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Vitality of Culture Yeast, a Fmiction of Aeroblosis, by It. Weidurtner. GERMAN, per, NaturvissenschAften, Vol la.IX, No 2, 1962, pp 44, 45. NRC/Fud: C-4465 SCI, CHEM Apr 64 253,338 of thc Ccntinuity of Plastids and I-Atochon0l-,it~ --'n the 0ocyte of Acquilinmi (L) ll'uhn, by K. I.Wile-thaler, P. -Dell. CIM.-ATI, por, Naturviissenschafte VC-1. -,,o. -), 1~)~2 1),-) 6'-,';.'4. DSDIO/I~o- sci - J u II, Istescrrstaufte costmetics =a Swelling Prapattles of rbves&L"er CIV Minerals., by WA42*aa&. GEWVXS per, -----,dtofte Wmtd*a Vol m3to so p Mt. pp $40 OMM/No 4=1 sci-am* -~A9 , , gi-,F NIW 63 z plodmM= of Img Canow by EkibMtwmma WOCUM OX KjNdjwqajdtT*smmjm an WW# by H. Dmclc=Yi, Ra. Plvwumgm. owl"It sue in I I - 1 -1 malwLrlml Val 0 NO 5p pp " , --l- MM 9~-11-62 S" - JbdL 00e62 a 191 i?(OS 63-10162 br"uckner. R. THUMAL EXPAMON OF FLINT GLASS AS A t. Tttk: Fba ghum FUN=ON OF PRSVIOUS HEAT TRELATMaNT. 1. MAckwer. It. 1196217p. 5 mts. Order from SLA $1. 10 63-t0162 Tram. of the Natu ea West GermanyY 1,962. v. D13SCRUrrORS: *Glasa, Silicon compounds, Oxides, Heattreatmem, INTbermaleqaastan, Phyatcalprop- ertles, Measuremient. (Materiala- -Ceramics. TT, v. 9. no. 11) OMM d fach" brwm On d3ia Orientation of Indigenous Simulids to Mammalian Hosts, by P. WWenk. GERMAN, per, NamrwissenshaftenK No 7, 1962, pp 165, 166. NRC/Ref: C-4380 Scl - B301 Feb 64 250,424 Hajck, 7',Ciniek and Rckertova, Ladndla CONSTP-JC21ON Oil A STABLE FIELD:CATUOM" 1 .Hajek, Z. (Ne Km-Aviki~n elner Staldlen Feldksthode) ,~0631 11. FCkCMVL, I.. ~,p 4ref- 17 Ur~k!r (n:,m SLA $1, 10 of di,~,~!VxcwtjisenRcharten (West Germany) 1962. v. 49, no. DL'SCRIPMRS: *Q1d)DdCR (M=troa tUbeS). AlLM,111111111, Metal pUwi, Nicb-1 oaattngu, Dielectrics. (Ertgtnecr1ng--EloccroWc. TT, v. 11. no. 7) f T-14.1-1 63 - 18087 Hayek, 7demek taid Ecl:erto7a, LAidmila. 711B CCANSTRUCTION OF A STEADY FIELD 1. Hayek, Z. CATHMEL, 1196114FL 4 refs. It. &-kertova, I- Order fvwt SLA $1.. 10 63-18087 chiften Trzins. of .'.Ue Natiaml, em (West Germany) M . - - - ~~' P. A) 1. D MRrtrrGRS: "C-idod&s. Construction. *Altninum eloctrodest Cc6itfulls, Dielectrics, Alurninurn corn- PKRMLIS. 