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,?Y 19 4' J, TMA ' "P?!?.-,ffiVK0PrYA , Vol 71, Nos 1-5, 1966 Cover ba cover Optical Society of America Available by twrials ~*tlwd for lllr~ig the U%wfact Hstiw* of the Rigid KLoctric Ll;w)lo of Arbltr*r7 CoUal"I llarUcles of Water, bv No A. T*Utqyt A. A* qlart&kav# '$ ppe RUMIAlle P*r, MAIN a RetmusiMnA mosc~mq Val 210 No 69 DOC IM* PP 771-rol- JFM 4MID 341-14we Feb 69 3746349 Vep 1 2410 X" 1-6, 1967 Vo I 2JO Mom I-It, 1997 iro 1 24,0 Mae I - Le, 1968 VO 1 25, Nor 1-6, 1968 vat 2e, NO# 1-6, 19$p VO t 2~, Mom 1-1r, 1969 VIOL 2. It, Nos 1-6, 1970 VOL 20, Moo 1-6, 1970 Vo t 30, *a 1-6, 1971 VO I it, Nos I-es, ign VO I J:-, Nos I-e, 1972 Cover to mworr Optioal So~ety of Almarioa Apait 1,11 sejotlaLt Optlkn i l')p4mkl;roskopjva, Vol 7;3, Ni 1, Tuly lWp pr 3-31,17. Full tr tsy 1111m; 01)"ICFLI Society of Arerica, pp 1-104. Avnllttb~lo TZ, 3(trivd:.~ Feb 73 oi ix-virimt ',;aJoct!cn.# lyl ,iui. .11, --;ollrvVs4)kov. 107 Ilro. t I PL i! ti 3v&a iAxm,.i lik, Xv v 1!)60, 1~4030 AEVVIAVa%-24o-201-69 r d 11 UWe b* 70 40loOB9 IlAmiiii4cli 5paoc!,,;h:i.plS, by 0. 1'. A. filumn'l,kcm, ~5 2 p p RW111;VlAt, lliflir, ~tjqho:nkiyo Ymvleiijvi~- ........... .19m, s Ir, "Hi O~mflirf ITI'lli tl 1. KA Rqmrfanca With R&Aon Control in Mining, by A. T. Dykb"*Xty. RUSSLWI'o bkp Pipyt DoEM a Radonca ftL VedenIX Oornykh Rob9tp 1969. WM TT 72-52008 C'401 10105ILY"A .),(,) t~ulr Tot* *p#lt%U=t of the mmmm-h Va. A. RkloOffav, %t cis . I rkoisimp Nloktklisoi - latUtoa rooroduwuorka - 6o mot ollit UP oll, mutuisto SwArce. .111.0 . %--,, 3AI ow"almim I,ym Rius our 1141 Ilk I: :r1 At IIII Vj- 'NDC i,irimiv Lvoltodil [o loy A, I ITU-0 OlliwdlUot of tho jnt4wsal~-tin ipf A-m vh6lor-li-al Y Ow4glialAnto fam AaarvdLaUrurt, ) mr-navat,, ItlY Axperienco in Machine Processing of 1:11forfination in Part/Tiuvo 3yate", LV A-J(* areM-iav, 31 pp. I RITS.311MI, article, .9 lUftshinn2y gi. v si SPU Or.agN . Ingomstoff gtMakh emeni. Leningrad. 11buso of Sciontific-r-chnical Prop- mkjandit# 1966, pp. 3.35. ',k 'IRS -64,733 J .111ci-ttleatronics and 91"brical mvjinearing Nmruh 68 352,337 .,u:mux~, UL, q~,Xt q)lvdalfuliya iWortlinat tw1wtkikli oputnikov Z~ vowlacillyu Tolo- ~ ~-( "Apy -Astatlo Wts!x, jpqj L-3. 41VI'DoIT-65- 1679 0v (is ~ '!l 1, 1 i ! !-, -it ; rr -i I i .,wt II , io-rit-nrr. by 'ill. o,. N,, V,j I (~ V. . 1,171 . pp . A-1) . 