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A Nefw Method in Treatment of Paroxysmal, Auricular FibcrI.Uat:Lon,, by R. Somlo. HUNGARLAN, per, Orvosl Herilap, Vol CH, 1961, pp 7*3-785. NASA TT F-8555 Sci-Biol & Med Sci M M 64 U2.1 GOVERIOAENT ONLY '157 5297 , 0 cullwdrill Uzi by Dr. Tibor A. i4gy, ;.;Zr A 1,1 p:!r, Orvo.--)i Hotilap, iio ~-,6, P5 Surl ZP com ctit .!it,, 'LIC in Ilungal"", b7 Erzacbeet Moimar, 22 pp. V'A 01"', I'lo -~ '-~ ~Dl , -OT., (NY-10) Debate on the Taenis and ftbij=occus Problems, by Ferenc Rollo, 4 pp. MWIAMAN, per, ADrvoaI-Zetil;tp,, voi cri, 140 31, 30 Jul ig6i, pp 1476-14,77. JM 11882 Sci - Wd /7 Jan 62 ObservrAtiorw on the Antisposmodic Ff- fects of Ridol, by Rrigyes Gotz, Jozsef Kin"ess 4 pp. MWaLOTAR, per, Orvosi Hetilsp.. Vol cil, Ifo 35, 0- ~ud'-1961:-, JPP 1661 - 1-66:?. JFRS 11759 SCJL - Mid / 2~ / fl jan 62 (ik!Y-U~)2~) HEYATOLOGY CONFERENCE I N HUNGARY, 12 PP. HJWGAR I ANY PER, ORY051-ULULAP, VOL C I I, NIO 2.-) F.4ov ig6i, PP 2300-2302. JPRS 12075 S(- I - MED MA R Q 163,216 (VY-6975) Progrm of the Tmunology Section of the Rmawrl= Microbiological Society, .1 pp . V=AHWj, per, O"col Hotilap, Vol CIII, If* 2, 14 Jon 1962, :0j 7W;-SnV. - JPPZ 3 331.99 PAI - Ned .4 ( go, ~. /&" .-) Apr 6 2 MEDICALL SCIENCE IN HUNGARY, BY ISTVAN RUSZNYAK, 9 PP. HUNGARIAN, PER, ORVOSI HETILAP, VOL CIII, NO 391 30 SEP lq~-, PP 1851-165)f., ---- JPRS 17132 SCI - MED JAN 63 215,41- Effect of Diuretics on the Aminoacid Content of the &rum and Urine: Quick Method Suitable as Screening Test to Determine Total Alpha-Amino Nitro n, by Pal Braun, Maria krtauk, et al, 9 pp. HUNrARUN, per, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol CM, No 41, 1962 11 iDv 1933-1935. 9692763 FTI)ITT-63-1021 Scl-Chem June 64 41260,831 Treatuacrit of Patients Witia Ilyperciioles- Uremia With I;c-.m Cholosterin-acciucing I' ',iugs;, by I*. Kr-asznai, et al, JIMI"UNN,, IxT. Orvosi fletila& No IN, 1963, Pp 551-553, P"1111 11-34-64 I*- (A ~;, -Bui Jul 65. 286,135 Double "Bruit de Canon". by Gy%da Kerkovits, 9 pp. HUNGARIAN, ger, Orvosi HetUap, Vol CIV, No 17, , 1, 1963, pp 799-8 1. 9693234 FTD-TT-64-270 Sci - Biol & Mod Sci Jul 64 263,743 ...... . ......... v4l Moklical. CMtew IEZ-CO13 (TD 10 APX*U) 3 APril The role of wtiboitleo In %v4latUx wjt*3rcwe By; aerMaij at &I Fromt. On,. IlotApal V 10~,, 3U&UWi V cert Vor v6s: the treatment of acute 1963:913-17 5 PP Plew- trowaoto and type I orlgiW. copy. Eo not out-Unto documit. The Auricular Eaectrokymogram, by G. Boshenszky, Z Bokow 13 pp. HbNGAW!4, per. Orvosl Hetilap, Vol CIV, No 21, 1963, plo 981- 94. 