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Unifarz rm,-,AaU=, lot Edition, 32 P.P. SPAHIMI.. bkp pp 31-321 4",-8; 77- ; 99-IM; - 103-1061 2=,- LIB-3.95i m3ax psom 56-68; 72- ; *nd 97-99. AC9M U-5305 ZA ma pa Or 6D (J) Unifcom RevDAtionss 57 PPv CID 636870). MqCLASSIFIED ftU trauslatione snNmH,, Rea)Amnto ae uniscrms No 50,, Monteviftoo 1939. ID QfMk F-8WB J 1A - Urugunq X:Llltary,,- ReV43atlowl, un:Lfcwm Jim 53 CXMIXX Uhlfcomw for Barracks and VioM.9 pp; i~b 6L'56870). . mumsvim Full trnnalation. pjui3zll,, r4oj,~,wnto do publ by the Miu- iztry of DRuaft2 C-0,P 1948. ID GMM F-WOB G Latin Azurics~-- Uriaunry rob 53 CTS unl-,Porm R Full tmmution. splown.. Realmuto do thiformp., No 50,, lbatevideo,, .19,18., Encl-51 6. -- - - XD =r5h V-8803 B# F "atin A=rics - Uruaunrv .i.:Illtary - Ungorms Feb 53 CM Untxom Dwaulaticamp 69 99. ri~?AXITISF-, bk, 'Resummto Im witarows 19503 r--minican Rembua.- LA. Awl H-5314 Xe7 ~.21 Wj.1 //,/. if -~rl mrr s 6o 'I Army Uniform Regulations, 38 pp. SPANISH, bk., Reaamento de Uniformes del E ercito WEE 1-3) - - ~Mwwwqmmr- ACSI H-5291 ID 21PIPO-5 LA - Mil Oct So 71-ovcuninL~ Uniforic.3 an.-. Insi SP r 3 -.--pt., 'P,,,~-lwacato tic Unif ormes, D'is -1-i tivo Insii~mias Para A Personal del ,-'j,7!rcito, BoL.ota, 1951, 237 PP, ;--~rlcl No 5 to E'nel No -2 of C-20-c",'~ OIJIM.7DLA, Colombia. kCSI 1-3237 ,-,~IjD 2244416 T-k - Colombia Mil AuL,- 63 Army Uniform Regulations, 38 PP. UNCLASSIFIED SP.A.M,SH, b1c, del (RGE:!;~--3)o Encl 1 to R-67-59. . -.- I- ACSI H-5291 B ID e121265 LA - Guatemkla blil Jul 60 UniSonis and Equir=unt Re~pAationa for rnllcc OrTicers j 15 PP- SPADIIU.. bk, ReLxlwanto dt 11al-'Mmeo Parm ACSI 1-2434 ID 2222T(8 LA Chile 1-4 1 -3 )OLL Jmm 64 .Reglomentos de Instruccion de Infanteria. F E MLISF tn SPANISH, Field Manual, Infantry Drill Regulations, M 22-5, 9 Jun 1c,)4()-. Sales Agency US Govt Printing Office Hq, USARCARIB Fort Aznador., Canal Zone $.35 V'iet Hinli Infantry Doctrine, FREINCH, rpt, Reglement d'Inf,anteric Viet-Minh, 25 Sept 53, P71--n. TDD/l --38 Sept 66 ?rovifilonal ioaneuver Ivianual for 65 pp. FRENCUP r-pt, Refftement ProvIgo Tro! '14 -F'eb 1958., Fnc2 1. to -L-42! AC"o ID 2136752 WE, - France Mil Oct 6:) t r1,,2.: t,oborn pa Selskabetf, L\- p tanish River Regulation,, by Wiktor Munak, 380 pp. POLMI, bk, Regulacja Rzek i Potokow, 1958, 415 Ipp. OTS 61-31301 PL-480 Set - Earth Sci & AStron Jul 64 263,047 Rt~guj.aticns fur the Uniforms of Army P,~rsorulel, 1.02 PORTUGUESE', per, R~-,~i~nto de -- Un4formes do Pessoa! do Exercito, Part 2, 1954. ACSI H-3050- WE-ur - Brazil Mi i Mar 60 Re ibm tommteralmhupign an Rea xwten Oberflaphon -.-. b0i tfWfeu TW"raturm 1953- by M. M. Butschin Tmmsl&tod rrom the Russian editimn. 