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I ------------ L. A. Ostrovskoyn Impravenwnt of Flomning the Production Line of Fishery Enterpriaes With the Use or Electronic C otaputa ra. RLIZIAN, psro POITAM'A K%UG1M2=IApWOvAIe1jkji iJb0QektA'd Inatitat Mej:ak=2 Rrjmogo Khoualptya I- Mama Li, Nauchn =je=jc~heskji Blulleten, No 15, 1969, pp 76-123 IM 72-60.186-02C sept 72 E. V. Shokbanova The Use of st Parwustric Linear Programing MisthcO for OptAnduation of the JUns of CoftatRI Fish-h-mossing Enterprisee. Mrs UN, j*r, E211gmyi Njuchno-leslod2lIktolskii L K&MXI . LU*tllut h2rehogo R-vbngg2 KhozIpletva, i--% n&Wrggii. Nauchno-TekhnicheskIl Fbmlleten, No 15, 1969, pp 136-151 NTC 7.1-60,190-OX, *apt 72 of tho IA)oa Pliorm, During Stonngrl of liefri p9rite,! nt the krild-iii,rygm.1, 'ok Fish 111ftnt.. L-1 111.1111454AN, ~Nor, fSjXjtrV t Hprm V] 1,111M rm Q%(Y? ; # - , -P veilpt 72 14. r. Morahtyn I.iqpi!i:svljijjj~ thoo TochnoloU or AtlAntto Snlmon Proclospirlig. stv x 11".14 T:, , '11'. 70, pp 91-101 NMI' 72-614:01IX-a6ti ompt 72 N. A. Gimmat IMVII.adiik of Inev"naing the ,~-3mnt:r of sadllzrr tuit Mornk .........0R 3 f 1971; pp 111 -- 113 .X-C Inapt T'4! it of A I [i; IA A to par, JIJI'L,I, 7A 0. 11. TAikachov -tlf* IAnachingi Alginate !1olutions. per, Poj~mrruri '17D, j'P I 19- 1 Z-4. 9-OIX, A 01 A, ~' i -~ 0 i~i9h.o.,FroMuciore csf tLe LIgno -,,r ublikly 41,0110:0 mmd the Baltic salm., Ir.:ly 14 1p 7 0 7P V. A. Evtushemko 11110-118 tlbg' 10-wAtl tntive DeternUiatt m of ~iannite I,n CIO" - Tg T 4 .42. -ILI ir. tvn P-ml I'lo ton, NIX sept, T2 A. S, 136"nen)(07A Dis,tirlbullion twid lAngth of the IArvap mnd lrl,'mq:itr:IlnigfA of t,hv Capelin (Mal-lotus Villosus Mullior) lin the Darentv Sea. R.IlV.30-TAI4,, per, PQ Hnn-chn rp IIP-131 sopt 72 1"A Ins. ar. lt t ------ 3777r:777:7 ut all Nov r,ijr4~rmiv tind -*,lr%-Iav, by 'i" .1. 3(j."VISOVOICLY'. RUSSIAN, b1c, Polyg4*nYTq . S N70obnCKO Nobn, IGY Pmgrm, "0 I Moscow, 1965, .W 76 IL',1A 11, 649 SaAP.atrun 369oO59 Oat 68 Av4txvtai~ -Mmxi Ai-rZio-if, RasUlits or tbia R**earch ou the International Geophysical Projocts, by V. 1. Krasovskiy. RUSSIAN, Coll, Polyaralys Si an y& -1 SviachsnVo Nochioso N*bA. 110sultutaty 14-0 zhdun &rod Ge;Y 77Proyoktam, no J'N' IW67' pp A-&4 HAS/HASA~TT F-S30 69 Sci-flar Set pokk 69 37S,363 1"alltrOgralAt of the struatu" *.Ila J%=tjon Of IdOlIKOIX"M tW I a Do lviuwv A B; , b , X"hloo". 