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Verrl.tk,jj Of t1j, K- iQU H,2! thod Acco--,-L, to Jjil-:.", Nerbert 11wo, per., d~~.Jhpier, Vol x11, No 17/10, 195 SU~ 50-1-5,362 scl. Dee 59 V(:,.*t 2) ItD 1A, P-Apor Accordini to x0jem Y-bintm ~1~7 V-"LfLfs by ri. 'raiers, 9 pp. porp Das Payler, Vol XV., rgo Iclj 20. sci 59 vol 2., lr,,j 3 Looseninf; of JT.)rc to Fibre Bondlug In-irom,,7b by Uans Sn.Uer, 20 pp. rA GO f'ap 91 0,11LUT, jixx, lor, Vol X11, No 21122, 551-56- Jan '00 Vol 2, juth. Wj&nfredj ALIG.%'N1i-*.N r IN PAFTR. Aug 60, 22p. (9 figs. OmMedO M) to.. Order from SLA m $2.70, phS4. 50 60-18923 Trano of da PaRIULIWent Germany) 1958. v. 12. no. 21'/22,, p7'sE_H-..V18. Experiments are reported which Indicate that any strict relationship betwten f1bre and strength distribution vritt variable hydraulic rmwiltions in the breast box and during Meet formation Is unlikely. (Materials- -Paper. TT, v. S. no. 2) 60-18923 1. Paper--Test methods 2. Fibers--Test rniethads 1 . judt. NI. Omer of 1-4- wat~.v -22atl Iful-3te vattar System of 311uxtxatica P7.1all.U.& Pepar MUla,, by Valter Bnmht., Priclolia ZiXT,11., 11 pp. GUMIs yer, Vol JMP 190 23/24~ 1958, pp 5-6*. 801 m= 6o voi nx, ND 9 SLh 60-10916 //9 0 V "7 n MC.: XIII 77, SIJI Dec Vol n I - Is -Inn G. and ~'cimann. K. I'111' DLATAMUN.'~TION OF ROSIN IN THE CIRCLI- I- 'Yak: Rosin LATINC, AND WATERS OF A PAPER NIA- 1. jayniu, G. CHINE. Apx (,1. 201). (,Ii figs. oinitted) 22 refs. [I. Heimann. K. 01 dei fr,,ni SLA$ 1. 00 61-18266 - Varvier (West Germany) 1951, v. 13, da 4, - no. 10, Ti-116 - ~YK). DESCRIPTORS: Organic materials, Inorganic sub- sianc~z-~. Water, Chemical analysis. "Paper industry. 111'~ClpltZITIL)n, Separation. Production. Cellulose clicillistry, Detcrininaiion, WtxxJ pulp TT, v. 7, no. 5) .17-61-1 $-1 SLA 591-11V- *.remaancy cw iftpur to Cwrlingt by Itialtor Brcchtq Rmll Raditir-er, lfolftsng Weitzel, 10 P. GM=Ip plir., doo ftpiar, 1959., Vol XMo Fo 11/12, PP ~ ...' MA 60-.10128 saj. Apr 160 I/V J"2 J, V03. m' -no 3 7 Tbe Rhoological Behaviour of Paper of Varying Moisture Couteat When Subjected to Short Tensile Strain, by 14. Brecht,, S. Fuhrlbeck, 7 PP, Glu-OMN, per.. dau Papier, Vol X111j, No 13/14, 1959, pp 29.3--jdl.' siA 6o-i4oio Sci MS., Vol III, NO 7 Nov 6o Beating of Hixrdvood Pulps for the Productlcn of Vard,: Types of Paper, by F. WItach, 10 -pp. GERMq, per., Das Papier, Vol XITI, No 17/18, 19590 40'(-413. mA 6o-142B4 Sol .. _4 4?"4-Z oct 61 Vol M, No 9 61-10392 Mack. H(einzi. A SMOV ON ME DLSTRWLMON AND RETENrION 1. Paper-.Analyi" OP PILLERS IN PAPER. 11960113P. (16 figs. 1. Mack. H. onattoo 20 refs. Order froun SLA a-02.40. ph$3.30 61-10392 Trans. td dim Popler tWeat Germwq) 1959. v. 13, 00. 19/w. P. -459--460. /q-7 / X3 (Materl*le- -Paper. TT, v. 5, no. 3) Cadco'.en, A ilew, Colorless, Aquc4o'us Cellaic-ce It!; Application) by T 'CIP. GVH12i, per, Dar. Papier, Vol XII, No 23, -1956, p,p 624--6.92. Vol 4 SLA 60-1627- e1 Max 62 C I m, I-a~c'cc I) of t-w P ~ I -I I I - ~-Df C, LI. u.1 by Ycana of Crystal Violet Da-,c, by t4ariu-.-~ GE'.-WAN, per, Daz Papier, Vol KIII, No 1/2, 195~',,- PP 1-5- SLA 59-10986 Dac 59 vai 2, No 4 p Oittiaml Brighteners in the &pe:r Lidustry exd Their Evaluation by Colorimatric Meezurments, by Ai-tyxi Darplor, M= Unterbirkler) 9 p. GWWW, W,, d" Papier, 1959, VIol X111, No 1/2, pp 5-32. SLA 59-17062 S&I Dee 59 Vol 2, no 6 ' .11 1 ,- ',, ~' "CiaCerning thf-- ---i -' -.,; --'- =10. in. Sining Presses, by 0. Ari.-,ctcrg, MINOS, per, Papier, Vol XII, Ito 5/6.. 1956, Pp 61-86. ""-*-'--- CSIRO sci - Qm 7 ~ 6 ,h= a X3 Bacs, Samdor. SAKITARY 'nSWE.S. Oct W, 41p. Ckikx frcon SLA mIS 1. $0, ph$ 1. 90 1. Paper--Pr I Hon 61-10300 2. -ntle: Sonitary tissurok 1 1. 82". S. Trom of (Nuortry) M9, v. 3. no. 4. P. oAmwrftls--F,&jw. rr. v. 5. no. 127 G3UNM, 15,17,'Op Ycl rp c5-921. Scl Doc ~cj Vol. 2, iro TLc of Wire Stake on the Pr -cii,crties of Paper, by M. Judt, 16 pp. COMIij perj Das i1apier, Vol Y111, No 19,120, 1915-9, rij) 4,-34 ~.~ SIA 00-11027a Sci Vol 4, no I /j's;' a sibthoa o: knesumm-ut of EL'o"'thiaeas of R=tvi:kei3a cm P4porm rW. 3aow-,d-%t by Walter Sxecktp Mrcu= Oecs=,, 14 GIFMp per, Re Papior., Vol XIIIs No 21/22., 1959P AL SIA 60-109ea Sol atm 60 Vol mj, no 5 cliaiq~es in Culluid-Cliemical Propicrties of Cellulose 1-ibres Produced by High Frequency Treatment, by (J. Jayme GEPU~111d, per, Papier, No 2,3/24, 1959, lip 578-583. (;B/ 15 6ci Dec (>2 Brecht. T. and Erfurt. H. .NEW DATA ON THE TENSILE STRENGTH OP PAPERS. [Sep 601 13p. (14 figs. 2 graphs omitted) 19 refs. Order from SLA ml$2. 40, ph$3.30 61-10207 Trans. of das Papier (West Germany) 1959. v. 13. no. 23/24, p. 583-592- A new apparatus is deflcribed which enables the stress-wain properties of paper to be determined within the total range of solld contents cd 13% to 9C%. The device functions with a constant rate of extension which can be varied over wide limits. 