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Pal, L. STATISTICAL THEORY OF THE CHAIN REACTION IN NUCLEAR REACTORS, MIT, tr. by V. Shlbaev. Aug 62 [5511). 36 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $5.60 63-2332t Trans. of JActa Physica. (Hungary) 1962, v. 14, no. 4, p. 345-380]r- DESCRIPTORS: *Nuclear reactors, Nuclear reactions, *17ission, OCImin reactions, ONeutron reactions, *Statistical analysisi PrpbabMty. 63-23321 1. Pal, L. 11. NP-tr-951 TH. Atomic Energy Researcb Establishment (Gt. Brit.) (Nuclear Physics- -Nuclear Reactions, TT, v. 10, no. 9)1 Mm d TKWicd Ustribution of Electron Density in the Statistical Atomic Models Hxp4aided by the Kiuotic RmW Correction* by 11. Gambas. HLUGARIMs. pars Act& Physica, 1hy"aricap Vol 5, 3 1956p pp 48164W. "WA Tr P-11,330 V T Stir:phys ism 68 13 249 TERENIN A. W. Ca-I The photoluminescence of gaseous organic molecules Acta Phys. Polon., 5. 229-253 (1936) TT 449 - English Euratom ~kl? & 717MS- On the Wave-Machanical Treatmwtt of Line ]Broadenivg, by A. JablonsU PO(!4siY -j 'NO' j, pWq ACt4l PlWViQ& POIOIIL*a, V01 VI,. 1937, PP Alr Has and Dav Comiand TT-320 Tr - /3 a U on tape) Jan 36 CTS .3 Z OIL the wave-YA-h-ull a&, Troatamb of Lfto iprpademlM 11. by A. Jablonati ~4 pers ACU Pftldft Polonlea, Vol VIIS 1939p pp 196-206. Air R*8 and Dev Commam Tr-13 a 77- ~A.T (tranaUtiou on tape) scienutle - pb"ics .2 .2 6 Jan 56, CTS Venulet. F. and Danysz, A. INFLUENCE OF TOBACCO SMOKE ON ASCORBIC ACID (VITAWHN C) CONTENT IN MOTHER'S MILK. -[19621 lp. Order from K-H $1. r5 K-H 3759-d Trans. of Acta Physiologica Polonica, 1954, v. 4. no. 4, p. 646. DESCRIPTORS: *Tobacco. Smokes, Nicotine. Cig- arettes, *Ascorbic acid, *hlflk. 62-22831 1. Venulet, F. It. Danysz, A. Ill. K-H-375Q-d IV. Kresge-Hooker Science Librarv Associates, DLiroit, Mich. (Biological Sciences- -Toxicology. TT, v. 8. no. 10) office of T..61col The Density Spectrum of the Electron-Photon Component of Extensive Air Showers of Cosmic Radiation, by J. Messalski, L. Turek, POLISH~ per, Acta Physica Polonica, voi xix, No 6.-.11-9-66,, Pp 637-64-5. ,FTD-TT-61-11 Sci - Phys Sep 61 Fast-Neutron Scintillation Layer Detector for bWasurements Against a Gams Background, by W. S. Yeffseyev, W. J. 0marov MM POLISH., per, Acta Physica Polonica, Vol XIX, no 6, 196o, pp 675-682. *ETD_TT-6i_i i Sci - Phys Sep,61 W-p "M Collective Oscillations in an Electron Gas of Metallic Density. The Correlation Energy. I and II, by Jan Sledzik. POWISH, per, Acta Physica Polonica, Vol XX, No 1, 1961, PP 3-42'. *FTi)-TT-61-259-A Sci - Ehys 15 Nov 61 MblecularTheory of Light ScattA-,ring by Malti-Compo-aeut Systems, by S. Kielich. POLI SH, per, Acta Physica Polonica, Vol XX, No 1, 1961., P-P-93--W. *FTD-TT-6i-259-B set ftys 15 Nov U e Influence of a 141agnetic Dipol#,Upon the Gravitational