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(Nr-5957) Invootiptl= of the Stresses avd Dimpiacements of the Spiral Case of Water Turbine., by Wu chi-toot EM Chia-jois 14 PP. mmmo veri bsuoh usush-psop Vol IVg No 2p Apt :L966, MRS 93n (BY-5947) 5 The Dealo at the Avaor vaum cC Prowls Watm Tart-ft"s by Plan Chang Cho-min., Cb=g WahAttelas, Idu 04 ch'I cbm-tal.. Vim 4-Us 43 pp. catualp vW 1r,A-JWwMb Ifeumb-cis, Vol 1vt No 2,2 AVr 29Wp'"Wii~4 IW:- im 93n r?r 61 (NY=5"7) DINCuffiloo *f the We of the Pl"e stres"a of lootwopic ZUwtio Wtoot by I ftnoWs Kleh-fut_ 27 pp. OXMM,p Vol 'Vv No 20 Apr 1w,, pp 249-3w. im act - Bw ion 61 Recont Developmento in Iligh-Volocity Aorodynmics,. by Chang Han-hain, 63 PP. CHINESE, per, Ll-hsuoh Haueh.-D"o ' Peking, Vol ko~ JITO 4., DOO-ORSOr 1963., i?p 249-286. JPRS 46787 sci/pllys :53,12.1 NOV 68 Appvo:dmta, Cole-ulationa or Mustic-P-lastic Thin Iigie.-LL 7bwry., by Chou Tsen-ti., 18 pp. CREW 5r-6 y?mr,, Ll lbueh r1sueb PAO?, Vol vii, no 11 1,9644. pp 1-3.1. P1001421 tTD-iT-65,L828 Sci-Iftch., Miuluot,, Civil & 14arim BiGr bl--b 67 33-8.,211 W-W69i7sm-atioYlell*d Conditions for Rotational SlieW Under- A)dsyxawtric Loading:. by Chdi Sheng Wien, 28 pp. CHIMBSE. per. Art& Mcbmica SLniEj!,, Vol 7. No 1, M= L964,9 pp f2-29~. V700992 FTD-TT-65"1745 Aug 66 306.253 A sbubr of um Imp Betumm HF-E~2q G" and slags at tbo Q&G-CmF2 aud C&0~10,r-CaF2 49t=4 bw a. yow-amw CHIN=# plW* Lft ft. �AWM Val 7,p Jan 19(4, IV 24-31. BISI sw 349o5D7 Bomn4axy Equilibrium of Cylindrical Reinforced Shells With Thin Sheath, by Ke-tse Huting, 28 pp. GUNESE, part U fisuah f1sueh Pao, Vol vil. 140 2, 196Z, 91-108. PIOOII5267 F71) HT 66-407 Sci-Phys May 67 324,966 Vibration Modes and B"ic Frequency of Conical (and Cylindrical) Shells. by Chwo-Tsien Tsng~. CHINESH, per, Acta MwAspics Sini. Vol 6, :a- No 2v 1963i pp lsrwe.~ 1 5~3 NASA Tr F-Ils,017 Sci--NWch Spot 67 338,732 A StAr of t3w umd"IbrJum Bobnom EF-Rp ado and ULlhp or tbib C&O~W SpUft. by TVMn4h=p it.# 2 and Cao'ift% - CMF2 ~ .91a T. Pw- I& Uffmb asumb I no is 19614 pp 24-34-- I" at: 9M.06 (5aW) ad/OWN Mw 70 40hon3 YUIA Cw4tims In Xdw3 I?la$rL'Lc Pime Streso Plwhtftop by am choona.-toi ((YrLg mw o232)., clic LI-Imuch go ? Vol VIZ., Tio 3o SaPt IPA~ PPp WN-394- ma -voo F849dm 0,614&w Aag:65 2s5j,820 I:cpations for sholls l."ith rtopaar Middle Surfaccs, by Chon. Shau-tao, 19 pil. eh lisudli Ilao per* Li 11su EActm, Nechani 'a Vor-viy,, ,o 3, INA, 131) 196-210. 