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Chemical SensitimtIon of Photograp1lic Emulsions. Effect of Compounds Containing Labile Sulfur,. by B. A.. KirlUov,, Zb. L. Broun, K. V. Chibisov, 8 pp. RUBSIAN,, perj, cII,, No 6., 1955, PP U59-1162. Sai Trans (.Iente;,- R7- A, o o 361 16-7 Chemistry Jun 56 = a the Tmamtvxe Depqudeme or mActricli conductivity of But"tle Ult Odtoj, by S. P. Markov. RMIOJ, pw~ Ul 011.9 No 6m, 195% PP 1163-2165, Sol ma 59 -0 40,~;-VL 5p~ ./9 5 .1 Mlaptation of the Phot&ctic &tun of Chloroplasts to Light lutensllyyppsab"~y L. N. Babushida,, 5 PP- MMBIO,, tbrice-mo perp Dok Ak Nauk SM, Vol C11j, 1955p pp 2215~aas-.-- MA R-1330 msy 58 10 4/1 XY91 Tabie Of Conteri,!~i3 and AD 1. - I_aC4 -of 1)oilauy Aiadeinii ~.-_- Nauky Vol I'd-11, No 1, 2, 1955- RUSSIAN, mo per, Dok Ak Nauk,, VC1 103, No ly 2, 1955- CIA/FDD Y'.-1872 T-,,.ble of" Contents of the Pcrio~dcpl Dck Al, Nawk SSSR, Vol CIII, No's 3, 4, 5, 6, 1955. " 11 :i-_.- ~, Morris 1). Friednan I (.1-7 - A/ " On tlxu Theotew of the Singularity of the Cauch Problem and the Mixed Problem for Certain Types of Linear Squation Systems in PartIcIeup by A. G. Koetyihenkov RIBSIAN,, per., ME Ak Nauk SSSR# Ifol CIII# No Ip 19559 ravy 2341/~r-138 scl - nvalce Oct 59 ow yinito x7atup-al of J~Oamvmn of Q"- flUAlarity AdlabstIc MOt:LOn Of z 4"v by X. a L-f-dow. "OrMASUMM MMUX, ug", D VOL CITXv 90 a., 1955a PP-35s CIA 903W76 TIL 49U sai - ?two; Mth ~77, Don 58 Paremagmetic Resommee in Supercooled Solutions., by U. S. Gariflymmve IMWTAN,, er Dok Aked Nauk SSWp Vol CMp So Is 1955, pp Aesoc Tech Sv7R $4.95 /?jr- 77A Sci - Cheml try Aug 5T Hilectron Paramagnetic Resonance in Liquid Salt Solutions., by B. M. Kozyrev,, 7 )PP. RUS.PrANp thrice-mo per.. Dok Ak IWauk USSR,, Vol Cni., no 1, 1955j, Pp 53-56. - --' - Mossir D. Friedman /~ - /~~ Scientifle - Physics Jan 56 CTB /=- $3.50 '9 J, 2 6 z The Excitation of MM Rotation Levels Dm-ftg alpha-Decomp~eition.. by V. G. Nosov., 7 pp. MWXM,, lmr,, -Dok Ak Nauk SM, Vol MI, no 1., 1955.. pp 65-67. w -- MEWS Am MM Tr-258 soi, -MCM Zen 63 C'4vig, i~ ;';' SOm R&RO-ts In Ralet-1vistic MrpeWbardrodynw-nics., by x. p. StaqyubDvlch., 5 IV, MMIW,p ftrloe-qw pwv Dok A k 12~~j, Val cmi, m5ip pp 73-76- --- AM V 2742 Sol - PNMIM q 49, 1 j? 5r jum W Breakdm-m In f*tmla Under Creep Conditions., by 1, Ac OdIng, et ale RUSSIAN., tbr:Lce-= per, 2gj;k* At, Na-2k -SSSRp Vol Cln., fio lp 1955j, pp TT4~Oo Coop Trams Schme Tr 220 L1.46. Sci - MAmerv2s/Notals . rbjqllco Jul 1956 IIIA The Catalytic Autoxidation of Primary Aromatic Amines in the Presence of the Complex Pyridine - Cuprous Chloride-, by k. P. Terentiyev, YaL. D. Mogilyanskiy. 