1~ I -i'll . Lplilt ral)nj %41rlovf)#Io el w t ~Lrq . %1). t)l -t)3. ,,_ _y , f,v,_ _ p.p. .. IIIA LN Op lips. ) 2 2 MAR 1972 NhUci Aft1th Dervioe in Rural begiosm of tAmb Jkwtwt ftlac *ad Elm Countri"s by It. no Aso" =A To Ve ruslasp 16 ypo 'bk$ ftXI skikh I" gas Fix- RM 19650 3-kip 5,10, 172-I=. sww Apr 66 2W9996 NMI U.-.4 ... . ................ ............ ...... -'. .. -- QQ ;k STROOSIS of spontjtrly FIsOonimig. Ismor In the 241A#% (R,7),k A. -4 Ra_ acti-00, by M.N. Markov, A&A. Pleve, 14W~ I AN a OVY" Y Of" v RoaktSik A OU736 AEC 01KNio-tv*1099 Set/Nuclear SCi Ato 66 301.15S 4 4 1 `-1,. ('Cl It j%j t r 14C' n, V-, v W ivrormi tell- ljtant.~]Za klble~tcsv (`Inzc-,j,rnvof,,!a *;re:i- . ltit7-o~. V, T. M.-Irom The Mzrn-:! and %re-3 orUtal Spacocraft: Pecults of the immstiotion of the Martian surfaco and atrmosph-em. ORaPrAt, MY? - APPARATY MARS-2 i WKS-3: RM,,'L;TATY PtIll IP.uvlf MirruflMosw r ATWSPTPT W.R.F.A 197.3, 19 pp, 4MASA 17 F 14,0 814 fob 73 FA"ALLEL AMPLIFT17u'i I'Llk,"MA IINWrn, r ~Irl: oRDENA LENINA FIZICHE5*KlY ISYSTEM F01h IN~;TIT"I`T Imi-I ! w Ifammating of Wind Flelca and Wik", ConditLanso IW Z. 9. Abimymov* 20 pp. Nommomil no a. 190, pp 92,156. WES F, 344kr set A oo"mg aw 69 3816879 RrWjJ.mjh Title Unknownj, by B. Barg,, MMIANs per, ordans rionr- Gidmmete*rologiskiy Nouchn -Iselig~2vat*1 a ~en~tr (UXH--U;GF Vo~l 1--- 0. -a-$, 19o 1968, pp 31-43. *A"L Nor 6!~ C t -A' ml.~'Iatiiiaq-. (-"c Sato I I A 4 A. I j~5141 I I Ut I, pm r. Cl~-'dprl a Luni Tia lm~o t i tut F rl 'Y~ !a I.-; n IT LT F.. vc""CCIW~ Xily OrtAnlial Palantatcra of a Satelllte- Grallt-,tion- ~13, 4;tall"i'lAxation systerm with G,rz,cl ~1, J." i r I ~ I Irv, V y(" b ev nlld- R . V . T,I I ka I ~ i r-1 HT. IS 1r; 11hill p.itir ordena Len i mi In! r i.tut r.ri.'~ladnci AP-ld,l H41- A T-64-9 Iota r 7:2 A7, J-1 pp ?rm I I I - I I ..;pe ci a 1 ~~Oliol*utor* optfchaskiy Ktnmtonay -,(70-100 IiUj'~TTAV, bk, Ordang Lonina Mah,hIrtichipirkmoo W'Yodimoniuo, W60, 33 pp. WPAS, Carti.ficate (Dcx,>kl*t) on c;(X;-Z,01?0, 6 pp av vo ?(A MCA X0,1.1,11TT MIT11 -M Ole Zdfect Which Viscosity, T-::~mperatura ana phyasicoul-4emical Naturo of Solvent flava on the Oyeratiag Effectiveness of Sur- face-,Active Agents During Untrasonic Machining of Metals, by N. V. Kurochkin, V* t4 Ukhtman. RUSSIAN, ppt, Oral GosudarstvennXX Peda(joqioheskIY In t. Ulltrizvuk i lpixiltokhAMi 79voXstva veshches- t '10chanyY6 Zaplaki, No 33, 1966, pp 11-20, AD 679 683 AIR/MITD/la-24-93-68 Sci-Iftat. ftb 69 373,001 OR(A*gr orTOP 00 TO NEXT WORD -i-4pull! 1.11.1111- 40 IM* Unifl,*d Transportation 