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Iho Quantitative Detaimination of Gases Ilith the Help of ChrmatogTaphy,, by Herbert Pictsch, 12 pp. MUM, liar, Erdol u Kohle, Vol XIP 1958, pp 702-705, ~=22. AEC Rr-P-trams-10 2930003 Sri- Nov 65 TT-65-11983 Field 7C Elchhoff. H. J.. Titschack. G. CHARACTERIZATION OF HYDROCARBON JVAXES By 1. Elchhoff, H. J. FLUORESCENCE SPECTROSCOPY. 8p, 4refs. 11. Titschack. 0. Available on loan from SLA- an TT-65-11983 I Trans. of Er e d Kohle-E (West Germany) vlI nlO-p7O5-8 1259. "WAR mm, at taw ~- fna Us lab- . ~,iw a bdustwsk an r 700-74= ffffg~imft 338*80h An 6T je . U3~txssw=4 for Datorzining Branching in Satarat-a-d Hydrow.-bmw,p by Cornelis Boelhommrp Jacob Van Elk, 7 pp GIWuI=,v pwp Rrdoel un4.,,Wpb pp 778-781. . U_,, Vol XI.. Wo U.. !9531 STA 59-15M SOL -7 NOV 59 Vol Rp No 3 Mempel, G. OCCURRENCE AND FORMATION OF IMPSONITE (COALIFIED ASPHALT) IN 7'HE DEVONIAN REEF LIMESTONE OF-T'HE IBERG NEAR GRUND (UPPER HARZ). [19631 9p Order from ATS $13. 00 AT`S-83Q7IG Trans. of fErdb~l tind K Me Erd p t h-mie] I~Kom ve 5 . ". , " TR ~p849-852. (West Geraa-ny no. DESCRIPTORS: "Asphalt. *Economic geology, Ume- stone, Geology. 63-22594 1. Title: Impsonite 1. Mempel. G. 11. AT`S-83Q7IG 111. Associated Technical Services, Inc., EastOrange, N. J. (Earth Sciences --Geology, Yr. v. H), no. 10) 810w al Tecbduf SeMm A New Instrument for the Chromatographic Analysis of Gases, by Wilhelm Virus, 1 pp. GEMAN, per, Erdoel und Kohle, Vol XI, No .12, 1958; pp 86-7--97-- CSIRO Sci Nov 61 Sherwood. Peter W. 7*Rr-ATMENT OF REFINERY WASTE WATERS WITIf 1. Sanitary engineering- ACTIVATED SLUDCM f196019p. 7 refs. No. T-399. Germany Order li "n SLA mi$1. W. phSL so W-IR4415 2. Petroleum-ProcessiM 3. Sc-wage-Di~rkiqal Trans of UTgI upd Kohle (West Germany) 1958. v. 11, 1. Shermyxi. P. W. no. 12. p~ 868-Kf2-. It. Trans-T-594 (Engineering- - Sanitation. TT. v. S. no. 4) The Modern Pxepavatiozi and ProcesE-d.,qy of Chandcaits ti From Pel"rachen ca! Tlav, 11,;Fterials , by a Katter., 9 pp. GEMANj pe:-, Erdol und Y[oblle, Vol X:El, !To 1, 191;n- PP 17-20- SUV 59 -17C61 Sci Jan 60 Vol 2, No 7 la 62-2OZ79 Haddenhorst, Hans-Glinter and Koch, Richard. INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT OF PRESSURE 1. Haddenhorst, H. -G. AND TEMPERATURE ON PRECIPITATION OF SOLIDS II. Koch, R. IN PETROLEUM. [1962] 17p. 3 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 62-20279 Trans. of [Erdbl und Kohle-Erdgas-Petrochemiel - - - - - IV59,--v.-I-4--p.-Z-o--7r.-- (West Ger~n a n ) y DESCRIPTORS. 'Petroleum, Solids. Precipitation. Temperature, Pressure, Phase studies, Hydrocarbons. (Engineering- -Chemical, Tr, v. 9. no. 9) avice of T*Cbwcd swdM Kotter. E. THE MOW)OLEpINS. pt. 11. of the Modern Methods of Productog and Processing Chemicals from Petrochem- Ical Raw Materials. 119611 22p. Order from ATS $19.95 ATS-70N52G Trans. of Erdb: jjjjj We (Peat Germany) 1959, v. 12; no. 2. p. 92-100. DESCRIPTORS- *Ethylenes, Production, Processing. Chemicals. 61-25OU 1. Title: PetrochemllnrY I -Kotter, E - U .ATS-70NS20 Ill. Associated Technical Services Inc., East Orange, N. J. IV. Title: Modern DOW" of TeAmed (Engineering- -Chemical, TT, v. 6. no. 6) Hydrosmation of ItL&bly Aqboltlc Petrolem and Tax at Meaum Pressure lu a Comblmtlon Cmexter Aceording td the Varga Procesetw by Richard BIrthler. pkie.. Vol xu'r No 2j, 1959), PP 71-7T, AD *Tp~t- I 1!10 r Sol - puelop muliftt TH'T, E 579 No 73 Koppers-Totzek Synthesis Gas Plant for the Ptolemais Nitrogen'Works. CZECH, per, Erdol und Kohle, Vol XTI, Feb 1959, p 128. Dept of Interior Tr No 1735 Sci jan 63 00. ProdueUon by thvlorgmind Ctxibtwtion, by ff. J. Tadomp 8 p. I GMANj, pw.. Rrda3 und 0 30590 Vol 1=0 No I. YP ~ A"-M33G STA 59-20C&T Bel Nor Oo /a f, 4~~77 Vol 2p No U IV ftsis of Ca3auutico for Newbime cof 011-DearIng Hook Strata to19 ln=ms" Tle]As by F. Travo 5 V- mmm pw 2rdol wd Moley 3,95,I)p Vol I=.. -51-4- TT- 6-57-10#7 Sol iur 6o VOL 2., no 11. Y Me Assmasumat of OlInUftler Oonditions of ParwLml IW 0. R. fkbolties, A. Bwrtel and. J. Ifixw. Gums Vw-k Wdbl ;md FpbUp Irol 12.p No. 5s 1959p PP - NSM Tmw- No- U33 NLC- Re+; (.170-59 (j433) sa/me: " jan 68 3453,922 Problems in Recover7 of Pure Naphthalem by Diatillationj by C. Gewers. GMMNj per,, Erdoel uad' Kohle., 1.959., pp 231.235- CISI.I.R.O. sci-p%wls may 6o ///-;:r la ~~ Relatiovmhua In the Mermal cracklug Of Hydro- caxbons to A"tylone ftni Zttqltue,. by H.. Krekelerp R. 