0-Adeg, E111111alytty. Catbodes of the ty-pe Al-AI203-MG were Investigate& (Nie oigniflas a tneW., e. g. Ag, Au. Pt. etc.). A voltage of n few terus of volts to sent berween the At- electrc4a &:d Cm uend -permeable metAllic layer aboy C. i U the thickness (A th* dLelectric Is small enough, a atxong alectric fleld Is generated %tdcb causes an emissIrm .,( electrons from the maullic substrate.A (Enginecitng--Ellectradc, TT. v. 10, no. (over)I Um", Qimtitative AWlyalm of US Experlm=tal P%%whilotum of Cancar,, by N. ',buckrey., D. Schwibl. MWN.o Pwa lb Amswe4ftrtenp Vol M=p No lop 3962p-N RM 10-3-U' SA " Mod Dot 62 4::z 1 Y, I Generation and Measurement of Short Electrical and Acoustic Pulses, by W. Eisenmenger. EUROPEAN, per, Naturwissenschaften. Vol 49, 1962, pp 248-252. NTC-71-11733-20C !P 6 e i S el. Feb 72 Sponvoneous Periodicity In Man'With the Exclusion of All pme Indicators, by J. Aschaff, R. Wever. GERMAN, per, Naturwissenschaften, Vol XLIX, No 15, 1962, Ipp NASA TT F-8541 Sci - B, & M Sci Apr 64 254,830 U.S. QOVERNMENT ONLY X(X AutaftsUOSMOKC =Ulan of the VAh- Tho and IU OMW" IM is at tam Jt&t ltw voubu IMWSVE vith ItJ.mqM$d:jUws, IW Ve. BLUdArt We linows T iv. axam,o PW* Me --- * Vol hgo ~Lv 29fts. P 352e ABC UM ft-2" 337*029 Scl 1BJo3 & Mad AUG Control of Singing of KdMdtMw Femalfm of Gomophocerus Rufus L. Acridinam by the CowWa AUata, by W. Loher. GERMAN, per, Naturwissenschdten,'Vol XVII, 1962, pp 406. r~-v I I I NRC/Ref: C-4394 Sd - Biol Peb 64 250,084 Lab - R-9T45 -D 4 Oct 63 Semm-Lipoproteine vahrend der 'Amdregenerstion By: WilUammm From: Natur. :49, 1962 No. 20 page 4'1,r1 ( I pp) Gex7mn - est for wds: Please translate and type 1 oopy on:4. 131,~,qsification of the Silicates, by F. Liebau. GMMAII, por, Natur-w-issenschaf ten, Vol lig, 1962, pp 4s7-491. NTC-7T-11396-08Q 01"k!01 we. W11 N'o v 7 1 RU=M Pa4Ution-Maduced Targor Movementn (vadio-iiasty) in Ydimsar, and Other Sensitive pl=ta, by o. Ijug, H. UUtenbur&n-, 6 pp. (MMAlls per, QA-Wrywlp,~ PIP 49-9-500. , vol )=, 1.962., j'XC-ZIP-Tr-U)28 Sci - Enr Gc:L '04~-q' -5rlj Aug 63 Autons" of the n1h Mdaug Tim in vwd" 7mm or 73~~Illllaand Wiluk M=m1wM~wM= W6 jkmvro 9 UUMM NW# 310' 0rt4DO RD 5"-96. AM UM ftol*= 331ALI Sol - Sta & Ned ja 67 T;. JkO=---C,-,-, Spectral absorption of molecules b.z,, reflection. G~RIWJ, S Ila turw*i ssenschaften, Vol 23, 1963, v 55 onZy *NASA TT F 14 .L ,639 jan 73 I I I WTI U 111MIll IM.111 IV IAI I'l 1111, H VI V,W I ;I :V[ Ill 11 11 1 1 1 Royen, r. ark] Forworg. W. PREPARAITON AND PROPERTIES OF THE NtFTA- GERMANATES MnGe0 31 FeGeo 3 AND CoG,-0 3, [1963],3p. 'a refs. Order from SLA $ 1. 