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IFFIRM 'HIMINIII 11 01111"Jif 1141~ Jill. I. Tiw Elf.-c-tronIc T-b-ory or tlm,~D R-etureen MtuIri Jolmd by a Semfmaoaduatiiag Interlayer, by D. V. Deryagin, V. F. aailga~ UW.L 19~8' M&SM , per, Dak Ak Fauk IWM, Vol =as i7o 5s/ RP 877W- CO-OP Tr ScIbew 640 320- Odl. U, U.K. Sol - Zlectrou 489. 08. (citbft-a) Aug 59 qe~ cn an Riaagcren-: 6 p~.r, D-oku " "Iz 7-?F-,ULe "CISS11, lic,"L 9M plL O-r-s A n; ~~ -- ~ - :~ -, t .. C t - " '-. n 0 f ~:.t I ~.a' ~ -- i 12 ~ I ::~~ -. I -i_' ~ , r - ' r, An - --c - - . -- --AL I - --- -: - , Acl.d, b;r 11~ V. Tcran-1-hov, R. M. Al't-crVakly, U. 4 pp - RUSSUA., per, Dok Ak 11=k S&S.R., Vol CXXI., No 5p 1.958, PP Ccosult=tz B=Qau gal - Yhys Sep 59 ~77 K:~- -2 The Influence of a Surface-Active Medium on the Hardness of Concrete, by H. Tu. Leshchinskly,, 4 pp. RUSSIM, per, r1ok Ak-RR9L _SSSR, Vol CXXI No 5, 1958o pp 889-- 1 Camultants Burvau Sci - Chem J~m 59 V,!r 6 7 0 00') Proinru-'Dic RockA3 on the Lastara ~iagt! oz 1.-he voronezIl Mabnifp by H. Hs. veselovaimra Xarp-jv, 6 pp. au"a'SWIP per,, DOk U %asilf ss~~O Vol C>D11, Ho 1958s PP 693 CB Sai NOV 59 l,'21017 Hoaticellit4t Skarn From Central Asia, by S. T. 9-~ Badalovp I. M. Golovanov., B. 1.. P NOSIAN.I. par., Dok AX Rauk WS&R. Vol =Z-r,, ".2o 5v 1.955A pp MM 89T;.--cOO'. 9 CD Sol NOV 59 .The Cryata-I Gtsructui~a of Fozh-~%gita - Cas Cj "Ili, Q , 7 J1 ( C-11 Ji by Kh .5. PiDindovp 11. V. balov,, RIMBLIU!, par., D--!: Ak gauk SSSR,, Vol Cial, Ho 6 "1., 19585-~ pp ' CB Bei Nov 59 /a / !5; -7,R Electron Microscopic Invostigation, of Ultrathin Sections of Brovn-Pearce Tumorgi in Rabbitti, bj N. P. Daitryevap 4 pp. RUSSIAN.p perp Dak Ak ftuk BLEM, Vol CXXI, No 5,, 19589 pp , Amer lust of Biol Sci Sci - VAd q6,, d 7f Manges In the TIBsue Cel" of the Onwles During MMIUDIMI 0" the NeVve 0"~Iia With Pachyc"Tiny by V. Ya., KarmyshevQ-4 pp. RUSSIAI# perp Dok Ak.Nauk BEWR# Vol CXXlp No 5& 1958* pp 93.2-915- Aimer Inst of Stol Be I sci a. Iftcl Reactivo Proliferation of thu Tissue Cells of the SpendymELl YAmbramp by Yu. I L. &Aulovo, 5 PP- ' k RUSSW9 per# Doi4k Affuk IWMp Vol q=p No 5p 1958j, pi) 916-gW.*- '- - - - Mar Imt of BLOI Sci 3c1 - Ned &4 The Structure and Histagenesis of the Pharyngmel Teeth in Certain Fish of the Carp Species,, by Tu. I. Chepralovas, 4 pp. XMIAN, perp Dok Ak Nauk OSSR$, Vol CXXI, No 5,, 1958P pip 9go-.