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Bernsidold, Arnold. 1 63-14197 STREAKMG IN NYLDN FABRICS. [1963113P. 14497 1. '110c: Streakiness Order from SIA $1.60 63- 1. Bernskjold, A. Trans. of Rayonne et Fibres Syathetiq- (BeWurn) e:_iF* fv.*_M]_W 1962 , . DESCRIVIXMS: ONylon, *Fibers (Synthetic), Textilen. *Dyeing, "es, Absorption, chcffdcal properties. Acids. NUccular association. Amides. Physical prop- erties. CLassificalion, Phlyamide plastics. (Materials- -Textiles, TT, v. 10, no. 5) 9MM d TKb*M Microscopic ExamInatioa of Polyamide Fibers Using Polarized Light., by U. Ebert. FRENCH~ per., tMnne Fibres amthetiguea., No 2,, 1963., pp 145-15o. NTC 71-14585-11E Feb 7 2 G. %old. K. H. MTERMNING TM BENI)ING-BREAKING-STRESS STAMtXrY OF SINGLES FIBERS AND ITS RELATION TO THR INCUMATION OF FABRICS FOR PILUNG. JIM] Up (np otnlae4 6refs Ordertimm SLA $1.60 TT-64-10376 Tram. Of figypMe, et Fibres Syqtbhdqx* (Belgium) 1963 Iv. i0l no. 6. p. S79-589. (Abstract available) D9SCRtFr0RS: IPFiberx (Synthetic). OTexiltes. Tensile properties. Polyester plastics. Stability. Streaaed6 Test oquiptneaL TT-64-10376 1. Title: Pilling (fiber knots) 1. Grunewuld, K. H. To determine w1bether it Is possible to make. from ii now fibe-ri rMirics wlllch will pIll more or lesq thait fabrict. with the *ante structure made from a known fiber, fxw must: determine, in addition to the breaking strength. the bending-b.-eaking-stress stability of said fiber. Without the necessity of using the method which consists (Mtertala-TexUles. TT, v. 11, no. 5) (ovar) office of T'CM..J~ st-C., DIFI~LIHNCE CIF TliE SEMON 017 SYNMIMC FlLi.MEM'S' )%, *n4i-' APPEARANCU A-D MhNIFIcUr OF 'ME FIMMED AR71CLF, Fr. ILL [i964) (fiLt~. otaitted) 4refs Order from SLA $1. 10 71744-1401.-) ,rmns. of Rayomw ct Fibrcs Spithedclues (3,4~,iurr) 19( v. 19, p. 935-940. T1*-i.-,,-1 ;C.I,-' .all - -Tiix, ilos, -rr. V. 12, rk-% 1) (I I ORM Tz" "Ol., ORUM FROM ": Ply') P.7433) Tba DOV01OWPUt emd 11reseut Standing of Bulgarian Gooamphic Salamms by ~V. '13atitkI Icvj JM 16 11P BMWJ=I;p pbotosUt of bk#. ftgv-1tie i Dneshno Sust C3:kftD U-%87 Sgur Bulgaria o O's 6 c -Pq ft. x TAquid Ficcloa MaterIeLls. Part T, by Th Van der Fla$ p 16 pp & Gump wp Ro Built voi up iWp pp 142-146. AIM Tr 37a SCI - Nue Phys oct59 71q~ -.3YF z Long Term Stability of Cert(tin Magnetic Mate.