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1.1 vM, (M U923) Vvytft"Ieklaa - CfttrlbMtlm to the Study lor lull's corueal fww""w. IT. Btftct at COM10 00 CCMWVUVO 10ftei and 000ditIODed coommimalv* zap$,$ by so A. Popov# C. popovs, 6 pp. "Well, VIL Pwo. -fts sidama" Dm--I- ft "0" p No 2D* WI-DIFIFFs, Yalu IT URI pp MM6- InItiatica all aloctric msdiairgos in a Vlastuuml, bV 14o Ank*L, IIIRIUIQi,o, rpt* g-o4m Rmd Vat (XXXXVIlIg 19540 lip 206.1,4063.1. MAIM rt P-10#241 ILI,*S,* CAINERCIUNT (m (MLY ICI-E lahlot "bo (1'l; *~n 1~ ~ I.A -1 INDtcbqiIh.jrsIoIogy - Contribution to the Study cf~ 10mvila OwtLlcal TWICUOM by the Method of Slectro- cowtic&l COMItIoned RefleXes. V. Second Signal 41ptewl" UY, X. Popov# CO PYO 11TOWIg irk pmr, C=&-Boodmg ReWmadmires 411fill 30-ItTICION d* JU-A"dwale deit Sclertr~as, HO H, ftrisp 24 My 1954p pp 21lb-21W. CIA/IWI'U-6397 xf .7 e _11111,11141~R;4LI I jtl,_~',~"' "" "AIIIII-PI. 1-1 ....... ... 1. .. . (ki "Bimmi4my, 0=4160" Botwm Metallic Suirfacolo 1A a Vamma as a Auction of the ItIoctxical SuppIrs by gabort,Mual. Ifitowt* Imms rmt B"d, Vol ICCIXXVIIIO 19640 p,lp 34OZ-M3. NASA TTI IP-1002716 We 600MRWART M MIX Sc~-Rloanslcs md 51"tris*3 Bagr SOL26243 (-2 1832S Mrsivaper, l4ntjgv It! And Bot, jmr It! and odwm P)lOC:E%V; F(.ql RAM) CALCUIA-1`10%,' 41F 11R , COM- 1. ,1. Ic BN, um: OF CUN71- 11. r.. fillAllit, Wl%ll*r,:Il. flk.*21 lp. (rigs. imattxl) I ref. 0~'Jwl' Nom SIA 1,L1. 10 6 - I A, A 2.'-~ 141 dwv Sk Ir7kil's JP4rls 1. ('~,mjKvs Illtz amu) 054, -#- 139, no L N. it. 1474 14"76 (pifl~ b'j et ct" Paris). ArL,f."jl,r rrarvi. W ;ivallable ftom OT.S or SLA $1. 11) L-, iVA-A.191. )an 55 f7k% rr. v. 9. mx IMm d Tack" F"j,j4jjn4r)t po"Jogftal And Bactivriological Studies of j1qcmjjitgjtimw Ivy P, Boyer* FMOC111, pa3t, C. r, %ifem Ifedb Acad Scl Paris, v*1 z4b, 1105ro, ;; 2:-~ CS11101140 9$69 sciAlml July (19 386-843 Tba Gwidatlx~a and Reduction Bractious of Titaniuz OxdUut amd JVdroxidev in Various Eavironmentu, by J. JM(M Pt~tlt, R. Poisnon, 2 pp. FM,K!Ilp pew, smtea Asafta.0 Vol CCXI,,, 1955P PP 31-M-314-- STA 2651 Sol . Ohmiltuy ? /01-' J~ :~ / a rob % '? Spectroaccl)Wo, -- Simple Arrangement for the Production of thdi Continuous Lymian Spectrum in the Far Ultraviolet, by Juques Monand, Germaine Balloffetp Boris Vodar, 4 pp. PIMCIG ReW'o _COMt9.JLQWA#41-,%t,de I 'Acad des Sciences V01 CCXL., Jikz-"&r 1955.- PP 412-15- nD/X-3397 'Ind. vmaysis, by FBI; IK!11', Vo" CCIM, 1055, 3- *jPRS for Armr Rocket and Guidcd Minsile Agency Scl, As 1111toot-viallL nirtmatiall StU4 of Wde Film roysbad an gum %r7tt Stwrftc4tp by Jamn Momup Jmu SQrdollep 3 P- pot Coartw" Rlwd4os 19550. Vol 0=1 to $ " pp R4 -* 0 MA 59-2M9 8" jy 6F q 9-~' lkr 60 . 