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Supersonic Flci~v In & Sijock La3TC.~2: mishing Thielmei3s, by J. P. GiAiraiidj PAMSCII, per, Recherebe Aeronaut, No '11, 1959, pp 11-28. ATS 571-PJ bci - Rog ap 60 Interference Wfoots Due to VbztAm Mosto Acem-ding to Sleaftr bAy 2hm7p loy A. van Daruma. FROMp pwo, I& RopherOw Am=&-ut4w,, Va LEM,, 1959" pp 3-if.- us aggi, sai - PAYN -/.ip ~7 & 4 -~/ Jan a by Moutet French, per,La Recherche Aeron-utique Vol LXXV, March-April 1965-, -PP 23-35. JPRS/US ~%riny Missle Comm-and Redstone .'~rsenl, dabain.: oct 62 Measurement of the Ignition Delay of Pyrophoric Substances an a Fmat'an of the Pressure and Humidity of air, by M. Quinet. FFAIM, perp La Recherche Agronauti=e, Ed 76s 1960, PP 25-34. Dept of Wavy AIPL/JIIU 2-24a Sci/Atmom June 70 Base Pressure and Turbulent Mixing Process in Two-Dimensional Supersonic Flow.' by M. Sirieix. 10 pp - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR IN'MRNAL USE WITHIN IM DEPARMENT OF DEFENSE ONLY FRENCH, per, La Recherdie Aer(m'autique, No 78, 1960, pp 13-20. P10 162968--VT FTD-HT-67-149 Sci/Aeronautics Aug 68 357,479 Ca ai MAtbod for Me"uring the Due Press. Mawix-n=e: and Vioumlization on a Cone Cyl-indw Hngnetically '11andc'ei lit Mo'-:'7.6.; by Ceorges Dubcria, Mn,lnn Po,-- VTSHM, per, IA Recberche Acrarauti Val Imn Now.-De-a w6ov,~g, Lab, MW Sa U of Bel ft Pbys C, /~~" / o z-- c Jun (a Gicquel, M. and Nadaud, L. OPTICAL MEASUREMENT OF GASTEMPERATURES UP TO 10, OODOK (Mesure Optique des Temp6ratures des Gaz Pouvant Attelndre 10. OOOOK) G. Michaud, tr. 1963, 16p Srefs NRC Technical Trans. 1097. Order from NR C 3 1. DD NRC-C-4S93 Trans. of Is E (France) 1961. no. $4, p. 31-38. (Abstract available) DESCRIPTORS: OCumbuntion, Flames, Gasets, Temperature, Measurement, Xenon lamps. Optical analysis, Plasma physics. 6HISb temperature re- search. *Optical instruments. Pyrometers, 'Me optical method far the Instantaneous temperature measurement of flames used at 0. N. E. R. A. and limited prew1ously to measurements an flames for which the temperature does not exceed 3. ODOOK can be (Physics - -l'bermodyna mica. TT. Y. It. no. 6) (over) 7T-64-12231 1. Gloquel, M. 11 . Nadaud. L. in. NRC-TT-1097 TV. NRC-C-4593 V. National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa J The Combustion of Metallh:ed Solid Propellants, by L. Nadaud. FRENCH, ner..Racberche ikeronautique, No 85, NOV. Dec Ail: pp NASA TT F-8454 $cI - Aero Mar 64 U.S. GOVERNMENT ONLY 251,942 Experiawntal Technique of studying Pyrolsys of High Polymers Subjected to Rapid Heating, by S. x0lul. FRENES, par., La Recherche Aomnautique. No 88, 1962, pp 27-39. 