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NEW METHODS OF MISSILE 114TERCEPTIO:., 5 PP. HUWARIAN, PER, REPULES NIO I rD62, PP 10, 11. o6773&z-~ FTD-TT-62-612 EEUR-HU14GARY MI L SCI:SPACE/RES 10 UL 62 20212')-~ 'E-1 1, (,1 ' Z, .1 CO-11MOt S CPP(-', by :~. h'LT14'-,JA2-,LU.1 per, lRepules, No 1, lcl~62, pp 11. FTD-'M'-b2-,-,l2 :~E - Hw7ik;a,--y 1~:il 16D ~'P!- 7%e Role of the Air Force in Modern Antisubmarine Warfare, by Xprvan Endresz, U pp. EXIOUGQWUNGARLAN, per, Repules, Nos 4, 5,1963, pp V-13. 9691636 FTD-TT-63-802 Scl - Aero Mar 64 251,9U The Twinned Space Flights of Vostok-5 and Vostok-6, by Peter Hedervari, 7 pp. HUNGARIAN, per, Repules, No 8,1963, pp 14-15. 9695261 FTD-TT-64-672 Set - Aero Nov 64 269,U5 The TO-134p the latest SovlAit Turbojet passmew Transport, 4 pp- imnaAam perq apaps no:L2,p i964j, pp 4-5- PiooemL; M-M-23-1023-67 fti-Amn=tIcs Sept 68 366,031 .pal:-jjwat-,3 on the PIky of Forces With 17 at. &c - I raxeswator Cut-tima Toole a In NwUm Band and Slightly Binding smay silt With spealml Con- sidera.tion of tba leveling RlaAes and PI Scrapow Melwt CuttLUS Kfa-In.. by Georg B"bolm, Wrbaid Mteep 142 pp. -~'- =M, mameriPt NO 430, resewuh.pw-pta or the a ZWO, V-s-st-Inw. =wt Of North Mdiw-Vestp~allsqt IMIP" Atbl by State 566retexT Its* Bradt, 1:624-132.3 - Tn- stitute for ConstmatLan Machimm and Constructlan Work sLt thm institute of TecbwIcW* Aschmp 081m=7. Sai - Engivaering AM Lib Tr 7 S' IJ-6 ftado of Saw% by P. TA Vierts 5 PP- rnmr rv'k, -Le do Abates Favilli, Giovanni. *rfiE ETIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF MALIGNANT LUNG JJ.T%IOR'~ fN RELATION TO IMBACCO. 196.', 1hp. OrdUr irom K-1-1 S22.50 K-H-5062-a 'rrans. of Resenip Qhnico-Cienu i a (brazil) 195.5, v. 24, n,-,. 7, p: I70-4Wj. DLSC.RlPTt_)H',: "robacco, *Neopla%rns, *Lungs, Etiology, 'Cancer, 'Furnors. 62-12758 1. Favilh, G. 11. K-H-5062-a Ill. Kresg-Hook-_- Sci,n~v Librarv As~ociart D-vtroit, Mich. (Biological -Sciences- -Pathology, TT, v. 7, no. 12) Office of Teebaicul Swvi"s Essciiicrg, J. hi. I THE DIVINE ITERB- CLINICAL AND EXPERI- MENTAL %spilur-s OF THE TOBACOD PROBLE I 1962, 19P. 11 Ord~T from K-H 523.75 K-H-5538-b III Trans. of CajWj;_q-Qentifica (Brazil) 1956, v. 25, rk). 2, p. 35-40. DESCRIPTORS: 'Tobacco, Medical research, 62- 12754 Divine H-rb Essenblx-rg, J. NJ. K-H-5539-b Kresize-Hookvi Scicnee Library As-xxiatvs, Detroit, hitch. (Biolopcitl SciLm:c,.i--PaitA)Iogy. T-T, v. 7, no. 12) S-i- ',~liat the ORIT Is and Ants. iqemmi*~ IK - SPUISH, per, El Resero, P 3. -NiPM1,ge j IA Soc Jui 64 4 Resource- and Plannini~ for t e .