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Induction of Directed Bered:Lt&rf Cbmwa in Drosophila Melanogsster# by S. M. Oarebeawnp 1. A* Xlselevas 3 PP- RYJBSL4M# perp Duk Ak ftult B=p Val CXKMv -No 3v 2958P PP 554w- - - - -- Lwt ar Bial Sol Sci - Mod al- --- / W.? /(0.4 Th~., Ph.-,toplarikl-on cf the Northw,---st cf Ladol-a, by N. A. P-~trova, 2 pp. CXXIII, 3 RUSSIAE, p~~-", Dak Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol M, Ro X, 1958, pp ~1,58-- Am - er Inst c-,' Biol Oci S c i - 'Me d srfect of &W oil wA Itai Coupments on Streptavqatu Productiong by T. S. Mnamb*m, 3 'pp. RMIM, per,, Dok Ak Nauk MEMR, Vol CXKMm No 3, 1958P Amer Ust of BIDI Sci fti - Had Lunar Periodicity-in-Spawning of Littoral arui Upper- SL~ojjttoraj J:nvertsbratec of the Wbite Sea and Other Seasp by S. As FIleikOvskiY., 5 PP- RUBSIM* perp Dok AX W&UX SSMs ioi cum, rto 3j, 1958s PP 564-- Amr :Dwt of Diol Sail Sci - YWd za ~7 The Rate of Evolution in Immoid She kap by L. S Glikmano 3 pp - WJSSIM# par# Dok AX Nauk SEMp Vol CXXMt No 3,p 1958o, PP 568-. Anor Dwt of SU1 Sci sci -a Ned 14 12, Um lutraductLon of a PSmalte Vith a ComqAex Life C~rclev Do Oumboqpnsis Yens 1955P DulWag Acc I of Wish- From the A=r RLver,, by H. A., lklevitakayal, k pp. MMM,6 per Dak Ak lbsk So* TOIL go 3, X958, PP Amm bet of Dial Sai ftl - Rod Th- Pormtion of Stree-n-ing Fluctuationem Pe-hint3, a Solid ObBtacle) by V. H. ArYjaipov, 4 pp. RUSSM, per, Dok Ak~.Rmxk sam., Vol cmil, 149.4., ~955., ii7Z726~:-- Pum I !r List of phys S017 Phys - Dolklady 'vo.L in, no 6 S'ai - Phys Ju 59 5ie Stability of Cylindrical Shells Frcm the Elastialty, by K. F. Voitsekhovskaya, 4 Tm. RUSSWL per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR;, Vol CXKIII, 110 4, 1�58, PP-W3Z6~'6*.-' Amer Imt of Phys Boy T.Mys - Doklady voi ml No 6 Sei - Phys jul 59 On r,-- Explosion in an Unbound C=Im-.tinS , .1 by A. 14. Parmashov, V. N. Rodyonov, A. P. 'SamlobLa, 4 pp. BUSSM., per,.Dok Ak NaWr. S&IM, Vol CMCIII, Mo Pzu.-r last of Mys Saw Phys - Doklady Val In, No 6 SCIL -- ph~I-a J13-1- 59 Im AnymptrallAle RrXensionefor, the MigerA,.OL='U!.o=,3 of the Xquation of A u --tX u = 0 with boundary ComUtloya an Xquidistant Ctwves and the I th-cps.mUon of Elecuu2smomde Idsv*2 In a llavegulde; b7 V., P. WSIAWV 4 P. RWOLW# perp Dok Ak Sauk FAISR, Vol CXMl,, No 4m Amw Inat of Pbys Sm Pbys-DoU&dy Vol M,, No 6 Ifte nudistlon of a Point Ch=Ue Having Unifazzly Along the Axis of a Cireu)Ar Role In an InfinIte