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IZIl AN NAIJK SSSR SFRIYA XII.TMIrljFqjMYA, No 173, 1969 pp IM-1.364 "A-'~~ - NTC 70-10782-07C IZV AX NAUX :17SSR 17ERIYA KHIVlrllESKAYA, No 10, 1969, pp 2284-227M A . ATS 36W1191? IZV AK NAUK SSSR 7KAYA g pp M2-2324 , SERIYA KHIMICHEl , No. 10, 190 ATS RTY119R The Precipitation of Trypsin by Poly(lletha- cryUc Acid), by S. V. Holtsova. RUSSIAR,rpt, MSajtMjXa_HaRL.~SSR, Izvesti-ya. Seriya Xhimichoskaya, 1970, pp 1895-1896. rr,C-71,-12288-07C Nov 71 On tho Necessary Condition for 'Miroo Mmennional Boundary Layer Separation, by G., M. Zelilcovich-Barim. RUSSIAN, per., Alcademiya Nault SSSR Izvestivc. VilUdhosti i lie ;, 19?0, pi) 109-113. -. 19TC-71-11859-OIA Nov 71 On Crttori.Ex of Threo-Din, enriona3 Bowid.-iry 1,qyor Sopm,-atlon, by 0. M. Zelikovich-bam. RUSSIM;' per, Mcademiya Nau-IT. SS-SR ~Tzvestiya. Ilelth.-mika Zhidk-osi:i i Gaza, No li , 1970, PP 50-54. C-71 -1186-2-0 1 A Nov 7 1 A New Method For Introducing Fluorinc intuo rin Avomatic *,luelous, by I.L.If"Maiyantn. RUSS"EAll, per, Alhadem:U,a Maul: SSS)R *l,-,veoti:,'-[l 1,2 1 1 ::heslk,-y-a ~ zn,~, . --, ,9 -,.. - j . "- - 12: , t ~~m lira - ~ . I I .- - I,FL'C 70-1-69015-1-o-'c L. I. Martyner0to Infrared Spectroscopic Study of the Structure of Ethylenedianonotetraacetic Acid and its Salts. RWSIANj, per,, Lkade a Nauk !MR, Izvestiva. Seriya Khimicheskaya, No 6, TrO, pp 1236-1243 NTC 72-12638-070 sept 72 INWVO lot ftmnadmg-off O-Alkyl %sidleal ion Amtkho2lmssturmsm ERMIKIVA-Ml Of C-AIV.14-n, by A. A. Abihmikhabaw, 8 pp. IRMSSIAN, per, 13mestiya Akadmli PlImull. SSSR. Sfalay im~lwlrjtya. 1.1weDw, Na 7, 1970, pp 158&-2,5193. MRS 52413 Sid/ch-mu Mar 73L Possible Causes of Stabilization of hdal lfites and Sulfo-mides, by S=O Ibnd in qycl i caL L. Ko Yuldashava., at al. RUSSIAN, per, Almdemiya Nauk ESSR. Izvest:Lva. Serly-a MLinicheskaya No 11, 1970, PP 2461-2466. NTC 71-13893--4)7B Feb 72 1.4 11 1Fill IN 4, 11 t Ion-Exchango Sorbents 3psed )n -kriino ficids and Their Derivatives, 1) V. pcr, :L~ya- Serija I im-jahe.E Nlo 3, '11'71, -,)p 502-508. ATC, 72-10660-07C May 72 .4 ~o-W Active Catalytic System for the A 14 DisproportJLonation of Olefins, by M. L. Khidekele RUSSIAN, per, s2riva No 3, 1971, pp 663. NTO 72-100150-07C Apr '72 flydroreThoxy CaTbonylation of I-IleXane by Formic Acid and Muthnnol tinder Phosphoric Acid Citnlytic Conditions, by M. B. Ordyan. RUSSIAN, per, Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, SeT Rhim., 1971, pp 1116-1118. *NTIS TT 72-51136 Jan 73 Synthasin and Folyraor-Sazation of Pentla- Chlorophenyl. and 2,4,5-"rfchInrnpbeLi.;-l_ Ls t a a , n Gl 3F- I, y r, ( N -To 3 14, -T bTr 1'.. T. ForoBhin. RUSSUN., por, 1971p pp 1276-12'7Q, N'TC 72-12399-07C July 72 'llic.