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Coupressible Bouaftry layer on a Body of Revolution# by Dante Cwwolop 46 pp. IZALXANj perp LIAerptacnicap-Vol XXMj, No 3,p 1956, pp i6o-176. MA 59-10336 sci - EW Jul 59 029 is 11 Lmlm Dwer rum Y'lonumuce Test& in the LOW Speed WLnd ?ova",, tv Smuno B"zowhis 34 P- If nmmvg;f-~ I--- -.19560 TCIL IF InT 10 so 54 IV . 49241 91A "M- &4 Ago 60 v., f 34 Vol Mo No 3 Economic Pookbion of the Itallen Aeronautical Industry In the Intermational Market., by Alberto vallioneri., 26 pp. ITALIMp perp L'Aaratecapa Doe 1956P pp 318v 319P EM], t0 IR-71-36,p row-MT# AFOEF-102. AF 720723T WEar - 1t&4 fton Mar 57 Application of Integral Methods to the Study of Laminar Dissipative Flows of Binary Mixtures in the Absence of Chemical Reactions, by A. Pozzi. ITALAAN, per, L'Aerotecnical Vol XXXVII, No 6, Dee 1957, pp 311-320- .5i-A bO--1-73b5 oT/4o4l CCT Inc. 2953Y Ministry of Aviation Sci - Chem TIL.l(a) - First Avenue House jan 61 High Holborn London, W.C.l., EnSiland rionsZeady Homentropic rrl(xm of Rear"ng Wx4ures in cbemdeal Bqldlibrium, by L. G. N8POlitano., L. de Socia: P-1 3;P - d IMIAH, per., L'Ae=tewdes, Val M. No 3, 1960, PP 179-17r. CWFW XAT04 Sai - Pbys e1 7 Sep 61 R Monti '-C-" 4,2 2, Fluid Dynumics oi I-Imlinear 41-bdia, by L. G. Not-solitmios PULIS1,40. per, Aerotocnica., Vol UII, 1963, pp l*- M. HASA TT F-9492 sci- Nbv 65 (4 S, Govamb"T USE. ONLY 292'8u Plug;Nozzl*s =4 HMU&od f1lug Noxglas OpossUng Off-Desip. by 6, Ange1*09, PPMZSHO pore 4AOroto=:Lsb Vol xtsvt pp 9*16* Fob 1=0 NASA TT F-10,0050 GWERWFM USE ONLY may, 2999685 AAAttA) IA--;"l lvti V41 P3.-4-.402 -1~ lo-go369 ........ ........... f 2i , I I 11 A -. f --- 111 1 , ., Tantalum for Sk-ullcap Repair, by Bodo-Iffein2 rdebeck. GMMNa peT, Aerztl Forsell, Vol 30 1949, pp 71-72. AEC UCRL-Trans-10204 sci_s&m Jul 68 357,411 Vasoaetivs Substances. PhEumacology and Clinical Experionees in Dermatologyp by 14. Schoog, 6 pp. Full translation. GERMNS pars AerztI, brobw Vol V17., 1953s. pp 1/129- -1/133. S*L.A, Selwrtifio I- Mbdialm Pg 7 ~f 0?6 Aug 55 t? Z ~-PIIITWflt F WHIM It 115,41i'l "D I'llf I -I I;,, . ... ..... The Mblem of the Specific Eft*ci; in Wowd Trestswntp by Relas -Sarft,, 9 ppe: GXFM y IM yearp part 21, QN, "Mm I I ~- The Stimula-UM Erfeat CZ Collolftl Irca Sacoh=tos an the Bme Jftrxwj, by Ho owmlwao,, 14 3m. mmp VMS A" Famho so 6j 29%0 VP M-M. i via ME 9.4 ociedurs - asd] 'fX0, -f 4.44 aw 06 0~ kx~, AE1441LJCW FONSCHtM 19b0 V16 NY P%VG-b9l 70-20370 CO.