Ides"' Cwductdzg 13,ALne,, -by V. DObrLwVp'V4 BxugimkiYp 3 P- RUSSLUI., Imr4p Dok Ak Tauk PRA,,. Vol CM=- mo h., 2958p jv-6Vvz636------ Amer Imat Or aws SOT awa-IDOUMAY Vol vri,, No 6 Sol )br 6o Calculation of a Lower Limit for the ExDlosion Efficiency Curve, by L. G. Bolkhoviiinov, P. F. Poldiil, 2 pp. RUSSIO, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Val CXXTII, Tio 4, 1958, pp 637, 638. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys-Dok-lady Vol III, No 6 Sci Mar 6o ranso of rvi-3nergy Sccondzi*, aecturon, :in a ntd the Role c)f Ina3astically w , Reflaead R1ca%--on5 '.tn Ucor,r"17 FI-"ta*= Eulceioa.. by 1. N. Exonshl;npyny Ho B. Segal', 4 p. FMTA's, por, Dok AL.. va'a -s- ttu. Vol aux-ra.. jm58) 1,V 639-642. Inat I'ayu Vol 321j. 'go 6 Ila Dar Two Processes Leading to the Capture of Electrons Under Betatron Acceleration Conditions, by A. P. Komar, Yu. S. Korobochko, 2 pp. RUSSSIATT, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIII, No 4, 1958, pp 643, 644. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys-Doklady vol iii, No 6 Sci mar 6o I . .r-.4u=ll S.~pec,~rzi of Ccmpl= t3am;ounda Ccntaining SINC13 and anc!34, by 81m. 5h. ftak:Ln., 3 P- MWIMp perp W)L -- AX-20AZURp Vol till., HO 4j, 1958, VP 645-640 Amer Inst of Phys SOV P~js,-DoUady Vol M,, No 6 Sol //0 YOO VAr 60 on Ue Niedmiam of Formticza of Nmbrycmic Cracks in PlasUcally Deformod CrystaUp by V. 19. )Iozbmo)dy,, RtBBIM.# pars Dok Ak Mauk SELIMr--Vol CXMI., no 4s ,L9559 pp kwr Sov Fbyp-Ddkbidy Vol IZZI No 6- Gai mar 6o Superfluid State of the Atomic Rucleus, by V. G. solov'yev, 4 pp. 4 per, Dok Alk Nauk W-3R, Vo CXXXII, No 2, RUSSIANj 1958, pp 652, Amer last of Phys Bov TAKK Phys - Doklady Vol III, NO 6 S-C i - ays JU 59 TaTectigation of tho of lEplickcring of a TO= zst-.~~ Light Somm,, by A.. S. Gurrich, V. 1. Twtarshiy, L. P. Twamajo 4 p. RUBSXM,v perp Dok Ak Nauk WSR, Val C=rl, Ito Bp 19583. yp 655-.- CR sal rob 6o I The Effect of Ultrasound on Vatious Frotein3 and Amino AciU, and Ito Deperal-eace on the Nature of the Gwas Present, by 1. B. El'piner, A. V. Sokol'skaya, x 4 pp. RUSSM.. per, DQk-Ak'1kU3k-SSSR' Vol =111, NO 4, pp Amer last of PbyB Sov Phys - Do'k-lady Yca III, zro 6 ..v-,i - pays Zell 59 9 Oie Effect of Sux7mce-Active Madl~a on the Surface 6, UY U. Gle.golev, P. A. Rebiador7 4 pp. RUSSTAlls per-~-~Dolc Ak Hauk SSSR, Vol CUIril, rio 4, '.L5383--pp Amer inst of Phys 30V Ilh3m - DokleLdy Vol III, lio 0'- sci - Taym JU-1 59 ~1117 Study of the K4,5 -Band cmd the K-Ab3orption 2dge of Metallic Hicitc-I on PtLatsing Through the Curia Point.9 by V. A. Karantsev, 4 pp. RUSSIAN,, per LJDQt-AUJIaWc. S=, Vol =111, no 4.. 