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63-14bO LWMd&16 L ad SdOMWWN* F. I- bL bUM" ODMEM OF OrWALLT ACME 1. LJACDChUS6 L AIMOM ACIM [196311* 14 raW N. schomadm F. t- WL 09dw ftam RA 11. 63-14643 TrMMS6 Of ROCIOU 1.1 AM rr--4CT- D49CRX7UAM OWI*u&wpnk coopwmda, OCAuom oxvomdj6 *Ambo mdds. Co. sd4 wts. ASPEruc ww. cosuls. qwmvpvpw ndys* mmbkod" qw=vmcpy. Abm*Vdm Wo=nmL A swim of gbgxmsm *W aspartates of bivalent UMMIO $006 CO., Cd. Z16 W wwo jaw" mul tWOSELVW POWIMSMUaW OA WOU an pbowcbemWcall)L mw rokukebw mbmlw pmpudm at Obo" Maux dopands an ramcdMa. No Cie- "A=dwxr-4arpnIc- Tr. JOCWACUMO 2M mw "Guavem T. 10. to. 4 dtwal" lWavy afte w T U"k. Vt" rAt Back=, EL J., Strating, J.. and Koul. C !~:. 11. SOME CYMC SULFONS FORMED BY M-' ADDF 710N OF SUL.MROUS ANHYDRIDE TO BL)TADIM41 [19M) 6p. 12 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 63-14120 Trans. of RecuCU [des] Travaux CIdmliques dc-4j~m.'(.'A - Baal (NediifDmdSY 39; V. 511, P. 77 DESCRUYMRS-. OSuUones, *Sulfur conipow&, *Diw,Jdes. *Butadi-r., ChcTntcal reactions 63-14120 1. Backer. IL J. U. Stratiriz, J. M. KOOL C. hi. H. (Chernisrry-Orgmi1c. TT. v. 10. no. 3) IMM 01 Teft" Sovim 63-14LI 21 Backer, IL J. . Steverrut. N%'.. and Bij. J. B. Vander, MNACOL.S OF -,-NIIM-iYL ACETOPHENON AND 1. Backer, I-L 3.4-M-p-TIOLYLIMOMPNE SULFOM 11963) 91x 11. Stevens. W. Iflp- tables ondttedl 14 refs. M. BIJ. 1. R. V. der Order from SLA $t. 10 63-14121 Tranp- of Rccuell [des] Travaux Cllm[lques des Pays:_ Bar.) DESCHUrMIM *Mothylt-ficals- *Mylradlcals. *Caycols, *Acetophemnes. 081tolyls. 611iophenes, osdfan-, CxysMU0gra*y- PA&MI'M(ab-dary). Cbendcal reactions, Temperanim MaleaAar assoclit- don, 0xidutlot4 Hydrogenation Reduction of- I -tolyl merhy1cetone (p-methyl aceto- phenone); crystalkgraphic prqpartles of pi-cal 136- 1370-. reduction with die aid of aluminum and mercuric cidoride; reduction with cupric (cuprous. copper- oolored) 2h-ic and acetic acid; preparation of pinscols Ofte d TSwvtts (Chamisrxy-Orpnic, Tr. v. 10. no. 3) (oves-) ~ 61-20540 Gerding, H. and Nijveld, W. J. POLARIZATION MEASUREMEN71S OF RAMAN LIKES 1. Gerding. H. IN UQUID SULFUR TRIO)CIDH (Polariastions- 11. Nljveld. W. messingen der Ramanlinlen den Fluessigen Schwerei- trioxydo). [19611 19p. 25 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 61-20540 Tra.". of Recuell des Travaux Chim leg I ~ 'o'" C S ~0 ell (NeTm-55&TTf4T.7-v-79. P. - ig. DESCRIPTORS: Liquids. *Sulfur compounds, *Oxi(ies, *Raman SpCCEroscopy. Polarization, Measurement, Polymers. (Physics- -Spectroscopy. Tr, v. 7, no. 4) Wit-( T.Ckkl S.Mt.. 63-14119 Zuydewijn. E. de Roy van. NON-SATURATED FULPONS. Fr. M O)CIDAT70N, L ZuydL-wijn. F_ de R. van BRMMDAT1ON AND HYDROGENATION OF UMATU U. Titla CxtdatiorL.. RATED SULPONS. [1%31 9p. 10 reft Oxder hrom SLA $1. 