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Principles of an Approximalw Theorj of Mag- netic Logging with 9paced Pickups in Blightly MagXatio lbcks,, by V. V. Sochellaikow, 16 pp. WSSIM, per., GeR?ANIM i Geofi No 10, 1965, PP, 106-13.7 - JPRS YM2 UWR Scan rob 66 295,640 Uoo of X*petlc Focording in Dmp Selmle SOUndLUSp IW 5- P* OllshOn'kinp 3.9 pp. Moomp ver, gl2mmin I Goofftikep So 10, 3.965p Iva Il Iwo jpjs 3WM USSR MA."A ireb 66 295,61a On Rolution of Magnetic Anomalies to the Structure of the Earth Crust in the Southeastern Part of Central Kazakhstan,, by L. 1. Puchkova, A. V. Ladynin. IUBSIAN, per, Gool2giXa i Geofimike, No 12, 196S. pp 126-17=7 ACIC TC 1193 Sci-E. Sci Jul 67 331,447 The Barth Crust Structure im the Center and the Southeast of the West Maxim Lowland Accord- ing to Data of isolated Seismic Soundings, by S. V. Krylov, at al. RUSSIAN, per, Geol2giZa i Gcofizikas, No 1,, 1966. ACIC TC-1061 Sci-Ear Sci Aug 66 307v478 Thickneac or Pannafrost BcC1Z Els an Indcx of Tectonic Structure o-C 'tile Rccfon (all tile E,,Q.,IIj)IC of the Rorthern Part o.V West lGiberia), by V. V. Baillin, U pp. RUSSIMI, per, Geo-logiya i Gcofizika, !,to 1, 1966, pp 53-61. 942117-b6 IM/Canada -7- 314,466 Sci - Earth Sciences and Oceanography i~ov 66 ViVole aaaraatw of the GempswUc Pleld In the tKW Ongwl= &A tho OrdMIalon In the Goath of the Slbwdm P2&tftrj4 by V, P, ik"OWVP 20 pp. IM OF=AL = 0= :Mwmwip veri, 2221aga - i ~Geoftsll=A N* it 3966., pp qhlcZ P9405awl, ItM/Cmiwft T 460 R 3L,gj,w Bel - B&Vtb SWLenM and OamwWaVbiy ftb 67 The Nature of Gravity Anomaies of South- vcnUtrn Saldmlin, by P. id. Sychav,, 10 pp. XMSLAN,, per, Geologiya i Geofizika No 2, 1966 " pp. 92-99. JPW 3T040 USSR Sci-ES/A Sept 66 310.,154 Experience in Using Industrial Explosions for Crustal Studies in the Trarsition Zona from the Siberian Platform to the Taymyr Downvarp,, by 1. K. Tuyezov., 22 pp. WSSTAN, per, Geol2&i.M - i Geofizika. No 2, 1960s PP- -123-227- JPRS 37039 USSR Sci-FS/A sept 66 310j-155 Gravity Anomalies in the Graaff-4iuater Reduction and Crustal Isostasy, Transbakkalia, by A. V. Ladynin, 8 pp. RWSIAN, 1mr, Goolosiza i Geofizkka No 3, 1966, pp 113-120. P942166&57 DRH Canada T 465 R Sci - L-arath Sci & Oceano I-lay 6 7 326,996 Dununity of Amplitude Criteria of Seismic Vlave Phase Correlation, by S. Ve Golldin, 17 pp. IMSSIAN, par, Gcoloj4iya i Geofizika,, M) 4, 1966, PP- 107-119- JPRS 37353 USSR Sci-ES/A Sept 66 310,901 14Wbbod 02 Polnu of lnflOX2= of PanaUMW FrM OWd OMtWp by 0. Go Bda%Ka'. 3 VP- FM C912=1 UN ONLY IMSIA4.0 pwo 2MID oflulks 110 5j. .A~m :L 00 '4a=P 1966, po jL72-113. Pyt2yi2t%,T liM/domMa T 467 R 31.9rW &d - math ftb 6T M*xiinwa Depts of Pormafrost, by A. 1. Yefimov 4 1. Ye. Dukhin. 