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Geotecbnical Maps, Certain Principles in The4r Pro -ation, by ht. Humbert, R. Jeannette, 9 pp. F CH pq Reyiw. de ....G&Waphie du.Maroc, Notts No 1, 2, 1962. 'AM' rzR ID 2250291 Africa - Morocco Geoff JLd94 263,390 Types of Vegetation in Morocco, Suggestions for Momenclature and Definitions,, by 7. Ionesco, Ch Sauvage, 15 pl). Fi!!RH, per* -OO.'Q=APbie du hwoc, Noes Marocal mes,, ol,2,1962. ACM 1-3571-D ID 2250291 Airlea - Morocco Gel Jul 263,391 Some Applications of Physical Geography Data to the Study of Vegetal Ecology, by A. Ilujos, 4 pp. FRENOI, per, Revue de Geographic du Maroc, Notes Marocaines, No 1, 2, 1962. ACSI 1-3571--1-: ID 2250291 Africa - Morocco Geog Jul 64 graph d Geo an Agrarian Research; Geography and glon Re al velopment* by J'. La Coz, 5 pp. RUN F . CH, per, m8mli" 0411~-49 WITIRF, cair , No HKONA-Ar-O AC I- si Mr-r ID 2250291 Africa - Morocco Geog Jul 64 263,392 Regional Planning in Morocco, An Analysis of the Geographic Factors, by A. Assouline, 4 pp. FRENCH, per, Revue de Geographie du Maroc, Notes Marocaines, No 1, 2, 1962. ACSI I-3571-G ID 2250291 Africa - Morocco Geog, Econ Jul 64 The Rural. Population of the Rif achd the Dual Aspect of Urban Conununities: Al-Hotudma - Adjir, Nador-MelMa, by L. Gendre, i1 pp. FRENCH, per, A=R*,GeoxrapIft.,4 Notes Marocalnes, No M f4arRq, matmim IID 2250291 Afxica - Morocco 263,393 Soc,, Geog Jul 64 Cws%wa the prulcipal iypm of Alte(mWikol aw L. wooku). by T.. locesIm. 5 , FL .11110 gamvhftm du W-I. C&U Nn Cif Twrtw 6. ~kusj MOW; ~:'on-ToAc';v~G Of lCt-ndy. M!t=izatic-, C- -"-c O'e k1oll Prom An AUuviu."L Si-xa-L-L!,-, ~-, ~.- -' (.. ~l r , " . LUSAI" .R.9 No 34 3.,q-1, ATS 27/ICIF A ATS 105 -r-7 Bel. L May 59 A (Mlmt:Le rallef ft=: the Setitba., by J. Trimrt. - FMMC,6 per* ftvtu do 1!jA"idLa&dq ftiotdoo Vol Tp J-954v IV 97-151- nmuiow ATOL T-F6W sel-Abumpberic a" Jm 67 327s,286 Tnf' uence of SaLim Soils on W:Lnd &osirou ia Iaver lkwitwda and the Seawaul D--XtAp by, J. TriceXto MNCHJ, pwo am 40 ampa ft Ind3dLe- Vb, vp 19540 pp M-132. PIMIM! AFM - T-F682 Atmopheric Scleme Jun 67 3V#278 Labor knAunUvity In State F&rms, by Ductw Schlopup 20 pp. RuKhurun., per, Alor Apleole do stat.0 1b 83, b3chamsto 29!5 p PP 3 im 14-14-11! Bmur - Ihmaltda Xam - Agriftatme, ftraistry and Fishlog Apr 59 47s- (2404-Y) SiVemlon of the Arable Arew of Otate rezva, by Gh. Tlwariuo 8 pp. RUMWAV, rwp Uw- AW~Lftu as out, so 10j 195;rjp 24. JM 1474-X Boca A&I-laultmus Forestry and nablug AVV 3,4k (NY-6430/1', The