% 70-2030 iaDtca~olic Structures* FunctiOlial Odd Phanjacological Activities, bY Ii, UbDrit, GLIMAN, per. Aarztl Forsch Vol XVII. No 4~ 1963, o-'a'"m lal. NDI 10-28-64 Sci - Diol, & Mod Sri 284,359 Investigations on the Effect of 3-Metbyl- 3.,4-DiWclroxY-11-Phemn-BatYne-I (COmPOunA) . Kbe, 339 on Chicken Rmbryos., by H. Wurmbacb:. aWYANp perq Aerztliche Foracbmg, Vol 17, No 7. 1963P pp 383-3916 Su TT-66-lmoi SC:L-lm Junia 66 303,,8ffi The Hypnokinegram as Compared to the Double Blind Experiment for the Evaluation of a New Hypnotic., by H. Zickgraf. CML46N., per., Aerztliche Forsebung, Vol 18., No 8,, 1964o PP 42T-429o;~,. - srA TT-66-1=2 Sci-B&M 303,580 june 66 THE TREATMENT FOR RESTORATION OF DELAYED AUXOCHRONE GROWTH IN RETARDED CHILDREN., AND Xg ITS AESTHETIC ASPECTSO BY H. HAUBOLD, L8 PP. GERMAN, PRE,,_AERzTLicHE KosmETiK.. No 4, 1956, PP 13-38. NIH "62 SCI - MED zoB.,7542 AUG 62 ..!. 404~UCK;& t * , ..'' i ; !IT * ~Atoklw~ - 4 ~; ; , . -, I -.' _ :_ _t 4"L-Ul -.74 -2310? t*l,. I I ~Jii 3 "#;t~ . ..i. . . I6~, f" ") -T (2- SIRASSUMS m3b P1942 Modern Surgagy and Urology. Report on the 70th Sessi ~k of the Assoalatlan of Northirest Gorman Surgeor se*tion of Amsthesia, Deaember 4-6,, 1952.. 6 pp. Full trwwlation. GMMI, per, A2uu. &wasp Val VP No 3t Feb 1953t A 5,L.A. Salev~Ma - Medialne -9)7 OK // Jul 5 5 &dbulut-n,vy Ir-horepy of Bed Fiyp--rt~-ms ion, by 1. pp. ORIMN, per, Aerstl Ptaxis,, Vol VTX,/b%Y 1955X pp 20' 21. SIA Tr 57-1829 Scl Jun 58 19" lo k3b P??P-"& 70-20483 1 - . 909 Will 436 0810 79-201*83 .... ...... Modern Surgary and Umlogy. Report on the 70th Sess! - - I of the Assooiation of Northwast Go n Surgeor7 Seation of Mnasthasia, Dacambar 4-6, 1952., 6 pp. Full tranaution. 17 GKOMP per, ke=a &%get Vol 7, No 3, Feb 1953, A SoL.A. Poll, Mediefte .9*7 ,#< fl Jul 5 5 Ambuiatory 111-or-apy of Red %rpertensicn, by I* Scbill o1ler-Muter, 44 pp. (;Min, liar, Aerztl Praxis, Vol Vll;/BIAY 1955r pp 20' 214 BIA Tr 57--1829 Jun 58 ~7 PRAxts =,C"t VILO 43S 0,177-Ift 70-20463 1958 7"0%83 VIO N36 0410 Thera;jW of Vegetative EyWrexcitability Men na, and Sleep Induction Disturbances., by R. Intz* ME", per Aerztlicbe Praxisp Vol 15, 1963, PP 2W-W-9ki' SUM-66-10103 Sci-BW June 66 303,869 Clinical Testing of a Nonbarbiturate Hypwtic. in Maternity Cases,, by