9693209 FTD-TT-64-271 SCI - Elec lut 64 263~735 QT I-b--nme-tvazim u:id Griacidimli and PVchools, by G. Va---M et al. IMMMM10j, pox-,, 0--v notil Vol l"' Plil 13:(-~-3,:--(,). imv um i';-i.'-L;6 i,lol, Umb, 17 Aug. 66 Kisorlatel-, a ftrpos zoator virus IwAalasara Byt Goder lAs4o et ala Soumot Orvo llotlUp 104: 20%-34,, 11?63. Hunprisn - airl- for w&t Translate and type I cavxma rmdy oolyy. See typing instruettom. 'Make oover an aaaMla. 1~'-438-1 BM No. B101 lab, T-439-2 R-7379-D 17 Pug. 66 A keratooonjimetivitiA OPWOmlft sarnnytestjoinck specifilms antigen tuUjd*ns*jprdl Br Godc Peter at &I, Source: Orw. fl*tUsp 1051 439-WAw 1964. Hungarian - ast for mdes TmnmUtm ami type I awmem ruLdy acqye See typing instraeftora., ALke cover as sa-mpleg T BM "~Iuotn,=o Icterw, in CULZiaGa, dy 1Z.0 Palo. li.W(ViLLM, per, Urvosi flotilBL,, 1964, pLi S57-558, *AQ;I 1-9GC-l 11) 2201069965 Sci - lUol F, ~Ilqd Sci j em 66 aol, Lab, B-7380-D 17 Pug- 66 Ha3maott-on allfardulo herpes moster foOgbOtegOdOsOk oort-loositomiddal koselt betagelcon Byt Rado Jams et&2.* Sourcol rjrw, Hottup 1051 1266-709 1964 HmigarlAn.. eat for vdat Tilmmlate and typo I camem ready colpye See typing, inAracrtims, Ikke oover as samase r.438.3 BM NO* Prograin of the General Assembly of the Forensic Medicine Section of Pathologists, Anatomists of the Medical and Public Health Workers Union, 17 pp. HUNGARIAN, per, Orvosi Hedlap,, 30 Aug 1964, pp 164-1679. JPRS 26860 Sci - B & M Dec 64 269,862 Program and Speakers of the Fourth International Congress of the Hungarian Socierl of Microbiologists, 18 pp.. HUNGARIAN, per, Otrvosi Hetilaj?, Vol CV, No 38, 20 Sep 1964, pp 1817--M2. JPW9 27109 , - Mise Clci Jan 65 2700685 OY-1010) Problems of Postgraduate Training nnd Cuallfication of Medical Specialists, by %,ula aftnoky, 25 pp- !Imps, VaLL XXXVI, EUMARUN, per, Orvps)~c Bo 1, F*b 1!?61, pp 1-15. irm iigo4 Mur - Humeary 17q, CqF Soc Jan 6? (,N-y- 10), The 101 Plan for PostGraduatz WAIcal Trainina, 10 pp. HUNGMUK, per, Orvaskepzes, voi xxm, wo 1: W6_Tq-6i_, -pp 1'6-80. im ri886 Nolur - Himsary Soc / 117, .0 1? q Jan 62 in llurl,~:Iry und 1t-.5 CorreJntion3. by Im. FMCARIVII, per,. OrvookepZ68, Vol :Mna: ljo aig - '->)7-31-.5-. pp jpRs u.461 Mid 6 Doe 67 wil"s 31,11 16*4 lUpwUl4 W. A4 ommm 00 =mw Pam f-M awy. W 0*4 =VWIWIWII ~ 'Lftwito OU "waves Monte a". NO nstrUCtions for Handling and Processing ONNO Color Film and Photographic Paper, by Franz Luehr, Guenter Huebner. GERRAN, bk, ORIVO Rezepte, 1964, pp 129-163. JPRS CSO: NY-13734 J-2156/67 RMAxxxxSffxM=Y' Sci - Phys Jun 67 326,13S of Guinea, A. J. Lk-, 41 pp. PP (-,'L-(,4, 110 8713 A! T26 i"y Map svxvict Gej~j Dec U:3 NI-1328 Oschats and the Wormsdorf &gfj~ bqgmiany), by Karl- Feirs sammnles'I'lp 65 pp. s 9 GMNAN, wonoaxaph, Oschare