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Geologiza i GeofiEika, No 7, 1966, pp 92-97---P942150368 DRS-T 482 R LISSR ScI/Earth Sci 36OP651 July 68 On Isolation of Regional Magnetic Anonalies, by U. A. Andreyev, M. S. Ryabkavs. RUSSIAN, per,, Gqol6&&& i Geofizik!., No 7, 1966, pp 103-105. ACIC TC-1239 SCI-13ar Sci Aug 67 335,S3S votarmination of Some Parawftn of Obliq%m- Magnetized bodies of Arbitrary Shape. by G9 It Manakoro RUSSIAN, per, Goologiya i Goo:ELzikg., No 8, 1966, PP 103-10s, ACIC TC-1195 Sai-Phys Aug 67 335,531 Dotarbination of Magnetization(Density) of Rocks Couposing Relief, According to Magnetic SLwvey, by G. G. Rempel. RUSSIAN, per, Gooloiziya i Goofizika. No 8, 1966, pp 105-108. ACIC TC-1196 Sci-Ear Sci Aug 67 335*S44 The Quostion of the Forma on anIsImn 0 the Depressions of Baikal Type, by Yu. A. Zorin. 19 pp. RUSSIAN par, Geolokiza i Geofizik No 8, p LU-1 1966, pp 109-111. P942166967 DRB Canada T 473 R Sci - ES & Ocenano May 67 326,999 Hindru=e-StabIlity or the TeMoral Criteria of Fbam Correlation Of the Soluirde Wavea, by S. V. Golldlnv 19 py- =arm, PW, I Gwfizika, No 9o 1966, VP J03-115 - P1002541w-v PTD-UT-23-715-67 soi-swigation oct 68 366,177 Sjocific MAKytric Realstance of Frozen Bedmcks In the Natural Statep by V. S. Yakupov. M IAN, pev., Cool fta-Ogga i Geofizikn,, No -12, - UT. Mr.-W-1590-08L ftl-Ear Scd F*b 7 0 402j,9T6 Study of the Halationshipa Between Gas Permeability of Sandy Rocks and Their Geophy-aloal Parameteray by M, M. Ellanskii. RUSSIAN par, .9 fisika, .9 1 ge No 1p 147# pp 43-46 NTC 72-12155-08G July 72 Determination of PwmlttivIV wA Resistivity by the Melectric ragging YAWODds by yu. No .1%32~0 RMIM, per,, Geol I Geoflz Mr. Hauk SSBR, SIbIrsk Obd No 5j, 3,96T, pp 109-JU. RM-5w sctl-E,Lr sci Y" 70 403,186 Dmxble-bom Dmm-hoU Camm-Sum Density Meter, by 0. D. Varvarin. MEMO., pwp Owl 1 Oeoflx Almd Nauk &QAR- Slblmk OWs No 6.vW*r7-p-p-5?-9TO ;---v )m5:w-!-;3x Sol-Bar Sol Jkr To 403.490 Amlysla of Cloued Oorrelatlon of Selmde Wa"sp bV S. V. GoIldin. IMUNj, per# Geol I Geoflz Atad Nauk SS--= Slblxsk OUdj, No %. 196Ur pp a&7. M-U-Mx Sol-Ew sci Mar 70 403P185 Be the Westward Drift of the Geommgnetic Field, by N. K, 091pov, K. K. Fedorcyv EMM, per, Geologlym I Geoazika, Uo 12, 1.96T, PP 9T-100- um Cmxmda T 502 R Nov 69 396,7T6 1-11 - .. f - I , , , , .-T -I. W411-11 1-11-;, 11 V71-i 1.1 r-, The Phasic Presentation of Soluml Signals, by S. V. Goldin. .4 / RMIAIfj, peri, Rmdt**" I Geoftsika, No 5# 108., pp 65-73. IaC-69-16=-OBK SCI-Rar Sci ftb 70 402..936 2%0 Notbod of Submersed Solom:Lz Dwtectore.. by 1. 1. B*rovn:Lk. V. K. M=wtyrov. - no 8 Amin., Dw., GOO12EL .0 2968j. pp 92-101. M :j aw.L.1 V. 4 ug. NW-69-16000-08K ftl-lkr Sol Fab 70 402..959 About tlio, Anoway of 12.ootrooonductivity at the Boundary of the Earth's Crust - Mantle In the Irkutsk Amphitheatre., by M. A. Portnyagin. 