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CM, t No 1, 1955, pp 91-93. ig.1 A V- 3 4-2~ AEC-SC-T-64-907 Sci-Phys Aug 64 265,155 The Syntbasis of Rezaalkoxyderiviktivais of Cyclotrietbylenetrisilene, (A report), by A. V. TOPOMOV, - RMSM,j per, DokL%dv Ated, Rau% WM, Vol CUI, No& 1) 1955P Pq UM (G.B. 39) 6 4-1 60"'4 4 Change of Conductivity of Solutlons of Chloropbyll and Some Othur PIgmeate by Tbeir Phatoreductioup by V. B. ETstigne"ve V. A. aam-amp 6 lpp. . RMSTAN.. tbirLao-mo part DOk Ak 3buk SSSRg Vol CMj, 1955# Vp 97-100. SIA R-1331. .- aq 58 10,114,440 Tho Study of Difiusion of 'Lron in lvont- M6171xlemm Allo7s, b7 M. BIP Eyr---M# A. Ya. ShiroVevq RUSSUN, tbrice-m per,, DoIc Ak Fauk SSSR, Vol CM, 1955, pp AEC W 2263 r ~Tl i,~ Nov 55 CTS/m 4 A On K the Breaking Up of the Schrodinger Oparator LxtO Eismn-Pw=tions in the Cane of an Indefinitely Incraasim Function, by B. M. Losvitan. RMIAN$ pwj Dok 4 Vol cm, 3.955, pp 191- CSIRO sat - Rw XJ-~- my 62 -'Z- uroup iu -Tiacili-c-- Dymmics, by No No Bogolyubov, D. V. 3hirkov, 9 pp. RUSSIAMI thrice-m per, Dok Ak Ikuk SSSR, Vol CIIIp 1955p pp W3m2b6-. -c .: 7 -, q -7,;~-, AND Tr 2639 Sol - FhqFais Jan 57 M v Sam Peculiaritlea of Polax-*41.7=t-Lon of Rochelle S861t ?xpoved to P4dioactive Radiation, by 7. S.' Zheludev.. RUSSnN,, thrice-m p;;rA ME Al, Vol. CT-Tij, go 2,, 1955s. Pp 2OT- XS Assoc Tech Sv ,54, ?67 RJ-437 ici - PbWaics $3.6o PO 'Box =J, East OMDMA, AuG 3.956 N* J. Tatal Gross Seation of Nagative and Dqutc-ad= Interactions In the 14.0 to 400 Mov Emerg.T Region, by A. E. IWtenko,. A. 1. Ybukhin, E. B. fterov, B. M. Pontewma 6 pp. RWSrAN, tbrice-no per, Dok Ak Mank SSSR,, Vol GIII, 1955s, pp 209-212. ABC Tr 2257 Scientific - Nuclear Pbysics N a v 5 5 MAMUM Xaallaotlo Scattering of 30fj 'U-.Y- Cm~plox Nuclei, by N. A. Mitln~, E. L. Grigo"v, a PP. RUSSUN3, tbrice-m per, Dok Ak Nauk BSSR, Vol CIII, 19559 pp 219-222o AEG Tr 2273. R'9'~Z.a Scientific - Nuclear PbWaics Nov 55 MB/m Mw Froceauee of Star Fomation and Fission P; oiucc-d by 460 Mgv Protons an Wolfram and Bismuth Nuclei, by V. A. Perfllovo V- I. Ost.-rcr=Ov, 5 PP. RUSSM, thrice-mo per,, Dok Alt Raidr- SSSR, Vol CIII, go 21 1955, PP 227.r RM Sui Trms Canter Irl 3149 jZ-4 (,/ -/75/ 5 SclentMe - PIVOics Fab 5 6 tio Qf Pouitive aud 1R. 1? -blegme,, Produced by Bglit Nuclei; by A. V. rQU L -Ilny=y 7 ype MOSIAN, per., 3 x no., Dak Ak Nm* SSSR, Vol CM,, 2j. 19"j- PF 229-232-----'-------'-- Scd Trans Centar RT-3W sci - Ff"ics 3 Q, e) 6 '? fi,&ynuietry of Ranges of Fr-,giwntS 4U t~X- Fizzion ~)T IZ-avy Nuclei by Very Fast Particles,, by Y. F. Shamovo 0. V. lozhkluj,.2 pp. HUSSTANp tbrice-mo per. Dok Au NmA SSSk1j,. Vol (",III.? No 2p 1955., Up 5 1, Ott 9 A.Z.H.E. Huve-11 Tr Sci - -Phyrjic~, bi=uth., tan&aten., VU-e-alums