10 63-14111) Mmm of Recuefl (deal TmvauK ChLmflques des Pays- DESCWMRS: *SuUoues. *Oxidedott. OBraminadain. OHydragenatiam, Orpnic se-lds, Chmdcal buida, calmlym (Chemistry--Organ1c. TT. v. 10, no. 3) nice di 78dw" sw*n 63-16391 Sloof, A. so] Duyn. D. vwL QUAIATAMVE' ANALYSIS OP ORGANIC SUB- 1. Sloot. A. STANCES BY HYDROGENA'1710N (Analyse Qualluttive 11. Duyn, D. van de quintances Organiques par Hydrogenation). 119631 114hp. (forelp text included) 10 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 63-16391 Trano. oflocluell des Trav atm I uga.des W=MV40.Tv. W59, "p1117-IIZZ. J~Frrans. to available from SLA as 58-909. DESCIUYMRS: *Hydrogenation, *Nitrogen. "Icgens, *Sulfur, Chemical analyets. Quantitative analyBis, Org3rde compoutids. ((Ixtniistry- -Ana lytical. TT, v. 10, no. 7) MCI d Irthw2l S'~d' A SL-VU Method for the Detendnation of the DUfusion Cmatant in Metalop by J. A. M. Van Liampto CEELMANt pme Rea* Tftve Chimap 60s 191tit pp 6311-639, *MB TT 70-57319 &d-Yat Aug 70 Baaer; H. J. and Klasens, H. A. W.XED ESTERS OF TETRAnflOORTHOSILICIC ACID. 18 Wr 47. lip. 12 refs. Orderfrom SL.A $1.60 62-101D) Tran!~. of Reclueil des] TYavfaux) Mimliques des Pay-Sasj (Netherlands) 1942, v. 61, p. 500-512. DESCRWMPS: 4S1l1cIc acids, Acids, *Esters, Synthesis. Thiols, Preparation. (Chemistry-Inorgantc, TT, v. 7, no. 7) invastisation or Tuapten ftlides 2ad ReTort 1) Vapow Preasure of ZmMtem Be ,pachlorides, by it A.A. Katel"r. Flt==., p=, JIN P"-Bas Vol LUXmUjvO Dept of Interior WT 257 So 4U Sod - Mn-xbt Apr 62 -- Dimia-lon in Tanwton with Low ircu ccatent, by J. A. 14. Von Liwvtj. 17 pp. P%Ummp por., Rae Ibmy ChIm, Vol I=, 19451 pp 239 -249. Air. -=J~2214 SOL - Chem J~~/ 9 Jan 61 List 46 63-2D270 jawmiq. S. F. J.. Verkade. P. H.. amd tAmew, RESSAW11 ON INDOLE DSMATIVECL VL THU RS- 1. Title- Breawnceirono Acnov asTweim momanompAcifama ANDPIU- 1. janatzky. a. P. J. MARY AND 53COt"RY AROMATIC AWN= [1963) H. VerUde, F. R. 16P 19t"s M. Uesta. J. Order feam SLA. $1.60 63-3D270 TV. Title: Reaction ... Trama. 4W Reclusil, des Pays-sea) 1044 v. 65. p. 193-2D2. 