10 63-14444 Trans. of [die) Gerinany) 1963, v. 50, no. 2, p. 41. DESCRIPTORS: Irittirmetalliv. coinpoui)ds. *Iron compounds. *Mnnganese compounds. $Cobalt corn- pounds, *Germanium comIxjods. Oxides, Synthesis (Chemistry), Physical properties, X-ray diffraction analysis, TWinning (Crystallography). -4 1 (Physics --Solid State TT, v. 10. no. 6) offitt Td Yntakid sertkts on ne - -ri ec)oll-[ .4, 10011 Systei -., I)y c. corrcj~s .1 R. Thiel. GBIWI!, per, Dic 14turwissenschaften, Vol 1, No 50. 1563, PF 16-17. CSIRI~/110. 620"U. sci - "Ilk"; 6;f 33 5, 16~' q, v mmufer of Genp-tic Jeo=--,tlcn,, b,, H. C. 50 irp. GMWL'trj, 3w-jr., flaturylsopp chaften. Vol L,- ).963., iv ig 76-W. -9NW9-5- ' =-Tr-5773- Sci -, Blot a'ul (33 /- 7y x Pepperhol, W. MICROSCOPIC MMGII OF FERROMAGNETIC FIELD 1 1. Pepperho(t, W. STAUCIVILES BY 1AILAKS OP MERIDIONAL KERR ROTATION (JAIkrcmtVqAvche Abbildung Perromagned- acber Beroichatruhurtm durcb Merldimale Kerr- Drehune. JPM3, Slp. (fcrelp ten Included) 3 refs Order troin SLA $I. E0 63-18001 Trans. of [dkel Wturlitiosenschaften (West Germany) 1963 [,r. A 110. 3rp-PW--- DI&SCRIPTORS: 00ryotab, Aslamopy. Verromag- majam. 413omijos (Crystallography), *Magofto-optic effoo, "Karr effect. "Micro&ccpy. Illundwice. jPhysics-n,olid State. TT. v. 10, no. 6) Offict of Trchthcal Senim Fibrillar Structuiv of the Hyphuc of fibud-Dostroying Fungi, by "0. Liese. R. ScIvAd. GERML-11, pur, Naturwiss.enschaftem~, Vol L, ~'Ju .3, 1963v pp 102-103. CSIIW 7147 sci-Bfil Apr 65 2-78v4()5 Spiral Growth cmd Polytypy InveEttigations on kluxdllum Nitride Single Crystalet by W. Kleber. GERMI, per, Haturwissenschaften., Vol 501 1963, pp 372-. ITTC-71-12521-20L A, F /V NOV 71 An Empirical lAw Concerning Transition Temperatures of Superconducting Elements of the Periodical System, by W. Schaafs, 4 pp. GERMAN, per, Naturwiasenschaften, Vol L, 1963, pp 470, 471. I- ';? ( 0 _7 4'r I / - 1 1.1 -~ AEC-AI-Tr-18 Sci - NS Feb 64 250,561 The Occurrence of Benzyl Aryl Ethers in Lignin, by K. Freudenberg. GEMIAN, per, Naturwissenschaftea.. Vol 50, 1963, pp 476-477. I ,UC-81-14951-07C Feb 72 "Ont"Ilt of Coumaric Acid Glycoside in I'Clilotus A-Lba, by G* Szi.,,,at-Schlosser. GEM.Wj, per, Naturwisf3enschaften, Irol 50, 1963, pp 505-500'* V-TC-71-11395-06C (?~-l &9"'/ I NOV 71 Inhibition of Wing Formation in the Elack Aphid Dorsalia Fabae Scop. by Farnesol, by V. Von Delm. aRMIAN, per, Naturviss, Vol 50, No 17, 1963, PP WS-579. (NRC/Ref: C-4991 ) Sci - Aug 6'T 339,897 Current Distribution on the Sufface of Battery Plates, by R. &AC, J. FAder. GEMAN, per, Natiavissenschaften, Vol L, No 19, 196% pp 610, 611. NkSA TT F-8869 Sci-Electronics A d J6.503OVERNMENT ONLY 260,,960 Ident.1111cation and Formadon of ICU* Bands in HOWCaRy Ddormed Lameltar Pearlite. by Ks. VAMrger AL Propr. GEMI&ANO pw,, Nauwwiuwnwluxften- Vot $D0 Uo 2 ]pp 660-661, 1963 2 AEC NP-Tj- Sa-M&M Nov 65 291.931 New Oxizincater, and an Oxc)cad.