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KO=mi st, NO 11, JulY 1971. ftU tr by JPMS 54070 Available Ly Serials Apr 72 uthxvlolla,41 TIalf to Soviet Pe'lf", - P I., -if by A. Ton, Lriais, 9 d~!,-] Strt)s, --d , RUSSIA4, Por, Tlllnylui. lic. 8, j,,-ug 1972, pp 113-27. jk~is .51014 I sapt 1?2 i - -I ~ . I Noumunist, No 12, Aug 1971. Pall tr by JPFO 54188 Available Ly Serials Apr 72 J~pr 73, Groator Hu,viony Ariong, flationnI lrdrior~-tios Urgon, by El. Ge,"Phnkw 7 pp., RUSSVIIII, prar, Kommunist, Vil,,,:yii:t, I!() L?, Sop't jCn2l pp '! ,, .~ f, JRRS .151,7291 Oct ?,gt Hiotory Olt Elourgno-!.~l Oct KoMuninto No 13, Sept 1971. ftU tr by JM 54335 AVailable Ly Serials Apr 72 1. .,. - fl XCUMMIst, No 14, SePt 1971. Full tr by JPHS 54495 Availoble Ly Serials A,Pr 72 of Workora," lntDx-n!Luonqj, St~-Olsvli-ori, li 1,:!p. Harumanist. If-L! lnyu!- , CN-, t NOV 72 Kammtmlst., No 15, Oct 1971. Full tr bY JPM 54571 Available Ly Serials APr 72 I c an U -7 o irl s c- 1 10 pp, vi-I 1pp . . ...... . ca-I -Talti :1 instO43-itat -CrItdimined, by A. Truldunns, 15 par, -Ki: 'r mkgt. Vi.I.Irry-im, Illo LI, DO-., ,19?2, pp 70-74. J PqS $?061. Kommist, No l6o Nov 1971. P'ull tr by JPRS 54783 Available Ly Serials Apr 72 --- -- ---- - ---- - --- Konm=d8to No 17, Nov 1971. Full tr by JPRS 54945 Availible Ly Serials A p r 7.2 Kammist, No 18,, Dec 1971. rull tr by JPW 55109 Avail&ble Ly Serials APr 72 Kouwt=Lst, No 1, Jan 19T2. Full tr by J 55329 AmUdDle Ly Serials Apr 72 Lanagement of Scientific, Technological Progress Discussed, by P. Kullvets, 8 pp. RUSS::All, per, Koaummist. Villnyus, No 1, 1972, pp 6--12. JM 55559 Apr 72 Kommudst, No 2., Jan 1972. Fun -tr by J 554W Available Ly Serials Apr 'r2 in a Singlo Combat Formation, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, por, Kommunist, Villnyui;, No 2. r-'eb 1972, pp 1-9. JPRS 55770 APr 72 l.noroasod LUlk F~roduotion in Uthuania Urgod, by I.J. Uriga-ILYUnas o, 8 PP- HU88=41 perl Lomiunlstv Villnytis, No2, Feb 1972, pp 10-15. JM 55586 Apr 72 Koma=imt2 No 3,, Feb 1972. FuU tr Iby JPRB 55700 Available Ly Serials Apr 72 i-tLlitury Patriotic Training of jouth, by I. A. Gubin, 7 PP. RUSSIAN, por, Kommunisto villnyuss No 4, Apr 1972, pp 31-38. iplis 56282 June 72 KammIst, No 5, March 1972. Full tr by JM 55961 Available Ly Serials Mw 72 Kammmistp No 7, May 1,072. Full tr by JPAS 56305 Available Ly Serials July 72 Kommunist', No gs JUne 1972. rull tr by JPRS 56695 Available Ly Serials Aug 72 Nomunist, No 10, July 1972. ftl.I tr by JPRS 569ol Available Ly Serials Aug 72 '*I- Kommmiat,, No ill, July 1972. Full tr by JPRS 56961 Available Iky Serials Sept 72 Kommunist, No 12, August 1972. Full tr by JPRS 57098 Available Ly Serials Sept 72 Kommunist, Do 15, October 1972. Full tr by JPW 57753 Dec 72 Kommunist, No 18, Dec 1972. Full tr by JPRS 581.84 Feb 73 The Decisive Year of the Five-Yeax Plan, Alear of Shook lAbor, 14 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Kommunist, Moscow, No 2, Jan 1973. pp 3-14. JFRS 38451 Mar ?3 t Vietnam -- Victory of Historic Significance, by S. Ivan'shin, 1. Osotov. 