Field, by J. Pachner. POLISH., per, Acta Fhysica Polonica, Vol YX, No 5/6, 1961, pp 475-492. *FTD-TT-62-394 Sci - Pbys 21 Mar 62 C:riticcil Ms~et-dc Fields of Min Lea(', Yllms~ by Jerzy Simasek, 1-0 pp. POLISH, per, Acto Fhyqica FoloAca, Vol, X, JPM 113p-0 7 10 S-cl - CL-ophys ix-c 61 Gaj. M. PiCTURE CCNTRAS7. PT 1. ItIp (I fig formulae 1. Gaj, *M. omitEed). Order from --;LA U. 1J Yr-61-16191 I Trans. of Aria Phvsir-a Polonica (Poland) 196-41 v. 22, no. 2(8)fp. 199-:!?k9j. T-r-64-16191 1 (Physice--OptiCs6 TT. v. 0. no. 4) 1 Off). f 'F-h.i..l Se-lt- Influence of Ordering on Diffusion of Cd in 14qCd3 Alloy, by W. Chomka. POLISH, per, Acta Phys. Polonica, 24 pp. 669-674, 1963. *CFSTI TT 70-57051 Sci/phys PZb 70 Reaction of A Complete Fusion of the Nuclei. by B.N, KaliuUn,, I.Zh. Petkov. POUSH, per, Act& Phys. Ptilon, No 2S, 1964, pp 26S-271* 9226960 AEC,UCRL-Tr-1151 scimmlear sci May:66 300049S Cimcerning the Blementary Regions in Uftiaxial Ferrowgne-tic mmomrstals'O by i Jan, Xlemit, 30 pp, POLISHO per, Acta Msiga Polimicat Vol XXVO No S.'M49 pp, 711-7,53, P160062667 FTD-HT 66-ISO sci-Phys Mar 67 320,41S Tcr-IMfi5-ei-,a-4wd..Spnpathizers-Witb--the-,(;ommuntat Pai!tyv- The Dagger-Stab Legend, 34 pp. DUPCH, pamphlet, Ann pp 1-17. met de Co US TPRS/DC 2051 The Little Viper on Little Feet, 18 pp. D=H, 'bk,' Aau y. Bulletin Islo 4j, met de Cg IrU%T,s7Ij-IMati4-ccmIte. US JMIDC-L-905 WE - The Netherlands Pol - ebtamnism zl~17 Excitatim Pmctions of the Metastable States, of flanum gmd Neon Measured With the AA of: secoldw Elearm anission. - -S.-jo- --v -- Von sti-slact b6c Ga 293v367 Concerning Plinimum Size and Rearing of Lobster, by M. Gunder Dannevig. SWEDISH, per, Aarsberet,..jNq;pg_4X04- Fisk, Vol 11, 1911, pp 313-331. .. FWS Sci Jan 64 Illustrating Magnetic Finestructure With the Faraday Effect, by Boersch, Lambeck, 9 pp. GEMM, per, Die Abbildung Magnetischer Feinstrukturen Mit Dem Faraday-Effekt. Dept of Modern Languages North Carolina State College Sci Feb 64 j-i296/63 The Chinese of Italy Undermine the Italian Comunmist Party, 13 4 ~ I ITALIAN, per, ABC, P1 Julk 1963, PP 8, ?, 53. ...A~- ZM/DC-8951/SPECM Fe-Italy Pol. ~ oct 63 . R 10VIIIJ1111111,1117~m' .. .11[f I P wvwwv~z! ABC of Optics, by K. Mutze. Gnmo~, bk, ABC der 2gtik *FTD per tel con 19/5/64 with Mrs. Thompson v&en this book Is completed, please make cards for the CTS and author file. (F.DD 26181) Textbbolc for the ABC Courses Ily Veterinarian Major Nedin Dizer*133 pp.' ,'Upicws, ,U*m*;-,jwr# AW Xwell I RM,.fiJWl 1953 IstanbulA pp 138-170. (:U/MDIU-7,447 MVA-TQrkoy Sel - Wdlelmes AUmdc DlueasesO Blalogical Warfare cbmical warralre J-322/0~ The ABC of the Social-Christian Revolutionary Movement 7 SPANISH, pamphlet, El ABC del Movimiento Revolucionario Social-Cristiano (encl 1 to BDCA-3586), PP 3-27. 