0 . DMMMM: OludDhip, *Aestiomm, *Amium, Broaddm Rnmoacadc adds. Methyl. raAca* Stbyl raAcalm, Amillmm. Pbmyl radicals. Chatnicalrescamm, Synthawn (Chundary). The reactiom botmiom womo-bivewmcatom y _7 = . aranotbc amimm pt dm aboarwAlly; it 1 th 0 oqpomd c-aryl amino katmw. bts pro&mm of double molbculLr weliSAt. With secandmiry arowAdc ami i. I Office d T"hnkjd Sen- (C2wmlVxy--Orpxdc, TT. v. 10. no. 11) , (o"o The Characteristics of Electrolrsis in Solids, by M. Smec. GERON, perg Rec Tray Chim., Vol 65, 19463, pp 614-615. *WM/~BS TT !F--5-51-67- Available NBS Only June 71 Systematic &actional Extraction of Pblymers., by V. Desreux. DUTCH,pew, Recueil des Trav Chim 1949., vol. 68, no. 9/10 pp- 789-806. =p MA-TT~a-20360 Eng Aug 66 307p678. maccu"- . L~L~Qattczizu,,- "-,y (]:Lyr-oGcn So3g-tionull by P. Ptxtr.-.:,yaj L, Vt;::rjloGvurtp Itec Tmv CMD revap Vol 'C"MCKII 1949 92 pp Scientific - jun 56 Substituted Trichloroacetamiain~!s, by H. J. Backer, W. L. Warunaker, 12 p. -DbTCH-:,I' Partial Tans, (p 639-0o) of Rp.~ U des Tra'vauy,-Chimiques.des Pays-Bas, 1951, Vol LXX, h13- - .... PP.... 5 3 SLA 59-17771 Sci Jan 60 Vol 2, No 8 Twestisatione Xnto the Madhnmlsm of loyde Polymitrisation by Mmw of :Radioactive Inidi- cators, by Y. Landler. nOVII, par, ftgj=jj-daB--Trayaux Chimique 600 Paya-Mas et de la BolgXiqual AS= M 39 Scd - Phyu, Chem Apr 62 Kratky, OL and Porod, G. X-RAY ANALYSIS OF DISSOLVED C14AIN MOLE- CULM 119631 1261p. 15 refs. Order from SUA $2- 60 63-18921 Trans. of Recuell Ides Travaux Mmiques des Pays.-.B.4 (NetherLan&j 68. p. 1'106-112Z DESCRIPTORS- *Polymers, *Vinyl radicals, *11rarnideso 'Nitriocellulose, Solutions. Naphthalenes, Acetones, 'X-ray diffracdon &nalyals. 63-18921 1. Title: Polyvinyl bromide 1. Kratky, 0. 11. Porod, G. (Physics- -Mo]eCXd2r, TT, v. 10, no. 11) .1 Teckwal Services !6t0 th8 RCtV III,, by L Lifsehitz., 10 pp. YMI y per, Reel des Trumnc Cblwtq ex Vol MIX. 11,150, pp 1495-1503. AM SCL-T--397 Sa - Chm 0-1-y ma 62 List 66 The ;~u,-Lf:'..cation of Pt-croylglutamic Acid (synthetic ?oli-: Acial, by IT, n1acker, A. Hautann, 4 '~ j P? - ~MVINI, por, Ree Trav Chim~ Vol LrA, 1951, !)-T) '('30- .1'32. -- -- in SLA. Tr Lx.)07 Sci - ChemlBtry Feb 56 J-f j -// Illn! 1l,:;, N. :,~ alld I!Ilers- Tra'Lvatmj Chii7iqu,,, dc~ Pays- Ba~ liand~i) ")S(, 7; 1 V. 19-1-1%. DESCRVF~)F,S: "Iljd--~xarlxins, *Polycycli,~ ct,m- polind S, . qlb-Atution roaclt:,I.~, (01cmi"ilry-cl-gallic, W. %,. 6, no. 10) On Interconibination Spectra of Complex Ions of tiae Transition Metals) by H. Hartirann, H. L. Schlafer, 8 PP. FRENCH, per, Ree Trav Chim) Vol LXXV) 1956: pp 646-657. ------- - CIA/]?-DD-XX-585 NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONAIS Sci - Chem- Phys PF Mar 59 USI13 INTERNAL USE ONLY z:.:: af th- Ele-trftcal With TC:17~~rz:- imxe for Aromtic Systems, by 13. de RI,4-v'callp R. ioabicrp et al,. 