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English Title Unknoum, by R. Harder. GMW, per, Planta, 110 34, 1944, pp 41-48. *CFSTI TT '.10-530Z- SePt 70 Functions of Manganese in the Fiatabolism of Highoir Plant3,, by 1. Friedorickscit. GERHM, POW'*_~IaStS! Vol XXXXV, WAM944, pp 67-87, CSIRO/No $608 Sci-Bial July 63 ? 0, -?(0 -7j?F I Water Consumption of Plant Communities, by Berge r- Landefeldt, R, GEOM, PER,, Plenta,, Vol XXXVII, 1949, rip. 6-11. r NZD.';IR/Ref: 691 Sci--Biol Q Had Sci Mar 63 -~ .2 5 ?-3 q Assiuilatioa mid Iwspirutiou of Plants in -4inter at Low TeLiperature, by U. Zeller. P&m*tRianta, Vol 39. 1951, _plj. 500-526. C-311,'O/No. 9477 -, OAXIII,ItL Sci-Agri auijb!) 389,7913 r,ha4oaynai%Ic Production of Mutatic-as inthe, 4roes of Ptmicinjum Holvatum., by Voihnard Kepi;t:3p 19 W. (,;Orjmaa., per., Flmntaj, Vol XMIII, pp 1-11,p ABC-tr-6oiB 63 WetaboUm and "isl Mat fttrition of ftual3ills , by A. PrInan. pAimu GXRWMj parg -----.p tal IMp 1952p pp 199-,"3- XWWW-ftqO2 SOL 1 7v*r Avg 58 17-21 / C, --mlim"InflimWARTIK MI [fill I The Jolat Action of Growth and Gmawth-:Iq~bltlm Ombstamem In CorrelatIve Bad-Znftbltlou, by R. Llbbefti, GUMN, pws rl*nU.. Val nVg 19!4, pp 2W-318. AWAS-M 152 59 cf frotme,-Z urijan all' Prot(Alem Pularity ca~ ),-Ferns m Li~-ht, by it. Pblir. CIRWLA, per, Planta Vol XLIVII, 19560 lip 127-158. NA51% 17 F-9754 Ue S., GOVE111*ENT USE aMY I iar 66 295,566 Apr The Fb~reiuml Itelatioushiya Betuaisn Heat- T-r-e-anfer Coeffitient, RP-diation 'Exchunge, Tem:pe,rative and Wanspiration of a Leaf, by rz. Rem4h-ke.. GFMAII, par, Manta, Vol W LYrI.1, HO 2, 1956, p---'M M237. CSDIO 34~r,? Sci. - FbytD TZ~ _2,el -7, t'; !- 62 Evaporation and Dew as Terms in the Heat Economy by G. Hofmann. GERbZN,, pery *P3Antaj Vol XLVII) 110 3) 1956., PP 303- 322 csiRo Tr 4454 oct. 62 la I.-1:1011ce at ti4e GerAnatics, 0.~ Vent !;pores by Lipja and Wier Factors, by I i 0 1 *'Ohr. (ZIJILIN, per, 11-lan-ta, Vol XLVI, 1956, ;)p 511~ssl .1 I!jV;A rr F-97s3 U. S. GOVERNIMT USE ONTLY Sci-Aj~.ri )%,) r 6fp 298,567 o.,'L' cox1vfS-osdrate ~~tebcdis,--a -_;a 0-1 U)-va LrctA.,ca, by GuniA-r Jactobi, 16 pp. OpnW4 Per, Plmta, Vol n, Ito 1, 195"177 f3iA 6o.-iSoj-o q ~. 7j/ f7 msy 62 Vol 4 Igo 10 Prott!!ctive Action of Sugars in F-rost Resistance of Winter Wheat.,;, bly li. Ull-rich, U. Ee:ber. GERYAN, per P-lqnte-_,_Vol. 48, 1957, PP 724-7-28 NZDLk Sci - Aug 67 337-350 Eng-l'-zsh Title Unknown, by 11. Molir. GEPMO, per, Planta, No 410, 1957, PP 3'89-110'15- *CFSTI TT 70-53o67 Sept 70 English Title Unknown, by W. Konitz. GERMUI, per, Planta, Vo 51, 1958, pp 1-29. *CPSTI TT 70-5356-1 s Causes of Frost Resistance in Winter Wheat, by U. Hi.:ber. C- . GIMIS, per, Plailta Vol 52, 1958,., p1) 144-17" NZDL~ Sci - ,Tul 67 33:3,666 . 