'Me now be- haviour of inUctally wet papers was studied, wW an investiption was made of the Iftnuences exercised by fibre swelling, beating, and the changes In the com- position of the structural elements occurring during beating an the relationaMp between solids content and tensile strength. The results supplied a comprehen- sive picture cd the Wwa and other factors affecting the (Materials- -Paper, TT. Y. 5, no. 2) (over) 61-102D7 1. Paper--Tensile properties 1. Brecht, W. 11. Erfurt. H. Cal Prmertlcs of CC2-1ul,)-o Ilay Txeatment., by yroauced by Ri& Freque ibe. rto isamm walter r-d'I'Ll-usr .GP,,,TMYM,, Horst cr=e C-001 '.. - 11;MIX 6 pp - perp das papUr Vol X13:1, VO sLA 61-10769 61 lestin,; %*.iriuus Grades of I'aper iiith the FO(;RA Pri.Mintability Testes, by F. Tultsch, K. Schubert. SUGERILAN, per, Papier, Vol X111, No 23-24, 1959, pp 000-6u7-.--, GB-205 Sci Dec o2 InvoutiffAtions Conceridng the Ch-Gwth of ftearim Aqaeductum Lagb on t2wi Waste Watere of the Sulybite Pap Indungry, by L- Sabewing., et aij, 6 pp. a0mm, pw, Dam ftl;der, Vol XrV, No 1, 1960,, VP 1-3;-~~ arA 6o-2&37 Sai .2/ Vol IVP NO 7 Ave 62 jayine (George, Cmn'.'rt. Horst. and Nou'laus. Wa Itcr 1. CIIANGIZS IN COLWID-CHWICAL PROPERTIES OF CELLUIJOSE 17113RI-S PRODUCED BY HIGH FRE- QUENCY TIMAn'l-ENT. a. Jon 61. 5p: (18 figs 6 tabks orritled) I ref. Ordcr from SLA nii $11. 80, pli$l - FO 61-10740 Trami. of din Papler (1A'ctt,~rmrrnaay) 1960, Y. 14. no. I. p.-S-116~ - :11 "'-' Ar.-Ocr rantilatfci In available from SLA niM. 80. 11!151. $0 an 60-16504 (19601 (101p. Tlio tivic!Uixty use J In blih-frequency treatment to (",.v Alno 60-1M3) 'Ir. Y. S. no. 10) 61-10740 1 .Wood pulp fibers- - Physical properties 2. Ultrasonic radiation-- Physical effects 3. Stirrers- -Denign 1 .Jayme, 0. It. Crbnert. H. 11.1. Neuhaus. W. o (n I T-1-1 t.1 SU. a jlaynw, Gfeurv, 0conert. flurst. and Neuhaucl. V, z! Itor 1. C.HA~;GLS IN COLLOID-U112MICAL PROPER'll * OF CELLULOSF FIGRES HWOUCIA) ~iY HIGAI F~~' ( XIENCY TREA*rmiL ' ' N'I*. U1. ]an 61 [101p. ( 7 L 9 11-bles L1111,11-6) 20 refs. 61-IL), Ore.,r (rom SLA mis 1. 80. rb$1 - 80 Trans. cd Y. 14, `:3 - 66. no. 2, p. 33 A tl_f~-vjsfion is prenented of th-_- influence of ultrwiou ,;-,41 mvc"3,-!c-j1 h!gh-(rcqLwncy treatment on the 0, to,-raitned reactivity of ra) on pulps also 61-10740) 61-10742 1., V'(x~J pulp t'.,er6- :.)-Acal properties 2. Ultraionic radlailon- Physical (:ffects 3. StJrrers--azblgn I .jayme, G. I[. 111. Ncultaus. W. 0111t0 -Wood, 'IT, V. 5, no. 10) Progmao In ftedlab &Aphlta Fcap Research,, IW L. SUmkman, 8 pp. GMMU.. ]prs Pas Falgers Vol X)Nj, 1b 3j, 1966, pp 85-91 -o - - OIA 60-1AWq ftL Vol Zvo ND 9 /00 7, / . P, jV .% mir 62 5w Rmin and lAguln PwaaUm fer the IdAmt=- catim of Pulapp bV E. Z*nel - 6, pp. MMM, Per* 4" Ng"it VfA XV',p lb 3j, 2,960a 3;p 96-~q. - MA 6140667 ad no (9 j f"., 04f.?, Va Ms, Ho 3 61-16723 S,clcicr. Mrben. 'ME GAS PERMEABILtTY OF CELLOPHANE AND 1. Buchner, N. CELI.0111LA14L COMBINATION PlUIS AT FAFFER- "N'r M:LAIIVE JIUMIDMES (CasdurchlAsslAell 12 1, Is. Ordar frorn SLA $2.60 61-16723 Trwi*. of das 1%4dar jWest Gcrmany) 19W. Y. 14 [no. 41 p. 1 ~3 - 1,10. Anmhrr translulon Is available from SLA ml$2.40. ph SJ. 30 as 00- 18083 11960] 17p. "MiscRirroits: *FiLstic films. myienes, *Gasos. H~.Uidjty. Tho pc~mcsbfflty of unlacquered ccUophAne-, ceJlo- phune idth nitro cellulose and bombinstion films oC cellopliane/polyexhylen* was measured for dlIfferkmt gales %Ithln relative humidity range of (Msterials-PlAstics. Tr. v. 6. no. 7) (--N, Aienmena In Sve-Uing and Dise,altition of Flbrms Plwt Cells in Now Salmats, by (J. J&ym., X. Hw~ftrs-aWnbumsetr, 10 pp. amwa, -I*r,, das Papiw, Vol -XlT.. No 6, 1960, pp 228-23X_-_~- - AM--" smi / 1?,e, " PAJ~ bfmy 62 Irol 4, Igo 10 The UDematle Meb Yraqwncy Proceas of ftoftsxor WMew, bV P. WiLlemap 479. GIMMS? pw,, DUL-F&$-lO-r; Val 33-Vi, No 7, 19 ). WA 00-1JM 64A /,?7" 919, Vol xv, is* 9j, mw:, 62 On the Mcamurement of the RigLdil4r of Puper,, Carbon Doued and Board,, I,, by W. lknochtp F. XmUerj, lo pp. GWMN I rms P"Ahslarl Vol xw,p No 7.- 1960p PP 270-1M. SIA 606-1W fti Vbl IV, a* 9 -2- thr 62 lbuLlon of Omllipry Sub-atauceu 'r, tiz- ~':Lrculmtt= cxV a Paper Machine at Ap plicmtion of an Rich Stwo (FAgota)., by 0. jaywi, W. I~ammlg. (,l.=IAX,, per, das ler. Vol nV, no, 7s 1960s pn. 278483. im-pmmuv- SIA 61-182M 301 mar 6e Vol VrX, No 2 )J 1": 1'. no. Ccuparizon on the Retention Of flosin, Acidis on the ftpernwhime Wire in the F'rosence of Various Additivess by Oeorg Jaym,, Werner Deumda,, 25 pp. ORMAN,, per,, ass pap;~er,, Vol XrF, No 9. 1960'.0 pp W8-4A'* -",- wA 6i-xom SOL 103 Apr 61 Brecht. W. AM Muller, P. SIIFPNr-r,S TL?S'rD%G 017 PAPER, CARTON. AND BOARD. [11~ Apr 61, 12p. (12 figs. arnitted). Order from SLA $ 1. 