nuclear fission Jul 1956 The Derivation of ILslations Batureen Cross Sections Uldeb Follow From the Hyliotbasis of Inotopic Invuriance, by I. Sbmwhkev-Jch,, 8 pp. RUSSIAN$ tbrice-mo per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRI, Vol CIII,, 1955j, pp 235-238. ABC Tr 2270 Scl=Wlo - Pkqidan Nov 55 MS/bIX The Nechaniam of Solid Solution Fwwtion in the System 7xO2-C&O, by Z. K. Geler, N. A. Godina, 6 pp. RUSSIMs mo per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CIII.. 1955, pp 247-250. BIA Tr R-907 Sci - Chemistry j -:~z // .11 Oct 57 1/ 01 coaipou"dO 01 wl*,~. ,--- - and Haliotridanc Series. Premration of Cuxura- Like Substances, by A. Nazovkov. RUSSM., per.. Doklady Ak Nauk SSSR Vol CLU, Ho 2, 1955., pp 251, UIM Ref Do 3148 Bel - Cb=;Lst-.Ty J-A,( Y-/ Y Nov 57 Stratifteatica In the Molten Realpromil SYstew of GrOUPS I m4 II J26meat-st bY U. L. SholdMuftebs D. S. Lesnykhj 0. A. Bakbalovap A. G. Beramn, 7 PP. MWL4X* thrice-mo per# Dok Ak, IMi My Vol Cnis M5.. py ~61~,~r. AW Tr 2309 30 76 SoientlM - CbmAstry Mar % am/an .g7ait--lon of Ficuing Ca-- LV2,.--turcL,- by -L-~ -n ,-c, L~n - r:lc ac ~n BoCw,, by L. U. MAtrim,, S. A. GoIldenbergp R085=f, per., Dp-0~ Akmd~llgul~-~Sssll., Vol Cm., N o 2 0 19 5 5 inl 2,; 7 v" ~ ~ " ~ - "'. Ascoc Tiancli Sv RJ-415 $6.60 PO Box 2T.L., Esst Orange., N. J. Sci - Chemistry Aug 1956 The Photochemical Reaction of ChLorophyll With cytochrow, by A. A. Krasnovskii) 6 pp. RUSSIM, per,, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CIII, 1955, Pp 283, 286. SUL Tr B-1332 Sci Jun 58 f.3-;~g7 (P j The Distribution of Organic Caaftn in Sediments of the Bering Be&$ by A. P. Lisitsyn. RMIM, per,, Nhj!U..PA_#Mk SSM,, Vol CIII,, No 2,, 1955P pp 299-302. Asuoc Tech 8v $6.95 Tr RJ-756 Sci. - Geo"Les -4-1 7-1--~~- Aug 57 Pbotowdo Spectrum of Chloroyleato,, by L. 3. ftbuoUitil, 4 pp. RMUN,, tbrice-w per, Dak Ak Nauk SM., Vol CM, 1955P pp 333-337. .- --- SIA B-1333 bkw 58 4 It .4-f 6 j 5%eory of tlb-- Flsatia Defoxmtlaa-of Yatals; b~, If. S. AbLW70 P. P. Clalem V 6 pp. 1=010s, thrioe-= parl U* Ak lk* MIR- Vol CMs No 3j, lMs pp Morris Do Ift-ladham 43-00 315 510?19 ScientUle - ma/meteas JIM 56 CTS/dgot Application or zhz !-, Improvemut of Form4s& in Perturbation Theoryj, bi H. N,, Ik Sogplyubavs Do T. Skdrkov# =BIM,, pox,, Dak Ak Jkuk WMI, Vol CIIIg 1955,9 PP M-30. -*------,----- - ABC 1b., 2506 ,A,40 /7Y set - pb7sles ;I Interaction ofld-Meoons with Nuclei of beryllium., Carbon., and Oxygen in tkie Ener&V Range From 14c) to 4oo- mv,, by A. F.. 3;gmtenko, A - 1. Mikhin, E. B. Ozerav,, B. 14. Pontecorvo, 6 pp. RUSSIU., no per I Dok Ak Fauk SSSH, Vol C111, 105j, pp 395-3970 ABC Tr XP* 2303 ~-, . -~ , P~ - F- Sci - Nuclear Phyeics ~7 )eterndnatlon of the Effoctive 9 Gross Section for Elqntran lbas by Atomic Nitrogm Ions in the ftergy Rup of 48r.7 to 218D Mff .'by 9. 