1951- Dan 621.89 lending Lib Unit G - IL-2WO RUOB-,--, by A 26 pp. GEWAR. per, Reichsamt fUer Wetterdienst, f7 Aug 5 8 'f "f tite. 2"aut).and (Evropr%an ltufaqin'!~ Parr, Pie. ,I-ERNAH, per, F-1clan.,tat Vt)t4-,trdjej2et .,af tvaf fe) ,3.94 21 SIA Tr 3219 Sci MaY 5 tog j Polycyclic Aromatics From Hydrogena- tion Products, by M. Rier. GEMM, monograph HeiclivAot fur 6eitsSemeinschaft lrie-rvmrwertung 1., No yv-6T Dept of Interior (loan Library) Sci Feb 62 WORKING MAGNESIUM ALLA)YS. Memorandum no. 511. J19631 60p (flip; omitted) Iref Order from SLA $5.60 TT-64-10234 Trans. from ReicbsgrWtablart (Germany) 1938 (new ser. v. 181 no. 23 (work pr6iection no. 9). DESCRIPTORS: OMapeslum alloys. Mechanical working Industrial plants. *Safety. *Magnesium. Fires, Explosions. Accidents. Duns. 1-r-64-10234 (Metallurgy- Ught Metals, TT. Y. 11. no. 9) Offi.. .1 T-K.1-1 9 1 &iucr, lingen, and hia,tray. DANGURS OF EXPLOSION AND POISOMNG IN 71111t CRUSI-IING OF FERRO-MANGANESP; A Wrl'E ON TIIE CRUSIUNG OF PFRRO-MANGANRSE; A WIT: ON hiATILAY'S REPORT. May 43 1121p. Order from SLA $1.60 61-194182 Trails. froin keichsarbeitsbiatt (Germany) 1942 (v . 221 pt DESCRIPrOKS: PtYA-dernx"llurgy.Olron alloys. 'Wirigairiescalloys, Poisoning. Combustion, *Dust explo%ions, Explosions, *Accidents, *Metal poisoning. (LJnanncxjncvd~ 61-18482 1. -ntle: Matray's report I Hauer 11 Itagen III . Matra) IV . Title- Note on the... V . 'ntle: Note an Matray's 1154059 0111k. BAncnkm, IL. Bremling, K., jmd (kZ, j, 7HR C%AqIF2CATlC*l OF SCLID FUELS IN SMALL PRODUCEM L GASUW=J0N OF LOW TEMETIRA- TURE COKE IN Alf UPDRAUGWr GAS PRODUCEIL Sep 42 Mb% 31 refts. Ord4w tKum SLA $& 60 61-1&5m Inum cg Reidisk-ohlenrat, Berlin (Gem-tany) no. N3, T IM, Dec:- - DESCRVT0RS;- PWIM6 SOJIAN *Cdo, Gamm6 Produc- do% *Gnagmenubgsymauk Caladmetry. water Topcir. Dumnpomfts^ Dow paim walm P8866 7)ILr, SLW 61 -1 8= 1. Ranunler. E. 11. R--drlfvg r- M. GdL J. IV. 11de: GgwM~rf~ An amuW-,ti- was mok of dw Impartma dua ata ber of low tbCaperMtre cakes dorfigi gasification in a WASU pv0dwer With - 4 61 - WimukadAmL CAICCWC vahm at the gm wonw cometompdan. gRxkncadm effl- (Mutexiab-Pa" Tr. Y. 9. no. 9) (mer) QMm d TacWkg urvkms PTll%lllr*dQn 0 !'!WI PUt,C, C!,cr,(Wum k)3dL*, I~y 414 I~Vbuv. M. L19PAM Ut ~40"Aviak 04-MMSM 77"M 1W.S.3. ,k:l . Jillir 43 '*piivmUom of TKtwluuiw,'.'*iL4uirw As-j likiMIuMby L"pWL*dd L 10 rAcdor, bill 11" DAXW*n md W* cAddal. (VIEdlilli-NNNO ?Iwo kmmbaft RP, * s4M-WWA Jury, 46 A Jcn=*,y to the ISDARM of YOU=., bY -TObwmeu job, m. i)s, 16 pp. mm wumol poqgaletjl l"ft Nach Diu bmnlgreich Jemen, 1958, pp 53-73- ID 06MII-,. Not - Gece mw 61 --iducLL3, by ~1. Pier. on !'11-~RMAN', monograph 'dirts(Aaafteausbau. ~a t vle,, ung Arbe:ttrgeweinc.,c!hn!'