17F 11 r I - 11 1111111 III'li Ili 11:1 1 :! laveii-tigaticas of the Grovth *=I Fine Structure of the Call Wells of the Avena ColatoAilaj. by Khruld Bahmr, 28 pp. Gmma,, par, Planu, 1958, vol T,, no 5 j, v0 461- 497. SIA 59-10144 0 75 r,, Jul 59 7 C"r.;umaltion of the "Pollinatuion Drop" and Y4(!a%c.nj.nL-i of Ita Emidation, by H. Ziegler. m, par, Vol T.,Il, uo 6, 19511, PP 587--593- CZIRO TrAPS38 Sr - llh3er .i dl~ jun 6o EnClish Title Unknoi-m, by W. Haupt. GMUUi, per, Planta, No 53, 1959, pp 484-501- *CFFSTI TT 770-~3o47 Sept 70 English Ti-~;le Unluiown, by L. Bauer. GMM, per,_Planta, No 54, 1959, pp 6,9-73. *-CFSTI TT 70 53036 Sept 'TO On the E'tiolo.-y of the Accumulation of Ardno Acids and Amides in the Rhizosphere of 'Helianthus Annuus, L., by B. Frenzel. GEMWI, per, Planta, Vol 55, 1960, pp 169-207. NT;-71-11101-06C J.Ti2e Nov 71 Gravimetric Methods for Determination of the Suction Pressure and the Problem of the Negative Turgor, by K. Kieeb. GERMAN, per Planta, Vol LV, 1960, pp 274-282. CSULO/No 6U6 Sai - Blol/Med Apr 64 2.54,577 Influence of Short-wave Radiation on Biosynthesis of Plant Polyphenols, by H. Lott. GERMAN, per, Planta, Vol 55, 1960, pp 480-495. CSIROINO. 7279 sci - jul 67 33:4,863 Endogenoxxs Rbythm and Photoperiodic Flo-er Initiation in Kalanchoe, by Enge1nam, GMFOAN, per, Planta, Vol T-X, 1!)60, pp 496- 5og. ITZDSIR ITo 92 S'ci Dec. 62 Lott, If. V. EFFECT Of? SHORT WAVE IRRA[MA'nON ON 'niE BIOSYNT"U'Sll, OF POLYPHENOLS IN PLANiS. N961 20p. (2 figs. omittvi) 66 refs. Order fron,,SLA $2.~i() 20C.3 -rrans. of Ill,ita (%V~~st Cwrmany) 1960. v. 53. p. 480-41j;. DESCRIPTORS: *R&Lacioa effects. 'Plants. Biosynthe- sis, OPhenolt:. Photonytithesis. Metabolism. 'Ultra- %lolet ra(Lation. Nuc-leic acids. Proteins, Rutin. 61 -2t)673 1. Lott. It. V. (Biological Sciences- -Radiobiology. Tr. v. 7. no. 9) Offi-I T.6.1-1 S-i FR.-460 R-Wjc-(-D -- 5 April 66 Inveati4oltimm an the etvact=o and (ftve1oV3=t of Purmcj!wm cd! vloom *UAM By 2 R - or%LU From: Plaaft 4*rl-) 55359B-6P.9t 196D ( 32 pp ) Germn - fast for vda: Typo 1 oarigimaL oW only. ReproMme for PeAbo-w- DD wt matiUte doauawt. P--(Dil.urts of liallithyl-l-A~c"Lli d I 0 Acctic Acid ;3-n ca"'I~a:.-I-oon -,;:L',Ii tho-so o2 the DiJol-l',-k--f-,i,-,, A~-,i,-~ D. Klacmfo- L ~x Flunta, Vol SIC! Transport and Distribution of Labolled Assimilate 1,, by H, Wanner, Rs ftaofou. GERAWI., perp Plants, Val WHO MI, pp SSI-542. M/T 436 Sci-mac Jun " 13 V1 to 5 9 LUTTGE, U. a,tid WEIGL, J. Mic ro- auto rad! og rapkif ~l study of the uptake and transport of '$'s0,& -- and 4aCa' in radicles of Zem Mays L. and Pisum s-ativum L. Planta 58(2):113-?.6 (1962) (CSIRO/No. 11 6-.. I'll Ot (x5pithesiss und Photovorphogenesis in Com Pratonemata of Drycipteris Filix-Mas, by 1-to A)hr. K. Ohlenroth. GEWAU, ppr, Planta Vol LVJ:1, 1962, pp 65"W, " HASA, IT F-97SS U, GOVEMI'M USE LINLY Apr 4W 298,S69 Role of Auxin In the Epinastic CvLrvature of Plagiotropic Lateral Shoots of Colcus Blumet Benth, by H. Leike, H. Gatenberg. GERMAN, per, Plants, Vol LVM, No 5, 1962, pp 453-470. CSI*t.6 Sci - Med Emw Oct ~Q Die Plet=w. Ur Produktion in Hutterwer)wn. 1555b)060 0,.