Inirluence of Insecticifts on the Fertility of Soil, anti ma the Growth aad De-mlopmat or MAnts, by 14axis Andriano., 6 pp. RUMANIAN, por Emylats do Simtj,'Nb 2) Fab 1961j, pp 19, 2D. JPRS cl, Boon RtMIMII, per, Revista GDspodariilor ,qt;if, V'-- '--*-- ', InGI. Apa-tcole Je 0l XII.. No 7 , . -.1 n- o ' " ' pIn ")- t . Cansideratimun on the Cluumv of TrGatmairlub of Tomdas of Propmarp by iT. Tootoa,, 3. DiE.b(nastaInp 5 pp. IT4LUZ. porp c tricia daObste Vol imill wav Oul pp S.L.A. Tr 795/1950' Oct 56 CTS 9 9z I K EST DUP CRECK FOR INFO ONLY I-TD-.!I'r.,j3fj R-1 9 1~ov 1966 BT&6-3-27T ENG. TITLE: COMPARISON OF SWE EXPERIIENTAL RIZULTS OBTAINED ON DIFFERENT TYPES OF PLASPA GE]NERATORS AUTHORS: BROSSARD, J.; DFlfIS, M.; FAUCHAIS, P. SOURCE: REV. HAUTES TEMPER. ET FEFRACT., t. 1, 1904, pp. 97-106. FORIUGN TITLE: COMPARAISON DE QUELQUES RESULTATS MERDlENTAUX OBTENUS SUR DIFFERENTS TYPES DE GENERATEUILS DE PLASMA Fusion of Uranium Dioxide by Direct Hfth Frequency Induction, by B, Gayet, J. Holder, G. Kurks. FRENGI, per, Rev. Hautes Temp Reft!StLVol 1, 1964, pp AEC MIAI-1401-tr Sci - Mat Oct 67 342,300 Ionization of the Air in a Furnace and the Measurement of the Resistivity of Magnesia Between 1500 0 and 16000 C, by J. Loup, A. Anthony. FRENCH, per, 1--evue haut Temp Refraqt, Vol 1, No 1, 1964 1'p 9-19" U CSIRO/Ho 7.970 Z -, 6, 8.z 1, Sci - - Aug 67 '~I-nfzatior. 0-` the Air In A Purnace and The muaE;urement Of' Th.? ReslBtivity Of 14anesia Between 1_000 ama -.E,)O,C, by J. Loup, A. Anthony. FPMICII, per, Revue haut. Temp. Retract, Vol 1, *,;o 3, 1964, pp lg,--igg. C53MO/Ilo. 7970 Sci Sep 67 340,032 _--st-udy-of -the Scandiwi Zircon-Oxide System, Conq)arison With Other AO - .", 03Systems, by J. Lefevre, is ~P. F6R OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR INTEPINAL USE h71111IN THE DEPARTI~IILNT OF DEFENSE ONLY HEN(II,per, Rev flautes Teraper Et Ilefract, Vol 1, No 3, 1964, pp 229-237. P100060767 FTD [IT 66-524 Sci War 67 320,9792 R'efractory Compounds of Structures Derived Fron the Perovskite Structure in Zircon- Oxide Systems of Alkaline-Earth Metals, by G. Tilloca, IM.P.Y. Jorba., 22 pp. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR INTERNAL USE WITHIN THE DEPART7,1ENT OF DEFENSE ONLY FRENCH, per, Rev 11autes Temeer et Refract, Vol 1, 1964, pp 331-342. PIOU059867 FTD HT 66-332 Sci Mar 67 320,777 lbomissions in Acute UmAemisi. On the Stole and Mode of Action of blood Transfusions, by 0, fteyf". FMHGI, per. Rev Hemet Vol III, No 1, 1949, pp n4f. - REW NIH No 5-43-66 Sci - B/m Jtm 66 302,387 