- Amer lust of Dial Sci Sci - Ned ?W/., d y? On the -Antimicrobial Acti%11*.y of the AWI Esters of ThloaUltonle ACUU* VY.B- 0- BoldYrevs V. G. Drdbotlkop B. E. AIX&"-no 13. 1- Zeldpukbaj, 4 pp. RW35TANS per# Dak Ak Sauk 83=p Val C=q No 5p 2.958* PP -- Amer Zwt of Siol Pei , Sci - Had ~9 6 lIL-) 6 C-4-,-.,q ~n tb#~! ?nTwtt.Inn of Aiumal R'n9a p~?r- P-61c Ah Namk ISSSR, Val CXXI, No 5, 1958, .Amer irrit of B101 Sci Jul 59 A 1~ev Method for Phenological Frognc sis and T by A. S. Podollakly, 4 pp., KES per .lJok A.6 lg=uk ESSR, Vol. C=K Ho 191581. i)p 932-. Amer InaL u:-" BIQI Oui 6ci iiiui Jul 59 The Utect of Drowsine" and Sleep alon zho 3Dnotrogio and Chromtrople Components of Cardiac Activity in Dogs* by L. W. Doryabin, 3 Pp- RMIANO p4r, Dok Ak Mw~ SSM, Vol CMa., No 5, 1953,, PP Amer Most of 31ol Sci Sci - Mod ~~j //s The Zf.Cect~of :Ly loduced Heart Failure an Bl"trioenwobelograms by-F. Z. Ar"n S. V. Rutsayp RM10j, per# Pok Ak Iftak Sms Vol cma, no 510 1958# Im 94te*~-- jbwr Imt of Blol Sol Scl - Med Stimulation of Sturgeon oft by Ca*i iAm, &nd the 8**d Of IaO EctOPUBWA Reac!t:to-, by T. A. D&tWp 4 lip. RUMIM& Ixtr, Dok Ak MLuk FZMt,, Vol CXXI,, No 5j, We 29AP pp 94-9v, Amer Imt of ajol Sci Sal - Mod Rate of Water RepI4,cement in Embryos of We Sturdeon Acipenser Guldenstapdtip Colchicus V. Mu*tip .by A. 1. Zotinv 4 pp. RMLAN,p per,, Dok Ak Nauk 8MRp Vol CXXI# No 5p 1950# PP 90- - - ' -- - - - - - - '- -'- Amnw Inst of Biol Sci Sci - Md ,I a1- 1".1 4 %p Aromatic Uydroewb-r- PrcA-=--,,d Vircrati CatInlytic T~~M.P.tmnt of Tbczw---Uy cracmd. Ker-caconz- :~rl 'zi-sence og Lldit Pj-rmlytic -votrol-oum Onp 8 L~p. Unclumalfic4q, Akaaemil Emik r1o 5:, RUaSIA3, parp Doklma 19~8* Pp, 950-55-3. AV 118675P- Sall - cb= nov- 58 02 Operator Algorithms, by A.. P. Ershov, 5 pp. ;jq3&_Yo1 CXXII., RMSYM) per, xo 61 oat 1958, pp 967.7o. Autwatim Express Vol I.. no g'i 1CL Intermat'l Pbysical Index Jun 59 'qual, .4 145494441f Ic 7 Li - i L- --a Y Alk Vol III ,j Cev'wa,ka Yarieblc- Helium Llma Xi3ter;Gjt-!aa in St:n:LUm-r Spc%~tzra, by A.&A. MItitim, 2 pp. RMSo U 6 ~ Ak ly per,, _D.o.k--,-.. . Sadk BE-SR, Val C,,=, no 6, 1958, PP 991-- Amer Inst of Yaps Sor Fbys - Doklmdv Val Ill.. Bo 4 Sci - Phys Jta 59 I%% P'. '7 RIMSM11, I~er,,_Dez Ah Natil, BESD, V 3 1 C I M ru C:' 5A, 7ol ill, "-1c) sci Plzya 0 VC,. TT7, 1~10 31Y. Saismic Investigationa in the Black 50a ;7z-.Srz Ana!