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.,~,e jcLast aft the Dcpart7nerts. Tol'-j -to '-DP.Pj~TTS~I, 8 (?P- v OL c47to AJ) W;? / 26 Vt k -,(Jp- 0 Y 0 Cf qL 64 Anicles From French Journal, on Africa, Sino-Soviet Dispute, 31 pp. FOR OFFICI&L USE ONLY FRENCH, per, Revolution. No 9, May 1964. CIA?IFDD Tr WEur - France Pol Famghetti Jtd 64 9 Jun 1964 263,341 In 1964 More Books Than Dw7ing the Last Ton Years, by RogeUo Luis Dravet, 5 pp. SPAWSH, per, Revolucio!!, 4 May 1964, p 8. JPRS 25157 - LA~~Cxu jw Sul 1964 262.728 IdGuevara Checks on Production In Las Vill", 5 SJVA~m, per, ARy2Lugclon, 25 May 1964, pp 1, 4. JPRS 2515 LA-Cuba Bean Sta 1964 262,727 j ! ; 1 Cuba, 4uW.&b-rvad, 5 pp. CPANVI-4 np, bg!RLuca& 27 Jul 1964, p 13. ~I,as 26183 LA-cuba Pla Sep 64 266~371 J-191',~, Scloated tirticles F:L= lievolutimp, --~e - v FMIX!E., perp tovoluticas Ho 7j, War 1964, pp 26 - 30; 31-34; 41-57; 90--92-.- 46;m~l SPECIAL/ DC - 11151 VE Pol Feb 65 Matanzas Province Implements Sugar-Cane Directives, unsigned., 6pp SPANISHj, npj, Revolucion,, Havana., 13 Oct 1964., P 5 JPRS 27488 U-Zuba, Econ ji~'65 271,921 Students Urged to StudY for Science Czlrec ' 6 pp. rs, SPAIIIISH 0' 1113.1 "OvOluciOll, 26 Oct 64, 1, 6. JPRS 27727 bl-Cuba JCul 65 272,376 J-19144 ,, / '; ---ro~ - Soleation 1rom k~evolution r, , YALWE 4volution, uo~ 9, l4v 1964, lip 2-4, ,, per., 5.;W0 & 10-12. JKMAYSF-3566/special w PCkl Falb 65 J-1943 seloctiws frm Revoluticu~ s ~, f-~' FRUCEI., per., MyolUtion lk)g 10-11.. Jul-Aug 1964, PIL~2-3 p 4-up 12-210 & 22..26. 10MM7~F-356TAPecial W. POI Feb 65 sel.eictionz from Revolutim: FFaWAI,, per, havolutionj, PP 2-6p 8-16, W= 17-22s, .,WKSAT-3565/Special Do 12, Oct-Nov 1964, & 75-70-3. HE - Ind I a Afx4em F" FAst - Viet mm Pol F-eb 6 5 Translation of Selected ,XrtLclcs 4-.--ro;;i R'ovolutioii, 22 pi). per, 14&~~ Jc,,.-,;ov 1,.)6.1, 1.11) 2-0, 6-16, 17-22, 75-76. FDU J-19,12 SOV '10c Pol Mwnicm4 the Pargcuen Colotq,, 6 pp. FRENCHO. rips fig:VNJ*n Afrimlog- No 22 Aug 1964, Ipp 10, 11. JPKS 2605 82, AFRICA sm 0064 2616565 I 0~',' ON THE EASTERN SAHARA KEG I ON', K 5 PP FFl,Ek-'_'lHY PER, REVOLUTION ET TRAVAIL, NO 7, 1 -16'], P ~j. jpRs x5i AFRICA - ALGERIA EcOl"I-I j JUL '3 235,222 RAdUmad Workers' Congress, 13 pp. FRIM04 rV6 AgnMq at TravalL No 44, 25 JLm 1964, DaLP 9 ;c 3171i Q W AfrIca - Alpria Pot 264,732 Aug 64 Lmu* COMPLny, 3 M FRENCH, np, Revolution cc Travall. 2 Jul 1964, p 12. JPRS 26575 AFRICA-Alpria Ecan Nay 64 269.498 VIIWs Kgft Autogestion. 6 pp. FRENCHO IT, Revolution et Tjav&Ll. 13 Aug 1964. p--7.