und der Wermedorl" 110 L-42,k 1955, PP-V--72- US JM/NY-L-121 Eh'ur - Germny Geo (DL-6-112) PRINCIPLES OF MEDICAL DEFENSE (AGAINST AT%iIC, BACTERIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL WARFARE, BY IV. NIKOLOV: 222 PP. BULCdiRiAN XICUM: BK: OSNOVI NA MEDIKO SAUITARNATA ZHASHTITA,, 1559, PP 207-~ JPRS 14655 SCI - MED JUL 62 205,751 PRlk--lPLES OF MEDICAL DEFENSE, io4 pp. EULGARIAN, 8K, 05rDVI I'LA MEDIKQ SA141TARNATA ZASHTITA SOFIA, 1959, PP 319-3076- JPRS 14705 EEUR - BULGARIA I.Ii L S' I - MED AUGO 62 :205 III! I IT F. 11 111 it''ill Tom" IN rAt OKVVAftow or YK yc"Mit 4www IN "AA" ~ BY Frm VINWp TAPIL wmo ! pps u l LMJA6.- ClajoirlowUm or Pimd Capital 'by Tnne in aramh alook-DOWAP 22 vp a =BMW* vft* 2mmm DM& 06 1963, We 1~2-1~9* apro k0m um Be= Sevt 67 339m.131 Stat-Lstical Theory of the Dist-ributic- Stre:lses in a Granualar So:Ll Fowidation, by R. Maller. GEIOWI, per, Osnov. Ruidam. Mekli. Gnuit. i,io- 4, 1962, pp 4-6 CSIRO/ 140- 7972 Sci - Auc. 1- -415 " ~) 1 337 TWOONWOM IA 041 i!*-..!- Map by G. Lovlt*la,, 22.pp. rmLwj, per', Lecopm IN" 0 V". tits A PIP 97-icko . ,.--l- - - . T-ddA 107 &A SO-Uh act mg 59 7X 0 06 49c~ f%, A511c;- A Wra-t-~; ski -- -"-~L A-UW7-D POO. Na." mwo)3nwj9 1 Apr" 1969 TAtles Llqwmw 4*Ul owftvft am ----Ltbolwe EA& MAN" S"to Awwwo woo 3cumet ONVDFM" COM 0104#4 41 Vftft" Kv&dom O.H.U. *Ago%% Ga pgsmm) ftq*. P. sraw*u LAD~l IWASA bo"-49) somew MmAnoumot Plane trawme ad " I OW.0 Cei. edral kheWaphy And Its LAAtipwtic POOSQUItles In CunicaLt rractI04 by i,. Belittw-bl, V. VaccbInl. ITALUN, per, 292!* tA Milano . Bore.. Vol 59, pp 2M-236, 1904 NAAIA TT P-9497 $a-Mus M" 65 291,675 Porlonged 11~jvgluoemai and Irreversible Cerebral Da-se After the Administration of Chlorpropamide in a Non-diabetic Subjectj by G. Vercesal and E- Oatti., 17 P- 3TALXAN., perp Oppedale Masrsdore, Vol LV31I,, 1963, PY 1013-1027. mA TT 65-14193 Sci-BU4 Jun 66 303.,672 Prooompirmiumd Ste*l Structuroal, by G. Magool. MORO par# q!s&tu" uRtAluvej, No 10o Oct 1953,, pp 5,07-930. INSMOM30 Sol Apr 59 w .00, " 714 ~ A i Observations On theElectrical Behaviour of Organic Solutions on Salts of Ali]phatic rN-ia-Kylamines, by C. Botre, ". Scibona. I IT ITALIAN, document, Osservazioni Sul Comportamento Elettrochi Mico Di Soluzioni Organiche Di Sali Di Trialchilammine Alifatiche. *AEC Sci. - chi!ffn Jan 63 Mxxiszi, Conununism, and African Sccialis-m GMW,l, rpt, Der Ostblock und the Entwicklungslaciider, No 11, Apr 3.963, pp 39-50. A~PRS/DC-89420 (Special) A2 Africa Pol Sep 63 Past Bloc, H~uropean Economic Corununity ana Under- developed Countries, by Erik Bot!ttcher. SF-2812 GLRMAN, bk, Ostblock, -vwg und D~itxqicklungs Lander, 0 Stuttgart 1963, PP 1-15-144. *JP-R S WE-W. GermAny Ecan SeP 63 J-2-' I/ (,.I Latin American Problems in the Soviet View, by Borys Lewytzkyj, FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY GEM,V%', rpt, Der Ostblock und die Entwicklungslaender, Hannover, Ao 14, Dec 1963, pp 7-14. 