8yortem of the MR, 11 PP-3.5. U Osintrul, Qrsam or manaeownto vv 25-35. NNIANO parl fteffizatsin DWI mim" m2ELkm 11P14. WFU 909670 Fab 71 It tAi it' 1,4 'r*ill 77 i ~ , ~Tj of C:IV:A4 :1 t~T, v o in it ali," .Apr ce ".1t,01 T1 !1.3; -11 t i C:01 Q f 5) c i e I G 13a 1, r o a 2 5 15 p p it 0 1, ga n i z at -s v a 11, 1 u zda t: e 's v c k I T'S'TC - UT-, 2 j --iL:2 14 -7 I mill V P1,111 I iu I- M I'M. MR. III Itill it-III i'l 11111111141"1 - .11 LIj:g#j%kjLatLoji of hscJiiaery Paplaccomt Without Stopping Production, by 1. N. xMin *show. MMIANab 0 Ott %&J!ijft PerelLhoda no "lov" sawoll 1; -1 ?4vkrs;s A a so YkP bp6S, 240 pp. Nu-IU39575 sei-MIr Jul 66 306,SW suilding 141 NTIV40 Metallurgy, by V. Awsim, b Orimigms S, p1mirOVOUL6 L fLammoLn to KOVItSVII920 5%Ivr1t*I#3tVa A4L-'*M!UfAIAU 1965- 326 PP- MLL N 3ftSJ sci-mikm Jul 66 307,517 Olkd Plan"Ing Of GO(XICIr-ic an4 Topographic 4)orstians, by 11. N. Teterin, WASI * bas ManisatsiYe I Planirovani CIS 00.0misk1kh-I Topogra TI cite slINTs Rabotm i ms 0 299 PP ACIC TC-It" $4-00 SCI JUL 67 331,"2 w CIKII Oe3h6/Tl 22 Am TI By OrSod"Um ot Poetal Oow*wW.cwUam,, by L.. Ta. mobroklaft. VOIWLI VP 9164M WORM# 9OP-MI*W~'-Vkr CW*tw 20.1 ftootdak %We 3 - do wt im&llak- TrwasLutor's dt*ft Vbw me *W. lb not IMWV&wo 416frim but. tromk%aU 41*4ris 1*CwAs. T.D.: 30 April Ini MIN" tt~,~ 96 Rlk, I ~W' dwomkio 1% 4-1 h ok.Iv'.P,Ljj 319 , 119 1 ac 0 imumvy xqdgl w O"ONAM&A" and Pm*mtku at lU4*fttm4 Imetel- ut6ba 110,11 at naeutma rMuous md bW MwGelbo & L*l I - ft"W4- Uak# *as. I two t1 a , I dLbwwkb 040tas ?AwftldA3*kb fte"WO &9660 MIV-03 Op"i" vi"Or a 0 ften DIM =0 Itagio 13 J" CO Now"- #a. not wau"Its 24 6 / "10 1 )C It Aug 01) Orgmiizatkon and execution of electrical Installation wor), at electric power stations and substations, by N. G. Ctus 4 L. 1. Ilershadsk iy. Russian, bk, Organizatsiya i Pr,oi",vodstvo Elektrom- ontaZlin,kh Rabot nn ElektrostantsiyaKh i 11odstants- iya-kh, Iryoscow-Ieningral, 196i), 171, 249-351. Special t)l)e B: translator's draft plus one copy. Trwislate diagram legends bMt do not reproduce dingrans. Please return source, T. V1. - 1$ September 1969 Oi-Ig"imikiLlcm or ftddemic Contml WiChin V-,* Ilbet Of 1hfectious DiSOMM4, 'bry 0. 