1. Korsuaskiyp L. 1. Plvovaro A. M. Markus Kh. L - LOVYsntp 5 PP - RUSSMp thrice-mor per., Dok Ak Nauk SMjq Vol CMp 1955, PP 399-hM - 5,(A &I- lq5-c)5 ABC Tr 2391 Associated 16ch Services ,.,9 (Tr 83SM) Bast Crang0j, N. J. 14-6 Scientific - abemJ try Mar 56 CTO /W Phy law Bloctrai-loss f-Imso Soctims of' Ll wid Wa lonD in the 80-29D Kev lwrgy Ranges. by Kh. L. Levianti. M. I* YwmimWd , L. 1. Pivovw,., 1. M. Pod- gortwi.0 4 pp. MBSUN., thrice-m perp Dok.Ak VGI CInp 1.95% IV 40.3-W5- AW Tv 2712 Scl - E3=trmLcs ibn 57 4 g 3 .1he Problem of the Angular Dlutributi-on ai Fission Fragments of Uranium at High Energy Excitations, by 0. V. Lozhkin, N. A. Perfilov, V - P - Sh=ov, 3 PI? - RUSSIAN, mo per, Dok Ak Nauk BSSR, CIII, 1955, p 4 0-(. -1--1--.1 -,-A (a 1-05 13 ABC Tr 2296 Sci - Pbysics 00, O?d/~7 ,e Fission of Uranium hiu~i -b;r IF),L" jTo-Gau&_; V. 1. Offfto~wvf 4 ]DO BUSSIA29 tWriae-M Wq Dak ilk rmuk.., Vol CIng, go 3t 1935,, IPP 409--4U. Tr Sol - gualsw Pbrai" .0 Sep 56 CM 71 T Zetermination of the Excitation Enerey of Nuclei by Tracks of Recoil Nuclei of Stars in a Photographic Emulslonp by V. I. Ostroumav,, 3 PP. mo per, RUSSIAN'/LDok Ak Nauk SSSRr Vol CIII,, 1955, pp 413-hi6. ABC Tr 2289 NONSIULTAINTS BUREAU (Col No 4 of Soviet Research in High Energy Fission) Sci - Nuclear Physics On the Yield of Fission and Star Formation After Capture of -jj"-Wsons by the Nuclei Up Bi, and W, by R. A. Perfllav, 0. V. Lozhkin, and V. P. Shamov, 7 PP. IMSSIUS, MD per, Dok AV Nauk SM, Vol CIII, 3.955j, pp 41-7-419- AEC Tr 2304 Sci - Nuclear Physics A IL Possible IIsthDd of Eliminating the Divergences in the Problem of the Interaotion of Non-Relativiatic Nualsiona,, bV E. L. Feinbergj, D. S. Mwmavakiy RUSSIkN,, thrice-= parp tvmvv- 9"Siftfur Dok Ak Nmukp Vol OXII9 1955.. pp 421-1A4. Sol=Uac - Phoyan AEG UML 246 Jan 56 CTS C--r -3311 47Z 9, 7/7~ , The importance of the Rate of irradiation in the Damuge of Animl Organism by X-rays, by B. M. Grayevskaya,. R. Ya. Keilina, 3 PiP- d RMIM thriee-00 4M- Dok Ak MT!~ .8W.R ,:Vol C111, No 3s 1055, P. 425-ner' - - Sci Trane Center RT-3257 '? -2,/,( 9 Sci - Biol~gy Mar % Dispogition of the Color Percep,;iou Receptors in th-a H=an FGvea, by M. S. Smirnovj 13 pp. RUBSTAN, mr,, Dok Ak Hauk SM, Vol CIII, No 3, 1955, Pv rl~711~i)-. ftv7 Tr 3023/M8 639 sci - Msd Fab 62 /Ope., 7-;?l . - -4 ; ~ 1 11 1 i I ! t. Ili -1 Oul Ss-*~-Litaa IF=c=-ez 1-a Sluxactua-i.