~R-:' by Tu. F. 39prochnov, 4 pp - RU&Milp pars Dok AIL Hauk SMIs Vol CUT, No 6, 1,!530 vp Rov 59 0 ;2-F A B.-finite Integral of the Equation of a Field of WijA-aermratcd Waves in the! C~cean An and ita Phyalcal Sign.-Jificanco., by V. i. O'huleik1m., J-" pp. HUSSIA14 perj, Dok Ak Rauk ,MMT Vol CXXI; no 6.p 1958., Pr, CB 1. ci S NOV 59 ;2 Zoo-n-la-aacbw at tbpe WIM jW*W of t2. Ub=WUA# by R. V. B*IMWAbeTp V. S. Kwo~~. 1039MO PWP D* Ak MwA MMMp Va M=$ go 6# IMP 3w. ioog4ua-.--- --- AM N 53DS Sa - SLA & lbd low 63 C:z a q, ?// The Dialtribution of Certain Varieties o!' .Aankton in Relatiock to the Principal Phyta Currents in the Western Part of the Ricific Ocean, by 0. 1. Koblentz-3ftebko. RIUSSIM, per, Vol clxr, No 6, 1958, pp 1012-ioi4. CSIRO /V Ek-:L Geophya J~mi. 62 -:21 di" -1-117 os, tho XnfliAttece. OIL' tLrcvcrj5jL,".e StructuMl Q11augurs I-raring J?lasmic BeforMi"Ition Ch th~ DMI"'wiOnal. ,mobiiityj by S. -?,. BokrhteiLl,, T. X. Gud)Wv.-ip A- Zliukovit,-Odyp S, T. Kishkin,, 6 pp. RUSSXANj. tx--.rj, Dok. Ak Knuks, &95ilp Vol CMj 1958p pi? 1015 - FDD/X-3263 Fbys Jan 59 On the Self-Diffusion Activation Energy in Liquid Metalsg by X* I.- 084OV, 3 PP- WME01p par* Ddk Ak Nauk, BSBR Py 1019 - /)~,2 Vol =0 19580 nWx.326i Jon 59 I W Rate of fibaorption of Ethylene mm-1-- by Su.1X=Ic Acid of Differew. Concenktratio-La, b,~ G, V. lCon:mr1na, S. G. Entelit), H. M, Ch-irihov, RUSSIM, per, Dok Ak N-sm4 ISS-Ii% Vol C)XI, Tio 6, -M. - 3.958, pp 1038-1 c1maultants B.=Q= Scl - Phy-3 gap 59 7 lu litobium 11,nd T turit-alur... ly 2 rNUs'S',-Arr%,. per, Dok Akliauk SSSR., Vol aA-I, iia 6, 1-958, pp iaa,-*f(yi~. Cmumltmuta BurQ= Sci cso 5.9 The Theor7 of TeqMrat=o Dependence of the Coordin-a- tlan Mwber of In Aqueoua Solution, by 0. Y. snoy3j".. 3 iv- HUNZAM.F W., Dok Ak Nauks, SMR,, V61 Cl=p 2,958,, P9 FW4 -3962 Jan 59 cad 1,3~Tnvdandl=Cs Ya. Defchmajeter, 4. SS&R Vol cxxl, No 6, RUP-SMINT, ------ .Lc,158, C=I~,ultauts BLlrc4-*u 59 to th%', ly ioa Tzcciz~~ Kiwitlas ar Dim)ief-ulex- lWactioas in Solution, by B. Ya. Svomhaikov, L. A. ramaetsova, I$ P.P. RUSSIM., peir,, DoX Ak Nauk SSSR, vol cx-Xl,, No 6, !9,58, pp 1.045-'104T.-' Consultants BumaAz SOP 59 rorms of Migration of the Elements in River Water, by H. A. Glagolmk, 4 P-P. RUWUN, per, RWLAkj"LSWH No 6, 1958, pp 1052-3.055. Vol Cut ConstiLtento Bureau Jun 59 I The Gecehemistry of the Clay Sediments of the Caapian Sea, by R. V. Twfavaj. 