1=111,00 Wto, bumsaAnn atruw= & ba"Ru omd&bkAm& do , - 1968 . plemem, PXV" SadLINUM aw oul 3569622 emny in Jtxuotuva r~~mta X, ,a, XIL) 0 ij~ YU. 4-4. IIAKAIIOV. biO ; p. vul'61"'ta, 1* 0 Polamp;ixt'it, 1:111, Infillvv itivitni.tilj. 1966, 14, 5,17-631, 601-6591 MP M. AiiVlnW4iV-24-2li--6G nci/Airtaim 4'>r 69 377,923 croop in StwuctiAral RhI~nt*,. Or Yu. if. Rabotnov. $a II pp. RUSSIAIN& I** follgeh"t' Ittoftatov KonstruktaLv, 19660 pp 1-316. ALM&TD/Wr-24-"8-60 Sci--4Kgt Jul M .. VII ~ ~11 11 :1 ~ 1, IV I P) V i 2~11 1 111111114111 111H III , - - L'# '%i '@ '" 3 ' TnOl r K' !~-~ 4~' Ii , 'i-- ,: 1. 1 , U. IAip 1k, ;,'0lzltdwl.jt* oLtllx'n~, 1167,, .m.b 1--276, ,, %1 4 i/I 114/1 U%-;l 3--755--6 0 ScL/ J~awxiaja AkIl~ 69 391,041 crai*p L-i ObIlymir nftoriolpi Mlwicwy atu; Tinvaticadavq) I:YV 3: Vixpokoov. iqqirvxx 240 rp For F 'I m7evoll'T P-ileills scijbirtleri lun ARn) 70 1130 filpI i or the Goviet Witon to the ChInese People 1937-19L. RUSSrAlf, bk, Pomoshcbl SWR Kitaiskom Narodu v AntlManaMl Voirye, MOSCOV, 19b5. DIA Ul 3.2bOw'10 '~tsstmtrivit hfinnager of a Port Cargo Warehouse"--a pamphlet RUSS I'VI . jtj"qS hn kL-.JX --gruzovom SXLR0291 j?SjLtj_. L.D. krushkin. 1911. pit. 2-5. 2-12. 1 . OIA LIN 91"Al-12 June 072 '.. f., , , , ikHA:xv~ 13 - W`3 tL-7 AND EXPLOSIVE. A. G D;F0,"-MA I V;,-,-RTVG`iA*.VYY;-- 3 1,~ d E D 1) P" . 14 6 0 2 O%L,9a 0904 oltwpwwwl" 99 -49929M ,M-wr 4d *dd TT *AWtsA%WW *K *A f%rT3[%IKlq 62 *";K Aq "Oftf OV '"Pattil Peffloqw-Abum pwnwi,--4rpm Xcu eam-tvaid J'a 1"Llsommmeft The U.Clect *1 t-he CosditiorA of gla-ctrolysis on the YL*ld with Respect to tb* Cusivat &ad V'Slts& AlUstIO" tba SOU LA ft* ft0ftCti*n Of Paid vad dilver, by A. V. rammoves To. L., Kryokskova. MULAM, POirs mraelge"i ftt*llV1El'jjm Tot 1, 1944d Vp l7oM. Traft 916 *4144"t mast, Pa %be aftat or WA%varm Oxide 1"LaslozA oz-. the ftol*rtiam or siewi, by S. A. ftwok, 0. K. Nerymazi. MMUlls Dow# v I "at. ! 0-1. Inst. P-V-- Wt. walrb Mmo, "v%w Irov. 8 mm X3, 51a-VP UP-130. BU jwrt 900-h (66/956) S"Abt 354s" mV 69 ,IVXTA -no-Aft 'Fwdibr Kota I ILmy ond "is" comwlep - %onthly) .1th I.W., LAC t!-P r . som"thik O&z!#r fri*: Ple?Km Pubilohtng (:orr,,mtlon 2z, weitt i'71?1 !Itmtt "Wtw ymrv, 'rQ4 r %IVAIA af A cm ever-*& *ut-crl-,tlmn jkgjLl" pouaws m * PAgadmoU40a TYPO VOU S**dd, by a. A. ballf*- 0. rwo ftftWw-= me *Jjp JV070 gmill~ va'sm 64 - *Wbwdoat Mmftw"l^l "V14 ma XMIM ftes"Pulm MAW 67 DatAIVAUS04ft of the Surface State of Metal Pvwdor Particles by StAttering of Ughto by A., 1. Raydwmko* UVOIAN, "r, Porashkawgs Not, Val Ix, (33), 1%$ pp 09-750 NASA Tr 