00 61-1(4(4 Trans. of due Papler (West Germany) 19M v. 14. Do. 9. P. 4111174122. DESCRIPTORS: 01'sper. Mechanical properties, Test equipment. Stresses. It was found Oat tht majority oC the different procedures and Instruments chammarl be rigidity only on a relative bnalpt and indirectly. The (undAmental diffemence In the hending behaviour of elastic and clasto-plastic mate- ri-le wan theorvdcally demonstrated and It was ahmm that a distinction has to be tnede between two care@ when sub)#-cting j*per to Im-rdloi; stresses. One come Is chnr- acterlsed by atirh alljoit berx1ing of the sample that the strain at ft sample iturface does tot exceed the region (Materials-Mper. IT. v. 6. no. 6) (over) 61-16464 Brecht, W. U. Wier. F. Ill. Title: On the Meseurement of the RIVdIty of Paper. Oarton Board afd Board. U. i V 6 S:;1 6t- 1 RS71 Linde, Firledrich]. PROBLEMS IN THE THCUINIQUE OF MEASUIRtNG 1. Linde, F. AT THE DRY END OF PAPER MACHINES. June 61. 8p. (2 figs. ornitted) 5 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 61-18571 Trans. of das Papier (West Germany) 1960. v. 14, no. 10. p. 453-457. DESCRIPTORS: Vaper, Dehydration. Measurement. Machines. fleat rran4td-.r. "llry control. Instrumentation. The thermal problems, such as temperature distribu- tion and heat transfer tincotmtered during the drying of papers by means of ateam-heated drying cylinders are investigated. possible methods of measurement are discussed, together with the mo&t suitable installation points for measuring equipment. It is preferable to check the steam conouinlition ct the individual drying cylinders, as compared with stean-, pressure measure- (Materials- -Paper, 1'1', v. 8, no. 5) (over) wultsch, F[erdinand) and Schubert, Kfaril. IMPROVING 'rHE PRMABILITY OF PAPERS BY THE ADDI'nON OF STI'llAW PULP. Sep 61, (5 figs. omittW) 6 rads. Order from SLA $1. 10 61-20666 Trans. of dai Papier (West Germany) 1960, v. 14. no. 10~ p. 458-401. DESCRIPTORS, *Paper. Printing, Straw, Cellulose, Additives, Manufacturing methods. . 61-20666 1. Wultsch, F. H. Schubert, K. (Materials- -Paper, 'IT, v. 8, no. 4) Offi-F T-W..l S-4- Rydholm, Sven A. MULTISTAGE COMM. [19611 (6 figs. oml"ed) Ito refs. Order from SLA $1.10 61 - IC LX&VU-.L.QVc!;t Cermany) 1960, V. 14, Trans. ol4n. no. too, p. 535-541. DESCIUMM'. *Wood pulp. Processlr4. A survey. "tarialo--Wootl. TT. w. 6. no. 6) 61-10759 1. Rydholm, S. A. F59 62-10276 jayme, G .311d G.. KJI-P AND PAPER A$ VIEWED STEREOSCOPICALLI 1. jayme. G. BY THE ELECTRON MICROSCOPE. [19611 4p~ U. Hunger, G. (16 figs. omitted) order from.1aA $1. 10 62-10276 Trans. of dis Papler (West Germany) 1960, v. 14, no. 10a. p. 550-553. DESCRIPTORS: Cellulose. *Woodpulp, *Paper, Electron m1crnscoli,eii, Stereoscopies- An attempt Is made In this lecture to show how our knowledge of the fine structure of ceUulose pulps and rh,,ir ~t t,*.'~ixa I moNfIcatIon under various Influences may be brtmilened ar4 deepened by stereoecopt ob- servation. '11%19 was done by showitig iR comparing ordinary electron-micrographii with stereo hairs. (Auchor) Offic* of Technical sw~lces (Materisla-l'aper, 17, v. 7. no. 9) 61 - 10M aradht~ Wialterl axid M61ler, F(riedrich]. ABDUT THE HANDLE OF PAPER. 1961. 16p. areft, W. (13 figs.ornlrged) 26 raft. U. Mwer, F. Order from SL& $1.60 61-10996 Trans. ct das fopler (West Germany) 1960. Y. 14. no. l0&. DESCRIPTORS: OPaper. Physical properties, Mechan- Ical properties, Tests. 71ke ddlnltlor4 1wandle", referring to the 'led" of paper Is examined mid ark'attempt Is made to relate It to ob)ective measurement. Sons 43 papas of different G2,A 'Uandle' were distributed among 3 basis-weight rangel for Individual aileSsment by trade observers. Ilmse tactile prope"Aas (bending stffftess and thickness) en&bUag the classification by "handle" by the exper were measured, yielding a correlation between sub- jective &$less and SOMI measurement (Spearman order of merit Correbtlena co~Mcfew 0.986). 7b* (hutarints-Poper, Tr. v. 6. am 1) ON FO!" "ME OWAlIM7. SA'ATI-, ( Or,!cr rrom SLA wd$2.40, phS.3.30 M-10931 Tra.-ir. 1960, Y. 14. no. l0a, 1). 565-574. 61 - 10 131 11. AnIcenen, il. IT, v. S. no. 11) o1-20513 Holre. Tjorgrim] and Gregersen. Aliv). MEMOD FOR GRANIMETRIC DETERIAINAIION OF 1. TLtle: Fluffing FFlWG OF BOXBOARD. Oct 61, 6p. (10 figs . 1. Holte, T. THE FLU. omitted). 11. Greger5en, A. Order from SLA $1. 10 61-20513 Trans. of das Papier (West Germany) 1960, v. 14, no. 10a, p.. 375-580. DIESCRIFYORS: *Containers, *Wood pulp, Surfaces, Prccessi.,*, *Paper industry, Gravimetric analysis, Particles, Filins, tAliesion. (MaLerlaki-Paper, TT, v. $, no. .1 9rcchl, V.,- It-A TH7-- C0,'D;1:-,0N:NG OP PAPER AND rrS EFPECTS. 1. Brec%t. W. 1,~P. emitted) 15 refs. 11. Pohl, A. Ordor from St -s% 1. 00 61-16SO4 Tr Gcrmany) 1960, v, 14, Quallty control. Physical rrn;,--rtfei;. Toutti. A 'bC(n _":C~S~- cy.:-, aftc!r a f .,r c,' n co:m:at.: reaci! mn, 1"..1 1! :, 1 ; In a j-,rc7acr .1 '-~4n%a~zo and cm a smaLr than In Che !:,.te. Co-,,L,.It!o:icd w!!1 remain Nazt,rr Oan Lrcc-,-,.4!,1cneJ only as lun:-. as th. cl!juniic to wh:,~, ihrwj,;h con- it'. M(&"Urc ccntcm wau ai!;vv-tcd, do not chanj,,c. Mt-anurenients takm di cn atonilring humidifl- Can'on machine XL~t tht: principle of electro- 7T. v. 6, m 4) (ovcr) 1- 4117-3 ScilidlIar. Max "N'S I: I III I ~ TA IN] NG Yil'-- 1 1. Talc: I i-;-*!