1. PAA-i- ialtat't 54 pp. ikkh Lmftkt- P. 1-99. SAAMS moon lkil-vo Aw 66 300#043 IftnaglIment of a CentriLl lFsrm 11061.,itftl in ula UIMMO Ivy u, 14. Ciumak Amid Ya. Z. Itskav, T vp - "Mumil 1*, 20"LaktOL2 MOT hkrcnnoy bWQl",Y;. t ty vizh- 14-6 and awm-t betimen pp. TO-71- 14wal sloe Apr (A 298,3M Oml;Wo 7w1wo(oltio *f !tbb A"ilmippir') "tt ni-mip, b1, 1.11M-1ril it 0. El * "III,. Org&nttllld tht 001lection and AYo*ut tlui, Oper*tion of Ahaines the ta"I of Xhitial Operating V. G. Kidelev, 12 pp. MOW, i,pt, 0 _rxanitatstya AruLlimls of Inforuation In Use and Determining Life, by V. D. Arshinov, at* 1 Anall VAr 72 -- - - Or"HIR I a ti(M-- Or Unstructirwi-in- tho Oi I tnJustrf, by G. D. Sokolov. AUSSIM, 14, uEsenlistsiza stralialastva ,N*,f%'YsWXkh ,P2vm*JLav, L965, 192 pp. AX A WON WSR sea" Jul 66 3O7pS33 01"glisild6atlou of Twelluvloal SorwLcLug and Currvat ftpmir or Autombi2es, by 1. V. ba%shkov, 26 pp. Mmal".0 bk, Obelu- PP AM J-3A9 to 92040mw? ftl.*"homdftl Doe 61 3h6p IM Awolvancovs in tAe Unanitation of InjustrIal lUmag4"st and 111saning# by N. E. Drogichinskil, Imissim!'i, bk Orsapipstslya W 0 revIeniy& Prcm:. olpm"- -It L antrov xa a& savrememon 21hi L Pi za 1965, ISO pp. ItRit -A.- USSR Media Julio 64 30104gs 1, .1 j~m roj~~,,ir tdt 1 i rut-, '44"'i ity 44'. al It so j I its cl as Oy fle I-. - orl~tzov. A,c I -Lpo~ip I A- , per, o,r, kit voi, 'cravi.. ilro tax. . % (J .-,k, . lukj~14 4 1, b-6-60 * i'vo, t wl~ J glv)~, Lt I I j/ . L-.~ 1101, j- P Ic 1.) ."*~ .16 .1% til ~,Jc i *,i It - FuLl kit*l 5 17 , 7 i," by F.S. ilorollts-ov, Fll.)33101, pirl', (Ill-ki. tly'a, lzokn'Pt Pr TJ (T ti- o Znak:i D.31 ., FeU I )H Fel) 7,'t Lebedeva, M. 1. Contribution to the I ,*allow Migrations. ORNITX)I,t'C,IYA* Vol 9, Study of Yellcm-i Wagtail and Bam pp 270-276, 1968 Jan 73 cbAXII.Claristics of the Proce*8 (if kicceptance of noric Grafta -- Free and on Nutrlent 101"c"14) pv.d.jiaes, by V. 1. Flshktn, A. M. C,'IsLd'kOvll- A. Vc bAe.11nichukt 5 pp. dL.TravwaID)Q9 I Prote,' r-Ov. R1,111.,11AN, per, Or.XPPV Vol, JLXV mo d4o 1965, pp 22-24. J141,11 25119 Sri. ..' 11 & m 265,277 Ault 64 i%,* xonummim or satmm Material gin W.-idon flogulaftUmi (An Xz~~tml Invfisi4-stion), by, go 10 P"Ovare" and G* I* 14m4mbehaves 7 pp, 52-,56* "65 Jaw T.KI)C* 8"Of Aw d)5 27BP95h YwisgUlarlrmlon of a Done Autogrart during Fixation of i:ji"i SpInal Clolumn in an Expirtment, by N;, sk, Siovetorap 7 pp. RUSNIAN, per, Qru4md Travrna.(olog k Pracezircy, Val ILXV No 4, 1965, pp T5-29. I P10 25119 S4,.A -.4 11 6 M Aug. 64 265,278 ARMY151a.Lab 1-555-1 Title$ Atttitagin and St.aphylococal Injur-1*84 by# svetarldova Front OtItops Travm* R-8760-D 6 Oct 67 free toxin In Ithe blood of Infection in patients with Protess 26spp 67-69. 