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IMPIMMULtIon of Tecbnical Spec, if Ications in Coiastract4on During the Lot 20 YOCUIV, I)y C. Bilis- trargana:j G PPO NMTM,, per., Revista ConstnictAlor si a Material- elor de CanktiLu 'til, Vol 3Z, No 11, M-7v 64, PP* 557- -ii". JPEG 30010 38-Rumala Bcoa mw 65 279p371 Prewmt St&V of Dme3x4xmt at lange lber- modUctric Powr Stations Jn Wamn~,, bV Oo Nbcs3aus and N* Borvag A. pp* MIMUMI, par,, ftEl" Corgrtructillor.21A do Gons-tructUL9 Ho 129 Doe 1964, pp. Q3-619. Hfc-, 3132D lx . &Mania Low Aae 65 286w5W The Biological Effects of Radar Waves, by 1-1. Boiteau, 16 pp. FRENCH, per. Revue des Corps de Sante des Armes, Vol 1, 1960 pp 637-652. ACSI-K-2377 Sep 72 DI oh 'anic I mvior and Ori rt " )t,-,tion to Dose d-ones, by ano. on, por, -evue des Calms dr- -CS '01 1- des NITIO -13-57. 777. 369,023 'Sci oc t 06 Cuimornital-5 the Classification "Fit Pundin~-, Acllicnl 1',oiriluation" of Young Recruits, by J. ~ju.jcr, G. 18 pi?. IF1.1,NC-21, rpt, Ravue des Corps de Sante des ldrecs Torry-1 ',krr Air& liu-pist 1 64. W.3 I-MM- ID 22CJAON565 JE-Fraitce I M ix ~by Wry Contaq)oraxy Chemical &..;ents -- 'Picir Toxic mLd Therapeutic Valuos, by P. Foifflium, 341 pp. FLA? Orr-ICIAL WE WILY I-W.'Hai, per, Revue des Coiys de Swito des Arniacs A' Vol IV, No 6# 196.5, pp 693-722. 9699S70 FSTC 361-T65-624 Sci - Clem Fab 66 ;!95,51fj Jrj.~,imti Papors Dic Good but Lhdur obsenration Classification of YoLuir, Racruitsby J. Ouijer, G. Pa-0. FRIUMI, pur, Rovue Das Coms dz Sante des 377--TrT.- Anices Vol V, No 4, U04, p1) *ALS1 I-G627A&B 11) :!-)O4uO6S65 WIL I lity 65 MwUdust bW (Camel) mff== 15 py. IQW= FRIMP pwp Aw an !22M do ar.-M= hLVAIMIMP Vol V-114 ft 2.1p 38"j, In so sa - umiftm 0456 go -T/ B-5342-D 8 Sept 65 Metectdioa and mm~wewmnt ar caltm monomi" IW: Cier Pnu: Iwo MM DAM x9t nm (PWIS) 24; 338-352 Swtv IrA (3.5 pp) Frandi -o est fft, vdat TOO On OrUlna OW W27. DOMMt am be cat for lp"te-coo Medical Examination of Navigating Personnel in Aeronautics, "Frontal" Patholoa, by Fe Montagards, 0t all, S pp, FRENOit per,, Ray fes CAwns do Santo des Azue-es--ToTIF., 0 OFE, Ion. pp 54* Dept of Navy Tr 4661/NIIC No 106S SCi-B4M MW 66h 300.7S8 I .dliCUtiUZIIL Tabacum L.: Vagetatti-m Point and Morphology$ by J. Bonnando FM'Oi, I)OT, Revue do Cytologie et do Biologie ft~jmlssj- Vol-U-pWo-3-,IM -*lip 197Z2-2-8. CSIRO/Wo 61717 sai-Siol Am$ 63 M~A ftsablag Ikopitsam and Tbair Import=c. Ax tl* FOnAtiOn Of thO M*Micim, by Dro flarsw ftmis "wrrux y Bum 4 3.0 PP. OPMMM, per, Favista oubmi do Ciragia., Vol 3p so 21, 30 MM. JPBB 30903 IA.Cuba am Jul 65 232~915 'l`matx=t of lasions of the "imdcas of tI,.c