J. EArtel. GERMAN, per., Aerzt1iche Praxis., Vol 16, 1964, PP 339-400. mA TT-66-1o1o7. Bei-BW June 66 303,870 Uinin,al Sigalfteamao or acas-bmcw sta 'oy H. Hain, 3 pp. hal tltwwlation. GEM4Wfp parf Aerstl. Wabaabr., Vol VlIlp 19530 pp 345-350. S..L. k. Saientifla - Madioita ~4 'a DlaU-osis and Conservu-tive Thorapy of pytema, by H. Eleinsorp, K. Osixer, 7 -pip. GEM, per" Agau- -92 Vol vin, July 19539 pp 639-643. - . ...... S.L*A* scle*Ufta - mmwgmw Therapy of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia., by H. R. Book., R. Gross., 6 pp. GHWANj, perp Aerxtljigmaar.. Vol 3x.* 9 Apr 1954,j PP 344-345- - MA Tr 2D05 Sai - Ned ~z ~7 '? /0J Jvl 57 Tberapy of Arterial Bygerter.5ion.. by LT. GVUWCII.- 9 PP# lamTmp var'O Aw.aU.-Veabri'lol Mr, 29 Apr 19551. Pp Sai Medtatm SA.A. 2r W10 41 U.-W -,8626) Subecom With Cortloone of a Case of Paotiaer Poorliasis 'With Artbropathiess by Be Rubmmv a pp. OEM"*. vk: Per, VacbramabriM Ta X.,19o 47, v 2.5: BerUii' mv MOM U-Ml Sao GiVAW ;.wl Sol- wacuso clik uuticx Avg A1xtoL=. Lmmlo-glcal Complicatims in Vire-I Hmpatitie, by A. Beickert, 12 up. GMOM, per, Aerztliche Wochemsebrift, Vol X11, NO 42, 1957, PP 939--9U- NM 9-15-61 Sol - VAd aul 62 17f ;Pdd The Teautem .a of the Amaton,(~]~~#~byR. ~Cordi~er, I - r-lll-~ Vol XVIII, 1928, " p*r,, 4MC21mu pp ii6-:L3.9. EUA Tr 57!-1610 Sci - .% -4 / .4 q1 Oct 57 j-44,)!(,i Afghan Postal Rates.,__. PERSIAN, Afghan Gover-nment Document, pp 1-14. *JPRS NEIA - Afgjaanistan Econ - Government -- Aaministration 14 Apr 61 1-43/63 Law Governing the Penalties and Punishments for Afghan Prisoners, (DO-8564) PFMIM, rpt, Afp:4= Goverment Publication, 1959/1960, 31 14E - A;Vghwistan Soc 63-16769 yebm WknoXe. josquis do. AFFARMS FOR ME DHrH3LUlNA7WN OF SEIL- 1. Yebra MoamM do FUR IN ntCJN AND MIM IN FOUNDRIES (Apmft pm Is Dourmbwke dwI A=fte m Fodkiam in I y Am=). [IM) (SIP6 VWdP tM Ordw hvm SEA $L10 631161V69 7V&m of Afial&d Cgpb) 1949. Y. M. p~ 2DD-2M. DBMCFSrMM Foomblow. *Sew4 nral6 %%Mw amdw ""a* 7T. T. 10. ED. 9) low d 7~Cbldcw Urwkft 63-14675 Palowjo CoK4 AmuKdo Tall a. X-HAL40GM4ATM DEUVAIWW OF P-L49MOXY- 1. Palomo Coll. A- L. PROr"WAQM AND SYNIUM OF P, Lr-DE- HYDROXY, - 6A -DMIENYL-N-IIEXANE 0 IEXOESTROL) By CYMMIM (19631 (15k. 6 refs. - Order ftm SIA $1.60 63-14675 7vQnj6 of 1951. Y. 28, NmlDer_ P. DES=97MS. 4 AMm;y ra&calm6 qlra~ rmUcals. *Bemenag, ~ sHydromidei, Vb=Wl raMcab4 qk=mes. mm syndmdn (it bemocacral was mocowVlimbed by B=IW -Zxm anlool and pmOkmic AdeWe whkh during thi prozm* of ddarmUybdw pndmm a qwd Irm ot P- wx , 1, 1wilb =oVmdwn and demethylmd Office W Tftbmcst Sentn = (SF-4500) THE SITUATION IN THE TUAREG COUNTRY, BY J. CLAUZELO 15 PP. FRENCH, PERx L'AFREQUE ET LIASIE, VOL X LVIII, NO 2, 1962. JPRS 14872 ., AFRICA - TUAREG soc AUG 62 2oB,986 Mali's Economic Course Since Independence Described. FRENCH, per, Africa, pp 37,39,49. CSO:20910 ':- , 'la / -,P,! I- Mar 69 Development outlined. FRENCII, rpe, CSO:20910 Special of Mali's Tourist Program Africa, pp 50,51,53. Mar 69 Mapping OLIW Gw-t ct Gulraa Ttrritarlem, by U. Dul&lldo Orbrize-jo, 3 lp. SPAMZ bl-j.Africa, No 2M, 190, YP 434:436; - AMS LIb wr- % 4AA;--- cooz fire r $9 fa.' elf7 C.j.ty,pjmrjnjn8 in the yonor 3hbermtional Zone Fmagler.. by Viewte Xwborell- paggphl tp Mladridp Nar 19jo. C&U So =.A240 War - Pftuob NDI*c= soc oat 59 uaio r0 ahp 19591i Pp ro Ank, TO HS/A - 1110 Apr 60 Present and mWe mavZricen Trommortatloa ThzvAga the Stmits of Gibraltar# by MrgWm 4a *ahmgm- SPXIM# pap AMC*# mo aLks, i9m, im 449-453. (WI No TV) AM 4~~ + Ibv 60 / / 0- ///f Sovereifqa Centera, by Rcmiro BantAwioxia. bA' MADRID SPAN=# j~a*j, AfrjSq~UJ959,p 17,p 279, 280. CaU Z;G VZL.i2V-,lro 210. ANS Na/A - Arrica Sao mt 59 0 &0 ~ fj a W Special I-lublIc Work3 Plan tor MAVRID bA, SPAMEM., -peT,__AP~jqg.,A 1959 _, p D!EL*A24,9 No 210* /1 AM MIA - Afrl*a Sot Oct 59 lfhi Province. 0. CaU No 2EL !? f, ff 94-"~ Plans for Public Works and EcOnomiC AdVAJACO ill Ceata. ISP.Ulsil) per, Af_r.ID_U, No 218, Feb 1960, pp 220, 21 - ~Call So DT1.AP-41 Eng Tr-) AMS WL'ur - Spain Econ oct 6o 'I'a YI I'F6 ilUtLl- per) Afric-a No a9, 1960, pp 2-L.* 22. 1,10 DrVI.AO-j Eng Tr) la;/A - Econ oct 60 Hy Higfier Educadon ln:Morocco, S pp. FRRNCH~ per, Atdca,-Vol 3(3~ No 30, Jari,~-Feb 1964i 0 71A 72. JPRS 24467 All CA-7morocco M* .64 258,852 ~qnii on,&;"ot Expvrizne#~ In V4cadonal mr the 'focaoopq Training, Center of the by X0. FRE. pex 17 7A. 246*16. AFA~CA :Coast 041 ~.Ecou,, May 64 t XoAa*i 8 PP. WcA, Vol V1. N!~ 30, Jan-Feb 1964, ZS9,923 Sta gad Prospem i FRENdH Ow Atdc i:19 11PP19-4f.