111005866 I'M-TT-65-1057 Sai - lfttll Sci Oct 44 312,863 An A cadmto SolutUn for Symetrio Vibration In 11 's i4mr% Suq9v 9 pp, CHI] -4 Effash lk" fto Iral 7# No 4~ 1964v rioo=3&1-v FMOBT3, Sai/PIWS May 68 3,c6 767 (By.- , - !:.- ~ Th,3 :[~robl.cjm oZ Studyind rDiaory ana PhnosOp by 7-YArmurs p Warkers and Bmw le -Lev-cl j ty Mz CHWEISap ;jtwA LIL-I= Cbm--balez, no 4., wu-chlsug 10,Vr 19.919,t vp NE chim 1&/ 4137 Pa ace Dw .19 Gveat jl,~curjplishments of PoLitical Educatlan 1,.Iorlz in Hupeh Pro-rince it-, Cv~ '.Cvn Yomrsj. by Taeng Mun., 17 wi. parp LI-lua Mtm-hullen, Nio 10, iiu-chlmg 10 Oet lqw~-Yp Pol Soo Fob 601 O'C"'IM'Y TII-V-f-101 ZIT lpar~y Vacmiti-ttm., 0" ClWM2lw'p Unicn R!s"rell Cerrrion! 110 Tlutarlao XMIPAW" non'l hhaS Val Ylarx, Ilio z:-: Pol Jan 60 J-25,00 (rC-2694) Oppcoe IrmlivIdualismp Botabliab comamlam, 7 PP. CHXID=j per, Li-lun Hsueh-biai, VO 6., 1 Dac 1958,, pp j. -4. JPFS-799-D -W, - C'ninn. poi ju 59 ?/' d g' ~ J-2500 (DO-2694) W,=g Mang and Othar Anti-Party Elements Axe A.U Subveroives, by Li Huang, 11 pp. CH31ME, per, no 6, 1 Dee 1958, pp 5-11. JPRS-799-D FS - Mina poll. Mil 59 q11 '~ ~Id J-25W (Dc -2694) Expome the Aati-P=ty Nature of tho FolliticaLly Allilbitlous Suze Li, by Fa Chung"~Tli - 7 pp- C.,[L=E,, pwr, no 6, 1 Dec 1953, pp .YPRS-799-D Fs - Chi= POI Jul 59 J-2500 (DC Dmm Ilith the Whit* Plag, Up With, the Red Flag, StruZae to IaWlwwzt I&orou&ly the Re3olution of I?bb=ry Sessica of the Provinaial Co=ltt.--e, by Chliu Rmin-y-ah, 6 pp. 6, 1 rec 1958, CBMSH p*r NO FE - ChUm ?a -Aa 519 9 J-25CYG DC' --~~-69 4 .:-,e Oat the Svn Influence c-~_, CjmL,,q f. c-n t-ne ZD Wil _A D!O-tor Union Must Obey the Absolute Leadership of tbo 1hrty, by TUDZ Yu-bmag, 5 pp. (MRME,, perj, 11 NO I Dec X~a .1%18, P.-,) 19-2f.' JLI~~ -ri R-S, -799 Oul 59 J-92500 (rc-2694) Wipe Oat the Innuence of Anti-Party Cliques, Learn Ilaw to Correctly Dispose of the People Ir, lAterml. Coatradlotions, by ILsa Chin-ming, 7 pp. CRIbME.t per, Li-lun Hsueh-hsi, Ho 6, 1 Dec 19513., .pp C2 -24. JPRS-799-D FB - Cbina POI ~/, j 96 ,,a 59 wijx~ Out tlae Of 12'a "Ont.-..Horn DraGod' Follcyj by Ne:ag 3 w- CHMZ-=,, per, Li-.'&'un Houeh-bzl, Flo a, 1 Dec -up JTRS-799-D BE - CblLa Pol Jul 5') 71,, J-2500 (DC-2694) The Big Turning Movement in Sha T'O Village, by Liu Chi1i-chen, 2 pp. CHINESE,, per, Li-lun Hsueh-Hsi, No 6, 1 Dee 1958), pp 26, 2T-.-------- JPRS-'1'99-D FE - China Pol Jul 59 ba the movezent to cvorate Schoo~ .5 in Ftotorlej and Enterprises, by 11su Sbr.