116-100086 SCI-144/m Jul " 304,286 Varanatiog, Aselstame and SUbillty of Do- twm#4t*n Mott*rU=w of Ooranio AUms, try V. V. *riow,*,Vmv . am%" "WID -I- - . Hatellux no 9ffl p .14& 400 at-C90 AM-4,30 Mo-lW-A"3L-W ftt 69 393,269 twmatioutiown of Ucal*-.4tautlity of A1.140s air Ureacium Boride Witb Malybdenum btoillcLdw, by M. A. guienkors, F. KisLyy. UMINIAN, per,, PqE2*hb;RXMn 4 1%l, * Fp 75-T9* ~et, No 10(3-4), hA" TT JP610,0h4 niv, 66 3000863 Poraiss Materials Fnm Carb&Ws and florid-es of TrMlitlam Wt*ls,, by V. M, sleptsov, at al. WASIM, per Porpshkaw ~Imtl% No 10,(34), v Ifts" pp &S-90. HASA TT F*10,pQ4S set-Aw"U JUM 66 302,030 I.iji'rnictory- "atal Carillao wid i'-orlila Iq V.0, V. -otasovskaya. NUN"SM4. poro Porushkoyeza 'btaliuriJya. NO 11, Ipp S2-54. 60 (11112 MiS, k 5CAYNVI Mr 66 297,242 it~t6l t tc-till j (-.,rL -., .: " ~ I f- ~ -- ~raj :i L to i'(;,w.lar Cc r-4,cvq it i tvi~. im, Vurchcnkc per, IlorshLowlyn t~ct.allurjjy~i. (35), ivy UXA.5' lop ii3-m. /lUll 297,234 Th at App I I c tit I ~)n of 11 Ann ir. POW1.1 Dr 'M otal I ur,-,y. A Poview Ploport, by T. t). Unflontnelrilkil. RU-SMU, per, Pqt-,)a)%'sovmytk, *.To I.', pr 93-92. Jnm 7-1 1,71va.mirat-Litift ox Alloy 1.4141 L;teul ?Lvdm~ 'L))" i,'Utkiction Oi JxWo ilxture,- With, (".Ijv by ,, A. liorik, V, kia Taplvi~i-. 'per, VuI-asIIkQva2,a fiat, '44) 436 pp 69-60* NII Wei: 5r'210,41' 196t, (SVX,7) 4,*~ 1 Mg 66 ~080532 "OlnR.1fre(I Chav"Illas arld OlmAtIn 4-La-01 AGAIIAOSS. by R* V* :;iIcjIoj;oIcv.I* 0t al. i)orv I1on)slLkqv2Ljk Mot tio 4.S, IX;'), Lill 44-096, NLI. Wf; S328.41' 1966 (5845) . -d -1 -w I s Aull. 66 303,S35 lA4bjj)P ol: 1.1ho lwiufacturini, Teel-a-kolviy 4ukd i0rulmrtles of Wd-ZoCr Allqr ilowoor, Iry Z* V. solavlova'O at Ale RMSIM41, pero, Poroshkovaya _,,)at,, NQ 430 tows, pp bo-1011.7 NLL Hnfi 5,628*4F 1-466 (SW.4) ` 1~))r Pow,,Iurs 11W Acri3strwauw 01~ -I Iteditctims (A)t1kinaki tl:r Aulaltaneous I)y VLO P. 'Shchegolovs, Ot A10 IRWIam, Imto rarashkovaYm Iket,, Vol 43o Iftst, Lill -- psiw) IL*rs S3211.41' 196b SCI-01f4t 3080534 Aug; 66 Invidstiltaltion the Possibility of Ubtaini-ng Stellito Pvwder,, by V. C. Toplonko, at al, RIMIAN, Vt. Per** onza ~kt4IlluIr&If!. SkamU TrdQv ptMI'DO -ISSIer -jLq malxftno jutliz OM INW IV ILS-115& JUWA Tr V-10,946 Set* JU3 67 332v$94 The US OxA of i Ulmme 03ddo Incltmdma an the iropos,tt" Gf Mokols W Do A. I-emko 0. ~--. wvm"Io Kuuauo, Pw* II&, m 43, 1965o pp U9-3,300 RU, 9002.4 ("/936) sc&-Oot AA do 36i*6S6 ilxj~rusiiyn oi vogis irmi Ackal iljmj;~ucti I;y oks'-'OT66 oxide jaclusitnis, " b:r , - . I ICA140(mmmo IG VO ~Lmmjjns =5I.Ni,, Uvro 11orashkovyca Vol 4A, I"S' 1110 131-ixt. -- . NIX fleft %V7844F 19166 Sci-Mvll Ame Ith, 303aS33 i:jqi)mimqicn of Lbrtaill ;ulfilA~3 cA Zrat- Igitif." INWIS# tri yes '10 Luk" f Vo Vou o,klaukayin. 