X Production of an Anti-V Antibody by Arti- ficial bminization of a Voluntoer Donor, '07 J- J- Van LQOMI ff. L. J. M. Bartelop M. Ve D. Hart's pp, Pxvue d'Hematologlet Vol IV, so 2s ir9s YO-=34760' MY 6-23' Sol - N" ja 58 67S,Y1 (in 11.11mission of Acute Leukemin 71hrough Replace- mrit. Transf-wiun, by M, Ressis, at ale VM`.NC~I, per, Pev. liamat,, Vol 51, No 2, 1950, AM G-24-66 Jan 67 3179967 lla=globinri of Thalassemics (Minimal Thalazaamia and Medite=anean Auemia)j, by J. Roches Y. Derrien-1, G. DjaCono, M. Roqueg, 25 pp. FRMEllp perj Rev d'Hemt, Vol V137j, NO 3s 1953,, PP Nm 6" Scientific - Yledicine ;;~ 15-9, CTS 70/JW. 55 Tha l9rigAlfiltopucm of plammocytee In the Living flUte, b7 J. P. 2hjm7,, 8 pp. VFW=, per, Bey" do - to-laclap Vol X, IL-) 4, 1955, " -I,0 r ffm 4-10 0" - 4994 phy 59 K,/,, j e d On the Absorption of Human Aa I nB pytee or the Rabbit knd. am, by Y. by Erythro J&cquvt-Ai*Ud,v = M. 2heoley", S. Filitti-Wumsers 31 PP. YMM11, per., Revue d1nmatologie,, Val Up No lp i956p PP 63 -78 - EM Tr 4-59 Sci - Ned my 0 LA-L'LUMi"tiU.LUfl 01 DDUILLAU2 DkRm.. by Jo Po lAwInn,, F v 00 pw# am wammolmae Val XI'l NO 2,p m6s yy 190-M. EM Tr no 1-16 SrA - MdJ 4 a I/ Tob M -7 6jM--jd= Hicromethod for the Isolation of the Bjood~ Plat*leta in Man and 5=11 Ma=als, by A. L. ..' Copley, T. Baleas Vo-Yt3h-Hoa, 5 pp. _-X Vol X4 FRUCH,v perj awg Jun/Jul 1956, pp 324-326. ~r lorig Sci - Medicine Oct 57 Culture oT Imukesic Tlesues, by G. de Brion, 23 PP. FRUMCH, per, P&vue d' tologif!z Vol X1, No 4, 195- PP 437-T 0. NIB 12-26 Sci - Red Iar-7 ff'-2 f ism 58 H=o and Heterograft of Hematopoietic Tissues in the Mouse, by U D. 11. Van Bekkuw, 0. Vos, W. W. H. Weyzen, 12 pp. FMCH,. per, Revue d'HwatolcM!, Vol XI, No 5, 1956., yp ME Tr 10-23 Sc i - Wd ic Ine 46r /7/ 7- Oct 57 I.r,-Imdy M= an PUwAcytes in the Livics ftato. rl. cd' a Whalear Orten, by J. P . Mrgry; U pp. M=Mt, "r, Vbl Xn, go 2, 19,57p rip SU-21M. mm 11-n ft-A StuAy of Momocytes U"tma mlemsee". RPMOU95 Domes alA in Fbasm Ocntrast and in the yn. mamocyt" with With onrotelop W J. P. .Irmo I Pon, I assmatologiev Vbl xm, -KM 4-22 ftl - Rea my 59 The Applieation of Stsumb Gal Electrophoresis to the Study of tba Scrum Protein Crompments in Dysprotaimemis., by J. N. Fine, It. Creyesel, P. Mrol, 1499. PRM=, per, jtewe d1gemtologle, Vol XXV, No 1, 1959P pp T5-80'a MM 9-2 Sci - Chem Sep 59 Problem Faced by the Hematologists in the Treatment of Subjects Irradiated kccidentally With a High Dose, by Georges Mathe, 11 pp. FRENCH, per, Revue Hematol, Vol XV, No 