12 pp. No 12, ITESIAN, per., Cleolog&a i Geofizika 1966, i:P 93-100. AIP4*ITD-NT-24-1414-71 Feb 72 --- - -------- Ths method of vlootroprofiling LAIM tho uVllizatian of natupcil aZvatmmagnotio fialds. la pp. RVSSXAN, per,, OooZo_qiya i gqofiaj&gL Uo 5, 1970, Pp 9.5-203 ''Oept 72 Distribution of Clameopolim Pollen over the Pro-Zmivelam Part oJ! the West Siberiam Lowland, by G. Ke Rondratev. RITSSIANP pert jjq-1'qAjy.S_ Geo Wo 11, 1970$ pp 79-86 XTC 72-12385-08G July 72 V. V, Fedlik Calculation of llimeraloglca2 Equilibrium in the syetern r-60 A 0 -SlO -1-2 3 29 RMSTAN, per, Gbolo va i Geofizika, No 12, 19709 pp 22-37 NTC 72-60525-08G Dot 72 - - - - - - - - - - - - V- 0 S4 v:Mhemirskii lb~rlmantnl Study of the Re-Famatian and Higration of Asphalts During the Compaction of Clays. RIBSIAN, per, Geologiya i Geofinika, No 1, 19?1, pp 17-19 IM 72-12610-08G sept 72 ye. 1.1, Averkt, I-lodel Studies of the Difference Between Predominant I Frequencies of Direct Lon-i~-.Ldinal and 7-ansverse Wave F, . RUSSIAN, por, Goologiya i Nu a, !-"i'l pp 82-91. MC 72-14o64-o8K I Basic Principles of Classification of Local Structures in the Dnieper-Donets Basin, by M.V.Chirvinskaya. RUSSIAN, per, Geologiya i Geokhimiya Neftyanyhk i Gazovyhk Mestorozhdenii, no,2, 1965, pp. 18-39. NTC 71-12859-08G I )(_CX/ fd- /5-2/ Koulov, V. V. GeoZogy of the moon. GEOLOGIYA LUNY., 1968 ULTANTS BUREAU dec 67 Rhombic Titano-Tantalo-Niobates. By Ginoburg, A. RUSSTANp per, Geol2glyn Mentorozhdonii Hedaikh EOLementovo N 23., lgb4.t PP- 4-7 cSIRO Tr 898o IMX-68-24983 MAR IWO 404,548 Geologiya. Nefti i Gaza, Vol (?q r1o 1~ 1965 - Vol 10, No 7, 1966. Cover-to-Cover by Petroleum Geology Available at Ly Serials Mar 73 Output-liesorven fttio of Oil Industry Lxardnod , by P1. D. I-1rchink, H. V. Feygin, 12 pp. RWOSIAN, per, Geolog_kya Aqg~k.L loscow. No 8, Augig 6 6-. -P'-P- I - 7 - _qqa. 14 j~vs .5o695 Sci-Ear Sci June 70 t-im-- v", I MI.! I I num I --l P'P III I.-I r4x-f RJ-5751 SHIFT IN THE BOUNDARY OF OIL ACCUMULATIONS UNDER TIM INFLUENCE OF EDGE-WATER FLOOD, V. G. Kafichey, Geol. Xcj~i i Gaza 1966, No. 11, 41-5. 2300 W; 3 F; 3 R $10.35 ($2.00) Petroleum Extraction and Reserves Dia=ssods by H* H* BrOWW& 13 ppe RUSSUNS per,, Goa Y-& i Gazag Moscow$ Doe 1WO, pp 46-51* JPRS 50333 JPRS 500932 Sol-Emr Sai & Oceanog *W 70 407#305 Characteristics of Naphthenic-Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Oil Fraction of Organic Mattor Scsttered iii Rocks and Conlay by K. F. Rodionova. RUSSIAN, per, Geologiva Nefti i Gaza, Vol 11, No 8, 1967, PP 47-52. UTC 72-10794-07C Apr 72 Zonltkg of the West Siberlom Oil and Gas Pzovlmej,.tw Is 10 Neaterars, 20 PP? losaux, per, gmaqAta-wrtl I p no lo., oat 1967,, pp i4-ia.? RAS 43503 Sel-Rarth Bel & oceanogra;kw Dee 67 346.