-,tn, A Y:-, j I I Iri F;f )-." I; J~y I r4(-. C~'J' I', I I I; !%I*-T"1A11'SIT!;R ANT) 11(1\1 R - q t 1 11V PflI12:314, directly inthi! practice NN-as let ~17 a lizoull)-heated cylindzr of diametor 1. 5 metcru and Idt~t .5 nv!terv. The condensation water In thiI cylindvr fottm; tit low velocities a aump and at (Machinery, Fabricarions and Accessor7 Equipmenc. TT' V. 9, no, ") (over) 61-14905 Brechr, W. and Midenbranti. W. ABOUr TIIE MMIRNSIONAL STABILM OP PAPERS. I . Fix W. him r 61, 1 Op. (21 figs. onalned) 79 refs. U. Midenbrand, W Order from SLA $1.60 61-14905 . _(Weva Germany) 1960, v. 14. Trans. of das PtijAff no, 10s. r. 610-624. DESCRIPTORS: ONper. Quality control. PhyRical properties. Tests. An apparatus Me been designed which yields curves durinj; paper testa recording the charges arlsing from the moisture content during a change of clitnatic con- ditions and the changes oil dimensions of the papers as a function of time. The results of ample lavesaptione show ho" differem prodwion contlitlons Influence the relation between climatic conditions and divaesslan change* and affect the speed of these reactlaw. (Avabo (Materials- -Paper, TT. v. 6. on. 1) G 1-7 6 Z- oft" of V04A." S. !. Tlit' 1xT1-.F:'N1 :,JN Of' VAHOUS SIARCII. CNIC A 04 Till' 21.IAC1:r::1-- %MP ~CM:!:N. 11 I.b 01. (,p. (S figs. 4 t~ 1 4 omitte-cl) I I rc N. Ord-~r from SLA im.51-W. ph$1.80 61-10903 Trans. of Oas Papier v. 14, r10. 103, P. 621"30., - - Tests were made to dicterm-me the trtention on the wire rcuunius; trap of pa;er machines of the oxygen constiming --Ailtanci,varchcs. carboxytirEhyl-cellu- loie, and aIj!1-n,: acids. Kaolin, titanium dioxyde anti rosin size rcd.iccd the retention of these substances . I. Paper m1isrry- 2. Chemical waste-- Aiial)sis I jayme, G. It Deminig, W. (MAterials-rapcr. Tr. v. S. no. 11) 61-204K, Muller-Rid, w., Stark, A., and Pausch. G. THE QUALI-n' OF THE FORMATION AS A CONSE- I. Muller-Ril- QUENCE Of' CONSTNIUCTIVE ALND OPERATIVE 11. Stark, A. FACTORS. [1~oi) 221). (22figs. ornitted) 14refs. 111. Pausch, G. order from SLA $2.60 61-20485 'Frans. of dal I!q21vr (tlrest Germany) 1960, v. 14, no. 12, p7~45--,09. DESCRIP1rORS: 'Paper. Paper industry. Production. Industrial equipment. Hydrodynamic measureme:M. which have Iveti ca:-- ried out in the Isborstary at models and at normally sized stuff dlstr~butors and stock inlets. show that only a firm kwwledga about the hydrodynan-deal be- haviour of the construction elements enables the con- structor to project and to dimension stuff distributor (Materials--PnW, T,r, v. 7, no. 7) (over) off". f T-h.k.l S-i-, 61-14934 jayme. G. and larratoch. H J. TIIE l' WElniOD A MODIFIED KAPPA NUMMR ' ~Q I . jayn*. G. NA-noN Poit SLM-CHEMICAL PULJIS IDP DETE n. jerratach. H. MORE THAN 70JL YIELD. Mar 61, 9p. (4 figs. onlitted) 6 refs. Order hvcn SLA $ 1. 10 61-14934 Trans. of das P4 Itr (wesm Germ-Y) 19M T- 14. no. 13. p.-M-733. DESCRIPTORS: "Wood pulp. *Pcwssiwn, tPemawnme. Oxidadon. all" of Isamw (Cbernistry-Ana"cal. TT. v. 6. so. 1) 1 61-16120 Brerhr. W~,j Rer I ind Erfurt, V I ,J"rtrtj. 03';T-,RVATl0NS ON ITIE METC31 OF PAFER. 1. Brecht. W~ JOAr 61, 19p. (14 I]Xii. omitted) 28 refs. It. Erfurt. H. Order from SLA $1.410 61-16120 Trans. ofAjiApApjVrAWest Germany) 1960, v. 14, no. 12, p.'723-736. DESCRIPTORS: *Paper. Wood pulp fibers, Mechanical properties. Physical properties, Tests. A previotinly described apparatus (das Parder L3: 583. 1959: svafLqble In translation from SLA an 61-102M) wag used to atudy the effmo which the solid content of the paper. the type, ot fibres used and their degree of beating. and the %trucltita I charactes of mechanical and chemical pulps exert an the extensibility of papers. (Materials- -Paper, TT, Y. 6. no. 4) 0g.m. A. A RAPM METHOD fOR DETERMINING HARMFUL 1. Ogalt, A. Prr(:fi IN SOFT-WOOD FULPS. [19611 %ip. (4 figs. oinitted) 11 refs. OrdLr from SLA $1. 10 61-201e.9 Trans. Of-ILELPaple .- ' -1 (West Germanv) 1961, v. 15. no. I ro-i't, DESCRIVIURS: "Wood pulps, 'PiEch. Determination, SLparariom Flotation, c cligincermi. 6 1 - 201b9 Demils are gi,en :4f a rapid tnethc~d for deterintian. Larmful p,rc-h in conilerous -ocW pulpn whicil. 2" i.otnr4ir'v%1 vial, prvvious m"hodn, has the advantage o,' p. oviding i -wilLn within a relativcly shon period and Is alf* caiuabhv of ore for rourliw determination. ! ! F ;'~ I" !T. . -, ;1'). :') (" , , , ) 044- .1 T-6.... Pinctle8j. Invimtseptims concernuIg Fman end Baclamter Px*Wmw In Paper Hubims., by F4 wultschp & MWAr. GOOMp wxs -Pupi"p Vol xvs x) 4, 1961, w 3-30-134. GB/167/ThEQgtat 25W sol-&I(P~ rei) 63 ),2:) ". , ~515 FahmV, 'edlit and Abu-State. Amid. INFLUENCE OF MIIFHOUVICAI. CHEMICAL AND SONfE 11HYSIGAL MOP111171113 OF THE PULP ON THE FILTERABIIXIT OF THE VISOOSES. Pt. I On the Tantimg of Raym Grade Pulps. My 62. 