8 pp. 4 RMSM, per, Vol CXY4 lqo 6, _paAXjAj* 1958, jyp 1056-- Comultents Bureau Set - Geophys Jun 59 yx Structur!il-Metallogenic Zones and Gravituti,)n--J. Anomalies, by B. A. lmdreyev, 2 pp- RUSSIAN, per, Dok i'ik Nauk SSSR, Vul CXXI, No 6, pp lo6D-,-lo64. CB Sci NGv 59 Deep Gatot4-Aarmal Relatloaz ir, Ciocaucazia', by V. N. rartcer0htein., 4 lip. IIMSLUI# per A~-~,, -saa., voi clai,, No 61. P 1958., IV 1070- rl CB scl Nov 59 /c, / 0 /,C? The Chr-.31mr Sult. Mass in the Horthz~r-.- -taapian Region; by Yu. M. Vasilyev., A. A. S. L. Pcidsorbunskiy, 4 pp. MUSSMI, par,, Dr)k Ah HaUk-353R.. Vol C=!,, No 6-V 1956,, P.P lo65 Sai Nov 59 /er/ Deep Geothermal Relations :W Ciscaucasia; by V. N. Kortsenslitein.. 4 pp. RUSSXMj, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSMj, Vol CXXIj, No 6.9 1958j, pp .1068-1070- CB Sci Nov 59 rev Data on G2paciation in the Vest-,rn Vcr)-o~par,,~~ Region, by H. F* KuprInaj, 4 pp. WEDSTAN, per.. Duk Ak Rauk r.,SM, Val CXXI, No 6, 1956., ff.P l071-~-------'-' --- ' ' -- -- In Sci Nov 59 /a/ e,-2 0 x special cytochemical ftatures of the Ruc3A)ar APPmmtA of the Uocillary ImNuorts ]Umwdes Striatue and L. 1Q, ~ HWua-l. bj I. B. Rmikuvp 5 pp- RUSSUN,, pars &A Ak Xm~*- SWIp Vol CMj, no 6# 19583, pp 2170-UT* Amer rhat of Dial Sol Sol -Wd N, a Y-L') ZnWrItame Of Dlmvmions aSuntcion of Testea in Dmest:ic Fowls by P. A. Khranowaklys 3 PP- RMZW, per# Dok Ak Nauk SSW, vol c)=., No 61, 1958t PP U83-1005- - - Amr Irat of B;LoI Sci sci - Mel Y45~ Maracteristics of Vitallogemeals in P*males of Golden CmV (Caressluo Carassius (1j) Ubder Con- UtIons of Lxrmsed PbpuUtlQtk Deimityp by V. R. Bakker I- pp. RUSSIANm amt vol cmat No 6., pp Amw Inst of Riol Bel Bel - Med 94-, d71 Chamges of Reslstanc* of Famocium Caudatum in the Course of Maptation to C&C, 8 NaCI and -=Ip by L. N. Seravini, 3 pp. HUWIM,p peirp Dur. AX NaUX 8m# Vol CM,, No 6p 19588 pp - ------ Blal Bel Axwr lust of RM Sci - Ned Dic- Between Resspirati.:!n Rate cand ICZ71e Cairtarit, of Fhonphanjltmted Com, mar4i; ulurin~~ D o,- by V. N. Zholhavich, :5 pp. RIOSLAW., per,_Pqk.Aj~__qi~ R., Vol CXUp No 6; Amar Inst of Biol Sci Sai - Bial Jul 59 -z 7-1 al -;;4e LYiL-- Of C. SM-11hova, W. F. KOr-3:bIc"Na, 3 1,1,3- 1. U"MITAN Dok Ak Rar* SSSFR Vol *I v P-- k No 61 19513t -PP 10.97 I)f S Jul 59 4 Regulation of Respiration i. in PAult Dogs Following Simultameous Zzttmtftu of Distant Receptors in Barly Ontogenesist by