1958., MXMW pp 667-670. Amer Inst ar. Phys Sav Rays - Doklady Vol In, No 6 Sci - ftys Jul 59 Righ-TeazWratare I=pulse LJ.gbt Source, by A. All. RUSSIM,, per Dok Ak Nauk c0m, Vol CXXIII), no 4j 1515 3-Ow imer inst ot. Phys Elov Ph~m - Doldady fio 6 sci - Phys Jul 59 and Dislocation, by V. L. Inclalb 911-~ G. E. TomilovskilY., 5 -PP- RUSSIM, per, Dok Alt Nauk CXUII, NO-4, 1958, 12~F671-3-- Amr Inst of PhyB Sov 1.3bva - rWz-lady vol ni, no 6 Jul 59 The Reuc. tion of Ais'r.~fl Radicalil Wi t" '~ -' -- ~'Z' oy I. V. Patsevich, A. V. Topchiycv, IF. Ya. 9 pp- RUSESTAN, -oar, Dok Ak ATauk SM, Val CM11I, No 11,58, p-p 6'~6-699-.-- SLA 59-15508 Sci jeu, 1 6 0 Val 2, No 7 gn2.Wmtit-. Reduction of Quirame by GWolic laid, by P. A. Kolesnikov, It. 1. Petrochenko, s., V. zorex it PPO AUSM&Hj. per,,,P~*_Ak Nauk MR, Vol 'I r ry I , No 4. 19!58, py 729-739. Awr Inst of Hiol Bai Sai - 13101', Chem Jun 59 57 ~' 6 QuInic imd Shiki-le Acids Ln Plaxts. trj S. VAO Manakaomi, L. A, Kodlnaj, 4 pp. RUBSTAR, per,, DOI Ak Nault BBSR, Vol CM=, wo 4. 1958,, .- t Amer litat of Mol Sci Sci - 'atol's Chem Jun 59 y ~, S02 7 illia. Polmogsogmphy of the Eastern Part of t-l,.z Russian PlwhwfO= at the End or the Tovrnai--ian 4e, by M. F. Hirchink, R. 0. m=h&tx7=' 4 p. IWBSDM, per, I~okAk Hauk MR., Vol CrOul , rio 4, 1958, PP T37-, - z -- ---- -- CB sci ?,--b 6o /,f &-**, "v'eo? x The Crystal Structure of EUI.ebrandite, by Hb. S. Plamedov, N. V. Belaw, 4 p. RMIM, per., Dolt Ak 17auk BSSR, Vol CXXZII,'No 4, 1958,, YP 741-. CB Sci Feb 60 P~?67 x Bam.'te Concretions in the Elev Marl in the Donbaa, by P. V. Zaritskiy,, 4 p. 9 RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Sauk SSBR. Vol CXXIII, mo 4, .1958, PP 744-. CB sci 1peb 6o /0' 4,;. ~-2' ;111 New Data on the Pseudosuchia of the LISSR, by V. G. Ochev, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SaR. Vol CXXIII, No 4, IPS8' ~p-M--751. NLL RTS 3861 ON LOAN CKLY Sci-Ear Sci Jul 67 329,177 Chavges In RIbomw7' lc Acid as Related to the Attivity and fttrAtUm of -bbe Neurorw (as UempUried by Cytoebromic layestigations of the Gamllom Cel3s of the ReiLm). by V. Ya. Brodskiyp No V- ftchwvamp 3 PIP- FIWUNO, pert Dok Ak Nauk SMt Vol CXXM, No 3 90.p'VP 75& - Amer Imt of Blol Sci sci - M" The Regenerative Power of the Cranial Done Tissue of Wam43looded Animals, DurIM Postnatal Onto- genesia# by N. G. Romm'I'* V. V. Makmyt I& vp. IRUXM, perp Dok Ak Nauk B=j. Vol aMMO. No 4p 1958,p PP 766;;-.