1965 Russian -, Est, for, vds,t Plea" transtate and typo I Camara rvWy copy, Doca s '~t can be cut,, Plea** make cammr as saWle attsew* T*555-1 i'1141, UOLI W, glynthatic Pu1yvt%1A PIMA A Itut: 601 'UtJo-no ill 0vt1vAmjtc upovatiti's a,, by .IT., V. Ob"t'AL)LOVA, 7 pp. RUM, IIU,, 11mr,, ortm-eMimm -tmv'381t.GLKZ1YR I Pro- Ino-4 f4 196,5v prp EU-32- ftv I mom 1~~ tjw Uo* o-.V pj&al~jc U, 'A IPOUO 1"1114011,vat, i 11M.1, by Yu. P. 1)ela"kLyp 5 pp- per, S:~w4iyw, Tmv.:mtQlqAiy& _i Pro- t 1965, pp 62-65- &*AnvjVu4A p 30 V p mu-I Im V- lk t .. 0/14 loor o5 2.c)1 m, 576 posawmW460 *rows I 1 1 . ft"Nows A^ DO= ot Zh%4A~ AutmmUp tq if. A. ftUakwo ;&Uo# pswo a** pwq" imo w T-A. Ab. skm b ftl 26, No lg~ &** or "fim $m MQO " - "*I &am ja 6t ! : i ., t iVl;~'~'-U*J,, parg tlrtq,l Tra%v4 !,motxuo IA -.1 27, 1166 M3 M~A 69 3888641 in t1jo (lbuieg Oy 7 j.x~ro Vhl 2 7, 1~" i~j,s 40-41, at" 13 mv~ 69 388,639 L~#' ; kri , L-r;tlc-~t~r t i *.ti Lit , " ,ji i M:f i,, f I Mit4kUp ~ -fir ,, t 'o id *-'VS, 1. 1 1. A:I;Ati&,lT. a jyj. I LL.AlAl, ~,A~ir, Ortick)o Tram . Vrxlilszo Xrc%l 27, 1!)66g Lq, 43-46a ,4n. 13,54 $jcV b mul 11 aul 69 388,642 C( , by .13,1111till Em, 9 Pp. H-LISSINN, pmr, Ortop Tram Protesz, No 27, 1966, pp 56-6j. Dept of Na%#y/NMS 1582 Apr 71 6,04h AmiWtormary of the Kharlicir L~ciantific MOSINArch IrkwtItAxto of i roath*sdit, OrthopedAcm. sftl. Tramwt*LW~y lewd M. 1. Sllwiko, by a. P- Piovachmnko, docoa*W, A. A. horsh and F. T** Mty*ahban. 1:) pp. RUSSUN, per. OrtgRedt-va, 3~-=csa Pmtl"- Ob 3. 1967. PP- 75--84. Vff 0"41 wo umn 5014MIAM Mq6? 325.510 Irifty, Years of Soviet TratunratoloW tod Ortboyedics, by H.V. Volkov and A. Id. Dvorkin, 14 pp, AUSS11AU.. per, gategodi "a Trmamtol- ll;d~% A Protei W., NO. 11. 1967, Pp. 3-13. ~nVS 44,751 Sci-Illoo and Med*Sciv Iftralk 68 352,862 Scientif Ic Prost1wtics and Proathatic t4balgh in the RSYSR Since 1917, by JII.P* POPOV, 11 pp. AUS-SIA11. journal, tLYAC Travma- 11RIQUIXI I M.CAISS'E2VA-WLY21 No. IT7- ilov 67s. pp.& 13-20. J"S 44,846 Sci-sio.and med.scl. Har dh, 68 355,157 Xlkovalopvent of ProstbetIce and Pros- OWA 1A Construction asm :11cience in Ow &SrSR turIM the Past Fifty Years, by It.A. Sbank and g.p. POpovl I A pp'. RUSSTIANIO per. 9E%ov"Lve, rrg=tol- NO. li, 1967, pp, 13--20, ,tMg 44,7SI $ci-bloo and Med.sci. Iqlarab 6a 352,863 jilAnal surgary During thc -li~ast Fif ty Yearso, kly 'N.1. xazomin, a Iv. IMMSIM, per, OrtOOOd - f&L.TrAvtl!9tol- aUll, I Protg&Arovonixg,t No, 11, 1,S167, VA.:). 