-L Steels, by S. S. Mosymm, A. M. Polyakova, 4 pp. RXWIM,p thrice-mw per, Dok Ak nauk SMO Val 190 3, 1955o PP Mbn-is D. Friab= $3.50 31-a Jm 56 ~hc LV -Palymer of Chloroprene) by A. N. I-'mvednlkc),V. S. S. Hedvedev., 9 p. RMUN art A~~a Nauk OSSR), 19550 Vol CITI)Yo~ SIA 59-17770 Sci Feb 60 141171 0~~ Vol 2" No 9 v (Irf-5590~ Generalization of the Hugoniot Sqratiou for F=ststianaxy Flaw PropWAtion Prooesses in '71 lubess, by Ya. K. Troshia,, 7 pp. RUMUN.. per., -Dak Ak Sauk sm., No 21 Jul 1955j, 0-4W;4~-- ims 7586 Feb 61 51-A : 6 //"3 mt4cn Lim-Its of 13mition fo Fllcmirng xtures, Lv,,, Lo W. n1trin.. 'et r-L,- HZIU-13101,- thrice-mew pero SSE Vol CII-Ej, No 3,, 1.955.t pp 9 472. Cloop TT&nB Schemo Tr 215. "N'Cls, Chemista,7 Lisirz~Y:i, .'.. 11 OF AUTHIGENOLIS SILICA IN THE BM'TOM DEPOSITS OF THE WLSTIERN PART OF THE BE-RING SEA (Baspredelenie Autigennogo Kremnezema v Donnykh Orlozhenlyakh Zapadnoi Chasti Berl ngcwa Morya). 119621 (11 1p. (foreign tc-xt Included) 6 rel's. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 60 62-164-M Trans. of Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Doklady, 1955, V. 103 Ino. ~j p. 479-482. DESCR[F`TORS: *Dfoxides, *Silicon compounds, Deposits, 00cean bottom, *Bering Sea. Sedimentation, Aquatic animals. (Earth Sciences- -Oceanograpliy, 717, V. 8, no. 81 Connection of Photouxle of Chlorop2aste With Photosymtbastop by Lo No aabwibkiuo 6 pp. FMIM,t tbrice-m per,. Dok AJE-~S~Smjp Val c1no 1955A pp 5w-pb-.-- MA R-2334 Ifty 58 10 4( -3-71f -4, i on the Possibilities of Dea4F-"na--"i=u:Lts Cut . ~-Attl- , of Voxious EUnmentso by 0. B. Lupanuvj,'~5 Im- - RUSSXANI pe ftuk. Vol CM, ND 4p 1955j. pp M563- Mr L-U9 so i -. P*,q, Jul 61 16 // -KOO T2w- Fismicin of uranim puclei by Frotonus OT Mmrgy 460 MeVj, by N. S. lv=crm., 11. A. Pertilov; V. P. Shazoovs 5 pp. RUBSIMP awlee-M per# Dolt Ak Nauk SSMs Vol CUlp No yy M-M. -.-I.- . 1--- - I Bal. Tr Cimter RTAWB Got - Fbweuo Sep A (=/6m High Isn6rgy Photon -Showers, by 1. L. Roseatal', X. L. Ter-Mikaelienp and X. L. Felaberg, S; pp. RUSBIAN0 per,, Dok Ah hauk SSSR,, Val CMj, 1955, PP 581-584- (f ") PXC Tr 2R6 ~~ #Cf/ USSR 1// Scl - Nuclear Physics The Stability of the Deuterm In the Ibson Theory,, by EX. L. Feinberg,, D. S. Chernavskiy RUSSIANg Uwice-mo per, Dok Ak Nauk Vol GIII., 1955, pp M* 585-592. ABC 03EL Tr 248 Scisr&Afic - rb"ics Jan 56 ms , z ~/ 7 '// -f Mechanism for the Fission of Eeavy Nuclei at High Excitation Energies., bjy V. P. Shamov, 3 PP- RUSSIAN& pers. Dok Ak fiauk SSSJI, Vol cjlj,, 1955,p PP 593-595--- ALPC Tr 2308 Consultants Bureau (Collection No 4 of Soviet Research on High Energy rission Sci - Nuclear Physics Physics k On kLcrodatormtiom ift the Cniritow--l T - + for Twpeivd =d A=e&IA)d- Steelsj, by B. Ya. Pines.. 