-mal Dcvomposition of lklononitroalkanc-;. Part 1. NitToethano, 1-Nitroprovane and 2-Nitropropanc, by V. V, Dubikhin. RUSSIAN, per, Izv ikkad Nauk SSSR Ser [JUm., No 7, 1971, pp 1412-1,116. ATS-RJ-5860 Apr 72 jjjO,Vj~jjjj of tiononittoull-ancs. Vart 2. 2-Mathyl-,%litropropane, by V. V. Dubi',-Iiin. RUSSIAN, per, Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Khim., No 7, 1971, pp 1416-1,,IkI9. ATS-IIJ"5861 ,mv uffcc-t of the Structure Ov'r-omponition of V. Y.,hin, RUSSIAN, per, Izv Ak-ad Nauk pp 1554-1556. ATS-RJ-5St).(*l of the Alkyl Group on thv hy SSSR, Ser Khim., No 7, 1971, Apr 72 Synthesis of CnYboxylic Acid Derivatives During Acid Catalysis From Carbon Monoxide, Olef"ins, and Aqilating Compounds. Carbonlo,lation of N-Aniyl and IsorivI Alcohols by Carbon 11onoxic-le, by Y. Yunhin. RUSSIAN, per, I~zv Akad Nauk SSSR. Sol- Khir' 19-11 pp 1779-178S *NTIS TT 72-;114.; Jan 73 V. Ya. Bacovich The meth=ia combustion mechanion question. 2: The one-dimensionaL atawic flona. 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, I,3v. Akad Ncn4,Tc SSSPi. .5 ~Khim 110 lo-, t&,qA TY F 14, 32.1 aug 72 Diffem',tiable Sphere Bundlos, I),- -;. P. ~%'Ovil,()%[, ."* 1)], por, Akad. ..;ILI!, :,'cr. i*.IL. 2~1, 11)()S, iy 71-9u Anior Soc 'L"r, Vol o3, Scrics 2 3W,03j Sci - :-iatli Sci) 67 On Certain Power Series with Periodic Coeffi- cients, by L.A. Anfert'yeva. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, ser Matemat, vol XXIX, 1965, pp 137-148. *Dept of Navy JHU/APL/JG09 Sci-Math Aug 65 On DMbrentlable Ponatloxw of n ftylabloo, b6V X- Ik- XVAUUV- =BBXAN,o in". Izv AN S=j, Sea., Mat., Vol 29p 9650 im W-4fT.- 3, Dapt of Nmy APX,/JW W-9282 ad-waft sapt 69 393.040 ~: 1;1:i, ; i. C i C at i oll () I, t i I V t ,o i Ach i L i%i vy 1"'USS I AX 1W I' , 1-- V . 1965, 657-688) Allic], :~~ltil Soc Tr, Vol o.'-',, :; cries Vec to r I'l in"! I C~,; i Jvc, r ;111 1 ra c ~)' A . i . . 1 .1 k I r i !U~ ILI LIll S OSS I Sci - Sep 67 New General Method of Studying Linear Operator Equations of the Singular Integral Type. Part II, by I.B. Simonenko. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Matemat, vol XXIX, No 4, 1965, pp 757-782. *Dept of Navy/APL No J-716 Sci - Math Feb 66 On Linear Differential Equations with Randomly Perturbed Parameters, by M. G. Shur. RUSSIAN, per, lzY AN SSSR, Ser Mat, Vol 29, No 4, , pp 7E13-WO-T.- Dept of Navy APL/JHU T-2260 Sci-Math May 69 380,954 Topolw4cal P=Pertles of Sets Connected vith Appro)d~mtlon 2boory, by Yu. A. Shashkin. MMUMp parp Xzv AN Sam, Lar Hat, Vol 29, So 5., 1965.- pq lW5-1094. DePt of Navv AWJHU CM-3 T-592 NTr 70-10553-1-9A aai-wbh Oct 69 393j-318 Anulogue of the Planclicrel FoTmula for the Roul Unimodular Group of tht nth Order, by H. 1). 