5240 words. Order from, LSA $50.00 Trans. of don Papier (West Germany) 1961. v. 15, no. 5. P. 44-51 DESCRIVrORSt *'Alocd pulA Cbemical properties, Physical properties. 62-17249 1. Fahmy, Y. 1l. Abu-State. A. la. Title: on ... IV. Uterature Service Associates, Bound Brock. N. Tr. v. 8, no. 2) 61-18805 CLEANLINHSS IN THE CIRCULATION OF THE WATER SYS]'EM. May 61, 3p. Ordc-r frorn SLA $1 . 10 01-18805 Trins. of (ili Pap-L~j~(Wost Ge ttnan~) l')61, v. 15, no. 13 ~P. ITT- I Iti. DESCIUFFORS: *Wa~,r supplies, Paper industry, 'Purif,cazion, Ch,mi,al wastes, Drainage, Sanitary c.njnaecrvi~:. Reriarks maJc hy Dr. Konrad Wem ckv at a leccure on D,-cCTW'L'f 9 1"611 to the Stu~,; Cominitive en "Watc-i , Aasic t vid effluent,." of the Chemical Pulp and PaT~zr In-.- -utc are gr-n. Picsv remarks :!a~ Directiveb daux] June 1960 for -i., ming t1w co-11p.)SOlon of YF Ia.. 10) 1. Title: Antipollution I. British Paper and floaxii Industry lte~varch Association 0111.. .1 T.th.1c.1 S-i- Werr. F. 'ME DEIIAMINA110N OF *ME GREASE RESIST- ANCE. OF PAPERS, PT, 1. 119611 12p. (I fig. omltl,~d) .~b refs. Order from SLA $ 1. 60 62-10349 'i-rans, of'dBs Papier (West Germany) 1961, v. 1.5, no. 6. p. 222-229. 62-10349 1. Werr. F. DESCRIN*ORS: Vaper, Greases, Resistance, M-termination. The ai ticlu mitlmvi~ observations madv concerning greasc rL~_-imancL anJ greaseproof papers. The test- ing mutlo~js curruntly employed are descrilW and crilicall~ L-MmuntA 1:1), taking into consideration ex- pet imeiitall% ot-gamed reHultm. In emablashing a ~tandai d tot-thivi fi,r ivt,ting a rapur cons ide rat ion rv,oa 1. Io 0, In'T 1xise the IKIIK-l Inust st-I vv. 0444.. 0 T..h.1-1 &-i Watviiahz--VapLi. AT. v. 7, no. Q) (over) stabn, RldmxtL N I UMOD FOR QUAm,nA 11Y DETERNUMA71ON OF AIR CONTIENT IN VLcX=F- J" 64, 163Dwards Order from LSA $13. 00 Tram, of IdUipl raplar-iWast Gernianh 1961. v. 15. m 6. P. 239-231-.- DESCRUIMRS,. "VlBctxw. Air. Fibers (SynthedcN Q=dmtive *rAlyals. I%Var Induxtry. TT-64-12SU 1. SmblU R. IL Literature Service Assoclateimi, Bound Brook. (h%teTisU--P"r. TT. v. 11, m 11) Office of Trrhnical Se-l- 62-10277 Sedivy, M. and K ubat, BASIC FAL-MRS AFFECIING *niE CRUSH 1. Sedivy. M. STRENG111 OF PAPERS MANUFACTURED FROM 11. Kuhat, J. HICH YIVID PULP. 11961] 7p. (14 figs. omitted) I ref. Order Irani SLA $1. tO 62-10277 IYam of das ?spier (West Germany) 196 1. Y. 15, no. 6. p. 232-237. DESCRWTORS: 41hiper, *Wood pulp, Manufacturing methods, Quality control. Test methods. The pment trwise deals exclusively with the tech- nique of annufactitrtrig and converting the paper for the flutWg paper of corrugated Lxmrd, the most Im- portant factor* width affect the quality of the paper are dwctmsej, 'Ilse basis for these cow1uslotts was provided by a loft series of eWriments caffled out otfi- .1 S-i (Maier jali - - Paper, Tr, Y. 7. no, 9) (aveil 62-2CXX)S Posclirrann, Franr. DEFCAMING AGIUM IN THE PAPE_R INDUSTRY. i w t4 Sep 61, 12p. (figs. refs. onil"elJ) i refs. OTCL- r from SLA $1. 60 62-20005 Trans. c%s PaOcx_(jVest Germany) 1961, v. 15, no. 7 p. 295-301. DESCRII'TORS: OPOperindustry, Foams, *Foaming IWbitore, SurfaCe-active substances. (hUterials- -Paper. IrT, v. 9. no. 9) Ofte 01 ttthdcsl Sw*11 t,:!. 10 ;L)II IIIE I)ETHIMINATION OF -1111 GREASE RESIST- F. ANcE' OF rr. ii. Oct 61, 1-)P. ol-kit-l- floill SLA- $1-60 1'rans. (.f Jjit; Ilapicr (West Grinany) 1461, v. IS, oo. 7. p. 318-:322. I)ESCRIII'M16: *Pa~~r. Gi~as,s. Resist,"Ic'. Detc[ mination. sce al-'o 02- 10.1-19 Lf q -Paix,r,,, TT. v. 7. no. 14) TT-64-16520 Backer. K. TfM GAS IIEJk'qLkBLXrY OF PLAMIC COATED L BwAmr, K. PAPERS WMI PAR-nCULAR REGARD TO PAPERS COATED %Alrffl POLYMMYLENE Mar die Gasdurchli%sigkoft Kubstatofteschichfater, WbesmWe fWyftylambeschichtetw Plapdare). 113p] (foreign text iticludeQ Order fran . Tr-64-16520 SIA $1.60 Trow, of dos Now Most Germuq) 1961. v. 15, = 9. p. 407-410, Q&torials-Paper, TT, Y. M no. 4) Werr. F. -ME DETEMAINAnON OF nit' GIU-ASE RESIST- ANCE OF PAPER-S, Pt. 111. Ocl 61, 21P. (5 figs. ornitted) 3 r0s. order from SLA $2. 60 (72-1a309 Trans. of Lits Papier (West Germany) 1961. v. '15, nil. (), 1). 415-427. DESCRUMMS: *Pap!-r. Greases, Resistance. DL-tv rml nal i(m. Sce a Iso 1) -1 - 10.199 62- IOMN 1. Werr, F. (Materiah, - -11apex . 17. v. 7. no. 1)) Offi- f J'i ~ 1: ., , '. . '~~t . ~ "1"t '. . 1 - I '-~; ~ijx. i C %i 2) 1 2 cf~. I Ot. I llruccssin,% It it, V. %jjj"jjj'c('jj I mo:[ Ott- 63-10150 Virkola, Nila- Frik and Alm. Aarnio A. APPROACHES TO THE POSSIMMES OP CONTROL- 1. Vlrkols. N. -F. LING THE QUAL17rY OF PAPER PULP. 11962119p. It. Alm, A. A. (figs. omitted) 34 refs. Order from SLA $1.6D 63-10150 Trans. of das Papier LWeat Germany) 1961. v. 15. too. 10A. F5-YY--529. DESCRtMRS: "'Wood pulp, "'Paper industry. Quality control, Manufacturing methods. (Niaterials-Alaper. TT. v. 9. no. 10) ViNke III T ' ',W Urdm Albicchl, J. and Falier, K- -A. COMPARAFIVE ASSESSMEN"I'S OF Till: PRINFI'ABIL IfY 01: PHINTING PAPERS. Apr 62, 13p. (figs. onwi-1) tS 1,-fs, fz~,m SLA 51.60 621 - I t, 508 Trans. tif Jdas) Palmer (West Germany) 1961. %. 