lt=d, by Dr. lCmetantin KarWiinav, U*' PPO SPANMI Rn-ista Cuban ., per.. a do Ci Vol 3s lb 3,v 30 Jun 1964, pp. 257-2bb- JPM 30903 LA-Cuba Boa Jul 65 2L32,,916 Veatmat of Bums by PUstic SurLei'V Semrice of! Naticuml aospitals, by Drs, Orland Lescano Y. Geasizea, VI.Uism C11 D'AxcoLa-t, Konstan- t:Ltk MrWiLnov and Uds Em=wo,, 9 pp. SMM, per, Favista Cuba= do Cirugis, 31 Aua IWis pp. 419-495. JFRS 303M TA.-Cuba Boo ita65 232,772 VO* "t the JUU0 Iftl4p saspital ftnoca BftvLm lb 4-20~ bCr Dr. VArle RLvfta Ma pro oft Fft". 6 no MrAMJM14 a 01 calm as Vbt 3s " IF*# I*- 6716671F.- JM: 39530 Oist 65 290J&7 Tl--3 Weltwnn jla~ Lu Mdldhood W.,or--ujoojn,, ~)y Ce Cwlauco A. Sellokp A. Del Yna&a. 9 W. lit perp Bev mb M-In. Vol u., -R0 I p -jian/JVn~/i,-%--- jqZM-,pp~--Jl%-'jjr. ' MA Tr 29DI sai - Wdiciao MW 57 jl~r 13-a -~ Statiatical and Pat2tmwrpbD1ogics1 Analyace of Cirrhosis in Material from Biopsies and AutapaUm &u-:Lug the Past 1.2 Ywxs in the *W~ftr FeJea-do 1106pitaVp IVY Dree Ke ACO- pianx Mae Alde-retes Ans. M. Mercado, FWbel Perm Martinez., GrwAmao &N Armap Felipe Vhlladares, Int. Olga Piewt, 15 rp- OPAW=j, per, Deviate Cubmum do M&Ucins, 30 Apr 1964.. yp. 129~-UO- JPHS 309553 rA-OAs Oci-wk jul 65 203,094 Biou.lXldo of Carban as Tbxic Agent in Uic P.zrjm bulustry, by Dr. Jum OWtVeZ GonzELIezp 10 ppo OPANM, per,, Rovists Cubmas do Haftelm, 30 Alor 19Q, PP- 93-5:=- JM 3M3 U-O" Ba4l/* Ek-A JUI 65 283,095 Lepromy in Cuba Today and Coatrol Progrecm, 16 pp. SPAI133911,, per, Favists Cubam do Medicir- 3D Jun 1964., pp. 334, 3 )., 340.- 342 P 310, 310-3150- JPM 3W22 M-Cuba soc .Tial 65; 2~2'Trl Treatment of Cancer by Nbans of' Active Principles Obtained From the Patient's UrIne and rrom Bovine Spleen,, by 0. 0, Granda., 14 pp. SPANISH,, per, R Y Cubam Ned Tzop,, Vol VI,, 1950, PP,W-32- 3 SIA TR 57-Ift Be& Jun 58 A Contribution to the StLictr cif Vae Incidlence of Tljp*m of MiUM11a FlexnerL in Cubsi 5 Prut SPAHMS11, per. R--vieta Cubans cle Pedintria, Vbl A HO 3: 30 Jun 1964, PP- 03:03- JPrG 3W26 IA-Cubm Soc i4a 65 2, -~O t1a. ftla:f 0? Zwu~. by k?. I It. Exam-hfan ltina-bi4, Go L-wudar;, 3 Pp- .1;-,r C ? 4.. rA7sc-:1 'r vb=cz =rrs 'Vex. 2. 36- SIA Tr 27-78 Sol - lib(licina BOT 57 VOW-0 Of Is--ha %'f,-:3trttj k~mte in BCO Vaccination A-rpi-not. ,XvbeamW.,oaiA-,p by P. DwAir4pj, 4 pp. UT-2=up IM2V Cub=a V, - M'4---m 99k6- =--A-Vol =, Eo 2., Pp 3, 4. j L40 1-4.s VP 95--107p Apr 2.94-&Dee 1949. BU Tr 2779 sat - Macke .3-4- 9-9-9 POA, 57 ECG TorrAl2mlogy., by P. DomInVj, 5 Im. mou", Par, RWSAM Voll X7V Vo 1# 2, 39 4.7 V61 xvip a0 Lp jumn-ma i t JMU-N3Lr 1952. I MA Tr 28M Sai - - MdIcina j-j7 7- 71 Nov 57 The AtcaArc Weapon - The Inexpensive Weapon, 6 pp. tommsipiED j, Pers Revue De Defenne Nat4onal Wt 1954.0 M-380 -55, GUM, 31 WO 1955t CIA D 217032 ID IL277OU Our - France military iruly 55 CTS/M gm Ebalm of the Oold War &a Elmm In the LI&t or the 3.996 soviet Dwj~pt,, by lit Alain 9 VD. per, Pavo 4a Defamm a" 1956, ]a vac %956. OR Tr G,"78 um VAllt=7 Ave 57 CW/d4m TA the Zav at War Dmdtj, by GUw#noo norammoo., Is pp. I -ml ?in - v ftv" 40 Dsftw MUMUIP ftb Iwo It *4bw AWE# ww" VEW a Ixqmm ma am " 7y, 013? Wbat Sbal I We Think of Frewh Security? ~ by A. Zaino 3 PP- (n) 2037MBIl FFMM,j pw Roym do Dafeium,.N~Wale 4.~ P,---LJan 1957,1 py ;114 e~-- I - I - ACSO Is (;--W78 WDAr - FkazWe -A/57V poutA=3 star JM7 M/dex Beyond Clausewitz - A New Warfare Doctrines by Gen Combeauxp 15 pp. FREE=., per., Revue de Defense Nationale., Apr 1957m pp 518-532. ACS, I., G-M5 WEar - France ml -~4 ~,., .,117 Jun 57 A. IMusion and Organization of AA Defenee in the Weat, by Colonel Socquet; B. Atomic and Non-Atcmlc Weapcna in -'.-be Buro-Afri'--' Derense.P by E. Comb&uY' C. Defending the Sahara, by A. Pigeot~ D. InternatiOn5l LaW 11nd the Interpjanetc~~ apacep by Capt Guillermej E. Bjyond Clausewitz - Ne, Doctrine of War by E. Cmbaux., 65 PP. UIMLASsip-in FMCHI 10, Revue de Defense Nationale., (a) Rov 195"! P (b # c., d,)'Jan 1155, TeTAPr 1957, A. pp 1692-17c~3 B. 59-71, C. pp 82-98, D. pp 120-126, E. PP 518-532. NEIA - French Colonies ACSI H-o452 WEu - France Nil; Sci - Space Research Evolution of the Statur, and Cordition of "ilitary Personnel, 4by Calendar, 16 Vp. MICLASS171ED !TIRMCH~ Yvt, IMme -de Defen" FaV.cnale, Eae~-h Parle. ACSI, B-OT72 WRur - France nil Apr 58 e / a// ")6 13 The Natiama "OtrikLog Foroe".. Me Pects of the -rdhUn, by Clanae DO , :L8 Vq. tim nw=.- vw,. P" as tot=" Noumaa% iv 190- 3.565. AOU 11-701 ID 9156393 ~M - rtmace Mil ez" Apr 6iL /7- r, Ift ARIUOAS to ftQW& Vast Atr&eap by g. sam"W'p a pp. "~# Mr, OB Datmal lb"UWAOJL. Oat map if I ~ - I--- I - Awls s." IS/A 1* We" Aftleft 14M AW 5p Id- 007d FoUtical Wax- Being WaVd by Soviets, try Saz=na labims 6 pp. UVMMBDM F=MH, per,# Pkme do ~.- tame VmtUmlop Jim 1960. XaCl tD SCrial ISO 3-iR Narylow =a83 um mi Pal FOU 61 /,9,? -1 f I ,.Fse political 'War of 10 pp. UNCLAMMM T,-t,mmrj n-JIMUM per., Revue july ig6o. US MA, Bimmsels. the Sovietal by Suzamn Lmbinjs do Dafftm Ibitionale., PWrt 11,p snal to serima. go 3,9-a,, ftvYIOM 5113W Usm poi - pwivissn" kpr 61 1?0 1)"llop-Al-1v A ~71- no Obleld of XWCj, by OwwnLL ALlards 25 um loololop PW_V N*UCUSU' *M-ft AM va al 14 'n ftmaw The Hatica-al "Stri-king Force" The Facts of , thhe Problem, by Claude D--lww,, 18 PP vilac% rer P.p AM Ii-7932 ID 