-, --*,-"-*----*,-" I ---- I p b,.%r B. Y. Ryabinki. TrauslatAtd I'llom the Ihmalum editionj, 1950. DSIR 658-5:669-03 JAndlmg Lib Unit 0- 11343/44 Asomer: min No., mk;~-401706;W-7016 AtIon Mr.-A No P, limetrepbor"Is seem: PIMAS"I 143-156 (1954 Low"al Dpoeial DOL-n-OtLows Plown adited draft only by GERMAN, 94 Giz-,-i.i, Vol I, 3'( *ATIC F-TS-3'1-10/I Scientific chc~iistry A-~r ','~ CTSITEX !',~ i, -I - - I.: i I I I ~ -.1-0-1 F- 171 --1-,; a!ld for !'y ua i Ulsi~eraer, isqbwm~5; (1,) F.,-i-yisalutyl F~-.-,Ihber, by 1. UNCIASSIFIED r) I -XU4;i=*&fe,! Gu=.li,, Vol I, No 4, 1 S-1 5 4 *AT I C F -TS - 8 '5 0 (1) Ar SclelltifiCl Chemistry Ain- 51., CTS/DE:~ oat-- Rubber S~)ot Mixture, ~y A. S. L-Aoinsky; (.hnracterI',--t:cs cS Several Synthetics as CRtnlyStiCal SULF!t[!!-,COS) ljy Z. Ordelt; :WONW. (AF-62746-j-), I MEIIKAN' per, Plaste Und Kautschuk, V01 I, ND 2, 191511 *ATICIF-TS-66O'f/IlI Scientific Chemistry Jill 551 -'TS/DEX (e.) The ikelaievement of Russia and S~.viet Science in tKe PD!1d of Rubber Synthesia; G) unaatuna'wd Pt-lyestera, Stratified T~extures of Mineral Fibers and CIELsti:V Resins, (a) Stxucture Pr,~ i-erties and App-licatim of gpcxyd-resins, (d) Plysiobutylene- Rubber, (m) Plastic mnd Rubber Reviev, (AF-630532). UNMASSIFT.&D Q MbWN, jper, V,-1 1, No 4, 1Sj54, P.P 73-86, A ATICC F-TS-3461/V R 61 Scientiflu - Chemistry Sep 55 CMAM ZXL~e:V'eMCeS ~-Jlith Silicone liuuDer, by Manfr~-,d `O'ick.. Ir4ollLglang Dietz, (AF -64 cA 36 ) , GERWili, per, Plaste Und Kautschuk, Nc. 10, 195h, 1:1) 222-228. *ATIC~F -TS-6567/v Sclent~if ic - Chemistry Jl:.l 55 CTS/DFX UNIILASSIIIED GOTMIN, per, Plaste und Kautsollu". 1101 11, N~o 19 5,'-' -114 *ATIC-F-TS-85(D7/III Scientific - Chemistry ju.-- CTS,/,DT--x Metal Adbeirlon With lpxq& Resiws by W. Schaeffer., H. J*b4j. 2k, pp. Plasticators for Rubber, by S. ziellojols, 12 pp. GERKAX# P"*j- Twtv OWtoobAk Vol -Up go 3 H" 1955., m? 53-!;B.!-"* M3~~]. amd MA ;"A2 AMIC eel - ftsulmtX7 Apr 56 0?.DD 2t%26) Ousting Resirm lkwed on Polytister Epoxides, by H. jabs# W. Schafer, 27 pp. GM=Nl, b1m per, 140 5, oat 1955P *224-2)V CIA/FDD U-00-04 soi - Irvoiciv (COFMIGH~) 2bo Rd4inacri=tIon of Mathyl ~IeOmcryiau Ici t1itt Preaemas cet Dyestuffs# by Z, K. jailinek. OERKWj ysa.