1, 1960, pp 3-9. ABC SCL-T-424 Sci - Med Aug 62 List 71 2o6,o94 Lewcemia ill Winss by 4, 11, ilitzin, 1"ItLACII, per, Revue d1flei-natologic, Vol 15, ,o 2/3 1960. pp 111-113. v;-IC 70-13408-0611 sci/b and m nov 70 L,R.tu ax-pari-miatrs in tbp, Grafting ot, Hdwrov After Total 1a:raUuticn o,-:' C11-42CII -::a L im,~ Avatm- Lauk=ia Durit's n ~~7-~=tnnnicn F-hana. Ma n*rjl)lem of the E,-c=d.%77 8yni4rc;l;~~ i~sn, 'T Je= 2L-ramrd,. et ml.. ~'. Matho 'V; GiWMF,, per., Rome d'De m-to1j, Vol Nc, 21, p Nm 2-5-63 sa - SIDI/wd set X.R.-Y 63 %0 'I'll A ',III( I 1VU I !3S I jlN lll~~ qo I It) J-.q..j j- .,!ffo 1,1 UOMICILI IS!P, ~;OOMLIJOUINJ sl 10-1 1 30 uqn I pin i:,ni isvi iin nip ,I p-,oi,:kji rou!uLt.%o -~ZMLI ~)LIV SlIll(Ill jo Uli %"--(.E;'LLI ~lklllj J'VV lkl,ymiji ., scm olp ~J, Is% Apnl~- -A-311101-,111, '(1doJOIJI) iapt)N. l.N%oi.IrjN --uotj 'rq.iuT-:D uojv--j-.j :s)pi j Jof (19cl '(11"WION 1-1 T O'ZiOM; DINOHAJ21-13 "All-L [H iA~ 'IS -1.U.) AD 1 7 Ofidl,Lk I IVNIfON ALL Z~ AUALS LeUkes" In Twinas by W. H. Hitzig. FMICH.# perp Favue dOgmtolollie. Vol 15.. Nb$. 213.. 100j. pp 111-114. M 70-13408-D6E ScLA maA a doe TO StALtistical Analysis of a Serles of 639 Patlents Having Remived Polytrawfuslow: laterpmUtAon of the Cmdltlons of Iso- Tmamigation, by Cb. Seilmm., D. Schvartz, 15 Pp. FMCU,, per, Revue d'Kemtclq4l*,j Val X7, No 2-3, Apr-Jld, X30-1966,0 -Pp, lcm 64-& 7's, Sol - Jftd fto Q St-,1(V of Cowial reflection Meter for L'etrir-, ',:a-,,es,, by J. P. Bni~mseels. PPZ~'CH, per, Revue H. F., Vol IV, No 2, 1953, pp, 33-37. *JPRS R-565-TI for Amy Rocket 3: Guided Missile Agency Sci - PIWs, Electronics mio~- 61 Tha. to-ung.-zi-mat Ileposite at Cerro Bolivaf Venetuala, t;y ruiply d-c l7inkate) A. Tdnceloi;,, 18 p. SPINI'Isff, psr, pavistA Lle Tfidr"- Li-blaros Ir 1951, Y'll 1:1, NO 3, P-P 14-5-19". set Jan (50 Vol 2, N o 5 /a ~, lt~ 4~~ GecLLogy of the ftnganiferouo For=tion of CarTo Guscuripia, by Robert P. Xorrimon, 25 P. VMMPI)MJLI;, per, rwirists de-Hidrocarburos y .Mllrma.t 1953, Vol IV# No 13., Pp 45-77. 91A 59-10979 sci Doe 59 vai 2 j iso 6 /Ifz? 1911 7 Development of Water Food Lines and Canaliza- tion in the Rumanian People's Republic 1944-1959. UNICIADSVIED RMMAN., per,, ~~eata lildrotehnica,, No 8,v 1959., Am H-65,24 A EM - Rumnia /L/9 Econ jul 6o Liar Vnr-e 111as is. lleuort to tae 'PULnistry of abor (Visit to the Units of the. Anti.- Bartonelliasis Campaii--.n In Narino) , by R. Otetlara, 11 pp, SPAKIS'l. per, R Ili 11 ~,Rwfg, Vol XXIII, no 4, 194-21 61. 