32-38. lyms 44,751 jci-aio. and Red-Sci. Itarcli 68 352,864 'n IjY pp. Travriat -' I~ro c-, irc DOX, 1, PP i 1e :kwy NIC Tr 3 2 (Y' K) M1W 71, It%3o, nth* i Um" `,~fto A. 00 r T kt,v :4, Y, cliftraoter"~r."Ic of the C-111 Ilmit Rngtneratlon Under the KfCect of Impalse Ultr"i-yund, by N. F. Savenko, Ye. j. Par~kov, 7 Pp. MrOZIAN, piiv, Grt,)_pc(lln TravlnfttO.4,Nt~'.Yft No 6, lOu"), PP , ~-14 AMI ID POW-w-kaNIK on Ow Work of the S"totlos of Tftumat4logiste wA Urthopedists for kisrah 1900 IW So To Zat4wpln* LZ pp. 1AUNUAlf "ws gagown, Mam ~421ftn I umatzmang Meoemt Aug 196% pp 88-W. ins 4"" 901-1" J" 70 10"9219 i,r,,,) ~,, UnIpl. the !".'f'cct err,-riji o,,* Nmp 'rissuo Rvi-,cncratlon ol" UIL,rxw(-A,,izid, by V. 1. GoMblat, 'i 1,-I*,. TWlj3jjc"p rpt, Cb,t2jp(.1i.ya_ Travrntolc~;.,.yn TprolLezirovaiiie, ID :"ro4cx:).x-f% Mr,v 71 7], r! and r,~ it d PA, L k t11 rtr IVI r, 1:1-I lunevidtAl 'iml.SlArstuble of tb* Vpip4st Va-trimttielo, b7 T**. 14 :KdMlkO4 NWUOO poirp ftt, ec Trotminitolo A I rTct 10 1970, ..-. - IE a - Uximal Nrap IVO I ITP, I . i~-k , i . I p ixxlw 111, f r4ill, tilt Li ~-,at on 'In RnVot!- -1-= T r, t ort'l 7 rn cra -i -7 a PI "I 134 1: A N I 14 70 1: 14 a 2; J, r MiRT' A., B,, A* G. lip. PILUIUXIL111o A14t Jill -MAt4dj~WA ANU440*4 t A SOMW* IM1041 M-miuldivio olovowv Wo 9. Woo lip lud-110 load 94 Ilowr 11PO 2 3 Oct t 7 0 St i "tiqanv, by V. 1. Crovallo 41P and 2,!1. rakii, 2-1i4gruAransplantation of boite in chilfiran, by h4h. Korzit 1 ~ Unsc:0,41, Or uadla,travmatologiya i Rrot V 66-5 and 78-80. Publish together wider comon title "nucant , !implantation" ,\, \ rerjearch in t3~,& . 1, ) Oxv % &A\ mt tft mlli~ told. I'll 010 spokt~,(m Lkofollvq W1jjqT,lorim Ithrtri. 1-vanoillibli A,,,,,irfy--,iv, 275 pp. iiN*k 0101 NUMILosr Porillylillej, AnUS4111MA, PP. IV;t",~41:Ad. 1:11(i1, 'Arm'- JL v'r AXAAI PIUVO JA W04AW MMVa"M ( 251 pp) Mys A., M. r"&r lopi M publImbim rjmkw Lmloamd - wt fW vda: T~P" I 4ltrlg$M& MW aaU. D=Mmt =W be cat f= P-Mm 0.4%~,& t7 A t~ waawateivvmit ~.rron wid I'rvirical ittiati"is, I liy- 71~. A. Volikanovo 230 J-p. IA, loshibki lzmaronlya i Vuri- ridlasla.0 I-Qzs: O"Al '11' 65-50008 11,01) W M1,716 1972 4W- I. L"allbrated, Matistage Attenuat-cr of Z~tscr of III ~knl r aad Pulsed Widlation. 2. t^rf:~r [11t."Generator"j. 1. (Mlabitel'StupenchatvY Kalibroi --,N!Rre=oj~o I ISnqlanogo lzlueheniya Moscow, 2. Pribor M-kT-1 Ad goo Yoke repr*ductiona. special type B Do not publish OrlGlnal plus one Atti'mmil"toll itl ( tivlcm-tt W -4 C.