- 44*24616 ~Ecolf May,64 i cif Road Prt)jects,, 6 pp. aj~ Vol VI, N6 30, Jan-Feb 159,923 PortAthlevemerts ft the Proviar-es of, WM and Sshm* by Vicate Caffareta Acmu4 11 pp. ip 'Atd a.No 4,1964, ]pp 237-243. per,, 'Atrl SaMra WE!tri-~ min 264*733 Eco,j AugU ProWetns,A'ffec'ting the Economic Structure of I S~~h~ Guinea, by Rafael de; CoBsio y de Cossio, 7 spjRjM,,.per,,.Afrj Vol 30q., No 271, Jul 1964, pp .1042,, JPRS 26826 AFVCA Acp~i n Oct, 64 268,657 Spanish Equatorial Africa The Self-Government Law of Spanish Equatorial Africa, by X do LL, 6 ppo Ariq& No* 272,, Madrid, Aug 64., 3FANL%f,, per, A PP 4-7. JPRS 27608 NU Fol -IA 272AM PrOblem ruted I%r RaZODMn Tacbillclems serving in.Africalt IW oi3l*rt Camte.. 7 pp I1 1. . lor" jb 33,, Nov-Dee 64j, Pp 7j,9,#10- .VFO 29330 ~ Aft4ca4Ddkw &lr-. . Ap r 65 277,,331 On the Extension of the North Africa Gravimetric Net to the French Sahara, by J. Lagrula. FRENCH, per, Africain au Sahara de L'Instut do RecHerches SaHariennes, Vol 8; 19;92, op 4-7. 50-26. *ACIC TC-.IS35 Sci-Ear Sci May 69 ihe '6 uAan4 by Amadbu Ham?a4 Ba~ 6 pp. J, M:.pdr, No 3 May 1964. im 961 27 A-ug i~4 265,534 'The Ewes, by NtSougAn Agblenjagnor4 6 pp. PRENd Afrl No 34, May 1964, pp 28, 29. Geo ~UA14 265,535 -m ... M ........ 1-- ---------- EyOLUTION OF THE.SAHARAN PEOPLE S, BY MICHEL LESOURD:.14 Pp. FRENCH,, PERj, L'AFRIQUE ET LIASIE, NO 572 1962, PP Ti -?-610: jpRs 18o6o AFRICA So( MAR 63 224.,686 OOERVATI ONS ON ~ PUBL I C OP I N I ON t 14 AFRO-AS I AN COUNTRIES, BY RWAIN RAINERO,10 PP. FREWCH)l-'lPER$ L'AFRIQUE ET LIASIE, No 6o, APR:~ 19 PP 5-16. JPRS 13225 AFRICA' ni. .APR 63 228.-395 t,16DERIN PSLAM AND PUBLIC OPINION IN TUNISIA, BY PIERRE RONDOT., 7PP. 51 E FRENCH PER't L'AFRIQUE ET LIA, No 6o, A PR 19-L 4 PP i7.240 JPRS .1,3225 AFRICA 'POL APR 63~' 228,396 WICL THE.~ NEGROES OF THE HSAHARAS BECOME LAflP MAIM?.. BY MICHEL LESOUADI 8 PP. FRENCH., OER, LAFRIWE ET LIAc;IE,, qo 6o, DEC, PP 36-44. JPRS 18225 AFRICA Soc APIR 63 223,397 Law!rovidiag for RevIMon of the Conadtution, raine VbI IU, Fit"9K Iwo. contemPo Wo ilk No July:, Aug 1964, pp Ia6 14. JPIM AFVCA-Wna& poll 2Z67,401 ~!orpxtzation..Recrulww Pxocediwes & Regtdations 1'fori6- C1vJ1 Soxvico* 6 jpp. FRURM pe44Wgue Lr-atne. Vol 11~ 'M ;:No 1-4,i Jul,1%Vepp"104. 150. "RICA-Mali Sep 44. 267,402 ~,The Monetary Syatem E; in Africa, 10 pp. . ' C per, AWque Contem raine. 0l ;F"tj,H~ tqo 14". 