4-87- SIA 57-1519 Sci-44edicine Mar 58 4-W 0&*j*4 Q*"XSOUAfjf OL LA O*A)L!CJ?,E HEMNA141UL I &VOI VIO W4b P17-bb ?"IM3-bfpc Co> WO VIO Nav pill-120 ; '70-12504-1)#w- 'to), lq!~? Vag ##3b P161-Abb 170-19bub-OlDc It*> 1~ . ~7,p - . - - I Film Nrc military Rockets in the Nineteenth Century, by J, B. Gutierrez* SPNIISH, per, Revista do Hi5toria Militar,, Vol 7, flo 141, IL963, p 139-rYr.-- *NW TT F-11,128 GOVUNI-OaNT USE CNLY WOU Mi I Sapt 67 J-722/62 The F-2 Network FRENCH, rpt, Revue Historique de l'Armee, 1952, PP 81-117 - - "e~' /Dc-6889 WE - France Mil - Intelligence 7 June 1962 The QK Service at the Present Time; Army Commissaries, by Vergely; Tecbnical Researcb, Agencies of tbeQN, by Girard, Kiger., 31 PP- UNCLASS171M FRENM, per, Revue Historique de l'Armee, No fgll:,:My -:160 lb�- 195T, PP 102- ACBI, H-.0928 W&w- France Mil may 58 Military Rockets in the Nineteenth Century, by J, Be Gutierrez* SPANISH., per, Revista do Historia milita-r- Vbl 7, No 14. 1969.' pp-139-17 1, w NASA TT F-11,128 GOVERNMT USE CHLY Our Mil Sept 67 341a978 Kiazey Ftmotiona Evaluwm In. the plecovery Phases or the Acute Borml VaLlim, by R. V. Ad-launhav Z. SOUS04 1. 22 pp, PMW=Bp VW.. ftyiMa do 041AUI dio MULCUp Val X78, 11) 3,0 YAWAdi~ __- X, 2OL-W6. fm IMv v Sol-ad ]EM g-39-61 ILtz- 07 JW 61 . rw/ perimental Production of "Megas" in Animals E )z Inoculated With Trypanosoma. Ciuzi, by ".1. Okumura. SPANISH, per, Rev. flosp Clin Fac 14--d S Paulo, Vol 16j, 1961, pp 338-341. HEW NIII 10-42-66 (On Loan) Sci/B&M Dec 66 314,725 Omses V!Apor-aq by L, Tr3mirn. t do Pedicim Preveri- 'W,0 Dept of Interior US Bw of Nlnw Cmtra2. M*Orlment Station Pittsburgh.. Pa. ?r 130 Sol. - Chm 7 May 59 IbldOMIC Of AdMXMIMR Inf*CU(mas, by R. 8oh:ier,, P. 1*wimmp Y. m"ftwet" F. Challuts, Z. Yroyu*rp 50 yp. FREMR,j per# Rev dollyslow et de Red Boas Vol - "tF- " - . ..Ila. V* IDD 50 29$fp pf MR 10-32 Sol - wed NOW 58 072 / -j Thai Etpildendologioal, Clinical, ilara-CUnical, and iroplWlactic Aspacts of the lianingocoocoais in 1963o b7 I'leanotts, J-A`:. I-oliquet. 23 pp,. liii~;Mli, psr, R%Ov..-f-tUL4Ot !"led Soep 1,101 120 VO 1, 19,630 Awl I j 1b 2204010568 ma 6 8 356.171 S-1679 Colored LI&t and gypnocyanotrope, by Paul Fare 7-1 -916b ~ PIMIM, per, Revue de VWynotione, Pp 398, 309. A&PM/OnCIAL/NY-9682 sci-B/H Apr 65 s-1679 Anesthetics, Particularly Scopolokm4n , W emsidered as Adjuvants in Bypnotic SuggestIon, by Berillon, a 'jar PHMH.. per, Revue de 11 IBM, PP 307, 308. 