- JPIS 26624 No 51 0 AFRICA-Alocra BOW Nov 64 269,507 Estabklishment of the African. Hydrocarbon Center, 5 IP-P. FRENCH, per, Revolution et Travail, No 56, 18 Sep 1964, p 5. JPPIS 26935 AIPRICA-Algeria Econ Oct 64 268,583 C,ott(:),-L !Ad--ing in El !xuci-, 5 np, Revolution at *.~rnvail, ','o 64-, 19 .!lov 1964, pp 8-9. 28W2 Lici-AE;ri ..ar 65 J I 276,153 First Constitutive Congress of the Woord and Building Trades Union, 5 pp. FIMNCH, per, Revolutl2n. pt Travail, 10 Doc 1964, pi) 6-7. JPRS 26722 NIA-Algerla Pol Fub 63 275,160 BlectrickW in Mw Be' iden Ccalpo# 20 pp. Famo. Pat I& JIM/M MT9 Iml to R-n6-57t aa-SIM64710 IM SAM3 f (~ IU/A - 303 al an OMM 40-,g~, f jkmo2cwlle ft Wflimum AStr I"lr cop= CR-2"/63 Captions to Photographs of Hydroelectric Installations on Revue River, 3 Pp. PORTUGUESE, pamphlet, AFvue, FDD/NY-TT50 WEUr - Portugal Econ Aug 63 I , -?/) j~ -7" "~ '?) - - - WLberg. Egm and Usm. Rapsel. I rr-64-19513 ON A COWLEX HYENLATH TI(AIH414. 9p 24rets. 1 1. WUXT& E. Order ftlowb SLA TT-66-19513 U. usm. R. Tr al"r M LR. IL-demin do CiMCW EMMUM, Flelco, I Quismicas r Haturales do Zaragm 'Revlna (Spain) 1951. leer. 21 v. 6, no. 2. P. 15VII77u I. (CbctmWry--l=wpmk, IT. v. 12, go. 7) 1 0111-- .1 T..k.i,.l &-~- SPANISH, per, Revista de la Academia Colombiana de t-le-mLlasE-_xactas V"o --8, .Jun 1952, pp 489-503. r' E~.B of Vegetation in Colombia, by J. Cuatrecasas. SPANISHs pers FL-vista de la Acmiemia Colombiana de Ciencian Exados~ Fisicas y UaturaleB,, No 40, 1958, pp 2a-264. (call No Q4, R45,, Eng Tr-) AM VM= - Colombia Dew sept 6o R-610/1 Geonorpbology of the Eastern PlainE, by Dc>--I.o Goosen. (DC-11360) SMUSH, per., bevista, de la Academia Colombiruan de Ciencias, V 1 XII, No 46, 1964, PP 129-139, *JPRS - 44-6- LA - Colombia Geog may 65 R-61o Geographic and Human Aspects of the Sumapaz in the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia, bY Ernesto Guhl- (DC-3-136o) SPANISH, per, Revista de la Academia ColQmbiana de Ciencias, Vol XII, No 195, PP 153-i6y'-I~--.j *JPRS LA - Colombia Geog May 65 on the Definition of Acoustic Mup2itudeat by L. Bouthilloa,, 46 pp. Fi=R per, Rev Acmat,, Vol IV, No 3, Ifty 1935., pp 5-1:65. SIA Tr 57-872 Sci - Physics .1 jr1a C. t-^ a ew 4 r- SJ-02, 9 9 46 Sep 57 .1rhe U- -17"- Rusairm JP-t FIChter, Pp. Full toranalation. SPKIME, 911--, Revista de Aaronpublwa, NO 133, Doc 1951, Pr IW7-- 0. v-Ts-,i86o-R,-, LMU Hilitaryi- Jets, air foz-ca Scientific - Aeronautics Aug 52 CT-V DEX Evolution of the Airplane Inta-Hbl-1 (EE4), (IT UNCLASSIFIED SPANISH, per, Revista de Aeromatical, Vol M, No 139, Jun 1952. *ATICI F-TS-8021 Scientific - Aeronautics on Earth As It Xe In heaven, by Eloy Pastor I Dietp 5 pp. MCLASSUM Full trenslation. SPANISH, per, Revista do Acroxinutica, No 143s Oct 1952 G2 GML4 G-829 WE - Spoln VAlitary Jun 53CTS,/-DE-x '3 G--:.,,w3izatIcm ProZect of the "CivII Air fttrol" Nsp) In Colombia, by Capt AlvareEaqueros 4 pp. 