-349 s '4. r RJ-5739 THE QUESTION OF RATIONAL WELL SPACING DENSITY IN TBE DEVELOPMENT OF OIL FIELDS, N. S. Erofeev, Geol. NeLj[~i i GwEa 1 1, No. 11, 29-34 (1967). 47100 W; 19 R $19.90 ($3.55) :-Ilw; ~~F? MPT, 11 1-11,411 11! .13 ", F 1111 P.P. V! I; ~- I I -!-. lienourcos of j'roducing Cdl Dopnits ArAlyzod, by 1-1, ),, 141robinks M, V. Foyging 32 ppe ~ya Derti I Ga 1--toscow, RUSSIAN, per. GeoloE !S~a* No JU. 1967. iP-3-4~380'---------- j~ms 50695 Soi-Ear Sol June 70 Uun of! Undarground Huclem, Exploviona Lit Oil-Gas Mining, by O.L. Kedrovskly and K.I. mangushev, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Gooloitlya liefti i Gam, No. 12, Moscow, Dec 67, pit. 12-16. JPRS 44,486 ScL-lbelkear Sci. and Technology Feb 68 351,717 ..". 11 11- . -1 ...... . ..... 111"-wril-U-11w 11, Y.T'Ilv I- Certain Characteristics of the Hydrocarbon Composition of Oil and Gan Pools na a Fwctlon of the Geologic Conditions, by F. G. Dadashev. RUSSIAN, per, Geol Nefti i Gaza,_Yol 11, No 12, 1967, pp 26-30. ATS-RJ-5911 Apr 72 RI j S) 151 1 A Mo : 041.11 fy~L w 13 Atig '(0 611, Evaluation of Forecasts of Meso-Cenozoic Oil and Gas Fields in Vortheni Afghanistan, by L. 1. Grd--clov. Moscow, Gcologiya Nefti i Gaza, No 6, June 1968, pp 57-63. Special type "B" - do not publish - translators draft plus one copy, Translate text, figure capti-ons, tables T. D. 20 August 1970 The Use of the Pulsed Neutron.-neutron Flothod In the Control of Oll-field Demiloymont,, by V. A. Mmhlvak. EUSSIAN Ori, Herti. I Gaza, Vol .12,, No To US JV 4b-49. IaC-69-1599T-081 Sol-Bar Sol Fab 70 402,,9T5 fte Pxtxmry Mlsmt4m DLWIAG EhbxwwAQ WA - d - of Sadtmentap by X. A. Yammiboo S. Cl. Nnuaber. "SIAN.- GO~ Su-*Utll I Gam, Vol 221, No go 1968np 5_ o Me 69-1"94.0W sci-Bar sci 4winf RJ-5759 THE USE OF GAS-LIQUID CHROMAIX)GRAPHY TO CHARACTER- IZE THE PARAFFINIC HYDROCARBONZ OF THE ORGANIC MAT- TER IN GEDIW31TARY ROCM AND CRUDE OIES, K. F. Rod- ionovet at al., Geol. Nerti Gat& 12, No. 12, 34-8 (1968). 3550 W; 4 F; 16 R $15.25 ($2.10) WMAII F! Prospects of Using Nuclear Paplosions in DevaloD- ing (dI and Goa Depositse by h. I. ITIaMushav, A. Zolatovitskaya, 10 pp. RTISSIA11, porp 922100ila 110iti i Gaza, Moscot'r, No 4p 1969, pp 20-240 JFW 48333 Sai-Nucl Sei July 69 387o943 Criteria for the Comparison of Petroleums and Organic Matter of Source Rocks, by T. A. Botneva. RUSSIAN, per, Geolo&iya Neft i Gaza.? Vol 13, No 5, 1969, pp 33-37. NTC-71-15645-08D Feb 72 cd.1 and Gas Reserves in USSR Discussed, by 14. F. Mirchinic, M. V. Feygiv, IS ppo RUSSIAN, per* GooloEAya Nefti i-gmlp 1,108cowe II No 8, 1969, pp 1-7; No 3.1, -159-61, PP 34---0. JPRS 50376 Sa-lihergy Com (non-prop) may 70 Somo 