2~1 t JPM/SMVLL/NY-9682 Sci-B/M am Apr 65 Studiee on the Effects of Various Steroids on Hevenchymal Elemente an Normal, Adrenalectcmizzed, Castrated and Hypopbysectomited Rats# by P. Deeaulles,, R. Ifisier, 21 pp. FMM H, per, Rev lber,']~~,--VD1 II, No 7, 1955. SIA Tr 51'-1915 Combined Therapeutic Action of Acetylcholine Retard and B-Z 55 or D-860 in Diabetes Mellitus, by G& Gonzalez Torres. EUROPEAN, per, Revista Iberica de Endocrinologica, Vol 5, 1958, pp 553-561. NTC-70-12812-060 Feb 72 MLOSTA IWNICA VE OLNUDCRPOCLOGIA 70-146fe-s" 1962 V9 P33-3b 70-20640 CRDER FROM MV Tolbutamide in diabetoid Conditions In Pmpancy, by R, J,, Fernandez, J. Lopez, 9 PP. FRENW, per. Revisla Iberica do Endocrino- ISAA. Vol X, 1963, pp 149-IS6, CMTI Tr-64-19429 Sci - B/H Jul 66 305,360 A Revision of the Family Atructidike Tmv 19W, With a Description of Two Now Species., Ixy J. Berenguer, (]a I I go. FAME, per,, Revista. Iberia& do BLmsitologia, Vol vni, No 1.P IM, Pp 1-90- CSIRO Tr 4240 Sep 62 . --,Y- -Ndym~p ~Pp- SPAN=$ Revists- Zberim do PwmsIto3.ogIa,, Val X;, No 2j. kjwll-*~bj, vp 2B7-203- L- i, :. -Y m // //.-4- .0 Scleattfic - y1eftelm April .54 ms/= Reclprooa Relations Betvam bilminths and Microbes. VectorUa Role of Milminths., by Jose Gonzalez Castro* 97 pp. SPAIM3H,, Revista Iberica do ftmaltologia,, Vol X. ffo-*j-AVr-%950,. pp 205-9.73. O/OZIO/X-559 Scientific - B1010a -A 0 1 01 q-9 -11. --------------- ....... The PMKosItion up to now of the Wbsj: Recent Findings on the Avidity for Blood of the MosquItaies Aedes Aegyptl Queensludensis. by It. Pin& de Grimaldo, et al. 8 pp. 11 SPANMI. Per. Revists.,lberica de Paxasitoloixia. Vd. XD(. I The campavAt" swats of Hkmm Wood as &awe ar Food fbr As&* Asaptl Onemi- Ift4mm" Wagdtom WIth the Blood of labarstars Anta"t UsIft 06 Sohn of 0ocytes bovalqped ft= a Uv4s MammUm of Kwd as Itt Cr1tft4wp bcr IL X J. Lwalidwasp 9 py. LoneWity of Aedes AeffoU QmMolumdowds bbovdtoess FwUUsed and U&ft.UUz*4 704 Vl%h Mond cw Dep4vW 9C U =4 ZwM Fastft at Ptovlftd vIth wow Ikow solnuce'o cw Wbw and BMW scoAtuss IW IL U. J. zdnvdgw"# is ]W* OVARM rrs.jMdot^ XbWloa Os P. vckl Mrs 3b 1.0 1960; n-y;w- RAPID STAINING OF PROTOZOA WITH PANCHROME BLUE G1239.- BY JUAN DEL REY CALEROp MANUEL GUTIERREZ, 4 pp. DE PARASIT- SPNAISH.p PER., REVISTA IBEIRCAFLURARAUM OLOGIA, VOL XXI., NO 2, 1961-0- P P 193-196~ NIH 5.39-62 SCI BIOL 207,927 AUG 6 2 Ccatributioas to the Trestaimt of Tulammia With Live Anti-Tularemic Vezaine., by P. Condrea., A. Vitas et als 4 pp. (ID 203M). RUWJMNI, W., R "4dmm ImIcrob.Epidem Bucwo No 2j, 1954., pp 2T-36. ACS., I G-81W Sol - Bloica .4 4 i~ memaine Idar 19" CTS/dox Brigade Logistics. SPANISH, per, Rovista