A. V. Pbgrebkova, 4 pp. RMTM# per# Dok Ak ftuk BBMp Vol CMI, No 6,v 1958v pp .1101w; --- --- - ' Amer Inst oJ31,ol Scl Sci. - YAd ~16 , //J- The Membrane Hardening Enzyme or Salwn Eggs., by A. I. Zotlao 4 pp. RUSSIAND ptr# Dok Ak Wouk WMI& Vol CXXIO No 6,p 1958v pp 1105-0.0bZ Amw? Inat of Bicxl Bel Se i - Ned at& Invariatim of Homogeneous Isotropic Tiurbulence in a Caqwessible ViscouB Yluid, by K. A. SitWlkov, 4 pp. RUSSIAN., per, Dok Ak Nauk SSM, A Vol CXXII, Awr Inst. of Mys Sov Phys - Doklady vol nz, rio 5 Sci - Pbys ja 59 I- --c ~ L; u L SAA A , Exact Salutionr, of the Ekjua-'Ucnz~ c~- One -Dimas ional Ow Dyzlr-,-Ica vith Shock by RMI;VW, peer, Dok Ak Neuk SSSR, Vol CXUI, NO AMr ZaSt Of iy-"YS Sov Pbya - Doklady Vol 1:111 No 5 Sci - Phys "U1 59 Z Certain Opestions on the LarS3 Defo=atim Stubility 1. c;f by T. IVroSIU;. per, Dok Ak Wauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 1, 1958, PP 37-- Awr last of Phys Sov Phys - Doklady x vci m, No 5 Sci - Fl-..Ys Jul 59 7 -7 ~'// / /- c-- On the Luminosities of Hot Stars, by V. V. Sobolev, 3 PP. ftWSIAN,, per, Dok Ak -Nauk S=, Vol cxul' go 11 19581 Amer Inst of M-a Sov F-hys - Doklady va in., no 5 Sei - Phys JU 59 !7%,lal, b- 14. S. Mayer, D. V. Sbixkov, 3 WiSSIM , 9--r, Dok Ak- Naluk. S30 j VOI =I!; rb 11 1958, Amer last of Pb,)rs S4r%r Fbys - Doklady V(a n:l 1 .30 5 Fhjs Jul 59 ,~vl stv!ay of Ferroelectric Domain Structure, by G. V. SpIvalk, H. Igrw, 1. S,. Zbeludev, 4 -pp. RUSSM., r, Dok Alc Fauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 1, 195ge, PP' 54~-. Airer Inst of FLVs Sov M-a - DoUlady Vol 111, No 5 jai 59 Mangas in the Peripheral Blood Picture of Mice Subjected to Total-!~-jdy Irradlation with Spleen- shielding emd to Local IrrsdiW-Aoa of the Spleen, by Z. if. Faleyeva, 4 pp, RUMM, pe:r, Dok Ak Hauk SM, Vol =11, No 11 195B, pp 65-- Amer last of Phyu Boy Fbva - Daklady vol in, No 5 Bel - Phys Jul 59 Theory of the Develop=t ot Real Microcracks in Sol. IcUs durlng Deformation , by D. I. Shil ' krut, 4 PP. RUSSM, _pp)c Ak- Nauk SM, Vol - CXXII, NO 11 1958, jpp 69.-. Amr last of Phys Sov Pbyxi - Doklady vol in, iffo 5 S c i - pkys ia 59 -~n -ae Products gr the Resation of Oxides of fT- -BIM- "a -Caxeza With Acetic Aa-Aydridep B. A. txbuzcC4r",r", I~zl. G. lqa~erm, 1~ IT. RUSSIADIs per, XI-Dcft Ak Na,ak SSSR., Vol CXXII, ..n 50 pp 0. 