4 u4 Aug' *,PP 26588 AFILkA Econ; Nov6.4 268,263 Current Legal of the Malagasy Woman, T% IrItArue'Zanji 1e Mo No 5. IY(K' pp Jiia 25220 A- -%r-IpIc 263,093 AfFtcOn'Kconomy,Moncy In Fremch Speaking Aftgca, 6 FR~&Cf4ipw.: IAft-4m dafts 1 51 196,1~ pp H-2- 11~O 25210 All' 263,088 titution Specializing in im Technictanp, 5 pp*. L4ue danq~ Io Mon No 5, 263,089 Pan+AWcSMMW and the Great. Powers, by-0, r"n,~'. V9. RE4. rlveri; L Afti dans a Mondr., No 7, 15 uue I Ad At 14-rl. Tpb '346 AMCA,- SOC, 267,=t Pan-Africanian and the Great Powea-s - Part 11, by Philippe Decraene, 7 PP- FIMCH,, per,, JLJWJLZIIIClue Gan l6 Monde., No. 8. Paris., 1 Oct 64j, PP 17--1~7- JPHS 27583 Africa Pol 2721,280 m2dagascar - The Fourth Your of 'Ind"ndonce, by itaymad W. Rabasawwjaru, 8 pp. FREIWAI. poirp JL*Afrique dms la Monde, No S. I Get 64, pp 2Z-27. JPRS 27,772 Afric&4Wagasy Poll Feb 65 2720844 The Development of Scientific Research in Africa,, by Malcolm So Adiseshiap 9 ppe FMWCH, per, LTAfrique dans le Monde,, No* S., Paris,.1 Oct 7pP ~-35- ~- JPRS 27583 Africa Soo 272j,281 Iftn PhAlditts of the OGLW,--nI-OCeeU RmilrotO to in *%AU SwLug; The E&W-41-Clswd Railroad 19 the Eay to tbo Davelopwnt at tbL- Territarles,in tba IWWOr French Equatorial swrics, 6 pp. (M 2OM11) Ptencaime,, rd==p p*rs, L'AfrIqu ,. _ q, I AM Iv E-2182 AN/A - Y*Gftb RqUatorial AtrIca now Necrotizing Terminal neitis With GeneralIzed Peritonitis,, ILAte Complication of an Appona-icular Abueese, by J.~-Rivevt A. Farrugia,,-4 pp. UNCLOSIFM ' FIM= e Fruncalee up per, Aafri F Mucalse q4rurgi-c~le Vol .jg~ pp xin, Mar/Apra pp Sel - Med NIH 2- 43 ~71 Mar 58 Demm3tration of Dogs Nhich Had Undergone Right Ventriculaebomles of 30 to 45 minatesl under 14nothermls at 19-2Ds by J. Nalmajac, G. Neverre, 8 pp. FMCH.- Per., ua - Pkencelas (3drurgicaIRl Vol Nil 1958.. "-3T. MA W-1W4 Vol In: 3b 9 (SY-1834) The Dog= . by N=sUpw Itme Laud=, 5 ]M- . I I IRS pw" Afrow". WOLSIM, Vol XXNI ft't war Am; w 3w ~-~ &us 12577 AO*W* 8"' / 0 P. P.- .4 1-0 (9 1601t. 69 (BF-kkMIS54) sle lk mai*e,, lw amlow cmrtaus, 5 pp- - 1 6, - 432% Val mavo ft 41 -61--Wor 6riwo 30 a . - - an IA" .$9t106 1On. ?1,. 474 46 sw -AA PuhHc Works and Transportatlon Prujects In r ~4"4 by Alcide Kaeou, 12 pp. thO , y 4 i."lilM I F CH~'Wir Mm Magazine, No 27, D 1963 ~pp 30--33. Sp 2ZI67 its AFAICA-Ivory Coast Econ ma 258,847 q 4inquilrd! Ifflinjulifliulpflud III)IIIIIjugliq ------------ Thef!Plan of Sockd 4uW RconomRc Development of Se~ 'Wi'b~ Habib Thiams 9 pp. FMIN am Magazline, Vol XXUI M ;A9- !M-3. 