'Wirtt, Gt 4 Arol x]:1, 140 5, 1959, pp 353-358- cslw Bei - ch--m 6 61 cracking of GaSCOUS Rydro=b0n-,S -&.0-Y Part:11111 Oxidation, by E. Bartbol=ep it. No~nerAsaeher ".m.- &CAo a I- arvo, ~" Xn no 1959" pp Como Chem juu 61 e DmIopmeat of DrWim and Proftation SaWnwwing in GermuWj, 'by H. .0. Goolms N. -9. Lulebftkp 18 P. GIRM Ver, Mol u Kchle p, 19591 Val 1=.% No 5., pp 42i,4-u6.-- AMS-74040 SOL AW 60 Val nl, So 2 Saa Ghemic&l NdtL)xe Of the Products Cbtained by Foly~--ari7atloa of Olefim of Low Molecular Wei-Ilt !Wlith Phos . L~- phoric Acid and Aluminum C-bloride, by B. Tex-ras, R. Ebert, 10 pp. GER.MAN, per-I-8rdgQ--up-d-Koh1e, Vol X11, No 6, 19.,19'. pp 4-67 V71. ATs-92j-..36G X-0-2 -9-1 7 Har 452 Testing of Trammi"ien LubricentA; in the Gv"A,~t&ns 'Test stand I pre"a Status of McVatleme.. by Go Ilemms R. PaV'5,1.zwp Go, Lfthmer,s 20 4DMWNR M. Erdal und MUL 1959j~ Vol Xn, vp ATS-55L35G Sol Terres, Ernest, 1--ix!rt. Raimund and others. THF CHEMICAL NATURE OF PLODUCTS ORTAINED M' nil-Y:,'ERI7A1'I0N OF LOW MOLECULAR 1:'1,-.11 r I ri I PHOSPI IORIC ACID AND CHLPRIC'.. fit. 1',: YXlii~ r'Yllt !": 4-1: 1 St !A'Mi ALMINUM AND A JTYj)jv'CjJU)HIC ACID-ETIIER- ('Jin-r- 1w Ul-wt - h.- '~x ~ 1vt durcb t-~an 01crineu Medrigcn MoIckular- I P!iotsiohorimurc und Aluminiumchlorld i 1~jhviw; Tlr(xiiAte. 111. Dw, Polyrnerl Kati nil Von I"-':JuTyki e !)ZW. I iowwn- I mit ~I;irninlum-chjorld un~! ~~In=,, '.,;,.Izsaurv-Ather-AIum1nium Chloride- Koinple.q. i'll)6C.1, 1161,p. 8 refs. 0 1 ph$3-30 61-10496 rAer f-min ~;LA rnIS2.40, of!-.;~~Joi'!adjXohle %vest Germany) 1959. p. 4-619. 2 Illo. - ne: reiult of the rx)Jymerizarlon of Isooctene-1 -ith cmn-pILx ohows that by suitable modification of the bl - 10496 1. !~-,ooutencs-- Polvniellization 2. ;.'ctcr,q- - `.,!,'mcflz-1on 3. Aluminum cHorlde- 4. lfvdrcsgon~ chi. ridc-- Chernical reactiont, I .'1'-rw' !' 11. Eblzrt. R. (Chemistry-Orgardc, TT. %, 5, no. 7) (over) CbeaP TnBrt Ci=; A I%w Tndustira" Matm"al' by G, V. SsnaPOn' mar, Irdoel und TCObles 195)cp GTRM* I------- P-0 640-6w. CSJBD .2/// 41.?2 ;3,q - 7=113 Itug 62 62-16422 Krejci-Graf, Karl. DIAGNOSTICS OF THE ORIGIN OF PETROLEUM. 1. 1. Krejci-Graf, K. ORIGIN OF THE MOTHER SUBSTANCE OF PETR0- 11. Title: Origin . . . LHUNI: TRANSFORMATION OF T142 ORGANIC 111. Title: Transformation SUBSTANCE (Diagnostik der Herkunft des ErdOls. 1. Herkunft der Muttersubstanz des Erdbls. -- Umbildwig der Organischan Substanz). [19621 [351p. (foreign te.-ct included) 39 refs. Order from SLA $3.60 62-16422 Trans. of Erdt5l und Kahle (West Germany) 1959, v. 12, no. 9, p. 706-712. DESCRIPTORS: *Petroleum, Geology, Palcoecology, Hydrocarbons, Rork, Deposits, Organic materials, Coal, Peat, GeDchen-dstry, h1ining engineering, Geophysical prospecting. See also 62-16434 XF-arth Sciences --Geology, TT, v. 8, no. 7) Krejci-Graf, Karl. DIAGNOSTICS OF THE ORIGIN OF PETROLEUM. 11. INDICIA FOR THE ORIGIN OF PETROLEUM (SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION) (Diagnostik der Herkunft des Erdt5ls. --Zusammenfassung und Schluss- wort). 11962] 152]p. (foreign text included) 128 refs. Order from SLA $5.60 62-16434 Trans. of Erdt5l und Kohle (West Germany) 1959, v. 12, no. 10, p. 805-815. DESCRIPTORS: *Petroleum, Geology, Paleoecology, Rock, Deposits, Organic materials, Coal, Peat, Minerals, Geochemistry, Geological survey, Uranium, Mining engineering. See also 62-16422 (Earth Sclenres- -Geology, TT. %,. 8, no. 62-16434 1. Krejci-Graf, K. III. Title: Indicia . Offic. of T-W-1 5~1-* On the Blectrochemical Decomposition of Wood., ky W. Truchs, W. Kischio. GERMAN, per., Erdol. 021,99-41P, Vol x1r, ,j~ .,97b. 170 12, 1959, Pp7n -97 . CSIRO 4950 Sci - Chem mar 62 // ,4?,, .2, 4 -7, Jacob. H. 1 62-14563 ON RELATIONSHM BETWEEN COAL AND PETRO- 1. Jacob. H. LEUK [1962) [251p. 22 refs. Order from SLA $2.60 62-14563 Trans. of.