2156393 WVar - Frtmce KU Jul 61 1 5~ 6- 6/ The Submarine Deterrent Force, by Lepotier, 12 pp. FRMCH, per,-Revue de Defense Nationale, iiov 1962, Encl to Desp 1482, AmMmbassy, Pa'PI-slM3KEOMf= Embt,---l 223 of 13 Nov 1962 and Deptel 2)53, 19 Dec 1902. Dept of State WEux - 1'rance I'Al mo91432 220,633 Jan 63 The New Uatted States Forelip Fal4cy. and birope= Semirltyp by Pierre M. &]-'Iojsp JC6 ppo F=gp per, Revue do 3A-D-ermse Nationae, Xo 4, i963- AV 1032=,63 Noftew - Valted States 'P., ftl Jul 63 Scicrit-if i c -Economic Aspects o' 1Y k-) FI~ENC'-H, P(!r, iievue de Def~-Ils~! N&tioP-alL:', .1 oct, 1063, 0 Dp. *JPRS WE~ir - Frarice Ecc,n, Cc t Palace Revolutions or Social 11evolutions, by J. C. Fmroelich, 10 pp. FRENCH, per,-Revue de Defense Nationale. Vol XX. Feb 1964, pp 257-2-7U.- JPRS 26588 WE-France Pol Noy 64 268,262 b4arrIage of Nuclear and Conventional Weapons, by AUleret, All pp. FRENCH, per, Revue de Defense Nationale, Vol XX, Apr ION; ~pp~-57f.---- - MRS 26368 WE-Frqance M11 Sep 64 267,241 -low L~R. 'I - Tv" -11 A I - P, - I -1- --7 DO& of MMY/olu ir,mb 996 Ing amw ia% W-6VID Strategy of Deterrence and Home Defense,, FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FRENCHp per, Revue de Defense Nationale, No 73 1964, pp JCS 6010019964 (DIA) WEur - France Mil Dec 64 270,322 pp. Vol XX, Comments on Fleicible Response Strategy, by Ailleret, 16 pp. FRIENCHI, per, ]Bmm&Ae Defense Nationale, Vol Xx, Au& Sep 1964, pp 1323-2340. MRS 26368 WIR-France MI, Econ PF 12-3c.201-2,51,'1 Scl - NS (-,D7 Sep 64 11~67,239 France and Latin America, by J. Chauvel, 10 pp. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY FRENCH, per, Revue de Defense Nationale, No 8, 9, 1964, pp 1341-1352. JPIKS GUO: 433 World Wide Econ,Soc Jan 65 270,995 Pronch Nuclear Tests in the Pacific, by Cbauvols, 12 pp. FRENCH, per,,Kejui~ de Defense Nationale, Vol XX, Aug, Sep 1964, pp 142:7-1441. MRS 26368 WE-Ibxance Mit, Econ Scl - NS 267,240 The Air Force in the Nuclear Context, by Andre Martin, 17 pp. FRENCH, per, 4tevue-Ae--urfen_%C_Aiktignale, Oct 1964, pp 1499-1517. JPRS 27,320 WE-France Mil Jan 65 2710467 The Long-Term Future of Nuclear Power, by It. Gibrat, ZS Pp - FRENCH, Per, PAMPae-40-Defensr-Na1ionale Vol XX, Oct 1964, pp 1540-1551. JPRS 27,320 WE-France Pol Jan 65 271,468 ~olr I 1'r.