-aa'uc 1,7V .)Z! 4 a-'~' lil"-2CdO2. by R. Hoppe, E. Vielliabe r. MOM, per. Nat'Lulwissenschaften, Vol. 196L No. 5, pp 103-101, GB 72 S--i - Aug, 67 337-479 Ly 1:4,~Itilh IIAS JW, VIA L.1, A,'A~,aj, SelecUye SewaraUon of Radioactive Iodine, by W. I Md. K. It. L tow -3 MUM Vol Ia. m t 1964, ~P~ 4 j--t- .. ~j P- 7-r - ' / I E Scl-Nucl Sd Apr 64 Explanation of the Behaviour of Radiation Sensitivity Under Fractionated Irradiation, by Je Kiefer.. 3 PP- GETME, per,, Die Naturviss,macbm tem, Vol LI, no 12, 1964, pp 289-290. 9228386 AEC-NP-Tr-1 sai- Apr 65 vo-1pa--.Unc tj-jiydro--tyrar;anc:j Concon- tration Gianges in the Nucleus Caudatus After Electrical Coagulation of the Globus Pallidus, by F. Seitelberger. GEMAN, per, Natumissenschaften'. No 13, 1964, pp 314-315. 14111 7-65-65 (on Loan) Sci/ll&[,l Aug 65 287,408 Behavior of a Burning Candle in a Gravitationaless Space, by A. Faessler. lelpp GERMN, per, Naturwissenscllaften, Vol 51, No 23, 1964, pp 545-547. NASA-1-T-F-13,940 Oct 71 Concerning the Excitation of Artificial Radioactivity in Various Elements, by L. bleitner. GERMAN, per, Naturwissenschaften- Z, vol. 22, 1934, p. 420 NTC 70-17003:1811 4)Y 11. GI-Rhilo.lkr* Piro Ixe Vol .-J, NO 21D6 IVMp Vp 47-' 4M4 0 - 4eee & le,.Pg' 3id-MIKII w Oft, 64 Id I vdl~o Uot SMM;:~Pcaalftc- k ~rl 1, A4 JL~-Ct( I t jjj! r C' 2.71' PY',!,4. 551-ft. f-.T-~ 1203-i"-j Sci - Chem Au:!- 67 S5,--',273 ol tile crslloif~ e ~a I s t. r, ou:." 1"y ii. j I I p c? 6 1+ 6 31 4 -1 21 5-C-, D 72 R-e~prwt on ~ue ~ry ~~. -x~ja ur -L~ -sn um Mrtairs Order, Family TApulid&A; Read at ViectIng of the I;Itnlvdde Society of Nawal Rderces, at Basel, July 25, 1921, by VerdIat. P. J. GEMAN per, Naturwin Am?,, Vol. 5, No. 9, pp. 65-70, 1822. IIEVI 3144-65 EE-Ger sa-um Mal, 415 275.776 Telescopes and Distance Meters. 4. Vision 11irough the Telescope, by A. Konig. 7 pp. GE10M, per, 14aturwissenschaftliclie I-Ionographien und Lehrbucher, Vol 5, 1923, pp 18-22. SLA 'IT-61-14257 Sci/B&NI Jun 67 327,761 !;crvice of ',~ie ~,--,-rfnatlon Op',;ic:u, Uy CSIHO PI). C; I -- 1,1' YC por, Natumissenshaftlich Rundschau, o 4, 1964, pl) i~pt of Nlavy 5267 WI tr 2356 sciIIII&M Nov 6 7 332,165 Antibilotics in Microbiologr, by H. Zahner. GER1411N, per, Naturw. Rwidschau, Vol. 