9 CB Oct Th, ~e S ypt -I L, ~ 1,3 cf Rr~ C a= i C 12 0- f,- Vorenin, 0. H. Tolkachav, N. A. 4 pp. RUSIUM, ~per, Dok Ak NRuk S&iRjt Vol CTUITI, No 1958, i:-,p 77-79%- C13 Me= Oct 59 contrication to the of Vanadyl Inmmer-C Zelentac~~*, I. A. Savi 4 PP. RUWIMp per, Dok Ak Sci - Ole= oat 59 0;~ zol~v1:1-~u-"(; Aldehyr~ea tLad ii~c:-fc-~4z:~t3 uy Coadansatica of Aldehydic Acetals wl,~4) Vin-v-'W, fs?M Tzcrproj.a.Vl Mhera, by 1. N. 1. V. Torgor., 4 pp. RUSSIO., per, Dok Ak Nauk -ZSR, Vol C-)QUI. 1r, 1956, pp CB Sci - Chen Oct 59 01 ISWOPYI AJ-COnOl OU U&ra-LYB'r,3 Fe.-roalumina Gels, by A. M. Pubim. htueia, Yu. A. ,,,,l,teL,mr, rt.. :E. slovatakaya, 4 -op. RUSSUNi. per, Dok Ak Nauk ISSSR, Vol CXXII, No CB Sci - Cl Oct 59 3 7 A Study C.-f tl- rlectrcta-- Precosa ca 'Zi-Oc knalgam-s by the Hathod of &i,)a!Lozztlw Xm6icat=-s, by 0. 11A. Da-dov, V. V. ~Tccavj, Ri.rSSIM,, per, Dok Ak Fauk &SSR, lJoll MII,; Vo i.P 1958, Camoultants Bureau OP, Ik-!c 59 ,Vvsjv,4,v --A c7:r 7-7-- A Steldy of the tiort und. P.20todiomoziati= of Amize V.-rora, py F. 1. Vilezov, B. L. K=batov and A. Fa. Tvr=in. 1~ PP. IM91M., per, Dok Ak Nauk SPM-# Vol Cull, lic. 1' 1958, pp 94-90*-.-* Dee 59 ll'o of iblymeva, Kftlllll"~- vy L:o- F. AB~Cycv =dA n. Verf,;in. ppy . RUIMIALtil, per,, Wk Ak. 17%WK sssRr V(%l q7;D-,,l-Tj NO I; r-- V. 5 9 by G. 17. Ktlrt,~Gv, YZ 1" V. it'. IV-rmov wd E. A. CheM-c-b5y, '9-0~ PITU301pil, Par, Dc~'. Ak Vol m=l, 40 1, J.95%l ;p -95:-102. Co=ultanto B=Cau zi-ai Dso 59 The Role of Ozone in the Initiatioz) of the Oxidmtion Reaction of Saturated Gasmous Wdro- cartons, by S. A. Kleymncq, A. B. W&1 banaymn, B pp. RUSSUNp pery Lwnaux-m k~j Vol CMI, 110 la 195b, PP 103-105. SLA 59-10427 Sci-Chem Jun 59 Cm 1, 10 (0 The of Ion Exchange B--t-.,n-cn f4stal ezid. Sleg, by Yu. P. Mikitln anCL 0. A. Faln, 4 pp. 2'rMIJAM.. zcz- r;:;% AL, Nv~-'. Vol C- 1'. LIO 1., 3.95B.- :pp :LO6-io8,.--- (A=3U1t-4MtS BU--eMl sci Dac 59 ~ 0 -2 / 0 O'l 7he Heat of Combustion of Te--I-rahydropyraii, by S. M. Skuratov, 14. P. Kozina.. 2 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Niuik SSSR, Vol CXXII, 110 1, 1958, PP 105- CB Sci r, - Chem is'Ov 515 I Unit, C:ind TrAl-VidiLUO. Mth of ASBI-niletIon )!e Czart-or, tq Differeat %*~Tas cZ PI&nt!3, L-j IT. G. D ortan, L. R. Miedshi.