-j FUnt u Prautedbak, Vol n, No 6,- Jm 195% PP Amm-OW set Avg " 937 .3 g -3 I SMoones. XMMI. SlUconev in Electrotechnics, tor ji, Routlimr, 8 pp. Gam"s parp AN#A**P Val III No 7, Jul I Ipp 9"1 AT=-F-TS-MO/V sciewafto -'Cbmdstry Fab 56 Imatipt:bm Into the UW PSN#abillty of Plastlez, by If. zalAar. OMMABI,, per,p PlasU u WautwJmk,, Vol II, Tro 9, SeVp 195% rev 19F.M. 2 ASLMS-OM Sol Aug 59 7 11, / I? IF If lr~ic- Of 12"GatTon 141craocoppa. iz ty 0. Votma=., 111; P. GZRY,!UT,, pm,,,;p Plasta und gautoahuk# 1555., Vol 7-A HO 11, fvp SLA 59-4?0922 S4.1 mair 6o Ile. Vol .3., Wo :L the Use of Silica Gel in Routine Testing of the ft~ Famistanov of Masticup by lprLedel XUVGl F. lbah. GOMM& un ME Gm"., Pert PlAste und YauuchWc., Vol 3., Im la-l". "WMCAM23-543-0 Sal-NwtejmAu lby 69 395m944 A PCLI*Xofx%PbiO High-Spe*d Hathod for Dotevol r-tion of Double Bond Content of Ullelo Acid Pollestera,, by Joachim Voigtp 2:) p. GMWj, per, Pl"te und VuUcbikp 195T,, Vol 1V, Ho 1, 3-6~- MA 59--lTT8O Set Jan 60 VCAL 2, No 8 iora of ',,he Activity of the R-~acarch InzatituLe the Plaatlc~3 IrOustry In Budapest, b~r L. Suftrc-, ).0 IMCLASSIFIFID (MrWA9, mo per, Plasto und Kautschuk Vol -N N,::v Berlin, Yka- 195 7 US JFRS/NY-L-25 Scl - Chemistry Mar 58 7-he Diuool%r.,.ar5 Capacity of tl~e 6 PI-0Z Ql.,E; InOtitUt-. Of Ch(--~Qtry "CI Plattico, by* Ir.. Thinius, 12 pp. -per, Plaste uad Ka-a-I'lachuk, 't"Col. V, Nz, 11, 195A,, *pp 3-5. 16\ SLA 60-14145 Sci - Chem I o( Aug 60 USIB IINTEMIAL USE ONLY 62-10028 W1 s rml NG E.NTAME.I-S. [1961 j 16p. (refs. Q figs. 1. 'I'll I,,: Stoving c1law-'.1s ollotled)- 0 rOv r ! rom S 1, A J 1. 6 1) 62 Trans. of Plaze und Kautschuk (Germany) 145h [V. .5, no. I I p. 17, -40 and Ino. 21 p. 83-H4. DUSCRIVIURS: 'Enanwl coatings. 'llaims. Resist- ance. Moistureproofing. Mechanical properties, I lardliess, Chimi ic factors, Drving ovens. Tempera - lute. ,1"1w N(P Fzoving --tiamels arc paints that have a high d~grcc of resistivity to %cathcring and mechanical stress. Ficy at,, to Lv-- included in frcigbi -equipincill enamels, particularly of the plastic tx3dics and thc eoanwhog of largv oi)jt!ct--. such as freight cars. rail (Malet tals- -Paint". IT. v. 7. no. 9) (overt Offi- T.ch.i-l S-i- Detctraina"'.1lon of Aydroxyl Groups in 4oxide 1- linsins, by A. bring, Fr. Kadl eek, I GERM, par, 1.9.anU und Mmtschuk, Vol V, No 2, 1958, Pp 43-118~ ABC Tr-3987 Sci - Cbem z4gy 6o //7 ,, 31,o The Capacity of '30rt(~U.Cra. 64. . 7:a orl; thc Institute of Memictr- nndl T,2,,.'n P 1101013~v of 131.as41cs, *u'y K. "Ehinius, 13 PP. RM G&R%,UJf,, pz-r,, Pl&ste und Kautachuk, Vol V, No 2, PP CIA/F,DDnXX-88-3 siA-6o-i4i44 Sci w- Chem 2.31 itus 60 ITSTD INT MIAL USE ONLY Cnpacity of thc- Softelaers. V~cau Lim iui~tltutc of Chemiatry =i Tcchuolcj~~ illaztica, by K. Thiniua, 26 pp. GSNIAN., per-, Plaste und Kautschuk, Vol 7, Ho 3; CIA1FDD XX-882 Sci - them sLA 6u.141~;i Aug 60 TJSIB IIMMAL USE ONLY PRODU=ON. TI~SI`ING AND AMAGATIOM OP RUIVIVR Wl'Ill CELLULAR S'I'KU(:IURH. 00?rrINU- ATION (SCHAUMTMPFE AUP KAUTSCHUBASIS) or. by