110null, RUSSIAN, per, Izv, Ak Nauk SSSR, Scriya Mat , Vol XXI.X, 1965, pp 1147-1202. Am Math SOC Vol 58, Ser ; Feb 67 318,256 Optlimm Processes in Systems with DistrIbuted Parcuioters and Some Problems of InvarlAnce Theroy,v by A. I. Yagoravp RUSSUX, pers, kMstW Ak Nauk SM- Serlyu Mathmatidbefd=m Vol XW~ ]b 6,p 1965j, 7pMD~-1260. P2DO161267-V ,RSJW-6hg Sci-Math Jw 67 1-9,028 Finite-JAiwnsional Irroducible Reprusentations oi tho Unitary wid Complete Linear GrOLIJ) and its Rolated Special Fmictions, by I. H. Gelfand, i1. I. Graycv, 51 pp. RUSSIAN, per, I7-v. Akad. Nauk- SSSP. -Ser. Nat., Vol 29, 190S, I)p 1329-13s6. AEG-LA-nr-67-89 P911248868-V sci/Math Uct 68 368,286 On n-Dimensional Compact Varieties with a i C.-I I 1\* I lldc[)Cllkl-0llt ; :CrOIX) I-phi C FtulcL i ()11-. I i I , i)\, it. G. 1:2 7 pp. !,U61SIAN, i;cr 17V. \?~~JLJ. NZIL11, SSS!, Sol:. ::a-L. 30, 1966, pp 133-174; -345-33)6; 621-656 Amor %latli Soc Tr, Vol o.*5, scries 2 337,034 sci - 1.1"Ith Sol) 67 IZVESTIYA AN SSSR, SE-RrYA MATEMATICHE3rAYA (Bulletin or the Academy of Science% of USSR, Kathematical Ser-'es - bimonthly) Translatien begins with 1967, Vol. 1, NO- I IAg time, 12-16 months Order from* Americsn Mathematical Society P.O.13ax 6249 Providence, Fliode Island, 02904 1971: t 200 00/year USA and Canada It 200:00 year elsewhere Single issues and back issues friced separa-e IT Prepayment required) IZV AK NAIM SSSR SERIYA MA TEMA TICHESKA YA Vol 32, No 6, 1968.0 pp 1391-1413 NTC 70-11886-12A Ujt a Coneral vAnfiod of investigatirAir i;omdary Value ProblOLM, by A. 1. Porcv and A, V. Kibenkl..), iZLUGIA,M, por, Izvostlya Ah-a&iaiu "Jailk SS&I"t Scriya ":Utomiatika VIA xxx, 4(;, Z, I-C)66, pp 249 294. =P WI)t Of INavy 5070/1111L TG 2.30-17,05 sci-Math Doc 66 31,CSZ;3 IZVES-rYA AN SSSR, SEVrYA NEORGANICHMKIK MATERIALY (Inorganic Matertal, - monthly) Tmnslation begins with 1!)65 lag time: ca. 12 monthn Order rmm: Plenum Publi~hing CorLorattion 227 West 17th Street New York, N.Y. 10011 1971, 210.00/year 30.00 sIngle issue% 15-00 alngle article rerrInts add 5-00 on ovemea subscriptIon Annual Vacation for Female Workers, by B. N. Khomelyanskiy, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Izvestiya Adademii Nauk USSR, Seriya Obshchestvennykh Nauk, No 1, vol 1, 1968 pp 114-1TT. JPRS 46087 USSR Soc Sep 68 365,325 Apparatus for hausen Effect, RUSSIM, per. Vol 34, No 5, BISI 91-61 the Investigation of the Bark- by V.P. Pa,vlov, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Phys. , 1970, pp 1122-1124. Aug 71 Urio or a Vortmc Model to Est:Lmate the Accuracy of a Detenaination of the Turbulent CharacteristIcs of Shear Flows by the Photoeraphic Method, by E. V. Zalutskiy. 