~-- Amer Inst of Blol Sci Sci - Ned Changes 13% the Skeletal HascIe Tissue During Iminiva, by X. S. lbbyut"v4, 4 99. RMS10p 1wrp Dok AX fta MIR# Vol =1 p No 4v 19588 vp 764.. - AMC M=t of Wo) Sol Bel - Ned latlo /Y/- Cop-AVU=t cn Diaccritineity Surft-ces in th-F, U,enezml Thao:-j of Relativity, by V. A. SlcriVk-in, 5 .p . RMSONp parp ft.h Ak Naut WS11a Vol CMII, NO 5.p 3.958; t~-*70%'---.~---.,O,:-r A-mer 7"nst of P!Ws Bev Phys-DAIAdy 701 m.. U.), 6 .: Fr Oa the Evaporation of Solid Globules in a Clex Flow, by- V. 1. Zubkov, a 3 PP- RUSSTAWj, per, Dok AX Hauk 53MI, Vol CUIII, Amr last of Phys Bov Phya - DoUady Vol nz, mo 6 Sci - pb~m Jul 59 i Shtills, by A. S. Vol Imir, 3 PI)- Mm"SWIT, per, Dok ilk. Hauk SWIt, Vol CXXIII, 170 5, 1958, pp Amer Inst of Pbyis Scv Phpi - Doklady vol in, No 6 Sci - ml~m Jul 59 gro The Effect of NcaurLiform X Heating on Stress Variation in Creep., by B. F. Shorr, 4-pp. RUSSIAN,, per, ]??~J~ Nauk,SSSR.' V91 CXXIIJ, No 5, 1958, pp BW-.- Amer Inat of Ph~m Sov FkWe - Dolklady Vol Ila, rzo 6 Sci - Phyn Jul 59 Y14 s Gn Carbain Que=icaia in tha Thrjor~r cl Rad-llr~%"160n Tmtufer mmd Fadiant Rmt Itrattange in wn Aboorbing Naftum, by Yu. A. Surinov,, 5 MISIM, 3,Ar,, Dak AY. Neuk MR, Vol No V., 1958v vp ... ft3. A=r Inst of 111byG Sov %G-DoUa~ Vol M., no Ila, a-47 scl Me Struzzturo =d N.-ticmz of inbcmog-eneities in the 912 layer of the Ionoophere, by V. D. Weev, L. A. Dmahev, S. IT. Mirketaa, Yu. V*. 11-orazia, M. P. IUywLovzkiy, H. V. Vinogradova., T- A. Gayli-6, 5 P-0. MWIM.. pur, ISE, Vol M=[Xj. No 5s Dee 19 .1' acrw, pp 7 JM-L-1700-D aci - Fbyuics, ae-ophysles .2- ;Z^ -2-ribAF45; fl! a. ldncmr Botmd=y Vall,-m R--Oblcr' of GenerallZed ll;~:rod~,mamics (Uieory of the Ultrasonic Interfercmter), by 1. 1. M'kbovaltiy, 4 pp. RUSSIM. par.. Dalr-Ak-Nauk &MR, Vol C=l.. go 5, 1953, PP 821-524. Amsar Inst of Phys Sov Php - Doklady Vol III, vo 6 Phys J41 59 Me Electrons That Produce the Hard X-Radiation of I'awertul fhalsed Dioebarges p by 1. IN. Podao=y-',, N. G. Koval Iskiy, V. E. Fal 'chihor, 3 pp. RUBSIANj.per, J~q4.Ak-10,uk-S3811, voi cxxni, No 5, 1958, pp a25-a2T. AM= Inst Of Phys Sov Mys - Doklady Vol in, No 6 Sci - nom jai 59 One Faraday Effect and Mott Excitons, by A. G. T., T.. .RUSSX=p per, Dok Ak Nauk- SSW., Vol CMIII, No 1958, pp 828-83:L-.