- S-381 IT The Long-Term Future of Nuclear Energy, by R. Gibrat. (DC-10873) FRENCH, per, Revue de DefenBe Nationale, Vol XX, oct 1964, pp 154o-1557. *JIPRS Sci - We-France Mil oct. 64 The Chinese PeWles Republic and Black Africa, by Jean Marchand, 12 pp. FIWNCH, per, R-evue de Defen It Oct 1964 pp 1554-1566. _Ngdonale., Vol XX# JPRS 27f 17 FE-China Pol APIUCA Pol Jan 65 270,731 rxiterimnee and Strategy, by Lrmy General Maufre, I PP - FROM. par, Revue de Dofensei Latioanle, Vol 2U, Due 1964. pp 1874-1881. MIRES 28633 WH-Prance Sci-l-luclaar Sci ft b 65 275,191 Anatomoradicular Study of the Teeth With the Method of Transparency, by Rafael Kasse Acta, 13 pp. SPANISH, per, Rev Dent, Ciudad Trujillo, Vol Vill, 1956, pp 7-12. Navy/NMS 932 SC1-B/m Feb 65 274; 189 F~much Amed Forcesjo by Piamm Waamr., 6 pp. PEOWHy per,,, Le Revw des Dmm Mbndes., 15 ftb 1.962s --, - - ~ 1. -- -- AV 14951h0 WO&lr - pxanm Ka lalp.5~ IS.2, ~? 23 t4mr 62 62-1 f17:~.:~ P; 1 Picot, G. EXPI '~~.I I I" 1 1 1 1 )',1:, 1 It ~+'i 71 Ik )", 1; UP IN )(A *M]--~ I i-1( "'. t I ( ~' M. L. 0-"~'r t-m I , 0 1 t, 2 - I 675.S III 1xv,.rv. j-.. "I[)-)( ItIVIA' I)-, 196-1. '. 21), n- ~~-I DESCRII'D 'MS: )o, unwnlaz mn. I Information j*,- - Digit'll '*('1111111tul" 1111a stmag, ~Y."Ivllls' Exp,2imicnial data. Chcmistt'N A j,.:ijc%A sN~lcm (siniflar to thc SN.Steiil uscd I,% ASIIA) N~l. colluctionof 10,M) d"c i~- mgamc di,mi,trv. Ali 1B%1 705 i :1-- IMIllbi.A. of key-words A-uz , pet doctiment. A tolal of -Hh' 1_-. ;1b "cle ajlph'~I t" Elie collection. All'.1 ille 'J(h almlyzed (I. c. . [lie kcy- C46.. A Tci.1c.1 S--i (Stwlal '11" 1l'). I()) (over) l4gletleo Im Atande Warfare, by Dr KrumpolA, 17 pp, 7RSHCHp per Rme dq Doc gitation Kilitalro, M~ loop 1956. -xv, vp 76-94. 90or 0' France al Ysb 59 PAbaogy mnd Its Scope, by Albert Courtamambe, 12 pp. VRIHM, Dw, ]Revue Dcoinicaine., Vol LXI, No 1, 3-955, PP 230-237- 1 aiii 60-18654 ,;L a.R., 4- .73 Sci ika 62 vol 4, *o 12 axid .6ieil- Efflic-',(~Ilc 1'ev 14-' ci D---c u4 The Iri, and its Dasin, *wy P. Buffixult, 'I pp. FFMCII, perp P%cv Haux at Forcoto, Vol VII, Scries. 7. pp 203-209. IBLA Tr 57-1238 W su - Ymuce j 3 S Acon 6 01 ar 58 ~ - T" -iibx-ow~ trom ~ugoslavjE,.L, 34 pp , T,-T r~t T T~.t~ri n v pp~ 71- 81, '001-572, 647-654. (a,:) date) 5 SIA 57-1236 E Sur - YaEpalavia -151 Econ Mar 58 -rect Prob1cm, by L. ,MUCU., pc"-p F.-v Eaux at Forets, Vrol,-~fvui, 19-D, 9 S- 1,00D. SIA -~r 57-1239 NE/A - F-rench Colonies Ecoll M r 5 Crosses in Relief on the Triink of Conifers, by S. Tregilbov, 6 pp. mmcn, per, Revue des Eaux et Fore !3 7s, Vol'LXXV, NO 7, 19YI, 1' S.L.A. Tr ~ 744/1955 Sci - Geophysics Apr 1957 CT;S/dex J-61" Z) ~, ~- Distortiom aM Mmir Correctioa, by J. Tiaborgen, 15 Np. PRMM, par,, Revue d'Sconomia Politique-, Vol LXVIM SIA 60-18012 Sal Z//, ~,?? Jul 62 Vol M 4, So 12 Notes on a Nev Formulation of thig Theory of Consumer Surplus, by Jacques Mmteil, 14 pp. FRENCH, perj, Revue Vol LXVIU v 96-6 o YP 1026 -1035 - e7A 60-18639 Sci s9z Jill 62 Vol It, No 12 Stochastic Linear Progmming, t(y o. Tintner, 1~ - P.. FRUM pwrp Revue d'Zconwde Pcaitiqm,, 1957, 110 67 0 pp RW473-. - - , , - - 'SIA 594M58 Sol ftr 60 /0 f- x - ?,0 Vol 20 no U R - 53 11 'D2 The Ccbb-Douglas Production Piablication, by Rene F~nAt P FRENCH, per, Revue Economique, No 2, Mar 1()62, pp 186-236. 