-Kumt, S. E. Deminsj~ 4 pp. l RMIAM, I;cr., _Dok Ak Hauk MR, Vol (MM No 1" 1953, Pp 21-1-. Apr 59 Amer 1=t of Biol 6ci tte A-rc-"- Occan Basin., coy 'i. Lapina, 4 pp. 6,51 ", RUSSIAN, I)er, DDk Ak Nauk StBri, VOI)k13:, '11,0 1, i)P 4 Sri Consultantr, Burcuu 'TIL- 6c1 Ao' Air NO ,Y) Datu kxa 1~2ac ~Pl I C, i the Karaconda Basin, 'b--- 14. F. DaL!i:--c -2. Gridina RUSSDNJI per, Dok AR Illaull: SSS,R,, Voll)'~.'Y--X-FITI.. M) e PP .1 Co n. s U I t-an 1-, 7, Burr-al~l scl Jan. -7 17 The Question of Winter sad ftr1mg Pwces in the White Salmn Stenodus Inualchthys (CMUWDetadt),O by M. A. laticbevskiy# 3 pp. RUDSIAN# ptwp_.Pqk Ak Nauk SMI# Vol 14 YAO 1.9 1958,p PP 131-133- Amm- Imt, of Biol &A- Sci - Md // 9, Earthworms In Gras* emd CottQu Fields of South Turbwnistanj, by V. N. ftraovv 4 pp. RUSSIA35, perp Soq~ Ak Nauk 5WRv Vol =13, NO it 1958, PP 134-- Amer last of Biol. Sci Sol - Ned 9 4, 11f Me antralolm,=11, of Brachidbluzts in n ZUZ--3V-Z, per ', Dok AL, Haul.- SEEM, Vol =11., rc),*) -pp tvicr Inst of Pliol lk;l scl Bial Jul 59 fte DImUTIbution and 8pavzW3g Migrations or thq RwWbuck SmInKm (Oncorbyuclum Ombusche Wm~19-) in the Northwestern Part of t1m.- Pacific Ocamp by I. B. zirmau,,A pp a MMSXANr pero DDk Ak Nauk BIMRv Vol =Eno, no Jp 195Z,. pp Aster Zwt of Diol Sci Sol - Ned Pecul.laritles of the Structure of the Vascular System of the Udwa (Umbra Ikaneri. Sft.Mmaum) Associated With its Use of the Bwlmnlng RInd ker as an Accessory Orgem 0;' Respirati*ns, by F. it. Zambriborshch,, 3 pp. ~Mp per# Dok-AIL Nauk SENS& Val CXX=v Ia lp 19588 pp 149m-,- Amer Inst, of Ilial Sol Sol - Med 9?V/, /.,A x410 A Historical InterPret&tIOn Or tbs NWdn Distinctive pmtur,es of the JPbrmtIon and Developwimt of the fts t in Vie R., PjAcentaLLs ezd in WO, by V. N. Zhedenovs. 1~ pp. RUSSUN9 parp Dok Ak Nauk SMIj, Vol CMM# No la 1958a PP 159- Azwjr Zust of Diol Sci Bel - Md The Develoymnt of the Powers of Abstraction and Generallnutlon,p by U. k9 Wyersout 3 PP- RUSSIO', par# Dok Ak Nauk WSR, Vol CXXII, No 1, 1958# PP 156-.---*-''-""' ' --' A!r.--r Inst of Riol Sci Sol - X" ?,/ / W~7 Method for Solv-j'.r,-~z T7T1cdh--- integral Equations of the Und.: the Mi:~ T Amraging Functional Corrections) by .,,tLad aA A. Yu. LucWza, 7 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk.SSSR., Vol CXXII, 1956., pp SLA )MC ~-59-4-i2 Sci MIS, Vol 117'~, No 7 Dee 6o Ca t-lic Nonstationary Mol;ion of Gas Displaced by a Platon, ~Nklng Counter -pres a urc! Into Acco=t, by H. H. Kochina, N. S. a mel'aikwm) 5 pp. R(ISB-.EAN, per, JXW,..Ak SSSR, Vol- CXXII, NO 2, 1958, pp 192-- A=r Inat of Phys Sov Phya - DoUady vol in, no 5 Sai - Phys Jul 59 q/ ) Defects of Direct Methods in the Sonlimar V3eory of SheLls, by 1. 