4PRS/SF-3025/SPEClAL COPYRIGIT LA - USSR Pol, soc Feb 64 On the- Activity of the People's Republic of China in Latin America, by Wolfgang Bartke, 19 pp. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY GEIMN, per, Der Ostblock und dic Entwicklungslander, No 14, Dec 1963, pp 1S-24. -1eJPR5jS F-3025 /SPECIAL L LA - P01 Mar 64 j -'-12 1 / 0 4 The Labor Unions of Latin America -- Their Reffional Associations and RK International Relations, by Boris Goldenberg '1' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY GERM4, rpt, Der Ostblock und die Entwicklungslaender, Hannover, Nio 14, Dec 1963 pp 25-40. ZRS/SF-3025/SPECIAL COPYRIG11T LA - Pol'=Soc J-799/u4 The Economic-Tecimical Program of the Soviet Illoc and China for th( Countries of Africa, by Kurt Mueller. FOR OFFICIAL USE CX~Ud3jpr. GBRI-M , per, Der Ostblock und die Entwicklung- slaender, Ma No 15 r 1964, pp 1-11. 4~T I, ~" ': JPllS/DC- 10S62/SPECIAL Al-JUCA Lcon# Pol Jun 64 J - 7~)9/64 The Influence of China on the African Area, by Wolfgang Bartke. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY) Dcw. GEILMAN, per, Der Ostblock taid die Entwicklwigs laen der, No 15, Pyr 1964, pp 12-31. '-J'PRS2/DC-1.0562/SPLCIAL Afri ca I- C04 Pol J un 64 Sohw%nn, 0. 1964 'Ite effect of abnormal temperatures o)l the spawning and dave-lopments.1 success of eggs frota -.he N-orth American walleye (Die Wirkung abnormaler Tempera%uren auf d" Laichen imd die Entwicklungafghigkolt der Hier ordamerikanisoher Zander) R .",iiterelchs Fischerei, (5). M&Yt .85-67. in German. Tranal. by Dimtor N. Busch for Sandusky Great lakes Fish IAb., BCV, JulY 1970, 5P-, tYPesor:LPt. Avail. on Loan - BC?, Wash., D.C. OrIginvI,A.tI,:Ie Chincl,ed.l& rJ*q:)ret p Icdl=n, 2 pp. Zwir', oc;to2v Aw~~13 zt," 8.1,*A. Tr 46-vA956 M'Mr - ftrzurw P'a'm'lt:LfA' - M9',Ast'7 64, 6-9j? ChauJ.atr7 and Toxicology of Modem Insecticides. Diene and Torpme Groupingep by Randolph Rlemachneider, 6 pp. Fun tran lation. GERM, parp -O1qt"r"1ob1"nb2 Agni, Vol V v 1951. pp 5AP-541 SO1*WtMO ChmmiAr7 '94F 11~4 Aug 55 4K e1 The Cbsnistry of Polyluaocqclopeutadime and Relatoci Compounds MI. T129 Lmboratory, Preparation of Hexa- chlorodicyalopentadiene, CINC161, by Randolph Rismobnelder,, 3 pp. Full tranalation. GERM, pler, 21&=1 mobs- -AvP1AgXer ZMIJMg, Vol V'I, 1952, pp 248p 250. S.L.A. Seientific - Chmistry 61-20212 Frillich. Josef. DECO.