~;ccnomics by Pierre Ms~z-~e. b =qcl:, IM, les Reserves et la Ea7uiation do VA yTnl L 376 i)p. *JFROI/NAjA TT F-9072 SKIWE'ar, France SX Econ ug ') 64 A ., - - --- "'ilkiligo-- --, A W6 4 ACSI 1-3553 ID 2250287 EEur - Czechoslovakia Mil Sci- Engr IWr 64 254,060 Extracts From SumnM of the State and Health Services,, S pp, SPMISHO rptq hoseumn dol Estado y servicias do R-u 0 To-U-UOOOOS264 DIA IX 162-66 WEI/Spain/Hcan May 66 300,796 aetsoautioa of the L31xt4*nu coogreso of tiib exmilanitit Pmty of UnWXVp by CaummiAt Pmty of Vruejayp 3.6 pp. WO de' SPJUM3B#, VaMbUtp12*04 W Panido Camle" do]. am -NOutavideo* . . . ................ ~--Aw CIA/FW U41365 LA V=007 ft:L - CCM=Miot VWOPBP=d& YM 56/awm ItemoLluticm m the Remomic and Palitiml Situation (it the Nation and the StrusgU for, the 2=K Popular Ualon bmwdlate Geneml Blectimaj, mmd for the DemerIntic Solutim of the Crisle (Cubs)# OD ppe SPAN=$, yompbletp R"olmlan ;BQblm I& 31tuacUm, F4=t~ oms cm y PPIMUOSASAMLAWAM~;v~ 44- ladm.w. ]A -donowalps InmedUfts x imr. Aa Popxlnr,, bw R 1955.. (:rA/pm "361 LA - Ck" Pol - ComwinUt 1w genda my 56/dex (FDD 25170) Resolution Concerning the Work of the Coomunlats in the Labor-Union Movementp by the EnIn ged Central Comittee of tbe,Axgentiuc Communist Partys 10 pp. SPA 1I ~ Pit phot"tats Trabaio dg gs 2gMgM"tas on el Movimlento 81ndical - L_ Argentinap Sep 1954. CIA.IFDD/U-7523 LAmer - ArgeFatina Pol - Comunist Party v Resolutions of the Fourth Expanded ~L-eting of tae Clentral Committee of the Portuguese Commmist Party, 35 pp- POMWUEBBS wwets, Resolucoss da IV Reuniao, ampunda do eotite centir-al-lo-Pirtido Commista Portuges,, PortugaLp 14 ",, Dec 1952. CTA/nD/X-1964 WEur Portugal Pol Comumist. Propsmand PS-2018 J-137o/64 Resolutions and Positions Adopted by the Fifth Congress Organized by the National Union of Students of Burundi (UNEBA). FRENCH, document, Resolutions et Prises de Position de Veme Congres Organise parx l'Union Nationale des Etudiants Barundi, Burundi, 1964, pp 1-28. *JPRS/INY-9420/speciai Amt WE-France Soc. oat 64 Ansvers by FWgowio SPAWN, rpt, Mexico City,, 1960. ACSI 9-14W % ID nhq&i7 IA - Cuba POI Oct 60 /J ?-.* .2 al Partial tr. hbushi, M. P. THE RM-MRA710H OF IME AUIS. [403p] 94rets Ordes frM SLA 522.25 -IT-60-16744 Tvamkm~ of was*. Intrudes ~Alpa. Paris, 1931. Tr-60-16744 1. %tougin, M. P. (Wctflivre, Tr. Y. 12, no. 4) i ott- ., r-h-lll S--- ResuLts of experiments canceming the Radiation Emitted by Mode13 in Flight in the JoWrballistic Firing Tunnel. by S. BihIm C. Lecomte. 