6 pp. RUSS=# tbrl~*-rao W,, voi cin, No 4, 1M. pp 6M-4*. Wavle D. Frieften 43.0D 3 Ive, 3 W .Tun 56 To the quai;tion o:r the Vature of the Deformtica of the Surface Layare, 01 Rubblz6: Bodiesp by K. V. gavitakiyp 14. FQ'ZaLrmben-rlikOva- 7 pp- RUSSIMp thrice-inD pwp Dok~Wik=W, Vol C1170. No 4S 1955# pya 605--6OB9 Morris D. Friedman $3-50 pbralos- Jun. 56 CTdAlm e*7' Effec-L of Plastie Deformation of Alloy St,ructural Steels in the AuStOultic State upon J'amper Embrittlemmt., by L. V., Smirnov et al RLr>BIM_, tbrice ao perp Dak JUL Sauk SSSR., Val 103, no 4, 1955.. py 6og-lo ftutcher No 3672 $2-25 Scientific - Min/ImtMI-8 3/ Feb 56 CTS/dex j Propertles of VJwd Polyamidobs Prepared by Polycondcuostion of Binary 8.1rotemsp by V* V. Norsbak., T. M6 Frunze. Fd=20,, t&rlce-m per,, Dak Ak Nailk- RRSR- VO). CM9 IWO 4, 1955. f ToIoL, T-46A* Scl - Cbmistry Al 7,04 mV M6 KinetI4 of Reaction of the Oxida,tion of Nitrogen Induced by Faectron Impacih by 5,; Ya. Pabezhetakly.. M. T. Dmitryev. UNCLASSIFIED RUSSIAN per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRp Arol CIIII, No 4, 1955, pp (A7:650. Navy Tr 1840,/NRL 685 Sci -/Physics Sep,,58 Y'41 .0 lAld Nlirtino%-,S I C" z rn.G.D.mkI KoIIxinn%,sLiI,Yu,A TEMPER Al'i Ili j: '~Yv S. WHICH MINERAL OIL IS FOR. XIHD,~Nl) CONVEATED. .51). 14 rers. hl'l'%Vl.: 8.52. 1. Order from O`TS--;,r.Z:'1C._S 1. 41) (11 - 17 14 1 11. Trans. of gj)liy" K SSSR DoMad., 1055 IV . agk SSSR (E v. 103, no. p. 01)7 - 068. V. DESCRII'TORS: Mineral oils, Illydrocarbons, *Chenii- cal equilibrium, TemNrature. -I %brollov, Gal'pern, G. 1). kollmnovskit. Yu. A. MTW 1 952 Stichting Nlocilip, 'I'oL-p1A-cIijK-c IvIijkc Literamur Inilucuc'!: af thc- Bolax" K7--firu, iia of Pa:production of the Salwn (Oncorb7achuo gorbascha (walbaua)),, tW I. B. Dirmu, 5 PP. RUSSM, thrIce-so per, No 1955 a pp 71T-719- Sci Biology RRLwftm!L ~Wat Val CIIII Scl Nwo Lib No 56/3059 4~t Oq -Mo-nocl=-cm-tic Fsdio Emiesion of Deutoritz-a at 91.6 cm ikveUugth frm the Center of UslaV, by G, Go Gotwntaevt X. S. SteAmvich., V. S. Troltskily., 4 pp, ftu tr. RMIM,p %brice-m pert DokALN& Vol CM* No 5a 1955s pp 783-78 JkvY Tr 1329/UL 552 33 5i 7,9 May 1956 v. .1 Ovs ,7 t~ Ir 01 ~,S Y."LW:, tL-r-J, p3r, Do!-.- Pic SSSR, Vol uS. :1955, m) 803-90G. AEC 2570 Asc-ac Toch Tr 36GOR S 0.1tr-attric- -170icfj 7- 11'e'o ";'J, 56 GTS/dox Poiculip.ritios of the Faveday Xtfcct ia Paraftin- nrrite MrWrcs# by Ve A. Fabrikov. UVC:L per,,.-Dok,Ak Nauk SM., Vol CM.. Yo 1955, pp 8M-8096 --- CC?-127= so i - MOM Sep 59 Prob-lem of Fllo-u of the Em-th, by Zln'~ A. M-usayelyan.,' RMSDUT, V01 CIII, No 5, P-p 815-818, scl, Apr 6c) PDD X-4229 T P 7 110761 on the Syntbasis of Switchius Circuits With Selector Ehdtcbas p by V. M. 03timu., 7 PP- WSSIM.