~~Ljhj~ (West Germany) 1960. v. I P. DESCRIPTORS: *Coal. *Petroleum, Fuels, PalooecologyJ Geology. For both coal and petroleum, vegetable and animal substances represent the starting material. However. the two fuels were formed under different -andftions of facies and also the starting substances exhiolt certain differentations. As a consequence different substances may have originated during the biochemical phase. Liquid migrated petroleum constitutes onlya varysinall proportion of the organic substance of the parent rocks (Earth Sciences - -Geology, IT, v. 8, no. 1) (over) offi.. of T-6.1col So-Ices lMeoloa7 of Colloiftl S=Vmnelonss by a. H. Orodde, 16 pp. mom Erdo'UMLKoblet Irol XM3 .9 ARM 110 it iws pp 11-18. ATS-83*10 AT's - Vol IV2 No 7 alor 62 6 62-14433 Spira, Heinz. SENGM[CRO METHOD FOR CHROMATOGRAPHIC 1. Spira. H. INVESTIGATION OF LUBRICATING OILS. 11962125p. 8 refs. Order from SLA $2. 60 62-14433 Trans. of Frdt5l urd Kohle (West Germany) 1960, v. 13 [no. 1) p. 27 -32. ' DESCRIFrORS: *Lubrication, *Oils, *Chromatographic analysis, Resins, Refineries, Distilling plants. MicrochernIntry. A method for the chromatographic investigation of small amounts -)f lubricating oil (about 0. 5 g) is described. It Is shoum with reference to examples how this inethod may be applied to the study and testing of processing techniques, A study of lubricating oils aged in the engine or In the laboratory showed that the resin fractions (Chemistry- -Analytical. TT. v. 9. no. 2) (over) Ofts td Tecb*30 StrAte- Terres4 Erns4 Felde, Ursula von, Hubbuch, Maus, Prank, Hildegard, and Meyer, Wilhelm INFORMATION ON THE PREPARATION OF LITHIUM ALKYLS AND THEIR RRAMON WITH ORGANIC HALOGEN COMPOUNDS, IL [19631 17p Order from K-H $17. 00 K-H 10217 Trans. of tErd8l undJ~2hle-R - (West GermanyY-1966. v. I no. 3] p. 160-163. DESCRIPTORS: *Z%Ietalorganic compounds, *Lithium compounds, Alkyl radicals, Synthesis (Chemistry), Chemical reactions, Organic compounds, *Halocarix 63-22487 1. Terrest, E. 11. Felde, U. von III. Hubbuch, K. IV. Frank, H. V. Meyer. W. VI. K-H-10217 VII. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates, Detroit, Mich. T T S--) :3, (Chemisay-Organic, TT, v. 10, no. 10) oft$ 01 Teck*$1 knices The Present Extent of the Itheinischen Olefinwerke in Weaseling, by K. Stange. GERMAN, per, Erdoel und Kohle, Vol 13, No 3, 1960, pp 171-175. NTC 69-12509-07A Sci-chem Aug 69 388,S14 62-10118 ~ranke, G. MASS SPECTROMETRIC HYDROCARBON TYPE 1. Franke, G. ANALYSIS OF GASOLINE. 1. ANALYSIS OF OLEFIN H. Titic- Analysis ... FREE PRODUCTS. [19611 lip. 3 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 62-t0118 Trans. of Erd8l u1ndl Kohle (West Germany) 1960, v. 13, no.-r. p. 263-26G.- DESCRIP'17ORS. *Gasoline, Hydrocarbons. Mass spectroscopy, Spectrographic analysis, Ethylenes, Chemical analysis. 201311 Suitable methods are described for investigating gaso- lines, which contain no unsaturated compounds. with the mass spectrometer. These methods require a relatively short time to give data on the composition of a gasoline of paraffins, naphthalenes and aromatics. A (Materials--Fuels, TT, v. 7, no. 8) (over) A New Method for Finding the Theoretical Lumber of Bubble Plates of a Packed Column., by E. Terres, W. Meyer. GERMAN., per., 9rdoel und-TChh1e, VoljW xiii, No 4, 1960j pp 266-268. CSIRO Sci - Engr oct 61 Knaap, W. van der. EFFECT OF ACHANGE IN T1-IE PORE VOLUME IN OIL-BEARING ROCK ON T14E ES71MATE OF OIL RESERVES. 11962115p. Order from ATS $19.85 ATS-45P64 Trarts. of Erd6l, fund] Kohle (West Gerrnany) 1960, v. 13, no. 5, p. 30S-312. DESCRIPTORS: 10ils. Rock, Porous materials, Geophysical prospecting. 63-1230Q 1. Knaap, W. van der 11. ATS-45P64G 111. Associated Technical Services. Inc.. East Orange, N. J. A15 m%' - 6,7 (Earth Sciences- -Geology, TT, Y. 9, ad. 2) OW= of Techakg SeMm The fttracUou. ar omso*- md Asphat-Ptich Wwom-Co" M&-Tomoont" Tor With Aquww '~Jbtbwwlj, bV X-Ich OMaenW=. GRa"jp 19ft Nrdol a. XMIM VOIL XMV No Tp 2966 Z*AX.7 "~ .2m xff so hw Scd ftseU ssp 61 61-22902 Kroger. C- and Bigorajoki, 0. AGING OF INSULATING OILS AND 711EIR MAIN 1. 71tle: Insulating oils CCNOONENT& Pt. 7 of Oxidation of Hydrocarbons. 1. Kroger. C. [19611 6p. 11. Bigorajskt. G. Order from ATS $9. 00 ATS-72145W 111. Mile. Oxidation... IV. ATS-72N50G Trans. Prdbi u[RdLXghjt (West Germany) 1960. V. Associated Technical v. 13. n(x--T. -p470-472. Services. Inc.. East Orange, N. DEWRIMRS: *Insulating materials, "Is. Aging, *Hydrocarbons, Oxidation. obtarklo-Lubticants, Tr. Y. 6. w. 4) 61-12989 Wetzel, W. THE APPLICATION OF MICROUJIi[NESCENCF- 1. Sedimentation--- ANALYSIS OF SEDIMENTS TO BASIC RESEARCH IN Microannlysis PETROLEUM GEOLOGY. [196118p. 2. Petroleum - - Sources Order from ATS $1. 