-D-fu, 6 pp. CV==j, pmr, Li-l= Houeh-bal, no 6, 1 Dec p.o 20-31. JPRS-759-D FM - China POI Jxa 50, J-25W ') Sam B4,oerienae of Chin-Mou in Factory- C!peratod Schw1n, by Wang Plong-chleng, 9 pp. MXMMS,, per, Li-lun Enueh-bsi, Ro 6, 1 Doc 19,58, 32-~~. MRS-799-D ps - Chita Vol Sul 59 10/, 6 r 9' / J-2500 (DOO-2694) Recolute1y =d Thoroagbly laTlinvent. tbo Central Committee's Agricultural "Constitution," by ChmS Ch'Uxg-tlaip B pp. CHIMSEj per no 6., 1 Dee 1958, PP 37~41-. JERS-799-D FE - Mina rca JILI 59 91, 'T-2.'~co (D~--,-:,694) Un liltarrUptod Ravolatioa) One-Sparti-am, =d the Rest, 'by Mou Chung, 5 PP. MIME,, parp Li-lun Esudb-Iml, No 6, 1 Dee 1958, ~2-44.- JERS-799-D FE- Chim. POI ,.Tal Ijq 'Z/ by r. ang Q I ldmn& J~j&jpM 4 pp Cl= M4, pars, L:L-.Um Haush-bad, Na Up 1.9A-' Ext Prm Obtlart WkLmlaml MR9, 147 3 Rov 1950 pm - Chim ECCO Dec 58 ;7 T,-m Ycakm~ ot ladustrial Cmistriatiort in LlGzmi=. per., IA-lua Haugh-baij No 8j, d- Dald-en "T -JC, n 1V Wk r4m on Ca= China 2 RE - cum Due 59 Adbe3rw to the RespowlibUlty "tax for Factory Dirwtws Ua4er the L&wAmbIV of' Party Comlttees,, by Ea vicap 4 pp. CBMMM.% perp U-Im Bnu6Qwll,-_;b_ 22, 1 Dee .1959. Ut tn" chims mftL-&A w6 Jb 9031 7 )RIV 1960 FA - Chula itla "if p" or Apr 60 San the Class StruMae Ceased?, by liu. Vich-mim,-z, 12 pp - CHITH-EE15"L, per, Li-.Iun Huuch-~wl, No 142, 1 Dec 19~,~:/; pp -12. JBIS 2754 Pol - Soc jua 6o 7-1 d7,P Sociallot PIrinciple Plus Co=-unist, Ideology., by Flo Cb I euG-Oinng, 8 pp. por, U-1un Esup-h-hal; No 12) 1 Dee 19~9, JPRS 2754' Pol -60C jun 6c) 30 (IvY-4272) StruW,e for the VictoriouB Realimbion of the Great Lemp Foryard In Agricultural :Production This Yearp 8 pp. CMMWE.~ per). 14-lun Heueh-hsi., No 4, Province, 1 Apr 1960, JPRS 5245 FE - China Ll 7,J POI Aug &J )j ",j 30 Stuay Cmawade Vu.o 12se-tung's Grout Strategic Ifninid-rig lhat "Ilqpurl-P~Llma and All Reactionaries Are raper T Tigers,", by Twig Fang-=~--g, IlL pp. CHINESE, pero M-lun Heueh-hoi, No 4, 1 Apr 1960, PP 13-18- JM 5245 FE - ChIma A POI Aug 60 -42722'l -0 Stuay Leninima, Snash 1411odern Reviuionism, by Ho Ch I ow -chmng, , 16 pp. 15, CUITISISE, par, Li-lun Usueh-hai, Wo 4, 1 Apr 1060., FE Chim Pol Aug (0 C'miquer Natural Calamities; Develop the Mvewnt toT Increased Output and Conservation, 5 PP. QEMWM, per, .161-lun Hsueh-heij, No 1 Sep 1960, JMS 8262 101 - Chita 716 may 61 5 37 Whea There Is a Party to Lead, Man Is Certain to be vietorlous, 9 pp. CHWIBM.~ perl Li-lun Rsueh-bti,, No 9; I Sep 1960, pp ira.9 8262 111C - Chins lasy 62. ,SF-1537) Consciontiously Study Cowadem Mao Tse-tung's Military Thloory of People's War, by Wang Pling,, 5 pp. CRMISS, per, Li-lua Esueh-bsi, No 9, 1 Sep 1960;, pp 32W14-.