4JPIIS/DC-8294 1- - P- s ggl hy 10 M-B~c- Caption Information. FOR OFFICUL USE 07ILY F-MIX-H, pampli-let, Revue Economc-ue Franco-Suisse, 140 J 52-64, -7 c .2 0 0 pp 15, 2 102 - -t o6, 120. *JPRS/DC-80b-7 Econ, Soc, Pol, Mil Sep 62 Agencyt Ft. Detrick P. 0. No. T-835 7-6 (If-jA - '7 Title: IncefalitLa a Virus Transmittdon Por Artropodos I Variodadoss Voctores T Posibles Roservorios It Comfirmscion Sorologica do un caso Humano Upo venesolafto Author: BaquarLso, Luis A. - Rev. Ituator. Rig. Had. Trop. 15tNo. 3, 1958 Languagot Spanish Special Inattuctions; Please translate and type I copy only. Agency.- Ft. Detrick P.; O.;;No, T-038 k 1 -e% 7 Titlet Incotelitts a Virus Traumitidos For Artropodos n tafluencia de Is Uad da Los Ratows Blancoo n la SusceptMILded Par& um caps de VLrum I venstolano Authort Baquarisov Luis A. - Rev. Icustor. Big. Had. Trap. Vol. 15, No. 4, 19513 Lar4gumSes Spanish Special Instructionst Ploame translate and type I copy only. Agencyt ft. Detrick P.- 0. ft. T-836 -7 Title: 19acefelftie a Virus TranamfUdom For Artropodoe IV Investigation del TIpo Venesolono on Algunos Suarce Humenox on la Costs EduatorLans Author: BacquerLso, Luis A. - Rev. Zcuxtor. Big. Mod. Trop. Vol. 15 No. 4. 1958 Languago: Spanish Special Instructions: Please tratuslato and type I copy only. Agencyi, Vt. DetrLek P. 0. No. T-837 Titlet ALslamlento del Virus do lia IncofalooloUtIs Squium Tipo, Vemmolano del Suero Sanguinse T fariage do un Caso Rumano Autbor: Baqworixo, Luis A. - Rev. Icustor. Rig. Had. Trop. Vol. 16, No. 1, 1959 IkW Langusgat Spanish special Uutructionst Please translate and type 1 copy only. AgSwYM. Ft. Detrick F; 0.*No. V639 Titlet Investopcion do Anticuerpos Para IncefalowLSILL Venesolano Par La Prueba de *or Oneutralizaction Authort Sabson, Alfonso Coronel - Rev. Xcuat. Big. Had. Trap. Vol. 17 No. 2, IL96CI Lanwaso: Spanish /10 SPOciSt Instructionot Please traimlete and typo I copy only. istudjAs of Curves in Typhoid Patients, Treated with Cb1oramphenicols by L132Y Entepara f-razom 15 PP - SPANISH, por, Rev, Ec=d.