R. J. Mooeley. June 56 141p. (9 figs. ornl"ed). Trans. no. 647; M 15. Order from LC or SLA mI$I. $0, ph$l. 80 59 -18720 1958. V. S. ram 3, P. 110-112- 59-10720 1. F~m rubber - - ?mdvct Ion I . Saffran, G. 11. RABRMTrans-647 Ill. Reocarch Association of British Rubber Manufacturers IV. DGIR LLU M.75 43291 000" of T.Am" (Materials- -RubbeT. rr. V. S. no, 12) 4-6-61 Th e I:ffici(-Iicy of Placticizers in Contact 4ith Liquids, by E.. Thinius. GERMAN, per, Plaste und Kautschuk, Vol S. No 7, 1958, pp 243-146. Nil Ref: S828.4F (M 13340) Sci/Mat Dec 69 398,876 S-46$3 (d) (DC-2241) rilie DevelopmElt of the Plastles lu%Wsti~y Of the oemn Derommtte RaimblIc in tbj%. Itbird )ftve-Ye*r rlrpn,, by 11. Ilmssinp 7 pp. =jinn " yer, Plague Uzd Kantschux, Vol V, aG Aug 1958, PI) F.corA - Plaotics and IndustrLal Proluction Nov 58 j S-14653 (d) (DC-2241) USSR,,"Compulsory Expansion of Chemical Production. I LYNCIASSIFIED GERMAN., per, _kL"s__und Kautschiak., Vol VJ, No 6Y Aug 1958, PP p 312. *us JFRS USSR Econ - Plastics and Industrial Production Sep 58 An Bba' rudox, for Rubber Mism I by 0 - Holus.9 16 p - OWMI,j per P Uatm--undL-I%utschWcj, 190j. Val V, 30 n, VP i&"433. MA 60-1(*31 001 4w 60 Val Wo No 3 1 / 0l o.2 / x The P"paration and Ther=atability of Dilute Solutiormt of PolyrbWl Morldes In Cyalchmmece fbr TL*c=wtr;Lc Ifeaeurawnts.. Irf K. ftUdas, K. Ulliep 8 P. G=9ANp parp Pla&U U XawtacbWtj. 19581 Vol Vs No Us vp 434435- SLA 59-15701 Sci Do* 59 Vol 2, jio 6 Ion-Sxchiwge Resim in Plastict; fixial,,nia, by U. ScImoder, 3 PP- MRM, P", lWU _Urd Kwtediuk, Val vi., No T, .19591 PF 325-325-- an SIA 150 -18301 /,9.4 " on-j- sai aw 62 Vca. 4, Mb 10 62-10029 Hubner, R. , Ulilw3im. E. and others. Mif: PROZLEM OF IIIE PRODUCMON OF ZINC 1. Hubner. R. 01ROMAIMS AS CORROSION-PROTECIWE a. Lfhlworm, EL rMIPIN-M. 11961) (12bL (refs. 8 fiSs. on-dtteM. Order from SLA $1.6D 62- IOD22 7y"s. otyl!lpmfucd]-Ksw-trbA(Germany) 1960, 7. to, 4. p. 20S-211. DESCRIPMFS: ~Vnc conwunds, *Mromstes, ftoductIaL ft-lorrosirm inhibition. OnWrAnts, Chem- Ica analysis, Physical propertim 20 1 DAstallurgy-CorrosLon. TL Y. 7. m 6) ofm-f T-fi.kl swat... thnuftwtur.1mg Problwe of Uasatw~atad Palymaters, GLIWAllp paj PlaoRte und Kwti3cluiXp Vol VIII 1960, pp 2o-ew.- --- TM-2216 P 9-Y sai my 62 Vol 4, 110 .10 Studies ca Pigment Wettability, by H. Steinbach. GWAAN, Imr, Plwte und Mutachtik., Vol Vill 1960, pp 426428-.--~ TTIS-22M ,Po/ Sod mV 62 Vol 4" xD lo SoLLmnna, H. GEAR VITIEELS OP LAWNATE PLAMCS, rr. 2. [ 19611 20P. Order from M 140. 00 M-146411 Tram. of Plaste wd Ka (Garmuy) 1960. v.7. no. 9. lu f4s--44w*.' DKSMPTDR& o'Plasticii, *Gear*. 62-IZ75 1. Sall-ann H. 11. SIT-i46-iii IU. SCIEMMCK Scientific and Technical Trans- Igrina , CeveUnd. Ohio (b$Uarlslai-Plantics, Tro Y. 7. no. 4) Office of Tockalcol Servicos