-~ JM 8262 n - China POI 7,/ may 61 E& 1., -1537) A Short Dincussion of Centralizedi Control of Grain,, by Jku Yung-telan., 6 pp. per, ~i-luu &,ush-heit Ito 9) l Sep 1960j- pp im 826a r-H - Chiua Boon 716-- may, 61 (,LW -- 1537 "1 We Must Correctly Arrange and Utilize Agricultural Labor Power., by Mao Chun,, 5 pp. CEMBS, per, Li-lua Roush-hal, No 9p I Sep 1560t pp N, ms 8a62 FE - China Boom may (A I VU-153V All AgencLes and Enterprises., Birticularly ladustry, Support Agriculture, )2y No Hsiang-kluet, 7 Pp. CRXIIFM,. per, U-Ium Rouch so go 861P 15760, Pp FZ - Chins 9COM WD'y 6 A Trial Dinaussion of Comrade Pao Tse-tuag's Develo1went of Wrxiat-Lenitiot Philosophy., by Pien Cbeng., 8 pp. CHIMEM , pirr, L Ueh At. No 9;, I SeP 1960, Pi 33-37- JM 8262 Ps - c1dua Pol 7 / 7 may 6-1 *2~ A u-muzj-hm rjur., u-im yu Sbib-chip~,., go R. 19_59., pp S.Z, . R JEW-012.417 China Pal - goo Do* .591 /0/ y3A ,mmat or Soctealsx: 7,:c!aa=.T nrd Itz Ilet'llaUx-a to Plemned Properti.-a5 by Suag Yu- 6 cbj= .1 De a 1.1, 9 How to Conduct Mili" Training This Year, by Lin Iliao. CHMUSP., np, Liberation Daily,, 24 Nov 1944, .1 4 pp. .: RAND FE Mil Feb 69 375,100 7 rvij 1) bI --slet., Limu IAzil 14 cerp Clianters UInlmrta, Ponco!a. 1111111 1111911111111t: llflo fill I fill, U,11113 Wli I I (FDD 23299) The Processlug of ForoA Prodacts in. China, by Tem Tb=9-,W=D 296 pp. CE I Mill, MMOMM*I, IIA-Wan Sytkanx HsvAh. mmeWil, Sep 1953m 907-Mv OU/JM Tr 492 FE w Cbj= Ebon - Fft,,eBtA7 PMfttU luduBU7 a91 669 (FDD 22391). Table of Contents.* List of Tablev, Charts., and Graphs of "Study of Processing oV Forest Products" (Chira), by Tang-tsmg-ven,, 12 pp- CHIN=.. =Dnogmh, Uu-ehlan ftla-lbag Roush.. bw*b"ij, 1953- A ~ Ocao FE - China Ecom - Forest products Oct 54 CTS The Effects of Phospbatides an Tisimes, 14 ppi CUME9 bko lAn-C ed tAo=jR Z15-u-chili-t-i ,-,M. 1963. Lqe:ym JIMS 49324 Sci-B mid M Doe 69 397t587 Table of Contents of Lin-yeh-KLQ-IL%ueh- (Scientia Silvae). Peiping, No 1, 25 January 1962. JPRS 15569 Sci Oct 62 KAMMXK~MKXKUKXKKMKbXXXV-gU=XUKU~X antomm"Um4mmu THE EFFECT,X OF ERYTHROMYC IN ON THE GROWTH OF POPLAR TREES., BY CHEN YUNG-MI, 12 PP. CHINESE PER -'EH--K!Q--HAUEH, NO 12 1962; PP 53-5;6. JPRS 16659 FE - CHINA ECON DEC 62 W 21811295 DETMIiILATION OF FIBER IN TWELVE SPECIES OF BAMBOO GROWN IN OUR COUNTRY, BY CHIN TZU-CHENp 19 PP. CHINESE, PER, LIN-YEH KtO-HSUEH, NO 1, 1~62, Pp 67-72. JPRS 1665151 FE - C14INA ECON DEC 62 218)296 USING PARASITIC WASPS TO CONTROL SUNG-MAO- XMI CHIUNG (PINE CATERPILAR), BY PENG CHAO-HSIEN, 5 PP. CHINESE, PER: LIN-YEH K'O-HSUEH, NO 11 L962) pp 74-76. JPRS 16659 FE - CHINA ECON DEC 62 218,297 kWAlAtkxSlWWXXMXXMX INITIAL STUDY ON YU-CHIA (AN OIL- BEARING CROP) ANTHRACNOSE, ax 10 PP. WINESE~ PER,, ~1(~~YEK-K!Ok -HSUEH,j NO L, 1962, pp 76-79. 