7 pp. RUSSIAN., I'Pt, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR. Ser. Tekh. NaA, Oct 1969, pp 12-16. NASA-IT-F-13133 JUlY 71 I"JJ,IAI.iA- AAAVj2,fl.l IVAIIK 5SM, U111 A, VOL 4, No 1, 1968, pp 112-1111 NRC C-8425 4(CSIIW-Trjmw-l0552) jNIAUNEFIC HEILDS IN THE '*)LAII (1111MMSPHE'RE. Vyid'abin, G. F.; Krat, V. A. JoTralls- latud by U. Losonci (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Re- search Organization, Australia), from 15Ezv. GI. Astron. Observ. Pulkove; 24: No. 2, 26-34 (1965)- 2017p. S. gales Only). 2;astrophysIcs; translations 2T0313 26MN-34 29NP NSA ,'tudy of ui,,,)it opcit ciusters fron the tlm)cr "Otiolis tuld P"lutwictric cluxactur:,tic.,; uk thu "itkmt" by V. V. Lavdovski).. RU6,031;Nj~, per, izv. Glaw. I~ctron. v*s. v !)UliL.,. Vol XXII, ;~'O 0, IL,165, 136-216. ALL 4'S 33721 (~.m Loan or Purciimio) ~;ci-Astroa Iq7 , tr u-/ 324,023 ~' -:1 ~ ";I I !I I 1 11 ric~j-dv f-i3samiticuo 01: 'alm-- Type Il "'u - .vx)-jr)vct ilDi.ijcu-its, b~j 'i. V. uyst-mva, et: al. ,)or, Izv. CLL-iv. Astrai. Cbs. Pulkova, Vol 24, A) 178, D65, 1,~. WM. ALL 8732 WYC TP-1323) sai/ a,-Lrai auq 69 388,661 -T7,VF,5.Tr.YA GT.AVNO.T ASTRONOMICIMSKOI OBrf,,'[?VATORTI V PULKO-VF, MT V4, No ?, (182), 1967, 17p 235-M NTC 70-12228-031 Zverev, Af. .17, L~cpedition of M41kovo astronomera to Chile. 54 pp IZMTIYA GLAVNOY ASTRONOMICHESZOY OBSERVATORII V PULKOVE, No 185, 1970, pp 1-31 cTPRS 53136 pp 3-39 JPRS 53136 32 pp Krat, V. A. Progra8a of balloon heZiophysics in the Soviet Union. 18 pp. IZVESTIYA rLAVNOY ASTRONOMICHESKOY OBSERVATORII V PULKOVE No 185, 1970, pp 124-131 NASA TT F 13, 6 7 5 NTC 72-10306-03B Tits Roduction of MwidlAn Observations Including tho Remats from Obewmations of the Stare WWkw Datmmlawtiong, bar V. V. Kartin. FOSSUNP part Immetbm GRoudoup sk No 181, -A -gy t. pkte~tar=l IW# PP ?0-79o X&MWOTPAN4688-68 Sa4katron ion 69 =9560 The Coitputation of the Bessal RedunUon vouss with ]CLeatradc Camumtera, bW M9 Po Varin, 19 pp. mts-va RUMIAN. perl, Jr ffudaEjLVjmm nomdebaskey Observatorli, N01810 19666 pftp92. Dopt of Navy/RIC tr No 2" P50OY32967 34d-r6LOO Doe 67 346,628 'Itrallcov, YU.A. 1969 On th* oyatematics of the genus T-6truoll0hus Die5ing, 1850 (0 slatematike roda Tetruonoh-L fi-esing. 1850) lavest. Uosudarstv. nauohno-inaled. inzt. czer. rech. ryb. khoz., 2L: 130-136. In Ruasian. Transl. by Tranal. Bur. Fgn. Lang. Div.. Dept. of See. of Stato of Canada fcrFRBC Biological Station, Nansimo, B-C., 1970. as FRBC Tranal. Series Vo. 1495. 20P.. typonarlpt. Avail. on Loan - BCF, Wash., D.C. Original Article Checkedl 1969 DOW oil VIA OPiZOCA010,-i~', d,48ancri3 und Prophyl.%Xiz If awimbladder dinamae of the carp (MAterialy Do epizQ(.tu2L:,,;i--, djo,Sno3tike I profilalrtike boltzni 7-lavatellnogo zuzyrya karpa) Infektaionnye bolezni ryb i borlba a nioi. 1-avestiya Foaudartstvannogo n.3uchno-i&:;2edcvt' Vskogv instituta oxemogo i rec4nogo rybno,;o khozla?otva, (69), 1~71nlstemtvo rybno,.:o 1chotiaYstva RSPSR, Leningrad: 15-46. T-n Russian. Transl. by Robert M. 0owland for ~ZF&W, "Arch 1972, 43p., typescript, Avail. on Loan Wash., D.C. Original Article Checked4-J- R&bkin, E.!