16 _mp. per.. Bmlf&il- rlAl% nly-Ayrurt Ch Wl=s- 4.-" Pago-Ban p Vol 1962.. PP .5-18- 9206813 zol - Ch= jwt. 63 Metwoxk of Observations With Gravimeter in the I'Tavince of Navarra, by Luis Lozano Calvo. SPANISH, rpt Re do Cbservociones con Gravi- netro on I& ;To-AwAa N -Rawarra, - Instituto Mo-gr'affcoy catiotm=306an la. Saw =.o do Gravi"tria. MOA- folit PP7u-VI + tables IT 1.. 19. *ACI C TC- 1006A We-Spaia Sci/li=Mh Sci Apr 66 Network of Observations With Gravimeter in the Province of Avila, by Luis Isnano Calvo. SPANISH$, rpt Red do Observaciones con Gravi- metro, on I& ;r=ovucia do Avi nstituto =;-MINCO y Catastral, 1950, Madrid pp 1-21 Skcc.'~-i 'L;,, Pai-u De Groot, See retary -Gene ra of Re-L.heriEwds Comuimist Party, at 20i'Llil Coii.recs, DMMII, Bpeech, Rede, Uitrespoken Door De AIL~ermeen Secrentafts Der De Groot, op -let 20e OX"tij `conc,;rias, 20,21,22 mel 1961, pp -,-'.2. P *JT-RS WE, - lietherlands Pol - collmulism 1-4 j.-,,n C'l Reger - A New Pesticide For Use Against the Olive Bbth. Part 1. by E. Antongicminni,. 3-TAMM, per, Redia) 1955, pp 57-66. CSIRO oat. 62 Invoctuatiom ou tto Nlatoz;gy 0: tba Pw%la= tu tho slormw syst4a or law"ta, by B. Bweattl, OB PV. TWIMp pWp ftdiaj, Val Up M5j. pp 197-212. NEI 1-29&-'60 ftl - Mal mar So mo, ilj~~ z al. i; Sci juiv 1" The RsdouUble RMISsr PVRW*d SdmsrinG- FVMCH, pwo Le &&twat Dept of ftvy ONI tV 2"1 sci.hooh mw Doc 67 346A8 Cbu,*Gc,-,k Rqj~~.,"ction on Electrodes of Low T-mpe-rature v Fki~cl Cella. 1. Reduction at 'Ze Line of Triple Can-ttict kletveem Electrode, Electrolyte, and Car,. FMCH, rpt Reduction de 1'Cbqfgene aus Electrodes de Piles a -.MtUre Is- Reduct. a .18 do Qmtemit TrA W e Gaz F4?t IL lip -5-7- No. W, ib vp - SM Tr 743eW SOL Apr 63 91 3 (p US GOV I T ONLY Reeducacic'm Fisica. EVULISH to SPAIUSF, Training Manual, Physical Recon- diticning, TM 8-292, 30 Jan 11050. Sales Agency US Govt Printing Office Hq, USARCARIB Fort Arrador, Canal Zone $.65 L, ;; and Pathc-,~:ene~.Jj- Eeport, b.,,* Otto GY-~MA;,',, nncno _Eef erat ulcer (2 -1 c F!itho] lind Patho,;eneser. der Cllcl~-__-,-Cilo~e, I-A~p pri 7-j 7 .The A,~irari" Refqrm in Gu4tew I A., 21 pp. SkAN= j, rjAp La Reforma Agraria en Guatemala., pp 1-13 US JPRS/DC-;2368 LA - Guatemala Pol Jan 59 ~Ackettsiasln in Colombia; review of Present Conditions. .0 - - - - - A Patin o --Cqmrgo, 12-on, Re E2Lma Vol XXVIII, ;~o 79-1, and SPAN181 - Pex) _L voi XX.'CXO No 3'5-, 1943. Sei- Madiolne Var 58 DEVIATION DFP-t;?,IDA?,Ir RELAY TYPE SFRVi-',- MECHANISMS (AumschIagabh9ngIgkLIt Relslsgesteuertei~,. I Stellmotore), 119631[20pl 3refs Or de r fr corn S LA S 1. 