-inis Used as Cores, by 0. Castigliovi, ff. Valentimi. IMDX, par, ft. C%.,55_Ajun, Assoc Elect Ital xfffp*,1954. ' -- ------ D.S.3:.R./2828l/CT SCI - PbYsice *Z j .6~ May 57 CTO/dex pelLotor 0 1 -. lplwc Charts in 12m. Flat Fmator., by J. P. OdmV=o 25 pp. FIMM rptp PA"tm 0 1: oust" do plim do Ia. PJU ;W4, *M7=nWW,--jftt JLV" - 9MO" AW I&A"k 94d - sww .04,71, .r" oft 61 1"',eactivity of Solids, by B. Arghiropoulos and J. Elston, et al, FRE-11401,rpt, Reactivite des A-Lumines Noires non Stoechiomtriques, 17 pp. Dept of Modern Languages N. C. State LJniv at Raleigh Apr 67 322,892 (DC-4m) Annual ?A or Notberlsodo Reactor Center for 19598 61 IDV=j. axogmipbs awtor Oeotrm i"wimplAWL IL9599 i-iii 19600, op- 1-437. "s 8181 So Woo Pb" why 61 Ae&c:ttoris In and on Solidr,, by frarl Hauffe. OMMM,p bkjr Reaktiomen In und an Fasten SWrfen., X11 Book 1, rr, 1955. - 9066974 ABC Tr-h495 sci - Fwa it 04= ok:!t 62 - aj J I - .5-7~ Malyals at Maear Fuels. L. Ldsm&ution of Irradtw.*d Uraidum Somp] a, by ho Sarwidn, IL BfidaWA& MRWif4 TP4 -Rig~2=1= 136-radfirf at tile oqwqqTywpI;b2 SUHM larbAft IM.' Atomcncriae* 99229950 j;T-1c, Sck-W% T 290,5U Oct 65 Ilypoglyceritic and Antidiabotic Action of Some Plant ExtraCt3, by A. M. Garcia SPANISH, per, Real Academia do Ciencias Exactus, Fisicas I Naturales. Madrid Revista, Val 44, 19SO. pp. 103-14-. NTC 69-11761-060 Sci-E&M July 69 387,581 'i;ealkdad Comments on the IT-1cf1cmic with the Chlnew7communists', by 11, ilscgratc, 21 pp. SPAMS'll, per, Realidad %lol III, lb 3, Sept- Oct 1961" pp "-69. 3PRS 28957 .Nsta-China Pol Mir 65 276,623 CamOmIlan rereign Policy,, by Privice Sihanouk, 7 PP. Am O"ICXIkL Uss ONZ pp*po 2 Au(4 1958, FUMNIp pero Realites Qp Rvel to Desip Pbmo-m Porh. ftpt Of state Tv 4170016 Vs - Cambq4ts m Oct 58 9 (a ~r CIGARETTE PRODUCTION IN CAMBODIA, 5 PP. m'alul' PER, REALITES CAMBOCGIENNES, NO 348, 1963P Pp 8-9- JPRS 2:0509 FE-CAMBODIA E CON AUG 63 238,468 COTTON GROWING IN CAMBODIA, BY C. SZARWARSKI, 5 PP. FRENCH, PER, REALITES CAMBO)GIENINES, Nlos 353.$ 354, 1963) PP 7, 6. JPRS :20578 FE-C01,113MIA ECON, AGRI AUG 63 236,613 THE KFIMIER DISTILLERIES IN CAMODIA, H 7 PP FRENCH, PER, REALITES CAMBOIGIENNES, NO 357, 1 0 9"3, PP A-F. JPRS co578 FE-CAMBODIA rcoN AUG 63 - 23, ~, 612 D by Tiber %n 11-M scu smilowl 1u Gowdu Us In mat Ipp MrAdmn" Bun flano Z4-4j ;I~ata for tb:) Mr-f--,Z-y anx-i-to V - h ,,, - I-pi.j"I! lwt. M-IL --,t In :Lgop 48 -M. j-ma 11&-3 Mw - 1-lu"Itard'a 17 jam 59 (P-172-5/0 20 OwdppA*U SoU DWoWnit cd the 0% by U. ommcmo V. M. P-6 I*. ML MWWMp bkp AnUawl Sa_qm%pmM Ma 34 "OrIMAUL Iwo IN, wl-li Fl. us MRA 59 HWoirdag, ot tba ftm In RFRv by Maa Wlnwaup A3APmn&xp, INxmmu,, 23 pp. MM EWWWS 1*,j Aw-oom=& REE6 in 190., yp 3-u- How - Rum=% Iftom limu W 7f# f-st SETEE Contributions to the Problem of the Physicu-Geographic