-. and R.A. Kudentsova 191.9 The preparation of monolayer tissum ouItums from tho gorinda of fJoh (PrIgutovIenia odnosloinof kullf.ury tlcana~ is gonad ryb) Infektolorin,ye bolezni ryb i borlba a nimi, ~Eveatiya gosudaretvennogo nauchno-issledova~jsjlslcogo Instituta ozsrno~~o i rte ogo rybnogo Ithoxialstva, ~(q), rinisterstvo rybnogo khoz=m1tva fiSFSR. Leningrad: 166-1619. In Russian. Tranal. by Robert 'lowland for -I-ZFkmf, October 1972, 5p., typescript. Avail. on Loan - M,*,FS, Wash., D.C. Originol Article Checked.A.,,.k Growtli of Alplia lorm Silicon Carbide from Solutions, by A.A. Kal'nin, Yu. M. Tayrov. 6 pp RUSSIAN, rpt, Izvestiya Leningrad. Elektrotech- niches --nstTt-ut, No 61, 1966, pp 26-29. -ATrR -23-625-69 77 1 D sci/materials may 70 Obtaining Silicon Carbide Based p n Junctions from Solutions, by A. A. Kal'nin, Yu. M. Tayrov 6 pp- RUSSIAN, rpt, Izvestiya Leningrad. Elektrotech- nicheskiy Insti-tut, No 61, 1966, pp 30-34. AIR/FTD/liT-23-625-69 sci/materials may 70 V. Maksimovich Thennoolootrio processes in eleatronic devices and the possibility of their practical use. 5 pp. RUSSIAN, Inve8tiya_, Laningr zj - q& Elaktrotekhnicheski institut No 85, 1969, pp 140-145 ===j- 'TD-RC-23-941-72 oct 72 On tho Corrolation Datwoon tho Acid Alkali E'xuding AbIl -1 ty of Nodulo Bacteria and Their F,coloGIcal Adaptation of Sell pH, by I. Nesterova. RUSSIATTI per, Moukovekaya Solskokhozyaistvennaya Akadandya (im Timiriazova) Izvestiya, No 2, 1969, pp 22-26. 1~7N-71-1%46-o6m Nov 71 Basipetal Progation of Bioelectrical Stimulation in Plants as a Result of Root Plasmolysis, by I. I. Gunar, RUSSIAN, per, Maskovs,',caya kzjskQkhoZvaigtvenna-v[a &kademiya "all-11.14iriaZova, Izvestivaj No 6, 19699 pp 3-7. NTC 72-10166-06C Apr 72 bolnr ;'tctivity and Its lle~lcctiun in bmic 1~-atural I'licituita3mt,.uy 'j. L. twstiu. RUSSIXJ, per, Izv. 1-;osk. Vscs. Goug. ubshch.. Vol IOU, ly. 341-345, 1908. NLL Rci; 9022.551 )VI. 570) Sci-phys Sept 69 391,063 From a Scientific Heritage, by F. A. Tsander RUSSIAN, bk, Iz Nauchno o Naslodiya, 1967, 101 pp. NASA TT F-541 sci-Mise July 69 388,589 Transactions of the Vsdeneyev All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Hydraulic &%ineering, 293 pp. RUSSIAN, per, laveatiya Neuchm-Issledovatellskogo Instituta GLdrotekhniki ime-i 11, Ye. Yedeqcy;va, Val 86v L968* CFSTI TT 69-55062 Sci-Mach Jum 70 AZ5- RJ -5681 DEMROCYCL17-ATION OF PARAFFIN HYDROCARBONS, 0. 1. Shmidt and V. 0. Upovich, Izv. Nauch.-Issled. Inatt._r_qP-UglekhLm. Sin. f1r. -Gos. r,-4-16 (1967)'. -A--r-e-v--i*e-w-o-e--Ii-t-c-ra-ture- o"n-t-be mechanism of dehydrocyclization. Pines' hypothe- sis re. aromatIzation r-I aD:anes questioned. 