3.40 ATS-76N48G 1. Wetzel, W. 11. ATS-76N48G Trans. of,ErdUI.pjadj.,Kq e 0~rmany) 1960. v. 13 111. Aesociated Technlcal no. 8, p. 541-544. Services, Inc., East Orange. N. J. $-k.. (Earth Sciences- -Geology. TT. v. 5. no. 10) T" ';Irstm ]!~XQ-V -W3 sal Itis aigaii',4 1,0,r cance in traqUA9 Dw!-fzwbe Fouling in,Di3. Inred ;;;Qi;ticUBv by K. Wickert.. 13 1V. petrocheade, (W--4MX.p I?crj, Vol xnlj, No 92, 19WO IV 650-664. Oai*A A,C,8,I.L. Tr ]AM Sai - Pbo Oct 63 62-10133 OIL-FIRED CENTRAL HEATING SYSTEMS AND ATMOSPHERE POILUTTION. [1961] 5p. Order from SLA $1. 10 62-10133 Mrans. of Erd6l ufrtdj Kohle (West Germany) 1960, v. 13, no. 10, p. 806ff. DESCRWTORS: *Heating plants, *Fuel oil, Atmos- phere, Contamination, Wastegases. (Engineering- -Mechanical, Tf, v. 7. no. 9) MMMOUM of Mwwbe- and Aftbalto-Mah ardwz~~~ ust ve -- twu Tor MW - ulubloodi =0 2 - -lox negate: Ruffinstas me 14cuscuil bearsoft omassworl. a ]pro RVA01 M& VQL 2=8 = 3mW DV% at swmm*w .In irn Ab *a Sol-Foas Saw (a UN (German Industrial Standard) 51# 790; Procedure for the Determination of Vansidlum, 3ERMW,. per., Rrdol und XMle. Vol X111,, No 10,, 1960m Pv M-1W.7----~- ATS-3809G Sci /41~ 4?, ~- -1 f sep 6l. 62-12684 Pearson, J. W. and Waight, F. H. DEVELOPIMENT OF SYN-METIC LUBRICANTS FOR 1. Pearson, J. W. MODERN AVIATION, 11961] 22p. It. Waight, F. I-I, Order from ATS $29.85 ATS- 13NS8G Ill. ATS-l3N58G IV. Associated Technical Tmns. of Erdol u1nd] Kohle (West Germany) 1961, Services, Inc., East V. 14, no. 7, p. 527-5.37. DESCRIPTORS: *Lubricants, *Airplane engine oils. Oran N 3 (Materials- Lubricants, 717, v. 7. no. 10) Office of UcWcel SwAces Rustschew, D. D. MAKING COKE FROM LOW-GRADE POORLY- COKING COALS TO WHICH PETROLEUM PRODUCT! HAVE BEEN ADDED. fi%ij6p. Order from ATS ~8. 35 ATS-59N57G Trans. of dol u ndLKohle 'West Germany) 1961, Ar u 1 0 v. 14, no. 7.,tp'_5L4 4. _54 -544. DESCRII'MRS: *Coke, Production, *Coal, Petroleum. (Materials- -Fuels, TL v. 7. no. 6) 62-12388 1. Rustschew, D. D, It. ATS-59N57G Ill. Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. J. g1sl PTS ~3 offi-f T-W-1 swlto. Poo 40' 0=0 a P# All p9ki~ 70-21034, J:;'1963116 "b PU7`371 70-21 &S4 -570 70-12724- ~qbs Vib vib PS63 62-34212 Bausch, W. M. and Wiontzek, H. PETROGRAPHIC DIVESTIGATIONS OF THE REHDEN 1. Bausch, W. M. MAIN DOLA)Mrr7E. 119621 15p. U. Wtontzek, H. Order from ATS $21.50 ATS-OOP63C; 111. AIS-OOP63G IV. Associated Technical Trans. of Erdbl u le~West Germany) 1961, v. L4, 5' u~ services, Inc., a 0. 9. p - ~V C9_2. East Orange. N. DESCRIPTORS: *Perrology, Rock. Minerals. *Dolornite.1 -,'VFS - /0 (' (' - G-T (Earth Sciences- -Mineralogy, TT, v. 9. no. 1) 1 01n" of Techkal Sgr*n 62-12833 Wolf, W. INVESTIGATION OF CARBURETOR ICING OF 1. Title: Ortoengine OTTO-CYCLE ENGINE FUELS IN ENGINES AND 1. Wolf, W. OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ANTI-ICING ADDI- ff. ATS-SON59G TIVES. (1962117p. 111. Associated Technical Order from ATS $19.95 ATS-5ON58G Services, Inc., EastOrange, N. 1. Trans. of IV651 und Kahie_'West Germany) 1961, u 72P1 v. 14, no. 9, p. 7 DESCRIPTORS: Carburetors, Ice, Internal combustion engines, Fuels, Additives, *Ice preventioi (Machinery- -Engines, TT, v. B. no. 1) Office of Tocblcol SorOcoa TT-65-13993 Field 7A StlJntJes, G. J. F.; Voetter. H.; Roelofsen. E. F.; Verstappen, J. J. 1. Title: Shell-Bextol THE PRODUC77ON OF BENZENE BY THE DE-ALKYLA- TION OF TOLUENE: THE SHELL-BEXTOL PROCEDURE. 19p (ftgs omitted) 74reifs. Order from SLA; $1.60 an TT-65-13993 Tr=s. of Erdwl und Kohle-EE4 -Petrocherale ~stGerm, ml M n12 plu:11-H 1952. AnotrAr Man. is available from SLA W.bu as TT-65-12214. 26p. BM 670 ExtTaction of Hydrogen-Sulphide and C05 According to the Shell-Adkp Process, by A, P, von Bally. (ERHM, per. Erdal und Kohles No 140 1961,% PP 921-923. GFC SCA -a FMIS Dot 63 ALIZI 1-71 if d/f 62-12&V Kuhne, G. A STUDY OF TM EFFECTS OF BUOYANCY ON 1. Kuhne, G. ROTARY DRILLING STRINGS. [1962) 8p. 11. ATS-84PSBG Order from ATS $13. 