'ONCLASSIFIED S"IDANISH., per Revista Aerowuticn,, No 30,, Oct 1953, Pacl to IR-34-5C Ar 613443 Colcubla &1 6 ?-Ultary - Civil air patrol# aeranautics CIA 2507888 Apr 54 CTS The SpanIsh Sar on Ite Fifth Auftiveraary -- Morel than 2W a Lives Saved by the Spanish Bar jUtify the 0overanient's Sacrifice In Naintainine the Service,, 11 pp. SPAKM., per, Revista do AeronamtIca, No 236, Jul 19W. -- -------- 1. 1 AF 14146Q w1ur - Spain Nil may 61 wbich Type of Gaidwee la bmt for IC3b; lbemot*-ControUed or by Inertlavi. iW 6 pp. .VMLUr, p*r, Ravlata Aercesutica, Jul 1961, 16T60,5 YM-Tr-61-361 APr 62 The Missile Malkara, MALIAN, per, Revista Aeronautica, Jul 1961, pp 1115. '/J~ "; ~~- .- ~ ". - Sci - Space/Res r'jiT-6i-361 30 Nov 61 'Me Missile is Guided by Means of Xg Vigilant. ITALIPIT, per, Revista Aeronautica, Jul 1961, pp 6. u-Tr-61-361 30 Nov 61 Artificial Lightning as a Weapon, ITALIAN, per, Revista Aeronautica, Jul 19061, PoMft pp ll.16. tma-TT-61-36i I WE - Italy MU 30 Nov 61 Location of the Spatial Instrimentation, ITALIM, per, Revista Aeronautica, Jul 1961, P 1117- ?v -,,, - -- - .~ - WE - Italy "l-~-!LT-61-36)l Ydi 30 Nov 61 The Tank for the Propellant Supply, ITALIPM, per, Revista Aeromatica, Jul 1961, P 1117- , L 4:' ~?- ~' -r ~M-TT-61-361 WE - Italy Mil 30 Nov 61 Target J= Missile Jindivik, ITALIAH, per, Revista Aeronautica, Jul 1961, P 1118. 41~; /?W, 1-.1 ;!IM-W-61-361 Sci - MW Space/Res /0 30 Nov 61 Comparison of Space Vehicles Appolo and Dyna Soar, MALIAN, per, Revista Aeronautica, Jul 1961, P PF7D-TT-61-361 Sci Space/Res 30 Nov 61 The Lockeed Orion, ITALIAN, per, Revista Aeronautica, Jul 11)61, p 1142. /& - ~, , /5TD-TT-61-3,51 WE - Italy Mil 30 Nov 61 63-1882R Brun, E., jampy, M., and Lecardonnel. It. 'ME PHENOMENA OF CONVECTION AT t-IIGH 1. Brun, F. SPEEDS AND THEIR APPLICATION TO AVIATION. It. jatnpy, M. (1963126p (figs omitted) 3refs Ill. Lecardonnel, R. Order from SLA $2.60 63-18828 Trans. in manuscript of Revue Aeronauti terna- tiona 1e (F ra we) 19:16 1 v. no. 19. p. 68 -qvle-ln 74. DESCRIPTORS: *Aeronautics, *Convectian, Compressi- ble flow. Boundary layer, Aircraft. Velocity. Wind tunnels, Dc-icing systems, I-ligh altitude. (Mechanics- -Aerodynamics, TT. v. 10, no. 11) 00ke of TKhWcjd Sovkn R-190/64 A Botanical Trip Through the Province of Miquitos in Eastern Bolivia, by :-'Iartin Gardenas 7 Pff SPNIIS11, per, I(evista de kgricultura, Vol VII, No 6, 1951, pp 3-13. ej-4-6-,S"~-3146/SPECIAL LA - Bolivia GeoSs ,Nay b4 CISM FFOM IVTC The 4hrii;V kinher.7 in ftn--z=. X. AemiumUlluzi 4:-=- Wealth In shrlimp b7, H. D. rurhcnr=.d, J. L. Ob-nr--lo, 0 ~. A;. yer, Howlsta 40 Afiriqult;Wm, Co=rcio a Vel =n, tc 211, Pub 11~119~51 Dept Of Int L& ftam- seem "my 59 Filtrability of Sugar FRENCH, per Revue Agric. Sucr. Ile Maurice . jan/Un.r. 1965, PP 7-9 CSR Sci - Aug 67 3-37-,-,,o6 Detection of Adulteratio.