5 jipe Imr, ;0 2, 19660 Jbl 6D-61-0 :~~j klual all; fob 69 375,639 IAMI)WI.Ifjn 40tW41POR Mitro"rd"SS anti j~dCroj)rjttj*- nvissi of Rofractory Comp;Amda with Their t:lsc- tron Structwo, by G. V. Sassamov, RW5tAH'p per, pomhj- Not, Voli VI, 1966, pg OS-99" KMA irT #-10,93S S-cl-aw"I Jul 67 3U6880 iiarxio caitiitnitrivic gis viectrictaily ..:mj-con,"ctjjj-- ':.AtAt lal for tia Protectim. of '11mr-u- c"iles, boy T,V. W)ovik, 1. 19tki, Jill AD 701-4; Scit-liktarlails Jan 61 3170945 A-at; 1, rrio t, Lori Propertlas cl'' Boron "ll't'l%idis Durllv~, DZ7 Friotiorl In Gshmooua I'lodin and nt Lou '4,'aq-)amtu,-cs, by 11. L,*",. Xminslyev, D. M, Karpinos, ! rl':" 0 *rip 11 Sop 60 d T; PP 1~9-.52 171 ilfrowtor Elul: 1..-,t;kujjvj A~lol i,)O*C, ily A. V. !. 1. ,"It,;Uro 7 kNJO par, ;,orciyikpv,-rya ;"talltmiriya at, 7, 1564i, Ip 102-W60 sci/htly5io; rur (69 376,564 j -------- --------- - - -------- M,IMMmwg4 I ~lmm III on tl-vit Varictsu !,oriadu in :gbtal rluwti-,~r Volllincj, by L. It* Gaidar. RUSI'StAtil. per, Poroshkovaya ilia tallursiiya, Vol 11, No 3, 1965, pp S-31. 1111 7774 sci--Atat June 69 383,272 rtndlation Coefficient of Refractory CA*,4poundjt,, by (;.V. ramsonav, I.A. NxItherniactva & V.S. Fomenkvi. RUSS IAN ppor, ull- -- - A4 No. 5 (77). 1969, pp. 43-50. 1 CIA X-7094 Sopt, 69 391, 375 Dowitleatioft of Dinatals in the Proc*ss of comi- p4hetiO6, by Co Ir. TLkhomwo A. V. :Siva*. MOMMIN Pet* ftn2bkMM Hatatl rityg, Vol 9, He It 03)o 1969* pp 12-15. = so), S*L-ftit J"* " -i_- - . I - 11 -:~ Vol :14 0 ilholl I#- - , v-f-- pp - -1 -- ---- lim wit'lli . poldfloplAt VOL) I(A 14, A"', 74- A'7110:1, lab Bali lbromhltovaytt Metallurgiya, No 9(93), 10 ,70, pp 1.-104. Full tr by Consultants Bureau, PP 701-780. Av*il,nble Llr Serlals March "t I i'h t mis l'i IStructure and A Irk olkirl-mov 11 T-1t).1vilWil Colrb-~dlt or, iAnnv!~Ilinq v a v 0 1 10 "la to 1.!.) ~ei:l 5:11-.1 ~i~W4 1 6 . Ortiolin lia litoksl rovaor b;r bjv (:). ITI~. llleuLiporanko. Itil"1114rArgo per, Ala;: 2 P .4 Nits 12, l",)70,, I-p 1-1, N"TO 72-12119'-13H Jul,ji 72. 11 ~., 1h ct n 01. 11"1, tiVG J'atir D,a4,*rivk:tlitvW.oia of Foritt '1 4 H 'h t per, 2-r 74"1 -,41 vo ris mm t, I oo" Ll.,q u. 11 d ti t At I a ~)y 1. F. 14 J404 7 ib4 ior tlj~m tJon i,,f I iv:ium ~r I I o c a o r, 1, W5 I t 'm b;; 1-1 .!