50 ATS-84P58G III - Associated Technical Services, Inc. , East Trans. of EZWl und Kohle (West Germany) 1961, Orange, N. v. 14, no..10. p. DESCRIPTORS: *Drilling machines. Flotation. Drills. (Machinery. Fabrications and Accessory Equipment, TT. v. 7. no. 11) Offic. of T.A.1-1 S-Ic.. Oilfield llabamp by K, KMjCi-CWaf. GEWO'Lv: per, V-rdlq3 und Mile v %bl 15 v No 2 # 0 19621 pp 102-1091 *(P.;TI* IT 69-52008 sci/ctiodstry mar 69 Klamann, Dieter and-KrImer, Ulrich. THE SIDE CHAIN OXIDATION OF DIALKYEARO- MA71C COMPOUNDS. 0mract from the dissertation by U. Krffmar, Techni3che Hochschule, Berlin. [1962) 20p. Order from SLA $1.60 62-18970 1'rans. Erd:dI ~nd Koble (West Germany) 1962, of . _ V M~'e v. 15, io.T. p. 62-18M 1. Klamann. D. 11. Kramer. u. 111. Technische Hochschule~ Berlin (Germany) DESCRIMRS: *Mphthelenes, Methyl radicals, Oxidation, 00xidizers. Oxygen. Hypochlorites. Nitric acid, Sulfur, Reaction kinetics, *Alkyl radicals. In order to get a more comprehensive picture of the law of side chain oxidLzabillty of dialkyl aromatics, different oxidation, proemses have been studied. di- methyl naphthalen".having served as an example- The Oxidation$ by air or by hypochlorite only showed tech- (Chemistry--organir- IT. v. 9. Do, lo) Me 01 Tech" SUVkU The I!brmtion of Natuna Gas as a Remat of Recoallfication In the NortheaErb of Netherlands, by R.J.H*Patijn GERMN., per,, Eh?cbl und Kbble2l9649v*l9l7p noolip pp-2-9 ATS-43R79G E*Sci Aug 66 . 308,4344 w4r,i166 Field 7A TT-65-11636 Berg. C. van dog6 L Berg. C. van den A SIMPLE METHOD FOR THE DETERUNA71ON OF MAI(IMUM FURNACE EFFICIENCYAND OF OPTIMUM FURNACE OONSTRUCTION. 17p, 3refs. Order r qLA $1.60 as TT-65-11636 Trans. or, (West Gern-V) v uS p144-0 19N. MR-616 TT-65-12253 Field 81 Grodde, It_ H. THE RHEOLOGY OF COLLOIDAL SUSPENSIONS, I Grodde. K. -H. ESPECIALLY OF THE DRILLING FLUIDS. PART H. 11: Title: Application APPLICATION IN THE DRILLING PRACTICE. 12p. 3refa. Order from SLA: SI.60 as TT-65-12253 Trans. of Erd - a-Petrochernie (West Ger y) vIS n2 p79-83 1960. Another trans. is available from ATS $13.75 as ATS-841,141G, lip. MR 628 TT-65-IZ143 Field SG Meyer. C. 100 YEARS OF PETROLEUM EXPLORA11ON IN SPAIN. Order from SLA: $1.60 as TT-65-12443 Trans. of ~~~ ~'- ~~~est Germany) v13 n6 p3B2-7 1960. 1. Meyer. C. 'D AIR 633 TT-65-12443 Field SG Meyer, C. 100 YEARS OF PETROLEUM EXPLORATION IN SPAIN. Order from SLA: $1.60 as TT-65-12443 Trans. of ~-~~est Germany) v13 n6 p382-7 1960. 1. Meyer. C. 'a- ori MR 633 16 d - /'!~- ~513 A Century of Petroleum Prospecting in Spain, by Carl Meyer, FOUO jun ig6o, PP 38'T--387 *JPRS COPYRIGHT WE - Spain Econ - Fuels and Power - Petroleum 21 oct, 6o Fhe Present Status ouil Pmopectis of Natural (No ProduotIon 1n the USM* by, A. XUftchIxk& 16 pp. C-Sm"j, pars - 2 -petrodbode Vol XM# go lot 196D, VP 78V-I&V-- will-W-5060# - "J. Eng TO M3 Soon 144/ -3&1- Apr 63L TT-65-12476 Field BG Krejci-Graf. K- MODERN VIEWS 014' THE ORIGIN OF PETROLEUM. 111p, 1. Krejci-Graf. K. 120refs. Order from SLA: $1.60 as TT-65-12476 ,oiel,undYidaa--Erdgai-Petrochemle (%Vest Trans. of E;rrd 1 ,836-45 -451%0. Germ3nv) v nIl p836 Q60. MR 634 63-10221 Krebs, Erich. THE TELLMICNI-BORIZ-HOLE-PROBE FB 400., A 1. Krebs, E. NEVI MrrRUMMIr FOR THP INVESTIGATION OF 11. Titla New ... BORE-HOLES. 119621 Zip. (3 figs. omitted). Order from SLA $2- 60 63-10221 Trans. of ErdbI und KcIdc-E PPrz-'0d-i& (West Gcr-n=--y~ 1961, -v. 14 [no, 1] p. 11 -17. DrSC.IRUr.rORS- wNUning engbwerln& *Television equipment, Geolcgical survey. Geophysical prosPecl- irg, "well lomim *Boxcholes. N1,11th a new television bore-bole-proL-- whoge outer diameter is 63 nun. one can d'"In by direct measure- ment graphical and pbotograpb1c. records of bore-boles. Currmtly, this method if; successful at a depth of 400 meters. "Me rybtem of mlevision transmission and ffic components of die apparatus layout are described and (Engineering, TIT, v. 14 no. 2) (over) aMct d TedmkW Serdm Ratte, Heinrich. DISTILLATION IN' SIDE COLUMNS. [1963] 14p Order from K-H $14. 00 K-H 11096 s- c Trans. of Erdbl und Kohl p ,. ~e troMc-.ie p'~ (West GcrMrn-_y)_15M v. 14, no. 1. VM24 DESCRIPTORS: 'Distillation, *Towers (Chemistry), Distilling plants. 63-22474 1. Ratte, H. 11. K-H-11096 III. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates, Detroit, Mich. (Engineering--Cliemical. TT. v. 10, no. 10) CW~ td TuhMad Sank. The Determination of the Water Content of Mineral Oils by the Kar3 31scher Method., by N.H. Grues, 8 pp. =KU., per., Erdol. und KohIe-Erdgas-Petrochemie, vol xiv., rio 9., 1961, pp 714-716. Am-59R76G Sci - Biol jul 66 305,813 63-16974 Spector, Marsball L. and Ileinemann, Heins. R a-IOVAL OF AC =-LENE AND METINLACM- 1. Spector, M. L. LENE PROM OLEFINES AVIT11 THE AID OF 11. Heinemann. H. CUPROUS/CUPRIC-SALT SOLUTIONS. f196318p. (figs. omitted] 4 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 63-16974 Trans. of lirm - -Petrochemle (West Germady) 1961, v. 14 [no. I I P. DESCRUIMP-5; *Alkrncs, *Acetylenes. *Propynes. Separation, Catalysts, *Copper catalysts, Copper compounds, Chlorides, Hydrochloric acid. A new process was developed for the removal of ucety- lene ani/or m(w-substituted acetylenes from oleflne streams which on continuous operation diminishes the contents of these components to less than 5 ppm. The acetylene containing gas Is passed through an aqueous (Chemilstry- -Organic, TT. v. 10, no. 7) (over) GIrm at TecW&al Smica Tito Slide In"Cator# A moiiern Instr-u- Wnt for Exar4ning the SI-Eding Behaviour of [Uterials and Lubricawts, by E, Tannert. GFIMM, per, Erdol und Xdile, Erdgas. petmehemile Vol RE. NMI, Nov 1961, po DW-932. 9227726 N.S.T,'I,C. Tr 1491 G 15 6, ('~/ /,V?I. Sci/]InXbwe I g Sep 65 289,30S TT-65-22214 Field 7A 9Ujntjee6 G. J. F.; Voetter, H.; Roelofsen. E. F.; and Vertstappen. J. J. 1. StIjntjes, G. J. F. BENZENE PRODUCT10N BY DEALKYLATION OF 1:1. Voetter. H. TOLUENE THE SHELL 'BMCTOL' PROCESS. 26p. 73refs. M. Roelofsen. E. F. Order fr- SLAt $2.60 as TT-66-IM4 IV. Vertstappen, J. J. V. Title: Shell ... Trans. of grdQd-MsLKohle-Erogi!=EatrWJonir- (West Germany) v14 n12 p10-21--fi- 1961. ?.M 627 TT-65-12312 Field 7D Wolf. S. IMPROVED POTENTIOMETFJC METHOD FOR DETER- MINATION OF THE ACID NUMBERS CrAN AND SAN) IN PETROLEUM PRODUCTS. 10p. 15refs. Order from SLA: $1.10 as TT-65-12312 Trans. of Erdoe~ ~-Erdzas-Petrochemle (West - - iia_ny) v15 n1 P27-31 1962. 1. Wolf. S. H. Title: Tan ... MR 630 On Internal Corrosion in the Transport of Gases Containing Oxygen, by F. Gebert. EUROPEAN, per, Erdoel und Kohle, Erdgas, Petrochemie (Vereinigt mit Brennstoff-Ch2ELM_e), Vol 15, No 2, 1962, pp 113-13.8. NTC-71-15529-07A Feb 72 TT-65-122R2 Field 7C Osthaus, K. H. THE STEAM PYROLYSIS PROCESS FOR ETHYLENE 1. Osthaus. K. H. FOR.I.IATION FROM LIQUID HYDROCARBONS. 10p. l8refs. Order from SLA- $1.10 as TT-65-12292 Trans. of.UrdoeLund_K2bla=EZdgl&-JltxW_herille (West Germany) v15 n4 p270-4 1962. .761R 629 TT-64-16966 Couct6 Earl I-and Sell& Franz P. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF HEAT TRANSPORT FOR 1. Couch, E. J. UNDERGROUND COK[BUSTION PROCESSES. (Paler] IL Selig, F. F. presented at the Annual Meeting of the Gerrruin Society IM Title: Gammon ... for Mineral Oil ScLeme and Coal Chcznistry~ Gosltr, 29 Sep 61. 13p 10rats. Order from SLA $1.60 TT-64-16966 Trans. of [E""- (West Gern.ny) 1~96v. ~15.. 7~fpSIS-~519. (Physics odynarnics, TT. v. 12. am 5) Office of Technical 9-le" TT-"-I"o CCUWC, R. AM Lobe4j. P. 7W WCHANISM OF HTMOCARKW OMATXNI 1. cchwo. it. TO W-HrMOMCKKM. 19p 27ffob. n. LA"I& P. Oldn trCM SIA $1.40 IT-"-IIWWIG Trfto. of ErdU mind] Kdde I-ardowe- (West Germany) 1962. v. 13116: p. 333-S3P. Wboodstry-Ozy-hr. 7T. V. t2. im 7) TT-65-11932 Field 7C Berger, G.; 26tittag. R. ETHYLENE OXIDATION TO ACETALDEHYDE BY THE 1. Berger. G. PROCESS OF DIRECT OXIDATION. 7p. Srefs. I U. Mittag. R. Order from SLA: $1.10 as TT-65-11932 Trans. of Erdoel unq.Kqhlft=EmdwwwJ2W (West Germany) v15 n9 p699-702 1962. NIR 621 s-167 Regional Distribution of Carbohydrates Oxydizing Bacteria in Various Soils. (SF-2497) GERMAN, per, 1) ~ogpjj4b&e -J~rdgas - Petrochemie. Vol XV, No 2, 1962. -- *JPRS Sci - Biol Feb 63 62-2D472 Kim& Waiter. C* IN 1. DR [19gC" OF' FRAC72CR4S Kr&ZI& W. 114VWYM~ amitwo 10 rds. Order hmm SIAI $1.60 62-20472 lylam 1R. is-Paumchenfle (Went G ..... 