.t No ':;7, 1940, Dep't. of interior (IoE-.n TA'br~~ry) Peb 62 Reise durch don Nordootteil Sibiriens dan Eismeer und don OntilAwn' .-i9~~,p "6 3' 0. A.-Saritsebleve Translated from the Russian editlon., (19 1. MIR 910-42(57') Lendin,; Lib UnIt o. 3a3i6/o Facambiniatim in VMW BeriflAd Plesma of the IMOR*W,r by J. Tmbenbodmp 8 pp. UNM GMWA =37t, 0~ lumpOtAon In Solblr'Verdxwnten Plama Der:LoDw ACS1 Iff-7953 ID 215M Bel - fts mft 61 lie irra T- TOT,'. '0(9,-T-lXZ qcq CI!,' MT tv ~-A --m LZ ci;o~-X.Xoa Ijctailc~& L~*,cqiort witi ~Duc",-;w,tcci (A' tac ',,brl. oi: the daistry ol' .7'ublic i4~cait'i aA~,I ;ccial t' lelfare vurii,,, tite Perioil Frow 1 July 1963 to SO Jailu 11;04, rpt, Holacion CirctuisttuiciaLia y Luenta DoCuLviiUMa M M-T-Mo-m-s Zlei 4WAsterio LIC Salud Publica Y pzistarscii.~ "MI'Lal. Duranto cl Pom Ganuendido Untre ol do Julio do 196.3 al 3-0 do Junio de 1964p IOG4, pa) 1-91. AG'7 1w 412 .'k.k;ur - 6pain; soc Am 65 ?,q I - 66 7 Relmiuschutz von elektrischen Ne~zen V.-f.-Ig552, A. M. Fedosseyev Translated f'rom the Russian original. 1952. DsiR 621.318-5 Lending Lib Unit 0. 12325 Report for the Compensation and Calculation of Trigonanetric Network in Iran, by L. Solaini. FRENCH, rpt, Relation Sur Le C(Llcul D'im Resea, Trigonometrique En Iran, ~'bct 1958,, 62 pp. *ACIC Sci -UPh'vs Sep 60 Me Relations Setwom tba Bovegrb bb%hod of the Theon- of Boiqh I a Figures by Ke Aniold. GREMp bkj, Phalft-hic an go m mo ~ b= djDr-TAMjd&AqV PWW der Irde. A= Sai - Earth Sai & ANUM ion 64 P4~(pj 304 Invariance in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, by A. S. Wightman, 84 pp. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY, NOT To BE REPORDUCED OR DISTRIBUTED. FRENCH, book, -Rqlations de dispersion et Particules Elementaries, 1960, pp 159-226. DEPT of Navy - - - - Navy Tr 4449/NRL Tr 1041 Mar 66 lolutivo wtemination of the rce Budapool,; by Karl Oltay. QWdMj, bk,, ReUtive BectJown dor ftbamricraft ACIC Skd - Earth Bel Nov 63 All, 8 ReLative Gravity Measuremems In South and Central 11PSweden in 1943-1944~ X. On the Pre- ciadon of Gravity Measurements in the Years 1943-1944, by Bror *Vicieland. qwvznTqi4- rnt- Relwive Schwarenumounien in us- 0- "TWLTr3; c Scl-Eaxth Sci lk Astron Aprll 64 254,910 i .,r Th-e 2L-1Lc-' in." Bottomn .-t.ructure )r Stra , L C) Gibraltar I I):,- Ot-lo Jessen. 1.) GERWX, b2c., Das Relief x und dlie Bodenll--esclaa:"Ienheit der 6trasse (Von Gibraltar), 19-27, pp %Av3*Nav-y/HO Tt !