-is in Citrus Juices. I. Methods for IdentiPyi.-:ig Acids in O.-anr,-,c Juice by Menns of Thin-Plate ChromantoSraphy and Liquid-Gas Gqiromato[,.-r-ap*:.,,. by E. Prim. ITI~IIAN, per Revta. &roquim. Tecluiol. Aliment-2. Vol. 3) 11963, PI) _349-356 CSIRO/No- 7522 S,,,..L - Aur,, 67 338-440' Detection of Adulterations in Citric Juices. 1. Methods for Identification of hrids in Orange Juice by Thiii-Layer Chromatography and Gas-Liquid Chromatography. by E. Primo, et al, ITALIAN, per, Rev U!esuim Tecnol jklimentos, Vol 3, No 4, 1963, lip 349-356. 10~1' NIH 3-16-69 Sci/BrIl", Xasb 69 3810097 =-L-W Ude of Misin in Canning of Asparagus, by R. Hernandes. ITALIAN, per, Revista Agroqu ca Tecnologia Alimentos, Vol. 4, No. 4, j.964, pp 466-470- G B ~? 6. Sci - Aug 67 335-632 At SEPR (Society by Robert Roux. FRENCH, extAact, PP 3-8. for Studies on Reaction Propulsion), Revue Air Tecbniques, No 2, 1957, *ATIC! F-Ts-9662/V Sci - Aero Aug 58 Mility of Znductlon Turcace for ALazinum ard Alumimm AllcWas by J. Bally. FM=p port ROVV* Aluminiumv Vol Xlllj, 1936. brutcber Tr 415 scieutirle - mn/me"Is 45.40 !M-O- aft& /01 f ~546 11W %~ - - H. ostarpurs, 4 pp. v 100 11.-4- FR=Bs.tpers Revto de It iuap Apr 19389, . ; pp 1189-119a. ,. I a% S.L.A. i8l/i956 9.5~ J/40 dl- saientific - xloer&u/mqt&u Awaaces Used in the Working of A3.umlnum and Its AUoys, by A. BirenO 3b ppa ?PAN= per bmvue 6a llaluxinlumj Vol 1VjO 19A pp aq-t-M. S.L.A. Tr 48 3 2", 7 ~,/ wbw - I**=* scleatme - wmwsu/~btmu Odier. INSULATION OF ALUMINUM CONDUCTORS BY Odler, ANODIC', OXIDATION. 1196212.1p. Order froinSLA $2.63 62-IS094 Trans. of.4t-%jeit-lkluminium(I-ravice)194-, v. 21. p. 259-261. DESCRIF-LORS: 'Conductors, *AlLiminum. 'Eleezric 11161 latton, 11-mularinjimaerials. *0xida*1on. Deforma- lion, (Flectralv(lc cell). T-T, v. ~, Dif T PaLrie, 1. 62-18237 HARD CHROMfUM PLAT[NG OF LIGHT ALLO%rS. 1. Patrie, J. 119621181p. (refs. omitted). Order from SLA $1. 10 62-18237 Trans. of Revue de I'Aluminjum (France) 1948 Iv. 251 Nov. p. 335-338. DESCRIP'l'ORS: *Chromium, *Plating, Elect ropLiting, Aluminum, * Aluminum alloys, Pickling. Metallurgy. (Metallurgy, T7, v. 9, no. 4) 1 Ofte of TecbWcal Se,*= Stud~r of the Alumina Ltqwa DOPOsited on itliminum by 41nodic Oxidation, by J. .1. Trill-it, R. Tertyun, 7 pp. FUME6 Pero Roy-Alminimt_Vol Xxvi, i9jgo pp 315-319. AEC Tr 2697 ,,c ,z,;~ a,4j sai - HIAMewo Jan 57 CTS 62-18354 llo1hrd, M. CRACKING OF WELDED LIG14T ALLOY ASSEMBLIES. 