14ASA TT F-11,238 GUVERNI.MW USE ONLY SCI-phys Dec 67 347,562 PAnel. Flutter In the Transonic Range, by G. Paure. FRENCH, pers, La Recherche Aeronatique, No 88, 1962, pp 49-58. NASA TT F-9160 Scl-Aero Jan 65 U.9. GOVERNMENT ONLY 270,904 Effect of Sound Waves on thl~ Burning Rate of Solid Propellante, by L. Nadaud, IM. Gicquel. FRENCH, per, Rftherche Aeronautique, No 89, ..- ~.- 19%,eft - I lhternal ACK Auxodynamic I"blems of the Mach-2 Supersonic Transport Airplane, by J. Leymert, X J. M. smeseur. FRENCH, per, Recherche Aeronautique, No 91,1962, pp 15-22. NASA TT F-8441 0r- 7S6'1 251,936 Aero Mar 64 U.S. GOVERNMENT ONLY Effect on Stability of the AxLal Rotation of a Missile Containing a Liquid Mass, by J. P. Chaltra d. FILENCH per, LA Recherche Aeronautique, No 93, Mar. Api' 196A, pp 3-9. NA.SA TT F-8846 Sci-Aero May 64 U.S. GOVERNMENT ONLY 259,729 scl-phys May 64 U.S. GOVERNMENT ONLY 259,736 Sci-Aero Jill. 64 it-.~..GOVERNMENT ONLY 260,976 S(A-Aero MI OL 64 i UX. GOVERNMENT ONLY 259,732 Ground-Effect Simulation at -the Water- Tunnel, by H. Werle. nENCH.p per., la Recherche Aerospatiale,, No 95p 1963, pp 7-15. siA TT-66-lo4W Sci-Aero jume 66 303.007 Contribution to the Study of the Erosive Burning of Composite Rocket Grains, by M. Barrere, P. Larue. FRENCH, per. La. Recherche Aerospatiale, No 95, Jul, Airl9M,-pp-25--36.-- NASA TT P-8805 Scl - Aero, E S & Ast May 64 U.S. GOVERNMENT ONLY 258,675 Study of the Therma3 Stability of Phenolic Resins and of the Effect of Sn-13 Amounts of Inorganic Additives on Their DOgradation., by S. Kbhu. 19 P. , perj la, Recherche Aerospatiale, Sep/6c-tlW3-.P-P-3-9--T9--- = HAM-1241 Sci-M&M jul 66 3o6,oB6 Hypersonic Boundary Layer on a Blunted Flat Plate, by It. Wver. FRENCH per La R ercheit Aerospatiale, No 97, 1963, pp Vio: NASA TT F-9022 Sd-Phys Aug 64 U.S-. GOVERNMENT ONLY 265,131 Representation and Calculation of the Spectral Density of the FKlield of Atmospheric Turbulence Based on the Results of Aircraft Flight Tests, by Raymond Andre, Albert Jxouan, 27 pp. FRENCH, per, La Recherczhe Aerospatiale, No 98, 1964, pp 49-55. 9225479 NASA TT F-256 Scl-Ear Set. & Asrron Dec 64 270,133 i~ockets by Adabiit, hydrog(ju, uy ii. ~4utvt,-- ~ .0 Pugibet. Fluilial, pers La nocherchel Aemspatiale Iltu 101, L964, pp 31-31. L)eljt of Navy Tr 4099/APle.T(; 230-T452 5ci - Mro Alir 65 278,218 R-5b5l-D 10 Aug 65 M)b DiNcrimbut&= of s Hatural Hodm Daring uxmwdc Mastim TewtIM 1w: chelswim Bum= 110 1010 Juluet-Amt Frmt LA MOMK= (6 pp) 1964j, pogm po-56 Frowt -.00t, ftw vfts T"m s= oftow" ow only. ROWO&WO fm paste-w- Do no4 =Ulste doammt. -~j Tho Utilization of Lacal Unstmady Pressure Jeasurezwnt for Aerodynamic Coefficiont Ix.