Regioning of the Territory of the RPR, by T. Morariu, I. A. Demidovici,, M. Iancu, I. E. Oleinikov., A. Savu, I. Sircu) RUMAIMO) bk, Realizari in Geografia RPR in Perioada 194T-1957, Bucharest, pp 121-132. *us JPRS EE - Rumania. Econ Ggpj~__ Dec 58 oum iml~om=ticm am the btraity or the pr%X-mitgai In tLe RM a.,,,cordt*cg tr, tkm 3.q,35 lw,=UOP 'Cry Viet= ?4d~walp Mcmllmn- b-alwWrinvo roam steffamut u pp- =L rL-=zdQal,# AS, ow"t".1 sz,.Geoi;mtl& !M to paztm& 19.4749fts- pp 163- IT07 us im IU5-N dece am 2m--V/c Adlievemmu In the oaftsmable Flom In the Iftot So YaLres by ClMavt C. Mods 24 ppp =L RUKMANS bk Rw2l"rl I Qooopsfim RM In Perloadit, IlEdbimt; NGF Aft,.Z,34- m orm --07,0P 59 contribatiAm to the Pzoblmit of the Ph7&too- Gow"two smalculus at the Immitory of the mms by T. MWATIM% 1. A. IkoldovUl. IL X. no OUdulkwp A. Bxvuv and Z. ]WO am RSSUAWK ;J~ ~ . . sn a= 216" 70', Illro Xb= 7* Bem3 Mmme at Mm- and MUte-CoLlar Wwkiers In Vdawls* 1W ANUM Godbons 3D pp. lNUUMMI bko RMOA OddoDU at ftbotaltalte i TIR MOK*a Odt"v 19ap PP 83,M JM 15T36 .2 14 soon. an ;;wu ( f~) c - 7) - The Rebellion of Tute, SPANISH, nonograph, Panama, May 1959, 37 pp. *JPRq LA - Panama Pol - Internal 17 May 61 Mariani. E. 3nJ Bolla, hi. CHROMATOGRAFISCH ONI)ERZOEK VAN IIET GER- P0ANILThl (Chromatographic Research of Germanium) 4p NITIM: 886. (text in Dutch). Order from 0113, or CTC SI.40 (31-17616 Trans. of Piccob~ Note. Recension! e Notizie Italy) 1955, v. 4. p. 7.1-75. DESCRUTORSt 'Germanium, *ChromatograWc analymis, Minerals, Electrolysis, Zinc. 61-1-616 1. Mariani, E. 11. Bolla, N1. 111. I%MVL-SS6 TV. Stichting Nioellijk Toegank-elifte Wcten~cbap- pelifte Literatuur of vl-e cf 5"Npeta by Cihl4-ln- -P. MVJAN,, purp Racemioni c Notimiey ARM,, i01 V.~ rz ,L., 19,56, !)p ~-13. VS Dopt of Nat Bar of 6taudards Oct Ul r-Ov Air Pa.Uu #0255 11-6567-D 11 Aug 617 Radioisotopes Intthe Study of Pulmnary Respiratory F'unctIon By: P. PAVOIXI,, et al From: Recentl Progr. Md. Rome July 1964 Vol -77 pp 1-16 ( 46 pp) Ita.lian - est Cor wds: Please translate end type I orlginaL copy and 1 carbon copy. Document enn be cut. Secanc-I Spccia-l I-eport on the Ilif.1-r-i iltitu~llc Sal.-'PILIL Prog-vam. I.--y ldbert 1'. Ste-bluins, 2~31 PP. E 'NGLISE to SPANISH) I rpt, Recolec2ion de -a G,.a-,-i Altura, Se[,Lu-ido Informe Espacial al Gobierno de la Republica ArL-enti-.-ia, 31 JulY 1C)JI. HASP, Defense Atomic Support Agency ilpt 539 'B Washington 25, D. C. iclz~u,, .