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(DC-NU/63-71) UomwaW tcr a Gmm%l On~ikr of lPro,%atlve &&"meant by T - LOOS"* P. :Mao .1, F m - rewtv MKppwt Gr"pp 1b 2.s 20 Apr 1990j, M IL-IL5. Od - NIAW 98 am 61 (M-3901) A cwlf -priming Automtic Analysis Unit, by 9 Y. Lacerf, A. Leroy, pp. FroM xvt,. _QRM4 (Group for Research on Auto- watic Solentific Laformation), No 2, of EURATOMv tw,y 1960. JIM 10367 sat - Mac Mchine Trwwlatlou Nov 61 (DC-3901) A !Ihe*ry of G-Orders, by P. Ihm, Y. lmmrf , 5 pp. ~ I i - FFMR, rpt! 49-M (Group for Research on Auto- inatle Scientific Wormtlon), No 2, of UJUTCH, Dimy JLOD- JPH5 ID367 Sai - glee m%chithe 17-?, 6 Ie irev 61 The Growth of North Sea and Zuider Zee Herring From Scale Examination, by H. C. Delsman, 76 pp. Vissch Onderz. XNRTAKRSM:DISII, bk, 1914, pp 133-187. Scottish Home Dept Sci Dec 63 (DC-3901 What Is GRTSAT, by A. Leroy, 3 PP. 'FMM, 13 r9t,/ (Group for Research on Auto- matic Scientific Information),, No 2, of gmma, may *60. im w367 Sal - Mae Maddw Translation 173,417 Nov 61- (DC-390-1/87' ReTort on the Work of 0.14.D.S.H. (Marc Bloch A-ssoclatl=) Durlag FIrat Qpm-to--r 1960, by J. C - Gaxdlnp 20 p9 no nWMs 3?4w, No 3. JU 1960, JPSS 10380 Sol - Mae bbxthine TransUtilas Ikiv 61 '~ DC -- 390j, Prograto of Conflict -- Model Df C-Onfliat, tri Y. Lacerf, 25 pp. kI)q.A.'" 'J' FRENCH, per, 0 IBA (Group for Research on Auto- mtic Scientific ormt:Lonj, No 4, of nNATOM, Ame 1960, 26 yp. jpRs lo367, $C'I - Mtge Mmahine Translation 173,6,.2,0 vbv 61 (DC-3901) frovloianl Iwtmctiom for Idagromming Sai- .entifie Texts, by J. RiviumMI, A pp. YRRM, rpt, (Grov for Mosurch Cm *ato- IMUC Solootme TAfonmalon), NO 51 or ZURAWKI AUS 196oj 2T pp@ im lv.*7 set - X"a 73, Machine "atlas (DC-3901) Description of an Algorlam for, Information Arkalyals, by Y. Lacerf A. Leivy, 13 PP- FROM, rpt, (GroxW for Research on Aut= matic Scientific Information), No 6, of IMTC.t-1, Sol? 1960, 14 PP. J3188 10367 Sci Iftchint TranslaVou 7 /--o mior 61 Analysis ejkd Develolmmt of a LingUstic loattoxm) by Paul B:rgffart, Peter Ibm: 17 pp. FIVE-CE', NO T, Oct 1960., pp (BURAMS) JPIL9 lorli Sci - 14ioc M=h13= 140V 6L rrocessc~o, rjjL, Rapport GRT.SA, No J-F,-"g 106'7o sci Kise Machint; 'Pranslation Measurements of Sand Migration by Means of Tracers in Aid of the Buropoort Jeltties Scheme, by J. If. Svasek. FRIOCII, rpt, B�jp2rj,-GBL~A No 8, 1961. *AEC Sci - jun 63 by-G. cummim, 7 PP. FULENCH, rpt, Ron"t au xive do Travan mmim C-Uldo- UvnmL - DWW Navy Tr 932 "fit' , Sd - Eloc Fab 66 294,514 Unesco, Regional Work Group Report on the Conscruation of Nature and Natural Resources in Tropical S.E. Asist, 9 pl). FRENOi, per, !!Uort au Groupe do Tranail Regional de ev U.N.,E.S.COO. Sur I& ConservIlion de la Nature et des LaSMILC-Im Naturelle -Z=sIWAse Tropicale du 4md-Est.. MIS Sci-Earth Scienes and Oceanography Mar 67 320, 4028 Ly Llowa Ek*ll-l,W scl sloto " J - .1 - 50-4 Re~)ort Fn)-.1 a 0 hinese Cit~ , by Jar. y RJEDISH b';., llab)j~ort Fian ldi,,csLsi-. By, *JPRS/SPECIAL/D(',-10124 FE - China Pol, Soc, Econ Dee 63 BOOK FZVIL;*Vl: DYYWISShl,', LiIIOCk tl'aVCS,iJy 1,011, L Larsson. 37 pit. t Raoi2ort, x loctweiii 4,0 :366, 2!