- pwo Incom.. vol ain, NO AV 0-105 90930M ,r- MV tiwwt by It. L. Vaigers 6 pp# RUSSIAN,, tlu-ice-wo perp Dok Ak Nauk Vol clus To 5s 3,955P -PP 839-M1- 8(d Tr Ctr RT-3443 SclentVic - Chemiotry MV 56 C%li/d= Milti-component YAxe4 Polyamldi~s, by V. V. Xorshlk,o To No Frunze. RMLUI,, per,, Dok Ak Naukj, SSSR, Vol CIII., A05S 19552 pp T.I.L. T.465o sci P%yvics,, Chmistry bky "~Ih the -1eq U k4CZC-;-- M.L L. Z. tro Ittlett =" c.~iwfac-- Actire Ad=L-;t,=z --= tb~,, Cv.rutulllne FormtIons on E~dration of the Mnerals of Cement Cliz&erj, by A. 111. Adr--ovdch,, 5 pp. RUSSIM., per.,,Dok Ak Nauk SM,p Vol CIII,, No 5,, pp Scl Mae Lib Tr 56/1687 WetforO: BaUd Rei Stat. Daild Rea Lib No 740 pro Sci Ch"-Istry,, Electronics / 6 44~ Okmw. A. L. Dim W. P. amd advers. EL PROBLEMA DIR LA CVdMCA DE LA OXMACION DE LOS SULAMOS (K Voprosu a KioKft okisiodya sw,mm) cnw Probum at the Oxidetlaa Kimelcm al Sulfur*). 12p. 6 refs. CM~ 62-252. Order from CrM,. EW or CK) $0. 80 62-_22252 Tram. in SjV ct Alcadmadys 19M. V. JIW. 0W6 U. V. DESCRWrMS: "dWm Sultw. RemUca kinetics. 62-29252 1. Okuwv, A. 1. U. Diev, N. P. M. CID-62-252 IV. Cewro de Informaclon y Documentacian, MadF Id (SpLW (Cbemisery-ftialcal. TT, v. 10, no. 9) Ofte d Takka Smian The Productivity of ChemisynthesiB In Muddy Sediments, by Y. 1. Sorokin, 4 pp. R=IM per, DOk Ak Nauk SSSR, voi ein, 1955.. pp 875 7. ~ I . .. " ~ I STA Tr R-1335 Sal Jun 58 6 1 - Vertical Distribution of Plankton In the Omens of the World and Wpology of sea Iksl=v by K. A. BrodWW. RMXAX$ ywj. Dok Ak Ikuk BOEM Vol CM0 NO-5~, C0330 law 6p- The Relation of the Changes in Pelagic Cladocera to Bacterial Gro-Ah in -the Water Basin, by E. F. 1,%nujlova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSS.R, Vol CIII, i-To 6, 1955 ITZDIA Sci Dee 62 pp. RUBSIM., per., Dok Ak Hmtk SSSR,, Vol Cnlj, -no 6., 1955., j)p 9T3--476.------`- 9 xw T-U6 Jul Co~-14-U-n U~ga acriaming the Prop;~&-,-Ama- c,-" ma lnhat-~Ogmeaus Medim, by A. S. XLekwtayov pp tlizice-mo cin., no 6x X955., PTj 989-992. C-TA-/FDD X-2391 S-Ci - RllygiCS Mny 1-957 crj-s/rciex C~, Of U~Oaniura 17nolol Iti-XiAi Daissir)L~ of %glrhs Long Range Fartioloo, by B. P. Bannik, Yv., 4 Ivmv MIX RUSSUN, thrico-no per, Dok Ak Sauk SSSR, A (;IIIx 1955j. pp 997-999. 11 .1--'---1----1.-.. 1 ABC Tr 2380 ~' 7-- -3,/ /I-) 6- -olentific - Nuclear Pbroic ab 56 CTS/dex S/,~ 1'~z7 Role of DiffuqAou in the Ptienmenon or Adhesion of High Polywrsp 'by S. S. Voyut- skly. RUBSrM. pers Dok Ak Nauk SS!~~ No 5, 1955, pp IOOD-1002. - ASUM-=131 Bel Aug 58 ~74, ~W Zv~:ro Eqw-lity of Re-Hormalized Charge, in Qmutum glectro&jmmics, by I. Pameranchul-, , ~- 1.1,, 19 RUSSIAN, thrice-mo per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSRI, Val CIrl, 1955j, pp 1005-1008. ,~L, A /k 7- -aG UML Tr 253 Scientiflo - PIWaics Fab 56 07S/dox - V /'/c A I.ehe Frictioubl Relations Between Higbly Elastic HaterIale and Bard Smooth Surfaceas, 17 0. MI, Du4cueve RUSSIMp thrIce-mo per, Dak A -ba-SWRL'. Vol C111j. No 6# 1955,# pp'TM Mo. CoW Trans Scheme Tr 218 ia., Ocl - Mysice . 