~~40n 13Y Brarciava Alm. rpt -99-1k Popuutte Din e1 lit Rvmlute GOOM20, Bwtbuost, 1959~ Dept of comemcm Bu of the Cims rcep mampam Res wc 33 - Itawlalli Apr 60 W-499W -7 93 j" 67 P"O A&UM Ot F4WkIWUQW MA Up"m as calu Valli I Not sa VMWDO by mw jr 4"s I I ~ -- ftowju J! sa was"*Out ngvmp J6 Jda 0 17.Pms i &,- "Was fteft a" c"T 10-160 to met "dulft ,i),d1ugen IOLUIction of J'alides. by ~4, 'Azzettis ' I Parravo, C. I ITALIMO bk, Recouil dos Travaux Ujimicues de=a S-Bas et-E -Ia Belgique, Vol 420 19123. 821 pp. 61SI 4410 Sci/I I PPj sep GS ja(),549 C a du t ID All SaftaCnaardi; A.-,'Zinat Fl-,i-.tcr Df Ar-, nn~~ , by -, A - 01- S. - /A 0,3rb,axe, D&Tric-,,, (~Ii pp, 4 FWCHj, per., 12p 1949j. Pp 3-5-3b, 110 13., 195-v., Pin :27-%3. Tid 1423 sci - Aeronautics 3 5? VA7 f O=i-Directional Dielectric Aerialv, for Ultra- Short Waves, by C. Duco~, FRMH, perj. &tSLABM, No 9, 1!?49 R.A.8- 546 Sel - Aeranav4"s I /'J.d 3d, gx-~ lx-.e Diffusion in the Solid State, by H. Buckle. FMCM,. per, La Recherche Aeronautique Vol 12, 1949, pp 45-54. *RTISINBS TT 71-53141 Available NBS Only June 71 An Mtr*-Rm;d4 Mnw CQU gtxvboaoope,# by R. JOAD& 2, Vlotllo&mtjl 15 pp. a Le hmbu-cbe A 11 If I I-- pw '130172 19500 vp WW.- CaER 7r so 21* 6kd 4" Pt" Zon 63 CCA C-P C) 16 s ~ Multi-Stage Fatigue Tests, by H. Guyot, G. Schimkat. FRENCH, per, Recherche Aeronautique, Vol III, No 18, 1950, pp 3-9. '-- Tm 424 Translation Miscellaneous Series The Iron and Steel Institute 4 Grosvenor Clardens, London, S.W.;- Available on loan Apr 60 Inv--eatigatioto of tba Boundary,-Uy= Control an a F0.1 Ell Scale Swept WIng Vith Air Mod Off FrOm tbei T~wbojat, by F. Rebuffetv Ph? Pblason-Quintou FREINCHj, Rech. aero-s (14),. 39-Vis Mar/APr 1950 .-I-1.1 . ...... NACA TV No 2331 SciemtIfIc - AeradyamxU-s Det~--rmination of Carbon in L--,r Alloy "-t t~,13 and in Eimt Registant Macrys of tba vital-li= f 11 by F. tbJwmnd. FK-IRCH.p perg Each mero Vol XV,, 19501, PP 39-43. RA.R,, arnbcrough Tr 450 chemiatry Aua 54 CM 161 A New Brittle Lacquer For Streso Analyuic; 'Varnirah- Lacquer",, by He. Guyoto FMOMP PeT, Rech. nerof-, 07), Sep/Or-t 1950. A. D. R. att A. R. R.,p Fort 84stead W No PFT/226 12.10,235751 SclentMc - Lacquer.. amlysio, varnish Index Aeroviauticus oAl 4. "jevf ~.6Lati[Nake's In DxPortagatal Calculation 't~j o-2' ~J:iacullsctrlc Aralogios,, by I=iaia 22 Amro., No POr SUL 59-10338 NOV 59 Vol 20 ."o Accustile Acaustia Maracterlatica of the Atmospberej by E. Zctart,, 26 pp. MIMAWTI'33D ftll translation. Wma par# U ftwWom ku0mutiaRl No 21 fty - JW* ISP51j pp 59-66. AM IP-U-7ftT-M Selimtitic - Physicar aammiace, sound, etwepbere Berce"tics Oct 52 CITS/hm vaCTA MW? '. C'.. I- I - - 'Application of .1311cc"Zon Pcozz t~l C'. 