3800 W; I T; 50 R $18.85 ($2.00) Pover Tranwdoolon by Direst ond Alternating Currents . Maim., per,, Isvestin Naudbip-lemledomteVamm Ustj tg PostolWgM Tbk&, No 15, 1969, 351 PP. ACVM-TT 70-57267 Sci/maect Sept 70 N. P. A Zeksandrova Sirparatt'on oj* ya; from oil undor aotion o.1' partial di,se.-harge. Naticlt?zo-iseleclovc:tal'skoco Ins-,tuta SDI Tri-e-as 29074 dec 72 About the Antimicrobial Effects of Avtol a nd Solodil, by B. D. Kherutyunyan. 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Inv Sol 'skokh*21,yaXstv&npjjLh Nauk, No 4, 19680 pp 99-105. ALR/FW/HT-23-671-69 sci-B&H itume 70 14. Doneva. Fixing and Preserving Solutions Used in Making Anatomical Preparations From Tobacco Leaves. RUSSIAN, per, Akaderaiya na Selskostopanskite Nauki. Izvestiya. Rastenie-;udai Nauki, Vol 4, No 12, 1~XJ7, PP 131-1111. NTC-72-13834-02D Ncrv 72 Distribution of Vitamin E in Plants, by V. vi3,ywm. RMLAH, perp Izv Sol 1. -kho7 AI-A K. A. EWMz"ko Mb 6, ZUr, -pp 3r-41. Co=o 110 9789 Sol-BM D" 69 398181 Effout of Ribonuclease on j'Amth Disense, Report 11: on the Infection Process Houth Disease, by It. I. 14 pp. RUSSIAN, pp 78-881. AlZf,:/FSTC/11T-23-779-7U Propagation of Hoof and liffuct of lZibmiuclease in E.3werimental lloof and SaIgmik, T. A. natalina. por, Izv Sibirskogo Ad AK-ad Nlauk- SSSR L~ Sci/B4,l Jul 70 Rational Rwgirms or the Workl.V. Wook In inautstry, by P. V. Grigoi-Ijev, 3 pp, RUMMAN, per, Izvestin Sibirskoi-m Otdelaniya Akademil Nauk SSSR' No. 9, Sept 1966, pp. 9- 14, JPRF, 40046 USSR Soc Apr 67 321,270 A Five-Day 'Working Week in ti-La Kuzbau Yzinec;, by V.. F. Sizintnev, 5 I)P- KJSSIAN, Ix-.r, Izvestiya ~21)irsko&a Otdeleniym Akade.mii Nauk SSSR, No. 9, Sept 1966, PP- 15- 16. JPRS 400W 'USSR Soo Apr 67 321,,271 A Part-191me Vorking Day for Mothers,. by L. D. Situridine, 6 pp. TUSSIAN, per, Izvestiya 2-ibirskogo Otdelqn~ya Akade.-aii Nauk SSBR, No. 9, Sept 1966., PP- 15- lu-. JPR6 40046 UBSJR Sao Apr 67 321,272 Tj,c I?x-4bicra of the Ilationalization of will)rkers* llolhdo,vs, 'by D. N. Miomaly%nakiy, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Izvestiyu Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Almlmnii Nauk WSR, No* 9., Sept 1966., pp. 25- 31- ipm; WoW USSR Soc Apr 67 321y273 Energy CbmwaaWrIstics of a Plaamatron vJLth Mognwtlo Ara OtabliLizatlm, bky A. V. Hllw3"v,, 1. D. IMIagla. i==I.p pw,. Icy Blblrsk Otd Aked Hauk SM., No 10j, X966o VP 27-36- ATS-W--52h8 sa-p4m MW 70 4O3v2al So.