17, No. 10 196h, PP 391-399. GB 39/H0 2233 Sci - Aug 67 335-578 Classification of rUL-aals fror; Jzva (with Dutch and Native Names, by ilt J. V. sody. 6 Ipp. DuTcjl, per, Natuurk-undi& Tijdschrift voor "tuderlandsch-Indle-,-Vol 90, ivss -T)p 7-41-746. L44Z :l! 9 Sci/ll&l.l Feb 70 400,208 A Genetic Effect in Nature From the Radioactivity In Urawlum Depositep by Otto Kraus., 3 PP. OEM$). pers Natur und Volk,, Vol LMV11, No ll,, 1957s VP 399AOL AW Tr 3194 Bel - Bdol may 58 W/ 4~ A-2 S IIIIHIIIIII IiIIIIIIIIIIIII10 MR fill m the Lucki.-lang of Barr, and In the Rulge. Part I-I, by J. P.- Benthemi, 80 pp. GMVihip perp Nat Luchtvaaeaabo abport 423s jan 1954. SUL 2976 Set MY 58 9 f5- PmparmtLou ot' Dla=uda in Si1icatea., by J. FrisdIandar, 3 PP. GOWN,, per* ~ 4 schall., Vol ini, Sm, v 2790- vft~ MA Tr 2287 Bel - Chemistry ~-F 'o o Al ftP 57 -.0 Pil.!r~041rix-, r lha6 Use of the Vitaaln T CompleX2 by croetuch. M.1103m, 10 P. GLIMLIJ, VaU41wissewchaftliche RwAochau, 1948, Vol I, So jr" P.P 115-U8. SLA 59-17201 Sai Doe 5.9 Tiol 2,, no 6 /0 1;,,' ~7,2 -,/ Y The Sipificance of Trace Blemutm In Plantp Animal and Hama Butritloup by A. Jacobp 27 py. Germano pao Xmturw Rmdacbsup Vol, VMv 1955j, YP 309-314 - ABC tr 2327 4v " 4?t? x9m - Owmay " 7 e e Sci - MIMp Cbmiletry Classii:icaxion Oc e;almlals ~run Java (With butch and Native Names, by ii. J. V. Sody, 10 pp. ijurcii, per, Natuprk-undig Tijdschrift voor NederlandscfC-Indic, Vol 90, 1938, pp 741- 46. INJILS/1342 Sci/Rril-l Apr 70 405.683 Englisb Title Unknovn, by G. L. FuWce. DUTCH, per, Hatuurkundi&2 Voordrachten, Vol 21-22, 1946, PP 59-W. *NTIS TT 72-53o46 Aug 72 English Title Unknown, by G. L. Furike. DUTCH, per, liatuurwetenschappelijk Tijdschrift, vol 14, 1932, pp 68Zq-. *WMS TT 72-53047 Aug 72 and Mesomers cC Trifluoi- scmtu3i&.b 4 11. Fontomm. :pr mzmms 0 AgLu~~Mlijk rt Tijftchrl Vol 24-p 19420 AC411 T-O).! 11 ff ID g'?'K*!CkY5X(46 SCI-fta NOV C05 M061~44- 2 4 4.~! . L, UtilIzaticu and Wntwomme of Draft Anifti.1a ii~, thw 'MCI by Pip.." TrIfIcaur., A ButwiRM, r.,;r, gauchni Tmdove, Vol 111, Ito 3v 3QTJ.aj Cvt, T93r.-W-TT--3r- US JM L-23T9-D Ucui - AgrIcultura Jan 59 (DC-4236). Professor Nikola 1-Unkov Ivanov, 2 pp. BULGARIJUr, per, Naucbni Mrudove, Vol VI, No 10, Sofia, 1958, PP 5) 6. JPRS 3698 -E iu).- - Bulgaria L Biog Sep 60 An lhtoxtcation Case With Fhoaj~ene Oxime, by 1. S. Chanacherv, 14 pp. I== MUKRrAN,, per, ftuebal Mnidave Vlasbiyp XledItsitkolm IntlUititt Val V., 1958P PP 173-X3-183- AM I-aL19 MD 2M65!W ftl - Chm :7 2 V" IW -63 Kolev, 1l.. Tsanev, 1). and others. BE-STUDERING VAN DE SYNTHESE VAN I-AMYNO- 2 NAPITI'01-4SITITHOWLIR (Synthesis of I-Amino- 2 Naphtkil-4 Sulfonic Acid). 