1-~~ -1-- .. Azalyuio at a L--! T.))l 3 tranaUtion. TP RMCMp p=, Racberche Acron, Vo 23, Scp-Oct 1951, pp Uol,n Scotda No -r-W Alig 53 CM Z/ 4- C~4 I I . I " ~ 1-1 ~ " I .. s by a * electric Analooo by Le XblavarOp R. Duquenne. French,, per, Reqb Aeroo (23)s,,3-12,SeP/Oct 1551- 2PA3 Mo, No T 39ft Scientific - Aeronauticua,, roemlectric,, analov 'Index Aermauticus Tbe Lift of Sweptback Wings at Supersonic Speeds by E. A. licheibrenner nEMC j, Rech. Acro. , Jan/Fab 1952, pp 19-20. Wanslation Lasued by the Aeronautical Research council 14,939 OT/344 IrvMx Aeronauticus,, Oct. 1952! 62-18622 CastaImIg, R. I APnJCATWN OF HMADCTRONIC PROBBS TO A 1. Camtaing, R. MMM OF PUNCTUAL CHEMUCAL ANALYSIS AND CIMMALLOGRAMM 119U1 13p. (11 oniltuxil OzdBr ftvft SLA $1. 60 F2-18622 Trams. ot la Recberche Ad. utique (Pramce) 1951, an, 23, 0;-41~W.- DMSCRVTORS: 631ectrou tnicroooopy. *X-ray spect"Mry. Dwlwk, Opandoo, Hlectrom beano. alectrom losses, *Ch&MIcs1 analysis, *crystal Structure. The principle &ad the nrat application two of a mew wAtbod cd local cheadcal analysis am briefly met totil. The expei mestal appratus reallmed at 0. X EL R. A. J- the awAlpts of a determined ragWo al the codes nC a w1cm cubed cd a spedwes with a pre- (Metnistry--Analytital. TT. v. 9. am 11) (oveVl D"ke 0 Tachmsf &crvkes Choking Hmmomona Occurring in F3ny--,- Stabilization, by J. Fabri, R. Slestrunck, C. Ycoure. Full tmniqlation. FRENa. Zoeb-Aerop Vol 25,, pp 21-,27# Jan/Feb 1952. Mronautical Sessarch CouncU Tr No 2 14 (VP 7-20 OW1431 Scieutific - Aerodynamics Index Aeronautico,, March 1953 Frunce 53 Electrochemical Teets for Evslust'~Ing the Sensitivity of t1w LIGbt Alloys to Intergranlor Corrosiong Ap- plication to the Study of the Vechanism of Stress Corrosion, by P. Ae Jacquet. FRENCHO perp Rech Aero, (25), 1952P PP 55'-'70- TPA/TIB Tr No T 4017 Scientific Chemistry, electrochemical, alloys, cor- roeion, necbanism, tests index Aeronattics SUePl'.- IVItQi; t%t ;,~Z-41UZA AEIZjleG CS AttlCk- by Nobert, Len~-rdrm., 16 rip., YM, CHj per, Rechercho Aercnautiqw, Uo 30. lcj52. 'N'GA04 F-337C6 Scientif ic - Aeronautics Jan 55 CTIS Static Musurvant of Acrodymmic Rolling Dariva- tiveag by M. Slawts, 17 pp. . "r,, Riecbembe Acronsultiques No 30j, 1952, pp 9-13,.