---- fi=x, Inst ef -Vby-- Sov Phys - Dokludy vol in, vo 6 Sol - ph~m Jul 59 Nonstationary Planar Currents in 0, PolytrOpic Gas Raving 'Rectilinear Mameteristieft, by A. Sidurov, N. N. Yananko, 3 P.P- RUSSIAN, per, Dak.Ak Smuk SSSR, Vol CXXIII., No 5, i?p 832-V34-- Amer Inst of Phyn Sov Phya - Doklady vol in, no 6 sci 'Mys Jul 59 9,0 Ileat ritansfer Between the Normal and Superfluid 3 pp. RMSM,, per, Dok Ak Nauk S.=2 Vol CXXXIXj, No 1958, P--o 835-Z3T-'-" Amer last. of Phyu Sov Ph3m - Doklady va -ui, No 6 Sci - lb.Ys Jul 59 Dispersion Relations for tbe Production of by V. Thellner,- 3 P-n- RUSSIAN,, per, Dok Ak Nauk SWR, Vol CXKIII, No 5., 1958, pp Amer Imt of Pays Sov Phys - Doklady vbl m, mo 6 Sci - rbyr. Jul 59 Alum=" ,M,,a K!Latlica of the Polycondeveation. of Acid Chlorides of DicarbaVlic Acids witki DifWictloral Phenols, by S. V. Viwgmdoval V. V. Norahat, 8 P:,,. RWEBM, per, Dok Ak Wauk SSSP, la.r.B, V--! =II, No 5, PP SLA 59-15509 Oct 59 Vol 2, Nu 3 I.!-- j~'.~~tbaM anil T. v. et Al. e; by RU,3S:W?., ~er, Dok Ak -!Vauk- Vo-, GYXIII, F,) 15, 19:58; pp MI,T, W, 2827 Sci - CIL--m t7a. n 62 PhotlDg "r hr o ,?adhic ri 6 pp. nMSTAN,, Wr, Dok Ak &.,uk EIESR.. Vol CXXITS., No 19' 58, m) UOT MURIWABIS 9110 FMIGN NATIONM Sci - PW.;:Lcz Dec 59 I tSIB iffmNAL Ust: Om The 312atum of the Acidity Of Silics-Alumin Cracking Cat&Jysts, by X. V. Tolchiyeva, 1. P. Y.-akovs1w4a., 5 PP. RUSSIM,$ per, Dok,-AX.,ft* SM, vol aum, No 5, 1953, pq 891~W- MS-8M30H Sci - Cbem sop 59 Vol 23 No I Some Deft an the Cmtsut and Distributlon of rrm in t2w Black Saia,, by M. A. DobrWumkw, T. 1. Poh4m:Lna, RUSSIM, per, Da-Ak Nw*-SSSR, Val CM=,# No :L9", CQCAUltMAtf DMrf= Sal i. Chem Sep 59 Identit.y of Histmminase and Dismine Oxiftse, by 9. V. Goryachenkam.. 4 pp. IMSUN, perj Pot Ak Nauk~SZIM,, Vol CX=, Ito 5, W~80. vp *-* Amer Ingit of Bial fti Bel - Bial, Chem vim 59 c-79 , r. 0 J ? -;2 A Study of the MMueme of Various Inhibitors cc the corrosion Mmaking of W%Ia, by S. A. Balezin, V. V. Rcwanov,, 1. 1. Podabarsvp 4 pp. FWSIAN# per., Dok Ak OWL SSEIR, Val C== x No 5 p 1958, Vp 902-. --'- - Comultante Bumau Sol - Geqphys ~~ 'o//a Bey 59 Cw.:brian Phosphorite Deposits in the Kandyktas Mountains (South Kazakhstan), by K. I. Dvortsova, 2 pp. R-LTSSIAI'",f, Der, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CMII, Ao 5, i~p 19,58, PP 5107-905- Consultants Bureau Sci Fe b 60 Wev DIUO=0-70-cics of a Ptilcomoict Faurm in the Littlt Xhingan Range tCbineas),, by W.