36", Jul 1956 The Role of Mechanical and hAecular Houghneas In External Friction., by B. V. Dex-yagin, at a1.11 HUBBIANs thrlicewsw pers, Doh jlLmukw", Vol ClUt No 6p 10% pp 162 M-240 Coop Trans Scheme Tr 219 Lip4se Sci - ftselsp Bnginewing ita 1956 Whe Hel&t of mn Blement of an Extractiom Column Equivalent to a Theoretical FUU., by S. V. LIvov: V. B. ftl skovskly, 2 pp. RUBSIM,f tbrice-mo Per. Dak Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol CIII.. No 6j. 17"3.p 9 102f, sci me Lib zo 56/26h6 Sci - Fbysics 100 Lffect of High Prossures ou the molecular Struct1mv. of Coalsj, by L. L. Razumovap at al. RMBIAN., wj 1~*., gat* wSR. Vol un,. no 6, 1955., vp 1033, Dept of Interior UB Geological Survey Denver Brawh Library Denver p Cw'ol Sci~- Geophysice /94911F 9 J7~ 11.Ublum in ileptheline SyenltAti3q by b, 57 Borodin, 5 pp,, TIUMUN I p per,, Daklady Akad Phuk SOW, Vol GIII, I p loft-103, SIA H 3.657 Sci Jul 58 Wkuence of Titanius on Some Properties of Silicate Glasuesp by M. A. Bmsborodav at al. PMSSUN., tbrice-no perp Dok Ak Awk jp no 6., 1955, pp 1M-1076-- -_Vol CIII,, Co-Op Trans Bch Tr 292 &I. his. 64:5 9-'yc7 Scl - CbeaUtry Feb 1957 US/dex DY j"- mosum. - timice-oo per, SaM Voll C1.1111 no 6a no 1077-100R T 5- P7, Sci. Tr Ctr BT-3466 Sciewbific - GeoplWaica 3 YAW 56 axs/dex Aboat the Role of Dolomite and Magnesite. in Salt-Bearing Bads, by Y. Y. Yarzbemkij,, 5 pp. RWSIM,, per,, Dok Ak Nauk 13M., Vol ClV, 1955. , -- SLA R-2682 scl Aug 58 7.2, ;76,7 Table of Contents Dok PR Naiik SSSR, Vol 104, No 1-6, 1955 Morris D. Friedman X-2326 A Case of Fission of a Uranium Nucleus into Four Fmgments of Comparable Mass, by Yu. S. Ivenov. RUSSIAN, ner. 2 Dok Ak Nauk SSSRp Vol ClV# 1955p pp ~6-b- - - --- ' Am Tr 2363, j Sci - Baclear Physics, Mmerals/meta15 3 6., 1~ 10 .96 Ua the DiauagueTplam ul buperu0wlwtoMy--by lu. L# mimi3tovich, 5 i?po -- WSOMI, t%rlwm perg Dak Ak Sutk BMj Vol CIVs lb IS M50 Vp lowris V. eamn "12.50 T - /.~-3 13*1 - ph"ios wj ~470?, Doe 56 cTo Renormalization of *-son Cha:rge in Pseudo- scalar 2heory With Pseudoscalor Couplingj, by 1. Pomerancbuks 3 PP- RUSSIAN, thrice-mo per,. Dok Ak Vauk SSSR,, CIV# 1955# pp 51-53. ABC Tr 2355 - 5/-0q (.1-0 (!9 () 5- 3 Sci - Physics 13S Inal=tic Scattering of Xlectrons in Iiiakel and Nolybdwml, by A. R. Ska"Imans 1. 1. rarbenstaln, 4 pp. RUMUN10 thrice-m perp Dok Ak Bank Vol Cvv so is 19550 pp -Tw ,31-,q G I-1,7so4 us Dvt of' Mmi Commwce Nat'l Bureau of Standards S,cd - Nuclear PbWaics Diva 56 M