%4Uh:)SI'IIUN AND SIATABILITY TFST OF vi- 1. Fritsch. J. IIMTLL3 CONCRUTE. 119611 Up. I ref. Order from SLA $1.60 6 1 - 20212 Tranu. from Osteralchischt; BauzelEachrift (Austria) 1948, V. 3. no. 1/3. DESCIUrMRS: Decomposition, *Concrete, *Vibmtlon, 6Cements. TLst methods. Water. Sqwation, Stresses (MacertiLls. Tr. v. 7. no. 4) 014- f T-61-1 S-i O-EJECTION Ci--- ALKALOIDS Orcer ~:-cvn X-H 315-0,~, K-Ji 40'78 cf Osiurrcichische Botanische ZeitqchrLft (Austria) 1927. . 76, p. 222-228. oLscitwroRs: Microcherniscry. *Plimts, *Alkaloids. OiNxectioll (Chemical). 2 2 Klein, G. liernJ111hler, E. 111. K-11-4078 IV. Kresge-Hooker Science Ubrary Associates. Detroit, NUch. 17, v. 8, no. 10) Offic, f T~6.o-i S~v... (FW 2BT54,) lavestigattons of tho ImmolUtIonj, Spiral St=ct=ep amwtbj, =1 DIvIelon oC ParwWlou Qr=uloo., by A. Fodm=p 49 W. - m=o. Irx" Plus -a 4 rt-m-a- c I.. M, 110-141. MAJTW U-9040 War - Gowmay fts - Madetry Oct 56 bo cm~bn!y--,,6ratqe of' C 7 pp. Full trandletion. GMMN, per, Oa&UMMjchi8qb2 Cjgk New Series, Vol pp 441-1 S.L.A. Sciontdfic - Cbmmistry Aug 55 I - 107 P!-." ~ ~\!CA7*k-'N 01' ",A", [19~)lj IGp. :1 rtf,. 0-,,Icr frum Fl..A I'arnal C31,~4aikcr ZtnT,L;n6.(AusirIj)-1915 fv.-* 191 fin. 10. 1. C, 0 2. Gi r L~,a mm,;.4 F,:, j-- (MatcriaN-V :ts. 'IT, Y. S. no. 11) IJ Lj.,a,-ecw 1 1" Vol ~Lu'-Fn p SLA 60-161'85 7- r - r,,tlql W, No 7 lur gy, Paxt L, by I per, Onter-reigbiscbe 3/4, siA 6o-i67.84 ftd. Y0,31 IV, so 7 6z? . h" GXMI, per, Oute-a"Ichlocho Ch mtlher-Zleltvang, ,;,0l zr t4 -114. p AAAU OZZ, D--Vt of later.4= Us lkir Of Mims lkstam Xxpcrim=t Co llc~w Pwk F m Sci - min/mot KAY 59 I-1-,I : AW 11 11 - , ~ If f If: I WAI if I CbWZLca RWAvtjMs by Neutron-ClImpturey by MWilbert, Bkoftp 12 pp. GEWWj, ': perj, Oetwavichisobe Cbmdk Zoitmaj, Val Up w 2,p S,L*A. Tr 72 w.a-na ,3.9.z1 --- 63 . I A --220 TO TIM KNUNI-EDGE OF Iii*.XN- "1vyL:' 1.. 119631 lop 10lufn Order fror) S1_ A $ 1. 1 a '17 -0-18220 Trans. af(,_istqt-.jdckdjj;-jm (Item Ike, r.-. -,WLUAg (Austria) 1950, V. 5r;'_110. S. 1). a6s ,ti,-act available) DESCIJI1l'C)i4'3. Olleoca,:~Aocydd' hemnes, 1 Separst:13.1, Molecular Ismielism Doscriptiorn axe given of an Imprarvetl caii be used foi the lw~.aclon of the most ijniWrtant Isomers cA BHC arxi Zbo A. .1- .- .' ` new methods for: concentgating the bleaA.1tka1ly mast ImiN3riant gumnia Isornex. Kordesch, Karl and Marko, Adolf. ON NEW KINDS OF CARBON-OXYGEN ELECTRODES, 1117r. 1. 11 ')()111 t~j). (4 figs. omitted) 46 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 62-1055B Trans. of 8sterretchlache Chemiker-Zeltung (Austria) 1951. v. 52. no. 7, p. 125-131. Portions of this report wUl not reproduce well. DESCRIPTORS: 013lectrodes, *Carbon, *Oxygen elec- trodea, Production, Fuel elements. Electrochemistry. 