60 T7-64-10343 Trans. q( ke~elungutechnlk (Went Germany) 1953, v. 1. no. 1, p. T3~M-'- DESCRIPTORS: *-ServomechanIsma. Relays, Control systems. Correlation techniques, TT-64-10343 I eonharJ. A TT, v. 11, no. 11) 0#11- f T-hn,- TT-64-10341 Sartorius, K THE OFMIIZATION PROBLEM IN CONTROL 1. Sartorlus, H. ENGINEERING (Das Optimlarungsproblern in der Regelungstechnil*. 119631 (23p1 10rds Order from SLA $7- 60 W-64-10341 Trans. of Replungstechnik (West CermanA 1953, V. L. no. 4. p. 74-78. DF-SCRUTORS- *Cotttrol theory. Feedback. *Servo- mechanisms, Statistical functions, OptimallzatiaL (E4neerin& IT, v. 11, no. 10) uterflow and )FIaralloil-FICIV ileat Tba Contral of Com Exabsne,cret,, by Y. Takshashl. GERMAN, per,, RegeluqpteahuU, Vol 1, No 32, 1953. AMIE-C-9139 scl Aug 59 9,13" 6 5;;15e An Meatronic Potentiostat vith Short Adjuotoent, Time, by J. Schoen, K. E. Staubacb.,, 25 pp. Fall ti-inalation. WIWI) par,, Vol 111 1954, pp 1.c)7-i62. im Tr 6l Scientific - Medicine a exz /4 P-0 r - Electronics Oct 55 Controlling Distillation Columns by Pro- duct Quality, by W. Kundt. GERMAN, per, 'Regalungstechnik, Vol 3, 140 8. 1955, pp 194-197. NTC 69-11262-07A Sci-Chem July 69 386.996 A CautrIbution to the Th&M of' On-Off ControUers, by Cla= Masler. e am", Pr# R"Pl'4Dg*t0Chfjikj, VOI V& NO 10j, 1957j, VP 339-3142. --- SIA 61P~M25 Sol skr 62 Vbl Vllp Wo 2 Teebmloax by 0. Frank, -MBSWj, per.* llqpluuVtm4:bm"lr, Vol IV, No 12., - pp 299-30. AM03-0 39 sci Feb 58 f//, W Elactroala Peproduction of W-chanical ?riot-iaa, S. BuhUr., UNCL Gm"11 parjo R4gsIuapUwabaU;,, Vol VIp 1958j. PP 14-19. D83M 3"51./Cr sai - Rw Nor 59 ?042p- 0 %~- ..~ 17 X Tbxcc-Poo' Loa InteGral Action Cc--, by 01 GMWI, 11 Vol VIP No 5) Jo~'B! c Is. 1.1.1 .10. 2 cii ?;ny 6c) 7 I/ of "',tap,rhostar Control, by P. ~-:c-ofoa. 140 Gz7uiii~', Vol m%Y 60 ~777 Control of the Speed of a DC Motor Wil-bout a 'Iachoganarator, by D. Strole. GMMN, per, RagalunotecMulk, Vol V1, Xli*:~ 10, 19581, ]if '3%-3 - CSIRO Scl - Xlectron ihig 62 .2 '0 1, '/J.P 61 - 2D696 Foellinger. 0. ON THE DETERMINATION OF THE ROOT LOCUS 1. FoellingeT, 0. CURVE (Ulier the &,stimmung der Wurzelortakurve). 11 Mar 59, 19p. 4 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 61-20696 Trans. of RegelungsEechnlk (West Germany) t958. v. 6. no. 12, p. 442-446. DESCRIPTORS: *Control systems, Tests, Frequency, Numerical analysis, 'Curvc fitting. (Engineering- -Electronic, TT, v. 7, no. 2) no SommetrIcal Optimims by C. ?" Dow -owkocbnikg 1,,, ;.rre, .. BAR M6 ftiolOr. Vol U; 395-hWj. V01 sci-pbv D&C 6T 7he Symmtrical Oiptlimmp by C. Kessler ORFMN# wt Hamelun" lit 19580 m" pp 395-400; vol. 22, - 432-43t NU ftf : 520T (:12i6) Sai-machanical Nw. Aus 68 362,p235 On tho Theory and Practic~ of th- Controll of Drives With Rectifimv, 1.-7 IR. Jo~;ten-- am". per, Vag*luugwbw'mJk, Vol VII, 1959, pp 5-101 4k-4T.-- - csmo sai . pt7lacs / Id! J-V J= 60 &AerpU Txm Prvyu-tAW and AVp3ACatl=n of Nvt&l b-1 A by 2. )V5AsvWfb,--- p Wlnbftvbzstp Its Llftftji .10 10- vbl,rjl,19391 pp 160465. AM SEL-T-3in set - MnAlot /* f ~,a mw 61 X-,-esu3?LtG dad control Plant zt tha =pori=zLt~ri COU74rtdr Of Mcoaft Rbolorobr at Duisburg Ruhrm-t. by X. Bn. UNCL =HIM.. vorp PpoolumsetechmAk. Jul 1959, vp Biel (L3 106.0a.) act - BW ftb So Data Vu -,Uy 61-20723 Kessler, C. A Ck-)NTRIBLTI*ION TO -17-113 THEORY OF MULTI- 1, Tit1c: Multi loop rcgu- IMP REGULATORS. 11961117p. lators Order from SLA $1.60 61 -21723 1. Kessler, C. Trans. of Heg,-.lug,6techn,k (West Germany) 1960, V. 9, no. 8, P. 2 1 _2M. DESCRIPTORS: Synthesis, 'Control systems, *Linear syst-~-rns~ Tra it Hfo rmat ions (Mathematics), Theory, *Current regulators, The milay requi rements of modern control frequently makes rccessary the synthesis Of MUIEt-100P contr-)l system,. It is shoAm that the calculation of these sysr-ins depen,;is upon a repeated application of S12ing rules for a stq-.1t, loop integral control feedback. Ttirougtj sivp 1) ) step structural transformations tt.c (1-'ni,its,:.ering--Eit-~ctroiiic, TT, v. 7, no. 5) (over) Offi- f T-W-1 S-1c.. Data Processin.g, Equipment and Its Use in the Atw latic Control of Production Processes, by .1. Jardine. GEMW,Z, per, Regelungstechnik, Vol IX, NO 3), 1901, pp 97-103. GB/153/530 Sci Jan 63 Data Processing by Means of Computers and UtUisStion2d the Results in Regulating Loops, by: H. Krochnuum. Gj3RMAN, Pz=, RegelunPtechnik, Vol IX, No 4, 1961 pp 138-143. C.S785/2906611 Sai - Math Jul 64 262,565 WtIal CoafttlovA fbr Idwe Itimsfer x1mmutom tv 0. youlow. OMNS NWO ftp~~~6 Vbl M6 NO 40 1961j. sp A9-153- --- Nmy tr VArA3FL 33k s4 - AW Avg 63 - I..T 9- -7 9,? Initial Conditions for Linear Transfer WElements, by 0. Follinger. GERMN, per, Regelungstechnik, Vol IX, No 4, 1961, pp 255-279. *Navy/APL Sci - Phys 8 Jun 62 Representation of Amplification Controls on the Analog Computer, by E. Kollmajin. GEM.W4, per, Regelungstechnik, Vol 10, No 6, 1962, pp 246-250. ITTC-71-12448-09B Nov 71 FarmuUs for the Rimet DisswicrAng of Transixtor Sidtobift Stggwt by P. Vm&th. GEMU. per, A%MIJEZajeWMk, No 7. 