11 p1?. RUSSIAN, per, Kommmist, Yloscolt, No 2, Jan 1973,. PP 15-23. JFRS 56451 Mar 73 Upgrading Communist Activity and Discipline is a Domand ol the Times, by L. Grekov, 15 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Kommunist, kbscow, No 2, Jan 1973, pp 24-35. JM 58451 liar ?3 The Party of Scientific Communism; CPSU Theore- tical Summation of Cormnunist BWAding Experience, by A. Yegorov, 28 pp. RUSSIAN, per, &41mmwAst, Moscow, No 2, Jan 1973, pp 36-55. JPRS 58451 har 73 k1roduction hhterpriaela by Yu. Zhvinklis, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Komnunist, pp 48-55. JM 58581 Cost Accounting Considered, VillrWus, No 2. 1973, Apr 73 The Soviet Union is Loyal to the Banner of Socialism and Peace, 10 pp. RUSSIM, per, Kommunist. Moscow, No 2, Jan 1973, PP 56-63- M15 58451 blar 73 The Reemstruction of Industrial Enterprises Under the Conditions of the Scientific and Technical Revolution. by V,, Staritskiy. 16 pp. RUSSM, per, Kommunist, hoscow, VO 2, Jan 1973, pp 64-75. JFRS 58451 Mar 73 Socialist Cc atition and Creatire Search, by V. Zhigalin,l pp. RUSSIAN, per, Kommunist, Moscow, No 2, Jan 1973, ! pp 76-8o. JPRS 58451 Mar ?3 Cuba at the New Stage of the Btd:Lding of SociaUsm, by B. Gorbachev, 0. Dirusenkov, 15 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Ko=nunist, Moscow, No 2, Jan 1973, pp 81-92. JFRS 58451 Mar 7:3 The Metamorphoses of Bourgeois Nationalism, by V, Kortunorv, 12 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Kommunist, Moscow, No 2, Jan 1973, pp 93-102. 1. JFRS 58451 Mar 73 The Social Functions of the I'llaam Society" Dootrino, by G. Ashin, 14 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Kommunist, Moscow, No 2, Jan 1973, pp 103-113- JPRS 581+51 Mar 73 kafty Years of USSR National k;canonq, by S. Bulbekov, N. Petrov. 8 pp. RUSSIP14. per, Kommnist, Moscow, No 2, Jan 1973. pp 3-14-M. JPPS 58451 klar ?3 Revolution and C'Uture, RW531AN, per, J~Smmqgst, pp M-124. JPRS 58451 by K. Dolgov. 7 pp. Moscow, No 2. Jan 197.3. Bar ?3 Short Book Reviews, 7 pp. RUSSM , per, g2.m_muqist, Moscow, No 2. Jan 1973, pp 125-128. J PR.S 58451 Mar 73 Lot Us Upgrade the Effectiveness of Industrial Output , 13 I)P - RUSSIM, per, 42MLu_nist. hoscow. No 3. Feb 1973, PP ~3-13- JMi 58597 Apr 73 An OutstsmAding Work of RevolutionarY Thought, by Jacques Declos, 13 pp. RMMAN, per, XojmnMLstj Moscow, No 3, Fab 1973, pp DA-23- JMi 58597 Apr 73 The Commuidst Party I-Anifusto ar4 the Bankruptcy of AnZiproletarian Utopiae. by T. Timofayov, 18 pp. RU&SIAN, per, Xq=unist, Mloscow, No 3, Feb 1973, PP 24-37. JI)ILS 58597 Apr ?3 Bourgeois Ideology and Social Strategy of Cap.1talism, by G. Diligenskiy, 1.5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, K 2EMMist, Moscow, No 3, Feb 1973, pp :38-48. JPRS 58597 Apr 73 Tho Intornational Culture of tho I-Altinational Soviet People, by M. lovehuk, 20 pp. RUSSMI, per, Kommunist, 1-3oscow,, No 3, Feb 1973, pp 49-52. JFFLS 58597 Apr 73 The Soviet, Armed Forces and Mlitary Scionce, by 7. Kullkov, 16 pp. RUS.MV, per, Kommunist, bloscowl, No 3, Feb 1973, pp ?6-88. JPILS 58597 Apr 73 Ch tho Intensified Development of Siborian Natural Resources, by V. Bogachov. 