- terniiiation, by Roger Destuynder, I:Jik OFFICIAL USE CULY P11ji-1104 per, La Recherche Aerpsgatiale,, 'No 102, 1964, pp 35-42. P1001041266 MD-l"r-CjS-1.575 13 Ci I -phys Jan 67 316,850 flifft Hea FItDos, by Rovr I(Ift, Andre NiamIU16 et al- MUMN per, I& Rednrche A~tmqmm!L% Ib 10,3. IN,*V. Dm, 1964, pp 3-TO.-- I)f*t of Navy Tr No 4142/T-1280 scl - Pbya Jul 65 282,314 Expe-dwental Setup for Studyirg the Erosive Burning of a Solid Ftw4 by Pierre I.Arue, Maurice Guinet. FRENCil, per, la Recherche AerosyatW2, Ho 103, 1964, pp 11-18. Deh)t of 14tkvy Tr 4157/APL Nio T-1309 Sci - Fuels & Prop Aug 65 284,294 ,-tyialwds of Phumphc4c- Fvbvemra I-, r -v- -.' . ra (IOUCTOWAUMP by -'~ Knh4 24 P% It OffilwZ to* pm, La., &qJ12c~hR -ob i Wi, INA4 IPP 19--Qlb. VI.W327 401-4~% '1-f F-M !k-A-R IDhys I i mir, 63 pq I-2Do ODOP of fftvy/APL-~nfu JUS WE-F ce FCA Jun 65 279,618 (SF.1854) 2 A Swret SaaletY In Mlm CountrY: The Slmj, by Ymidw &qPtl.- 3 YP- n=m,o per, 2* Studes Golueeme, =/A,* AfrUo so* 4r 62 amoberahes Af ipps 1330 (SP-1854) oogrvWb4c Notes CoUivated In Uselum C4uAtrys b7 MM YAMBACPA Traore P06y Autwa, 140mugam Sowili, 9 pp. pw# ftdwrobes Aftl=lms., studes Otd wlcg~d--- OPHS 13328 M/A - Atrlm /-ef-j- sm Apr 62 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AMONG THE FULANI (PEULHS) OF THE FONTA-DJALLONREGION IN GUINEA, BY DIALLO OUSMANE POREKO, 17 PP- FRENCH, PER, RECHERECJJES AFRICAINES, No 41 OC,DEC 1961, 1`45-73-89. JPRS 15510 AFRICA SOC OCT 6? 2120868 jkZ;tMVIat-A0UI LIVESti6fttIOnGj, by U. J. Lo. Verrier, ~"I N 11WOO Vol I, ' MICH., xj)t, Pechexvbes Ast=vxci~ 1655. Actic uu-L14 Oci--FJ3/A r,uLr 65 277,040 Photometric Properties of Lurur Crater Floors, by S. Van Dinelen, 155 pp. FRENCH. per, Recherches Astronamiques de 120boervatoire d'Utrecht, VOIZCK)aV, No 2, 1958. 9224674 NASA, TT P-209 SCI-Ear Sci & Astron Oct 64 267,333 Ethnographical Research on the Yao in South China, by Ling Zang Song. FRENCH, bk, Recherches EthnograRhigues, sur las Yao la-usla Chino du.Dud, 1929 151 pp. ACSI J-5909 ID 2204019268 Far East Soc May 69 380,873 FmIummUl Reomembes cc Sawifigp by R. Kel-lerp 25 pp. mumat VWA$blat# Redw.-d" AxAavmtaaes fw Is 80SAWO Oenuv dea Re- TeGbDIqw*DO*=xD% sljp P&TIsj April 1953. So L. A. 2r 6*156 Bel - awnegrSnig 3P2..r Avg 56 M/ftK Analysim of the Grovth of Bacterial Cultureaj, by manons rRENCHj bkm HOC Amp la, Croissance des Cultures Batirff=n~ea#~~t I., Chapter 6, lop 116-137. TPA3/TIB T 4398 Scientific - Biology Feb 55 CTS iL Industrial Research in Frjpn(:e - Documentation With Respect to the Prindiple Elements of ReseeLrah, 16 pp. (Ar ioi3o(*) . FREWRj, rptp La RechercpQ. Xp _kuj:~m~qj gn Franc e, 1954~1955,, Pp 37. B- ATIC IL-TS-10039/III wHur - Fren~ Oct 57 lResearch on the Effect of Frimsing