* ""~ RACA N-31LI7 Scientific - Aeronautics jus 54 CTS/m zoyl dry/ Wind-Tutml Jbssuremmat ot the! Aerodyamic Dariva- tt"m of a Moftl by s 16thod of Sustained OtciUations bW X. Scbwwp 10 pp. 11013M,j_M JWcbw-bbe Awanowtiquej, No 30j, 1952,0 vp XA,CA 5-31005 Sclentltic - Awanaft" Ane 5h czs/= ,ome I(easwements of Time and spetce Correlation in lind Tunnel, by A. Favre, J. Gavi-lio, R. Dumas, 21 pp. ,,RENCH, per, Le Recherche Acronautique, No 32, I'v-r'/APr 1953, p 21-26. NACA TH 1370 Mur - France sci - Aeronautics up F Flaw Near the Forward Tip of a Highly Swept WIng at WdIum Angles of Attack- Part 11, by Robeirt Legandre, 12 pp. /V4 IPIIENCH,, per, Racberch* Aeronauti4uc, JaDPA 1953a A1.41, A L/T - N-33709 ftlentifIc - Aeronautics Jan 55 CTS Microspectrographic Analysis 'iOf Metals and Alloys# by Jo DescuVes FMCS per* Roch. Aerop No 32, Mar/Arr 1953j- vp R *A.N~ ftmbwaa&) Tr No lky 55 cm ApparALtus for 16&xurwwnts of Time and Space Correlatlon, by As Favre, J, Gaviglio, R, Dums, 210 pp. IFRENC3tp per..~& Recherolm Asronautique,, Do 31, ikA/hb 1"39 NO& Tm I= .,..* g07 Salesdifto - Asmuntion 6*01 ft 55 CTS The Problem of Spalling and riasuring Clorrorion of ftfraotory A-Uoya for CKa T,jrbiL-za, by V. Galmicbs. UNCL YMM, per, In Reabereba Aaronauti", My/Jun 19$41 British Iron eW Steel Ind (no uuw*r given) Sai - wtua/wt Sev 59 ~W' af e; ~y Beprecontation of the ?me V1.1watious of a qins in the lilmd with the Aid of tim co=opt of lbooryo t7 R. bbset" 29 ppe VMWjj "r, Beebarchas Aerountiquess go 19# 1900 NWA V-0,7m Sci - Adwousutleso Snaft"rINS 37116 Aug 1956 TherLan Protection of Power Rocket Coi:bustion Cliarfoers, by P. Deriaz. 13 pp. FRENW, per, La Recherche Apronautique No. 57, 19S4, pp 29-S2. GOVERNMT USE ONLY AIU.VIZSIC/Tr-848-68 Sci/Prop Fs Fuels Doc 68 354,937 OWervattow Rw"lng a CriterLon of Lowimr Sepam- tion In the Tbr"-Dlnomlaml Bmw"ry L*Yeri, by 33. A. Mcb*lbre=er., A. Oadert, 9 pp. I I . ., P*rp lkdWwcbo Aerommutiques, So 40j, Julip ima 1.954j, PP IIWA 187 499a ftl - Pbw*im it? 4~ 75-,- 7 &w 57 ilessidta of Superwnic Wind-twnel Teas of Air kdakes with Pointed Ce=al Bod Is% by Y. Margrolle. FE11MC14 per, in Redmrche Aipronaudgm No40,1954, pp 53-55. L)ept Ot Iftry Tr 4236/"L Nov~nss A s Sd - Bloc Aug 65 287v317 Flow 11roperties of Oacrul, a Refructory Casting Alloy, by J. Poulir,;nicr, H. Bibring FMCH., per, Rech Aero, Vol. XLI, Sep/Oct 1954, Pp h7-51- -' TPA3/TIB T 4494 WEur - France sci - kinerale/Metals 0/ '07er The Second Ayprmdmtiorl for a Slender Wing in Subronic x plowg by J, Legras, 14 pp. FRMM., 14 Rechwabe S~F~~G, No 42, Nav-Dec 195k, pp IT-a- ...... ..., ETA Tr ihgl/56 Sol - Aerol Physics .47Z.3-, e 41-1 -7- mar W CTS FlSb-lomt~a Temperature Fatigue! Tert3 With Eep-catec or Cyclic, Tensde stress iG. Vidal., P. lznusee. FRENCH.