-)X -0 Z-L' N ll~ 1.1i'11 CI2 1 per r- f; I ... .......... ~Iljv " r of Ilowdarp, pt P ~l u i~ t. )- I'llm,fri3m by tt6l;h of Nickel m, -Til t., r n a c i I c "L!ZA -r,3r 4,115 - I li I *.i t I -1,11 ek 1~1 ILI 1 ,_r poir, n n 'M, n,,IIKI, 1~fllnl~u OEM. VA it I I Cl 'I ',iC 1 1: iii Ll '4 1:1111 V I 14J -4T U'i U I U U0,14". j- itiq r ::i I M 4t V f 1. 3.0 - 'l, :1, 1 1 "A 1 1.1, 1.71 1 Y P 1 Z~N` C Ell -IL ---- ---- - ....... . ... Silicon# Carbide Ifeat Resisting Material, by 14. A. TstiUarman, S pp. =351AN, k1k, Poroshkova a Metalliuralra v Novoy Tokhmike, AN S55R _I-n-stitut Hetallurgii, 1968, pp 63-67. FTV-)IC-23-2104-71 Aug 12 ffff--i 1"1010 atA4lhllll*rLo-km 5(hp7 Ifl on T jim, em mm Z#.',A)r, :2163 rp. iiiiL~211141H[)dl Om v M-1211 Ca"altioto of Ground ~ktor wd lVater Mxtreats or *mks rram the awtom ftrt or the ammim p1w, b"O, by 0. 1. amemalm. waft"IF IMMMOJO M= I mot*dbr m AMINNEW-Alm now* ip 0 M q4)id-"* 00-69-1300-cft 8"46W ftl Nb lb k*99TI tba Quantiv 0.- Intemitital aqww"4 out of mw lwdim=ta vlader Akvbuul Oonguuamp by Yu,. T. *Akhin. Amus'. mimat D= h I JSW Lkh Jbb 10 Pkrtbbd :MW DrOOstleatiow of tAmw CkLe Phum CMPbNJLIJUiO Of IDGIVAlms in Mjnr&U, by N. A. BbNWVM. MMZWP WWI, Lkh 8"4br Ab 70 kQv973 i-olillitlAil. Peharme" in ar" ~lstrttatvk';, I-Ty JL. ;,WvahAnrlk*, 6 pp. 1U4.41lil, 1whir, L"01. June 19(A. r"j, 5.-'4". i I Icl 4U5"1 LW' It 1:vl 3*p &.11 365,545 ; X f 40411 t. ~) 1, ! ilo,'~In .,tAtl,min In tfin '- 11, 7p. RIWIAN, poir, jgpLc!j, June 1,.)60, pp 13-17. J ~ M 41'225 LWA Ll ivi S. op GO 365.517 4"o lattelp or ILUV *Ptlat soaloty to soylet 146dwirs, 5 pp" mWillhut mpg rom- Jul 1968v pp 31-6. JM MoMOV ItNi i ~~ '1080 pol S"t 68 ld)65,1197 11 41A.tagral ivilon .,--hiir;4y hy A. bollmkov, tW ArkwUy PALUmk-olvo 12 pp. riMIJANO per,, lp~_wtt Fr&Mfurt an CIO-in, No Sp Ajuit IL966*. irp 3-7.. ji qr.~ 46475 UU311 ,bee volt 68 367.425 ,iolshadt4tyn i4smussed at LA~o% viriters' m4otirW, IIW Eftlo A. Lioltollit*Yn, 13 P,)- RMSIAN, loor, j~04%p F-vankfvxt ous , &1n9 ho 89 Aut :1968. Pil 8-13- im 4647's =Ift liloo Oct 68 367,426 .;o,ulAPNc-ml.tdtj7i 1AAtor V-) .*rJtrral 6 pp. I%Ub-", IA;i , 1.411's ~_Omiuv j I r*n,cf'u.--t om ; min, jio B, Aqg J.',6t'lv jq. 13-1~7 j ~ ~' WA?