15, no. 10a. p. 610-05. i)j:l,C.HjjlFUR~: 'Papers, *Printing, Quahi% cmz: )I. lallstwal funciicw-, *Ink. S S r, 2 - I 651M 1. Albrchl, J. 11. Falzur. K. -A- TF, %,. 8, no. 10) OfFict of 79chalcol Soviets 62-IWNW; Brecht, IV. and Kir,:-hner, U. 'ME AIR CONTENT OF PAPER PULP SUSPEN- 1. Brecht. W. SIONS. Mar (12. Up. (figs. ornmed) 5 r0s. 11 . Kirchner, 11. Ordor from. SLA $1. 10 62-16505 Trans. of das Papier ("'t-st Germany) 1961, v. 1.5. no. Mi. p. 625-634. DE-SCRIPIMIS: *Pa~x r, Production, Ait . Absorption. Bubbles. Foams. Stability, *Wm)d pulp. Water, Drainage, Milling ni?~chlneq, Particles. TT, v. 8. no. 10) Offic. f T-h.1c.1 S.M Brecht, W. and WclxLel, W. THE SPEC]FIC CLEANING ACTION OF EXFFERU TYPES OF WIRE SPRAY PIPES, Mar 62, 7p. (figs. omitted) 5 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 62-16504 Trans. of Jdas) Papier (West Germany) 1961, v. 15, no. 10a, p. 635-6,13. DESCRIPTORS: Pajxsr, P!-1Jii,, ~!~ '!1W1111k:11iJL'h1;1, Plpet;. OCIetaning, W$ter, *Spray nozzles, Consump- tion, Reduaton, Liquid )cis, Wire screens, filters. Water impingment A mathematical prcx.~-_durc is given for calculating the tenskm In the various parts of the wire. the tractive forr,~ required, and the distribution of the tractive forces between the two driving rolls, for calculation of the jx:,wLr of the electric drive. In this (Milterials- -Paper. T'I', V. 8. no. 10) (over) 62 - 16504 1. Title; Fourdrinier wire 1. Brecht, W. i1. Weitzel, W. Offic. .1 T-k.kal S-i-s BEHAVIOR OF 11YDROn-11LIC IfYDRATE CELLUU)SI GEL lll-J~IS IN TIM COURSE OF MIE DRYING MOCESS, (Verlialten 11),JrophUer GcMl= aus Celuloschydrat Beim Trock-mmi). Apr 62 f331p. 8 refs. Order from Sl ~A S3. NO 63-10791 Trans. qLiJuu-l~mpigQ .*ewt Germany) 1962, v. 16. no. 1, p. 9-18. DESCRIVIX)RS: Ollydrums, "Gellulose, "Gels, "Films. Dehydration. Proc"sIng. Mechanical properties. 63-10791 1. GorlinZ, P. (hisiterials-lilasticv, IT, Y. 9, no. L2) Office of Technical Smices 62-1M43 Lx*mrm. wougang. ALIT%"TIC CONTROL DEVICES FOR PAPER 1. LAh-a- W. MACIGNILF. Fl'. L 29 June 62, 21p. (L2 tip. refs. omitted). Order from SLA $2.60 62-18043 Trans. of don Papier (Wee Germany) 1962, v. 16, m 2. p. SS-61. DESCRIPTORS: Paper, Paper industry. *Wood pulp machines. Machines. 0AUmmation. Quality CowroL Moandactwift mKhxw. ocontral systems. (Materials --Paper, TT. w. B. no. 5) Offim efUd-A.9 A Bog 3 4k*U laborstaW VISOOM MAnt fOr SWUM Pift AW Cb$ml=l Flbwsio bY IL Tt*DWo J. mobsda"& WNW* pws. dww bliffs Vol 16a IqQs, pp S:k*. --- lwG.6q6-jVk%-= &d4ftt Sovt 69 39iv246 Snall-Scale Laboratory Viscose Plant for Testing Pulp for Chemical Fibres, by E, Treiber. GXRKAN, per, Papier, Vol XVI, 1962, pp 8S-94. NZDIA Sci- K(M Max 63 OLD 5,28.3 622-16511 NEW ROUGHNESS TESTER AND tTS CONIlItBU'IIOV L Geenen, H. TO THE IIVALLIA71ON OF PRINTABILMY. Feb 62 Ap. (figa. table amitted) I ref. Order from SLA $1. 10 62-16511 Trans. of [dej Papierwereld (Netherlands) 1961, v. 16, no. 3. p. 63-65, 68, 73; no. 4, P. 91-95, 97, 100-103. DESCRIPTORS: *Awer, OPrinting. Test equipment, Reprodmion, Photographic pqxr, Quality control, Surfacets. The difference between the smoothness achieved by dynarrAc supercaleadering and by glazing between steel plates was studiegi. With aMroximately the san-m! roughness mean values, the non-unIformity in rough- ness or the uniformity in anx*thness in papers glazed betweer. two eteal plates was greater than in paper (MateriRlu--Paper, 17. v. B. no. 10) (over) offi-I 5 62-18044 Lehmann. wougant. ALrrOMATIC CONTROL DEVICES FOR PAPER 1. Lehmann. W. MACtUNBS, PT. It. 29 June 62, 16p. (5 figs. refs. omitteo. Order from SIA $1. (0 62-18044 Trans. of claa Papier (Wee Germany) 1962. v. 16, Do. 3. p. 95-102. DESCRIPTORS: Vaper. Paperinclustry. *Woodjpulp niachiwa, Muchince, *Autornation, Quality conti 1. Manufacturing nwtbD&. Dehydr*tiou. Steam, Control systems. See also 62-18043. 1 OfR- .1 Tdkl Sw~l- ,Material - -paper. TT. Y. 8. no. 9) The 3ehavlor of Hydrophilic Gel Films of Cellulose Hydrate Upon Drying, by P. Goerling, GEPJWI, per, Papiert Vol 16, 1962, pp 9-18. NTC-71-1a68o-iii Nov 71 63-10060 jayme, G. and Fengel, D. vLECTRON 1,41CROSCOPE PHOTOGRAPHS OF THF 1. jayme, G. SURFACES OP SM-CHEMICAL SOFT WOOD PULP If. Fengel, D. FIBRES. Nov 02, 7p. (figs. omirtc-d) I I refs. Order from SLA $ 1. 10 63-10060 Trans. of daa Ptpfer (West Germany) 1962, v. 16. no. 4, ____- p. I25-I3U. Another trans. is available from SLA $1. 10 an 62-2D469 11962) 1 Op. DESCRIPMR.S. *Wood pulp fibers, SurfacM Photo- graphic analysis, EleetronmicrosecMa. *Cellulose chemistry. In contrast with pulp fibres the electron microscope pictures taken of rel-Ilcas of unbleached aoftwo6d semi - chemical pulp fibres show surfaces which are more or less extensively blurred by deposited lignin and hemicelluloses. The swelling of the fibre walls during Ofte 0 Tockoksi tmkts (Materials- -Wood. T*r. v. 9. no. 9) (over) 62-ISM lAhmenn, WdLIgang. AUrOMAIIC COMMOL DENICES FOR PAPER MA- I - LAhMaZUI6 W- CMNES. PT. UL 29 " 62. 