0 G V61 3, go, I hiAtliAmbli of the Staf-ace Cencentraticei 1~41 Ily-411U)jIlOeA. On thin Ihmshold of Utectric in Vaosms by R, Arnal. 111POIROI10, lJors camt hado Vol CCXLo 19550 Imp, 610,0612s MAIM 11' 1~*100242 .1WIL-11.1act 308,9" OMNI= USIR ONLY Iltuti L AboarptAou Spectm dAd lberay Levels of (6o) &Lui bi M".-c JIFUJI=p pro caq~twl Road=,, 1101 cmi 1955" 6i~;Qw(- AM W-JWM ILO' Nov tAmt Uthsillple of tl3a Man a in auto of an AasovbiA PIWlime, by 0. D=tJ.Uon, (',. Byraud, N. PT"ttntp 5 1111i". FAMM.0 6,*vjj Ocwq. too Rwa*Asp Vol GCXL# 1955s, i,.y 756-758. - .1. . . --m-Iffift MA ST-IJO fti -u ChamitAry I.::r-Y 5?11 Wr ", raimirion or unraviolet Radiatlim in Gaseous mixtures VzVoi0ed Uli tkw Action of Alpha Particles,, by "awile Lormmu-Loumteu, 2 ppe V,fA 16, 1 Mmt:II,,,pvr, Ccopt. ReWun,, Val (Xnp, 1955# - I pp IUCC Tr 217k selmairw. I- Physics 4.1" 55 m i i- rA ftyalodlogy-selatim Bet"m The lonuence of Antibdiatlen an the Gratith of the PIS =d of -Upo Z*lb&%Um of Vandammm of the ]~~tjnmhl IMI*rao by IL 3ILd*lv A. 0- Fftaftles, 3 Pp. Immm" part 0awes amdmo vca Om, 1955,p w d6-. --.- . ..... su 3m 401 % t*'? ,o f 9P7 Stxztl~, c-f tlw Decar,-mition of Alma= Ry-d-zatis )~mw of Dq.Mrftt:ba 2bemal Amaysis, by C. 5 IV-m FMPDEI,. pairj 22stop a VQ:L CM0 19550, Rp *5414 SEA 57-1-V15 -.3-, 'F M) 56 W: Cat. CuritUI14 of Hepatic HltcL!WLWrlu 4r ;c by J,. 114rels A, Jacobp, 5 pp. MUMCIEP perp omvt fiend, Oct, 19% PP 90-90- SIA 58-183. scl ja 55P F.j I 0t AOUV&t Ace at tboi hmkcUon m=w4 altialIV at AaUve lbt&Uic Zcw of the ClUarstjo by A, Onfttql "=up wp..~~f mudwom Ta OUL.0 19-504, w M-mo ... ... am) gas -0 3asymn Mo. de lAr .0 "46 ltqud~ ,,�brium Rviction Uittiretin C-niciun, kagwcjuj~_, arA 16*:Lr ftsea by Belem- Ontertag, rMICap poro eMP7,71me Reed a Vol CCAL) 195-P I;rp 3,055-2.00-1. AEC Tr 2527 MCI - Chmletn NJ 779 Jul IIZ6 OVIOAG Oklm"W=w 200UILwg a not au the Ao*ts 9e Nj A3douvsd npwm awe ama sessuvo ?=too ?v BMM SLUOY"O SAM 0-404M 6 VMS lWam"NAM Calibration of the Olivert Micru- calorl.teterp by G. IALville. FAMLIO par,p Weet Rondo Vol CCXIp 1955.* pp 1195- 1197. csipo. . 3oi6 Sci Aa 59 5?3, 4040 0 ftatclol Obetatistry-0enal Transformations of Various DIOXIM041 of Monwonso by J. ftenetp A. Grund, 4 pp. IRMp pars Com$, Road# Vol 240p 1"5, pp 1210. SIA 57-18C8 Set /0.c Y'dz Ctwtlv'_~t. It, A.-A THFURIFTICAL. OF -nil. GRAPKIC. TAIII.L'S M11 mous To mE sntm op 'nit' (,".kl.4(:'E 10GUNW: NIOPF; R i'll'S OF 1, 4, 9. 10- 41. OrA.,t fromlk-ll 11~AQ V, -if 11-1 %_11 Tranit. oe ~M'ml r1+1 40f sclenct'li. Nartal. C Rvm1liff (FillinjUl 116t v. 2C. (W. 11. p. b%'(WiAllb., I - V11111 rfk ~11` Clt:.. Pot 1-4). u4-:SCfUrTQR.S: *KazpI *ffioch,-m- totir). Istihist. 1. Tltlr: K_-nzWyr-_-n- 1. Chdlvvt~ H- Il. Chalvvt, 0. IV. KT