Umt Before oams Irradlatloup "Drumliatp Idal, 8 pp. Ho -aw l'Inril s do IA ConVlacilon dew VimAos avarit UTadlatlan par Ion Rmyvm s~, Moscow, S&P 1958. FM X-3588 AW-Tr-3690 SOL - Aug 59 7 &-parlmnial and Marybological fleacarclasis on Done Vascidarization,, by Robert de Mrr*ffe, V P. 7M,"H, Emerpt of m=o, Asahmbes Yoorphaogiques ESZOAmnZalas our I& Vaftularination Ousause, (Lee ed. AcU Medic* BalgLciL,, Bimmsels), 1951) 80 P. SLA 59-15473 scd Sur 60 Vol 2, Ito 11 PrelUdnary lavestliptions Oonearning the Hyper- soulo GUder, bgr Ph. Pbleam-Quintm, JR. CarewjeU, et al. PRMM., rpt,, Recherebas P*e2AxdxAdLres our 1e quo ]LOW TT Y-8326 Sol Pqw 63 N 44 m OMIT am , Jf 4- ca-'- - o(?u. - ilhc~ Ue; :;.,-itai7y Processeo of Co;:r.uni Fil;,"TICE, pamplil,!!t, La Reche, che Wur,,~ 'I'licoric! ~~u ..T,- me .,P;CQ.Qp - 1). nt.6-r-s Ia Cori! -on -I-, mul-ii.ce.tion (Fascicu C 2 1 eACSI i---~405-'. ID 221462('~6 pbmrmw. PIM" Marts JMIL EXF siblENTAL INVES11GATIONS CONCERNING Flourens. P. M. THE FROPERIMES AND PLINCTIONS OF 7w muv" Synm OF VER7WILATE ANDA.ALS: CHAPS. 27-31. Sep 52 45p. OrdW trM SLA $4.60 Tr~. of =moo. dans *Nohog*al Scimumm-Phymboka. TT. Y. 12, mD. 4) Scientific Research, 4 pp. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FRENCH, rpt, Los Rechorchos Scientifigues, ID64. ACSI I-96S2 ID 2204021566 Sel-B&NI May 66 300,891 NASA -Dex -n -433S" -D 1. Project EOLE - A Program for World Weather Scanning, 9 27-30 2. The Netvork of Tracking Stations for CNES Satellites, 30-34 3. French-Spanish Cooperation, 35-38 La Recherche Spatiale, Agl._dllnformation-Mensuel, Vol 3, No 7-, 1964. x-J (V ~' Stotanoff, D. U. RESEARCHES IN THE STRUCTURE OF THE BlL1kRY TRACTS IN THE DOG. Doctoral tbesis presented to University of Toulouse. 1899/1900. 25 Apr 61 136p); (figs omitted) 52refs. Order ftvcn SLA S& 60 TT-61-16477 Trans. of mono. Recthwerc 'oleo BULaires chez In a~- a oulouse 1900. 51P. TT-61-16477 1. Stotanotf, D. U. (Biological Sciences-Anatorny, TT, v. 12, no. 4) OM- f T-h~k.l Se-k- of Alr~--c lcostasys, Wkth az :-ilm of U-10 Ovare Of SuL-LeVal Lie tions Lu 'by Karal T=kr. GMU41ILTI, blzlt Die Be d*,- Air. a Quadrate der ACIC Sul j~mrUi Sci AnUou 3 -Z 3 gnthemtical Treatment of the Mixture af Two Gas Jets of Various ures and Velocity, by W. Alverzap,j J. Lombrecht., Otto :Lutz,, 16 pp. (AF 1031M) GEMW bk Reebmarische Behandlung dor k4ahmg ZPair a" tig-la'ic'WrlidiSkeit, Doc 1954., Ipp 1-13-t A?= r-ms-1=3/ni SOL - Rmle 446 (NY-46u) WtUml Iteletious betv"a ForaW Trade and Axpat 111dustry in But GorwWp by Rall=t lfhwr~, 11; pp. GMLVO.,, per, I~egqo_lm Aqq oupplezont to Dior AuMoeubnudol)p 1960#'No IS lb~v 1960, -pp 1-5 Jm 7390 Roan au 61L (Dc-6133) :l*,',>----t--ii:,n Trade Arbitral JuriadictiOu in the p (.