~ 1.4ir 1958, t:tochholLo ALS1 1-7571 IU 22040272G5 Sci-El-act ,"Jct 6's 291,403 Gmvl--netx..Y. rpts Farport lAtionol sur -Ica Tmvaux GOOKICSiV08 LXOMZ~; To--lC)65--i TA 40 i 'j~-4T- -"-*-*, ---- -,-- -,- " ACIC TC-1362 cici-Sar Sci jum 68 359,668 J-708/64 keport of the Parliamentary Committee on the iiennerstrom Case75'to - 54EDISH, bk, Rapport av Parlunentariska Naminden i 1,67ennerstromaffaren, 19.64, pp 1-46. ripp,S/DC-104.95/SPECIAL i.Eur - Siveden Pol May 64 36 Partial Repart of the Study Mission on the "Novibos Sauveli", Its Protection and Conservation in the Kingdom of CamI)odia FRENCH, document, Rapaport Partiel de la I-Lission d'Etude sur le "Novibos "Sauveli", Sa Protection et Sa, j9zmk&Aiz, 27 pp. --,,/JPRS/NY-95 34/SPECIAL FE - Cambodia Geog Jan 6A5 P' j~~Iliminnry Risport cia Yellm.- revar Spi6emiu lu llrca~ Ethiopia, ?Cal W- TICTAI, Mt OMX FREMCIR., rpt, Pzppo,-,t Froliminaly-a Sur 'LlEpi6araie It la~-x-e LTAZ Ralry Tr 33-6-4/BMI-Fin- D/xl-6P--I02. 4'u). 62 .7 q Report on the Research Program of the SODETEP, 14 pp. FRENCH, rpt, Ra ,MqLt our let Programme de Recherches el; *- - do Socie;q.-Op 114i, nt &1s -.Tei.~~uie-s' - de - . -.. ;~ .11 ii;~ 11-id W4 3 wid SM 4o 43 pp. swumm, rpto RUWrt ft-M.RrOv bled DIMMER- 1%.Sm 3 ocil SM 4. D" of Navy Tr 4354/0w9h4m Tr 937 ~kl - ES Feb 66 294,515 Report - Abstract From the Defense Research Institute, 15 pp. SWEDISH, rpt, ~,!z,R*x4.LFran,Forsvarets Forskninee t2t9tu"m an-4i-"YiX,t~p-,'Nov ,m dbyberij, J ~.ioa"f ACSI 1-5334 ID 22D4031564 WHur - Sweden MIL 269,173 Nov 64 cnD 24988) Aeport on the Health Situation in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg From 1950-1952, 113 pp. FMCE, =nographs Lp~~tuation Sanitaris au Grand-Du e do Lumabourg de 1950 a 1952, Luxembourg, 1953, M pp. CIA/FDD/U-7U2 '19- 0 IfE - Luxembourg Aal /%~ sci - Medicinel public hWath Report on a Signal System for High-Speed Sections, FIMCH, brochure, Rapport Technique sur la Question: Principes a Retenir Pour une Signali- sation Rationelle Compte Temi, en Particulier, de la Signal-isation Lumineuse Pour les Lignes Parcou a Grand Vitesse, 2 pp. *JPWO USSR Econ - Transportation, rail 5 Dee 66 Repocrt on Geodetic Work in Portuguese Provinces, 27 pp. FMNCB,, rpt., Portugal - Rapport our lea Travaux Oeadesftums Executes 1957'. Call go Q3296-A22" AMS Lib Tr Unit SCI - Geopbqalco Aug 58 72,7713-.' R-266/6-o ( vC - 't -,I "/'(~ ) - ,rechnical Report on a Signal System for Work Locations With Temporary and Permanent Speed Restrictions, FRENCH, brod-hure, _,4~qqKtjechnique Relatif a la Signalisation des Chantieri e!t (les Ralentissemen't-s, 10 -pp. *JPRS USSR Ecou.- Transportation, rail 5 Dec 6o Report on a Visit to Chad, 20-Lg July 1061, by J. Joseph Lovelace. FRENCH, rpt, Rapport sur une Visite au Tchad', 20-29 Juillet 1961, 1961. /Acsi 1-61234, ID 2820010564 Africa - Chad Sac, Ccon Dee 64 Cbmges In States of Conscioualmove Produced by Neurologic Di9orders., by T. AlsJounine.. 30 PP- rRMHP JpQrp_NRxw1jLtV*1 11, 1957, VP 19-41- NO 12-32 SCI - xvA 4:~-7 ,/ r1 Y zan 58 Racial guld Ecological Study of the Uhrid Salinonids, by Dusica Stefanovic, SCIM-CROATIAN, bk, Rasna i Ekoloska Ispiti- van4a a& Ohridskim SZI~idsna, 1943, PI) I-iss. CFSTI TT 65-50410 sci-Bw Fab 67 318,961 Saplxi~xw.-, 1. 19,62 EOoIj-,)&r ze "IJoiullug A 4pQO!mJs gmbe of lake -Frespa (Raspi-ostraituvar4e L 61cologlia na 11%1o~