44;/~nx_9092/SPECIAL Dominican Republic MPOOLrl 64 licawa~;Li ava Their Vwmatile M:Qu GWiM, Das ABC der Schubfabrikatl0n). WO X.9 CSIF Tr 3.31 JER Gelmmv EC451 Wav 6o / --, 5 ?,4 Y, J Regarding the State of Stress in CurveCl Surfaces, by A. Ilucher. GEMAN, per, A. Beton Z & Eisen, NO 33, 1934, pp~298-304 ITISDOC/lIef T 4752 pp 26 Sci - Au&, 67 3351122 I-, i 14 3 A. OF GLITICA-L SPACE PERCEPTION AND OF THE: MOVEMINT OF 'ME EYES. 4. MF'M4QDs OF DETEMMINENG 71-1E HOROFTER. (MethAlk det op-docib"m itsumainneH und 0cr Au_venbewegungen). 39p 84refs Order from SLA $3. 6'~ TI'- 61 -14 4 31 Trans. of izow. Al)dvrt~aidenu Handb[uchl d[ed] Biolivschezi Artetta-tn-v-tFZ-M-nj irt. p., 1937, sect. 5, pt. 6. p. .5'74-1606. 1. Tscher~,ak- Seystnegg, A. 11. Titled MethWEi- (Biological Sciencen-Phy-siology, 7r, v. I--- W." ilia St=.ss.es and Fo= (Xmges of Beacm with RectmIgular Crgss SocUmsp by F. Seewald. GEMM9 Abh=uUmn OU aus dm Amjd~s-m Ust, an dor Ugh"schon liochschule Aachm No 1927,p pp NASA TT F-10*990 lyjq.5,e r7-,c 3380754 Sopt 67 The FoiwAlations of Bam Theorys by T. von Karmw. GEM", per* Abhandivagm gus dog Acrodynamis- chen Inst, an der locimiscilen "acSichule imie-nr NS Y, 19~7, pp 3-10. NASA TT FWIOpO89 SCL4.Phys Sept 67 3380726 Oa the Densest Lattice Packing of Congruent Regions in a Plans and a Special Kind of Sonvex c4im', bi r,. Reinhardt. GIURNM ~qr, Abh. laus dew Math,, Seminar der w;AftlvO.-vOl 10', 1934v p. 21r- =30. NaVy APW-OIU T-1977. tr 5184 Sci/Mathematical blar 67 318,540 status of the ~~.ic Soil invectigaticti I-ietbcd# by Hans Lcwenz. GE34'PN,r rpt, !4211d~len uber 11 demnachanik und GrISUR-)w. 1948,, pp UJL-U7. CTA WZ 7 Oct 68 368,268 Tbw Dopoz&uce of the Aztcriovonem 0--y-,an Dif fOrIBUCO aW thO 049M COUSUMption of the Rabbit's Rftv Bxtxwdty an the hwfuslov, Talm and the =%wet of VanoonatrICUM Dr"*, by W. Rutiobauserp 31 YP* GVMN* "m"rtatUmp Arborlojobbesm. mns Und d" Sauer- ii6ffi- jjf&-Cyj-W-7- 4*-"--'-'- -_ _" " 6jj~jjt 44ig Unto" Van 40r 10awobs;7m -0- =d 4= Vlrkmg B41019. Sol SIA 59.-1%Tg Wai 59 A~ New Measure for the FWil Strength of the Geomagnetic 'VijoitoiW Ring Current, by V. Kertz, 26 pp ftMAK, per, Abhandl.= -mie der Wissenschafti =1bad ch-PhyMW Be, No 2, 1958, pp 5-16. Uc P= i~~er Metedrol Sm 5d -,Earth ScA & AMstron Ys :Moir 252,596 Microbial Corrosion of Plastics and Their Components, by Ada3heid Schwartz,, 187 j3p. GOVEMMMENT USE GZRNW, per., Abhand,13mgm der Deutitchen Akadmmie der wiexemchaftAii, = Berlin, Klasse far Chermie, Ge und Biologio, No 5v 1963p Pp 1-13b. June 71 What Ciraunstances Determine the Blastic Limit arA the Failure of a Materiall, b7 114,ohr. CWWANs rpts AbbazxU auf der ftbie*,,. der Toobnisch'XIN pp- Navy Tr I&V/Ojfl 13~2 Sol AqOn"rug Jon 57, C" Communications Regarding a New Calculation of the Tei~iestrial