~--7 SA Geophys Lu Religion en Chine Communistes, t7 Harold C. HIntcn,, 18 pp. - -To ,e Al(-,r 1 1 S JI FREM1,0 bkp Ltk Religion on Chi.Du Cbummiates, aw/ffr-eM3 FS - Chins SOC - fielifjions UK 59 Reverse Trams XX THE WIDENING FRONT -- THE ACCUSATIONS AGAINST YUGOSLAVIA ARE INCREASING AGAIN, 6 pp. ALBANIAN, PEi-,., REL114DJA VOL XVIII, NO 1280, 21 OCT 1962., p . JPRS i Q)6 EEUR - ALBANIA POL JAN 63 213,563 "Rellunbr. FOR OFFMAL USli ONLY PRENG9, PaWhIct, -RelluslirL pp 1-44. *ACSI 1-9684 ID 2204024766 S,ci.4dsc Jun 66 Ftel Distribution, Fuel Distsibution Unites. PROM, rpt, Rellumix I& Garenne - Colosbes, *ACSI J-2872 ID 2832000866 Sci- Jul 67 Fof mer Leader of UG9C Interviewed, 6 pp. FRENCH, per, Remarques Corgolalses Africaines, No 8, 1964, pp 176-17B. JPRS 23870 Afrotica Soc. Aug 64 265,690 Himtory cf the National Unionsof Barundi Students, by Ubere Ndabakwaje, 9 pp. FRENCH, per, Remarques Coagolaises Africaines, No 8 1964, pp 184-188. JP0 25940 Africa Sor, A.ug 64 265,689 AFRICA-Burundi sod Aug 64 265,976 Molse Tshombe and the Counter-Revolution in Africa, by Jules Chome, 12 pp. FRENCH, per, Remarques Congolaises et Africaines, Vol VI, No 196, 12 Sep 1964, pri 1-7; 9. JPRS 2705345 Africa-Congo Pal Dec. &4 270,195 Objectives of Congolese Nationalist Trade Unions, 8 pp. FRENCH, per, Remarqmms GDngolaises et Africaines, Val VI, No 616, 12 Sep 1964, pp 20-25. JPRS 27045 Africa-Congo Pol, Econ Dee 64 270,196 Reflections on the Armed Insurrection in the Congo, 6 pp. FMICH, per, 42parmwe C liA-Qes et AfrIcaines'. Brussels, Vol VI, No 17, 30 So -Z); ~pp ~- ~5- JPR9 27659 Africa-Congo Pol 272,259 Statues of the Palu., 10 pp. FIMCH# Pers. R=arqlLm&-ZQAgo .__daises et kfricaines,, Vol No 17, 30 Sept 64s pp 442-AW6--~ - JFRS 27659 Africa - Congo poi 272,260 The! UGHC, Nursery of a Free Congo, 14 pp. FRENCH, per, Remarques Congolaise et Africalnes, Val No 18, 14 Oct 1964,--pp JPRnS7157 APILICA-Congo Pol Nov 64 26 8, E60 CNL Memoradum on Struggle of Congolese Patriots, 7 pp. FRENCH, per, Remarques Congolalses et Africalnes, V( Vol VI, No 18, r4 Oct T04;-p-p 421-424. JPRS 271560 AFIUCA-Congo POI Nov 64 2688961 Present Situation of the Angolan Revolution. 5 pp. FRENCH, per, Remarques Congolaises et Africatnes, - Vol V1. No La. 14 ME 190% pp '%287-z;4 JPRS 27157. AFRICA-Angola Pot Nov, 64 268,859 Only Solution to Congolese Crisis Said to be Free Elections Under UN Control,, by Jules Chome, 9 ppe FRENGH3, per *- Remar ues Q=aolaises et Africaines, Brussels.. IfolTToe. ~2~, if -Nov 64, p-p-4W-O~. JPRS; 27659 Africa-Congo Pol 272.,261 Interview with Zenon Nicayenzi Concerning Bishops' Note Regarding Danger Threatening Burundiv 7 PP. FRENCH, per, Remarques Congolais" et Africaines, Brussels, Vol Tr,-Yo. -20,,I-l Nov. 64, PP 4-70;:W=. F~ 5 JPM- 27659 Africa-Burundi Pol 272,258 The Battle For Stanleyville to Determine Fate of Africa, by Jules Clhome, 7 pp. FRENCH per. Itemarques Coz%jolaises et Africaines -- Vol 6, No 21, 25 Novmw 1964 -pp 0.5-4 . MRS 27920 Africa - Congo ( Leopoldville) Pol 273#374 Present Status of the Angolan Reyolutioa, by Jonas Sar 10 