1-~vobluw aC the Gaoc~iemlutry of GaucaldcuisaLo Pools in the Chardzhou Benchaf the BAhara-Khjva Area, by I. 5j, Starobinets and 1. D. Chapala. RUSMAN., per, Geologiva Nefti i Gaza, No 8., 1969, PP 33-37. NTC 71-14117-o8D Feb 72 Structure of Syngenetic Hydrocarbons in Relation to the Varying Composition of Clay Minerals, by Yu. I. Korchagina. RUSSIAN, per, Geologiya Neft i GazE,, Vol 13, No 8, 1969, pp 45-49. NTC-71-15646-08D Feb 72 Role of the Transformation of Organic Matter and Oil in the Distribution of Oil and Gas Deposits in Western Siberia, by V. D. NalivItin. RUSSIAN2 pars Geologiva. Nefti i Gagn, No 9Y 1969s pp 6-12 NTC 72-11999-08D June 72 L. M. Zorkin Migration of Hydrocarbon Gases and Their Accumlation, Into Gas Deposlts. RUSSIAN., perj, Geologiya Nefti i Gaza., No 9, 1969, pp 31-34 NTC 72-12612-08D sept 72 -votl-:7.-akov, 0.T. and r.V. Tronko AM, n I )m on, a I mt!~ 111 to roll' 'slob WW-----PV 0'.tile r1L)rtl%wCAi;ern Cialy!nn rn.;Iau ou an Indicator of .:)I'. ~&nd gas ,leologlya neftl I Saza (9): 57-60. Tn Russian. A-rail-1. as V-12613,18D. M? ',~9-35- Original Article CheckedAjj6 I I . ! ! 2 ; 1 t T 1 1 0 i . . - - - - - - - - - The Dependence of the Velocity of Propagation of Ultrasound on Rook Porosity# by T* S. Izotova, 9 ppe RUSSIAN, per, Gool. Neftl I Gazat (Moscogj , No 111 1969t PP 52-54. NASA-TT-F-13696 ,N rC- '7~ - JO/9.2. q ff)& Sept 71 ClansiPleatim of NDn-Stractura-1 Oil mid Gas Nola., W Go A. GnbrlelywyLso Vol 14, RUSSIAN per., Gsolo&Jya -Nafti I glaa No 4, 1970, pp 47-51. NTO 71-14633--081 Feb 72 GeologY find Oil avid Gas Prospects of the Northern Part of the Arabian Peninsula, by G. E. Ryabukhin. GEOLOGIIA NEFTI I GAZA, No 6, 1970, pp 64-66 Dept, Interior/Geolog-11cal Survey Mar 73 PradIction of tho Productiv.1ty In4tax of rA Well on the Basis of a Complex of Geological-Geopbysical Data, by A. Megateli. RUSSIMI, perk Geol Nefti Gaza, V63. A, No 11, 19703, NS-RJ-5880 Apr 72: d.J; !,!I: A 6tatletical Approach to the Paleotectonio Analysis of' Layers (Thickness) for the Study of Platform St!ructurebp by Aa 1, Zavgprodnii, RUSSIANO perp No 111, 19701, PP 43-45 NTO 72-12277-08G July 72 G. I. TIMOFEEV Geochemical Conditions of Oil and Gas Formation in Jurassic and Cretaceous Sediments of the Astrakhan Volga Region. GEOLOGIYA NEFTI I GAZA. No 3, pp 49-53, 1971. KTIC 73-10245-08D Mar 73, (lato Ml lix,Imaidon F~opootst by v I IV' 1, 111. S. HILESVILN, per, 110 pp Otiabifti-ah-of W-1j, Gan RostparDoo-of V~vternn JPVS 5458~1 Dea 71 M. D. BELONIN Use of.Image Recognition Methods Eor Evaluation of the Extent of Oil and Gas Presence in Natural Objects. GEOLOGIYA MEFTI I GAZA, Vol 15, No 7, pp 15-18, 1971. ATS 95A128R 'Mar 73 I'OdIOMWA. K. Lt. Ot Al. 1971 :sopreiwjid kvdrouarbonu in orgunio matter of nadimentu (-zoprenoi(U%,te uglevodorody v organiche3kom veshchestve osadochr%,:kh Porad) Geol. l,',qfti I Oaza, Ir .