__HM. 3:d, QM, Vol 21, No 2t t964l 23-35 Dapt of N,10 4 129 a 1,10 Sci/il & 'm June 68 358.502 Physical Improvement of Youth T11trough Recreation, by MIro Uthaviloviej, 20 pp. FREW% pmrj, -Revue do l'EdMq~jjLm Migge., No 181, dep IM, pp SUL 59-20&r0 SOL Mai, Val 111, No 8 . ///J- /JV Avr 61 .1"Ic-at Guerrillao, U-ut~n 'MaLuel l,,r- b.A. G-aerrillas, by Eziriquu 1~7i,7~to ACST 21 -7 SigniLl Security aad ItI3 Militaril intportaace., by Jone Evaristo Rpmirez Ramirez, 4 pp. yer., Rovlota dal E-jorc.Lto, Yo 6, J=-Fab SpArmn' - 190, rn 45 -49 lrjllsvi'~ Ax:g 6o Deteatica and st%W of lmdwttim In Mm&%strVa lktolectricap by r. vlaep 23 pp. I :p per* ]Wtw xLeaft$4116 "Numigms lb 96,9 3954# 0 8940-.- AW4KM-lk%-MT a" - P470 Jklm 63 4-:Rpl 4el I/ A Anew Comprehensive Integral Crimrion for Optirnialization of Automatic Control Systems, by Aurel Avramescu, 15 pp. GERMAN, per, Rev Blectrotechn et Energ. (RPR), Vol A7, No 1, 1962, pp 155-165. 9691067 FTD-,rT-63-1107 Sd - Math & Data Proc Feb 64 250,223 A New Expression for Braking Force of Electro- mapetic Brake With Nonferromapetic Disk, by Alfons Ifrim, 13 pp. FRENCH, per, Revue d'Electrorechnique et d%nergetique, Vol VUa, 1962, pp 2372x-22AI247. 9225794 AEC-UCRL-Tr-RIO39(L) Sci-Electr Dec 64 269,373 . I . I! 11 ; , REVUE DIELECTIMICITE ET OE "MANIQUE 19WN34 PL-10 70-23056 -($> -RDER FROM NM per., ftm d' Kem, Med Vet Fa.Nu T-cor, Vol Xv 3.957, pp Srj~-300' Bloit&d Sci pleEr"enr0"On M. P30tl-o vtnn 1, irl or tt-:r Gem,-,B ~Veoplm-n-a, by J. 17. 11.291M powp Ravao 4LO12ov Jbd Vet P4*z Tmpp my 63 Rhipicephalus of the Sanguineus Group: African Species (Acardina: Ixodoidea), by P. C. Morel. T-W-MI, per, Rev Elec Med Vets Pays Trop Vol IS, No 4, 19020 lip 343-386, HEW NIU 9-31-69 ON LOA14 ONLY Nov 69 397.171 rjisc;am"i cm Pcmpnuu;.~unia. Ah. 4,;Ami liata on the Ivitigonic P.Olationships getween Nycoid .'iyccq)las;da and Lkhor '-IyCqpIUSI:)at8CCaG, by &, Provost, at .a. NIT~401, porl, Rev Elow IIcd Vot Pays p2L, Vol XVITO-MN07. 1964, kip 23-33. ;qljs, 1-17-65 sci-D.&r1l iwg 65 287,456 Port G-.~t~at latemational Tana Fishing i 6K F.IM,,CB$ pear, Revue a 1 'Afric Encyclopelicrue d pe, ho 1, Jan 19607, -PP .10-13- -2fig Tr) AJqS NE/A - Africa Econ Oct 60 Panora= of Abidjan, Capital of the Ivory Coast Republic, by Pierre Dupre. P FRIMCH, ]~:i, de VIS rique, No 1, Jan 1960, pp 14-20. (Ce.11 No DTI-A~k-,--Ekng Tr) im M/A - Africa Pol Oct 6o Visit to the Bia Dam. FRENCH., Revue Eavq;~Opqgque- de I I Af rique, No 1, jam 1960., pp ~jF-25- (Can no Dn.-i24, ~ng Tr) AMS NE~A - Africa Pol oct 6o /.P- ~? /Y~ ,41 J ao AMS A - Af rica Econ 6 o Ndea, 'I Look- at the Central IIII-rica of Tomormf. -1 TTWCEI, I", Revue EacVclopedique do I'Afrique, c, l" Jan 19 , PP 33::37, (CM-11f6--Dtf.-ti~-ii, -Fng Tr) AMS PTEIA - Africa POI oct 6o / z 3? / 471 oil. the Hope of FWAp by F. Chaebonnier. Lk i- C11, *w'rj Revue Encyclopedic.-tue de l'Afriqua, NO 1, J'an AM NE/A - Africa ECOM oct 6o