&ILINXI i It" 1~(Attod wt lul 04i~,Ic Of ~V)O to tile i,rir,ivy Vrotuii ot' a It; I:tv ;yacjiru,~h.,L5uErtAi, V# 4. Aleialbbv, et al, AW~Ixjs 14't-If 031a;)JOIlic v 1etwe L"14". a A'rct ov t UIRL14 M-NOV .9-TOP (7) rO SEV WORD A; INTAUS k- e 7o . -.xicrqitic nxisimityli tur wic-tit ' i ? *t I I ~ ~ h Timiu,wj* Ivit 4e * , xlKrAyitx)v, ot al. 464 k-~ ~4,prnx. W.'r Ombovy '4,odCrxxl-t v "ImIcIbMA j)cc)rii lul4a M5. scd/ jhpdds, q,A~t ('19 3909 OG 6 Ef 11 - --------------- -- J~!, AA 4 Fumduurantals Of AUtMatiC GMtrDl, Autottata, ivid Ccntrol System of Aircraft. (Vol% I-Ili and (Vuls, tI-II), by 0. Ye* Imbircaravov, Yth. It. 1~irlleliko. 567 lip. RutiiSlAq, bko Osn= Anuastidiesk?ua lw4ullro- Van$ YA, _Av* "PtY i_!ilstgW__!LlravIanixjt Lata~ XLtLa$ov, Vols I & 2, 19f.)S, lip 1-452. AIR/Irtij/17."24-387-67 sci/atranautics mar 6sl 376,658 PrInAlflom of Control Syfftim AutorAtion, by illo3m,11110,vt (o FIPN '011 !0 ~, Jt L ~S','37v -!-r ~yy gloleggatil 21iisroWlInamios, by X. S. Prinoher. 120 pp. 0 nuss.wr, bk, Amoom Rio ioh*skoi Termodin4miki 1972 !U- COIPLSft~r PUBUSHING CORP. dad 71 Basto Features of the Geolojgical Structure and the Hydrologic Pagine aind Biology of the tioditarramosa Sea, by L. M. Fouln. RUSSIAN, bk, 0600vayt Cher Golo&Lch_ osko 0 S,royontyx Cedro--os c eskojo R0211108 i DLologiy Srodisennogo Moryo, IT(-, ~', -pp T_- 2 2 4 . 14pt of Havy NOO CONTRACT TRANS 14 Set-Eat sci 4 ocean June 69 383,167 llr!llnf~~pleiv ~)f Long-Term Rculto 1"I.StAN, 15P., onn'). - Had', npr,-3p,,(.,z! rov- 1,06cl. *VSKOINA TT 71-5rloil Avifti'nble NOAA Oilly 1 WQF 7 1 lrmntodea, by A. A. ~ ~,, pp. VOI Xll:, 1',y9tittlatics of lienatoder. - Slaperfrumily Tyl,mticlh-aldem. 1~ RMISIX11, bln, ~( "tinvy Fltngellmintol,~.--~izp . ~rM. v.rl:,,] T-1: n.-7,66iI'., j Dor t 7;~ ~ - = =.Wg '-Wl I - - - ::,"K.11101,111ily ;Klljj. A) -02 All Zm! 72 rr '?v ar, it 11, travi -lato I r, r o CIO* Itj:to Le. v 1.7-r(IIII-Ir jFtt,-1'4-4rYA, FV.1MALQX14 I "MIMAIrM Gl"-*CMV fsatl 'Rochantes and F&Urbdattmt R?-,q1r-.v*rt-4 - bt"ItMr) T"n3lation t4 In* .Ith I~JfS. Vol. 7 IAR tim4i Co. 9 mio"ths OT-dvr fm Fl*r" Put-tl-,tng CCr-1OrO1,I&1 22-7 West l"!t, Str1itt .Fvw Te&, P.T. 10011 J~fift F.) I I 'v%0C *Ingle isowts t15.110 tingle &T11,11o rv;-rjnt$ add fA em ~vtmva iilh"~rlrtton P"hl,*W of tM Thmew of DeftimabdIgtV of Ldzsd- Ir4 swd" 41 bar a. 5, Vol", SMAMO & -1 1-4111 1 bwasku 10"0 ROM l"6$ pp 2.4* ff%,*AW (lam) adowift" $w wot 6? Y#303"