-z (8): 35-4o. ',n Runaisn. Tranal. by Tranal. Pur. , 2gn. ~Anj. Div. , DapL. of IF,%o. of State of Catuida, for Dept. of the Environ., MIC Halifax Lab.. Halifax, N. S., 1972, as Tranal. Serlts No. 2216, 13T)., typesoript. Avnil. on Loan - 1114Y3, Waah.. D. C. / I Original Article Chocked..'..'. G. P. YAKOBSON The Organic Matter in the Subsurface Waters of the Volga-Ural Basin An Important Indicator of Oil and Gas Presence. GEOLOGIYA NrEFTI I GAZA, Vol 15, No 9, pp 43-49, 1971. ATS 59A.129R _7 Mar 71 1. 1. NESTIEROV Reglowil Geological Conditiono Ccintrolling the Formation of Large Oil and Gas Fields. GEOLOGIYA NEFTI I GAZA, Vol 15, No 10, pp 1-6, 1971. ATSfiOA129R Mar 73 a an -Assozot-A lry F Glu'all"o IU* Go Z:Ixpj-,Iv 117)41 pos.,* Goolo-i'yq Nort:1 J. GIL7.R. ;sx;j- 110 FT.13 -j iif6s 54653 A. YA. EDELSHTEIN EvaluatioD of Efficiency of Concrete Oil and Gas Forecasting blethods. GEOLOGIYA NEFTI I GAZA, Vol 15, No 10, pp 10-14, 1971. ATS 61A129R Mar 73 V~, rkous -'VacoIt-s of Vwlctyl Gits wid -Condensate acul Ati4lyzad, by A. Y&. Kroxatu , B" la. vasserm=, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Geologiva Nefti Gaza. Nloscow, No 10, 1971, pp. .2; J-PIS' 55295 X~Lr 72 Sa m*tlorIMI-Gar. Deposit, by Ms Kh, Manin, F, X. Salmanov, 16 pp. RU.5$:EANf pel', Geologlya Nefti 1. Gaza, Moscow, 9D 19/21 PP 1-11' jFRS 575?2 Nov 72 Ocoloqy and Potralogy of the Nountains of Cantral Queen Maud Land (11;.actcrn Antarctica) Il-Y ?1. G. Ilavich, D. S. 801OVIOV 346 pp. AO.SSIAN, ek, GeologiZa i Patrolociya Tsentral'noi dfUastl gor Zemll Karolew CPSS'l TV 68-50488 Sci/Rar sci Doc 69 397,515 English Title Unlulown, by A. A., Borovog. RUSSIAN, par, Ocologiya J. Pl.ot.-Lny, Vol. 5, L967, 208 pp. *aSTI TT 70-59128 SePt 70 Geolog,~ and Rineral Resourcos of Cuba. 11MMAJI, bk, GpoloBftn L_R2loznyjc IskppAyargye . 190?, 191 pp. AC C TC-1381 , -Bar Sci Sol Doe 68 354,019 I I sati on Furtora of the Rue-MALL klnsxol- limUen in Owbmatites, tV A. A. Fxulm. RUSSWO pwb go"" Raftaftl HOdMONSUP Val 70 Me 56 19650 pp 31-37. NLL RTS 3326 scd.EarLh sai Nov 67 %5,273 Motal Cmitont of the Iftbly-Mincralized Thermal Waters of the Chelcken, by L. Lebodev, Yu. Bugel'skii. RUSSIAN, per, Geologiya Rudn MestoEo!L, No 3, 1967, lip 82-87. CSIRO/No 9325 sci/Phys July 69 386-893 M,-,;ratJ.(:jn Capability of Metalc u-nd the Forniation of' Ore Haloes, by A. A. Mluxakushev. RLESI.0, per, C;eologiyu Rudnyi,'-1- Nlu 5, 3-2~-). NRC-C-11492 Jan 73 V~ A. PROXIN Relation of Sulfide Deposits of Eugeosynclinal Regions to Magmatism and Metamorphism (PTes-ented on the Lxmxpp~!~ oi the South Ural). __._GEOLO_q,_rYA RUDMH M.ESTOROZHDENII, Vol 14, No 1, pp 19- 30,. 