- c r plm's lRepublic of China., by Harry Fclll~mucrj (Amonlig. IWht Im Aussenhandel (Bei . W-r~, AM !rAitscbrift ~3-1, fto 1-2, iq6o, -pp 7-8. ipiti &512 FE - China Ecca /~c 3., / 07 Aue, 61 Bhu C=g=izat.ion of the -Export Plan, by R. "L Wn .1 C I RM),111 ivr Hecht tiM pp JPRS ln656. ~--r.jarxamy fton 1) - . mar 62 LEGAL PROBLEMS OF JOINT ENTERPRISES OF SOCIALIST STATE$.. BY H. SP I LLER., 6 pp. GERMAN, PER., RECHT IM AUSSENHANDEL, r4o 6., 1963, PP 1-3. JPRS 20577 EEUR-SOV BLOC ECON. AUG 63 238,768 PROBLEMS Fi ARIS114G IN ARBITRATION PRC,,rEEDINGS BETWEEN 13LOC COUNTRIES UNDER THE F)5~ CE14A XKmxm 0 GE14ERAL DELIVERY TERMS, BY T. TRENDAFILOFF, 9 PP GERMAN, PER, U4ULJN-AUSSZ"ZF-L., 1,10 li, -.1, 1963, pp 6, 7; 4-6. JPRS 22310 EE ECON DEC, 63 244, -aj I-54-6p The Future of the American System, and Conclusions, by Yves PeTatin. FRNO, rprt, Le Records Management et L 'Administration Americaine des Archives. Rapport de Mission, Paris, 1962. JPRS/DC 8059 /6/*Special weu-Franch 6~'t. co Scientific Results of the Missions of the Society of Geiological and Minting Studies of the Congo Basin and ReIREed Works, Geodesy and Geophysics, Gray- Ixn etry by L Jones, PIP. L. Mathieu, et al. FREN&. ~P-;, Records of the Musee Royal du Congo Beige, Vol XXXVI, 46 pp. ACIC Sci-Earth Scl & Astron April 64 255,666 The Byatewtic ftsetionsl Ibctraction of Polyme-ra, b7 V.. Dsarm=j 16 p. -"1 7114 0 TMM Reeuoilv :L949, Val LiCrM,. 2 - 1: pp 7N-&6-. StA 5P-17133 sei 16W 60 Vol 31 No k J/A~. 79!,-$- z Chinon Nuclear Plant EDF-30, Summary of Tedudcal Features. FRENGLO rpt, Recuoil des Caracteristiques TOSLU'Usuess tite do Tr-ancc Region DwEejimeut NucleEAM, No 1, "AEC 113-9 sci-INUCI Sci 144Y 67 (2.ccNVap:,,ty of i;*,tlu VilLages of th,,-t Rumnlan Peoples AepulAta, by 1. Bacarmru, D. Buga, 3. NoInar, Icana . eftnoocu., V. %lafescu, J7 pp. st FRX=., bkt D . dl Concernant Im Teyrltg#o de Is ReFtblique jpRs 6641 seog Feb &L Illustrious Collection of Belgian ead Congo Decoratious, by Heari_~gno I"M-945969)t 132 pp. P20CH, b1c, Recuell-Illuotre-d P Decorationa Bel a at 4tb ed, 1953. 0-2,P OO)SA 0-121T Wgtxr - Belgium Ns,i,A - COMBO Military CTSIDVX FUDERAL DECREL CO%ICFRNING A-MAIRCRAFT PROTE=ON CONSTRUCnONS (OF M-CEMBER 21. 19501. 1196015P. Order from SLA $ 1. 10 60-10736 Trans. of Itecucil des We F,-Jerales (sicl (Switzer- land) 1951, no. 21, p. 467-470. DESCRwrORS-, 0hotective shelters. Construction, 7 2 Switzerland. (Unginecrtng-CM1. TT. Y. 6. no. 10) DFA-1 T-W.A S-4-- FDA 1288-67/14 --76?1_1 12 Or-t 66 Sur 1,1-mootsonence?nt de noutons Mr lo ~-nj, - n officinaliq E~,?: .'