62-10558 Kordesch, K. Marko, A. (Chemlstry--Phyalcal. T-17. v. 7. no. 9) offi- .1 T.A.IvW S-A... Nandi, F. and Margreiter, 11. AN ACID !;TABI-17 IjIC)5YN"FHF1'J(' PFNICILLIN (Ean 1. Brandl, E. SAUIcklabilen BiUS3111hetiFiches Penicillin). fl9621fl9k). )I. Margreiter, if, (refs. omittvd) 12 refs. Order frarn SLA $1.60 63-tOZ89 'Tranb. Cd k)aXerrewbiliche 'hemiker-Zeitung (Austria) 1954. v. 53, -no. t-/*Z p. 11-21. DESCRIPTORS. 01'euicillinB, *Antibiotics. 0Bio- synthesis. Hydrogen Ion concentration. Yeasts. Phenoxy radicals, Mettryl radicals. Fermentation. Acetic scid. Chernititry. Precipitatim Chemical properties. Physical properties. Stability, Salts. The biosynthesis of penicillins and the Influence of the side chain. as %tell as biological activity and the physico-chen,ical properties are discussed. The de- scription cA the preparation of acid-resistant phenoxy- methyl penicillin (by authors named an "W). and dlffer~ Oaks of Tech" Sww1us (Biological Sciences- -Pharmacology, TT,v. 10. no. 2) (overt Generation of High Temperatures (up to 55~,Owo) in the Lubomtory., by 0. Preining. aERNM per, ShIjterrelch* Mana -17- Vol LVI, No 51 k 1954OPP, E75W.-I - I -- EPWO D83R/30339/c7' Sci .. Pbysice -g, ,grz act 57 .4 Ttia Dat-cralration of PanIcIXUr, in Ccittairdmir, Petdv, bv R. V if) I? - GLIMMAR., pex, Ostorr.ol,ch. Cl,= =&. Val M, 11;53~ p . C'. 0. N-3- GLA 58-164 Set r"s 59 63-16627 samec. M. ABOUT THE IMPROVEMENT OF STARCH. [19631 1. Samec. M. 14p. Available from SLA on loan 63-16627 Trans. cd 6mderre1ch1r;~_~[ikerj-Zeixjun& (Austria) IT55.-v. ao. IT_ DESCRIPTORS: OStarches. *Food, OChemical bmd *Molecular asewLation, Viscosity, Physical properties. Gels. After on Introdwary discvosion of today's kDowledign BbOLK thO structure of starch and about the Mechanism of the rnicelle knnittlan. several MoWled Karch prW wr'tlons are discussed. NWb AN $Well starch. KarCb with increased vlooDelty, pudding %tax ch. thin ccK)kwg starch. micelle match and soluble starch. 'The molecu-,(C:heml,,try--Phymical, lAr changes wbich permit to I I-LIJI.IfOl III the qtiaht w., AT I. W, n". 8) the starch in Adaptation to the momentary requirements offia Cd 7ech*31 semm W a useful manner are also discussed. (Auchor) I The Prict4omsil pyrophoricity (g, Allays., IQ,, IL lt'Owotnyj 0. Smetana. LIEMIhN.e 3)er, j6Qq:~~rrolchische Cberdkex,-ZeitunZ,, voi Yvn36 1M,, -P-P-195ZUB-.- 9203405 -- AEC-Tr-55" sci - mt & Wt 14wr 63 6" .5 6 / The rrictioiga Pyrophoricity at" AUoys,, by H,, Novotily, 0. Swtana. GF&Mj perj, /Ooterrelchische Ch~r-Zeit=g., vol Lvin., 1957s PP 195-208, 92D34DB Anc-Tr-5544 Sol - Mat & Wt ya.r 6 3