27 #,Pj IREMai'O rpts Resultats cuawmant ZOMOINNUt emu par des I us l& ~5 ttes on Vol Au Tunnel do Tir Hype a 3t quo Gaeviactry in Greenland, 19413-1952, Partl, Gravity Values, by J. Martin, P. Stahl. FPX-.NCH., pert Resultat3 Scientifigues No 3, 1954, 138 pp. ACIC TC-4209 Sci-Ear Sci Sept 67 341,348 ScAentific Results of the Missions of the Scienty of Geological and Mining StudieEI of the Congo Basin and Related Wroks, Geodesy and Geophysics, Gravimetry, by L. Jones. FRENCH, rpt, Resultats Scientifique des Missions du Syndicat Pour I'Etude Geollogique of Miniere de la Ctrvette Congolaise et Travaux Connexes, Geodesle et Geopbysique. Gravimetrie, X1960, 46 pp. ACIC TC-781 Scl - Earth Sci & Astron Dec 64 269.748 AgermWo Um .~*AnW ao)d aegA.4w Ass.L.-IiA 4.01A*- 11.21.1a6.0 70-.'N? Ib Vfto 70 Mlov iAv glemme :-4mm do mw at banquinea ( Ice, Joa Lee 4mA peak too) Au%hureAmu"kI~,Ihwryk *xuv*sItesuItats du voy", du 3wYaHmIgIca en 1897-1898- 18996, moxm-tm saientinWmp Vol. 5. Anve. av jo-samuch"MI'me "M Lammultes ftwomb BPS"" 1"" 1 P LrA ft "Obodo. 9=1 A= A1Ij=vrmv%"01nW 91" got". MAGO, 2mve eqft Me" Racum" of So2ar and'nauctary Otmarw&UOM OuTled on at the Pla Du Uldl Durimg Us Yewm 194). 1942 . arA 1943 j b7 Ur=Zd Lyft p 3 pp. I PI mp mixavSrvqAv ltevmfi des OMarmftow pumataLrft et au Ai &A IdUj, -pe64antA" Acme* 1942.9 1.942g et 2.943. MA 59-1=9 OTS 1'. Ig J%a 59 Summary of Properties of Concave Gratings in Holography, 57 pp. FRENCH, rpt, Resume des Vroprietes des Reseaux Concaves par Holographie, Societe Jobin & Yvon. (no date given) NASA Special NOT TO BE GIVEN OUT June 70 I I M- aa ;, -rN7 visioual :Report, 5 PIP. Pro aft%woft'aft Rasum,- Fro7lt~o rSEW8,, rpt, Kra., k9 Feb 2960. Dept of Inte-riar US Bur wr Reclumaticm Tech Lib,, Denver., Col IV71 - Prance ncom Nov 60 Summary ot the Activities Carried m by MiUtaa7 Civic AotUm my Untll the Xwth of Jum 1961j, It pp. mmum rjrbj, summu as Los Aqgjq~ Danswrollad" DW Action glylon KLUtar ACOX B-98h6-D ID a?4-M XA - Dp"im Ku 18 sqp 61 A Summary and Analysis of Atmospheric-Electric Observations Made at Pilar During 1924-1936, 7 PP. SPANISH, bk, Resumen y Analisis de Obser-vaciones de -17U Electricidad Atmosferica (Pilar) Anas L937 1 Series B, 2nd Sec, Part III, No ~7, Buenos Aires, 1953. Amer Met Sov for Geophys Res Dir, ASTIA T -5 S',? U A Sumnary and Analysis of Atmospheric-Electric Obser- vations Made at Pilar During 1937-1950, 13 PP. SPANISH, bk, Resumen y AnaliBis de Observ e-innpn de Electricided Atmosferica (Pilar) Anos - - Series B, 2nd SecY Part III, No 2, Buen- ires, 1953. Amer Met Soc for Geophys Res Dir, ASTIA T-6 Sp U R-20,3/64 Statistics Summary: 1963 (Republic of Cuba) Mirdittry of Poreign Commerce) . (SF-3283) SPANISH, xpt, Resumen Estaclistico, 1963, pp 1-62. *J?RS LA-Cuba 11~Nlt j Outline for Air Medical TndU2iDg* UNCLASSIFIED NMWBMNS bkp RemInplinjar for F14medletnsh WLXW~v -0 AIP GnM vollur ift Norow Rmtoy soloutwo 40 madicim Oct 55 m/= 4v~147 Reprocessing of Irradiated Fuels. FRENCH, rpt, Retraitement de Combustibles Irx-adies,, April 1 to June 0, 1962. *AEC Sci - Fuels jun 63 no ,~u,jLvcas;sjjig of Irridated Nols, by J. ~;di, ts. FFON01, rpt, Potruitemant des CombustiblOs Irrz re. lLiol. Oct I- -~ ~Aj *ALC ANI. Scilkutl*ar Sci Nov 66 61-20906 Sala, G. and Ballablo. C. B. INFLUENCE OF CERTAIN HORMONIC STEROtW,DN 1. Sala. G. CA LCZLJhi -PHOSPHORIC EWMANGE IN RHEUMATIC n. Ballablo. C. B. DiSEASr.. Repm presented at the Congress of the M. Title* Congress. - Italian Soziety of Rheuniawlogy (no. 13) Naples, IV. Title: ftaftan... 16-17 Dec 59. 1961. 12p. 16 refs. Order from SLA U.60 61-20906 Tratm. of [Reurnatismol (Italy) t960 (Y. 121 suppl. 1 [p. 367-374T____~_ DESCRIPMRS: Drup, Hormones. *Steroids, 41(heumadc fever. *Metabolism, *Calcium, Phosphaive Corttcosterolds. Testosterone. Vitamin D, Bones. PathololLy. ne rbeumatold arthritic to accompariled by asteoparosts. wtdch usually becomes aggravated by pr - exod cortisone treatment. Tbe coz sonan w= a negative Influence am the exchange of Calcium and Ofte of TKMcA lentn (Biological Scienc* - -Pharmacology, TT, v. 9, no. lo) (over) Contemporary Volcanism., by K%rcel D~jc-vo~ per,, Le Reunigp,, 3.960, yp 26.32, 00,12, No.- Vc 1 R-~~ -14~ - tic dc:L - GeopkWu j= 61 1/5-3 F6 A Y:Lunior., o Hotbatha, by Axlde~eguy. I,Rmrip pw Lm Rouaonp 1960, pp 86-89. CaU No, DC I R 52 JP~5. ATS3 SOL - cociphr A-~ a UL I -'~- C;~ , =z ,;" - ~~" ~ Cl/ ---~ and Seacost Lifes Irj Edmwd Pe-z cler. 131IMit"CE, per La Reunica, iSs6o, Py IX7-125~ CaU -)c 3, R 52 A5-7 --*'---- AM Sci - Gec*bys ;Yua 61 /5- S, fox Co=,AaicatIonB, by G. Jv=e. J. V. Gaz,,d--l - FMCR* pew Le Raunl=j 1960; pp 128-1.34. Call iio, DO I R 52 A5. - ANS Bel - Mactrcn J= 6L P'~A 3~ J _,o - Fcr,:~,tnv Smirces: FaeciZifiCatioal te ., by P. Cart z. FROTM, Ver La Raunlon3 1960,, Vp 135-137. Ca3l No I)c .1~ 's- %:!x j~45~' - - PM Scl .. K(be ITUM 63. / -'5--3 Ft~ 6 CMMPMXUM of VMbrent rjpw of Zsnft AaU= an Ow AbU Sm a Defto bgr J. Bmmmwt,, J. Ludqgtat. F=M* PWo ftwelMAMEM 3)nooldwf itm, 1964. *S= 5356 ftl - B*bwlanl omd 80OUa BOWman lift 67 R-9506-D 6 june t~ Contribution a 1'etude de la demence precoce cata- tanique: imexcitabIlite labyrint]Lique au cours de la catatmie par 1e Pr. By: CTAUMC, H. et al From-. Rourdon Neurologique Internittional 1:976-981, 1927 (6 PP) French - est for vds: Please translate and typo 1 camem ready copy. Doemmut con be cut. .Liakk Mountains of Huugmryp 4 ppn rAMAIMP bk Revai Nagy Lextkonsi, Vol IV, Budspect.9 .0 1~ '1 0 ~9'12P PP p 161. bl, CTA/FDD/J&!,5335 lZur - Vam4pry Geographic - Mountaim COPYRIGHT ~? (~-3 QDD 19548) Matra Mountains of ffangaryp 4 ;P. BMGARTArg Ics. Revat Nogy Lexikom., Vol XIITJ Budapest,, & 1915., yp 409,v 490. 3 CrA/FM,/U frh Mhw - Mmgmry GoogmPhle - lbuntlaw /0 e-A ~? Revised Rhine Navigation Act. 13 PP- CNtMAN., rpt, Revidierte Rheinschiffahi-tsakte, (This law is also called the Mannheim Act). Dept of Comm Maritime Administration (LOAN) German/Econ/Havigation Apr 67 323,,156 j-C Lxxt jlknal~-iii; of Anoii~,mou~; Lcl;er.~, b-, Jlodzimierz Gutckunst. D0-6705 -)( I-JI SWIMIlki, per, Revija.7 Krimil'alistiko in 'a Kritainalogijo, Vol KIII, DO 73-,. 1 27-P-F-79-63 - < u M, Lr-,Yogo;glavia Soc ju-n 63 J-59/64 Use of' Tranaparent Tape in Lifting of Pencil and Ink Writing Prom Paper, Stane Kelhar, Vlado Vidic, SLOVIM11MI, per, Revija za Kriminalisticko in Krird-nologi,3o, Vol XIII, No 4, Ljubljana, Oct-D-,c, 1962, P,P 183-184; 187. 4~3/DC-10219/SPFCIAL ,Wg Yugo slavia_s,4,, Internal Affair Authorities [police] Data Criminality in Slovenia in 1962, by Dimitrij Ivanov, 22 pp. SLOVENIMv', per, ~~~~nalistiko in Kriininologu-O., Vol XIVP No 3-4. sept-Dec-EF03, Fp - - 137-1/15. JPRS 27,835 EEur-Yugoslavia Soc Feb 65 272 '894 Data of tho Fellw Orpm ReOWLIM the Orlidnal ACtIVItY $M SIOVOWI& 10 19630 by I%Inltrj lmnov2 24 O-J. Gwylulmov 1wr lw-n!Lk-" waistipm I Ar~mup- j96Lkb IN3 15P. lb -3-s, Imt. IW-YkkpW.4hv1s sbo: m o5 293,11165 Resolution on the Training of Technical Personnel., CROATIAN, per, Revija Skolstva, Vol III, No 6, Sep 196o pp 56-75. EEur - Yugoslavia ~-b i~ x Soc - Education 23 Nov 60 i DC - 5 GOO Role of Vocational and Technical Training of MUMaM Studenta In Adapting Youtb to Life in a Socialist Society, by Stevan SWacm,, 12 pp. CROATWO per '*I" MM Vol IV, No 1, 1961, pp 12-25 am 85BO, 0-14 Soc jul, 61 Problem of Professional and SOcntLfic Work in the Field of Primary Schooling, by Ljcbowir Krnem, 9 pp. * Akja SkDlsma I Proovetna SERSOCROATIAN, per, fLSv Dokutpentac!I&M 1, Jan, Feb lV6V,-p-p-s1ir-.