, v. Q. no. 1;)