-io Questions Concerning, the Davolopiont of Publio Consumer FUnds, by La A. MovilcoV, 9 PP, per, Izvegu-va Si skopo Otdel Nauk SSSR, 1116 --, JAn 1967,pp Ahgjert ~ -- ' 1 9 ".2 UPP-9 4--644------ - USSR Boon Jul 67 332.370 V. P. Cheremisin Principal Methods of Development of the Con- struction Material Industry in Western Siberia RUSSIAN, per, Izvestiya Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1967, pp22- 27-. JPRS 41.982 USSR Econ Aug 67 333,460 I. A. Kr,uchinin Modernization of Operative Equipment in Indus- try, RUSSIAN, per, Izvestiya Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Akademii Nauk S_=, No 1, Vol 1, 1967, pp. 40- 47. JPRS 41910 USSR Econ Aug 67 332,798 r'. 1'. Bvb.irl Economic Efficiency of New Technological Pro- cesses for Treating Resistant Gold-Bearing Con- centrates at the Nine Site. RUSSIAN, per, Izvestiya Sibirskogo Otdeleniya, Akademii Nauk SSSR, No 1, 1967, pp. 48-51. jPRS 42078 USSR Econ sept 67 339,087 The Transition of KumnetsIc I-Iletanurglats to a lave Diky Work I-lbak, by 1. 1. Demidov. K. Yo. KapustLn, A, Yao Soml*nilwv. and Do Ya. Yashin, 10 pp. RUSSI-0, per, Igrgatiya Sibiralcono Otdalaniva- Akads-di Pauk SSSR. No I. Jun '967, pp* 5?-53* USSR Eoon Jul 67 332.369 Reasons for Labor-Turnover at Lntorprisas of the 'l[ak2jOuovo-Ymlseysk Timber CoiTplex, by I* M, Voronlov, '12 pp, HUS&UN, per, Izvegti M Sib&rskog2 OtdelenAy-a Akademli Nauk SSSR Do ), Jun '967. pp. 59- jpRs 41,644 USSR Boon Jul 67 332,372 ,lonal Rogulation of Quostiona Conceming Interrog Real t4ages fbr Ilwaml and Office Workers Darln;.- the 11(m Five Year Plan, by l'. P. Kal!Lnovslciy, 7 PP. RUSSIAII, per, Izvesti--va -Sj. -skoC2 OtdalMLU .A SSSR, No Jurt '967, pp. 66-??-. alcadeali ~La jpRs 4 644 USSR Econ jul 6et, 332.37': Correlation of Volt-Ampere Characteristics of Coaxial Plasmatron With Magnetic Are Stabilization, by V. S. Kiself, B., A. Uryukov, 5 Pp. MMSTAN, per, Izvestiya Sibirskogo Otdel2!An Ak Hauk SSSR, No 8(2), 1967, pp 10~)-106. June 72 Spa,clalization and Development of Omskaya Obtast Economy, by G.Ya. Kurbstova., 11 pp. .a Sibirskogo Otdel- RUSSIAN, journal, Izvestiy ~~nlya &kademii Hauk SSR, Novosibirsk, Sept. 67. pp. 49-55. JPRS 45,131 ISSR Economic April 68 355,753 Development of G.-ld Extracting Industry in Northeast USSR, by S.A. Shaydurov, 8 pp. K1J$$IAH, per, Izvestiya Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Altademii Hauk SSSR, Sept 67, pp. 56-61. jims 44,972 USSR Economic April 68 355,483 CoAzin long-lWiggo I)Loblow In Dovoloping Siberian k4moMr. by B. P. orlov, it. 1. Shniper, 13 pp - vo RWSlkl , per, lzvestly-a SJIA ko OWalmi Akstdond - 14&)& SSSR, 110 1. 1WI. pp JFRS 45,962 USSR L"Oon Aug 68 363,?3? iiatst '.krnnrbskylmUan elning Devalojnt4nt kcaturon, E by I'. DYbin, 13. "W'. Idloslavskiy, 6 pp. RMS1.0 ya AbirskpM Adoleniya Ao%dcrdl Uluk Do .2,ep 68 365,344 Tcailtcrlal IlAmAng fdt;mwc;cxt at Ilovon-IlArsk seaUvarl, 6 pp. RUSSIM , p", IMLes JUM , ;kww Otd2jgULM Akadedl Lim~uk SSSR. No 1. 