- EE-y4osiavia SOC Sep 64 266,802 Results of QuestionnRire on P:rofessional QualMeations of Agricidtural Cadres, by ~ Naft Djoidg, 14 pp. SEABOCROAMM4, per. RevijLgkWstv& I Prosmema XI- I T.. 12-1% IOAA JPRS 26263 --- NO 1, jan,.Few -LYO'I, pp IL-AU. "-Yugoslavia SOC Seq) 6j 266,803 Television and Education, by D. Filipovic, 5 pp. CIZOA:I'IIVI;, per, !~~Ija__S~ s~~-%~a_-L-Pxo5vqtna Dokum ntaciia. No 2), Mar-Apr 1964, pp 161-166. MIS 27,856 ELur-Yugo Soc Feb 65 270,553 Fidel Castro Speaks to Citizen-sor-a~~ SPANISH, np, Revolucion, 3,A & 5 Jan 1959. CSO:20227-E Comp Special Feb 69 Fidel Castro Speech Delievered in Ciudad Libertad. SPANISM, np, Revolucion, 9 Jan 1959. CSO:20227-E Comp Special Feb 69 Introduction ot Fidel Castro Speeches. SPANISH, np, Revolucion, 9 Jan 1959. CSO:20227-E Comp Special Feb 69 Castro Speaks at Havana Lions Club. SPANISH, np, Revoluicon, 14 Jan 1959. CSO:20227-E Comp Special Feb 69 Castro Speaks at Chibas Tomb. SPANISH, np, Revolucion, 1.7 jan 1959. CSO:20227-E Comp Special Feb 69 Castro Delivers Speech at Presifential Palace. SPANISH, np, Revolucion, 17 Jan 1959. CSO:20227-E Comp Special Feb 69 Castro Speech at 20 July 'lectirig in the Civiv Plaza. S&'A',".'S!I, np, Pevolucion, 28 Jul 1950. JIT'- CSO: 20227 A '.Iar 68 Castro 'aisk..'ers Pardo Llado. n.-,), Revolucion, 18-19 Sent 19.59. MIFIS CSOL :10227 Z 11 1,ar 68 Castro Speech to ban), il'orl:er's FeLleration, on 11) (Ict II)SIl. S -1 111), Revolucion, 20 Oct 19.59. j 1, ., C,,;r): 20227 A 'iar 68 The Revolution Will Not Stop. SPANISH, np, Revolticion, 7 Har 1960. JPRS CSO: 20227-b Mar 68 The Ceative Spirit of the Revolution will Advance. SPANISH, npI Revolucion, 9 Nov 1960. JPRS CSO: 20227-b Mar 68 Text of Castro's Talk with Wor):ers of Caimanera. SP&NISII. np, Revolucion, 16 Nov 1960. JPRS CSO: 20227-b May 68 Guns, Yest and Who is Taking them away From the People? SPANISH, np, Revolucion, 28 Nov 1960. JPRS CSO: 20227-b Mar 68 300 Workers and Childrens Social Circles. SPANISH, npI Revolucion, 17 Dec 1960. JPRS CSO: 20227-b Mar 68 RU$SIAN POET EVTUSHENKO REPORTS, ON INTERVIEW WITH CASTRO, BY EUGENE EVTUSHENKO, 10 PP. SPANISI-ij, PER, 25 NCIV io62, P 6. JPRS 16c83 USSR POL JM 63 218,~lto j-41,0/a "Ime Last Prench Overseas Wpartmcnt3, by Alain Plencl, If Ij r.Pd!,,IG7, por, Revolution, z,,,ar L,1)64, pi, ~39-~2. -41 PRS/DC-1D3,33 i,lll~tr France PCA. j-Wt3'/'-')!i of T'..ent-,,-Four Pro -indepena enc rganiz,itionz of the French Overseas Depe-rtments. j"XX ~'L-c- FP01M, :per, Revolution., Mar ~964,. 1~.p ~15-102. A~RS/DC-10333 I-Mir - F:fr-nch Pol I".&r 64