Magnetic Potent*ial*by A. Schmidt. GEWAN, per,;Abhandl Bayer. Akad Wiss Mat Phys KI, V*t.,XLX, Secti6n 14 189,6. NASA TT'F-8754 S hys M VI- 65 U.S. GOVERNMENT ONLY 274,348 ac IW do La 3p9# 7tio son lka"Oome Tr 203 2177 Photographic Objectives with Extremely Wide Anglesg by Ji. Naumanng 5 ppe GERMANO pav.,Abhandlungan der Braunschweigischen WissoGeseXIschaft, 19500 pp 195: 4. P200350467 GOVT,, USE ONLY Sci/Nlithod 4 Equip. Fab 68 342*472 by M, TGlfLar, 0- ZIOICIGG'k. GEMMJ, Pers LbbBadlumen der 11-r1mumch-i-Tal'allel-n. A.E.Ftig. anvall Tr 635 M/17.v .I ? I a,, /Y Sci - Mo6tricity CITVAation cistributim In ALItUrtap AXIGI fttbtn"o by lbrl aMmirtal a WAh W-10% oil 141 AZA Evaluation of the Homogeneity of Mixtures With Arbitrary Distribution Patterns, of Particle Weights for the Individual Mixture Components, by K. Stange, 32 Gi 1=,, Abhandl Braunschweig Wissen Gesel, L~'! M119W, pp 164-186. VOj AEO-;iZZ-11426 Sci-~bhem Dec!64 269,955 AnAlytical Representation of the Geomagnetic Field ano of the Smdar Varladjui, ) H. Kautzleben. GjEj:jEQAKN, per. AbbAndlunizen -der- utubemAWernie ."naboA' z1v 13ex1Iq.,_Q2qpa 96pp. __jinet. Inst. F-8700 Soo - Pbys May 64 U60. GOVERNMENT ONLY 258,620 Now Obsorvations on Radioactive Halos and Rodioactivo Fracturing, by Paul Ramdohr, 34 pp, GFPJ6U4* fAr# Abhmdlo Dout, Akado Wiss. Berlin, KIS:Chomes.w6l 01219 No Zs 1957t pp 1-17# AEC. ORNL-tr,-75S 292#957 Sci*hlnle&T lb Sci Tech Nov 65 The Uranium and Gold Depwita; Witwatersrand- SU.ad ~ River District t Dominioniteefs Serrade Jecobina; Hicroecopical Ore InvustigatIons and a Geol%ical Comparison, by P. Piurfiabr. USOL GEPJRW., Cb~m",_G"l.-uaLAiOj& Berlin., No 3, 19580 P 1-. DSW36"0/(,,? act - 0600y8 Nov 39 The Dynamic Magnetic Properties of Ferrites, by F. Voigt. GERMAS, per, Abhandlungen der Deutschen Academie der Wiesenshaften, Berlin, Klasse Chemie, Geologie uInd Biologie, No 3, iS?61, pp 42-45. *FTD-TT-62-6 3 Sci - Phys 8 Tan 63 Measurement of the Remagnetization Time of Ferrites With Rectangular E[ysteresis Loop, by G. Vogler. GERt%N, per, Abhandlungen der Deutschen Ax Acaaemie der Wissedhaften, Berlin, Klasse Chemie, Geologie und Biologie, No 3, 1961, pp 46-48. *FTD-TT-63-6 Sci - Phys 8 jan 63 Tachn1aal Instrumatal. Solutions for Wasuring Rock Pressure and o. by H. L. J. Pottai COMO vW* IIUAWn der DDUtBdJ= AUdemle der Wisel" ton zu. a fuer &Wgbau, pp 32 Sol - mm xinfiftt O*t 62 Bet at interior N" so 559 3 Metboda and ApplianaeB Used ill the Soviet Union for Ymvwtjg%tjng Deformt1ow and Stress in Rocky by A. D. Panow. GBWMS Vert !mPE4 der Deatsob w1seemobaftem mu Bwllnp x1mise fuer Huttempasaft -1 Deyb of Interior 07 In NO 558 Sol - Q*q&j5 Kin/Mbt oat 62 Strengo,i Tests in Rock Mechanics, by H. G. Denkhaus. GERMAN, per, Abhandlungen der Deurschen Akademie der Wigsenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse fuer Bergbau, Hutten*esen und Montangeologie, I&AXIOANo 2, 1961, lip 80-915. UtV of Intekrior TNTE57 No 728 U/m ~Igw 644 251,195 ------------------ Tho, Dynamic Magnetic Properties of Ferrite, by 9 PP. G i per, Abhandlungen der Deutschen Ak det Wlsbeis~en zu Berlin., Klasse fur Chemie, Gec Wie und Blologie, No 3,1961, pp 42-45. 