1 JPRS 16659 FE - CHINA ECON DEC 6p 218,297 COZ-500 (NY-2533) Mm=iam In Chi=, by Cblwg Cbi'un-lang, 36 pp. CHXM=., per, Li-s= Yon-cblu,, No 12, 1958, pp 14?0. JMS-lT45-N FS - Chum pal ikil 59 pe z 041a (DC-5024) MajorlAcbievements in Forestry Wience and Teckmology In 1958P.13 'PP- CMUSEp EAr. Lin-yah Klo-bmmhp No 2. Mar 1959, pp 117-122. - JPRB WO FE - Chim 66 4 Zcom Apr 61 (DC-3M4) The I Xffect 1, of Ultraomdc Waves m the GermirAtion of Several Oveoloo ot Yment Tron Seeds., by Shih Chung-34, 10 pp. CEM BRj, per., L:Ln-yeh Klo-boushp No 5j, Sep 1959, pp 381-386. jpft W95 TE - ChIVA, Boom SCI I ENT I F I CC.'MFERENCE HELD 6Y THE P I l,,'E.-I,',CTH RESEARCH GROUPS OF IdISTERM CH I MAI SY T I MG TAO-M,0, 5 PP CHINIM---~ PER, LIM-YEH 100-HSUB-1) NO 2) APR p I JPRS 21166 SC I -1'l I SC 0 C T 03" W-50DO (2460,-E) Motory ar the Developwnt of Chlon-ou Commum,, 71 pp. Crn=p yor,, U-sblb Yen-ablu.. No 1; Pekoins; Jan 1959j, vp arnaiae-N Is - chl-M Pat ~~ -/ ~3 Am 59 x Marx-Leninism or Private Science, by Li Shu, 8 pp. CHIMSE, per, Li-shih Yen-chiu.. Ilo 1, 2, ig6o, pp 1-6. JPRS 3503 USSR - Fol jul 6o I(DC-36o6). Ten Years of Aablevements In Solving China's Race Problems, by Obang Hain-m1n, 14 pp. MOM, per, Li-shih u,. Vo 1, 2, 1960, pp 29-40. JM 3503 FE - China Soc /7 a-;:Z Zal 60 / 0 1-1-j (DC-3606). Marx-Leninism or Private Science., by Ll Sbu, 8 pp. CHINEU,, perj LI-shih Yen,-chi4j ND 1, 2, 196o, pp 1-6. JM 3503 USSR pol Jul 60 /a a, ~Ifl- (NY-6ogg) enuoms of the Beginning and the Victory Of the ChImse Revolution,, by Li Shu,, 21 pp. OMMUO pmrj Li-shih Yon-chiu, Pb 6. Noy 196o.. pp JMS 8312 ?a - China POI Jun 611 (Nr-6136) A Diacusaion on the Anti-Imparialiat Struggle of the Boxersp by Shili Sou-chlusp 31 pp. CHIME,, pera Li-ubib Yon-chtup so 6.q tiov -,96o, pp 1346. JM 8312 FE - Mira POI jun 63L (NY-6099) A Discunsion on the Problem of the Peasant's Revolutioner,y Wars to the Chineue Peuaalitt Society., by Shih-ShOU-pinj, 16 pp. CEMBR) per., VP 72-80. Ujj=O~?,j No 6, Nov 196o., JPRS 6312 FZ - China POI J~m 61 (SF-1924) The Paris Ommme and Internationallm, by Chan Ttu-faa,t 31 pp. E, pw, LI-dAh Yen-dbiu, No 2, 1961, pp 41-58. JM 4926 As A~, Pbl (SF-1924) The Parls Oamune and the Develogmant of Mundut Strategy aud Otrategic lbinklux,, by Id Man-telan., 22 pp. CMNM., per, Id-iftih Yen-chiu, Nes 2,. 