1962, pp 293- 2990. Dept of luvy/Awjau T-00 sol-AWAOS Do* 67 W95W Optimizing Control of Batch Processes, by 0. A. Solheim. GEMUN, per, Regelungstechnik, Vol 10, 1962, pp 299-302. IITC-71-12447-12B Nov 71 The Influence of Statistical Parameters on the Dynamical Behavior of Automatic Control Systems. Parts I sad II. by G. Schweizer. GBRKAN, per Rejelungstechnik, Vol 10, No 8, pp. 3i7-42, pp.443-8, 1962. NTC69-10620-12B Sci-Math 486,822 July 69 386,622 Comparison of Electronic and Pneumatic Methods of (bntrol Applied in a Sirrple Control Circuit, by K. Hen gst. GERMAN,. per, RageLungstechn:Lk., Vol 10, 1962, pp 386-392. NTC 71-14583-09C Fab 72 The Vpiamic3 of Forced-Flow Evaporator Systems, by P. P3,'OfO3. GBIUMN, per, Regalungstechnik., Vol 10, 1962, 1)1) S29-536 P911052167 ABC OR?11,-tr-1436 Sci/Mech, Wdust, Civil & Marine Engr ~Lul ( ) 7 318,588 An Mxtrinsically Safe Contactless Control System., by W. Gehl. nik- GERM., per.# as-W)"agstoch ', Vol 32p 1964p pp 216-221. *AJIC SCI-ZLAC Me 69 A Device for Convolution Operations, by P. Profos. GOVERNHENT USE ONLY GEIMAN, per, Regelungstechnik, Vol 12, No 11, 1964, pp 491-493. NASA TT F-12,239 Sci-Meth 4 Equip Aug 69 398,723 Compressed Air for Pneumatic ~Measuring and Regulating Equipment, by R. NKK Dueser. C. GEIMPLN, Per, Regelungstechnische Praxis, No .3, Sep 1960. - NZDIA sci Dec 62 Automation of Blust Funiaco (~,,Crations - 1, by ki. iluck. GL por Ite"Olungstecluds Clio llraxiu, Vol 6, No 1: M4, pp IS-20. BISI 4447 - I LE - Ca rc on y Pei? 66 296,250 iWtomation of Blast Furnace Gperatio-iL5 - 11, by i1, ~Iuck. GERIII&N. plars Reme lung tedmisdie Praxis, Vol 6, No 2, 14) 60-680 1964. BISI 4447 - 11 EE-Germmw Fab 66 2D662Sl Autowatic Control of Blasi. Furnace OparaZicw, by H. duck. CiiFAAN, por ReLolungstedaisdic Pruxis, Vol 6, rj 1964, pp 98-3.01.- . 0 3: 3151 4267 "I", Liao 65 26j.,319 IM E-8W-t-D 24 Feb 67 Verordnune, uber die Abwasseraniagen vom u November 1950 Stadt Winterthur ret;-jerungsrcttUch genehmigt am 7 Dezember 1950: 1-19 ( 19 pp German - est for vds: please translate and tyPe 1 camere ready copy- IDescriptim of the Major AgricultLaal Regimw OC Blo Grecde Do &a., by ftwu w. Alratz., 14 pp. cmmbm USE cm UUEW,p perp Begioes Ag;mriss do Fdo Oxmw do &A, 3.9b3.. pp- '!~-32- 3M GOO 783 LA-UT42a gloc Jul 65 283j,091 The L I -quilibrium Seiziconductor Space Charge Region ilith a Low Force Carrier Density, by C. Sebenne, 15 pp. FRENCH, rpt, La Region do Charj~e D'Espace * 11 quilibre dans les Semi-Conducteurs * Failble Densite de Porreurs Libres. Dept of Modern Languages N.C. State Univ at Raleigh Apr 67 322,01u ie-"/73 (2760-1))- Cartopqby ftboomlttee of the (Oslo] Asooma PlawdM Coadttee,, ~ pp. WMMAUJ, umosrnbp 1-0-M-0 Mu-tvemtsutmux 95 W=Mle JM Z,4633-0 saw - omrvay owe 4 Apr 59 R-900 Register of Slovak Artists and Scientists in Czecho- slovakia. SLOVAK, rpty Register Slovenskych Umelcov a Vedcov Umelecked a V6die~'~~"aj tislave, Bratislava, _,X"v Bra 19-j~c 1949, pP 1-38'.