01962, v.: . m ~. p. 176-1". DESCRIPMRS: Orkupemm. LtqaMm6 4HYdrwrAtIou bnpm*Jm AcwA~mm Dkm46 Sqwvmiom6 OPAWI- cambu~6 lbwers (Chemistry). lbdrocarbm& ==h-=mn Importance an a m An ter miprdpykme is prcp- dtx-d by, pyrdlytic It contain certain prooesms. Tnnddes of xnetbyl wetylene and j,. which - ditficuldft'in the ftwher pouceiamidlug; The remmalkif those ccetornh-rking by se3settm hydro- gemdm in the gm phase In ocetmvenled by some (RngbmewlaS--Chemk*L TT, v. 9. nu6 11) (over) Ofilm d TlCbdw Sanim ,THE REGIONALDISTRIBUTION OF HYDROCARBON OXIDIZING BA.C-TE.RIA,IN VARIOUS SOILS, BY HERBERT VOLZ., WILHELM SCH~I~RTZ.,:: 13 PP GEMIAN.. PER.. :RDGAS PETROCHEMIE, No,~6, ig6p-., pp 4z6.429. scl BIOL - MED SC I~m !63 jpRs 181 oo 77-- & Z 225..448 Properti7es of Coal* bi M.T, Mackowsky., GEPIM, per. Erdol und Kahle Vol is, Jun 19us pp 441-M. =P BISI 3937 Sci/MM Aug 65 284,711 Schnurmann, R. THE BEHAVIOR OF LUBRICANTS AT HIGH RATES OF SMAR. (Feb 6319p. Order from ATS $13.65 ATS-40P65G Trans. of Erotlil LmdLKdhlej=ExdZa-q JxQQhe-mLCl- Q,lest Geii~i~ny) 1962, v. 15, no. 6. p. 451-455. DESCRIF17ORS: *Lubricants, Behavior, Shear stresses. 63-12755 1. Schnurmann. R. U. ATS-4OP6SG 111. Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. J. (Materials- -Lubricams, Tr. v. 9, no. 7) Offics o1 Tecimmical Services 63-12761 Depioe, F. M. COMBINATIONS OF BITM41NOUS RAW MATERIALS 1. Depke, F. M. wn,H PLASTICS. [Feb 631 Sp. 11. ATS-6OP65G Order from ATS $12.75 ATs-6op6sc Ill. Associated Technical Services. Inc., Trans. Erdt5l ItIn East Orange, N. J. (West Germany 1962, Y. IS, no. 6, p. 535-538. ?941- DESCRIPTORS: Offittunens, *Plastics, Mixtures. / ~--j (Materials, TT, Y. 9, no. 7) Offkt of reth9kid ser&" 63-10284 Nottes. Ernst G. CORROSION PROTECTION BY CHEMCALS IN 1. Nottes, E. G. PHTROLMJM PROCESSING. Fr. 1. FUNDAMENTAU U. Title- Fundamentals OF CORROSION AND CORROSION IMUMTORS. [ 19 Aug 62] 14p. 22 refs . Order from SLA $1.60 63-10284 Trans. of fErd8l uDd Kohle-Erdgas -Petrochemle (West Germany) 1962, v. 15, no. 7, p. 538-54L. DESCRIPTOM- *Corrosion inhibition. Chen-tical com- pounds, *Petroleum, Refineries, Corrosion. Anti- oiddants, Fuels, *Amines, *Acetylenes, *Benzenes. (Mecallurgy- -Corrosion, TT, v. 10. no. 2) Ofts of Techn" Servkn MUMMully Automatic Injector Mixing Devices for Gaseow Hydrocarboass by K. SLgwmd. GERHM: per, Irdal-mnd-KaWa. Ergas Petrochemle* Vol xv No 7' 1962, pp 553-.SS6. NU/T 489 Sci-aw FMIS Jm 65 luql(.,Iy 63-10285 Nottes, Ernst G. CORRMON PROTECTION BY CHEMICALS IN 1. Nottes, H. G. PETROLEUM PROCESSING. FT. H. TESTS AND 11. Title: Tests... MEASUREMENTS, PROCESS CONTROL AND APPLI- CATION. [18 Seo 62J 19p. (figs. omitted) 8 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 63-10295 Trans. of rd8l und - - Vochemle (West Geemany 1962, v. 15, no. 8. p. 640- DESCRIPTORS: *Corrosion inhibition, *Petroleum, Refineries, Test mettiods, Corrosion. (See also 63-10284) (Metallurgy- -Corrosion. IT. v. 10, no. 2) ofts d Tab" Strrk= Petroleum, Coal, Natural Gas and.Petrochemistry, by G. Stock-Rother, 8 pp. GERMAN, per, Erdol und Kohle, Erdgas, Petrochemie, &MQPOU& Vol XL 8 Aug 1962, pp abstracts 660, 661, 662, 663. ICall No TN 860 E 67) Arny Map Serv ce Sci - Fuels 14 jan 63 Spengler. Glinter and Wunsck FrIcz. ON TEE SYNTHESIS OF SOME ADAMANTANE DERIVATIVES, IN PARTICULAR THE 1-ADAMAN- TANECARBOXYLIC ACID ESTERS, AND TIiEIR SUIT- ABILITY AS LUBRICATM OILS. 119631 20p 40refs Order from SLA $1. 60 63-2D075 Trans. of Y-rddl und Kahle- Erdja- heml (West Germany~lqbz V. L. 7 70;c -> Ina. vi P. EP DESCRIPTORS: *Cycloalkanes, *Carboxylic acids. *Esters, Synthesis (Chemistry), Alkyl radicals, Butyl radicals. llcKyl radical, Viscosity, *Lubricants, oil,., Chemical properties- The preparation of some I-n-alkyl adamantanes and some 1-ndamantanecarboxylic esters is reported. 11te esters were tested for their suitability as lubricating oils. Although It was found dot the low temperature properties (melting or cloud points range from -60 to (Materials - -Lubricants, T-Lv. LO. no. 11) (over) 63-2D(175 1. Title: Adamantanpa 2- Title: I-Adamantane- carboxylic acid 3. Title: n-Butyadarnantane 4. Title: n-Hexyladainantane I .Spengler, G. H. Wunsch, F. Ofte ol T=bWcal Senkes TT-65-12156 Field 21G Rossenbeck, bt. CARBURATOR ICING: APPEARANCE AND PREVENT101i. 1. Rossenbeck. M. 19p. 22refs. Order from SLA: $1.60 as TT-65-12156 L emle OVest Trans. of Erdov iuid-Kahlt=Fxdc&L-PetE2gbemle 4 q - - .,-91962. Germany) v 5 p790 9,962. MR 626 7T-63-2(Y715 Grimm- Woff-Dicter. MIOMORPMC QUARTZES AS GUMDE MWERALS FOR 1. Grimm, W.-D. &MJFEROUS PACUM [IMI 32p 19rds Order hum MA 1& 60 7T-63-207L5 11 . I I A7-S 1q. -25 159FF) A7.5 -20Q753 C- T=W. of Rrdoi ufW Qrdgf.