pp. FRENCH, per, Remarques Co olalses et Afri nest- Vol. 6, No 21, 2n-ov-0-64-;-pp -493. JFRS 27920 Africa f9h 65 273,372 Tsbombe Regime Criticized by Congolese Nationalist Party Leader, 5 pp. FRENCH per IRemqKquto-C=-XolaiacB-gt-t4Kicaines., Vol 6, No M, 25-N-ov 1964, pp 495-497. TPRS 27920 Africa - Congo Pot 273,375 Language Expert Advocates Teacning of Three Langue Congolese Schools, by Kahombo Mateene, M. A. Lingu: 15 pp. FRENCH, per, Rem uesCorgolaisesetAfricaines, , &r on v Vol 6, No 21, 25 0v pp JPili 27920 Africa-Congo SOC 273,376 Renfirktv on the Utilimtlal of Accelc=--,.,cd oar the raiiiatiaz of I'leamwis$ Pgalacis Mau I fa T. Provatj 10 pp. Fn "C"ll -,; SILO I" i=;;ztiQa .-M. ', 3.vto ftz:~mrz;- ~ kr,fo IrAISComms, do TirtACUU2 h:C*Isren Vc= la -*orA9tl= den' Pla=z., 1911's. im TT 1697 Bel - 7hyii ftt 59 Aseptic Packaging of Ililk in Tetrs,-Pa~: Cartons, by H. Hostettler, 14 pp. GIM,W4, rpt, Remplissage Aseptique! de Laidt Uxnericc en Emballages Tatra Pa-k. Dc-pt of Modern Lanfuages Nor-tli Carolina State College Sci Feb '04 The lrl,~nbirth of a National Justic.~ by jean 14orice Flul 11CE, rl"t, T Eenaissunce D'une Justice Nationale, Itnel to No D-2-66, 63 Pi~- el,S,SPECI"/SF-2)r,-l(3 "PE - klCa:abodia ibi Jan 64 FtlVthylene and Ito ApplicatiLon to Electric Cables, by G. Palandri, U. Pelagatti, 41 pp. ITALIAN., per,, ~Wm~ M4j.pat 15154, pp 3-10. SIA Tr 57-1006 Sol - Mectammics .r 7, 6 x ~4 Jan 58 z English Title Unko own,, SPANISIfm pers PAnd. Lincel. Vol XXXI, No 1,, 1922,, pp 21-23-,*M. 2. 101-101.-f-~ *NASA -rj-- g Sti-Misc Sept 66 R-5ft5-Wb 7 BaPt 65 The VaUator of fte MbPOaMalts MWAStiOn fbW cftwwtmv*A4= can* BY: moomm ... o6aw lglom% Vol 5s, sari" 3* lqh8 pv 9264M ( 5 pp ItaUsa. - eot fbr Vft: Type sa orlaoAa md 2 owebm o*Laoo Documnt can be crA fbcr pasts-4vo Long Term 4.)t-blllty of Magnetic Mpterinis Uned P-t Corev. by G Gnstgllont. ITALTAN, Rendlconti Assoc 5~- Ruln Assoc Elec r. A. P P--e- No 141. ABLIB-4;B29 set Jul 59 FU- h7mari. Guido. 61-14932 RIWAR(il ON GUANIrMNF- 1. ANILGUANIDtNp- 1. Pell ri, G. [19611 [201p. (forelp text included) 10 refs. Owder fxun SLA $ L 60 61-14932 Trans. or AccademI& Nazionale del Lincel. Rencliconi i (ItaW 1891, ser 4, v. 7, no. 1, p. 40-47. D&9CRIP"S: OGuanidines, Cheinical reactions. 164022 On- of QJmnrwm=wcd) On the Relationship Between GeoicIELI Constants and Gravity Values, by C. Somigliana. ITALMZ~ per) Rendiconti della Accademia Nazionale d.ei Lincei, Ser 6a,, Vol V,, 1927., prp 11-16. *ACIC TC-733 isci Dee 61, ITALLAN, per, Rendiconti dellfAccademia Nazionale dei Uncei, Ser 6a, Vol V, 1927, pp 319-323. ACIC TC-737 Scl - Earth Sci & Astron Dec 64 269,754 Organo-Aromatic Derivatives of Boron, by E. Pace, 6 pp. FMCH, per, Rendiconti Accad Nazionale dei Lencel classe di Scienze Flisiche, Matematiche e Haturali, Ser 6, Vol X, 1!