16p. (7 f1p. reft. oadtted). Order from SLA $1. 60 62-ISM 7Vans. of das Fispier (West Germany) 1962, Y. 16, no. 4. p_131-13L DESCRlP`rMS. *Papsr. Pqw Industryj *Wood machines. h4ackines, NA-momed-- Quality control. MonuftctLwing modKdop *Cbmtrol. system. See also 62-ISM OAnterials-Paper. 7T. v. 8, n& 8) Ofh- of T.Chweal swims 63-18272 USE OF MiTLSIIC:S IN THE RESHA BCH WORK OF I - MMhM A. IM PM-P AND RECENERAIM P=x DMUSrRY. [7 Fab 63] [26h% 3 ivis. Order fim SLA $2.60 63-18272 Trans. of d&s P&pL-x (West Germany) 1962. v. 16. nm 6. p. 22!P-23K- DESCHMMRS. DWUWxW rewMrcl4 analy" 'Wood pulp. *punts Mw&odcl P%w hidustry. RtVuuv~ ProbabdUy. Te-fle pwoperties6 viscoee. cauulosle. chamical propextMIL (I.Werw --Paper. Tr. V. 1% no. 11) Ofte d TKhdcji Swvkn Kubal, ]an and ~,,-dlvy, hillan. THE 01: FULTI YIELD ON SUITACILITY OF OUTFUM' RAIN MATERIALS FOR MAKING LINER BO.ki'.~J~ FOR CORRUGA'171146 MEDIUM. I I qf"-) 11 4)p. Order rrom SLA $1.60 0- 10075 -ans. of das Papler (W Tr est German)) 1962, v. 16 no. 6. jp.'7M~243.-. DE5CRIPTORS: 011aper, *Fiberboard. Mechanical prol)cril", Packing materials, Wood pilp. Industrial productimi - j. 1. I!Ti.-: ('~'r!uca~'J N~Ild I 11 %1. (Materials--Pay*z, n', v. 10, no. 3) TT-63-20576 Hftvchberg. Rudolr. ON A MOCESS FOR THE COMNUOUS MANU- 1. Hirschberg. R. FACrME OP CHLONDIR DIOXWE FROM SODIUM CMILDRATE AND SULFUR DIOXIDE (Uber sin Varkhren zur Kositinulerlicben Herstellung van CUordloxyd sum Nurlumcb1crat und, Scbwefeldioxyd). 119631 (16pl (ftdp tftt Included) 25Ms Order from SIA $1.60 IT-63-2D576 Reprint trans. ct don at owwway) 1"2, ON v. 16. no. P. p. 4119-11ftAk=act available) CEWILUTMS: 01aduarlail production. OCblartne compoue", Dicaddes. Sodim compounds. Chlorates, SuIfiw compounds. Cbnaic~J reactions. 08loaddall aXmtn. 7U paper describes the successful IoduswW producti of cbbwtw dioxWe In a 4 stop contlame process dwoullb the reaction at NI~CK)& S02 and H2904. 'no Offl~ of Twhalcal 6-1- (EqgIneesirg-Cbeenical. 7T, w. it, no. 4) (over) 630-16M )OM30, Q iond FOWL D6 ELUCM(YA OMCAL MXW OF UIE FM I ftmml~ CL MICTLMB; OF SOFTWOM CELLS. Jon 63 M 9: Pws4 D. iRwgL td>lwomkm 33reft Z~7W &m. MA $L W 63-14C0 Trmm or dan NoWs Wow Owmemo 1962. v. I& DESCRVI*M- *Uscttw adcwom=pm4l, WoA owood pap. -suctma %Paco oAstwUb-W=4 Tr, v. 10, sm 4$ IMm d 7ocb&W 63-18276 Bernmek F,lchsi~L RBCENr ODNTRIWMNIS TO nM 71MRY OF nil 1. 7UIC Mercerin VISCKM PROCESS 03aftifte zur Vkabmechamle). I - BRrumek R. [10 Avg 6311201p. 19 refiL Order from SLA $1.60 63-18276 Tram ct &$ Papiler (Went Germauy) 196Z Y. 16, no. IN. p. S6Fr-M DESCRIPMRS: Mooome, Prooessing. 7U*ry, Chowl- I In*-Uy CdUdome6 Sodb- cougamad% Hydraw% Aging OftwulAUN Xazddc acid. SakMIfty *Wood pup Sheds opapar iukatry Partkwbar aowMewatku wam stwev to wxI betas Am., tb, IdeWfIcatica of the W11-hy1rate complex participat- Ing in dw farv-dan of siod= cdbAaw L an specific Pulp sheet I.& rdtw amsbg bodma"I M In die dtppbg press; ovjdkw an 0a relaction La the agixg pr=xw and the Irfinewe of zvxb&16. vezzen (MaertaU- Pape t, 77. v. 10, no. 11) - (orar) Brecht. W. i T-r-n4-14NO FIBRE RUCOYERY FROM PAPER MACti[NE WASTE 1 1. Brecht, W. WATCK. (151631 13p(rigs or-Atted) l3refs Order frotu SLA $1.60 TT 64-143481 Trans. of do6 (West Germany) 1962, v. 16. no. toa. P. 6m. . DESCRUIMER Owastas (LoduXtrial), Mar-blues, *PN*r, *Wci*d put;% Recovery. Fkxulm (Separation). (Mauirialm-Paper, TT. v. 11. no. 7) 1 o"Ic. ot -F~hnlcml S"'I", T-17-6.7-2(M6 Brecht, W. and 71ppel. F. . TO TIM OPERATION OF NULL INVESTIGATIONS IN 1. Title: ('Ia: i, i, WASTE WATER CLARIFICATION PLANTS. [i9631 1. Bre~hr. W. [ 15p] (figs ognitted) 2refs 11. Zippel. P. Order fton SLA $1.60 TT-63-20826 V:r (West Germany) 1962. v. 16. Trans. of dta t no. 10~. p. 645- . (Abstract available) ,% DESCRIP'l'ORS: Maroer supplies, *Wastes (industrial). OPurificadon, Paper Industry, Sedimentation, Separs- tion, Investigations an 13 clarifying installations employed by the Paper and Board Industry indicated that considerable difference-a exIsted in the layout of the Installations and the circulatory syntema inside the overall production water system. So for an fibre recovery Is concerned. good clarkfying effects are almost always obtained, although with chemical/mechanical clarification there la Offk. f "t-h.m.1 S-,i- (Engineering- -Chemical, TT, v. 11. no. 3) (over) Luhde. Fricdxlch. TEE INFLUENCE OF CONVI,2MONAL AND DISK- REFINED OWUNDWOOD PROCESSCS ON WOOD DEPIBRA'110N. 119611 27p. 7 refs. order from SLA $2.60 63-16642 !e.T JWcot Gerffmny) 1962~ v. 16. Trams. at 4"__PZ& S no. 11, P. 65S DESCRIFMM: *Wood pulp. Fibers (Natural)~, I IKW". Material mepirstion. 63-16642 1. IU!)dc. F. OAatertals-Ilaper. 