- S. Aagibimsp V. N. X-restovnikaw, Chang Pu-cblunp Yu. 0. It j?. RUSSM, perj, '- Dok Ak Hauk SWIt., Vol CM=, No 5., 1958. pp 910-913. Bell Feb 60 'Bow Data on the Stratigrmpby and Litholo-cy of the Terrigenaus DepoBits of the Lower Carboniferous of the Middle Volga ftsin,, by,rx. I. Teyodorovich, RQ 0. M=hutrycm., P& No Sokcams, 4 p. RUSSIMp parp,_ Dolt Ak Wauk SBOR,, Val CXXM, No 5,, 1958, pp 914 - cB sai P*b 6o The the F-h4l~micml and P=chmWLca). Rroyertica 0~~ 'Rmlez crm ~Mo 'Lacalim-t-Ion of C~.rcs .* 4 in tta Kirrmix. leavl-Zlw Dvpos.&%I~ by.G. 0., Nravvhonko, 4 -P. RMM' per, Doh Vol C.1=71' 11"~) r_?, CE, sci 7 -*Fab 6o z A Histoat xu'~~hic and Ustochemical Study of the MmLislon in Nerve Cellas by N. D. Orache"ji 5 VP- RMSUN, par# Dok Ak Hauk SIM,, Vol CVM, No 5,, 195518~ PP 937--;--' A-er T---wt of Biol Sci sci - NMI ~~, /,~ f r-ecaliaritier. of the Fuslou of Nuclei of Se;~.u:~ Cens j-,j the Peanut (Aracbinio hypoaxam L. by _.IW A q=a voi NO 5: Ame-- Lnst of Biol Sci Sclu - Biol Jul 59 Developmut of Conditioned INDtor Reflexes of the So-CaUed Voluntary Type lxi Mnth-Md Babiesp by I. A& Vakbramyevas 4 pp. RVBSV,Np per# Dok Ak Nauk 93SBp Vol CXXXXIp no 5,p 1.958t pp 944-'. - hwr lut or Blol Sol Bel - m3d ~ W/j/ 92, Differentiation of the Ommis In the Xurskul Sheep Bmbryop by K. 0. Gawryans 4 yp - RUBSUM,p perjp~ Dok Ak Nauk SIM# Vol c=X g no 5,0 19%v Pp qw-G Atwr Xuat of Mal aci sci - )WI ~~j 161 On the Insolubility of Cerudn Topological Problems, by A. Markov, 7 j3p. RUS per, Dok Ak NaLk SSSR, Vol CXXIH, No 6, 1958=478-980. 9693220 FTD-TT-64-466 Scl - Math & Dam Proc Rd 64 263,726 -O:z -,-- 31-f-zilc- Particullar so!.~,'ticnr- of ITO.-al Placticity %heory in Cylindrical Coordinatcz;, by D. D. Ivlev, 3 PP- RUSSIAN, Per, DOk Ak MuLk SK-R) Vol MIM111, No 6, pp Amer List of Phyn Sov lb;is - Dok-lady vol j:ci, uo 6 sci - FIIY13 sul 59 0// 5 r// IRAxed Bocrduxu Value Problem for an Elaztic Laninaj by Ya. S. Uf4wd, 4 pp. R7,JSSI"; per, DOk Ak NaUk SSM, vol cxxIII., No pp Amer Inst of Phys Swr Phys - Doklady vox in, No 6 Sci - phyn Jul 59 A Finitc StatiOnarY Axially S,.mmetric Self-Gravitating St,'118 SYstems and Their Differential Axial RotatIon, by G. M. Idils, 4 pp. RUSSIM, mr Dolt Pk Msuk-SSHR, Vol MMIIII, Ho 6, pp Amer :D:wt of Pbys SOV -Phyu - Doklady Vol III, no 6 sci pby3 Col-z-ClatiGn - PuXict'Lorw; fcr a 'n" Identical Charged Particles, 1jy V. P. Galaiko, L. E. rargnmanlk) 5 PP- MUSSMN, per, Dok AR Hauk S-13SRt Vol CM111., mo 6, 19.156; Amer Inst of PbyT3 Soy rhys - D010.06~ vol