-"ousqu ut. Dosaint Fron; Recmell cle Mod,. vet6 oar* 1'rxivs, 1907 np56*2-6,-,) ( .7 nn ) French - est for wds: ranslal.e and ty~ 1 camera rea6y copy. Contribution to the Study of Wmaitis in Cows, and of stalftlococcic Mamitle in Particular. Its Treat- mout by Specific Aratoxin, by RuW Richou, Georges Haoteina 3A pp. PM=, per,, Rea Wd;'Ivkl~p Vol (I-XVIlt 1941,v PP 329-338. B.L.A. Tr No 535/1955 Sci - medicine ~4- 6 - f f-5 Mar 1057 MS/dax Contagious Pasteurella BronchW Pneumonia~ by L. Placidl; et alp 7 PP. Pllil~,, per, Ree Ned Vet de! LINcole DOAlfort, a 0, ---- - - -- Vol cxxlxo Ron*), S.L.A. Tr No 497/1955 Scl - Nwicine .4/jr J-6,1 Jhm lm CTS/aex ~Lntneti~~ally Produced Oest.:,o~:enr ana the Me,hanism. Provotin~; Weif- se in Far-~ ~it Increa- by P. Szur-.owsl:i. !~IIMICII, per, Recueil de I.Ied:lzine Veterinaire de I 'Rn,~ole dl Alfort, Vol. 134. No. ?. 29fS. PP 81-90 csno/zio. 6934 . 67 335-9Si4 unia A&tiliuit Neveastle D.lawat-ic ana imajik Variols 'by 11-imans Ot LiviDe ViruBeus IOY (t 0. 0=,-iU,, D. Rmrounl, 3.5 !rp, o" YxIEW.119 perj, BecNed Wtv V61 C=j, May 1955P su AM e~ 2963 f 3/ Aug 59 AUOoS440 Mbildtle In Pige - SUdy Or thO 14MIOD and Atto"t of nkaoOeal OW P&thOlQgICGI rmtQrvma&tl=,, by A. Prion, N. Pbutalne, Ch. lalylle, 3A. rp. PRU=o ow, Val C=Mtli, 1b 19, 1957, Vp 1035-3LO"- CIA/VtD X-3413 ftl - am mw 99 t A, A.-I Frot4oa RelAtLng to the S tatus of Prench Dmtwo and Bidlogisto Serving in the PubUo SosgtaUsation IntobUebmauta or UetlW Mmaw-OoasU d�Alprleo 7 pp. mmmump doct=mftp RDWMJ'l at mom- on Varlso VOL Vin, rb 49., pp 4 ACSIC 1-62&0A ID eww'00 WE_ 9kw mw 65 2.76,341. D,l rwaous of tte Urschus & , by Ricardo Lomr, Jara, 4 9 P'.0 - SPAIMSE., per, Rea ftold JILUtj, 'Vol XIV,. Sep 1961., PP 7-39. NmvY Tr 3L44/= 697 SOL - mod -, J= 62 " w investig,ittions on the Perception of the Lirsovity Airnalus, ir/ C. J. Rutten- i~,ekaMja ring, ?8 :,~ T) GEFC-111', (9r. Rwusil des Travairc !.~otani Os P AU - 111'eor.Unclals, Vol 7, 1910, pp VCL-344-.'-,q11d65763-v -A- T LL' Am- 6)8 352.14,,7. tnv4mdptlom on tho PbolotroVftm Past L unnueral Immirador;p by .,w. ii. Arizz - ILVV =IX -~GLAMMP per# ugo fts CeNdgm Vol 21. 4 72,1915 02w tAl-t-A~NL- Tr-199-A Scl-Engr CK'I 65 290.076 irmeallodons -on Pbotouq#sm.#, by W. H. Arw,o. FrUINCH. per. RRMS dgm To VC& 15,01% h2momm pwp -04 1915 -408909r i-LEC, 7- C/, set-phys Nov 65 292,973 Inymigadons on Pbototropimi Pan M Tbeared CotmkiemUon&~, by W. 1-4 ArIoL GERMAN, rV4 Recumfi des Trim= Mgmu." Neowland" Vol Xv. 110113. W 1535- 13. VZZW21 Xri!:Xlm--Tr,-Igg-c Set - Phys Feb 66 295,483 English Title Unluiown, by 11. G. Du Buy. GEIUVIX, per, Rec Trav Bot Neerl., No ')'0, pp 8,50-88c), *CFSTI TT 70-53o42 SePt 70 English Title Unknown, by H. P. Bottelier. GEENIP14, per, Rec Trav Bot Neerl, Tio -11, 19304, PP 517-560. *Ck-STI TT 70-53037 SePtv 70 9; b -Dl The Effect of Eth~ls on the Formation of Grovth Materials in Avena and Vicia, by Van Der Laan,. DUTCII, per, Reaucil des Travaux Botaniques Neerlandais, Vol 1934, pp 691-742. *JPRS/'q/"')~~ F'/Cj- Sci-Chem march 64 A2. ur f 7,'L 0, C7T 63- M17 Enklear. J. EL RESEARCH ON *17HE ACrM OF ALKALIS ON t. 