1. T;tlc: Lightalloys I I July St. lip. (figs. refs. otnitteM. 1. liallard, hi. Order from SLA $1. 60 62-18354 Tr3ns. of Revue do VAluminum (France) 1950 (v. 27. ti6.--l-66j*p-.--r7S--T92.- DESCRIPTORS: 611racture (Mechanics), *Welds, *Alloys, Metals, NVelding, Stresses. (Metallurgy, TT, V. 9. no. 11) elks d Isch" 8".k" Racuoemtlon of Loat Calories,, Alumimm Mirrors MVvove the IflUiency of 3bftxtrial Furmces,, b(y He PhImier., 3 PP- P7=M,, per# Rev AUMInUmp no 169j, Sep 1950., pp 31b-j, 315. -- 131A 2322 Sol - viuaroie/ibtals "~'W 0~5-1'7 Oct 57 C-Lut-ered taminitm With UjCb Reoistence to Beat.. by R. Irmn') - FMICH,, per., Re-i Alumino (179/139)o Jul-SOP 19510 p 269. Fulmr Researcb Institute Tiens 11o OT/86 24 IlEur - rrence Scientific - Meta1lurZ-j,,, al=iulums beat Index Aercuauticus Sintered Aluminium With High Resistance to Bmtp by R. limane FMCH., N-r,, Rev Alumint (179/]BO)p Jul-Sep 1951p iv 269, 311, FQlmer Resenrch Institute Tr NO OT/86 24 Scientific - Aluminiump beat, resistance Tzaex Aaronauticus Dalmasi;o, Aug guste. THE USH OF BOLTS MADE OF LIGHT ALLOYS FOR THE MECHANICAL JOINING OF ALUMINUM CGN- DUCTORS. I Nov 52, 40. (figo. omitted). OrdLr from SLA $1. 10 62-18439 Trann. of Revue do I'Aluminurn (France) 1951 Iv. 28, no. 1821 1 p. 393 - 395. DESCRIPTORS: ~Coaductors, 6AIuminum, FleLtric conn,.,o:ors. 4133olls. *Aluminum alloys, joints. The use of high-scrength bolts o! light alloys for the! mechanical jotnLng of alurninium conductors makes It possibItt to keep the contact -pressure constant regard- teas of vartatioes of temperature. This avoids the risk of crecep in casei or overheating or of poor contact in case of woling: such risks are likely to occur withineel bolts, especially If the temperature, during the pla,:Ing operation. Is rather high. (Author) (Metallurgy-41ght MMIN. TT. v. 9. no. A0 62- IS439 1. Dalmasso, A. Dffkt Of 710*31 SCMC". %* Pasolvatum Phenomena of Alju ., Mmmersed In XitrU A*ld Ugftav by J?,-ftt3lep 70 pp. . Perp FAM Q-'OMbl6-vca 10=., so 1942 pp 431-437,9 ftc 1952p -Va =-v NO 195A97o 3.953. f~ WA 91 4 fti - NinexSIS/Mbuis Oct 57 .0 ge) The Textile :rndu,-try and TA&bt A3aoys,, by limi-xice .%up 36 pp. r,TMM_. per.. Aevue de Valmrtaium, Vol 30, No 2M, Sep 1953.. V., 7-71U.- G.L.A. Tr 1363/1956 :AO, Sci - Mm/Metalr, lPeb 57 CM/dex TIle Ilew Dyn1j.-panhard., by No victor., P8 pro FRENCHj. perp _FaMw-Ae-l!AlumluLmw-4QI XXX, Oct 1953., pp 347-374- S.L.A. Tr 1903 Sci - Maginearlma ~1;7 77d mV 57 J A Noji-Corrosive Brazing Alloy to be LL-ed With the 8oldering Iron, NJ[ ,-FW-! FMOUSARcv Alumila't Vol X)DLI,, Do 208, 1 warcti r95k-jpjF-q6-97- Aluminium Lab LTD is-T)i-165-55 OT/1498 X93 Scl - Minerals/meteas The Blactrificatlm of tba Ayepatabla SYndicate, bY P. L. Oxeciar, lq- 9m, yer, ra-m-aft. 1, VOL Xl=o Ito 210, Aw lg%s yp I&-2m. O-Lok. Tr W/:L956 um S3 99~6 sclmtvic - Wln=" /Artau j 11 2 . CL in- I'c BRENCH, pcr Rev. Alumin, Vol =%I, ho 212, AU4*:,,, J11.1. 