1961,. rp 59-T3. t,) &7,,'.r _ F- a. v" r- V_ im 4996 A- /a 1" ;"4 P' Pol eav 61 On the 2t4wft of World Ristorical Davelopsimt,, by Chm Ma-ch'tong, 23 pp. CM3MBEs pmj, Ld-aih Yon-ebiu...ib) gs 2.961, pp 82-94. im A01a - CbUM / /, 1, 7,0 60 POI so 61 I The Course of BeIvure Of State Pover in the CMnese Revolution, by wu Chiang, 24 pp. 00MR., per.,",Li-shih Yen-chiu, NO 2., 15 Apr 1961. AmC=Genp Ron . S Kong Selections From China Mainland Marg No 265 12 jun 1961 PR - cb3ma poi Jul 61 ABOUT A GEWIM I S IQM,~ BY HAN JU-L I Ny 12 PP. CHINESE, PER,, LI-SHIH YEN-CHIU, 14) 3, 1962, PPI-10. JPRS 18Z8Z FE (H 11144 APR YU 225,732 CONCERT41 W-1 GENGHIS KHAN,, BY CHOU LIANG-HSIAO., lo Pp CHINESE, PER., LI-SHIH YEN-cHiu, No 1962, PP 1 JPRS 18282: FE CHIM41, Blor; APR f6~ 225.,731 ACUTItUO Of MstW7 OUdy in Cblusp by UMOS ft-jwsp a pp- can=* JWp 1b 4j, Me IMP w =a gas 62 A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE SYSTUI~ OF SERFD%l IN CERTAIN DISTRICTS OF THE TIBETANS, THE UIGHURS, AND THE TAIS IN PRE-LIBERATION CHINA, BY SUNG SHU-HUAj, 29 PP. CHINESE, PER, LI-SHIH YEN-CHIU., NO 5, 1Q62, PP 1-19. JPRS 17230 FE - U CHINA soc JAN 63 220Y435 j-12)-G/-G:3 px:~cs of Pei ing, by Dino Sanzo. The! Q IT.AJ-W,T, per, Lo gL-)ccchio, 28 jul 1963, I-vP 5-71. -*JPPZ/DC-8951/M'-CIAL FE - China Pol Oct 63 =Mw~ rwo W-ham"A"s I&W 29550 p 20., 0100 Ow 02 L In - Ohba :lip --A-ls - I I ; "u . tway DsWwlpt~cn s6A ActIvItles AramG CUu-cb'uft Area, caudenseA fxc6~tbv Artlele "Vitdt to the Chiu-chluen CUPW On, 887 Rem Wy Wo Apt en Can Cblm No 94 Economic Geography of A-erh-shan and Ta-hei-l-~ou Areas in the Northeast, condensed from the article "From A-e2ii-ahan to Ta-hei-kou", by Chao FisianL,,,. elf" I CHTIMSE, per, Lu-bsing-chia 3 .., A. S~P" ~-S)55, PP '6-37. CTA/FDD Sun 887 nest Econ Wkly Dif o Rot on Com China No 94 EconorAc Geography of Altai Shan Area, by chtu kn-pling CHUNME, per, Lu-hsing~chia, Jan 1956, pp 4-8. CIA/FDD Sun 870 FE - China Geographic EconDnic Today's Pao-Vou. CHIRESE, ma per, W-hsing-chiaj Peiping, No 56, FDD Sum 1308 FE - China 45,6o1 li law Re 0 ,FDD 3o4,,P) New ClAria's Soutilern Gateway-. The Port of Man-cl,iang, 'rort &-iyard, the Southern 1,%in Gain of lifew China), by Yin Fang, I p. CITTINTE"ESE, -per, Lu-Iising-chict,APciping:, Jan 195f~ pp 31-33. Call No bS 701.. L95, 195'-j. AMS CIA/FDD Sum 131.1 P E - Qimf~ Econ Notes on I-ning (Wdrja) j, by Ra-yang Yang - ., perv,,3~u*bslaS-!,ch.ia#,No ly.1958i, Pp A 39. (eau No D5701 :051, Enz ",r) , X"', F" - China Geo sept 6o / z7 67 Iq 6 Al A JmrnW an the lovw Anur Rlvw,, by am-aluen chleup 8 vp CHIMMS POWs -- -- .1958s IT 38-39, (COH 1958A so ig 11 mr) ItL-hsjLttS-(*Uj, Bo Is ANS um ft% ftp 61 //o /0, fig 6 4t On Gmt Cb.Ump 249). CHIN= 29! Aug 1958,p pp CTAIM ftm 2U4 Chl= Boca wr 59 'JUITi Eli # 37 (DIC-3895) The Taming of the Hai Hos 3 PP- -P _ _, PeipiLng, 18 Mar 1959 CHINME, per, ~ij-hsin JPRS 3446 FE - China Econ Jun 60 '67 THE PROAD TO SZECITWAN THEN AND NOW, BY CHIUAN CHIEN, 10 PP. CHINESEy PER,, LU-4iSING.-CHIA., NO Ij. 1960, PP 8-10, CALL NO Ds 701 L95- ARW MAP SERVICE FE-CHINA ECON 20 AUG 6?- 207181l A New View of the North Klangau Section of the Peipling-11angebou Grand Canal, by Wu Lin. 11py CBMEME, 1960,,, p_n 12-14. M111 No- DS 701 L95.- 1960.. No. 2. AMS Par Emat - China Econ Aug 61 Ig 210 010 ?F ,1 414 (DC The Gr"n Yu-lin. of Shensi Province, by Chiang Ku-baien, 5 PP- IHIME,, per, Lu-haing-chia, wo 4, 18 Aor 196o, pp 8-10. JPRS 3950 FE - China Ecoh 3ep 60 1,,2 J-437/64 Transportation Information for Individuals Going Into Cormunist China. CDC-1.0381) RUINESE, per, Lu-Iising Pien-lan, No 11, 1963, pp 18, 23, 24, 30, 40. *.JPRS FE - China Ecoll Mar 64 -t J-437,,`6" -sp, d, - ni n, Tran ion for In di - -,-Ls Goi- v! -a .. oxtuation informa L, Into Cwinfurtist chinz~, CTMEEST1, pexr, Lu-hsin-r Pien-lan (Travel Gzactute), U Nov 19'3, M. 18; 23; 24, 30; 4o. *JtR.'3/DC-10381~SK!CIAL 74 - China Econ A-or 64 (FW 27856) LejA gefca% lav in North Vietnam. VIMMMMM'j, pm,, Luat Cal-each Ra pub-I by 4 _..ong- Central Lud 89&ii Committee, Ruel, 1955, 28 pp.&* CIA/*= Sum 948 FE w North. vietwa Seaft - AgrIculture, XAnd reform law A,143 (FDD 203"?3) Supplement -to "The Peasant Froblem" (China), by C13'ea Po-tsj, 26 pp. CM.M.So'? vivitactat of monoampht Ir . A.P.-R.,m Wen-tlb SbmnMbal., Jul 1949.. PP 3)N. 0 CXAI(FMD/U-60,-10 FE - Mina /4-/ 6-Y1 Soc (DC-546j-) Bibliography of Geography Publications of Various Countries, Communist China, 5 PP. CHINESE, monograph, Luri Shih-hui-yen Ti-hsing, 1959, PP 100--1~4- . ..... jpRs 1o687 Dee 61 ( Nry-:~L6c) ) . The E.1011-Iti-MI, in ACCUINILUICe WIVa tho Lv,,,; zx' Coirtxadliction, of the ProbleTas Existina in the ThorcluGh lrq)lcmentation of the Frinciple of "Cccabinina Education With Productive Labor", by Pan J~Eou-,.Amvt, 13 p-p- MMRSEj, jx~r, Lun-t'an, No 2, Amoy, 191- n 5, 16, 9 3-7. .FE - C-MiLL pol - Soc