~ lice L Ct 6~.i 367.427 19S67 DC 12 Jun 09 SF Sowing# by L. Donatov. RUSSI,M, per, Posev, Frankfurt, March 1969, pp 41-52. $poglal type R: translator's draft plus one copy. Plea.le return source. To Do - 18 June 1969 lo it to re ,.,a 1, L" i ta te FT%rJknIVt -A7-1 Mll, POSC A', Jm" 1 30 NO 71 1,p 2~, ;4~ I ~ _ ia -ty" translator'o (Lnift I-Iur copies. savleli-AmoArsn Spikeo nace DeScrib6co b7 L. '61mAlmdrove 9 PP- ltuwltjlo loore j,gavy,, Mwdcho -k~,Wo 1,49, pp 47-51. J, qIS Ap"'A s4d-smco Tech m0 69 397,621 Poew Puld,Uhas CwworW Poem by Twardmskly, 10 psi. RUSaJULK, Imw, FftnkfWrt/?Win, 110 100 out 19690 pp 52-53* ims 49903, V&U Boo &UP "lo 4Mo386 "oil so m1w ?o walo ~-Jq? i - - - ~ - - I -- - - ~; -.,- - , -1.7 - 0116IN" r 11 005 JW,m 10 - - '114 All-o 711 431, i ft(II.04p -AWrD~ JONTDo Pp 4vooltla, ... 4tv 4m% lolihwiah - dil"'T'i plals immi? Ifloplimll+ - 104v, 'Aj, tv-040iolmrp. 2~1) Ilif."I JU41NIJ, pl(Orff jbil'um, '!,~-!p 60 ht-onil 1 5191 0 44 "j; 14271 (maill Fka S"* TO 'Molt Uu~ws ghr lftmm %10k L!Mml1,Alrt A j'2, 1'rj'2, 10-43. Ad oll.-le dZ01101I.Al 14" to lbot pillo I wh one li:vo 1.141 lot hillitia'awyO It ce'lolp"unixt Ifilyty thirtoij A r I I -clip n -., 'on ,itcovsdy irial . .1, pl). ptort jaLs-a, krankfurt/.,aLn. .o 'A., Cain 1972. pp 2-3. 'JI,.'.3 59i'A iar 72 ~l f1h world -'tmigrc4rr; or i riyviiiatrinti in imxlco, '~ 1) p. por. L;~sev, crank f urt/bain . t.o 1, Jan IV?.! , pp 11-14. JINS .55356 VAr 72 $r- io-zim"Ala, 4 .1 if It I, giv yu 11 to ~lqjtljt~ Ill (I In TriformatJon r, l: C.. rn F, A..' -it 1: 17 Irv a -f qr.~ 7 !-Z - 3 .1 . S L.'. L (. n c e W 13.874 12 ApAwly L A"I 9MI0220 pool ill A-3.4,A it Hatch 1973 Us 141 s WANPASS, Om the Owifts"O of tLw se"s & FOOMAftia" at OULIAIngs 46 zsstsluml~ A4*,bIwI *at "dismited "Imitof ram"n yo no eanamm GNU r t MMMOM LAWLY I sw q h-A, -a VI GOAMrAKU laftmws awfum 129" "INtructim"t IPI*wm t~lue & tnw *a plate b0", am I Ift". siftle-apmeAd. aft"Viest way be aut for P"te-ups. Alk IF-clir-LI41 Slt,016101411 I M P 77 "-no duvq to 4of Lwurr Physioal Li-brat-ion, ky A. A, Gorynyo, 201 pp. 1 - - -0 Y RUZIAN, bk,,, rooLolomw-ye Fixioh*#kom Librataii J"4 ipep MASAITT-F-661-71 vot. 11 ft*munnt momm-us or mg1w ctmqmterso 7 sip% MUSSI" =--# Iowa Aio~o ~Implo- v im Ws pp* ftl4m6et & moot Row Mr 70 4MIJ-1180 .0 Il'tot 'fill 11.1 ^), IIII)I9101bilit-loo of comriraarlo-u of Tnt-ritatioz, OpvtIA-1-ri 15yatotos of Vatok Prnr-,~,avinr, ty 14 l"I.M321, Jill! tl r:t V fa AIT, F 4)(A Comtinuous Filli" and C&IMing Linen for Bottles ckf ConwQmble Liquiids,, W 1. A. stepaao-v. RUIWXU# bky Lisli Rozliva I UlaWrk:t PlahchevAh ZhIdkostal 11650 317 PP- M B-38199 sci-wk wy 66 299#T59