~29, PP 193-196. cysm TT-6o-18BB4 Sci - jul 66 305,847 Ott the Emernal Field of Gravity of the Ellipatidal Geold, by Carlo Sqomigliana. ITAUMper, ReAndiconti deUtAccademia Nazionale del Ll , Series 6, Vol 11, 1930, pp 237-243. ACIC 7C--'73 ? Scl-Rarth Sci & astron April 64 255.676 DO,-jvjttjm W atatist-SmI MacbsW.Os Of thS L4aW Of Of the OCOgMasiblUtor of Solids m by Piero GIOMBiOs V We IMI-p Navtl=aIa del v6L VI., Ser Us py !M-(502. 9W7285 ABOACM Tr--~(L) 63 q q-3 04 the Determination of Cert4du Buic Types of Supersonic now Fields, by CALr1o Ferrari,, 17 Py - 12ALXW.p fto Rend2contl 4eU& R. Accaftale InslowiLle del LSWUp-Agries, a Vol VUA' so 6,P Dee &949. 0 / I/, 7a? 7 KWA TR 1381 SCIOU0910 - Ph"Ma DOC IVA Cra DUtribOAm or Catalow In klardt)xmw tqsodalcUaust by 0. ftvaUdp A 9 ]m- 1"IM piw$ Road Aftd N" Unmij, VbI VIUs 1950v pp %3L?U. KA !0-.N* Sol Avg 59 7"r, 0 3 f p Regeneration Processes of -the Spinal Medulla of Lu-mo of Anurs, Amphibbins in Its Relation With the Dorsal Cord,* by Alberto Stefanelli,, 12 pp. ITAL313 '0 per., Rend dell I Actma IkL.&i Lincel,, Serims 8j, Vol V33=-#-IFU- ~Iv J, PP 498-504- mai Scientific -,tBioloGy me/mEt / 11 ~ ~ 0? The Hepnemtiom of the Tail and the Reactive HE WTects of the Hauthner CeUs in Anurs and Wodela PjVbibianes by Giorgio N. Baffouls 12 pp. nALTAN pars Ran& dell'Acced Naz dei Unceis Berim A., Vol "*052., Vp 189-194. NIB flcteuttflc~ - Medicine CTS/mm N(O Inorgaidc Chendstry. Cerium-Manpnese Alloys, by Aldo landelli, 5 pp. 1. ITALJAN, per, Rendiconti AcAdemla Nazionale de Lincel, Vol XE, Ser 8, 1952, pp 265-268. 9222671 AEC-Tr-6387 Sel-Mat & Met Jul 64 1261,005 E'xparimantal Involution or 11authner Calls in Adult Tritona (Triton Criatmtua)., by Alberto Stefamellij, 14 pps ITALIANjo per, Rend Accad Ban dei Linceij Series 8? Vol PP IME Scientific - Bi.ology CTEO= / 7 &V -.-1 .1 5 Verona. Onorsto and Picci. Giovanni. MICRMOLOGY: THE IMBITING ACMON OF ACMIXONE ON IHE YEASTS OF WINE FERMEN TATION. [1962] 12p. Order from SGA 51.60 62-16M Trans. offAc~qq- nnah"& Classe v. 14 Ino, 51 'Ti-61TO-687. DESCRIPTORS: NUcrobiology. *Yeasts. Whibition, OFementation, *Wimm. Antibiotics. 62-16018 1. Title: Actidione 1. Verona. 0. U. Picci. G. 111. Title: inhibiting (Biological Sciences-Wrobiology, TT, v. 8, no. 7) Offl-fT A Partiaaar Solution on tho Unified Theory He, Clavaerp 5 pp. of Eiratein s~qa of Relativity, by IMIAN,, per,,.Bendiconti de"IllAceademia Nazionale At dei L4 --4 . Ser VI'II,, Vol XV, 1953,, L'Pncl to Ift-328-55. CIA D 306779 AF fiffix 68=5 scientifio - Physics V-~\,Jpv" 2(a/ CTS 73/Oct 55 ~Umnlmnw On Field Equations of the EinAoin- Theory, of Relativity, by Bruno FJnzi, 6 pp. ITALIAN, per., Ramdioonti