ru, No 6 M;m Jul 59 ;111,1. POIRI'llZaUGM Of 1--l"h't In Ir. tb-- Litymn Dleoart, by L. V. RUI33ZA'.11, per, Doh. Ah HaiLt,53M., Vol ITNUST, Vc- 6., T-9513,, 9P 'JM6;Add�- cm ci. Yeb 60 Of ai~ -rl,j~f rAir. iltut, LZBS-1, "Jol CIMI: 6, pp rel) 6D T,Gae-l cmd '.Dintanmce- Effecta of ulhcle-Bod"t?, Roent-on Irradiation in the FToduction of lajary to Une Ovwian in Mice, by 0. N. Petrova, 4 pp. RUSSIMI, per, Dok Ak Hauk SSSR,, Vca-.,=Il, No 6, 1953, W. 1018-- Amer Liat of Ph)s Sov Phys - Doklady voi iii, no 6 J~-Il 59 Temparature of the Spmr1t.-Discharge Channel, by 1-1. P. VanyWwv, A. A. Mak, 3 pp. RUSSIAN. per, Dok Ak NaW,, SSSR, Vol =III, Amr Imt of Phyn Sov Phys - Doklady Vol III, No 6 Sci - PhY3 JIL*L 59 Thc! Of Nct-t"Orks, '601' DL:;cretc Cormctors, by M. A. Garrilov, V. 1.I. 0sti-anu, V. A. Rodin, B. L. Timofeev, ;vPpP. 9- RMSIM, per, Doklady Akad., Nauk, Vol CXXIII, m 6., Dee pp j Automation Express Vol I, No 8 :Enternat,l r4yalcal Index C. e, Jun 5 9 On Su'r-r-ce Activity aff, Liquid Metcl coatinGs Their Effelat on Streneth of Vk~rtels, by R. V. Partsov, P. A. Rebinder., 5 RMSM, Vol ==: uo 6: 1958, pp io6B-io7o. ACSI H--9320 ID 2-11701191 Sci - mn/mstslo hug 61 6Yalf"IeuiD of Copropanpbyrin by the Ycasl-, Cau- did& Guilliermondil, by G. Mc. Bbaviovamy",-- A p -P. Q-t r- X--, u ~- RUBOYANI, perp Dok Ak Nauk OSSR, Vol cXulj, No 6. pp - : - - Awr Imt of Blal Bel Sci - as.01P Chan J= 59 On the Age of the Deposits of the Laver ftrt of the Winuisimak Series in Cormection vith the Discovery a:e Lepidodandropais ffi=ri Lutz in the Samkhval Fon*tion, by A. R. Anan'ev, Yu. V. balbuiltwa, 6 p. MBMx per, Pok-AX-SwAX-M-Rt Vol CXXIII, NO 61 1958$ PP 1081-1084, Sci nb Sturses in the Formntion of ardChanges in the Terrigenour. Rocks no Illustrated in the Stwly of the Novo-Mmalmiz Bore (Ifear-Diban Lavland), by 9. DI'. Vaselovskaya and H. A. Yaseneva, 4 p. RUSSUB, per, Dok Ak Nauk-83811, Vol CXXIII, HO 5P 1958,, 3M CB 80.1 Fab 60 Tile iiagu~Z11.1AIIIII-Y Lrl the znft nZI al" Amlymitl; oP fjecent CIOr"elovp 4 P. OB Vent D--tr- = the Stmtigraphy of the Lawar Cvmbrian of the IOArlinek Raignj by 1. T. Zbumvleva, L. H. Rapina, VO V. Momntovskly., 4 P. R=IM, pa,?.4 Dok Ah Uuk SSUR,, Vol Cxl=,, Tio 1958., pp 3.0.92 ;~Ila ipab 6o On the Lower Silurian Deposits of Sou-thizzct Trwasbailmlia,, by V. N. Nozerem1w, A. A. Lokerran, 4 P. RUBSTM, per,, Dok.Ak-NaA,lr SBUI., Vol CKU, 1, 7-qo 6, 19j8, yp :Lco6-ioq9. CD Sai Feb 60 / e 1,959 V126 Nb P1216-1219 70-20976