9695432 FT.?-4T-63-6 Sci Phys 1)6~ 64 269,700 On the Switeldng-Time Measurements on Rectangular Foirites, by G.'Vogler 5 pp. G ver, ZLWdlungen der Deutschen Ak der ;Wios nschaften zu Berlin~ ~ laasse fuwr Chemie, G logie Biologie~ No 3, 1964 pp 46-48. 9695432 FT]i TT-63-6 sdi-s- phys N~ 64 269,742 oi iiorikinL-, Parn ter-, �:or ~1- LlactroijaVietic Isotope Separutors, by T. ~1, Ankler. per, Abhandle Vout, Ak-ado Wisso Lorlin, a cool. U101. 'No 7, 19641 pp 285-290, M1127666 &C NP-tr-1422 Sci/Nuclear -Sci :Da!c 66 314,581 Lvalwnlon of isotope Analytical ',~esfjlts 1ALLmatim of the 1-L-thod of Working Mir; lLjuality of m Uactrcwtaoietic Isotope 11;eparator, by F, UW1. MRI~Wq liars, Abhandlun= der Ik3utschan JAL-ad. Wissp 7MOU, Mcil ~ No 7. 194 649 PP P911127S66 ALC UP ti,-1423 Scibluclear Sci Wc .66 314gSSO Isotope #'Walysis *CIron, toy U". Rolle, H. Zalm. URAM, per, Abhundlungen ik~r Doutschen Ak zu Berljn. Klasse fur Wiwi -Uad BlololleLio 7, 19644 lip 559-362. Pq1jj A f 'J~, (/*A=Tr 3443 ,4x- 6 - AIP - )x Sci-N. Scl Fab .66 -",Tart Tarim" Aftlisuo tv 1. Imoo pp am-dw awta* mum* ftr ftwww%U& P**tit me T*Oaikl um"WMA"llo 1040" *W "41" IbM ANTWM"PM OW-A 4-S V"SSMINW l9fts ft 4s SWIM 19" qrrsmuuwso 2mm vivo I rus dvatim ma N*Aomwls or maq~~Chia cou by rmubaUca Wtth Boat= .U JV L. ItLtrlts,, bv Po U, MEWip 3POWv Abbmdb~ - der i dh hot OULAW BM*AgbmLAbfimlo No--74-4Wo-=-gWWxu Ilmd4n JDJBBft ipuer Jisdlzln, . Me ffi-g ------------------------------- 4r-9 AM *Jogft amm 7 im ce The Characterization of the Virus of House Itelold Leukenia., by A. Graffl, 9 pp. h GERMs 110 Al -I n ftr Dautseban Akodaml 9 der Wl~w-Aqi,tpw ,xia 'No - 3, 1OW,'Iv 2W-M Niff 4-51-61 juL 61 3 6,, Sam Biocbmica CharactArlatics of the Virus and Celle of Mouae bVelaid Leukmla, by H. Ble3k p 10 pp. GMVW,l qarA_AtbmpUMWW _Mr Dentechem Akademle pp EM 4-42-& Scl - Ned Jul 61 / 5~~ 3 5-1 Contrihutim Sent in for the Discussion on the PW4=m Virus, by A. Graffl.. 3L2 13p. GEFM, per, ..F der autacben Akaded e der Wisemscharten tin.. o or pp SOL N&I .Tta: Ca J MW I - at ibe "3)Xbmmt&wa Bare= for Book 119410,10doomp bjr G* IdU80200- ow nmmtmmt~ 41LP-Xkmm for BE low aff In a %0 orcler :Vrom AUHANDLUNGEN. AKADEMIL UL14. Wl!;SLNSCt4AFTEN. tW.RLlW* KLASSL FULK ULMOBAUt MLMNIVESEN UND MUNTSLOI.061L 19ba NR POU-95 order fin m NTC AO"ANMUNGEN MR IWAUN$C"WEjGvISC"EN VISSENSCHAFTLICmEN (AESELLSCHoIF7 19be V&Q P117-149 70-11668-09b The Batt Nrsian Soutbam Higbmy; Geographical Reseerabes in Rast Pe"Iag by G. Stratileftuar, 92 vp - alms", bk* : I I k Amn. h= -WIN 2, ACSIv 1-11" =/A ZM, Be= Aug 38 ?.