23p. I I refs. MTWL:l 115 (text in Dutch). O-rJ-e-rTF-om--GTS or OrC $1.91 62-26158 Trans. in Mtch of Naughw-jzzjQSjw, e-lsld Ins za Khimichrua Prmishlenost. Godishrtik ( ulgaria DESCRIVIURS: 'Sulfonic acids, Synthesis, *Amino acids, '14iphLhalenes. 62-26158 1. Kolev, 11. 11. Tsanev. D. 111. MTVL-1115 W. Stichting Moei4l*),k Toegankelijke pelijke Literatuur Nctherlands) (Chemisli-y-Orgallic, 17, V. 9. no. 8) Offi-f T.Ak.1 $-vi... I i 11 2 1 1 ! . I I I I I I I , I ~ 1 ! I I I , I I - , i P I I I i , 1 1 11 . : e1 11 i TT-65-12701 Field 7C Popav, M.; Gudcv, N.; D"kalov. L.; Dicheva, M. EXTRACTIONOF TAIVIARIC ACID FROM %rLNASSE %%1TH 1. 110POY. N1. ION-EXCRkNGE RESINS. 14p. "refs. It. Gudev, X. Order from Sr-A: SI.60 e-c TT-65-12781 Ill. Daskalov, L. TV. vicheva. M. Trans. of NauVhua=Izr.Ic d kI lnstltut S2f,.1Me1~nsPlUI pa-YUME LeM___L Sofia. Nwic Trudove (B21garta) v5 p129-41 1962. MR 641, t0$ Yen OGICAL VID XULA)GICAL INVESTICJiTIUNS OF THE SIMULIDAE (.~p j, 1955 BILK, Navow deloll 96 pages, In Servo-Croatian, 1,4, Pk - '48c The Physiological Connections of Raspimtion and CircuUtioa,, by H. Rein, 33 PY- GHMAJI,q per., -MW)ba' - zorth' I &b2mjpp-Lehrjpq;e, Vol XI, 1935, YP 14-33- RIH Tr 5-Q9 Sal - Iftd my 58 Agency I FJUL B.105014.1) P.O. lftsber3 9AC-35156b 24 June 1969 M16 I 9Srtkf98GhiCl4M tOMISChor Art uM Traumm als Ursache von Her*- wml aojNi'bstJrww*n. Author 9F, NOLbs -Soures INaubeimp FortbildwAs-LakirgIngo. Bd. 1315M3o 193?. Lonsuage: Jerms (VP SpscUl lustmationst Ploaso trwrialate and type one CON'7*PIRT710N TC, 'ME K140111,EDGE OF TRI- 11110!10NAT-0, Pr. L 111E L"01-ATIM' ATM '.A r, OF IN, VARI- (,'4!:; all 'n 1B,17 .%'17.rU (Irflog n)mv.-=ju Triho- 1.!, 11% ')y ~ 1. 196-2, 19P. 2 r&U. PL-480 Ar~r. CrJ - r rcr*i OTS $0. 5.0 (10 - 216 Trar-4. -4 fArl:Wv Nau~m (Yugoslavia) 195% v. Z im 1. p. 33-150).--~ DESCRIPMRS: ~rriefwmcmas, *Pr tozon. Grawb6 *Culture rr-od" Sodium compounds. DAorares. Nu- rritlar. SM:rrhes ThL five trichamonascz beloW, to the followed species* T. bosi UmL4 1940. T. intesdnuUB Leuckart 1879, T. JrA"-tIitt1h %-nr. murin- rimie 1931 T.I SteUx-,iT, IB6:L and T. vagimlis 1"-we I (Molcyglcal SclencL-s-NUcrobiology, TT. v. 7. no. 12) (over) 60-21623 1. Petradc, Z. 13. Title- lsola:1on... III. PL-48OAgr(60-21625) IV. tkuional Science Foundador4 'Nashinpm, D. C. Offi-f