- 23/10/57 OffIcial Register of the Ecuadorian Government. Number 224, 26 pp. SPANM, rpt, Hadatma MAUI- Orgam4d _Gobierno Numero 224, 10 Apr 1964. ACM 1-5505- M 2204039864 LA - Ecuador, Quito Pox Sep 64 266,870 Re~ I gistros v Formularios de la 'Folicia IMilitar. 7-IMSE to SPAITISH, Training Manual, 1,:ilitary Pclice Reccrds ana Forms, TM 10~-250, '30 Jun 1947. Sales Agency US Gavt Printing Office Hq, USARC&RIB Fort Azmdor, Canal Zone $-15 Ugulations for the Traffio of Voldoles emd Psdevtrims an the liddy Pt*Uo Righuryap 20 pp, (n 1296669). SPANISHO bk llftmrl~ 'on pm-a la CiroWAclm do , A, " - M-s- L& - Honda" Umus" - p rtwLd Apr 56 M/dw P-artmim-'n Air Force Decorationa, 7 I?P,. IY C I AS: SIT-P -t:, W ., official publ R lampto do la Cruz SPiU-TI.5E y e ~.. ~ 811 -1 . - rui j Ju, 'I ? a ma it! Uprito Acroku CO 2 1 n 1955, ZDc. QILLrAm Lims. AP n89745 !A - ra-ru Hil Aug 58 ,7J., 7-e;7 XVII, Combat 14ith Toxic A.-ans, 5 PP- (ID 1288911) SPIOUSH, manual, Reglamento de Ejercicios para la 19511, Pp 126-130- G-2, GSUSA G-,,i659 LA - Argentina 3 Military Regulations for ExeWtIon frcm Military Servica for Physical Disabilityo 18 pp. svmlsm, vpt 0 ftAL&mm a ciones por ,w.,.to do Ilk _T Imewavilfd, FIsIca Para El Storviclo Rmt&v-. MR r.6 79 ID 220401096S we/spainfidl Aug 66 3070369 Regulationz for th-c kviarding and Wearinr- of :-~ilita--y Decorations and Metals, and Their In-signia, for Officers of the Annied Forces. SPANISH, b)Q, "ReGlamento Para el Otorga.-liento y Uno do Con(leco.-racione-c, Medallas Milltuzes, y Sus Distintivos, Para Oficiales de Las F~-,erzar, I I I Ar.'IzLda,-, 1:,-,57, Incl I to A,'A C',ilC, I 5, 5 - *ACSI -11--"-52"z ii) Pi 607&-", LA Jul 61 Eeoplatiaras for the Airarding w.A- Wearing cf Pli-litaTJ Vi~'--Olzati=s =d Matc2z., ead TI-m--'r Ins.T.E,aia,. for OVicors of the Am3d Forces, 25 pp. S?AIIISH) b.-,-, y UqR do Card2caynd =anf AladW-3 as lillta Fuenas Ax-g-jdas,, 1957., InCl 'No I t6~ 5 5. / - P C.- A-cs-L a-9!525 ID 2160T-% RWIAtims PertainLog to 9mppLUm for Uw AnW# 93 ff - (ID 10rJUS) SPASM# bk, 0 in 511"Amm al x2ex'"top illo$lnllli=W tA 46 awsow Nil ACUO XW" 7,f, a" " 296, SliLl-u-sut I-L-, Rwammento Tactico de lngenioro3, Vol R, lh* Tws, 1, G-fiL92 Arr CTS/dex