Ilustr&da do las Arwas y Servicas, No 3277-pp 39. DIA LN 953-69 WEur Hi I June 69 383,Slg Toxicology in Our Army. SPANISH, per, Revista Ilustrada do las A mas Z Servic~s, No 317-,.pp 4S-48. DIA LN 953-69 sci-S&M June 69 383,519 mm-lmmgmm~ I17,VCZ;tj,gLtja.,j Cf ftai.igan jr, by H. ROUchdij fj pp. "2'v Zm=-'Ol Vol V, 19359, IT 2-79-2&k, ~~Zzz;;Zz! 67-A Tr 57-1494 Jr6b 58 Investigation of Pmaipltina in Typhold With tho Al." '~ Purifted Antigens, by R. Tulamm, and A. Fuhlrann, 2 PMNO-f, per, Rev. Imunol, Vol 1939, pp 299-316 SI-A. -57-1622 Soi-Modioine Mar 58 Typhoid-Parstyphoid Wections Anong Vaccinated Bubjectop by R6 Schitor., J. Parelrej, 23 PP. rRMH per., Rex-lummol 5350 536- j-!ol V, 1939, Py SLA Tr 574647 Scl. J~m 58 16 4 g ;tinE;t Anttrza, N6w Vaccination Procedure-a A %, -C and Swine Eryuipeluu, by 0. Ramon P-nd i.. staub, 4 pp. FRENCH, per,, Rev Immuncl, Vol VTI, 1942, P-c) 237-240. Assoc Tecb Serv-937121F Sci 7/1 .,- Aug 58 Cl-/ The Charact4erization of Varicais T~rpevri of Clog- stridlum PeTfringens, Observations on the ActivIty of Antigangraums Sera, by 9, GuilUumle ana A. Kraguer, 33 Pp,. rRIMM per,, Bev XnK=lp Vol XVj No 1-2,, 1951,p pp hT-67. Aug 5B Tetanal a A EVathesis of the Kaft Body of Tbeoratleal and Prmctlcnl Mwwlodips, by D. dlilatona. IMMI.p perj ftvuo d'Lmuool,, Vol XV# 1951,9 PP 93-157. = 4-rirwO &A - SioXtUld 9kd J" 63 ,R3 F, o 7o0 Om tbe PreperatUm of Aut:L-ULoWvtlc%Vn Serms by IL QuWumlev As Ereamwo No Tabre, Go Becouletp 1.5 VP 0 I I al I aj, WS Bev mummij, vah IMIS so 4-5j, 19wo pp M-4?73.. Aafto ftc& Urv a" 58 V40, e Results of Ar Studies on the Value of the Hemagglutina- -ion Method in the Typing of W. Perfringeno-Agni, by R. Y. Katitch, 11 pp. FRFJCR.9 P&T, Rev Lam, 01, Vol XVIII,, No 3, 1954, .)p 199-2br. SIA Tr 2645 Set Oct 57 TJ~xperinents Proving That 'the Course of Ineection of Weasles in Contamination of the Conjunctiva, by K. ft-pps 20 pp. VRENCH, pers."Revue d' no '1 --4 et de Thereple Une- 1956. pp 27-36. Antivicrobie Vol NO WM Tr 5-29 Sci - Ned ,elk Hav- 57 lifflakh of MmmltW and Booster UjoctLaum, by 1. now a GIVW46 pp. at Go amwale IV in &a-da (low) ftl -Ida &I" aw 63 Development of Various Andbodit.-s During Experi- mental TrypAnaosome Infections In Rabbits, by R. Pautrizel, et al. FRENCH Iper, Revue d"Immunologie A et de Therapie Antimicrogenne, Vol XXVI, 1962,, pp 157-66. CSIRO No 6566 Sci - B/M Apr 64 .257,246 Ricbov, R. and Richou, H. ACTM OF ANTAGONEMC COMPLEXES WrM I. Title: Subtilin STIREPTO"CD4 AND 938TIUN BASE ON THE 1. Ricbou. R. ANIMNI POWER OF SrAPHYL0COCQC TOXDIS n. Rtchou, H. AND ANATOXINS. 