1972. Mar 73 K. K. ZHIROV Endoganous Gas Atmosphere In Sulphide Ore Deposits. (Prituary Helium, Argon and NitroSeni. GEOLOCIYA ICU[)N'YKH ~[ESTORMIDDKI71, V::: N, 40, 1972. NRC c-11843 Mar 73 Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya, Vol 5, No 1, 1965 - Vol 12, No 3, 1972. Cover-to-Cover by The Americam Geophysical Union Available IV Serials Max- 73 Attenuation of Rnaiation from Artificial Su"Ll, Untollitob in Abovo-Ourface Trajjoatar- ies, by Sh. G. Shlionskiy, 1-1 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Ge2MNMetizm i Aeron=iya Val V, No 6, Nov-Dee 1965, pp. jobl-lob7. JPRS 37350 USSR Sci-Aero Sept 66 .310,904 Magnetic Fields of Marine T-alluric CurrentB, by 0. A. Fonarev and V. lo. Ivanov.. 8 pp, NUSBXAN., per, GeeMWeti= L Aeronondvat Vol VTj No 3,p MaY-June 1966P pp, 5lXr547'9 JPRS 36786 USSR Sci-ES/A sept 66 -3087227 DI-st 11A Mae tif lonovphero by PAdlonve-so by A. V!"Gumviahl, 31 HV$sXx;' TI ;"1;00 97-1. P!P vol 11. uo 6. JK-211~:z 54AM of Abo ,CIF,MAIS MrOlbILE VID MVth. by R. V, GUMMAOba 13 Pll, F.Uffsul' par!, G-001 t 3,4 a i AO' 2pig-10- L VC& ~U' Pilo 3.971, rLD 921-9~59- J.; I W. Jan ?2 V. S. TS 3. Composition of radiation recorded below the radiation belt domain in the middle latitudes. GEONIAW,TIZNI I AERONCMIYA, Vol. 12, No 2, 1V 177-179, 19 2 NrC 72-15135-04A may 73 N. G. SKRYABIN Method of Calculating the Enerqy Spectrum Characteristics of Albedo Electrons hy Means of Data From Shielded Gas-Di sc~arg(-- CIEWGNETIZ11 I AERONOMIYA, %oli 1- ',,c- pp 188-192, 1972. NTC 72-15336-20H Mar 73 EFt~ A. A. Kolchin Some Aspects of Measuring thi? Differential Spectrum of Cosmic Rays. GEOMAGNETUM I ZERONOMIYA, Vol 12. pp 392-397, T-9T2 -. NTC 72-15342-20H Mar 73 Q. ~K. Solo ovnikov Measurement of the integral parmwters of the night o-imosphere by observptions of "Interkosms-2" signals. GEMGOrI51 I AERONUMA, Vol 12, pp 541-543, 102 NrC 72.-15343-04A mar 73 by "Lleksayell, S- P. pp. i-7-"->.'Ll-'-;~-,, let Jan 73 Tho L-loctric Field of sea Wavefs., by 0. A. Fonarav, 6 pp. HUSSIO, per, GeomaeAtrAy-ve Issledovani-va. bioscaw, No 13, 1971P pp 39-42. JPRS 57140 Got Geometrical Opticso by B. N. IlegmOv. 2 1 pp. IUSSIAN, bk, GoometrichaskUa Onika. 1966. ACSI J-212L ID 2901001167 sci/Physics Sep 67 ometrichaskime tody me Go gai 1971, 124 pp. ,AVASA T F732 apr n Alg*braic Geomotry# by 1. R. Shafarevich.- -S67 ppf, RUSSIAN, bk.Goometriya Algobra~~chosldy *Springer-Verlag Aug 72 ramptorto in b 13. h. INtaAkta RMIS=4" per, Mbacca" 19, P t5vt 71 - - - - - - -- - - - - - - lliq)blimo D-WIUZ With Chrmosimm jmalyxlso by 0. R. DrATjjbjildyv V~. F. GaruhhounD 10 pp. ll.tMAllXM,, 1p 9-.16(t FRS 3403.5 Tho tompl*or AtOWS(Do Chromoomoo 00 Rp Ivotwitaldyl, Vl% P. Garstuan. 214p* pp 34033