1954, pp - 0~ Al=ini= Lab(~ratoricz Ltd B-TM-163-55 OT/1383 I?Sw - Pmnce - r ,Jci - Minerale/metato superfine PiuiroldrAS Witb a Cutting Tool, by J. DoahmvAto 91 pp. MM pwo Ray do I talmdrAM, Val 32.p 1955.- PP TXL'~ab G.L.A. Tel=11956 Sa - aw A ,,A,y 5" AFjr Fob 5T CiM/dm z RelutIOMalft DetMM BUInaw OnA Xxtrtwicn Force in the lqpwt ZKtruBlM Cif Ligbt Nkrb&Us, by R. Chopin., J. Moon, its pp. FFSOMP Dw. JM do Vol 32., go 22T., Dee imr S-LA- Tr 13"A"6 Sol Vab 97 by Pardal, 3 pT. FRENCH, per, Revue de 1'Aluminium, Vol XXXII, No 223, Jul/ikt4T 1955, pp 713-715. S.L..A. Tr 698/3-956 Sci - Min/metals of A7~.Do'.rs on A<i& aud tbia Rulo ca: iAw ht~23j. ir. -L~ Irjt,eTgr.uw-'ar Corroo-ion,, by Urvien Umulnicr., 5 PP. nwacfl, par,, Revtw de l'Altur-talmn.. Vol XMI, Lo 2;,.6: Nov 1:~55j, yp loil-1014. SOL - uto-eTaighbtau Dit2meme of Struct oir ther Nmhanica3 jmpertieg; &;A thw OqMitlom- -of' Aipdiw O*Ldstion of OxIdixed SIntered Alumd~ Sad-Iriuishad Prodtwts, by J. BogMnt J. Barengual,, 12 pp. . pmr,, Revm do l'sl=dvd=, No 227, Doe 1955p p IU7. S.L.A. Tr 3w 2:100 /Ock, 5-34ff J" 57 020 U04A Sm-way of Alumims by Q. A. BwLiarts 21 pp. .2ROCUP : 0 Revue do XuTl I I ~ . 4k rr. .'-,P 594, 4. CU/FW X-22A~ VJMW - Flume !~Zo ,,, 0157 4orld Vide Zowcadc oet 19% CM/d" -ki%T.TA the WoOA With Alumitas 13 pp. Per, Flovm de I'Alu=W=j, Val 1956, t"a A~111..- - -574. CIA/FM X-2206 uns cwaft rR Juvmj ChIm NE/j, - Imals iA - Brardl Eaotmxdo - MadustrIa planU Nor %956 CTB/&= Aluminium Contact Wiresp by L. Albert,, 16 pp. IFR=Mj. perp - RgM QI-iniant, Vol XXXMj, No 233,, jun i956.v Pp -62-5--my. - - su Tr 57-267 SCI - min/metau d Jul 57 Yusxluvia In Goina to RW I - an Alumlmim r3.n--+, W:Lth a cajp"tr of 3no 000 lbw; notorical oom"Mum an Vw AW MwWrla Abcat Wmak A,"iw&dmp a UM AUndmm Prodwtlmp It pp. I III I 1 9 pw lwm do I'Alm"m Vol a w 7"s p Mis ft 0%. ffA/FM X-M.7 yjjm.Cru&jmg of Abamintim AUjoy &n-bwes Treated by Wght hwdizing and Wbjected to lbatlng,, by P. IOIMWP aud J. $ Bereagmel,. 16 pp. pm=,v per,, Rev Aiuminimo ifo e36, oat 3-956.. pp 923-930. STA. 57-2292 Sal Aug $8 Influenco of the Method of Cwtin Aluminium on the D:LGtribuUon of the Mqmritiem end tbe AWeaffraum After Anodic Oxidation, by ff. HIchaud. F-MMM, per, Movas do I'Alumimium, I Val )D=11, go 237, 19 , -3V-IJW9-IA43, W mmid 5~ ae Wtallurgle, Vol LI, No 1, 1954.. W 1.3-1.6- cano 717 Mul 62 'Maul Pimtics FMed With Alunlnumj, by X.Dechu. FPMI(,'B,, per,, Revue de-l'Alminiu!4. Vol xXXM, 1956, pp 3.165-=Rr. wo Dratcher Tr 3984 Sci - Min/Dot, .