'ntle: Chlorals CHLORAL FrYDRATM CONCLUSION& 1196317p6 1. Eb*lasr. J. EL B rt&. * Order ftem SLA $1. 10 63-14111 Train. ol Recuedl Ideal Tray[atm] Chimliques den tes' DE:SCRWMM- *AcetRIdehydes, Chlorides. Hydrit Decomposition. Catalysts. *Allmline metal compounds, Potassium compounds, Soditim compounds, Hydraddes, *Hypudcs and sedatives, Andspasmotic agents, Cermicides. (Chetnis"-Orpnic. 7T, v. 10. no. 5) offict of Tv-ikwsi Senkes TT-63-20513 somasken, J., Sdmr, J. van der, and Vocr. J. G. de 1 M DCCOMPOSMON OF HErrACHLOROPROPANE. 1. Title: Heptaddoro wrM THE HELP OF -*Y I" =T =t-& propew LKMON TO THE UNDUlt- M V 4C I - Boeseken. J. STAND9W OF CATALYSIS). 11963122p (ftp omitted) It. Sclbaer. J. was der 3 0 M - Voost. J. G. de Otdar trom SLA $2.60 TT-63-20513 Trana.dR.. PAy*--8-"j,O=6i6) DF-SCMUTORS: OPropsaw. OChlorl4es. Pyrolysis, OCaftlynts. Catalysts. Zinc compowtuds. Barium com- pownds, AlumInum compounds. Copper catalysts. Cbevalcal equilIbrium, (MemisnT-Orgaide. TT. v. 11, no. 3) Lange, U P. W. dir. THE FORMATION OF PHENOL BY AC,-nQN OF SDE"i W-TIMATE ON THE WRIER CIII-OR&- BENZENES. (1963114]p. 4 refs. Order froi-ai SIA 11. 10 63-18-146 Trant. of Aeq[uell cittal 'rmylaux] Cbknflquev des Pay-A-ICHetherlandi) 1919. v. 38. p. 101-105. DEXWIMS: *PbAnAm, Symbads (Chendstry). Sodium cornpounds. "ADmxy radicals. Menzenes. *Chlorides. 1. Title: ;'h=vI lvdl-iv. 2. Title: ~~dl U*1:1 1. Laqge, ',L P. w. de (Chemistry-Orgiudc. TT, v. 10, no. 12) afrxt C4 I'skoc.1 Ww's llydx%o&vn Reduction a:[ ilalogpits, by N. Parravo, C. Aazzetti FREN12i, par, Rocuoil 1'rav., (:Iiw. pays-Bas at de la 8 ). Vol 42, 1921" pp 821. *3131 4410 scill'Aw ,~ep 65 fl-'--imp-,=.~~. ~~n~l Stractuvn~, by T, Jorj3, n"p. per, Rec Trav Chim des Paye-Bas, Vol QVI, 16. ~&~. W ... MItEDMI.-Mlk~-. s I A 21 UA 4 0" Sci Cbc-mict-,r La Feb 58 NCH-200 479 Field X Boeseken. J.; Adler, A. A. THE RIIACTION OF ACETYLENE WITH BENZENE IN THE 1. Boeseken, J. PRESENCE OF ALUMINUM CHLORIDE. May 65, 14p. U. Adler, A. A. 13refs. TC-703. 1U. TC-703 Order from TC: HC$14.00 as TC-703 IV. Tr&ns-Chem. Knox"lle. Tenn. Trans. of Chimiques des Pays-Bas (Netherlanide) v49 p475-85 19i-9. 