1. Vorovich, 4 pp. RUSSIM2 per, Dok Ak Hauk SWIM, Val CXXn, No 2, :~958., pp 3.96-. Amr Inst of Phys Sov Phys - Doklady Vol. in, NO 5 Scl - Php Jul 59 Fine Structure of Titanium K Absorption S:'~cc- tra in Titanatea, by :-2. B. Val=hteyn, M. H. Ertl', I. B. Staryl, 2 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Do9-A)--Jfa4--PSR, Vol CXXII, NO 21 19=8$ PP' 201-20:3. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - DoUady Vol 111, No 5 sci - Phys JW- 59 by S. V. IF6n-qOvp-;dy,, 1-2. S. S'r 7 ~q Mi 0 Vol F,3 2, IN, Iyer; D,-4r Ak MRi- Vol 131A 59-2-2736 sat 59 7 S7 57 :~Z~-2, IININIIIIIIIIIII 111WIFUR IfW 4111 lilt IJI'M~Ill I.MIITI~ -411 1- - I'll ill-lov-ance for Pseado-Trident Proceises :En tha Z3-L'Anp-tioa of the Direct Corcpes Secl.-ic;i for Electron-Poeltron. Pair Production by Electrons, by V. A. Tammayan, V. A. Zh,-rwkov, G. S. Stolyarova, 3 PP. FISS4 Ali, Der Dolk Alk -Naui~. SSSR j Vol CIM74 T 958, pp ~08-- no 2 Amer !not of 14hys Sov Phys - D3klady Vol M, Ho 5 Sal - Ynya C Op Dok Ak nau-' SSSR. 196? Vc ;3u"c.Ljj sai 711 Alteration ln the Sex Ratio of Hice as a by F. B. Shapiro., N. 1. Shapiro., 3 P.P. MISSIO, per, Dok Ak N=k SM, Vol =aI, no 2, 1958, PP a5--. Amer B3at of Phys Sov RWs - Dolaady Vol :011, No 5 Sai - Phys JU 59 7,71 On the Pole of External Streim in sc4,.tc a!, n During Plastic Deforzatioa, by N. B. bwmgon, V. E. Pamim, V. F. Sukhovarov, L. P. Abrawts, A. D. Kbrotayev, H. A. Sbaherbakova, 4 pp. RUSSIANp per, Dok Ak Hauk WSR, Vol MMn, 110 2., pp 219 -2m Amer Ins t of Phys Sov Mys - Dok1jyAy Vol III, No 5 sci - ftya Jul 59 A 11cm Lav of Creep Rupture, by 1. A. Oding, V. N. Q=_4aOvjs 4 pp. RUSSIM.o pw-,s Dc& Ak Nmik SM., vQi cxxn, No 2, 1958j. Amer Imt or Phys SOV Phys - DOklady -Vol 331, NO 5 Sol - Phys Jul 59 _4 07 Neue Gesetzmaessigkeit der Zeitstuandfestigkeit, by I. A. Wing, V. N. Geminov. S RU3S'EAN to GERMAN, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, I 1,056, pp 222-225. 20 VDeh Verein Deutscher Eisenhuettenleute Dusseldorf' Breite Strasse 27 Germany Apr 60 T,-n-,Llnt:[oqt!on of the o;C Hyrb-ocarbons and AlcobEds Over ~~t&Uic Rhenlun, by A. A. DalanAlri, P.. 1. Karpeisicaya, A.- A. Tolstopyatova, 4 pp. RU.lk9LUf,r per, Dak Ak ilauk SSSR, Vol CKXIIV, Yici 2, 1958, iv CB Sci - Chem Oct 59 61 '4