17 PP- RUSSUN, per, .4amunist, Moscow, No 3, Feb 1973, PP 89-100. JPRS 58597 Apr 73 W Soviot-U.S. Relations, by G. Ar-batov, 17 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Kommunist, Fascow, No 3. Feb 1973, PP 101-113. JFRS 58597 APr 73 Chile: Antagonism Between the I.Forces of Progress and Reaction, by 1-1. Kudachkin, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Kommurdst, Moscow, 140 3, Fab 1973, pp 114-120. JFR5 58597 Apr 73 Mucating Convinced Internationalists, 13 PP- RUSSIAN, per, &o=uni , kloscour, No 3, Feb 1973, pp 121-128. JPRS 58597 Apr ?3 c --?~ -- A --,, ~ - , C, -) I " , r, 'n k (I .,j :) \ lku-UW'r bVrovumnt OC PaditXOID Work in P.Wrofil ThisbiwAry Needed in the Armomima SSN 5 ppe lvssvwj, vvv X-a-m-m-MIG-t-I 10 b1mr 1965, pe I, '"m ~~ - - VOR sbm Otm 65 9810945 Favato of Filclummt or 'llatim-sal Lcorlarv Lhwv2xpmont PUn of Armonlan SSR for FljL-Dt Ilau of 19651, 21 pp, WSSIAND rjpf Kommanist, 28 Jul 19659 pp 1.2 JFEM 3k334 -1 .s= Eam Got 65 2909414 Otrodill.", tale Pulse by rzaclio, uy V. 'el-i-iVyat'skaya. 2 I)P. RU!ktl,VZ, np,, k"Ogmis Aug 4, 1D65, p 4. PI"028566 F111-77-65-1710 scvBri",l Sap 66 3090437 PlAn D-AMIlment durina the First IMne Rmthe of 1965 in Uift Annemian SSR, 5 PP - RMIN npp Kocounist, 20 Oct 1965p p. 1. JPM 3.;492 USSR Rcm ion 66 293,781 ,I,otal state pian ruifilima Figuzva or the Armaj= 80 for 1965t 17 Pip. XMIM., np.- NOMIMst, 6 nib 1966.. pp. 1 & 2 - JM 34936 Vw soon Apr 66 299#071 guating of Aktiv of Party OrganIzation of kmrmnia~, 13 ppq WESIM,, mp,, Nougunisti, 22 Apr 1966, P, 3, JPRO 35W7 ' USSR ftl .LT= 66 3OIvW A Vaotjz43 of Suvl%li,,)z Dilvato.ra in Arwanict, 5 vp - RMIAN, npj Kommugiat 15 l4ky 1966, P- 3o JM 36M UMR-Armenia Econ JU 66 3C4j.780 lin*IN" RIXMIAll, vapor, i(mmiunist, I L R jvcvl),!r 1(1-:~-)O, 1) 2 MIPS 39607 Econ Am 67 3 1 b, 3 87 Soviet Philosopher Discusses Classes and the Clues OtrajMleby R,. Vea-tanov,, 8 pp. RUSOMp per, Kommunist 4 Jan 1967,p pp. 2-3- JPRS 3W99 USSR Coe )kr 67 317g232 Popld Gwovtb of Ax=nJL*n TiOu itry umd r SmIet ALUS 5 pp. MMIM.* mV,, Kc .MMygj*t . 2967, p * 2 * JFW Jt3M _, 10 Ocl, ,am obw 67 -VA#23LB Aramlan &AsuUac MmUtutlons Rmared an 50th Aphis 1. MM7 ColobletACIAS 6 PPS MOM* pwo I Rav 107o p 2w JPW 43717 Soo.-A& am Bid org asa 68 3W0446 !Me Importance of Cooperation to Noj%*-vere of the Council of mutual Economic Assistance, bY A. Azizbdkyan, 6 pp. RUSSIM, newspaper, Koritmunist, Yerevan, 3 Fab 68, pp. 2-3. JPRS 44,620 USSR Economic March 68 352,591 ShortcaIml?.41 In Bul2aiM of Fmalan power FsallItlOvs ran* G6 PP. tV L. Avsk6l~ Ion i9-680 p 2e gellIg 4 Jur's JPRS 45097 Be&/&Wrgy Cmv (HM-PM) 3629612 Aug 68 5tr(mg k*ae for Armenian 1-wor construction, by t S. AYVAM~Yan. 