11%311201p. Order from SLA $1.60 Tr-O-inm Trani4. of Re~vt, d'immunologic lez, deTherapic Antj - tnlCrj)bj~-nnc-j (17rance) tQGT,- v.- 26. no. 5/6,1). 797, -:111 DESCItWrORS: *Streptomycina, Antibiotics. OAntige"m and antibodies, Antig"-satibody reactions, Tadao and a"titomIns, *Staphylococcus. *Bacillus subtfils, Biological sismay. MicrolAc filtrates (culture filtrates of Streptomyces jaloft=. Bazillus oubtQc) can - very likely by reasoni at tbatr anzym&Uc roi;e. ex - dewroy the let1sal davaomacrotic and betnolytic propwti" of anotber microlAc filtrate (culture filtrate of amphylococcus) 61 Trtmkol se,,= (Biological Sciemm-a-Pbarmacology. TT, - no. Imm.unoelectrophoretic Analystis of the Virus of Myxomatosis and of Fibromato*ds ' by M. T. Fayet, I I DID. FRhiiCH, per, Revue dImmunotogle, Vol XXVII, No 1, 2, 1963. pp 87-96. NM 5-6-64 Sci - Biol & Med Jul 64 262,196 Research in-4,,c the Ad*uvantl and St-k.lllant Proyertics of Saponin, As Regards Lrununity, by R. Richoi,.. .=P, X11, per, Revue dlImmmolo4e et de Therapie An' U-. microbienne, vol- 2T, 1964, pp- 49-62- NTC 90-1-(054-o6E (7 " lRo / SynXimmin of hathmol, by H. Ardlbart,. A. PRIECH., rpery Revue de I'Madustric lol 1, PI) 33 Dept cl! Inttnrior US Bur of Aiueu Pittsbursi-4 Pa. Tr 68 lk~Y 59 Use, of Lhcpid - Okygen k4mosi,m3 in 1:~he Zmi VAnoa o" Larralma, 95 7=9M. parp Davue de 1 1 MrAu tric Mwrale,, suffplemmt.. 15 D&C I= Fs lhpt of Interior US Bar of HLues C,ati-al Experimm-b Station Pittw3bursts Pa. Tr 3.16 Sci - Chrm YAW 59 g 7 -5- 7 oi -''- vi ~;aic- It' it- I i a - . (Ifobar Pmcesa), by Dmoistp 47 PP- 2MOMI, !~~k~nAa I Aug 1923- US Ilur of Xin" Central Zxpeelm=t Stmti-- Pa. ,hr zai - ruala, Mm 7, raw 59 Imfluence of the arain Sise or the Constituents of Mining Explotpives., by R. loigons, J. Cocu. FR=RO 0 namma i -"",-ItrjLa -AMAIA 1957* yp 458-W-. onto Bel - mw Ain 62 sa 9 T&Btz on the Safetr of Permitted lxplooives in Yiradapp., According to the Number of Coxtridges 71"d SlmultaDaously or With DeUjud AcUon, by W. CybuUkl- USEHMP V"A, Idneralao 19 7a, pp, CSIRO Fk:l - Xngr jun 6p The Coluptrative Risk of 14gdV!On of Coa DLwt C!Imde I~r ftrmittad Uplasiven,, b7 H. c. GrUmbew. I LF 10 ~ 1 0 W., iwv do-li ra tdv--Mqq;vkp_# _ _ 1957j, pq 106-49s& CSIRO act - min/*t lkr 62 / 9,6'., /40y!~ lRetacardh on the Els ty og lbqlosivas in Conmetion ~Mtb VaUuturbed Conl Dazt, b7 W. CybulaU. YR=Mj. pars, Rev= do I'jnOmtrjq_MDerale, 1957j, YP . CSIRO sui - BUDIbbt / 5? 6 .1 -7-5a mrq 6e