T.A.i..l S-1... (IMID 21987) Report on the 1953 Activities or tha Comittee for Disseminating the Pavloviam Sciencep by Borys Seleckis IT pp. POLM qu per, Nauka Polska Vol 11 RwxM NO l(55, Warsavfffl ", f3'1-JL39. ' (,,iA/FDD/u-6336 Emur - in POIMA Sol - ma~uclm /f --? -.21 j (FDD 2225.31, Tbj-l- Outlook for the Development of Medical Sciences lu t6e People'r, Poland at the Thrcahold of the Second Decade, by Rugon Kowarzyk, 9 pp. PMISH, qu per, Nauka Polska, Vol T-T, No 2(6),, Warsaw,, 1954, pp-M- T. CIA/FDD/U.-6695 EEux - Poland Scieutiric - Medicine cTs 621aov 54 f;,,'DD Ll6a3) FmaeM Ustmi of Atomic Emw&7.9 24 yy. PQMRJ, qu PWA, MM" Vol =,, No 2., Waraaws yp 146. ~Mftp m/ow u.&96 Sol 2 val"T Pbpl=y Atomic 1"Wa z6ftw Atmie lbwmr Miw.% .1 (Fm ,269&3) A Visit to the ChiTum* AcadeW of'Saiencca,, by WitcU Wicrabick1j, 16 pp. Fmm I qu pwv Xw* ;vlawj Val ZE6 No 3v (U) mmav.v 1955j, Vp TUB-.- Sl~ 7SV MDW - PWJIM Sci - kjW 56 UU, icil-lil", VJI 19 Folaul BiO,,P!E-1pbLc - Avg 56 (.qVqfDrQl( Tza-lLi of Contents, 1 pp. POLISH, pler, Nlauka Polsim, Vol 1V, 1.'c) 1,,, Encl U - TO IH-A"56, OAirA, bern, 1~ MaY 1956- D 140 490. ,,2 AF 7h5166 T? -~D-3 88 -icCraPllic Sketchcs C-f Yer-lers cf tfle Pcii,91, 'tcadtF,,Iy 9,&, Sc if ftrl- J cr -->c.r iska, -,.iol IV a"Ur - Priand -:, i c Sci NEED FOR CN)RDINATION OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH WORK IN POLM, By WACLAW OLSZAK., 5 PP- POLISH PER NAUKA POLSKA, No 4., 1958, Pp 80-k JPRS 18124 EEUR - POLAND soc ' MAR 6-- 225,507 BD-74/61 Intemational Union of Conservation of liat-Lwe and Natwal Resources X in Athens -- 1958, by Wlodzimierz Xichajlow, (Dc-641o) POLISH, per, Nauka Polslm, lio 4, 1958, PP 143-147- *JPRS Sai - Mae i 14 Nov 61 BD-18/60 (DC-3910) A BiogrsqiW of TadeWZ TMpkILj, by W&eCZY*lAW Imictek, 10 pp. PCLM, per, Nauka Polska, Vol VII,, No 2, 1959.. pp 214-224. JFRS 3778 scur - PoIvmd Sep 6o w-iB/6o (DC-3910) I Biogmphy of mieegmim ldchalovicts by Antmina lokolmaka-Dokmm, b PP. per, ;p 225-233.. Val Vn a Ho2s 19590 JM 3779 KE'lur - P02ma'a Biog 33p 6o PRINCIPLES FOR PREPAR114G LONG RANGES PLANS OF SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENT, BY WITOLD IMACKI, 15 PP. POLISH, PER, NAUKA POLSKA, NO 3., 1959, PP 1-16. JPRS 18156 EEUR - POLAIM ECON M R 63 225,1')3 # 22 (DC-3788). Scientific Achievements in the F.Lfteea Years of People's Poland, by T. Kotarbinaki, 14 pp. POL18H. per, Mauka Polska, Val VIII, No 1(29), 1960, pp JPR8 3790, Sci - Muc Aug 60 / .9.:~ - d Al~ , j 22 (DC-3788). The Position of the Sciences In the System of Organization of Scientific Research In Poland, by H. Jablonski, 29 pp. Vol VIII, No 1(29), PCLISH, per, Mu*a PoleY 1960p pp 19-591~- JPRS 3790 Sci - Mine Aag 60 (NY-541-7) Problems ot the Recacmic Milizzitim of the Dmajec River Iu Poland.. by Mialml Chile=* 28 pp. POLTWJ pwo jo!