5 Pp. RUSSIAN, np, LoElSqd#t, Yerevan, 18 Aug 1968. !.' P 2. jas 46517 34A-DaerV Conv (non-prop) (at 68 367,445 Byurakia: Sky Window, by D. Balaguzyan RUSSIAN, np, Kommunist (Armania)~' Sept 17, 1968. NLL Ref: 5828.4F (M.7528) Sci-Astron July 69 387"398 p=gra3v IIIAlis rotded in Lithmnias by P, RultvOus 7 ppe RIZZLAN, rpt, fi2mmmAdcl villnyas. selpt 1968. pp 44-49. JPR3 46840 USSR Bean Doe 68 333.789 R"rt by Gosplan Cbalrmn of Amwdan SSR, tv Lo So 19-mwbatrym v 13 pp* RUSSIM9 ape fiROMMId laravant, 20 Dso 1968. p 2* JFW 47393 USSR Ebm Ifar 69 3?4*M R"crt by IU=ce Ministor of Armmdan SSRq bV A. K. Shekoyan, 13 pp. RWSIAI%', np, &MMMI*t, lerevan, 20 Doc 1968, p 3. JFRS 4?393 USSR BOM klar 69 374,??2 Armenian Machine-Tool Plants Need Modernizing, tW M. I(aslyan. 5 pp. RUSSUN. np# K sto Yerevang 20 Nov 1969, p 3. ins 49833 Sid-Mmeho Lido CIV & H" MW Feb 70 402o066 ,SC*9(),, 0l adv magg ussn OCOC 99-TP M *;g Cl &69,6'E 00a C-C 'IUIA"OX *-'Pl WiW sdrlt 'Kn'RMH *dd C OusVOPIA" OR Xq 404tammADI&I -I*qVM "*IT wAOM OVMUOO-q 6peaks an Lzoo-ruffdo Problunso by I, Yet, hooilvom, n pp., RVs$j'r"O Paro Lpmm~~ts Torovilyle 15 JW1 1970. pip Ito 2m J44W: 49V36 USSR F*1 Pots 70 400.355 1603460m la 31,4ad- -of Add* "Orl 6 Pj),- .-Old-Itial, 'mill, jilimpl,~k2~jI "Im-fullianp Illjl' lVall) 21t AN, 170 v, W-orullan. PP, uum Fa Izo cm $11:11halts tit cansrosms p $01MMIAS ft-VpZrD 9;Dl~ J011111MOZ138017 OT Ulp 3 ppi Torvutuip 2D flar 3.970,t lp.r 2, Avm(P4 virlo D5 1973i p I L4 34M4 WWI V. I-AmIdAls llibftlk llX%vth,,lQrv 27 jpqi~..p MASILMI, ',I!'? "-.Ur 3.970, $4-md mmd SOL ("M aw To -AA bi Rm It ;00 . W Itf,1114. P Idki. fillpv I ~x?q' 6 ~t, lur,onnim-p :11P4 Oul, 111701 p 2. 1w, A I~wm~ DOC ~~ 1?0 ------------------------------- --- -Z1 t 313 ll;cp,? pp I 1, 2., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lasalis Irfm Amminit" ".1flanilmy A fruntliq A 71 ----- --- --- inp :Rop 1; b 1) - zvF$ %560 malt RI-old 1.%3~ 71 by M., Aacultop X113ro"'wi, :0~ jull 19-fl, %659 11111"ortarA VWM PIP., 2' 197-1, i:o 2- VUS~Jlxl p PION M jvvw Apr Rasj~lutiian ior 2.5th Armonliam ParLy Congress 5 p Rylst:;Arl, per, Nomminist, Yo:movari, 6 Ilar 72, pp 1"2. JPR$ ~52773 A p r '~l tyy 1:jl',. F1 :I,, IT Apr, 73. fad toyan EA, :1111, by Till, 71 J7 i AP 71 cammium Ulta rill Armimlja,,,,~ 11-thi-aanicti JIM tart bW L. TPP- por. pp 42,-48. 01 Economic Cooperation Among Soviot Ropublics, by G* Vatlyan, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Kommunist, Yerevan., 20 Jan 1972, p 2. JM 5.5260 Feb 72 council chairman Reports to Armenian Trado-Union Congress, by G. V. Tardthumanyan, 21 pp. HWSIAN, np, A51~mis~t, Yerevan, 2 Feb 1972, P 2. JFRS .5,5319 Lar 72 Role of Youth in Progress of Armenian SSRI out- lined, by A. Ye. l'oohinyan, 11 pp. RMSIAN, por, Lonimwj:~st, Yerevan, 4 ~;ar 1972, pp 1-2. JFRS 55566 Apr 72 Armenian Ufficials Discuss Consumer Goods Quality, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Kommunist, Yereviva, 10 1~'Ar 1972, p 2. JFRS 5.5?)B Apr 72