* per, La Redmrche Aeronautique., VoULVO 14WftM 1955. *"' pp~~ Ifenry Brateber Tr 389B $9.65 Aug. 57 ID!mwmi A=44~ Arplied to Vibration Testa of 11(vaine" Structuresp by G. delfries,. 15 pp. FESIVCR,p pwp Rec 04u**-* 44 0, ftrAI)i 1955 a!!C~~~ NACA N-43627 Sci - Aeftnautleop Engloeerlmg Jul 1936 Slpi.a f14 61-25164 Eichelbrenner. I- A. and Oudart, A. THREE- DIMENSIONAL LAMINAR BOUNDARY LAYEF 1. F-ichethrenner. I- A. SEPARA11ON (LL Iwk-ollernent Laminaire enTrois 11. Oudart, A. Dimensions) tr. by V. A. Sinclair. 1%t. LOp. 4 refs. 111. NRCC T-r-%3 NRCC Technical (rans. 963. IV. NRCC C-3686 Order from NRCC $0. 50 NRCC C- 3686 V. National Research Council of cawda Trans. of Is RNhgirCb0_M_Lpn!u!Jqw_AFrance) 1955, rim 47. p6 It'-14. DESCRIPMRS: OLaminar boundary layer. Sqwratlm, Cylindrical bodies. Tests. Wind tunnels, Hydrody- namic kboratorfes, Mathes. tical analysis. (Mechanics- -Aerodynamics, Yr. V. 6, m 9) Office of Tdged sw.4~6 Sep&mtion of ftme-Dimen i6nal Lmnimar Flow, by P. Legaudre. rRUM,, per', Reaberche Aoromutiquop Vol LIV, 1956, pp 3-8- - OT A777 (N=/Tr-981) /J 1! * -- -~ - ..I. ~ - 11 sci - pbys 2,57 al Jkla. 62 C, Stereoscopic Time Photography 11axticles in SuBpenai= in an Aerodymmic Flow, by A. Giraird, Z. Robert. FPMCRj, W. Rech Acro, Vol XWEX, 1956# PP 31-39- R.A.Z. rarnaborough Tir 615 -r Sci - ftyalce I :Y) 6 5-d - MY 57 CM/dex Sm lkws- Au%Xyzw for Pomes 4ad Xawmts.. by J. is alsuo,, 6 p. MWItp per# I& RecbMho AOMWA14mp 1.956# No 49o VP 30-40~ --- SLA 60-10351 lki // a 03r Ayr 6o TOOL m p so 3 The Mmmurements of Sbock We"s.. by J. matteip 17 PP.. (Ay lo5kM) . FRM=p per 1,!6 Rqpb&=b&.AdmmautLWej, No 50, )Iar/APr IR, W ==KW - 39zW.-- ATIC IP-TS-9122/Ill Sci - Phys J--5~ x a ~? Oat 57 I I TPLutd=w.talu of the Jet-WLaEj, bi k'.'Az .'cYp 31 Pni, PFMEH.o perp Reabarche AeronaZitiques Vol L11.9 19A, pp 3-11-. -"' "' ' "" MA 57-3031 Sci - P~A.r f-6 -- k 1 3 /11 V/1 ApIcal Vortices aW Trumot-Shaped Vort" Sbeetsp by "Mrias RWP 23 P- M=Mlp par" -1957.- N9 56# Vp 3-12# mA 59-x6Tr8 Bei mw 60 //4 O&K VOL 3m 100 4 ? uxpox-imi2tal Study oi I-i(ms in a 'Wpo It ., - orscmic Air Intake, by jo iiicolwi. I14L-Woi, par, La A~orcho-Aoronautiquo_, ijo $6. 1957, lip 23:28. --.qwjnijwc, ASS".J4 Y I T S cl - Aa ro N..) T 6 5 278,225 62-18648 Tournler, ht aml Latirenceau. P. MACNETIC ~USPIZISION OF A MODEL IN WDM- 1. Tburnlar, M. TUNNEL. fl-)621 tS-,% 11. Laurenceau. P. Order frornSLA $1.60 62-18648 Tr- 0fILRLCI=VhCACW=VI=Vrance) 1957. no. 59, p.'21-26. DESCRU~MIU: *!;ujpc,,-sjon devices, OE30ctronlagnma, Bodies of revolution. Aerckdymwdc conngurations, Model te-atv, N,'Lnd tunni-IjL (Nlcch,viies-,'~erLxl~~riaiiiies, IT, v. 