~ LVINbev Germ-Y) f0drV13, IAN II* P. 31ID-39r. .2!C (West DEWRNPrORS: "~Lnrtz, *P*UvUW. Rock saft. SOW% i cryxta~ NUUMM. smeic &CId% ftacla=. SlWhnbrft~ry ro*. Stmdgnqft, Mhwah. On the authority of ~pproxitnatqly 150 o=rrences 6f MuNgedc *virtz abamed. It In demonstrated ftt the qjUtz separated under saline , I'dons constitutes an Important. perhap even do most Imporant. pan of no cryvtft~ newly tormed In the Sediment. BMpWUHY c for dds type at formittion iure dm idictnorpvc: quam crystRU wMch are discussed in (Halth SdAmm-GoOkW, 7T. v. 11, no. 4) (covem) Offtm W T-kni-i somi~ Soviet Block Oil on the Axror.-ean market, by Alfred Stahmer, 14 pp. un P- dgae/Petroebemies per, Erdol d ~p~ErA il---l-9-- vol xvj, No C2, pp. 941-543- -(Call No. TN860.E67) Army I%p Ekbrvice BEur - Soviet Bloc Econ mar 63 M"d~ SbW Of thO-*:'ObhdbnSed Axomazdc, System.of V iiiniteandus I~xtrkction -Products, by E.de Ruiter, H.'': Uchfiinler. GkRMAN per Erdol und Kolde., Vol XVI, No 3, 1963.~pp:M-2&. C~~b j4o 6581 Sd - Fuels Jun 64 261,270 - - --------- + tion. Dy:qami6B-bf4'W 01 Flames-&-_ Aelation, to- Developement T'rends In Burner Design. ~y', W. Grimin, 15. pp. ..OkRMAN, pm., Erdol und Ywhle-Erdgas-Petrochernie, YOI XVI, No 5, 1963, pp 371-378. ATS-M071G March ..64 Kmpa~- EXPRESS" OF VUM REGARDING TH13 NEW DUMRGMftS LAW. 119631 10p OrdW bw AIM $IL75 AIM47Q710 71mm ce (Woo amnimy) 1%% v.'16. w. S. p. 379-ML DEWRWMRS- MC28safteonVOM&L 63-22591 I Krjrw. R. U: A-M-67q7lG M. Assodated Tecb3lcd Servic", Iw., East Onft% N. J. /v rc -7 9 vocw sclamem TT. 1. 10. 006 9) Me of Tacb" Swvkn H. Wachholz Geometric Factors in Acoustic Log Measurements and their Effect Upon the Design of Logging Tools. GERM, per, Erdoel und Kohle, Zrdgas, Petrochemie (Vereiaip,t mit Brennstoff-Chend2b Vol 13, l9bO, Pp 545-549. - IUC 72-13653-081 Nov 72 History of Oil Migration in the Gifhorn Trough, by W. Philipp GERMAN, per, Erdoel und Kohle. as, Petrochemie (Verejaja mit Brennatoff-Chemle)t Vol 16, 1963P pp 456-468 NTC 71-15530-08G feb 72 Recovery of C4-Olefins and Diolefins by Countercurrent Gas Scrubbiz*,, by H, M, Weitz. EUROPEAN, pers Erodoel und Kohle-Erdgas- Petroch2TE2.e, Vol 16, No 6, 1963, pp 563-570. -NTC-70-12726-07A Feb 72 TT-65-12405 Field BG Krev. 17,; M&ass. H. -W. PRO611ESS IN APPLIED GEOPHYSICS M GERMANY. 40p. I Krey. T (5 figs omitted) I I refs. LI: Nlaass, H. -W. Order from SLA: $3.60 as TT-65-12405 Trans. of Erdoel und ' - a -Pe*-"n,'- (West Germany) v n6-1 p619-29 1963. Speciat lssu~. MR 632 CraoUng or U4vM I)y XLeatric Axil j. by A. Sebmifti, I. BdbmM- 8, pwo NIA081 umd Koble4b p Gum 3.6 Vol j, 29b3.# vp t93-W- mc-6p-2zT%L-M SCIAMMM e-% Sept by 391#330 TT-64-14890 Diener, Horst. PROTECTIVE COLLOIDS IN DEEP 117ELL MUDS: DEMANDS AND LIMITS. Lecture given at the Annual Convention of the Gerntan Association for Mineral ()if Science and Coal Chemistry (no. 15) Karlarutie. 12 Oct 62. (19U] 6p Order from SLA $1. 10 TT-64-14890 Trans. of Erdol nd Kohle - (W e ganit 1 3, Y. 16, no. 8, p. 841-843. I. Diener, H. If. Title: German... Offim f 'r~hnic.i s-i-. Blum, E. SIMPI-F LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS ON INJECTION' OF qTEAM INTO A PETROLFUM RESFRVOIR AS A SECONDkRY RECOVERY PROrFSS. 8p. Order fro-n ATS $9. 00 AT'-8tR75G Trans. or rrd6l fund] Kohlef -i-reza.9-perrochemiel (West Germany) Pt v. 16. nu. 9, p. TT-61-?2191 1. Blum, P. 11. ATS-BIR75G Ill. Asgoclated Technical Servicer. Inc., Fast Orange. N. The Autatherml CradLing of Limuid Hydroen.2bamss by Alfmd Sebmidt, Herbert Schmidt at al, 10 pp. GEIMMi:per,, Erdol md Kohle IIE&as Petrochemie, Vol XVI* No 9, V 3, pp 940-9". PZSI J-0317 ID 220403706S sci-Chela Aug 66 3090901 The Pyrolysis O-L, Molynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons, by Karl xbW-riedrich Lang; Herbert Buffleb., et al. GMAN, per dol und Kohle-Erdgas-petrochemie, vol xvi, No .1 9, 19 3, i-p9,n"- W- *Dept of Interior Sci-Chera Feb 64 GERMAN [INDUSTRIAL] STANDARD DIN 51.597: DETERMINATION OF CLOUD POINT AND POUR POINT [Apr 641 9p Order iro. ATS $8.90 ATS-701175G Trans. ot Erdbl [und] Kohle-fErdaas-PetrochenA4 (West Germ*a-ny-y-_r9bu-,v. 10. no. 11, p. 1121-1123 TT-64-22062 1. Title: Determination ... U. DIN-51597 M. ATS-7011750 IV. Associated Technical Services. Inc.. East Orange. N. J. (Materials- -Fuels, IT, v. 12. no. 1) 1 offi.. t ir-hnit.1