71'. v. 10, m. 9) w 1"tocal Swom TT-63-2D8,77 Jayrae. G. ard murty, V. I. ESTABLISHING THE PLOCCULATION OF FIBRE 1. Title: Mannogslactan SUSPENSIONS, TrS INPLUENCE ON SHEEr STRUC- 1. jayme. G. TURE, AND VARIATIONS CAUSED BY MANNO- 11. Murty, V. I- GALACTAN. Aug 63 12Dpl l4refs - Order from SLA $1.60 TT-63-208V Trans. of dusI r.0vest Gern%any) 1%2. v. 16, W0_1'r 11 6& L1 U I 1_ no, )stractsva & )W j4 , p. DESCRUTORS. *Woodpolp, Sheets, Mbers, Chemical precipitation, blochardolpropordev, Addittv", btaterial separation, Microstructum tAborotory Imostiptions were conducted to study flocculation in fibre auspoissions prepared frogn aye dWereat types of bleadied pulp as well am from mixtures of spruce and au-sw pulp The resulm ckarly Indicated a Ilawr Increase of the degree ol am-unifortnity (W) ' (Materials-OAlood. 'n , v. It. om 4) (over) -64'1 TT 09'45 Ruck. 11. S IN MCMUZINC, Kwk. M DIMLAt-UCEL"R RF iA=O\ ME ME PROCESS Of' CELLULOSE. 131 OU 631129p] 41rds Order tz m SL A $ 2. 60 TT-6d-10935 Trans. o( %1,%ker (West Germany) 1%2. v. t6, no. 12. P. (Matedals - -Made*. TT, Y. 12. txL 2) OM" of lathnicol ftml~ Voss, J. sind W3,er-Berge, 0. SrRUC-AIRE OF CHLLOPI-LANF- 112jd 631 J13p) 3reft Csdw fmn SLA *I. (C TT-64-10932 Trans. of dam Poplar (Went Germany) 1962, v. 16, um 12, p. 724-728. TT-64-10932 1. Von*, J. II. Mayer-Berge. 0. Obterids--Phartics6 7T, v. 11. m 12) 1 Ottice of T~hnlcai S-6- 77-63- 20574 Hirschberg, Kudolf. ON A PRCCUSS FOR THE MANUFACIURE OF 1. Hirschberg, R. CHLORINE DIOXIDE ON THE BASIS OF THE RE- ACTtrJN 07F CALCIUM CKLORATE WITH HYDRO- CHLORIC ACID (UbLi, ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von ChlordLoxyd auf G.-undlage des Umeatzes von Calclumchlorar mit Salzodure). (191631 fl3pi (foreign text include-J) Srefa Order front SLA $1. (A) TT-63-2DS74! Reprint tran&. of das Papier (Germany) 1963, v. 17 (no. 11p. 1-5. jAttt?Wn-Mll&ble) Da'CR MM:111.8~ *Ghlurina compounds, *Dioxides, PrOdULtion, *(~alciwrt compounds, *Chlorater, Chlorides, 'Hydr(KAflorit: aCid. *Catalysui, hiangan-2fie,l Sliver To,&vrt, (Chemistry), Wood pulp, *Rlesching, v. 11, no. 6) (over) Contr-lbiztion tuc the Kn--idedge of SulphLte I-Ldps with Biult:,gicv.1 Properties - 1.',.Drph--)lcgy und Coiaditi,Dn of Swelling, by H. Gessler, G. Jc~q;,e. GERMAN, per, 22.s Fa~er. Vol 3:(, No 1, 1C)63, pp 5-14 Gb 167/3533 Sci - jul 67 334,156 OrftNal D. sii~c mus: A RAW MATRRIAL IN T1113 MA"ACrUR H CtF PAPER (Syntbodacbe Fasern ale F"Gerrobok". 16 Mor 63111 5b6 (aglL owtte* 63 rets. Order fl SL.A IL, 60 63-18366 Tramis. of dkm~~r CWest CArrumtoo IftS, v. 17. am 2. p. 44- DlMRffTClR&- *Plb*raL(SyMb~Ck*, Procv=lv4& materlau, Calb*wti, Adymmide plaodca. Paper fu6mary, lischium A mme-a-tbo-art survey. 63-1&W 1. Rrflrdng, 04 13. 'nil= Raw... (h"hwWa-raper, 'ff. Y. LO. am 11) Ttck*jd Sm"s TT-64-14800 Brecht, % . and Wanks, R. CONTILAMON OF PAPER IN THS CROSS DIREC_ 1 1. Brecht. W. TION. Jan 64. 11 p (figs omitted) 6refs H - Waniz. R. Order from SLA $1.60 TT-64-148M Tranm. of don PapjeT_jjveK Germay) 190. v. 17, no. 4, p. 141-147-.- (Niatexials- -Paper. TT, v. 11, no. 11) 1 off," of Tectinical se-I ... Gie rt z . 1 is -it . 'N HIGH YIELD FVLJi AND TIIEIR PROPERTIES. 119631 JIOPJ lorefs Order fs;-,n SLA $1. 10 TT-64-1061.A Trans. of das 1!~,~Wtmt Germany) I w(, i, v. 17, no. 5, p. DESCRIVI'ORS: I Stretch forming, Fibers, Sulfites, Prmessing. Wchnical properties. 1. (Aerl-' If. (Materl,als-Paper, TT. Y. It, no. 6) Off-. A Muller-Ria W. and others. A CONTRIBUTION TO EXPLAIN THE APPEARANCE OF BARRIPCS ON PAPER PRODWED ON HIGH- SPEED PAPER MACIIINES. It 9631 [17p] (figs omlited) 4refe Order from SLA $1.60 Tr-63-20925 Trans. of dsm tW!~r (West Germany) 1963. v. 17, no. 5, P_ 197-206- DESCRIPTORS, *Po4er. Production. *Machines. Oscil- lation, Sheets, Thickness, Vlbratim tridustrial equipment. TT-63-2082.9 1. MUller-Rid. W. (Materials --Paper. TT. v. It. no. 3) TT-63-W777 Nordman, L. and Gtittsching, " STRENG"M OF FIBIIR-PMER BONDS IN PAPER 1. Nordman, L_ FROM BIRCH SEM11CHEMICAL PULP. 119631 121p] 11. Gbttsching. I- 27rets Order frorn SLA $Z 00 7T-63-2D7Z7 Trans. of dos Panigg,Q(est Germany) 1963, v. 17 [no. 61 i -N-K DESCRIPTORS: Ofter, *Wood pulp, Mechanical properties, 1-Uterial forming, Bleaching. It was found that the bonding strength increases with Incressla* bwUng. Vw bonding strength value was expressed In erg/cfn&, the wwt necessary to separate the bonded fibre surfaces In an optically measured bonding unit arm Thin Is explained by the Increase of contact areas capablir & bonding during tho course of the beatinW The change to bonding strength values in (Materials - -Paper. TT, v. It. no. 4) (over) Dr-aAnL al' Panj~u-r With the V.1.3,. D-~.pul:, wy P. Schlechtt!r. GMUit"a.1, Ipt~r, Pa-.,,ier Vol 17, No ,,, 1 , , ,, -1-1 L, 1-1. ( f i :~ . GBj'i67/'3L")il,'i Sci - Jill U"'( -;; 2, 1 , u " ~ ~- Prfritvbil:Lty of High Gloss Pape:rs, by Ii. Toepsch. GEIMANT, per, Pcpier, Vol 17, No 10-, 1~63, 1,I) S -634 - 1, .0 X GB 167/41012 Sci - Jul 67 334,161 AVjwL Tr-"-Iuu v=jW1I MXJIM yumi3s 1. OpLk. A. PLIJUM 00 kw& OMIW ftm MA $1. W Tr-"-16363 1 7UN& of O"ftpiw (We& amoulow 1964 V. 17. *a 11. P. --I%rar. rr. T. IZ am 4) 1 Ofn- f T-#-~.l S.-I.-