~ r0lskm~.v So 11, Jan-Mw 60., pp 53-TT. im MC= - Poland moon Aw 61 22 Geaeral )4cetiag of the Members of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 44 pp. POLWII,, per, fiauka Polska, Vol VIIII, no 1(29)S 19603 ]pp 165-2 2-2 ................ r\ 76 JPRS 3790 sci - Misc Sep 60 0 44 # 22 tDc - 3:188). k New Wimbers of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 6 pp. PMISR, per, MW jta-kg"kal Vol VIII, No 1(29), ig6o, pp 217-224. JPRS 3790 Sai - Mse Bel) 60 "26- '~ -Al r # L> ~.' (DC-3788). The Cazposition * of the Fblinh Academy of 8zlence, 6 pp. POLISH,, per, Nauka 0 Vol vilit wo 1(29), 1960, pp 247 JM3 3790 sci - V"e * Sep 60 11~2- J-; .0 411 h' 22 (DC-3788). List of Scientific Positions 0 Committees and Comisalous of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 70 pp. POLISH$ perp J44WmL.&UM.. Val VIII, No 1(29), 1960j. pp 257-325. JPRS -.00 Sci - Mac sep 60 # 22 (DC-37ag). List of Scientific Societiets Supported by the Polish AeadeW of Sciences, 18 pp. POLMH,, per, Hauka Polska.. Vol VIII, Bo 1(29), 1960, PP 326--34y. JPRS 3M Sci - Klee a Sep 6o 1,e 3 # 22 (DC-3788). ]Del?w'tmnt of the Pollob Academy of Sciences in Krak ' olrw.o 4 pp a 1-11 POLISH,, per, Nfuxka-jzpU$a Vol vlllo No 1(29), 1960, pp -507 _'j_ JFRS 3790' Sci - mise sop 6o (D""4837) Tbo Present Status to tbo Davelopwat Of Agricultural Microbioloar 7 Pp-,~, F POIMR,, perg Wauka Polskap No 2,, Alm-Jun 1960.. pp 107-114. . ins 6985 Sci - DWI Igo C,#O ywy 6s. t (DC-4837) ZiograpkW at Ludwik ftaskievical. 6 pp. POI=" pmrp L%~~ P.01sks., No 2,, Apr-Jun ig6ot pp 121-10* JM 6955 War - Poland 41 MOB 15'0 1. YAW 61 -(ew C,~'ftccr:; cT the lal-ish ',cadcm~,.: of .~ciencc7.., POLI3.1.-,, I,er, Eauluj lic 2, -,',I)r-Jun 1,.:60, 1, j. *JPIU I'lis. a.6 i;cv 6)o (DC --11,837 ~.1 sjUu ye"s of Axistence of the Institute of Basic lWb]Am of TOOM0106Y Of th* FOUGh Ac&demW of Sciences, by Tadeums NOWLelds 20 pp. MLIM, per, lauke Pol*U, No 2.. Apr-Jlan 1960., pp 155-180.- JM 6965 Sai - U'Lite ma 61 (NY-6Wl2) PckU&h SoiWtitle Plessiago by Aw" GroodwwoUp Witat NowdLlLp 20 pp. I Ini.. No 41 mms :=j va. Oct4)ac , .0 ;L . JM VA53~ ZMW - Pblmd 74 BlopapbdLe Sol - KlAft