9, no. 6) DMN d TKWcal Untn Ilbe jamatification of P03,voitor Resin by '- yxtrared Sp"trophotometrys by P. Schueebeli2 p. wau4amay. M=AwM:ED MUM4 Re!h Aqroo Vol Wls, 1957a Vp 41-46. RAZ Farh1mroush Tr 702 Jan and Vleir 0- ,.Vtat-lan, imy ll~ Ehiockle, 6). rp.. par, I& rx%~r;bzrchs A*r;jr&utiq-u6, No P; ATYC act Kirl/mat iuVluencu cif Oxidation on the S~xx,-Cncc 'Ch--naicnl tion at High-Vemperature Allopi, by Vidal, FREIIC)ap per,, Ls Recharchm A*roummtiqm,, No 56, -Feb 1957a yp 47~~-- Co-op Tr Sch Tr 669 (Sh.3.0.0) Bel - Ian/=t Jan on thm Aa%wwtlo MIA CC Turbo hsaotarsp by X. NOWYMM. U= 7=14 porrilmh AwrOt MIE NO 5fla 19-57v Vp 29-35. ... no 7" set - Pt" Apr 59 g~t, 7*q St"Y of Parversim Phenomns In AV-Harderied LIsbt AUoyso by R6 araf, . Pmr, A"b Aems So 60; 1957s, PP 47-56. 1... 1-1. &)Pun, Sol - Uftwro" tau Jul 59 $?0? " Afrv Innuake-o of Obstruction of the note t7 name StablUsers cm Ue litinsticaLlsiltwo,, by G. SkUms, ppmaj, pwp aftbalbe A-maw"I"al TOOL pp 314 Aneft ftr"t Bast No2b*wwp AuftzuMA C. ep lie. Bei My 60 No W-1-111-3-(138) Calcu- :!t Essaua di Flotteilont oii 30LIMI~21"Lul Oll Aij- L.-Ibre Cur Ailes Semblablon, 'L,,, E. LC-i marui, FRENCH, pe;-, 1,-t Recherche Ae~aaautl'llque, lw',ai--ADr 1953, .1, 3 -13 Op *JPPS foi- NASA Sci - C) Etudi! du Flottement on Ti-azlsroriiqut~, G. Coup!,~ . ~-- P~azroli, FRENCH, L.7i Rechei~chc Aeronaat~Lque., 1958, pp -19-23. *JPRS for N-V),Il Sci Aei-o I ~~O liug ,"OntrIbutIon of Visualtmation to the stud..'r 0 of Lcar VelooLty Floir Am "(slu c;x COMYrOSaOrS. bY J. 103MUK IA Rawchj I. Rca*rt. UNCL IMMUD pmrp_?eah Acros Vol IXM, Ro U. 3.958.. vp 2).- jV TIL T .500 fti - Anro &- 01 ifty 60 P Ejoe~trtm Prolm ,~iicroanaly:5is of ,git 1:1oments, i)y iz. Casitaijil,, Lir J. I)OSC.UIVS. per, hecherche MIM4 tio 63, 1958, lip 41- 29 NASA TT F-9811 sci-Ic-lect nar 66 2197,335 Behavior of Transparmt Pi"tic Hatmul UrAmr Thavisa 3ba*k, btf As Kh* Mkbldwff & M. Hadiards La PPO puma# Pero IA boaft AgnmugM No 66, Sept-Got 193B# pp 35-42. 1?500062768-V Dept of Navy = tr 2549 sai/Ftwe Bay 68 3%v689 AppLicaticin of BlowiM at U-A Trailine Edge to the Gmtrol of Caseadess by 1. Pou2cn, FFEIVH per I& Ugeaft ASM=Uaw No 67* 3zas pp ;i*. la'SA TT F,11*650 fti Doe 68 3710324 The Improvement of the Safety of Aircraft .Ay the Perfecting of Hydraulic Transmission Fluidis, by Ch. RormW. FMC'J, per, Redwrdie haramike, Vol LIMM, 1959; YP 2X-30. BM 9w Bel - Aero 14 Z Y 7,j- Sep 61 LCU prefialum, 1wnolic Resinsp by S. Kohn. UWL Z=lf ]par, Rech Aeras Vol LXIrMs 1959s pp 3926. ME 855 So I - Cho= jkln 60 /I?, SI/