1 9126420" WE AAaCA-Senepll so~- Jui 54 263,310 Rur~i tmiiomy, I FRikkCH W~'Wrique may JPR$ 245429 AFRICA-Senepl ECO4., Jul P4 Palo ~y Araadi K)-u. Kax I-m, Gaye, I I pp. Mnazing, Vol XXDI, 263,311 Comb*rce, Induwxy and the Cri&-s in Senega4 by F a, Vol ix~~4 M AFWCA.-Senepl L7coit Jul:64 263,MI2 ug of 1964, at the BegW by GaUenca, 7 PP- VOI )(1)(IJI)CA, 96 5 -5 JP '25 AFRICA-SOnegal HC '6 263,313 sa The iport of Dakar an Ins=umc:nt at the Service of W6 Developr~ent of th e- Nation, by Yoro Sidibe, 15 ` ~ e, Vol XXIX, 'rVnr - . MA 90 gal.RAilroad.Administraxion, The Seno by Biin6eir 6 li~ frique Magazine~ Vol maY4964, pp ;5-67. JPRB 254N AFRICA-Senegal, Ecoi 'Jul!ol 263,315 PUbUir. Health and Welfare-of the Rkral Popibdon, by Dembo Coly, 10 pp. F"NCH 'Afil _Ma azim per.. =dt ~~a, Vol =X. may 19 JPR~ 2W "RICA-Senegal Tuvik 263,316 Pub4cl Rducad2 by Ibbra.Wa"no, 6 pp. J6 Vol XXD~, Map ~:May 19640-pp 78,40.' TPRS'25429, AFRIOA-senegal Soc Jtd 64 263,317- lw Me Bpdiane~ 8 P.P. ~Wp Tratn~*$ by ]On FRENCH per, Aftiatie Vol XUY4 May. OR, pp 81,44. .,TPRS::25429 AFRI'GA-Senepl .Jul 64: 263,318 i-:illiiillr_ll~l[li"ii~lillillir-lirlig- -if Radid Si~uegal News and Its Dissemination, 7 pp. FRENC4, W. - tue Magaz!!ie, Vbl.,XXDC~ May 1961, pp 85:87. S 25429 SPA AFRICA-Senegal Soc Jul 64 263,319 Q CM T ecommunications, 5 pp. Fl:' AfrrieMgazlns Vol ICUX, M AFRICA-Senegal Jul.64 263,320 The Petroleum Refinery of b0naq, 7 pp. 17,p ii&Cl~.peX~ Igne 2 6 _ V01 XXIX, Ma~) 6 1'Vp 101-104. SPRS 25429 AFRI CA-Senepl ECOA, Jul 64 263,321 Az ean.s.!pf.Dt,,*aWment Sidtable to Africa, by m pli, Afrii~W Nouv We, No 8 72, ILI 19,64~,Pp. 1u" JLI. 45 5 AS AIIIUC M4'' 64 259,525 Unctad:and the.Question of Aid by Socialist Countries to t6I ~~Underd6velpped Countries, by Hs"dou 13 Ip- --kWIM~IetiI4M%-W -SOUVelle., 319 Jul 1964, JPP 8~ :9, AMCA Econ Aug 64 264,466 Sen0galese Jtwlsts DIscuss Future Social Code, 12 F NCH, ~np, Afrique NouveUe~, No 902, 20-26 Nov 1964, pp 2 10i S! K Africa ''Pol Feb 65 273,036 AJI--.k:'.1-1~ tit' ~~4t , - A. I,., Pt is Comtra Oahu-&;; D. Pt I" The Vaitu Sabom; 0. Pt VI: I%? Soutbwn Saham; D* 04 3n. Nat=al ocautlow; 1. wmw =. Pt UP go" am BMW; F. cbqp Xxv. Pt ns I me- -, am&% &at 00 owe at pauw; Go =I so xftw =a No amt of tho *wwzdp 43 ppil (ZD Uftm). s1w; 1w gowum iolooda wt ~Vwmmdulp VQL XX Iwo 0 3*aft R=j M5- =/A M 6BAlw T601"x"'n Zzoht gall, 13 pp- 92 "'P =Wat mamm:=ipt.. Aa:pp.,~itut Nor T4rko:wM-d= h- trio, 16 Dfm%~ 2-95"r$ 10 pp. 'A71C 7-.Ts-9T20 Sal - MW33 Apr 7