DelltAccademia thslonals Dal M3~1' -Ser VM# Vol XIV# Faso 5j, May 19539 1 to Ift-32&55. CIA D 2W 3D6779 SoimtMo - Pb7sios AF (AM5 CTS 73 /Oat 55 67(// Nattil. CILIU0. CorraMni. Paol% and Allerra, C:iusm.v. CRYSTAL YMU(7IVRE OF -j-FORM OF IIT,%NRJI,f TFUCT11,0RIDE. 11964] 9p Srefs order from S" V. 10 Tr-64-1057 Trans. of Ac,:ae4enlial Nazfion~lq dell Uncel. Mast $Ff~e Nr [c -aasichel c Nu[us*Ul. Ptz, cz R! wr.'B v. 26. -. Z Other translations are available fimtn SLA mi$ I. phSI. 80 as'rr-61-14479 (t%Ij 10p and $1. 60 as TT-63-13387. 25 Feb 63 [16p]. Tr-64-14957 1. Natta, G. 13. corrut!14 P. M. AllcgM C. (Mysics-Solid Smte. 7T. v. 12. no. 1) Offil. .1 T~M..I S.-~- The CrptaULUO) Stmetwe O:r Igotilatic polystymns, by Cl. Tottsp P. ecwradW,, 8 pp. IMALTA., Psrv FOOmd Accad Zm LtnmAp Vol TITTYP 19551 Vp 19-27. Asaoc Tech Serv 2BGaE ja Sacca, Giuseppe! and Rivosecchl, Leo. A NEW SUBSPECIES OF MUSCA DQMES71C L. FROM THR ETHIOPIAN REGION (Una Nuova Somocpecle di MuKA Dornesti L. della Regione Etlopics) tr. by M. Slade. (19601 [Sip. (foreign text included) 5 refs. Trans. no. 3666. Order fr*m OTS or SLA $1. 10 60-17497 Trans. oflAccisdemle N=Kmale (I.-A e . [Classe ____J-LArKA dil SciLenZiliFixifi~~-I.-Uidematichej I Natfuralij. "ficoatl) (Italy) 1955, v. 19. p. 497-498. DESC~i;'TUPS: Diptera, *Houseflies. *Classification, Ethiopia. 60-17497 I. Sacci. G. 11. Rivasecchl. L. Ill. CSIRO Trano-3666 IV. Cbmrnonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (Australia) 12-29-61 (Biological Sciences --Zoology, TT. v. 7. no. 3) MR- I Tdicl S-4.. MuxoU. G. and MhilscL F. REAUnVITY OF FREE RADICALS WnM CARBON MONOXIDE AND )ffTRIC OXME- [196114p. Order ftmin ATS $A. OD A71S-79P591 Tr-ma. of lAoc&4jcttU&j NK41onaNe deil Lincef. CUmme 4amwichol a NA4=11) viR amil taly) IR 7 1w. 81 Y. 23. P, 140-14& DESCRIPTOR& 4?rso radic" wCarbm cowpmmdm~ *MancaMm, Chendcal rascrlonm6 O~ddm MtrWm convowAs (Chemistry- -OrpWc. 7T. v. 7. no. 11) 62-IZSO 1. OduxolL G. ti. mnifcL F. M. A.7`S-79P591 IV. Assoebued TechWcal Sarricm bw-, Ew Or-gia, N. offic..f T-1-ic.1 S-1... Comparison of the Various rypes of I[Geometric Precision Leveling Obtain&i With the-Values of Gravity Observed In Each SimtIon, by ftogwoGlovanni. Boaga. ITALIAN, per, Rendiconte delItAccademia Nazionale I[ Ah-i 7.1ne-'Pi- RWHPA ft- VnI YNV NA .5- 1Q."- TM 2.C;4-2.VA- I on the Dyawaics of the Electron, by ilenri Poincare, 61 pp. FRENG1, preprint, handiconti del Circolo t;atchiatico di Pale=o, Vol 21, 19UO, pp 129-176. AL-CIULU"JL/Tr-2120-69 Sci/Phy Sept 69 392,201 Marairheristics of Orlentated Polyatyrene ftrlp and of Poa4ratyra.ne Cepacitorxp by D. 'Zonoberttl. I 4MIAlls, por., Rand Assm Electrotwo IU1, Vol C=., zet 191;4" vp 1-6. ASUIS-GE43 Sol Aug 59 5;"1; 7 6 F