1968. pp 228-1,20. im 982 USSR Ekm Auz 68 363.736 Effect of Antiseptics n Soil 141croflore Awine, Soil Burial Testing, IW 1. A. Patreko. IAII, per., Izv Sibir Otd Ak Nauk SS - V01 15, So 3, 19W, PP W-WT5 . AM/FSIW/Hr-2~69 Sai-IMM Nov 6.9 395,656 Industi,lal Dovelorment of _`:Lboria :AucuSsacl. bY 0. L. larasorv, 12 pp. itus"31AI'i' per, Lgivelsti. in!l_C5?f'O_ -tolale iya AWqd_A NovosIbinsk, 10 0. 196U. Irp ,jpizi UZ6& Econ vac 63 Boguchiwtakaya Goo in Part of Jngara Power Groiip, by S. L. Ceiranuldy, L. D. Samaylova, 9 pp. M$SIA14. per, layogtt-ya Sil k-Om &M-We9ta M4 SSS . Novosibirsk, No 6. 1568, pp 30-35. aimala Scl-uftera conv (non-prop) Doe 68 353.803 Ciromth c)f Siberism lndustrida Potential UtW, b.v k. A. Baturin, 13 pp. Abi k0go, Utddg~An per* IP-20-t&ta Almd Novosibirsk. No 6. 1968. PP 123-:219e ipir, 4634o UW R Eoc)n Doc 68 353.793 ProVieltes for Locating the macrino Indugtry Ln Siberia, IW 1. V. kbwln. 11 pp. RUSSUN, par# Isvest1w Sibirtkogo atde:L6-nlya I *uk- SSSR, Novosibirldco No 11, 1968v pp .55--59. JPRS 47,479 sci-mat. Mar 69 375v971 F-conadc. Dmmlo,-,ment of Siberia Analyzed, tw Be P'. Orlove 17 PP. RUSSIAN,, per, Imyeptlya Sibiftt 0&ftleau Awadl. gjM SM. Novoodbirmac. No 1, 19699 pp .1--16. XW 4812.5 USM Rom .hm 69 382,243 SuMestAki P2wming Goals for. PrLabilymsye, t7 Ve 1. X*zwakly, 9 pp RUSBUNP, pw~ _uVentisa 19:11drokogo OtAelgaj& pp, . 4, S55Rp. Navosibirsk,j, No 1,. 1969,. 4m 12!5 USSR Sam Jun 69 3(12^ Now Zoning for Siberia and Far East Proposed, by Vo A. Krcvtove 13 PPw RUSSIM, per, losvestdsa Siblrjtkq&o Otdelwdya AWwdl Nauk SSSRo Novosibirokv No 69 1969, pp 3-n- JPRS 49172 USSR Boon Vel-Ir (in Improvetmonte in S~,iborlan Construction iroponed, by V. E. Popov, N. Yo. alalava, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, JzveqM,)% -Sibi skogo Otdaleni a -a MW-i I Na* S551i - Novosibirsk, No 6, 1 9 pp 12-3.3. J11115 49172 USSR fOon Nov 69 393o816 1,roponals to Develop :Louth of Lastorm ~Abarla. by V. J . Gukov, 0. 1. Ill'ohin. 8 pp. RWSIAN. per, jpestiya.~jibdb~adc o utdelani A-kademli Nauk SSSR. Novogdbirs1c, No 179'. Tp JIDW 49172 USSR boon Nov 69 3930814 Selsotion of Consumrs for Tyment Gas Divouseodo tly Ve Be Bulatove is ppe RUSSUNO pwo Xsvegtin Aft~ftlikcao OtddAmaa Nauk- SOM-c Navosibizpkp No 6# jWg pp 27-31 0 JPM 493?3 U= scon Doc 69 39695?3' Davelopment of Siberia and Fair Last LIscussed, by R. 1. vasillyeva, 1. Aakhovap 14 ppe RUSSIAII, pore lzve#Ay~ ~~iblrillcoaq Utdeiq Liiy-a Na o~ -36 end-i Novoadbirsk. N 9. ~v - - i�-SA pp 148- - JPRS 49172 USSR BOM Nov 69 393.815 IW.tiplts Transport Arteries Urged for Siberia, tW A* Ae Voroblyevo 7 pp. RUSSIMI, per, IzvestAsn- SlbdLr k Otdoleniva Aimd*=U tLijk 5=9 Novosibirsko No 11V Sept 19690 pp 62-66. JERS 49?40 USSR Been Fab ?0 3999640 olo nituro bjf V. AXI RMIMM, II&Rd,qmlr'L K*y 70 ....... .. ......... I*volDiptiumt td! Sibeirlm amomutia IlussINN Per# Mromic ka ~ -M~ I J 0 1 ~LA 1 16 o' !PD6Q9 S&M ?D