62-22401 Gillew, A. and cabers. OUNTRIFILITION TO TM SWDY OF THE 1. GUlet. A. FYROLYSLS OF VEGETABLE ORGAMC MINERALS. U. K-H-5976 b fL9621 25p. 111. Kresge-Hooker Order from K-H $31.25 K-H $976 b Science library Associates Detroit, Tram. of Recueil des T [des Pays - aim 0xind Mich. og w us at de- ve4pRwI vvet1wrZanusl 1 IYJI I T. so, no. 12, p. 239-256. DESCRIPTORS- Pyrolysis, OVegetables, *Organic materials, Minerals. v. 10, no. F~C A7 The Diffusion of Illo In W, by J. A. !-,.Van Liempte GERIW, por, Rwylel Tray Chim dies fiLys- No 51. 1932. pp 114-132. ONBS TT 70-57412 Sai-Mat Aug 70 The Viapor Pressure of MatAls w4 Their Rate of VoUtilization in Vacw=j, by J. A. M. Van UaWt, 5 pp. PH= 0 FIR J, no I AkIt4p rk4m-do*-" Dam.. Val LTV3' I Noy 1 Faii. SIA Tv 77k/1955 Sal - Min/Met / -9 f Jul " The DiffuBion of H in Cu, by J. It. De Boer. GMWM,, per, Itee Tray Chin., Vol 54.9 193% pp 970-974. *NTIB/08 TT 71-55166 Available M only June 71 Nauta, W. Ih. w12 Ok-nAe, 1. 'W. 1 6 ~- 141 11, SOME' IME~Sl ~-i'I-L\L DERIVA HVLS (I-OR"M4C, AN Naklut, W. 1. ElliER FROM CHILORIDE AN'D MEMY1. ALCOHOL). It. , J. V". (190"1 9p, (1-~~fs. ~mlitwj). [if. Title f"willing, Order from $1. 10 63-14118 Trans. A Chill-Iliques dv~ Pays-Ras] (Netherlands) 55-, DESCRUITORS: 'Methyl radicals, 41knizenes, Lther,, *Chlorides, *Alcohols, Formaldehyde, Chemical rwictions, Sulfur compow-0s, *Mesio,l radical,,, Electrical conductance, Dioxwes. By dw ncu--i of ior roldchve and I ICA on mv.~ityf,iw (1-2 mol formahit.4v4de to I mol mesitylutic) onv t,r rwc, MICA groupz~ %x,:rv iI1[j*0dWW illtt) the 1110leCUIC. bi 1'. cCiloro- 1. 2. 4. 6 LCtranicthyl bt~IIZVn(-, thc chlorine atom, under niv tffmt of the muthyl groups in "IIIU' 2,4 anJ 0 has a heighicned rCaCtiVity. SU IIILIIIVI (CLcmistry-Organic, 'M', v. 10, no. 6) (oVel') OfflM of lKkmad kn~ Crystal Structure of Trioxymethylene, by N. F. Moorman. FRENCH, per, Recueil des Tirav Chia des Paxs-Bas, Vol 56, 1937, pp 161-166. NLL Ref: 5828.4F (7258) Sci-Chem May 69 377,496 63-18043 Reinders. V1. and Vries, R. W. P. de. I CONTRIBLMOUS TO THE SILVER NUCLEIUS 1. Peinders, W. THEORY OF THE LATENT IMAGE: Tl-1E CRI-1-1CAL 11. Vries, R. W. P, de SIZE OP 'ME NUCLEIJS. 11963116p. (tip. orrtned) 11 refs- Order from SLA $1.60 63-18043 Trans. of LeCj1mj1-dC&j-TxayjAUxjChImjIqm des P1q--BNd (Neffierlan&) 1937. V. 56. no. 9/10, P., 19.1-999. DESCRIMRS: *Silver, Nuclei, Tbeory, PhotograpWc Images. *Ptxxochetnistry. Pb3tographicernulsims. (Chemistry- -11hysical. TT. v. 10, tho. 8) The Add-ition and Addition Products of Halogens und 3kqnzene Derivmtives. X1. The Effect of Chlorine on Benzotrichloride,, Benzal Chlcxide, Benzyl Chloride mud Toluene, IWqW by T. vwi der Linden,, 15 pp. FRLMO., per, Requell dep Traimuz -0ja3ups -4013 DMZBapp V~i LVII., 19313,, PP 1075-1W6. S.L.A. Tr UO 36X/1955 Sci - Ned Jan 1957 M/dox