* 5- If D'-xL 69eer i �- I by Gustav 1';auer.-~'A .- --- Stratir'- GERMAN, bk, Abhandlungen der Geographischen Gesellschaft in Wien, Vol XNII, No 2, 1953. *Army Map Service per Glen Muck - 21 May 58 On the Ad4lU= or Ulaming Metta to Mmimtjnf Gmaj, by R. Grasiftrgarp et ca. GEMAN., bkjo ,!!VpAAW-.A Al"N! ~ . M_Gq iete- Dept or Intarlor Ba or Mims central z)q?Qr Sta Tittsburgh$ Pa. Val ZUG" 3 41-7 ;Of DIsmssion of the Variation With Time of the Para- iteters of the GeomWedc: Field Based on the Ficisting ~Potvndjd Armlyses, by P. blaueraberger. p~ des Geophysikallsaes Ilia ScA - M. &D. Proc Uar 64 U.S. GOVERNMMT ONLY 251,937 A Refined Theory of Lectro-Thermal Be- TrIgaratims by P. 0. Geblbaff . QXRW# perg Abhandl fts VUq 00"Ina'anj Vol njo 1950.- Bel Aug 58 7 A. Eisenack Cordosphaeridium n. g.,, ex Hystriehosphaeridium, Hystriebosphaeridea, GEMAN, per,, Neues Jahrbuch fuer Geologie und Fal.aeontolpEie. Abhandlungen, Vol 118., 19639 pp 260-2C5 WC 72-13365-08G Oct 72 Flanktonic Microforma From the Liao/ Dogger Border Area of North and South Germany, by Ho Gochts GZRM&Nq per, Nauss Zahrbuch fuer Geologrijt und Pala-antolo2is, Abhandlungren,, Vol 119, 1964j, pp 113-133 NTC'72-12153-OSG Zuly 72 Use of Radar Technology in Meteorology, by Josef Rink, 4 pp. GERMAN,, bk, Abhandlungen-des M&teor2j2gLscbeu und Hydrol~)�aschqa Dleastes der DDR, -Vol IX, 1962, No 65, pp 1-63-- JPRS 16440 Sci Astronomy Dee 62 !Ehe static Wwats of the Conporkent, Wasen of the Human Body, by Dr. Harlass, 54 pp. MOM, bkj, Abho"Altiln _a= g. , OU -M phyalkellsewm Clesse Der x0enislidm rM-TP-61-295 Sol - b%d Papers on the Comparative Anstcwy of the Eye. 1. ThV Retina of Ce-phalopods, by H. Grenucher, 07 pp- GRRMU, per., hhaWj Q Naturf Ges zu Halle, Vol XVIp 18%$ vp 20-T~-25V.~ Tr INIJI/9-17 J 46 o?- S -7 - 7 Oct 57 Data arx Lsiospheres and the Pylom of Hystrichospheres, by As Msenack. GERM., par$ Names Jabrbuch fl, Geologie und Paw2a0logdee AbhanclLungM,, VdL 114, 1962, pp 58--80. NTC 71-14639-08G Feb 72 (P= 28896) Us Geodatle Woft of t-be 1954 kwtrien Rbw%la" mqr---&ItUmj, by No= s Dwyer., 6 pp. Id 74 X The Flora or the Germn Lover Demmfen (Die M=4 aes Det*Aeber Unt" D&VOW)s I* R. mmplolp arm" 4w prou"dedba-ft XPO Mop 3PP me IK at 0001ft oat order from NTC ~ 1. i :i. Ili1 1. ~ I I I t t ~ I AU"ANDLW4kh UES REICHSANTS FUCK eoDENFoKSCHUNb6 "MLII, n%2 N204 PZ24 C-8b22 Tbz Varml Cham. al of the Jade Bay (Mwerpt:i); by 0. Schuster& GZBM,p:yerp Abbardl 8encMmbvrg Zaturforsch Gee# 4%.p MA Map 26M0 ; pp 6L Am 8k4l(z ATS 3Z-13-W Why Contribution to Knot-iledge of the Origin of Vyctitropic Movements, by W. Pfeffer. GERUM, per, Abhandl Saechs Akad Wiss Lei2zig Math Naturw KI, Vol 54, 10154, pp 3-154. NMA TT F-11,940 Sci-B&M June 69 383,216 Soil as a Medium of Plane Isotropyp by Richard jellnek. =WNj, bk,, AUwM,Iun4pn tflmr JWdemechaulk use amufflaut.. 