- 46.1o -Z' : 0 Jan 58 .6 , 3 Ab =-i%atiou of Iron and Ferroun ik!tals, by L. Grand. 1123-MR, pal Revue do I'Almminium, I-W Vol CCYJ=l T9 COZRO Set - Min/Met Ja 6,05 ~2,4 -/" 7 /to 'q Rvolutlan -,f Surfmce AlDpeerpace of'46DUvad Alvalwa In the Course of Tllw and. SU Dlf~ Atmospbares,, by F. nualup 9 FIN Per, Rev Mm4m, lb Allp y4y 19w, p; &A W-0;3 Jkd 59 Sw-f act) Flow Fhanomana Daring IL4gh T=puratura OxIdat1cm: Zirconium and Ito Allo7o, by D. Whatuhmm, J. Bogben, J. Herengwl. M04CH, per, Rev Alum, Vol MIVj, No 244, 1957, pp 611-623. Fulwr Research lust, Ltd Tr 98 SC." - CbAM Mar 58 Ecrizantal Continuous Casting of Bw Conduct-cre for Electrolytic Cella for the Production of Aluminium: Me of Bletatle Articulation Conduc- tor Bodo, by C. Ammid.. FiM=, yerp Revue do IIAI=Lnium, Vol XXXIV, so 244 IV CBM0 Sol - aw lflop~ 40~opl Aim 62 --S Tlie . R-IM M. S. Paul-Ileroult, by L. C. Nicoll, FIWIC j, per,.. Rqy- da-l-_AIWAniumi, llo 264, pp 462., 463, 4*475. Dept of Interior Mt E57, No 326 Wlur - Fraam Econ Oct 6o Foreign Aluminum Situation, 3 PP-. ,FRENCH, per, Revue de 11Aluminivm, Oct 1957. CIA/FDD X-2725 Feb 58 Development Plans in the Aluminimn-Producing Capacity of Western Europe, 2 pp. FRENCH., per, Rev de l'Aluminium., Nov 1957. CIA/FDD X-2728 Feb 58 Crevot, jkndr~ and Dcjuln. jean-(-,InuJc.1 PRODUCTICN OF ALMMWIA CONDUCTOR MRE 1. Title: Prq)er-71 prxcj-~ BY TIM PROPERZI PROCESS AT ST. -XM-L)E- 1. Crevut, A. MAURIEME. 11962113p. (figs. omitted). U. 136guin. J.-C. Order from SLA $1. 60 63-10280 Trim. of Agv&Log _!'AluniWwn (France) 1958 [v. 35, no. DLSCRIPMRS: 011-maric wire, OAlmninurn wire, Mattufacturing met'jods. Casting, I~Iachi:ncry. The Proper2d tnadiine prWures wire rod direct from xmhen alumintun kwdmg dic electrolysis cells. 'Me meW Is poured Into the alangular groove of a casting wheel closod ovar 1800 by a band of mW steel the stock passes continuously throudi a special 13- stwW rolling mill; the %%Ire is wound in 1000-LZ. coils, thus reducing butt weUs required in the course of (Maichincry-Manutacturin,, Tr, v. 10, no, 'I) (overli Offkg Cd 7edvkIR se"Icts A QFX=ter of a Century of Sovi*t. Aluminum, 6 pp. VOL_ VFSMS Revw do 11AUMUIVOW, 346, Apr 1958. (Ab-aUs4ted from TOVOtOU UOUIU# MY CIA fFMIX-2= The Aluminum Pbwt at Volkhav 4 pp. Q 0 L- -T)6-W F.H=13P per, Revue do I'Aluminuoi *4)348P Apr 1958. CTA/FM/X-2973 Mir - FLOOW* 4 f, / 76 Pechiney's Yugoslavian Contract. il~~, FRENCH,, Revue De LIA-luminill-, Sep 1958, PP 868, .1i .... .. FDD/X-3220 Mir - Yugoslavia Eco - Aluminum industry Nov 58