'Lin., :O-V.4.0106 OCX- 51-7 Scl - Ingineerim q -r3 on ibe &rA4Min or tasto2mat unim at nuift ozd'* OU tbS WfWt CC VMWO U*iM=W An* *IW'73AN SOMMO ftlook IW BmWftk AIM&& lAnuft# 31 ncoL W-low owl ow Kai- Studies on the Wackenroder Reaction. Note 1e Thionulphuric Acido as Probable Intermediate Products, by R. Barbieri. ITALIAN, par, Ricerca Scientific&. Parts II, Rendiconti. Segione A. AblologipAs Vol 2. No 1, 19620 pp 62-67 NTG 72-12308-07B July 72 Agreement Between the Austrlau Federal Government &ad the Government of the Republic of France ClateerASmg Air transport, 8 pp. CIMM.t rpts. AMg!RS Zolsoben der to Dept -at. &Ate WROr r Austyls POX Atom Bomb Shelter, by Plerre Teinier, 19 P.D. FPMM.. bk, Abri Aqti-At=L%u-e-, 2D Feb Fo 7111k ir.:C' AM Tr-3WT sai - Nue PPP wt 6o '1~2 9~.' //'7 I. Disarmament is a Fatal Question for Moscow: China Will Have the Greater Benefit. GEEQ4AN,',;;2/, Die AbKuestyx iqt,q!# chi~e)p rag@ - ,ng _ p,.P_ pj~-4_ . fuer Mookau, Hebel) pp 1-22# I- - .. ~ ~ ! ~, JPRS DC-3722 A J*rlv*$Um of Dd ftCtcKn' fbr Qrdi="Y Crnhr~%" FXM va by 8,, Samp 00"Ns *Vt AN-2K. -10026 mamown Immatute of AW 326#363 aw"" saw= icuumen or mmaw fteaua pa" v"** 90"$M*l Paft 1: monswift.. Itw W. NO I 1 11 IL Natro S. &wee., ;. a. wonwas, 22 W.- cows, xvtli libmmr Mmutau of An OML ft 3L5U 326A66 aw 61. !I, VI Ill Ifni M I 110111101JIM, I I HJU VIM I I It I IRP'll I RYM I I I III tr;NP- I "IF. No" DAR= IN zw=mw lboutute -of V9LU54W ML 35= Aval3mbUi at the WorkUts Qrw4p of madisUan (NOR" AN-= Namoves a AW IMM fts.1%5 326030 Sol Y* I CalCULUUM Of BW=Md*,rY Q~R-Rsuatjon for At NM*A* of, a Popw Smotor Able2d for the onothoobt I awa;qh p^WkW (M) VitA the I 00"jow,ftagnm4 by-So ftemes 1. am" 3" M&w 2020 ibowwor DwUtute ,~~l =P at. ip sw Ow. P91a"T AW OM Tr4!MT mwutroki rim in tim MWA-up Of a IWO" ftestor MdAIA In thD Smam Irradla- um cbmm" of the, ommu"t ramwwmh (n), bw a, suner, 93L pp. M~ Im, amwvu InKtAtuU at Mwohaolm&* FJEMMT A#0 MiM ft-lM 324j.4(* DOU muou of Fut Noutrm. speatm with ... Dotmftm* IW a. stmars 18 pp. 00915v,~ Rpts, AMUM,=6 - _... __..# NO 29" oin4w? AW OM ti%PXM 326o 376 &a - sw2mr ad Nkr 67 of GvWw RmUatjan In the MWAW ammrbw ObAmM In the Oentbacht of a Pow , ft"Wftb Re"tw (M)s by W., JAIttermeamra lammover mntltute or i*dmwuw,, aw mu"56T AW OM- 2r-2= 326v3W 23"rimontoo Dwtond=U*D Of Goomtry zrftau in aw t at B0124"W ftato= for Gomoonoso $on In O*mxMfto by K. Hainze* 40 imim mannavor Mu&lftte 'Of X0 A Om I 326oh26 p Scd;*.:Nudbloo adan" *W.6t .-VOW 0#94mutaft" fkw JwAluumn md*mp of rono moomw anommi, tv S. 9wmwj, 92 pp. (Apmv.~ oft*- Aloom M "06 ilomqA61 ,:.. A*:oidq, - Wmo-m , i ,